llty Library COURIER OREGON NO. 7. FIRE, LIFE And Accident REPRESENTING a a j rt f .1 ff UamaaI n.a larzait 1usluei I" the world. KOyai Ul iiiveipuw North Bntisn & mercantile-- 000.000. Soil Of L0nd011-Old..t par.l, Br. lo.-r.ne. oe. I. the world. JEtna of Hartlord nd bMt Am",c,, v Continental of New York-- -"-' ........ r.no-r rl ICC lUCIIRANPF COMPANIES ANU uintn rinai i-w The T.avelers Insurance Lucent, oldent and bent hccliiem imr.i . .1.? rioe. very lare life lu.uranoe htwlne... , .CALL OS ME FOR BLOTTERS AND CALENDAR Bates LOWEHT THE SumiTQeP . . ': Dress Goods: j -'"'-' -' Latest Styles. Just received at the PIONEER STORE AAA DIMITIES, DUCKS, NAINSOOKS, PERCALE, PIQUE, SATINES. The Very Latest Styles of Silk competition. Shirt Waits for CHOICE CUTS and TENDER MEATS go to FBTZttLB & GALE'S C&SB MARKETS. Seventh Street, Corner of Center, on the Hill. Main St., Opposite Caufield Block. t . ci.'-. Oregon City, Oregon. Two Shops, -00 G. H. BESTOW & C0 FOR DOORS, WINDOWS, MOULDING and BUILDING MATERIAL. LOWEST CASH PRICES EVEB OFFERED FOR FIRST-CLASS GOODS. Shoo Oppo.lt. Cogr.,ct.al Church. WAKL! WAEK!! WA1K!!! AT THE Gambrinus Cold Storage. The only plaf the city which can W rtjXl prt", ,.n v.. n Tonrlire'a lea.e by SS -"TSriSrt "aT-l, of WW?- nSWSS - a Pme when yon can buy WHY GO TO A unvun. '-J -oetter.me-U.efoUow.nggo TfUXE&i California Port Wine, per gallon ..'.".."."-" HhrrV Annefir. - gMt HnxaUl " Tokay Wine " Maderia " " MaUga " " " - BeiilioiaHock" " Claret Bottled Beer (quarts) per dozen Porter. Domwtic . ' .iuinV Extra SWut (pinU) per dozen Swan Whisker, per gallon Phoenix Bourbon ' California irpe Brandy, per gallon Ml orSia Blackberry Brandy, per gallon v i i.. order. The Snest family N. F. ZIMMERMAN, Mgr., 1, tn - , .sw a a. Like tha fare, should in every way . . n . l 1 . ... . L- D satieiactory. ftveryuiiiiu uu mo table should please the eye. Fine crockery la the best kind of sauce for triuinps of cookery Our new dinner seu, comprising 100 pieces, for $7.75, present an opportunity not to be missed, and there are others in onr stock too numerous to numerous to be mentioned here. O.roe, see. admire, and buy for yourself. Nowhere else In Oregon 'City can you see so many tempta ' iona to buy. BELLOMY k BUSCH, The Housefurnlshers, , OREGON CITY. Leading Clackamas County In the world. SO.- Company of Hartford-- F. E DONALDSON, at Commercial Bank, j for Waists at Prices beyond at prices to suit the buyer. GENERAL MERCHANTS. al Street. Oregon City. Oregon i in Via l(innr 1fn TOww JKB AMD UQOOBliibeeauK "r ,ttre "d-8e'w hl,elD trading at home with a reliable Arm and no. - inMiMU Jt what you buy It for or II 50 1 41) 1 60 1 fiO 1 60 1 60 t AO 7A 76 1 60 1 SO 2 75 a 7 4 00 3 60 3 00 rooms This place U conducted Bret-clau' THOSE se. SIXTH A'D MAIN STREETS ' . BlMmnrr. IdtfU of BrmlO or. rrW. J 1 i2Vlftf.. rw'IneT. SfMff r-wrmirF r... - - Build Up Your Brain... Steady your nervea, and erfect your digefltton " by uelng bread . map from our whele wheat flour. It ii made from' tha whole wheat berry,' except the outside bull or bran, which is a woody substance, irritating and indigestible. Bread made from this flour i not so white as that made from tbe pale white roller flour, but is far superior for food as it contains all the gluten, germ, and oily