Oregon courier. (Oregon City, Clackamas County, Or.) 188?-1896, May 15, 1896, Image 5

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Potatoes. E. Rose, representing A.
II. Henry & Oo. of 8an Francisco, was
in the city during the pant week Voicing
up shipments of patatnes to that place.
Ho says potatoes are worth from 80 to
85 cents in Frisco. Freight from Port
land is 17 cents per 100 pounds on the
Hteamers. If you were Bure of getting
t ie price stated it would pay to ship.
Some time since, when the price of
potatoes was down to 20 or 25 cents per
sack, very few came to the Portland
market, and it was supposed that the
stock in the hands of growers was
about exhausted. Now that a demand
for potatoes has sprung up in Snn Fran
cisco, and the price here has gone up to
40 oi 45 cents a sack, the farmers are
bringing them in at a great rate. By
the last steamer, 0700 sacks were ship
ped to San Francisco, and 70S sacks
came in too late to be sent aboard.
They are still pouring in at the rate o
10,000 sacks per melt, and the next
stea ner will take away 8000 suck. A
dealer when asked where such quanti.
ties of potatoes came from, said: "Oh,
when tbe price goes up the farmers
make potatoes and onions." A short
time since, when onions were 50 cents
per sack, only 300 or 400 sacks a week
came in to Portland. Now they are up
to 2 50 per sack, and trom 1000 to 1500
sacks per week are coming in. The rise
in the price of potatoes and onions is a
good thng for the farmers and for the
community, and those wbo sold when
prices were down of course are very sor-
ry. If farmers could only diicover
some way of telling how long to hold
on to their products; and when is the
the best time to pell, they srould get
Fire Insurance F. E. Donaldson.
S. Ackerman Dead. Salami n Acker
man, aged 63, a pioneer merchant, died
at his remdence oppoeito suspension
bridge on last Thursday afternoon. For
several monthj he differed from heart
diseaxe and he was confined to his
chair during the last five weeks. Mr.
Ackerman was hnrn in Bavaria, and
came to this country when a lad. He
settled in Oregon City 84 years ago,
before which time he was engaged in
business in Walla Walla and Portland.
He retired from active business about
four years ago. Besides a widow he
left six children Misses Loiene and
Minnie, and Isaac, William, Albert and
Lester. The burial took place in Port
land Sunday. Mr. Ackerman was a
charter member of Fall City Lodge, No.
9. A. O. U. W . having joined nearly
13 years ago. The lodge chartered an
electric car on Sunduy and went down
in a body to assist in the burial services .
Reliable Insuranoe F. E Donaldson.
Wedding Anniversary; Friday last
the 43d anniversary of the marriage of
Mr. and Mrs. J. M. Taylor was celebraU
ed. Their daughter, Mrs. George
Broughton, prepared the surprise for
them. After spend. ng a pleasant even
ing a delicious lunch was served. The
guests were : Mr: and Mrs . A D. Put
ro, Mr. and Mrs. C. N. Greenman, Mr.
and Mrs. J. G. Pillsbury, Mr. and Mrs.
H. C. Steyens, Mr. and Mrs. George
Lazelle, Mr. and Mrs. H. W. Bestow,
Mr. and Mr. Ueorire Bmughton, Mrs.
Barlow, Mrs. Fuchs, Mrs. La Forest.
Mrs Berkley, Mrs. Albright, Mrs.
Charruau and Mr. and Mrs. Wescott,
Mr. and Mrs. O W. Taylor a d Miss
Harold of Portland
Best Ins. Companles-F. E. Donaldson.
Fishing at the Falls. Portland
sportsmen are getting their tackle in
readiness for the salmon-fishing at Wil
lamette falls here and are lying in sup
plies of spoons, artificial minnows and
all kinds of devices which may tempt the
salmon to take a ho'ik . The water l8
up to a fishing stnue but it requires fine
weather to make the fish bite. Kven
in the height of the reason there isno
sport on cold, dark days.
Lirgest Ins. Business F. E. Donaldson
Silver Wkddino The 25th anniver
sary of the marri ge of Mr. and Mrs.
John Kulgalman was celebrated in a
very pleasing manneron last Sunday at
their residence near Falls View. A
very pleasant time was reported by all.
Those present were: Mr. and Mrs.
Christ Hartman, Mr. and Mrs. R. Pet
zold, Mr. and Mrs. Matt Justin, J. Kul
galman, Jack Madder.
10 Big Ins. Companies-F. E. Donaldson.
Highest Honors World's Fair.
. pure Crane Cream of Tartar Powder. Fret
from Ar.'mooia.Alum or any other adulterant
No Cki.ib ration, Tho committees
appointed by tbe city council and the
board of trade have about decided not
to have a celebration on J uly 4th this
year at Oregon City on account of the
greater attractions at Portland, one of
which Is the new battle ship, "Oregon."
They think that oy giving away this year
that Portland will do likewise next
Fourth .
Lowest Fire Ins. Rates F. E Donaldson
! Malaysia Malaysia or the Land of
Perpetual Summer, a night on the oppo-
I site ride of the earth with the people of
Asia, and how they live, will be given by
Arthur E. Breech at the M E. Church
on Friday evening, May 15lh. Over 100
superior views. Admission 25; chil
dren under 14, 15 cents.
Jones, Us Pays tub Fueiqiit. Send
for a copy of The Buyer's Guide, with
latest reductions and market reports,
sent free to any address. Freight on
120 orders paid to any point on the
Willamette river reached by Portland
boats. . Jones' Cash Store, 105 Front
Street, Portland, Or.
