Thai Extreme tired feeling micti-nearly every, body at Ibis season. . The hustlers cease to posb, the tlreletf grow weary, the ener. getio become enervated. You know juitt what we mean. Some men and women endeavor tempoiarily to overcome that ToVed reeling by great force of will. But thu u unsafe, as It pulls powerfully upon the nervous system, which will not long stand ucn strain. 100 many people "work on tneir nerves," and the result Is seen In un fAftnna. a 1 I wrecis niHrKca -nervous pros- A .41 I . ... kr.Hon, m .very direction. Thut tired CANINE WORTH $50,000. H Wsi Once Tramp Pog Found by Rich Man. ' In Denver, Col., there la a dog that Is worth -$;0,f)WMn hid own rlptht, and ho dissipated until now tie In stiffurliic; with fousiinmtlon. At present hfc Mill nllve, Is receiving attention attlui hands of the most eminent physicians Feel Jng is a positive proof of thin, weak, m pure blood; for, if the blood is rich, red, vitalized and vigorous, It Import life and energy to every nerve, organ and tissue of the body. The necessity of taking Hood's Ba-saparilla for that tired feeling is, therefore, apparent to every one, and the good it will do you Is equally beyond question. Reniembei that Kloo dTl Sarsaparilla lathe One True Blood Purlfler, All dnunrltte. IL Prepared only by C. I. Hood ACo., Lowell, Mais. Hood's Pills ZoXz SURE CURE for PILES Rllcaiax and Hliod. Hleeuluit or rrntrtiilne PH.. ftolual aar. ui P:,"0"8"-0' p"-' REMEDY. HjA uMti At.M;- our... i ircui .r. -ni lre. Prloa Uim.uifaalL UK. 1IUKAM.O. I'Mla Pa. MIWIiWIllMIMilMIM T1IB I.UCKV P0G. Scrofula Miss Delia Stevens, of Boston, Mass writes: I have always suffered from hereditary Scrofula, for which I tried various remedies, and many reliable physicians, but none relieved me. After tut I in me west, ami is waited upon by a trained nurse. This particular dog Ih a small fox terrier, and was a tramp until picked up some years ago by a rich Phlladelphlan nnmed Davis. The poor (log and the rich liinn became liiscpiitu we, and when DuvIh becnine ill the do; was greatly affected, and would neither eat nor sleep. Davis died, and the dog would not be quieted until after the body had been Interred In the cemetery. Davis' love for the canine was so great that he willed $r(.(iiMi to the dog. the condition of the dog would not Improve in Philadelphia, ho the physi cian ordered a change of climate. It was suggested that he be taken to Denver. He was taken there In the hope that the change of air ink-lit benefit Mm lungs. At the prvsent time the dog, in common with the family of the dead man. Is quartered at the leading fash lonnble hotel of Denver. It is an Interesting Question whether the M,i()0 reverts to the family In the event of the dog's death, which Is cer tain, or goes to the State of Pennsylvania. THE instt bottles of I am now well. I am very grateful to yon, as I feel that it saved me from a life of un told agony, and shall take pleasure in gpeakine- only I words of praiso for the wonderful mea-1 Icine, ana in recomniendina; it to all. Treatise on Blood and Skin Pinna mi mailed free to any ad- areas. CURED SIGNIFICANCE Or OVKKCOAT A OKAY Upon the torjjue, yellnwueM of. the skin and eeiall, iinm aud unennlnetH beeeitb the right ribs and shoulder bl do, it that the vie tlin of thewdiMxtmfurulB billon. Tne"prper I'Hper" uud'-r uch irciiniitances Is to take Hoxteltr's Stomach llltiem, whW'h h! o cures chills ad fmer.eo mtipatlmi, ilya'pt-pela, then walli) and kluuey complaints and urvotui.e-s. TJIAININO GIUPJNX BREAKING IN COUNTRYMEN FOR CITY RAILWAY SERVICE. Phf Maudef Oh, she's one til the 111''" o my youtii. Me I didn't take her to be a old as that. Two bottles of Piso's (Jure for Consump tion cun ! uiB of a bad lung trouble M rs. J. Niobols, frincetou, lud Mar. 2, 1895. 