Oregon courier. (Oregon City, Clackamas County, Or.) 188?-1896, July 03, 1896, Image 2

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A, W. CUKNKY, Publisher.
An Interesting Colleotlon of ItamsFrom
the Two IlemUpheres Presented
In n Condensed Form.
Catherine Roschey, an inmate of the
laiane asylum at Salem, was killed by
lamping form a third-story window of
the farm building of the asylum.
Great excitement haa been caused in
Bedding, Cel., by the receipt of a let
ter there containing newi of a threat
ened uprising of the Pitt river Indiana.
The British steamer Santtrenz,
bound for Para, Brazil, was aunlc in a
oolliiion with the four-masted British
hip Dundonald, from San Franoisoo.
No Uvea were lost
At Gig Harbor, Wash., the Shingle
Bill owned by E. S. Prentiss, together
With 1,000,000 newly-made abingles,
wai destroyed by fire. The loss ii
$2,600, with no insurance.
Two young men, named Riley and
Young, had a quarrel at Mossy Rosk,
which ended in Young being struck on
the neck and badly out with an ax
whioh wai manipulated by Riley,
A report from Walla Walla says that
the wheat orop in that aeotion, which
It wai feared had been Injured by the
hot weather of last week, baa not been
damaged to any considerable extent,
and full yield ii confidently expected
The run of salmon in the Columbia
river continues light, no large catches
having been made of late by any of the
boats. It ii thought that small oatchea
will be the rule now until the regular
July run begins, whioh will be in
bout a week or ten days.
Nathan Phillips, a pawnbroker of
Monte Cristo, Wash., wai fatally shot
fcjr David Leroy, who attempted to rob,
Phillips of a satchel full of Jewelry'
whioh he wai oarrying, and upon be'
lac resisted, opened fire upon the
pawnbroker with the above result
Leroy escaped.
As a remit of the conference between
the president and Secretary Lamont or
dan have been issued by the war de
partment for the immediate execution
f the provisions of the river and bar-
Mr appropriation bill, with the ex
atption of those sections providing for
the making of contracts for the con
tinuation and completion of the work.
The opposition has decided to re
quest the Spanish government to in
troduce a bill providing for auffloient
naouroei to prosecute the campaign in
Miss Lansing Rowan, an aotress, of
the Frawley company, playing in San
Tranclsoo, has challenged Champion
Corbett to meet her in a scientific spar
ting oontest
Henry Gardner, a ' farmer, living
' Mar Mount Dale, Washington oounty,
Or., waa accidentally killed by being
trook in the stomach by a falling tree
whioh be bad just out down.
A oyolohe swept a aeotion of ountry
four miles south of Clayton, Wis., and
a number of dwellings and barns were
demolished. One man, name on
known, was fatally injured.
A Constantinople dispatch eaya dis
turbances of a serious character occur
red at Van. Many Armenians were
killed. Many sought refuge at the
British consulate. It is estimated that
400 persons were killed on both sides
in the rioting last week.
It is now believed that the skeleton
reoently discovered at Dry oreek, near
Pendleton, is that of J. Keith, who,
bout a year ago started with Ben
Bowers to go to the higher mountains
and waa never soen again, although
Bowera soon returned. The two moo
are known to have had some trouble
over a woman.
A London paper says that Great
Britain aud the United States have
agreed to publish simultaneously,
Within a fortnight, all the arbitration
correspondence exchanged between the
governments of the two oouutrios. Its
publication has been delayed pendiug
the arrival of Secretary Oluey'a latest
In a collision between Chicago,
Minneapolis & St. Paul and Chicago
A Burlington trains at Davis Junction,
I1L, in a deop out, thirty-five cars were
piled in a heap and burned fiercely all
day. Thomas F. Moran, a fireman,
was instantly killed, and Fred HUir, a
brakeniHn, fatally hurt Engineer
Daly was injured.
Controller Eckels, a Washington dis
patch says, has undertaken au extensive
inquiry to learn the various kinds of
credit instruments aud money held by
all the banking institutions in the
United States. lie has sent out 21,000
letters to national banks, s'ate and pri
vate banks and loan and trust com
panies asking for information on these
points. A ysar ago the controller made
aa investigation of this kind, but he
confined it to the 5,000 national bauks.
The returns will be published in his
annual report wibch issues in Decern
bar. FarU award I'pheld.
