Oregon courier. (Oregon City, Clackamas County, Or.) 188?-1896, May 22, 1896, Image 8

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r. MDes' Hurt Core Does It.
Mrs. Chaa. La Point, a well-known reeldeni
of Dearer, prtlic thla wondurful remedy.
n v Mtuinld t
worth of tba New UeartCnro and KeUr-
9 All mm i
Uve Nervine. Uer letter dated flepkUUl,
Una. La Poidt, 2137 Humboldt St.
"Typhoid f ever left dm with heart trouble
of the moat serloui nature, Nothing tba
doctor gave bad any effect. I had severe
palna In the heart, and waa unable to lie on
my loft aide for more than three minutea at
. . I Ua luftvlanamAll tf m iH DARt.. and
I had imotherinff spells. In which It seemed
every I
lirenth wnul
oemy jai. ng
aaw an advertisement oi
Dr. Wiles' New Heart Cure
and Restorative Nervine, and purchased a.
bottle of each. After taking the remedies a.
week, f could be lifted in a chair and alt up
an hour, and In a abort time I waa able to
do llKht housework. I shall be evergratef ul
to you for your wonderful medicines. Truly
theyaaved j1. 0HA8. tA P0INT.
Dr. Miles Heart dure la aold on a positive
guarantee that the Brat bottle will benefit.
AlldruKKistaaeilitatU, 6 bottles for IS. or
ru MJIk:' rfoort r.irA Mstoree
Ask your physician, ynur druggist and you
friends nlxmt Shiloh's Cure for Consumption
Tbey will recommend it. ror sale by O. A
ConMipation, causes more than half the ill:
of women. Karri Clover Koot lea is
pleasant cure for Constipation. For sale by
G. A. Harding
Consumption, LaGrippe, Pneumonia, and
all Throat and Lung disease' are cured by
Shiloh's Lure, for sale by Cr. A. Harding
mm 1 m
is a sure cure for Headache and nervous
diseases. Nothing relieves so quickly, For
sale by G. A. Harding,
and Liver Complaint you have a printed
guarantee on every bottle of Shiloh's Vitalizer
never fails to cure, ror sale O. A. Harding
Health and sweet breath secured byShiloh
Catarrh Remedy. Price 50 cents. Nasal
Injector free. For sale by U, A, Harding
The onlv remedy guaranteed to ib.olut.ly
cur. cu'.rrh and cimpMely .radical, th.
limn liom th. bliHid .nil byst.m
FULL SIZE, $1.00; TRIAL SIZE, 25c.
Each full ill. p.ckui;. contains un. lull month's
local lrtnim.nl, one lull immih's surr'y ' Ctiarrh
H.aling I hi and un. lull munih's .upply uf Catarrh,
dioimJ and Mourn, n Y iii .
If vnii hava anv of thi filinwlns: svmntnmi, Dr G,
W, Shorn' Crnnpi.1. C itarrh Cure will ilv. you In-
tani ri-ll.l and coinrld.'v and prrinanenilycur. you.
H the nut. itnppra IU'7
DoMvour nose dlai-haw?
Is tile nose 'of and l.nilfr?
js Ihf re nln In f ron' of he ul?
Do you hawk lo cle inhe Ihrnai?
Is ynur Ihroal drv In the morning?
lo ynu sleep with your mouth open?
Is your hearlnir falling?
Do vour enri discharee?
Is th. wax drv in vour ears?
Do you hear heller tome days than others?
Is your hearing worse when yuu have a cold?
Dr. O. W. Shnr.i' Counh Cur. cures all couth,
colds and bronchi I affecilons. On. dm. will slop
spasmodic cmun. Keep a b Itle In the house. Urge
tl hollies 2sc. If you have these symploms us. II
i directed on in. Dome anil u win cui. yuu.
Hav. vou a cough?
Do you lak. cold easily?
Hav. ynu a pain In Ihe tide?