matter of tbe wheat and is much sweeter than . graham or any other bread not sweetened artificially. ONCK TBIED-ALWAtS U8KD. E. E. WILLIAMS, The Grccer. , CORRESPONDENCE. REDLANO. n V.. Snftfis is aeain employed to work for Mr. Wolf. Ki vprnl nf our voumt folks attended ihe picnic at Maple Laue Friday. .All had a good time. The young Ifolksoi wautown aiienum 1 he dance at Reastet's, and all had a lovely time. . . . Mr. Bowen of Curnnsville wa9 visiting B. F. Linn Wednesday of last wen Charlie Cutting, our famous miner, pant through our burg a few days ago F.E.Linn of German Burn passed through here recently. ' . The da. ce at Jessie Taylor's lat Fr.- day night was all right. James Catto. our A No. 1 violinist, is home again. ... Mrs. French ana aaugnier, aiso r. Founipn .if Dover, was visiting t..i. Sellmau a few days last week Hurrrh for Stafford. Siatford people wee. are all right. F. F. Sellman went to Sandy Monday to attend justice court. f!. A. Snrairue has gone to Viola to work for his brother, F. Sprague. Hello! we hear that Miss Aemlia Pot- . ' .1.! arxA V rtuvia nf finnnv- side were united in marriage Sunday at 1 o'clock, we wisn mem success. Some of the Logan boys were in our district Sunday. G. J. Howell ol uregou wty was oui .THE- A A WORD ABOUT We are doing a great sine reason why we should not. as onr goods and prices are right. Good reliable goods were never sold before as cheap in Oregon City as we are retailing them at the present time. Many customers tell ns they never saw inem soiu m Portland for as little as we are asking, well, the secret of the matter Is here we bny of the best manufacturers for cash. Ton have no bad debts to pay when yon bny goods of ns. Ladies we want yon to see those fine Dcngola Shoes we are selling for $1.83. We guarantee every pair and most merchants would want three dollars for the same shoe. BEE-HIVE, CANEMAH. Earnest Bancke came down from Corvallia last Wadneadav. where he baa been attending college. 1 here is a lorce oi ten men ac won maklnv a narf nnar road between New Era and Oregon City. Tbe road in front of Mr. Criteeer'a place will be racated and a new one constructed along the bluff. Tbis is a good improve ment, because of the danger connected with the cars. Mr. Rider is the super visor. Oiuinf Mr Raltnl'a tiowa died of con sumption last Saturday. Mr. wonnaiu win leave oamruav nr Malheur to visit his son. Mrs. E. J. will also leave on tbe same day for The Dalles to visit herdaughter, Mrs. Young. Since politics are about deak, the chief topic of discussion is tbe mining industry of Clackmas county. Some of our people are talking of trying their luck at least. Willie Stokes, the boy-grocer of Cane mah, has in his possession a tine specimen of mumps. I suppose he has the tail end; for tbe disease has been around here since March. Canemuh has been growing quite rapidly of late. Another boy has found his way to the bouse of Mr. Rintoul. Mr. Smith of Rock Island has bought awheel and has been breaking it in. lie has won a good record for falling in a short time. June 10 Ret-Vite-und-Pm'e. HIGHLAND. i Highland U still on top; everything is calm and quite. Dave Miller is teaching our school. C. A. Hurst from Portland cume through here and sold the school district $10 worth of maps. The Grange meets the