Ban Francisco. The United States
eonrt of appeals has decided tbat tbe
Paris award, on matters pertaining to
aealing in Behring sea, must be upheld
aa the supreme Jaw of the land, and
that tbe United States government has
no right to make special laws govern
ing its citizens in banting seal that do
not permit them equal privilege with
citizens of foreign countries on the
aealing grounds The dtcuion is im
portant it defines clearly, for tbe
first time, tbe restrictions to be placed
upon American seal hunters in Behring
lorlp Mads Good.
At Baker City Judge Eakin decided;
that the warrants issued by Baker
oounty Were valid, and thus made good
about $200,000 worth of county scrip.
Accident to a Miner.
Andy Benson, a miner, in attempt
ing to Are a salute to Colonel Taylor,
a mine-owner, who wai passing on a
train near Ulendale, accidentally ex
ploded a stick of giant powder in his
hands and wai 10 badly mangled that
he will probably not recover from his
injuries. ,
Unknown Floater
An nnknown floater was
found near
the Morrison street bridge in Portland.
The remains were fearfully decom
posed, and almost fell to pieces as they
were being placed in a receiving casket
Tbe body bean the appearanoee of
having been in the water several
Revolt In Armenia,
Another sanguinary outbieak bai oo
nrred at Van and 400 are reported to
have been killed. The Persians are
promoting the disturbances and foment
ing the revolt throughout Armenia.
Tbe Druses have now reoeived Bedouin
support and are driving out the Turks.
Diplomatio press ii being brought to
bear on the porte, increasing the
cbanoes of peace.
Wire-Murderer Hanged.
Carl Aubreobt, the wife-murderer,
was banged in the jail yard at Marsh
field, Or. Life was pronounoed ex-
tinot within a few seconds after the
drop felL Tbe exeoutlon waa the first
that ever took plaoe in that oity, and
wai witnessed by those legally entitled
to be present. Aubreoht retained bis
nerve to the last He left word of
good-by to hii friends.
A Lady Suffocated In a Vault.
Miss Rosa Caudill, of Barboursville,
Ky., wai looked in her fatber'i vault
for fifteen minutes and when taken out
was nnoonsoious, but under tbe care of
physicians soon recovered. A gentle
man friend looked her in for a joke,
but not having the combination, was
nnable to release her until her father
wai found. Hii aotion ii generally
condemned, and he is considered a fit
subject for the fool-killer.
Failure, Then Death.
The body of Joseph C. Powell, a stu
dent in the Oregon medioal college,
wai found floating in the river, oppo
site the O. R. & N. freight warehouse,
in Portland. A rope wai fastened
araund the neck, to which wai firmly
attached a granite' rook, weighing
abeut IS pounds. Powell was one of a
class of students in the medioal college
that wai presented for final examina-
ion last March. He failed to pass and,
in despair, committed the rash aot
He had been missing for three monthi.
A Big Railroad Deal.
The Chicago Evening Post has a
sensational pieoe of railway news to
tbe effect that Henry Villard, baoked
by European capitalists, hai about
eoassleted a deal whioh will give them
a through line from the Atlantio to tbe
Paoifls seaboard. The intention of the
Villard syndicate is te buy tbe North
ern Paoiflo road, then the Baltimore &
Ohio, at tbe reoeiveri' sales. It is said
that cbe syndicate hai already prao
tioally obtained ooatrol of the Chioago
A Great Western road, the connecting
link between tbe Baltimore & Ohio,
and the Northern Paoiflo.
Photography In Colors.
Photography in oolora is assured.
James W. MoDonougb, of Chioago, and
Professor Joly, of Dublin, who were
attempting to secure patents, agreed
that tbe euooessful one should pay the
other a fee, and the capitalists in the
undertaking would support the suooess
ful man. MoDonough won after a oon
test. A company has now been incor
porated in Riohmond, Va., with a
oapltal of $700,000 for tbe purpose of
pushing tbe jiew invention.
A Cloudburst In Ohio.
A cloudburst took plaoe near Mari
etta, O. The water covered a wide
area of territory and was the most de
structive ever known there. Houses
were swept away, stock drowned and
many persons narrowly esoaped death.