Do you raise frothy material?
Do you cough In th. mornings?
Do you tpll up Hill, cheesy lumps?
Dr. 0. Shora.' Tonic and Blood Purifier clean'
s.s and purities th. blood, give, strength and vigor,
cures dyspepsia and all nervous diseases. Price,
$1 p.' bottle. It p.rman.nlly cur.s th. following
Is there nausea?
Do you belch up gas?
Are you constipated?
Is your longu. coaled?
Do you bloat up after .atlng?
Do you feel you are growing weaker?
Is there constant bad lasts In th. mouth?
Dr. 0. W. Shores' Kldn.y and Liver Cur.
cures all diseases of Hit kidneys, liver and Diadd.r,
Price, $1 per buttle.
Do you getdltiy?
Have yuu cold leei?
Do you feel miserable?
Do you gel tired easily?
Do you have hot Hashes?
, Are your spirits low at times?
Do you have rumbling In bowels?
Do your hands and le.l swell?
U this noticed mure al night?
Is there pain In small of back?
Has ihe perspiration a badodur?
It there pultiness under Ihe eyes?
Do you have to gel up utlen al night?
Is there a deposit In urine If left standing?
Dun'l neglect Ihese signs and risk Bright s diseas.
killing yuu. Dr. Snont' Kidney and liver cur. will
lur. yuu if used as directed on ill. butll.
Dr. 0. W. Shore.' Mountain Sag. Oil stops ih.
worst pain In nn. minute. Hor headache, toothache,
neuralgia, cramps or colic us. II externally and In
ternally. Prevents and cures diphtheria If used la
lime. Kerr a bottle hindv. Price. He a bottle.
Dr. 0. VV. Shore.' Pep.ln V.rntllug. destroys
Intestln.tl worms and removes th. hill, mund nest
where thry hatch and breed, it never fails. Pric.
2.c a botte.
Dr. U. W Shores' Wlntergmn Salv. cures all
diseases of the skin. Krtnoves red spots and black
pimples from th. I.e.. heals old sures In jtoidays.
Pric, 2 a bo.
Dr (1 vV Shares' Antl-Con.tlpation PHI.
lure chmnic constipation, sick headache and bilious
jti.cks. Price, 2sc a boitle.
In all rases. If th. bowels arecnnsllpsled lake one of
Dr. G.W. Shores' Antl-Cunsilpation Pills at bedtime.
If your trouble Is chronic and deep-Hated, writ. I'r.
G.W. Shoes personally for hi. n.w tympiom list
and hav. your case diagnosed and get his expert ad
vie. free.
These famous remedies are prepared only by Doc-
fr G W Shores, Ziun'sMedi:al Institute, Salt Lak.
itv, Utah.
Fur tale by all Druggists, or sent to any address on
receipt of price.
roa sals r
G. A. HARDING, Sole Agent,
OHitiOJi CliY, I'Blui'W j
Brief Maatlea af tba Caidldatei f
Parties far County Oftcei.
Following Is a brief account of the
candidates of the three parties for the
offices within the gift of Clackamas
conity, tobe voted for within ten days
from this date:
TIin., r a rtm vv
Is one of the nominees for represents,
tive and tbe lamest taxpayer on any
of the three tickets in the field.
H ia . nloneer of thi. countv and
directly interested in tbe welfare of our
commonwealth, and Dersonally there is
not a better man in the county. He
a conanlpntiotia honat and hardworking
f .
n Ti Tinnniiii
Annllmr of nomlna for rnDrfln.
tative, is a hard working industrious
and honest farmer ol Logan. Mr. Rob-
hin. n... no t.... In tl.i. mnntv . hut
pays 3.80 in Multnomah county, where
he formerlv resided. He exDecta to
sell his property there and invest in
rf r
Clackamas county as soon as times aro
so be can sell.