1 8WIPT SPECTFIC CO Atlanta, Oa. BEWAKB OF OINTMCNn FOK CA. 1ABKH THAT CONTAIN MKKCVKY, If Your Dealer r- will not sell you Skl A the VH BIAS rft VELVETEEN . rltC VPI SKIRT BINDINGS we will. Write us for free samples showing labels and materials. ' Homo Dressmaking." a new book by Miss Emma M. Hooper, of the Ladles' Home Journal, tilling how to put on Dlas Velveteen Skirt B'jd- Ins sent for 25c, postage paid. 5. H. & M. Co., P. O. Box ooo, N. V. City. As mercury will surely destroy the sense of smell aud completely .dnrange the whole system when euterlug it through the mucous surfaoes. Such ai tides should never be used except ou I prescriptions from reputable physician, a the damage they will do is ten fold to the good you can poaslbiy derive from tnem. Hall's Catarrh Cure, manufactured by F. J. Cheney 4 Co., To ledo, a, contains no mercury, and is tsken in ternally, actios; directly upon the blood and ' muoous surfaoes of thugystem. In buying Hsll's Catarrh Cure be sure you get the genuine. It is taxen lnwiruaiy, uo lntwae la Toledo, Ohio, by S.I. CheueyUo. Testimonials free. Bold by df uggista, price 76o per bottle. Hall's family Pills are the best. FITS. All nts stopped tree by Dr. Kline's Great Nerve Restorer. No nts altei the nrat day's use. Marvelous cures. Treatise and 100 trial bottle free to Fit cases. Band to Dr. Ulna. HI Arab B,., Philadelphia, Fa Tar Gbrmia tor breakfast. T$tM$ Mat ails you? Have yra a feeling f wetsbt la the Stomach Bloating alter eating Belcfa .osfW.nd Vomit- Inn of Food Water brartb Heart barn J Bad Tante In the Mouth In the Morn ing Palpitation of the Heart,dnetoDia- tension of Stomach Cankered Month fiaft la the Bowels , Un of Fleflh Fickle Appetite Peprewied, Irritable Condition of the Mind Dizziness Headache Constip ation or Diarrhoea? Then yon have DYSPEPSIA In one of it many forma. The one positive cure 4 lor thia oifttreMiog complaint is flckcr'$ Dyspepsia tablets, by mall, prepaid, on receipt of 15 centa fHARUR IUMSF.T. f?ft Iinitnnl, SfW York. I aaye: "I aiincrfil homiiiy trnm )lyappiRin. but J Acker a iaDieio.LaKeiiaiusr meau,niivecurednie.n t M EDICINECO., 16 A 18 Chamber St,, N.T. MS. WINSWs Hr?0 - FOK CHILDREN TCETHINO - , rr kr all lracat& Ceata aatlla. ( ItllfitS BHtB AL Best Uitwh Byrup. ' in tln.a Bold B Gladness Comes With a bettor understanding; of the transient nature of the many phys ical ills, which vanish before propercf f orts frentle efforts pleasan t, e if orts rifflitly tiire-U'd. There is comfort in the knowledge, thut no many forms of hic'kiic.Hfi are not due to any actual dis ease, but simply to a constipated condi tion of thu system, which the pleasunt family laxative, Syrupof Fi,rrs. prompt ly removes. That is why it is the only remedy with millionsof families, and is every where esteemed so highly by all who value good heulth. Its benefleiul effects are due to the faet, that it is the one remedy which promotes internal cleanliness without, dchilitiitinjf the orfrnns on which it acts. It is therefore all important, in order to g-et its bene ficial effects, to note when you pur chase, that you have the pvnuine arti cle, which is manufactured bv the Cali fornia Fiff Syrup Co. only and sold by all reputable dnjrRists. If in the enjoyment of pood health, and the system is regular, laxatives or other remedies are then not needed. If afflicted with any actual disease, one may be commended to the most skillful physicians, hut if in need of a laxative, one should have the best, and with the well-informed everywhere, Symp of Figs stands hiphest and is most largely Jed and gives most general satLsf actioa. -HEX Chichesteh s titQusH. Hco Cross Oiauond Brahd ltf rur oaifiiMAL AMD CCHUlNC. TIm m1 ftexAv asms. ami rtUmUm PIU ar tmis. Soim Malsi wHM Mm rlWtw. Tnfco bh other kl. MfM 9tMtnm mmd ImUaltwm. All HIM m pmmmmmim wmx, wrssppcrsi. avr eisscisrt mm sii sswrir'iwsw j vi a- w Mrsapi jr rmnitmimn. tsxtlwiiltii m4 KMief br l4m.m km, by retaaa) afalk mmmm 4 i'HICHCTCB CMCIilCAL Ctk. I I SU41M SaTPMI LAMLPMIA. PA. Tonnf Farmers Mk the Brat Orlpnicn