fourth Saturday of this month and is in a flourishing con dition. C. Larkins, Master; G. R. Miller, Sec Highland Grange wil. visit Beaver Creek to assist installing officers iu the newGrange. The most recent event, a family re- ftHinn. miiic ninrR at j j , uaru s res- ftJenctlh honor' ol two old veterans to urit Martin Hill onr I .1 J. (larrl. The former being the honored guest of the day. Mrs. Gard was especially pleased, it beii g the first time in ten year that the Gard family dined together. It in a dav long to berememered by all present June, 10. ttR-. The finest line of silk umbrellas to be found in the city at Burmeister &Ander sen's. HIVE ' SHOES, Dusiness ana mere is no mm Glass & Smith's Old Stand, OREGON CITY, OREGON Tha rtak.mu AMntl M Trait fV. la th. .wnei of the aouyrlght to lb. Thorn. tyttMi of atatnel ind.ua fur Clekma county, and ha. lb. wily couplet. Mt of abrtmclt la lb. oountyi cm furnlih Inxoraaiio h n uu. 10 wna at oao.ua f.piio.w.. 1 ihvMtmMiita. m.1 Mti. .bitnut. .ta Offloa iwm Rank at nmn r.llv (Wi .ttd iMTAttl... Addna, box 877, Oregon t lty. OngM, U 8 to T P Jackson, claim 46, 6-2 e ; patent. J V Young to M J H'ltiman, e 01 n wM of see 18. 9-1 w;si2uu. L T Bariti to Chas Kluholer. lot 1 aeo 14. 8-3 e; S100. J W Noble to A W Fisb, lot ll blk 28, Oswego ; $75 M Hmoot et ai to u n Marsnnii, vi a in sec'a 10 and 15, 3-4 e; I2U0. C A Baker to Chaa Ballard, fWnfnt and w ofof ne J of sec 17,3-1 e; 5. C F Andnt to A Andre, w X of no H of sec 6.2-5 e; 1400. Will Land Uo to j K uroom, tract do and w )i of 04, Prunelanda; 1150. L Heina to Julia Heins, 1) a in Jas Officer cl; 11000. - W H Knirln to Orrin Cuttinir 07 50 a in cl 41). 5-2 e; 1000. H U Kabxr to K C Contlancn. e i of se Vi see 8 and w of sw M sec 9, 3-1 w; aauuu Ohaa Rnllard to Jul in t Baker, e A of nw y and w of nw aud w of ne aeo 17, 3-1 w ; 15. Unas Brook to Karonne tinner, iota u 10 U 12 blk 00. 0k Grove; 200 Maria Kuhillor to KitroiilM Hcitw". lota 1234 10 11 12 U 14 blk 87, aubd Oak Urove; $1. IT H to Jacob Schmidt, e i of nw Va. of ac c 12, 4-2 e ; patent S K jeHHiip to b Ai urosian, iois i to 12 blk 4. Mountain View add; 500. .1 D Morris tn Ki.iriini'H M Bjrtun. 1 a in Eagon cl ; $300. A J Wood to Herman Schroder, tract 13. Brnetje'e Acre Home; $2.V, Win LU uu to a v vUiniiiuigH, trace 68, Prunelanda; $000. J.ncv L LtodgHrs to V L Mack, lots 4 and 5 blk 24. Canby; $100 Oiinile Sniiholm to A Enghery, sw l of 4 or aec 22. 2-2 e ; I200 S W Hardest v to Cum H ill'mtn, l a in 5-2 e; $00. Frank Wawen to G LSpniitdi', lt I blk 18, Shaw's ad.l; $10:. William Uarlow io M W Miller, lot 0 blk 54, Oregon Citv;$8U0 A A Chaae lo John S CUaOV, 27 in ok- ombcl; $0U'. . . -s Justices and Constables Elect. District No. 1, PieanHUt Hill, Tuala tin and Union Justice, Nelson MoCou nell, republican; t,ontable, , T u, Baker, imlepondout hiai. N'o !. Oaweuii Juslicu, Jus. Cooke, uouiiliat; constable, I Austin, republican. ' UiHt .No if, AJilwauKie ana i iuuku ftrtoS. (ii'iurHlhiii'k. non- ulist; constable, Willis Jotinson, popu list Dist. No. 4, Abernethy. Cinemah. Manln l.nnA VVvat OiefOII CitV and Oregon City Precincts Not. 1, 2 aud 3 Juhtice, Chris trchubel, populist; con stable, M. F. McCown. republican . Din No 0, Canby and New Era Justice, fieorge H. Brown, populist ; con stable, Elmer