Oregon courier. (Oregon City, Clackamas County, Or.) 188?-1896, May 29, 1896, Image 4

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    Oregon Couirer.
City and County Official Paper.
Entered In the Ore on City poittofflce anecon
claim matter.
One year 2 (si
Kix innlh ... Km
Three mouth Ml
II paid In advance, per year 1 50
V"TIo date opposite your nddrcss on Iho
paper duuiilc'M I he tiinu to which you have paid.
Htnndlug business advertisements: Per monlli
1 inch l, Inches II Ml, a iuohca I.7S,4 Inches
if llli-ll.'H lyt Ollllllllll J .1, 111 MICIIUP ( fc f'U I II III II )
H. 20 Inches (column) rt; yearly contractu ID per
f't'llt lcS,
Transient advertisements: per week 1 Inch
Oo, i lnchi'K 7.V, 8 lucrum 1, 4 Inches $1.2.1, 6
tidies l.fu, lu Inches U M, 'JO inclifx v
L-gal advertisements: Per Inch llrnt In.
lertlon f I, each additional limertlon ftc. Alll
h villi of publication will not be fu rnixhed until
mhllcntlnn fees urn pitlil.
Local notlos: Five cents per line per week,
per month 20c.
OREGON CITY. MAY 20, 1890.
For Congreaman First District
For Supreme Judge
JOHN BURNETT of Beiilon-
For Presidential Electors
W. W. OHLEHHY ol l.lnn.
E. K1LFKTHKR ol Multnomah.
J. H. CARROLL of Union.
J. J. WHITNEY of Mini.
l or Altorncy-Firth District
J. E. IIKDOESof Oregon City.
County Democratic Ticket-
tor Representatives
O. I). HOIIIIINSof Logan.
J. fi. ItlKLKY of Milwauklc.
J. II. IRVINRuf Canhy.
I or County Commissioner
f Spriligwaler.
lor Shcrin-
C. W.
(iANON'ti olC'aiieinnh.
For County Clerk -
J. K. JACK of Miiniiuim.
l or Recorder
A. II. KCIIIIA.M or Oregon City.
For Assessor , 1
K. C. lIACKETTof Purl! Place.
l or Treasurer
It, 8. HKI.IiOM Y of OreKun City.
''or School Superintendent
P. L. COLEMAN olMacksbttrg.
or Surveyor
Kit Ell II ESSE tl Oregon City.
or Coroner-
Da. 'E.
A. 80MMKK of Oregon City.
For Justice Oregon City District.
J. C. KKM.EII of Oregon Cltv.
For Constable
U. 0. FIELDS ofCaneninh
"THAT Brownell fusion ticket
was chased home very quickly.
Mr. Cheney of the COURIER, ad
mitted that, while he did not print
the tickets, yet Henry Meldrum
brought him the copy and offered
him the job. Mere is positive
proof that it is a Brownell-Mad-dock
- Meldrum ticket." Herald,
May 2Sth. .... . ,,
This sounds nice to the populists
and A. P. A's. but is absolutely
false. Mr. Meldrum never brought
the copy of that or any other ticket
to this office to be printed and
never said he was oing to do so
either, and we don't believe he had
anything to, do with it. We per
sonally accused the populists and
A. I A.'s of having these tickets
printed to hurt the candidates
who did not belong to the order
by calling it a fusion move, and
none of them dared to deny the
fact .
While we are positive they got
the tickets out we expected them
to deny it as they do their mem
bership in the A. 1'. A. lodge.
The populists and A. P. A.'s have
combined to defeat the democratic
and republican candidates who do
not belong to that order. The
populist-A. P. A. ticket has been
defeated in the city and school
elections twice and this is their
third and last call.
Grand democratic rally on Saturday
Look out for the Herald "extra" on
Saturday or Sunday . Don't bo misled
by misassertions.
Tirat Herald thinks Keller should not
be elected justice because he has a job
in the paper mills. Doth the populist
and the repuplican candidates work in
the mills too; how about that?
T. B. IIankixs informs the C i i:ikr
'.hat the article in .last week's issue
statin: that ha said at a meeting at El
liott Prairie that "Garfield was traitor
etc." was false and without foundation
and cites the persona who were present
at the time to prove the assertion.
Tiif Herald accuses the Cot kikr of
publishing "sound money" matter. We
believe in hearing the arguments of
both sides. And, by the way, the edit
or of the Herald asked us if we would
not lend him some of this same matter,
which you will probably me printed io
that sheet before long.