In some streams the water rose twenty
feet in ten minutes. The flood came
almost as suddenly as did the Johns
town flood. Crops are mined on the
Little Muskingum for twenty miles,
and on many small tributaries of the
Ohio above there.
He Was a Clever Swindler.
Edward Trask, a former partner of
Marderer Holmes, and who was sen-
tenoed to the penitentiary from Chi
cago in 1893 for eighteen years for his
gigantlo real estate swindles, is dead,
tie suooumbed to consumption. Trask
was notorious for tbe daring of bis
Lyman Trumbull Is Dead
Ex-United States Senator Lyman
Trumbull, the distinguished ju'ist,
died in Chicago. He had been ill a
long time, but rallied at intervals,
causing hope that he might eventually
Crape a Failure.
R porta from Polk oounty, Or., say
tbat the apple and prune oorps of that
taction are almost a total failure this
year, and that there is a large shortage
in the yield of other fruits, i
Fight With Druses.
Constantinople. A dispatch from
Beyrout, Syria says that dufing the
recent fight between the Turks and in
surgent Druses in the Hauran district,
the foxmer lost fifty-five men killed.
Injured by Dynamite.
Tom Strang, the son of R. L. Strang,
of Woodburn, Or., wa playing wi'h a
piece of dynamite one day rtvmt y
when the stick exploded, bailly liurm
the young mau's face, and cumii)
both of his eyes to be tightly clotuJ tot
several days.
Report of the Geological Sur
vey for the Calendar Year.
Tbe Quantities and Values of the Varl
ous Products In tb Min
eral Kingdom,
Washington, June 80. Tbe mineral
products of tbe United States for the
calendar year of 1805 are reviewed at
length in the mineral resouroei report
of tbe United States geological survey.
The report, which was compiled by
Dr. David T. Day, obief of division,
shows tbe total value of the product!
to be 1611,795,200. This itandi
againBt a production valued at f 537,
808,694 for 1984. This is an inorease
of 180,000,000.
The report in summarizing condi
tions, says:
"Tbe general inorease ii a long step
toward recovery from the depression to
which tbe mineral industry, like all
others, has been subjected. The total
value is slightly less than tbe greatest
we have known, which was over $048,
000,000 in 1893. In terms of quanti
ties produced, instead of value re
oeived, 1805 is greater. In other
words, prioei are lower. Considering
the record of the total value in these
reports linoe 1880, the inorease, whioh
is from 1360,819,000 to 1611,796,390
ii lignifloant, and the average for
these sixteen years gives a fair approxi
mation of what our normal mineral
porduot should have been half-way be
tween these dates, or in 1888.
"Tbe United States shared in the
general inorease in gold production,
the inorease being shown in nearly all
the gold-producing states, but ooming
principally from Cripple Creek and
other new camps in Colorado. Tbe
gain in the quantity of petroleum and
especially tbe phenomenal increase in
its price, wai one of the great features
of the year. The steady inorease in
gold products sinoe 1892 was kept up
duinrg 1896, increasing from 1,018,816
ounces in 1894, to 3,378,629 ounces in
1896, the valuation of the latter being
"Sliver production fell to 47,0001000
ounoei from 49,601,122 ounoes in 1894,
with coining values respectively of
$60,766,800 and $640,000,000.
"Copper, domestio ore production,
followed the upward tendency of the
other metals and increased over 30,
000,000 pounds, or 5,600,000. The
rapidly increasing produot of line,
which was oheoked in 1893 and 1894,
was resumed. The deolining tendenoy
in iron and steel production in 1894
wai ohanged in 1896 to one of the most
remarkable increases in the production
of pig-iron in the history of the Indus
try of tbe United States. It rose from
6,667,888 long tons in 1894 to 9,446,
808 long toni in 1895, or nearly 43 per
cent This is tbe largest produot ever
attained in this country, the nearest ap
proach to it being in 1890.
Judge ia Washington Ineligible
Any Other Office.
Taooma, Wash., June 80. It
been discovered that, under section 15.
article IV of the state constitution, the
judges of tbe supreme court aud su
perior courts are ineligible for any
office, other than judicial ones, for tbe
full term for whioh they are eleoted,
This section bars three of the most
prominent candidates. Judge N. H.
Pritohard, of Taooma; Judge Richard
Ballinger, of Port Townsend, and Z.