J. H. Irvine.
Is the third nominee for representa
tive and a resident of Can by, whore he
fntiilnnta a rlnioatnrp Wb don't think
it ..ivip.i.ia . ..! a mnn tn Rilpm
.u, .iai. .h. n.
J r f
P W (lAvnxf.
Tha rnnilirlafA for ahflriff. former V
h.1.1 tliot r.n.itin fnr two vnra and
U n hnnPRf Inrlii.trlnna nil r.pn and
farmer. He is well and favorably
known hv all
J F Jack
The nominee for clerk, was born at
Marauam and is the son of VV.A.Jack.
. n,n..nn. nf 1 0J7 .nJ nnt 1 a ,.K .....
Hon. nini-fi when he has been astiOtdated
with tha Rnttft f!rfifik firanra Store.
he followed farming. He was elected
justice of peace in his district, which
was republican two years ago. He was
one of the incorporators of the Butte
Creek fair, the onlv institution of the
kind in f laplmmna mnntv
Kind in L-iaCKamas county.
AH Sciiram
The nominee for recorder, is a resident
nf nroum. Pilir nn,l . win nf .Tnhn
w. ..-j -
Sr-hram. a nioneer. He formerlv con-
ducted a harness shop and saddlery here.
E. 0. Hackett,
The nominee for assessor, is too well
and favorably known to need any men-
.!. TI. 1 . ni...l U
lion. lie 18 IS jinue.auiaa uuuuiy uuy
1 t- . ..: .1 1 I nH II .,.. nn.t iB
Him linn rceiuou uo.a it yoa. a..u .o
Dersonallv acauainted with every piece
.1 I..J ! .U ... l.:k 1. nnnnn.
ui ihiiu in iiu uiiiiuij, niiiuii io UDI.CD-
sary to be giving just and equitable
B.S. Bellomv.
The nominee for treaburer. is a sucneis-
ful business roan of Oregon City and
has resided here for a number of years.
u i .n:Ki,. n nfuAM nf orn.in
ana no mistake Will De made it ne is
. ... . i - !
elected to this important position.
P. L. Cm.KMAN. '
The nominee for school superintendent.
is a resident of the southern part of the
county and a school teacher, wno gives
a - .
good satisfaction.
Fred Hrssb,
The candidate for surveyor, is in every
way capable of filling the office in a
creditable and efficient manner. He is
a civil engineer and a first class draughts
Dn. E. A. SouuEH.
The candidate for coroner, is eaneclally
:tin.i in. i,n nnsi,,vn o. it ia oinaf
.V. 1. po.i.v. ., . .....wo.
always necessary to have a doctor when a
coroner is needed the two can be coin-
i.: i.i. :. t ..:,.
UiuDu. i"urn -
county in lees in poBt mortem exaimna-
. .
tinna. H Is a first r-lnss siirirfion and
Jons Lewellkn,
Thecandidate for commissioner is wsll
and favorably knowa to all the old resi-
dents of the county. When he was
commissioner the county was in a pros-
perous condition and duriug which
time the present court house was built.
He is qualified in every way for the po
John C. Keller,
The nominee for justice for district No. I
4, Oregon City, will without doubt be
elected on June 1st bv a lanre maioritv.
Mr. Keller is in every way fitted for
the position and is well liked by all
who know him, and will be supported
ky the citizens in general.
C. Q. Fikbds,
The nominee for constable in district
No. 4, is well qualified for the place.
Clarence is the son ofTlios. Field, an
old staunch democrat. He is at pres-
ent conductor on the electric freight
car between this place and Tortland.
One of the nominees for representa
tive, bus been a resident oi tins county
since 1S82 when he purchased his pre
sent farm on Milk Creek and which he
has by constant hard work transformed
into one of the best ranches in the
county. He is one of the Clackamas
county's most prominent citizens and
a hard-working ami an industrious
man of steady habits and strictly honest
and will without doubt do his full duty
to the people who he will represf nt, as
he is throughly identified with interests
of this county.