It aeemi that lome of the calamity
howling office seekers have as little
regard for the truth as their official
8omb are claiming that an 83-cent
legislative ticket would not properly
represent the tax payers of Clack amat
county If elcctpil.
The democrats have the only Mute
platform that declares for free eilver,
The popullstH want flat money and not
free silver. They should practice what
they preach.
Votb for Jeir Myers Tor congress. He
is for free silver first, last and all the
time and stands squarely on the state
platform which declared for coinage
at 10 to 1.
Ik all could travel around the county
on free railroad passes In Pullman cars,
living on six-bit meals, making speeches
Just for fun. Weaver "keep ofT the
grass" in Cyclone order.
Would )ou rather vote for a man
that helps pay the taxes or one who
does not even pay a poll tax and is li
able to leave at any time. What inter
est has he in keening the tax rate down?
The office of school superintendent is
not partisan. H. 8. Strange la in
every way filled for the position and
has made a life study of Uie public
school system "nd its improvement.
The editor of the Herald shows he
does not know what be la talking about
when he speaks about the utterances
of the present editor of the Courier two
years ago, three months before we
took charge.
Remk.miikh mi'! put an X between the
number and name of the candidate you
wish to vote for. Last election a large
number of incorrectly marked ballots
were thrown out as illegal. If yu vote,
make it count.
Coxey, in his speech here, seemed to
think it whs not altogether right fur
populists to put u lawyer on their ticket
when they are so opposed to lawyers.
Thttv are not in favor of republican and
democratic lawyers holding ollice bnt-
If the popnlist.i should get in power
in this stale would it be here like it
was in Kansas, where all the capital
was withdrawn from the state and bus
incus was Magnum and nl the follow
ing election the other party received
.'10.000 majority?
Tiik populists who are claiming in
their campaign talks that the last legis
lature appropriated more money than
any former one, should stick a little
closer to the truth. The amount voted
in 1880 was 11.025,000, in 18111 1.'J67,-
0(10. in IHfl.'l 12,030.0110 and in 18!W
Tiik nominee for congress. Hon.
Jeff Myers, has an excellent chance to
win. lie comes out fairly and squarly
for free silver, he received his nomina
tion on a free silver platform and is
willing at any time to sacrifice all other
questions in' order to futher the cause
ol free silver. Three Sisters.
Three prominent populists were ait'
ting on the fence near the poit-cffice
the other day, and the fence gave way.
One full on one aide, one on the other
and one came straight down on the re
mains of the fence. It Is not supposed
this particular incident portends any
thing. Tillamook" Headliirht
Prof. Henry S. Strange was nomina
ted by the republican cjiinty conven
tion of Clackamas county for school su
perintendenl on March 25th. ' Mr,
Strange is a Douglas county boy at d a
friend of the lieview's, and we wish him
Bticcess. He is a competent man fur
the place, a good teacher and worthy o
the position. Koseburur Review, Detn.
Iir mistake we neglected to mention
Harry O. Starkweather, the populist
candidate for school superintendent, in
our resume of all the candidates last
week. I. Starkweather was raised in
Clackamas county and is at present
principal of the Oswego public school
and is a young man of promise. Air.
Starkweather has taught school in many
of the districts of the county and gave
complete satisfaction.
Tub Populists bosses are trying to run
another bluff on the people when they
say that taxes on railroads and other
corporations will be raised out of sight
if they are successful . They preached
this two years a(0, and when they
elected a majority of the boaid of
equalization what did they do let the
railroad company's assessment stand
where it has been for years. Why did
they do this? Let liro. Kaiser answer.
Jaekfonvilte Timet.
Although we differ politically with
WeldonM. Shank of Canby, candidate
for county recorder, we are pleased to
aay that he is as honest and iudusiri
otis young man as ran be found in
the county and has every qualification
for the making of a competent and
obliging recorder of conveyances for
Clackamas county. Mr. Shank will
get the united support of the better
class of citizens and this alone is
enough to secure his election. He ia
Uie man for the place.
Great bargains in hats at Mits Goldsmith's.
A circular fusion ticket ii out on which the
names (U'Ken and Shade) are printed. The
use of our namei on that or any other fusion
ticket in any manner or forni is absolutely
unauthorized by us and is without justification
whatever. We have never criticised any
citizen on account of his membership in any
patriotic, benevolent; religions or fraternal
older. We are not anti A. V. A., nor ami
Catholic, nor anti Methodist, nor ami any
thing else but ami republican-democrat, he.
cause we believe that party now stands for
principles and practices that are opposed to
the beit interests of the American people.