on Aocoant of Tlielr Strength and Cau tion -A Hitnistinn Thst Ileqalrra Close Attention end Plenty of Nerve. "Where do the grlpmeu come from?" a strong urmed, blue uniformed em ployee of the WuHhiugton aud Uttorga town railway was asked lustuight us be left bis car at the eud of the route for a eup of coffee aud a sandwich Ju the all night resfanraut "Why, from "the conDtrr, most of them.. These fellow who are raised on cigarettes aud beer in the city dou't seem to have the ninsclo uecessnry to tbrow ou the bruke aud stop the truiu on a down grade. Then again a country- mau is mighty careful about goiug through the streets. He's afraid that ev ery mau he sees step off the pavement ia going to be ruu over, aud he In absolute ly certain that every team thut cuuios out from across street is going to collide with blni. It takes biui about two years to get over this fear, uud tbeu, as he becomes a little careless, he bos a few accidents that smash op fenders aud take the paiut off thecoouhos, and thou he gets fired, aud the road is reudy to break in another countryman." ' How do they break thern in?" "Well, theyure mighty careful with them. A uew niun on the grip is about the worst scured object iu the world. Talk about your condemned mau beiug scared when he's walking out to be hanged why, his sensations ain't in it with the mau who's running a grip car for the first time. To be sure, an experi enced gripman is on the car right be side him, ready to throw on the brakes and sound the 'lookout' bell. But be tweeu the grip, uud the wheel brake, aud the track brake, and the 'go ahead' and 'stop' signals, aud the 'look out bells, uud the people jumping ou aud off the grip car, your new grtpniun just gets tseasick. , They suy thoy dou't mind it, but they're talking through their bou nets, that's ull. Theu, another thing, the way they throw on the brake yauk their urmg out of joint aud makes m good and sore, I tell you. There's something funny about braking np a grip car. I cuine from th country to my job, but I wasn't always plowboy. NY hen I was a young fellow used to work iu a eouutry printing of nee, and used to Jiuve to run a Washing ton bund press. Ever ruu a Washington baud press you're in the newspaper busiuessr What! Never run oner Well tbeu, I cuu't tell you anything about it except that if you dou't know the trick you can t throw 'er over and get au im pressiou no more thou a rabbit. You may have a muscle like a blacksmith but if you dou't know the knock yon can't pull the lever over, but if yon are on to the trick, and dou t weigh more'u 90 pounds, yon can throw her around just like lightning and make 600 im pressious au hour thut is, if you've got a j?ood 'devil' to do your iukmg. "Well, us I was suyiug, that's just like brukiug np a grip cur. Some big fellows weighing 200 pounds, with mns clesonthem like Vitzsimmons, go ont ou one of these grips with two couches behind 'em, uud the way they bruke 'sr ap makes ull the -passengers think they have goue to sea. Theu a little fellow, who don't look heavy enough to huudle a team of mules attached to a sulky plow, gets a job on the road, aud he grabs thut old grip like a drum major throwing a baton, and he'll get the knack ot the thing right quick, aud when he brakes 'er up the passengers think that the first waltz at the Charity hall is just starting. "But while he maybe throwing on the brakes all right he's kind of off his pins when it comes to hearing the two bells for go ahead. You see, a new man cun t do everything at once. Takes about a week to get the shiver off, and during thut time a regulurgripmaurnus with the new man, keeping a sharp look out. Theu the new man, after his week, goes to the superintendent aud has to puss an examination. They ask him all about the siguals, and where other cars cross, and where tire 'dead men' are 'dead man's' a block yon strike if you don't let go the cable where you have