L. L. Porter, j
Another candidate for legislative honors, j
is a well-known lawyer of Oregon tity, ;
where lie li:n resided for.abmit eis'it '
years , He ia a graduate of tbe TJnl ver
sity of Wisconsin. He is at present
All deputy district attorney and a member
o the council of Oregon City. He has
saved the county considerable money
by refusing to prosecute frivolous cases
In the courts.
Geo. W. Prosser,
The third candidate (or representative,
has been a resident of Oregon (or
years, having came here while a child,
,nd "M been engaged in tbe mercantile
buL8lne" 0 ' tor ornKyTlittotutt.htteMmt
wue" 0" " uu" "P"" ouvauie repu
wu" ,ur
is maae an excellent rooora wnne memoer
I . i ' !.!.. i mon
of legislative in 1880.
nBNBY n1'Dvx,
t r
is The mlnee for C0UDty clerk- been
surveyor lor Z4 years, ana oeionxs
one of the pioneer families. He
eminently qualined lor any puuuc omce,
i i t.i.i -ii i.!
18 uouorBUI ,u " u' UUO'UOM
and is Penally known to nearly every
or v.-caauiaa couu.y. ia ,,
numerous government contracts he has
fllIed his work been accurate
nu we" uu"- ""' "l
. i . . , i i. ... i i
jur 1118 wiiie-nuuieu Keuoruoity tnu
blunt and out spoken in his condemna-
tion of matters which are unjust. He
is in every way fittedlfor an efficient and
painstaking official .
Eli 0. Maodock, '
mi . 1 - ii: ..: t .. I. i"
1 ne presuni u(inuio nuu ciiiuioui unci iu,
was nominated and is deserving of
secondterm. Mr. MaddocK is a larmer
. a . .!!!. 1
I anu iuuit 18 lounu vy pupuiiHb ucuhuhd
I. ul i .i mi., r.. r..
ne IS one 01 mat, Class, mo i' .iwrr
Of OswegO Sizes Up the Situation tDUS
I ears t f -J U ,1nK,AHart.w1
olierin aiauuuua u u....
th' ne can do as much as any other
mortal, and win nave an opportunity
to do It again in the next two years, not
1 - A .U Ul. l
witnsiantiing ne uui lUo .
others, made by selling goods at Dig
UrOIlM 10 lUrillBrO. luw I oilwwu
. H U.J.IAALi a ant nn
is sure tiling.
The candidate for recorder, is one of
the enterprising and solid farmers of this
here from Uhio n uw.
e 18 10 every way cupame oi ninng me
office in an efficient and painstaking
I TI 1. I fHAm .Un VnK
umiiuor. no gim-uamu uuu, mo uvuu
J ,., ., , ,
tscnooi oi roriiana anu me .uuiuiiiuvii'b
college Deiore seining uown aa a sou-
i i L
Sianiiai larmer. mr. onatin ia Iieiu in
i , . , , . .
we nignesi esteem dv neignoors aua oy
.1 ... , . 1 ..! . 1 1
811 wno KD0W ulm
. M. L. Moure,
The present incumbent, was renominate
by,acclamation tor treasurer and is a bud
I . fo.mn. n.J a r.at.l.nt n Ul
Diaiuiui ii mw. wuu - ud.uw..v i -u h
Plnn.anl I T a ia nlaaDani And nlil i (.1 rn
.Da.... . - ...-B
J.N.Harrington, '
TU nnmli... tn, noaoo.nr h o a lion n .
mwm.,ww w. , wuv.. w
resident of this county for many years
and is a farmer and formerly resided in
Highland, He wm once
the assessor's office.
n -
Prof. U. B. Strang e,
The candidate for school superintendent
la of nvnaanf 1 1, a pflipiant flaniittf nun ill
i L. . .1- - : l .(
ciera aim una lusus a optc i ntuuy ui
public school work and is an active
worker for the betterment of the schools.