We will not permit any one to force us into
position of purely political antagonism to any
of our fellows citizen-) on account of their
membership in any patmtic, fraternal, bene
volent or religions order. We especially
urge all our friends to make no fusion, no
trades nor combinations with any one for the
advantage of any candidate over any other
man on our ticket. Let us make, our fight
and win or lose on principle without regard
to pelf and plunder.
V. S. U'Ren,
Jacob Shade,
To the Editor: Mr. W. S. U'Ken and
Mr. Jacob Shade make assertions that I am
a party, and responsible for a fusion ticket
that has mule its appearance in (he last
few days. I wisn to deny such charges, for
tncy are lalse from start to finish and Mr.
U'Ken and Mr. Shade are acting very un-
gentlemanly and stooping to ''dirty politics"
to advance their own interests as well as that
of their parly, which party claims to advocate
reform in all things. This is the first time
that I have seen fit to make any answer to
the many false and ridiculous statements
that have been showered upon me.
In conclusion I ask the voters t vote the
republican ticket, stuid by every mmupm
hat ticket and show to the people that per
sonality, filth and slander cannot and will not
be t derated in Clackamas county, and this
you can sump out with your ballots and
with thsse lew lines in explanation, I await
the decision of the people.
May 27th, 1S96 E C. Madduck.
A Lie Refuted.
Oregon Cily, May 28,
Editor Courier: Mr. W. S. U'Ken
and Mr. Shade have in to-day's Herald,
Cocrikk and Enterprise of Oregon City, a
statement in regard t a certain so-called
anti-A. P. A. ticket which was circulated
in Oregon City this week, in which these
gentlemen slate that they believe Ibis ticket
originated and was caused to be printed by
Brownell Maddock & Meldrum, In reply
I wish to say that all statements in said ar
ticle in regard to myself are untrue and
without the least foundation, but I believe
the ticket was r riginatod and printed by Dr.
Ferrin end Mr, U'Ren.
Henry Mklurum.
Tiik reason the. Statesman, has
charged the millionaire silver mine
owners wiih sending the imported
populist orators to Oregon is the same
one that actuates this paper in all its
uttterances because it is a fact. That
is the way the money was raised Sa
lem Statesman.
Tiik populist organ of Oregon City
makes a lengthy howl because a few
denioc-ials voted the lepublicali ticket
two years ago, when they realized that,
it was impossible to elect their own
candidates. The Entei prise has never
denied that the democrats helped elect
the republican ticket in Clackamas coun
ty two years ago snd commends their
good judgment in doing so. The dem
ocrats of Clecknina? county are law.
abiding citizens ; lh ey are neither an
arcliiatB or anarchistic sympathizers.
They are true to t he principles of good
government, and honestly vast their
votes for men who will carry out these
principles. Whatever faults Clackamas
county democrats may have, they do
not endorse the visionary schemes of
populists, or the annichistic theories of
Vanderberg. Enterprise.
You can get (lower baskets for Decor
ation Day and commencement exercises
at the Racket Store.
Thousand!, of cases of Consumption.
Asthma, Coughs, Cold and Croup are cured
every day by Shiloh's Cure. For sale by
U. A. Harding,
of a man worth a
million dollars is a
good thing. The
guarantee of one
worth forty million
is still better.
See the guarantees in
the new policy issued
by the Equitble a
Society whose guar
antees are backed by
forty million dollars
of surplus.
I Saai'tx, General Manager.
Oregonlan Building. Portland.
ftepubllean. Speaking.
Pleasant Hill, . Hay 25th 1:30
Tualitao, 7:ao
New Era, ' 26th 1:30
Canby, " " 7:30
Needy, 27th 1:80
Barlow, " ' 7;30
Clackamas, " 2S(h 7;30
Park Place, " 2!'ih 7 :30
Oregon City, " ,'iOih ....7:30
At which U. S U'Ren and other peo
ples parly candidates atid Hon. Davi-j
May will address the people of Clack
amas county. Ladieare especially in
vilnd to attend these meetings:
Beaver Creek. .May. 25 7:30
West Side 2(1 7:31)
Milwankie 27 7:30
Park Place :...28 7:30
Oswego 2U ?:3')
Oregon Ci ty 30. . 1 :30 a ud . . 7 :30
U. S. U'Ken will address the meetings
at Soda Springi, Upper Molalla, High
land, Eagle Creek, Sandy, Damascus,
Clackamas, Wright's Springs, Beaver
Creek, Ve3t Side and Oregon City.