to, and if yon ever strike a 'dead man' your job'a gone, no ifs utid auds about it and all about the street and so ou. Well, if the new itiuu passes the exami nation, he pnts np fJO, and they give him a certificate, and he can go and pnt that up for a uniform and an overcoat. and there you are he's a gripman, ready for 20 degrees below zero and 100 de grees above zero and his little old $3 a day. "The company's breaking in six new gripnieu on the Fourteenth street line right uow. Two cf the old men died and a couple quit Each line always keeps about a dozen extra gripmen on hand ready for au emergency, so they're breaking in these new ones. One of the new boys bad an accident at Ninth and the avenue the other afternoon. Run into an Anacostia bobtail car. By gin ger, I thought he was going to knock the thing clear to the: Good Hope hill, but he didn't. Scared? Well, the pas sengers on ine Dontaii wasn't naif as HAIR OF GREAT LttsUlh. nearly One Foot Longer than Ita Owner Js Tall. Mrs. P. J, Davis, of Pan Francisco, t ai., nns the longest hair In (ho world. Khe Is ft feet 0 Inches tall, and her hair Is (J feet 8 Indies- lonif. Her sisters also have very long hair. i never brush my ,ftr." wild Mrs. Dnvls, as she removed those long, cornl pins that held great coils In place about her head so that her hah- might be measured, "for the reason that I do not believe It Is good for the hair. In fact I nave detiwnKtrated my belief to my own satisfaction by experimenting. vt nen a gin i gave very little atten mm iu my nair. and In consequence .mm i wm avv.mBii 1 i t t hi ; w a I.O.NOKST HAIR I TliK WORLD. It did not grow at all. .Sometimes I felt very much chagrined to see' how much longer and prettier was the hair of all three of my sisters, but 1 was somewhat careless. When I became a woman I suddenly devolotied a desire to have long hair like theirs, and began to take the utmost care of what little I hail. Kvoty morning, and sometimes twice a day, I brushed It thoroughly, but it did not grow any better. Then I noticed that the brush, after the dally application to the hair, even when the latter had no tendency to fall out, would Ite filled with very niie hairs, and soon I realized that while the brushing had no effect upon the long hair It effectually killed the new growth, and 1 derided to stop. "Since then I have used nothing but a very coarse comb. Kvery morning I go over the hair thoroughly and enre- Nfully, removing every snarl until It is ns free and flowing as water. Then I braid it and coll It into varied coiffures about my head. I never used cos metics on my hair." FRENCH MINISTER'S WIFE. Takes Precedence Over Kvery Woman in the Diplomatic Cor pa Kxcept One. Mine. Patenotre, wife of the French ambassador, takes precedence over every woman in the diplomatic corps nave one. Lady Pauncefote, wife of the British ambassador. When Lady Pauncefote Is not present Mine. Paten otre Is the guest of honor. She must be taken out to dinner by the host, and ALL CHICAGO KNOWS HIM. W. W. Watson, Loading Real Efttate Man, Restored to Health lv Pane's Celery Compound. C'riioarfu. May 26. Vlr. W. W. Wst- sou's rejuttin throughout The West for unerring judgment iufhn valuation ot land has madn htm fnremmt amunii thu most conservative, careful class of iu vet-tors in Chin)o. Unlike mauv hard driven husiuess men, the owner of "Alpine Heights." that splendid suburb ot Chicago, has not neglected his health on account of bis exacting business. The following unrequested statement from Mr. Wat- hi shows how consistent with his life- long, oareful, onnsoientions and success ful bufiness habits has been hia atten tion to netting welL He states in the Times-Herald: Upon the recommendation of a friend, I used Psiue's celery oompnund tor headaches, oonstipation, indigestiou ud loss of sleep, and found it all it was recommended to be. I suffer no more from headaches, sleep soundly at night, and am