"e nas ne,a tl,e pnncipaisnip
01 Brownsville, La uranue, uorvanis
I at is irarrnii : arid niao aitnaiinron.
'v ""a -FU....
cent oi scnoois tor union county ana
this is what the Elein Recorder, an in-
.I....J..I J.mnn.nln o..,D .
"Prof. II. 8. Strange, formerly super in-
tendent of schools of this countv. ia the
republican nominee for the same Dosi-
tion in liiacaaaias county, air. strange
was one of the leading educators of this
count' fof 8ever yea. nd a personal
- . , . .
KnowieuKe oi ins woric ei)ao lea us to sav
- .
I buuui hiidioijibuhib.
ra9 coon win he emciently looked
after if he is elected.
I II 1 k rkill i nm
' present surveyor and road master,
WM renominaiea . lor tue omce oi sur-
.'.... n. . '
veyor anu is q emcient ana capaoie
,ouu aim surveyor.
I n i ii .
u Vl mans ,
lue candidate lor coroner, is a young
man, a resident of Barlow, and stands
wo., .mi ii.a inouua auti neignoors .
ll :u l.! l 1 it
neisanepnew o. aiax KamsDy, our
efficient recorder
J. It. Morton,
Is the candidate for commissioner. He
li an old resident of Clackamas countv
na livea m Oregon uty oeiore buying
n'8 present farm at Damascus . He is a
ounuer anu contractor.
u' AL0Rt
The cndWte 'or justice in district No.
4, is a resident ot the west side and an
nonorauie gentleman.
M. F. McCows,
The nominee for constable in district
No. 4, is the present incumbent, having
been appointed by the county court to
fill the unexpired terra of Mr. Spencer,
who committed suicide. "Jinks" is'
the son of an old pioneer and is qualified
in every way to continue in the duties
of this office.
One of the nominees for representative,
is chairman of the populist central com
mittee and a promoter of the initiative
and referndum movement. He is as
sociated with the Seth Lewellen nursery
at M ilwaukie.
Geori;k Ot.l.E,
Another nominee for representative, is
a prominent populist worker and a resi
dent ol MoUlla w here he is engaged in
J. II. Kst'SE,
The third nominee for representative, is
a former aud a resident of Oswego,
is a nephew of Hon. John Kruse.
0. W. Gbaci,
Tba nominee for iheriff, Is merchant
of Ely. He formerly lived and con
ducted general merchandise store
Clarkes. He Is honest .'and conscien
Elmih Dixon.
Tbe candidate for cleric, la a resident
Ely where he conducted a (arm before
44 being elected to tbe position o( justice
lor district ao. 4. He is well known
Luchns Stout,
- oi oiguianu, wnere ne nas conducted
trm ior numoeroi years.
alfbkd Lukllinq,
Tbe candidate for recorder, is a reside!
n i. . .
oi jmiwauaie, wnere ne is engaged in
agricultural pursuits. He is an o!d resi
to dent.
is Jacob Suade,
i ne candidate lor treasurer, is a reai
n I j . i .1 i i ,
vrrKou vuy una a Bnoemaaer
by trade. He has lived here a number
. yBr..
. John H. Wr.oiit,
The nominee for surveyor, is a lesident
r lu,""' w,,Bro " 19 ensageu m
in i lai iuiug
. :
V. N. Godfrkv,
The nominee for coroner, has been a
resident of Canemah for a number i f
years. He is a workingman
8. F. Marks,
I rv. .1: .1. . t ... : : ; .
ii uo unuuiuuio tor uuuiiuiHMiuuir is is
a resident of Mark's Trairie where he is
engaged in larming. He is the Heaviest:
I I--.- al 1 J
iu&pHytjruuiue poupiea pariy ijckbi ana
I - .-.Lr..
a euumanum cumtiii
TL. ! .. i T.
iiie nominee tor lusuce in aisinci, no.