Veteto, populist. Dtst iNo 7. Bariow, ijower uioiaim aim v,...,l,. laiii.u Ft V Sii.iiDi rflniiltliitan : .iDO'j- uuoin.ui I ' I constable, 0 F Zeisler, republican. DiBt No 8. Marqnain, Upper Molalla anil Bona oprillgi justice, rrnim 11 Dungan, democrat; constable, Noah H Hardesty, democrat. DiBt No 0, Beaver Creek and Milk Creek Jtiatic, Charles E Spence, pop utist; constable, A L Jones, popuiidt. Dist No 10, Canynn Creek aud High landJustice, M E Kandle, populist; constable, Amos Harringtoo, populist. Dist No 11, Viola. Hardinga and ISpringwater Justice, Charlea G Stone, republican ; constable, W II Mattoon, republican . DiBt No 12, Damascus aud Boring Justice, M Gardner, republican; con stnlile, William Buckman, populist. Ii' . f - I TM .nana aci I I A llml T .1 .Inrmriiil . remib- lican: consUble. Gilbert Jonsrud, republican. Dim Sn 14. Rairla Creek. Geome and Garfield Justice iVJ Currin, democrat- republican; constable, A U uurneii, populist. CIRCUIT COURT. Mrs. Blackburn Given (2000 Damages for the Killing, of Her Husband . cioio u Wm ami Ionia Heniz: iurv UtUV ' -T". I di82reed and were discharged. on. n tr . a l . J. L. VVIilte vsii. m. ii an man eiai; judgment by default. State vs Eli Deck; sentenced to 18 mnnii, li ilia mini i lenliflr v at Salem. mu ... i. im " Eliratetb Waener vs Piter Waener; demurrer of defendant rustained. State va George and cnaries flic- Comark : justice ordered to file amended transcript. , State vs Albert Louberg el al; justice nrAoroA in fila ampnded transcrint. J H Dirnn va Lillian B. Dixon ; nf Hivnrao hv default. I'nrlluml urocery JQ va uicey z.. Booth ; continued till June 18th. Sar.h A. Rlaokbnm. administratrix vs 8. P. R, R; jury verdict for 2000; I ii.. trial vii miitfl. The UIU.IUII .... . .w. apecial findings were to the effect that tbe deceased am not stop ma eaiu .iiklM 'bin iaat. tha rrnaaincr. hut he did slow up and was going about three miles an hour; mat tne engine wuiaueu after having crossed me Aoernemy ; me bell beiran to ring just before the ac- oiHant. and the train was rcovinir at a of in Ln 11 milea an hour. J. E. Hedites vs J. A. and Annie Chase; dismirsed. Louis A. Noble va S. B. Ca'.ifl et als indgment f r $320.25 and casts. r; T) nimirk va J. S. and Sarah J Scott: Judaineut (or $81.63 and costs Henry Jarell vs Chas. Kreiger et als ; judgment for $333.43 and costs and aale of north half of southeast quarter of section 15 in township 4 south of range 2 east ordered . D. W . Howard vs M. Reinstein ; jury verdict lor fti.i. High School Commencement. The graduating exercise of the Ore gon City high school were held at Shlvely'a hall on Saturdsv evening. NtthwitUtandlDg an admission fee of 10 cents was chareed every seat Id tbe house was occupied long before the pro gram began. The proceeds will be eauallv divided between the school library and the battleship Oregon. Fol lowing is the program of the evening: Invocation Kev. 8. W. Strvker Piano Solo Miss Beatrice Barlow Salutatory Mattle Janet Gray Essay "Power of fcarly Impression," Jennie Rachel Noble Vocal Solo 'Ma Angelina," Miaa Kate rYard Essay "The Red, Red Rose," Jean Millicent White Essay "The Humble Origin of Great men, uaasie aiane r,aion Vocal Solo Miss MetaO. Brown Essav "A 8inooth sea Never Made a Skillful Pilot." ...Jm A Qallngly