U. S. U'Ren and other candidates
will address the citizens at the follow
ing dates and places. Ladies are cordi
ally invited to be present.
Tualatin May.. 27 7.30
Fleasnnt Hill 28. .10 a. 111.
Canby 20.7:30 p. ni.
Oregon City Markets.
Flour Portland f3.H0: Dayton fn..Vi.
Mill Stuff-Bran l:i.oO; Shorts il.i; t'nopf 13.50
vt neat oo iomx".
Oats -aHoWie.
Potatoes toe.
Jlutter 1 to 4'.
ElK le
Poultry Chickens 2.00; Hens f'2..'i0 to WOO:
Turkeys He.
Smoked Meats--llama S to 8 Xc; Stiles 0 to "c ;
Shoulders Sto lie;
Lard--a to 7e
Beef Live 2 to 3e
Veat Dressed 4c
Hogs Live 3Vi Dressed 3)41.
Sheep f2 7A to .13 00
Apples l 00 to f 1 60
These wafers are for painful, scanty,
proluse or irregular meiices, any cause
and ladies will fin I that no better
remedy exists for these difficulties. To
svoid lie! lit; imposed upon by base imita
tions buy from "iir uiients and lake
French Tansy W'n lei's only. Price by
mail, 2.l)ti, C.li. Huntley, Druggist,
Cauriel.l lilock,Ore tin Cily, Oregon
For Over Fifty Yours.
Ax Old aho Well-Tmkd Hf.mf.1it. Mrs. Win
slow's Southing Syrup lias been Unel fur over fifty
yuan liy millions of mother tor their children while
teething, with perfect succegg. It soothes the child,
softens the gums, nllnys all pain, cures wind collci
and it the bent remody for Dirrhoja. Is pleanaut to
Uie taste. Buhl by liruggiHt In every part of the
World. Tw euty-flve cenm a bottle. Iuvalnelsin
oaloulabie. Be sure and aak for Mrs. Wlnslow's
Soothing Syrup, and take no other kind.
Notice to Taxpayers.
Am assessors or deputies will not go
out through the country this year, you
ate requested when in Oregon City to
come in the assesor's ollice and give in
a statement ol' your taxable propeity, or
eend in a list. You will be lurnislied
with suitable blanks.
, J. C. Bradley,
Assessor of Clackamas County.
For the accommodation of his many
customers on the hill Mr. Albright has
established a branch meat market in the
Slit vely building on Seventh street,
where lie keeps a full stock of all kinds
of fresh and salted meats, hams, bacon,
lard, etc. No stain meat kept. Give
him h ea I .
Ilnnest assessments make low taxes.
Put an X opposite E. i Huckett's
name on ballm tor asiwor -democrat
ic nominee.
live sometimes when girdled
nearly around. Nature ever
labors to repair damage, and
after a time, the wounded sur
faces are nicely healed. Some
persons live and fully recover,
even after consumption has
made cavities In the lungs.
In this struggle we can great
ly aid nature by giving Scott's
Emulsion of Cod-liver Oil
with Hypophosphites. The
oil supplies needed fat, and
the hypophosphites tone up
the nerves. The decline in
weight ceases. A positive gain
begins, and once again there is
promise of life and health.
is never too late to try. .
Scott's EnnltlM ta trn nitrml lit
mduM profession for twnty ytmrs. ( Ask your doc
for.) ibis is betoust it is oluwt potmtoblelxrar
uniform mlwon eonUins tkt purist Sorvtgnm Cod
Imr OU mtU Hrpoptofbitrs.
Put up tit o ctut oud $t.oo tiers. The smotfMft
muj bt emougk to cure your cougb or betp your fefei.
Mar llh. ImO. Nolic is hereby given the!
the following-named settler has tiled notice of
his intention to make final proof in support of
his claim, and thai said vroof will be made be
fore the Reuister and Receiver C. 8. Land Ollice
at Orrgoaj City. Oregon, on July 10th, IMS, Tlx:
II. A. So. 9otr for the outh-eat i ol See. 2,
Tup. 4 !.. R. E. He names the following
witnesses to prove his continuous residence
upon and cultivation of, said land, vut:
rrimtiin S. rorterand Georgeiiutman. of Leon,
Or., Henry B. Sarver ud Geo. J. Cnrrin, of Cur
rinsville, Orrron.
A .