4, is a young man who is qualified for
tne omce. me nominee lor constanie,
- John ureen, withdrew
Sohool Statistics of Clackamas County.
The following figures are taken from
the annual report of Superintendent
Gibson for the year ending March 2,
MaIa FpmalA
ft&iWS K
4 and ao yr.... 2719
nl .1 1 .. . ... .,
Average daily attendance. 3530
Teacher, employed during year.. 88
;,,,-" JeVe certm.T
I NAAsm Aft I fnr navtlftnataa
f ieoB era noyeu noming isi
xrucie ceruni
snide certificates.
Teachers employed holdina 2d
grade certilicates 20
Teacher, employed holding 3d
grade certificates - 17
No permits granted 5
Children not att'ndug school bet 4
- Teaon.rs em'pid In priv. schools..
ana zu van
ru .ua ill priv
Value Of Si
. vy,ue Qf o( uruture
Value of apparatus
-un.llliv oi llisunilice on BBine
Avg salary of male teacher.
42 75
32 40
720 00
'J7 " rtntendent
S mon'hs of priv schools taught
nooi private scnoois
Schooihouses built during yr.
Schoohouses In county .
u railed scnoois..
Teachers ein'nld ill same.
No MhMl. ,,'-w.h,..,rtlct
no legal voters in scnooi election
... . . p . .- r
No mile, traveled by
Av Pr c' ' "ool (axes levied..
school fund In hands of elk Mar
i -----. -
S'.I7,098 08
K.ised by districts
16,155 23
29,.r88 88
8,282 40
11 50
4,648 77
"V"1" " .-i unu
Raised bv rate bills.
I iteceiveu iroiu otner sources.
Total amount
$o8,664 71
ald. for. teachers wages
138,428 50
10 00
I kaiie nmn fr.r rnnm.
1176 88
SSrf a..d .Suit:
1077 48
1411 67
886 44
845 74
26 00
1468 66
480 16
.. v.""
scnooinouse sites
80h()oln(Hlse an,j outnoU8e8
11,030 40
I Total disbursements
5;,836 87
1,827 84
892 21
Cash lu clerk's hands Mar 1.06.
l. ......
I P. .J . .
rooq rer inougnt.
Oregon City, Or., April 21st, 1890.
Rflnfiivftd nf th Mass. Xfntnul T.ifa Tn
gurance Company. IliKX), in full for all
c8jm8 unter policy No. 92407 in said
. ..W u
company, now terminated by the death
Uf pfitBP Paint Anril 9,1 ism
(Signed) Sarah E. Paquet,
,- ,
Witness, H. G. Colton, General Agent.
Oregon City, Or., April 21st, 189G.
Received of of The Mass. Mutual Life
Insurance Compani . 18.45, in full for all
claims upon the said company for the
proportion of surplus funds allotted to
policy No. 92407 on the life of Peter
(Signed) Sarah E Paijiet.
Witness, II. G. Colton, General Agent
Mr. Paquet was insured in the above
company a little over two years and
used his cash dividends to reduce his
yearly payments, and at his death an
other dividend of $8.45 was paid with the
face of the polity. It makes no differ
ence how large a company is, it uiukes
the contract that decides which is the
bst. The Mass. Law on insurance h
the best and safest in the United States.
and compels absolute protection to the
insured. If you want insurance in a
Sife company, send me your name, date
of birth and amount you wish to carry.
II. G. Coltos, Gen'l Agent.
Portland, Or.
312 A 313 Chamber ot Commerce.
Skwixg Machines Cheap. Want a
Bewing machine? Gel a good one for
$25.00 with fiveyears guarantee; $5.00
down an J $500 per month notll paid.
See Bellomy A T.ust-h about it.
3 A flfH"aninnarMTt. relieved I
rm-mm- it. Mas -crTe riiuten. ;
for Infantt and Children.