now in perfect health. This is the only medioine that I have ever taken for these oomplaints, which has benefited me at all. "W.W.WATSON, 225 Dearborn st" Bnsy men and women are ant to think there is always time to set well. The fact that only one person in a hun dred dies of old age shows how reck lessly men and women postpone at tending to their health and allow it to go to pieces while they devote them selves heart and soul to affairs that are 'Tiding in comparison. Wives and mothers have no greater duty than to ee that those dear ro, them do not h oome so absorbed in the work of provid ing for the household as r lose their oslth and shorten their days. 'No more thnng'-tful step cnnld he taken during the spting dsys that an too in worrying, fretting and desponrl miiov, that need oulv Paine's- celery 'lompnund to banish the unhealthy nt tnoaphere sud .nuke things bright and' obeerfnl again It is the only spring remedy uni versally p won bed by physicians. 16 makes people well by giving tbem m hearty appetite and a relish for their food. Hard-worked men and women, the nervous, weak and debilitated, get new strength, fresh nerve energy and- . a pnrer, more vigorous blood supply from Paine's celery compound. Thia most valuable uerve and brain invigorator and restorer practically demonstrates the lifelong conviction of its eminent discoverer, Professor Phelps, M. D , LL D, of Dartmouth; Col lege. Professor Phelps was for long time convinced that sound nutri tion was the keystone of firm health, and that where there' were signs of' poorly nourished nerve tissues, and of' thin, pale oolored blood, some means must be devised to supply these defioi enoies briskly and rapidly. Professor Phelps prenared Paine's celery com pound on this basis. It baa proved an invigorator. streugthener and a . great' spring purifier, such as the world baa never eujoved before our day. Tomorrow, or next day, or the day ' after is nut soon enough to look aboafc gnrtiuu rid of weakness or disease. i a an rani" s oeiery ornnpoana tooar. There is no time equal to these, early ." ttrlifl.a dull, . w, Ittt -twuvw hHiilrh. ' TlinrA urn faw nnrMTina urtin Ait--"" not need to take a snrintr remedy. ,t-m many no. aowurignt siok, nut Hrsot or iiilinif, would be immensely ben- t fifed by taking Paine's oeiery corn'' pound, espmislly at this particularly 'tow here than tn urge siinh ' tired Htid i favorable season of the year. often irritable home provider- to take ! This great compouud will banishr Paine's oelerv compound Thee are that tired feeling, cleanse the blood and fhnnsands of homes where overwnt It h I reinlnfe the iierv. JIME. PATKNOT1IK. ahe must be allowed to give the slgnu for departure at all the ceremonial banquets when foreign representatives are present. But two years since Mnie, 'atenotre was Miss Kleanor Klvcrson Philadelphia. She was educated broad, and had seen little of society until after her brilliant tiiai'i'lnge. She a beautiful woman, with a charm ing manner; she Is absolutely natural and unaffected. She speaks French and German fluently, plays the harp with much skill aud slugs well. She Is a general favorite, aud has the iibll lty of remembering names, which is a priceless boon to the wife of a diplo mat. Her costumes are always chic and her jewels number among the handsomest in Washington. M. I 'aten otre' s career has lieen markvd by great success. After finishing his education in Paris he made a tour of Morocco, Egypt and Palestine. He then went as attache to Athens. Persia was his next post, and he saw that country un der the protection of the Shah. At Buenos Ayres he learned Spanish and visited every point of Interest In South America. He has seen diplomatic service In Sweden, and distinguished scared as be was. He could hardly get himself In China in the negotiation off the grip to pick np the pieces of the lender, lie thought he was as good as fired, bat the company