T. Moore, of Spokane, from the guber
natorial race. Its discovery has creat
ed quite a flutter in the political cir
cles of this state. The seotion reads:
"The judges of the supreme oourt
and the judges of the superior oourt
shall be ineligible to any other office
or publio employment than a judicial
office or employment dnnnn the term
for which them shall have been eleot
ed." Yachting Party Drowned.
Shawnee. Wis., June 80. Word has
reached here of tbe drowning of six
persona, at Shawnee lake, during a gale
this evening. A paity started from
Cecil about 5 o'olock in a yacht for a
few day's outing on the north shore of
the lake. When about three miles
from the shore, the boat was capsized
by a sudden squall, and the party pre
cipitated into the water. Mr. Risum
and Dr. Dracker olung to the capsized
yacht for several hours, the latter hold
ing the cihld in his arms, when they
were reicued by parties from Cecil who
were attracted by their cries for help.
The bodiea of tbe other six have not
been recovered.
Two Boye Drowned In Muddy Lake.
Addy, Wash, June 80. The 8-ye.ir-old
son of H Alhy, whilo riding on a
raft in Muddy lake, near Summit
school-house, yesterday afternoon, fell
in. A number of other boys were on !
t.lA raft attA tha aff.i. ... : '
Harry Newell went to the rescue of the
other boys, and was oaught about the
neck, and both boys drowned.
Topoka, Kan., June 80 P. M. Ar
thur, ohief of the Brotherhood of Lo
oomotive Engineers, is here visiting
Topeka members of the order. He s tid
tbat in bis opinion, strikes would not
be so frequent in tbe future as in the
past He is working w ith .the leaders
of tbe differeut political organizations
to build up a sentiment in favor of a
law for the arbitration of difference
between railroad companies and their
employes, and believes tiat congress
will enact smb a law in the near fu
ture. Mr. Arthur a.Hr.pseda meet
ing of eiii-uet 's duiiug the day.
Two Murders and a Hulvlde the Heiult
of a Hlaik out A It air.
Helena, Mont, June 80. Two men
and one woman dead and a man uuder
arrest as accessory to the murder, is
the reault of a woinan'iunfaithfullnesi
and a man's perfidy. The dead are:
Paul Vinette, a half-breed: bis wife,
snd Took-a-Fine-Uun, a full-blooded
Indian. The man nnder arrest ia
Makes-tbe-Fire, a brother of tbe dead
Indian. Tbe scene of the murder wai
the Blakfoot reservation. Took-a-Flne
(ion bad been paying attention to
Vinette'i wife, in spite of Vinette'a
protests. Friday, be caught tbe couple
together, and took a shot at the Indian,
who esoaped uninjured, vowing ven-
goanoe. Next day, Vinette mounted
bis horse to hunt for miming cattle.
He bad not proceeded far wben two
shots were beard, and Vinette'i horse
came back riderless. Took-a-Flne-Gun
and Makea-tbeFire rode up, saying
tbey had killed Vinette. Then, with
Mis. Vinette, the trio rode away,
Mounted polioe followed, and the next
morning two shots were heard in a
clump of bushes. An investigation re
vealed the bodiei of Mrs. Vinette and
Took-a-Fine Gun. He bad killed her
by shooting her through the head, and
then committed suicide in a like man
ner. Aiakes-tne-lTire wai oaptured
Death Caused by a Scorcher.
Chioago, June 80. Three-year-old
Ernest Schliokwein, the ion of Frans
Scbliokwein, a German truck farmer,
living about four milei southeast of
Hinsdale, met bii death in a manner
hitherto unheard of. He wai following
bii mother along a path beside the
roadway which fronts their home,
wben they were passed by a wheelman
riding at his best speed.
Shortly afterwards Mrs. Sohlickwein
missed her ion. Hastening baok she
discovered him prostrate in tbe path,
while an ugly wound in hii left temple
was bleeding profusely. A pbysioian
wai inmmoned, but tbe child died be
fore he arrived. A jagged stone weigh
ing about four ounoei, lying at the
point where he had fallen told the
story. It had been mapped from under
the wheel of the scorching bioyolist
with sufficient force to cause death.
The wheelman, who was of oonrse en
tirely ignorant of tbe aooident, passed
on, and no clew to his identity re
mains. Mrs. Sohlickwein ii prostrated
and may not recover.