THIRTY yr.' ot i-ratUm erf CaatorU with th. ttf
snlUlosi. of paraona, prmlt an to spaavk af it wUhoal gwaa ttmg. ,
It la tmqna.tloiia.nlr ik oort rmoar tor Ulkta mmA Otllslroa
tho world fcsta oror know. It lo fcaraalooa. CHloVosi Vkm ii. It
artroa thorn haalth. It will soro tholr Usroa. ! It Mothoro hTO
aomathlng which la ahaolatolr asrfo stmd praotloally porfoet mm at
child's ladlelno.
Castorlo. doatfoya Womi.
Castoria aJlaya FoTorlahnBaa.
Ca.torio proTonto ToailttaK Soar Card.
Cartorta onroa Ptavrrhaus smd Wfaid CoMo.
Coatorl roUoToo Toothlnar TrostMoa.
Ca.torta euros Con.tlpatlon and Flatnlency.
Caatorla nentrqllaea tho ogoota of oarhonle avoid gas or polwnena oJr.
Castoria dooa aot contain morphine, opinm, or other narcotlo property.
Caatorlst a.dmilato. tho food, rognlotea tho stomach and howola,
ttvlng healthy and aattnral aloop.
Caatorla la pat tip In ono'alao hottloa only.
Don't allow any ono to poll yon anything olaa on tho ploa or promise
that it la"Jn.t as good" and" will aaawof orcry pnrpoao."
See that yon got C - A - 8 - T
The fae-afanlla
ignatnro of
Children Cry for
tlon of a famous
votia or dlw&ses
nrrnnr . u n arrra all tue norroraot imnoiency. i rii.r.w r. cieuusea uioiiver, u
B M ' 1 tn kldneysand theitrlnaryorKansofaUimpurlUea,
eiTPIM W ..Mnvlliaii. anil vaslrtraa .limit wAiilr fi rSTH n
The reason sufTcrers are not cured by
ProaCallti. CUl'IDENEIs the only known
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Addreaa DAVOlj MKDICIMB CO., P. O.
Disheartened by an Accident Which Un
fitted Him For Active Life, Jose Mendea
Resolved to End Hi. Existence Without
Causing His Friends Trouble.
Jose Mendez waa a Mexican Indian
who killed himself in 1862 in San Jose,
CaL At the time of his death Jose was
years of age. He bad all hia life been
an exceedingly active man.
Among the daring characters then
residing in San Jose none oonld excel
bim as rider of wild horses. Be was
also very ingenions and oonld not only
make the finest kinds of lariats, bnt
conld also use them in many original
One day the daring rider came to
grief. By some means be was thrown
from a wild mustang, and, being stun
ned and made helpless by the fall, be
was dragged for some distance in tbe
stirrups. When finally rescued, he was
in a condition that would have been
sure and almost instant death to any
but a man of wonderful nerve and te
nacity of life.
Injured and helpless, be recovered suf
ficiently to realize that be conld never
engage in active pursuits again, and be
became very moody and despondent. A
life in which he was precluded from
daring riding on untrained mustangs
bad no charms for bim, and in tbe
midst of bis sufferings from internal in
juries he made frequent threats of sui
cide. Once, in speaking of the matter to
an intimate friend, who trjed to dis
suade him from the idea, he said that
when he killed himself it would be
done in snch a manner that no one
would ever have any more trouble about
bim. It was thought at tbe time that be
intended to drown himself in the sea,
where his body would never be recover
ed. Every morning for several weeks
thereafter Jose crawled away from the
adobe but in which he and a number of
others lived and came back quite late
every evening. On these trips he took a
pick and shovel and occasionally a
piece of lumber, no one knew for what
purpose. Some supposed that be was
mining somewhere. By this time he
had grown so despondent as to be en
tirely uncommunicative, and no expla
nation of his conduct could be obtained
from him. One evening, as was expect
ed, the invalid did not return to the j
adobe, and the next day a search was
made in the direction in which be went
oometniDg line a mile from the adobe
house the searching party found a small
l'"us ie grin uuu weeos. xo me
eurjiriBe oi every one or ine party a rude
board box about 3 feet wide and 6 feet
long and about 18 inches in depth was
found lying upside down in the middle
of the open place. The box was imme
diately overturned, bnt nothing but a
heap of loose earth was found under it.