never said noth ing. Guess they thought they was lucky to get off with as little damage. And besides au accident right at the start makes a gripman extra careful for all the rest of the time." Washington Post The very remarkable and certain relief given woman by.MOOBE'B REVEALED REMEDY baa riven H the name of Woman's Friend. It is i. uniformly soccee- fnl in relieving the bckBchee,headachef IH II Ke and weaknen which burden and shorten a woman's life. Thonsandi oi women testify for it. It will give health and strength sod make life a pleasure. For Bale by all druggists. ELU1LA.UE-FRANK CBUQ CO Postlutd, Amenta. AH Hops Gone. Mr. Flabley J. told me that be nev er knew what it was to be happy np to the time of his marriage. Mrs. Flabley Haven't I always told yon that marriage is the only happy state? Mr. Flabley Tea, but J. says be nev er expects to know what it is to be hap py now. Brooklyn Li fa concerning the treaty of Anam. Natural Que-lion. A Knight Templar and his family were traveling over the New York Cen tral to attend hist summer's conclave In Boston. The "limited" train was rushing along at the rate of sixty miles an hour, when a five-year-old youngster, who was sitting at the window, was startled by the rnsh and roar of a pass ing train, and fell back In his fright. Recovering himself quickly, he looked np in his father's face, and gasped. "Papa, did we swallow it?" When there Is a snow storm the fan cy of very young men lightly turns to thoughts of tracking rabbits. Ornaments In India. In India, for the mass of the people, the purchase of ornaments is almost the one form of indulgence to whicb a man who has made a little money treats him self. Ordinarily the man who has saved a few rupees does not change the nature of his food or the style of his clothing, nor does he invest in articles of mi tare. What be does if he is of a cautions and saving nature is to put bis rupees in a hiding place, but if ho is inclined for show be indulges his fancy by put ting gold or silver ornaments on the per son) of his wife and children. These oruaments are the very Inst things to be parted with on a reverse of fortune, and even in the lowest social depths they are not put on the market until the last piece of coined money has vanished and no household utensils of brass or copper are left With which to obtain a coin. ' FRAZER AXLE BEST IN THE VVOLO. CREASE Its wearing qualities ore unurpame1,nctiHl)jr oiiilasiliiK t" iioxts ot suy i.ther hraml Vive Ironi Anlml Oils. UT THK UK DINK. roil salB by okkoon and WAS HNTON MRKCHANTS-M and Peitlori generally. WHO CARRIES THE LARGEST Line of Cutlery, Brortlngeoods. Barber aupplles and Buiaar (ioodaf Wtiy, doa' t you kuow THE WILL A FINCK COMPANY? They will aiipply you with anything yon want at lowest market prices. Send forGuneral Calav loKite orCaialosue of Hportintt (Joodaor Bartwr Supplies, m Market Street, Ban Frauclae, Cat. ; FOR PEOPLE THAI ARE SICKer iMpfenLIVER PILLS are the Ona Thins touaa. Only One tor a Dose. Sold bj Druaa-lata at 880. a bsa Baraplta mailed free. Addnaa Dr. BoMnko Mail. d. Phlla. i'a. N. P. N. IJ. No. 61 H. P. N. IT. No, 72 7o4LL MercM IHI tlMMItlllltHII erriec er BLACKWELL'S DURHAM TOBACCO COMPANY. CvDHAM, N. C. Dear Sin You are entitled to receive FREE from your wholesale dealer, WHITE STAR SOAP with all the Blackwell's Genuine Durham Smoking Tobacco you buy. One bar of soap Free with each pound, whether 16 oz., 8 oz., 4 oz., or a oz., package. We have notlfted every whole sale dealer In the United Statea that we will aupp'y them with soap totive yon FREE. Order a good upply of GENUINE DURHAM at once, and Insist on getting your soap. One bar of Soap FREE with "ach pound yon buv. Soao Is offered for a limited time, so order to-day. Yours very truly, BLACKWELL'S DU.1HAM TODACCO COMPANY. its R rest kar any tMfflnlt y la wsCTibtt 1 aae, cart aart tola aallca and SMS If wila) Vaw am-acr m yaw wPQartlH SaaMr.