A Soldier's Bevenge. ,
Valentine, Neb., June 80. Fort
Niobrara wai the scene of a murder,
and tbe almost instant execution of the
murderer under military orders today.
Private Weaver shot and instantly
killed First Sergeant Livingstone, of
oompany D, who was passing along the
roadway in front of oompany C'l quar
ters. When tbe sergeant dropped, four
men ran and picked him up, wben
Weaver fired four shots at them, forc
ing them to drop the sergeant and rnn
for shelter. Weaver then fired several
shots, aiming at anyone who happened
to come within range of his rifle, but
without effect Then First Lieutenant
Clark ordered Private Strine to shoot
Weaver, whiob be did, the ball strik
ing Weaver's rifle near tbe butt, shat
tering it and afterwards entering his
body, from which he died within an
McKlnley Vormally Notified.
Canton, O., July 1. Ex Governor
MoKinley was officially notified today
of his nomination by the Republican
party for the office of president of the
United States of America.
The notification speech was made by
Senator Thurston, who was wildly ap
plauded during the course of his re
marks by the vast crowd which bad
gathered from far and near to do honor
to Ohio's favorite son upon this, the
occasion of the greatest triumph of his
life. Governor McKinley, in an able
speech, responded to Senator Thurston's
address, and heartily thanked the noti
fication oommittee and the constituents
the Republican party at lar.e for
the gracious honor tendered him.
Fell From a Balloon.
Grand Rapids, Mich., July 1.
Hiram H. Cole, 20 years old, a profes
sional aeronaut, living in Big Rapids,
Mich., foil thirty feet from his balloon
while nuking an ascension last night
and died shortly afterward. A high
wind blew hira against a building,
severing his trapeze ropes and letting
him fall. He leaves a wife and 8-months'-old
Several Persons Drowned.
Boston, July 1. The small steam
ferry-boat plying between Marine Park
and Governor's island struck an ob
struction today Rud capsized. Several
young people drowned.
A Mob's Work.
Baltimore, June 30. Joseph Cock
ing, of Hilltop, Charles oounty, await
ing trial ou a charge of murdering his
wife and her sister, Miss Daisy Miller,
on April 23, was taken from the old
jail at Port Tobacco last night and
lynched by about twenty-five men.
Franca Will Admit Corn.
Paris. .Tnnfl SO. M. Mlinn tVia nra.
mjer, speaking at Soissous on the dis-
... ... ....
turbance of the world's markets by the
monev crisis, announced tbat measures
would shortly be taken for tbe tempor
ary free admission into Franoe of corn.
Rancher Killed by a Farmhand
Port Townsend, Wash., June 80.
Fred Miller, a rancher near Dockabuck,
on Hood canal, was shot and instantly
killed last nipht by John Marinbuck, a
farmhand. The men quarreled about
a woman.
Money For Redmen.
Washington, June 29. Steps have
been taken by the bureau of Indian
affairs to make the payment of $!6$,
604, doe tbe Cherokee-Pawnee Indians
from the Cherokee nation, a their
share of the Cherokee grass money.
Money for Northwest Rivers
and Harbors.
IJaho and Alaska Greatly BeneflUd
Cougress Generous Treatment
of Oray's Uarbur.
Washington, June 29. Tbe follow
ing is an official statement of tbe ap
propriations for government worki, in
tbe states of Washington and Idaho,
and in Alaska, contained in tbe river
and harbor bill passed by oongresi
over the president's veto:
Improving Gray's harbor and bar en
trance in aooordanoe with plans sub
mitted in the annual report of tbeohiof
of engineers, for 1896, $20,000; pro
vided tbat oontraota may be entered
into by the secretary of war for such
materials and work as may be neces
sary to oomplete said improvment, to
be paid for as appropriations may from
time to time be made by law, not ex
ceeding in tbe aggregate $980,000, ex
clusive of tbe sum herein appropriated,
and the secretary of war may, in bii
discretion, transfer the government
plant or any part of it, now at tbe
month of the Columbia river, to
Gray's harbor.
Continuing improvemeat of Olympia
harbor, $32,000, and tbat a survey be
made of Deschutes river, at its entrance
into Olympia barbor, and theoost of its
improvement be estimated.
Continuing improvement of Everett
harbor, $20,000.
For survey of Portland channel,
Alaska, $5,000.