A closer examination revealed tbe fact
that attached to the box were a number
of pieces of lariat. The explanation of
all this was a mystery, and at first it
was not connected with the disappear
ance of the Mexican.
An intimate friend cf tbe missing
man then made an explanation which
pronounced entirely plausible and
cleared the
i mystery. The man said that
It la not sold la frnlfc.
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Pitcher's Castoria
This rreat Ve.'.itabl.
French physician, will quickly cure you of all Dor.
of the geiieruilve owuiia. such m Lost Manhood.
Insomnia. I'ulns In the Buck, Seminal Ktnlaslons, Nervous Debility,
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Constipation. It stops all losses by nay or lilsht Prevents quick
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bnctors la because ninety per cent aro troubled srlfh
remedy to cure without an operation, tuwiesilmonl-
Box 2076, Ban Francisco, Cal. jbrfiofsty
George A. Harding Druggist
the Mexican, after sustaining bis in
jury, had been entirely dependent upon
strangers for his support and sustenance,
and be was determined, if possible, aft
er be was dead not to give tbem any
more trouble. He therefore devised a
scheme by wbioh be could not only kill
but also, at tbe same' time, bury him
self. Bow the thing was managed was
easily enough determined by an inspec
tion of tbe ground. Tbe deceased bad
dug a grave, a rather shallow one, in
which bis skeleton was found some
years later. ...
After the grave was dug, which re
quired some time, owing to the feeble
condition of the deceased, he placed tbe
loose earth in a box that bad been made
for that purpose. Tbia earth was pack
ed in as solid as possible by being wet
and then allowed to dry again, so that
when the box was carefully stood on its
side with the earth toward the ground
none of it fell out. Several lariats were
then stretched aoross from the upper
side of the box as it lay aoross tbe grave
to stakes ou the other side
The box was then carefully balanced,
so that any object that might fall on
the lariats would cause it to fall over
the grave and empty the earth it con
tained on top of the body. In this man
ner the unfortunate man not only killed
but also buried himself almost in the
same instant of time.
. So well satisfied were those who made
the surprising discovery that their theo
ry was correct that they did not take
the trouble to dig in order to ascertain
that the body was underneath. The
theory, however, was further strength
ened by tbe finding of the pistol with
whicn the shooting bad been done in
some loose earth near the edge of the
grave. It bad evidently dropped there
from tbe suicide's hand after be fired
tbe fatal shot. This fact convinced tbe
searchers, and they returned without
making farther Investigations, so that
the desire of the unfortunate that no
one should be troubled with burying
bim was realized.
Some years later tbe skeleton of Jose
Mendez was accidentally discovered and
the theory of his friends fully corrobo.
rated. Photographio Times.
Aa X Bay on a Great Name and Fame.
Professor To what did Xenopbou
owe his reputation?
Student Principally to' the fact that
bis name commenced with an X and
came in so handy for headlines in al
phabetical copy books. Pearson's Week
ly. .
What is called "rosin size," used in
stiffening paper and improving its qnal-
jty, is made by dissolving rosin soap is
a solution of soda, this compound being
beaten up witn the pulp.
It's an old saying that "The p.ouf of the
pudding is in the eaiing of ii." And it i
because people have taken Simmons Liver
Regulator that they know it tobe a most
excellent medicine and especially for the
Spring and Fall when there is so much
Malaria in the air. Mr. V. T. Lee, of
Pendleton, X. C., says, "I have used Sim
mons Liver Regulator for twenty yeajs, in
place of calomel an J quinine."
Dr. Price's Cream Baking Powder
tVorld-i Fair Highest Meaol si Diptoma.