Essay- 'We Know What We Are, But Not What we uan tse. Alice Gertrude Powell Violin Solo . .. MisaUettaFouts Easay 'Education," Rata Ann Muller Vocal Duet.. Mr. and Mrs. A. S. Dresser Essay "Punctuality," Jessie bsteiia t allien Essay "Golden Gems of Life," rirwa Anna Wliirltwk Vocal Solo. ....... M rs. W. B Wiggins Essay "Superstition, Alice Henrietta Roberta Clara Prophencr. . Meia Blanche Finley valedictory . uue i wnar we omse ii, r?.rn Ralln l.an'nn Vocal Duet Miaaea Dr nmr ami Kuerten Class Address Col. R. A. Miller Presentation of Diplomas uoi it. a miner Piano Solo Miss Beatrice Barlow George Lor Harding, one of the graduates nnd pros). lent of the class, wis unable to bo present on accoantof sickness The subject of liis paper was, "Alexander Hamilton " Miss Kute Ward and Misses Draper aud Kuerten resp'indo 1 1 mho i' ' All of the ttraduates did extremly well, and the stage in front of their feet was completely covered with bouquets and floral designs.- The class .motto was "Not whence, but whither," and the flower a red red rose. " rjneJe 0'orge, what is life insur ance?" ai-ked It olio, as he finished reading au advertisement of an endow ment insurance plan. "It is a system by which a man mey provide for his widow instead of leaving her destitute." . . . . . J . aM Un von atlvise young nibii to insure i continued Rollo." "Yes, tny boy, and they always do so ns soon as tln ir heads harden." Insure now with the Mas sachusetts Muluul Life Insurance Co. H. G. Cotton, G'en'l Agt. Chnmber of Commerce Bld'g, Portland, Or. Sewinu Machines Ciikap. Want a sewing machine? Get a good one for $25.00 with fivo years gtmranlee; $5.00 down and $5.00 per month mull paid.. See Bellomy & Busch about It. CONSUMPTION CAN BE CURED. !, h ma nf ChdnhU Turn t his Ihia Couuh Cure is the only known remedy ibr . . .i:... - , I.V ....... I... f A tnat iTlTiiue tnseasc. rur auic w. a. Harding. Free Pibs. a , i -.1 I tl E 1)..,.I.Ih & Co., Chicago, and get a free sample VI youi nuuiino a, aue ak-uwM.v box of Kings JNew Life nils. Atrial will convince you ot their merits, inese pills are emy in action and are particu lery efTeclive in the cure of Constipation and Sick Headache. ForMalari.i and Liver troubles they have been proved invaluable. They are guaranteed to be nurfwllv frex from Hvurv deleterious substance and to be purely vegetable. iney no not weaaeii oy ineiraciion, out It. niuimr tnnu tn afi-,tTinrh and howala greatly invigorate the system. Regular size IMC. per uox. roiu uy inarman oc Co., Druggist There are medicines which' change the action of organs and tissues. When a part does not properly perform Us work, they restore It to health. ; Such remedies are called " al teratives." Scott's Emulsion of Cod- liver Oil, with Hypophos phites, is one of these rem edies. This is largely be cause of certain drugs which naturally exist in the oil, as Iodine and bromine. 11 you are neither hard sick nor real well; if you feel below your usual standard, these altera tives will change your con dition and bring back your health and strength. SCOTT S EMULSION Ut tnu ndantd Vf Imt tWulMw or Irnnlrrttru (Aik mr Mr.) Tm III tnttat it u ilwtp fsUUMr tlmtf mmnm ww '"' f' Corwfmm C4 Uf Oil udHrfp''. 'fmt ,.( cml mi fl.oa lUn. Tie msU Mf tmtym f riff' cftiw t:ii'i.niiia IWI MM Kit