Continuing improvement of Upper
Columbia river, inoluding Snake river,
ai far as Asotin, $5,000.
For continuing improvement of
Clearwater river, Idaho, $25,000.
For completing improvement of Koo
tenai river, Idaho, between Bonner's
ferry and international boundary line,
Improving Puget sound and tributary
waters. Continuing improvement, in
cluding the rivers Skagit, Nooksaok,
Duwamish and Pnyallup, $75,000, of
whiob sum so mnoh thereof ai may be
neoeisary may be nsed for tbe rebuild
ing of a snagboat '
For dredging Salmon bay, and im
provement of the waterway connecting
tbe waters of Paget Sound with Lakes
Union and Washington by enlarging
tbe said waterway into a ship canal,
with the necssary looks and appliances
in connection therewith, $150,000; pro
vided that no part of said amount shall
be expended on the improvement of
aid waterway nntil the entire right-of-way
and a release from all liability to
adjacent property-owners have been se
oured to the United States, free of oost,
and to the satisfaction of tbe secretary
of war; said canal to be constructed
either by the Smith's oove route or by
tbe Shilshole bay route, in the discre
tion of the secretary of war.
Improving Cbehalis river by snag
ging, $3,000.
Continuing improvement of Swino-
mlsh slough, in aooordanoe with exist
ing plan, $25,000.
Continuing improvement of Cowlitz
river, $3,000.
Attempted Bank Robbery.
Los Angeles, June 29. An unsuc
cessful attempt to rob the First Nation
al bank of this city, by means of an
underground tunnel, has been brought
to light The affair is remarkable in
tbe hiBtory of orime in California for
the reason that it has been going on
for months and involved an effort to
carry off about $500,000, and was only
discovered by the merest accident.
James Stevens, who is known to the
polioe as an all-around orook, has been
arrested for oompuoity in the attempt
ed robbery. Another crook, named
Brown Mathery, is eagerly sought after
and the police are oonvinced that two
others were in the job. The bank is
located near the corner of Main and
Commercial streets, and just around
the oorner is a saloon owned by Fred
W. Jones, who disappeared a few days
ago. It was in the cellar of the saloon
that the would-be robbers started the
Blew Hie Head Off.
Chewelab, June 29. When the pas
senger train arrived this morning the
crew and passengers reported tbat near
South Switch, lying fifteen feet west of
the railroad track, was the body of a
man about 5 feet 10 inches in height,
light build, with the bead completely
gone. He was dressed in overalls and
moccasins, a striped cotton shire, blue
jumper and grayish coat, almost new.
He came to bis death by suicide from
a dynamite cartridge plaoed within his
Helena Newspaper Bold.
Helena, Mont, June 29. The own
ership of the Helena Independent has
changed bands. A. W. Lyman has
sold a controlling interest to George
W. Graham, the business manager.
W. G. Eggleston, formerly of the Chi
cago Herald, assumes editorial charge.
The paper will advocate tbe free and
unlimited coinage of silver.
Caught In a Swamp.
Arlington, Minn., June 29. The
two tramps Who murdered Sheriff
Rogers last night were caught today in
a swamp. Two hundred men surround
ed them. The tramps were taken to
i Glenco, Minn .where they were lodged
I in jail. There has been some talk of
lynching them.
The oyster grows from the iatide by
throwing out every year rins or cir
cles of a calcerous substance and ex
perts can till where the growth begins
and ends for tbe year.
Fire Destroys tbe Great Lumber Kstab
llsbuient In Portland.
Portland, Or., June 29. The entire
plant of tbe Willamette Steam Mill.
Lumbering & Manufacturing Company,
better known as Weidler'i mill, waa
destroyed by fire yesterday afternoon. I
Tbe loss ii approximately $160,000,'
and is covered by insurance to tbe
smount of $40,000, distributed in small
policies among several local agents.
Tbe origin of the fire was accidental,,
and, owing to the extremely dry con-,
dltion of tbe mill and yard, iti spread
wai so rapid that nothing oould be
saved. Robert Mays, an employe of
the mill, haa not been seen since the
fire started, and it is believed by bi
fellow-workmen that he was overcome
while endeavoring to make his escape,
and has been burned to death.