Always in the Lead
On Fine Dress Goods and Dress Material. You can alway
get suited in our store. You don't have to be an expert t
purchase of us. We mark every article from a paper
needles to a fine silk in plain figures. VVe purchase
shoddys. VVe misrepresent no goods. We carry the best
the latest the newest goods to date. Our prices the
We Are Dry Goods Men
We understand the business. We know how to buy and
select the best things in the markets of the Foreign and
American Manufacturers. We are in a position to give you
the best values of any Dry Goods House in Oregon.
Just Glance at Our Stock
It will surely pay. you. See our lines of Fancy Spring Goods.
Heavy all wool. Fancy Mixtures at 25c, 33c, 3'sc 45c and 50c.
lilack Mohairs at 25c, 35c, 45c and 50c a yard. Spring Cape
and Ladies Fancy Shirt Waists, Fancy Silks and Trimmings
fyla&lleQ & lyfcJDoijijell,
Corner Third and Morrison St., PorUand, Oregon.
Judge O. K. Huyes
Clerk of Courts, fieo. V. Hurton
Sheriff K. c. Mnddock
Iteeonler 8. M. lUmahy
Treaiinrer, M L. Moore
AMMwor, C. Bradley
School Superintendent, . II. 8 UIImoii
Surveyor, D. W. Kinnlarrl
Corouer, R. L liolman
Comralmdoners ( "i0,,!'"J ku,t
' (FrankJaggar
County Court meets on flint Wednesday after first
Monday of every month.
Probate Court meets on first Monday of every
Circuit Court meek on third Monday in April and
firm Monday in November.
Mayor Illnim Strait-lit
Iteeonler, . . T. I' llvan
Chief of Police, C K. llurnK
Treasurer it. K. Straluht
City Attorney F. T. (irillith
Street Coinmiaaluner, C. C. llnlicoek, Jr.
Sup't. of Water Work, W. II. Howell
City Engineer II. II. Johnson
Councilman Henry Melilrum, J. W. Moffat. I,. L.
I'orttr, J. J. Cooke. R, Koernor, L. C. Caplee,
T. K. (limit, John Dinner.
Council meets first Wednesday ol each month.
In the Circuit Court ol the' State of Oregon, lor
uie lAHiii'y oi ciiu'kiuuus.
Einil chiiK-not, I'lHlntlir. va. Joseph Hohen
Miner, Katrine llohenleilner, Joseph
lllehner anil Anna Doden, Defendants.
State of Oregon, County ol Clackamas, ss.
ileuree anil an exoculton, duly Issued out
oi anu iiouer me seal ot tne aoove. euiitlea
court. Ill the above entitled euiise, to me duly
directed and dated the 12111 day ol May,
lsiiii, upon a judgment rendered anil entered
in said court on the l'Jtli tiny of May. Kifi.
In favor ol the above named pliiliililf and
against the above named defendants, for the
sum of UWVIO, with lnteiest thereon at the rate
of 10 per cent, per annum from the with dav ol
May, 1MH1, and the further sum of a7.u;, with
luterest thereon from the With day of May, lB'jti,
and the further sum of r.'O us attorney's fee,
and the further sum of ft228'J, with interest
thereon at the rate of lOpereenl per annum
from the '261 h day of May, lsmi, and the further
sum of of SsU as attorney's fee, and the flintier
sum of ti costs and dlstiunicmeiilH, and the
costs of and upon this writ, column ndlnit me to
make sale of the following described real prop
erty situate in the County ot Clackamas, State
of Oregon, to-wit: All of Lots numbered 3, 18
and 14 in Block No. 49 in the Oregon Iron and
Steel Company's First Addition to to the town of
Oswego, lu Clackamas County, Oregon, accord
ing to the recorded plat thereof.
Now. therefore, by virtue of said execution,
Judgment order and decree, and in compliance
with the commands of said writ, I will, on Sat
urday, the 13th day of June, lS'JIi, at the hour of
One o'clock: P. M., at the front door of the Coun
ty Court House in the city of Oregon City in
said county and stale, sell at public auction, sub
Ject to redemption, to the highest bidder, for U,
8. gold coin, cash in hand, all the right, title and
lntcrt'st which the within named defendants or
either of them, had on the date of the mortgaae
herein or since had in and to the above de
scribed real property or any part thereof, to sat
isfy said execution. Judgment ordei, decree, in
terest, costs and all accruing costs.
Sheriff ol Clackamas County, Oregon,
By N. M. MOODY, Deputy.
Dated, Oregon City, Or., May 13, 1890.
In the Circuit Court of the State of Oregon, for
the County of Clackamas .