A scene of indesoribable panio and
oonf uslon followed tbe breaking out of
tbe fire. Almost instantly the flames
enveloped the buildings, leaping from
roof to roof and from one lumber pile
to another so rapidly that it was im
possible to follow them. Tbe men
employed in and about the 'mills nar
rowly esoapetr suffocation before tbey
oould reach the 'Tree air. G. M.
Keene, a sawfiler, who was engaged in
a shop near the rear of the mill, was
imprisoned there by tbe flames, and,
wben finally resoued by companions,
bis mustache was completely burned
off. Another employe named Murphy
endeavored to escape through the burn
ing mill, and, bis clothes taking Are,
be was obliged to jump in the river to
save himself. .In the sash and door
faotory the workmen first endeavored
to save their tools, but soon were glad
to leave everything and get out witb
whole skins.
About 200 men were empoyed by the
oompany, and the monthly payroll was
over $7,000. These employes probably
represent that number of families, and
the destruction of the mill by yester
day's fire will work no inoonsiderable
hardship among these people who are
nearly all dependent on the daily earn
ings of their bread winners.
Cornell Woa Easily.
Poughkeepsie, June 39. The Har-vard-Cornell-Columbia-Pennsylvalna
miles straightaway on the Hudsbnn to
day was won by Cornell in the phe
nomenal time of 19:29, Harvard sec
ond, Pennsylvania third, Columbia
Cornell won tbe freshmen race two-
days ago, in whioh the order of finish
ing was strangely tbe same.
The raoe today was a hard one for
two miles, but after that Cornell had
its own way. Harvard tried its old
obeme of tiring out Cornell at the
start, but failed. Cornell rowed
olean raoe, without a break of any
kind. Pennsylvania splashed and (
rowed badly, and Columbia, for some
nnknown reason, was not in tbe raoej
after tbe first quarter of a mile. Har
vard rowed pluokily, but was out
classed. '
Filibusters Seised.
Key West, Fla., June 29. The
ateamer City of Key West, whioh left
here Wednesday with a filibustering
expedition and arms and ammunition,
supposedly for Cuba, arrived bere to
night in charge of Lieutenant Hay on
the revenue cutter Winona, having
been oaptured off the Florida reef. The
Winona also oaptured the steamer
Three Friendi, which ii now on her
way here. Tbe oargo and men on
board tbe steamer Key West were to
have been transferred to tbe Three
Friends. Her arrival oreated great ex
citement An immense crowd was on
the wharf.
Spain Balling Honey.
Havana, June 29. A roya) decree
hai been issued authorizing the Span- -ish
bank here to emit $12,000,000 in
gold bills, in denominations of $10,
15, $3, $1, and in fractional denomina
tions of 60, 20, 10 and 6 cents, and tbe
above sum to be delivered by tbe local
treasury in payment of current obliga
tions. The government will deposit in
the vaults of the bank $3,000,000 in
silver, besides a part of the stamp tax
oolleoted by it The. government is
authorized to enforce the circulation
of these notes.
Washington Militia Relieved,
Olympia, June 29. Adjutant-Gen'
eral Boutelle today wired Captain Ad
ams, at Ilwaoo, to relieve one officer
and nineteen enlisted men and return
to Seattle Tbe remainder of tbe mi
litia will be relieved in a very few
days. All trouble with the striking
fishermen is over, and only a slight
feeling of apprehension remains us to.
the strikers' movements after the
troops are removed. The sheriff of the
connty will probably be able to main
tain order.
Blown to Pieces.
Helena, Mont, June 29. Two men
were blown almost to pieces this after
noon in the coal mine at Belt, by an
explosion of giant powder, and a third
so badly injured that he is not expect
ed to live. The dead are John Phillinn
and Jacob Wirule. The injured man
is John Hoyt Tbe men bad just fin
ished drilling some new boles and were
in the act of charging tbem wben one
of the men dropped a stick. The cap
went off, exploding the powder witb
terrifio force.
Miner Will Not Celebrate.
Columbus, O., June 29. The com
mittee in charge of tbe local celebration
of tbe Fourth of July bad arranged
for 100 miners from tbe valley to
march in the parade in their mining
outfits and witb their lamps in their
bats, but Prosident Penna, of the
United Mine Workers of America, ad
vised the-n not to do it H-j sits by
doing tnis they would pw-I .im them
selves renefioiaires of thi Declaration
of In('e;ieiinVnc, whrea thev are
mere serfs and would in that way act a