Clara Fields, Trustee.
J. W Draper, Aurle M
Draner. bank of Oregon
City, o. Y. DranerA
Mary Draper, T. J. Sines,,
K. P. Nutting, 8. S.Trainl
and J. K. Train partners V
under the firm name of I '
Train A Whitney, and
W. F. Hubbard,
County of Clackamas, j ss. '
"decree and an execution, duly Issued out of
anu miocr ine seal oi tne aDoveenmieu court, in
the bIhivc entitled causa, to me duly directed
and dated tiie liith day of Mav, HUM, upon a
Judgment rendered and entered In said court on
the isih day of April ls'.Mi, in favor of the above
named plaintiff and against the above named
defendants for the sum of f4rti.ll, with inter
est thereon at the rate of 10 per cent, per annum.
fromthe 'Mth day of April, lNKi, and the further
sum of I"! as attorney's fee, and the further sum
of ill, costs and disbursements, and the coats of
and upon ibis writ, commanding me to make
sale of the following described real property sit
uate In the County of Clackamas, Slate of Ore
gon, to-wit: Lots 6 and 7 of See. St, Township 2
S. of R 3 E. of Willamette Meridian, containing
'21 411 acres; also Lots i and 8 of Block 16 and Lota
3, 4, 5, 6. 7 and 8 of Block 11 and I.019 8 and 4 of
Block 12 of Caneuiah, Oregon, as laid off by Bar
low ami Hedges, and according to the official
maps and plats of said Caneniah on file in the
olhreof the Recorder of said county. All of
said real estate being situate in Clackamas coun
ty, Stale of Oregon.
Now, therefore, by virtue ol said execution,
Judgment order and decree, and in compliance
with the commands of said writ, I will, on Sat
urday, the -Mih day of June, 1 :'.. at the hour ol
one o'clock P. M at the front door of the Coun
ty Conit House in the city of Oregon City in said
county and state, sell at public auction, subject
to redemption, to the highest bidder, for U. .
gold coin, cash in hand, all the right, title and
Interest which the within named defendants or
either of them, had on the date of the mortgage
herein or since bad in and to the above de
scribed real property or any part thereof, to sat
isfy said execution judgment order, decree,
interest, costs and all accruing costs.
Sheriff of Clackamas County. Oregon,
By S. M. MOODY, Deputy.
Dated, Oregon City, Or., May 19. 1S9.
Karl'slover Root Tea purifies the blood
and gives a clear and beautiful complexion.
For sale by G. A. Harding.
Dr. Miles' Nerve Piasters 25c. at all druggists.
. . . " l' . I .
For District Attorney
Democratic Nominee
For Treasurer -
Democratic Nominee
For Coroner
" Dr. E. A. SOMMER
Democratic Nominee
For County Clerk
Democratic Nominee
For County Clerk
Republican Nominee
For Constable Oregon City
Republican Nominee
For Legislature
Republican Nominee
For Legislature
Republican Nominee
For Legislature , ,
Republican Nominee
For Recorder
Republican Nominee
For School Superintendent
Republican Nominee
For Sheriff
Republican Nominee
For Supreme Judge
Democratic Nominee
applied to the city council of Oregon City.Or.
gon, for a saloon license to continue our saloon,
located on lot 2 of block 2 in Oregon City, said
license to date from June 15, 1896.
To make the Orchard pay yon most
spray, winter and summer with Prof. Brown's
Exterminator. The only Insecticide known
that will kill all Insect life without injury to
tree, fruit or foliage.
Endorsed bv the Suite Board of Horticnltnr of
California, Oregon and Washington. Used by
many urserymen and orenardlsta. My winter
wash is the only solution that will kill the
wooly Aphis, (used only when the foliage is ofT).
My summer wash is a pure destroyer of the
codling moth, eggs, and all insects except wooly
Apnis nse just alter tne Dioeeoma fall ofT) my
hop ouse wash kills all insects that infests
vines, vegetables and plants.
The Ingredients used in my formulas can be
found in any drug store, costs much less than
other washes. (Full and explicit directions for
mixing and nsing.)
Knowing I have a rare) remedy, some tin-
?rincipled parties are now veiling Imitations,
herefore, to discourage all such parlies I have
concluded (for a short time only to reduce the
price of the three foninlas to K 'O by mail tn
any address. Form n las copyrighted, JannarT
14th, 1.. P. 0. Box 37. Bv W . H. BROWN. "
Entomologist. San Trancisco, Calif
Mention this paper.