For Rale. An oak bedstead, springs
and mattress' in elegant condition. In
quire of Mrs. A. J. Montgomery on
Seventh street,
Card of Thanks.
To the Officers and Members of Falls
City Lodge.
Gentlemen: We beg to extend to
you our heartfelt thanks for your untir
ing kindness during the ill Less of our
beloved husband and father and more
particularly for your endeavors to show
all honors to him who has departed.
We are pleased and proud to be able to
say that he was one of the A. 0. U. W,
and a member of your lodge .
Ltt ''charity, hope and protection"
0 intioue its good work and may others
feel the blessings of Falls City Ljdge.
Very Sincerely Yours,
Mm. S. Ackerman and Family.
Ladies shirt waist sets in pearl, silver
and gold at 35c the set; silver corset pin
15c, Ht the Bazaar, next to postofHce.
Mrs. M. L. Moore, sister of J. A.
Fillmore, manager of the .Southern
Pacific system, has located in Oregon
City. Mrs. Moore has taken the man
agement of Clackamas county for the
"Viava" Company, and will give a
course of health talks to ladies on sub
jects pertaining to health, hygiene and
higher development.
The finest line of silk umbrellas to be
found in the city at Burmeister 4Ander
. You can get it at Harris' grocery 1
What? Peacock (lour, made of the
famous blue .stem hard wheat. Try
a sack. : ,v . . f.-
For the accommodation of Ins many
customers on the hill Mr. Albright has
established a branch meat market in the
Shively building on Seventh street,
where be keeps a full stock of all kinds
of fresh and salted meats, hams, bacon,
lard, etc. No stale meat kept. Give
him a call.
Honest assessments make low taxes.
Put an X opposite E. C. Hackett'a
name on ballot for assessor democrat
ic nominee.
Ladies' lace pins, new goods, 5 to 50c ;
big stock of stick pins at 10c ; sleeve
Imttons 10. 15, 25, 35, 50, 75 and l.OO,
at the Bazaar , next to postoffice, L. A.
Patterson & Co.
Big bpso rtment of ladies', gents' and
childrens' hosiery just received at tne
Racket Store.
Thousand!, of cases of Consumption.
Asthma, Coughs, Cold and Croup are cured
every day by Shiloh's Cure. For sale by
Ci. A. Harding.
Karl'slover Root Tea purities the blood
and gives a clear and beautiful complexion.
For sale by G. A. Harding.
For your fine hats and reasonable
prices go to Miss Goldsmith's.
Don't forget we have a nice line o
ladies' shirt waists, latost styles' just
rom the East, at tbe Backet Str e.
Just received a new line of tuiban s
and sailors at Miss Goldsmith's millinery
When you want ribbons and lace for
hat trimming the Racket Store lias a
big stock .
Hats pressed and dyed, feathers curled
and dyed, and stamping done at
Miss Goldsmith's.
Frank P. Welch, dentist, graduate
of tbe University of Pennsylvania,
will be in Oregon City office Thurs
day of each week ; remainder of each
week in Portland office, room 77
Dekum bnilding.
Four housekeeping rooms over Doo
ittle's store on the west side for rent.
Inquire at store or at Coi irer office for
Dr. Price' Cream Baking Powder
World Fmlr HigfaMt MU1 aad Diptoaia.
Or. Price's Cream Baking Powder
World's Fair Highest Award.
Kay Williams is confined to the house
by illness.
Mrs. Burmeister has returned from a
trip to California.
Mrs. McQune of Portland is visiting
Mrs. W. B. Wiggins
Joseph Rice has moved his law office
to the new Willamette block
Mike Gleason has taken the position
as percher in the woolen mills of this
city. v
N. R. Lang is building an addition
to his already elegant residence on the
west side. f
First appearance of Mrs. Walter Reed,
the celebrated singer of the west, at
Shively's hall May 28.
The water commission Is putting in
the new mains to connect with the new
reservoir when completed.
Miss Fay tiwick of Independence, who
has been visiting at Mrs L. C. Drigg's,
returned home on Thursday.
The Misses France left Wednesday
evening for a visit to the coast, to look
after their real estate interests.
A firm from Salem will shortly open
a store in Oregon City with a full line of
shoes and gents' furnishing good.
Mrs J. M. Bacon has returned from
trip to California and is now residing in
the McDonald house on Main street.
f. A. Chase of Park Place has re
turned from California, where he went
for his wife's health about a year or so
The Oregon City market for butter
was crowded this week and merchants
were unable to care for all that was of
fered. Inyitations are out for the first re
ception of the Willamette club, to be
given at their club rooms on Friday,
May 22d
H. A. Straight, aged 83, slipped on
some wet board at Gladstone sawmill
on last Saturday and broke his-left leg
above the knee.
Married on Wednesday, May 13th, at
M. E. parsonage, by Rev. S. W.
Stryker, Miss Ida Phegley and John A.
Rydman, both from Cunby.
Miss Mamie Hayden was seen on the
street last week for the first time since
the surgical operation was per'ormed
which straightened her limb.
Remember the musical, event of the
season , "Halcyon unorus anu Mrs.
Reed" at Shively's hall May 28th.
Tickets at Huntley's book store.
R. L. Polk & Co. have had two men
gathering material for the new directory
of Oregon City for the past two weeks.
The book will be issued about July .
Ely Bros, of Ely are selling out their
stock of goods at cost, preparatory to
going to California, where they will re
side hereafte r, If they like tne country.
W. C. Cheney was here this week
packing up his household goods, pre
paratory to moving same to British
Columbia, where he is now employed as
electrical superintendent.
George Herron, who has been clerk
ing in I. Selling's store for several
weeks, has decided to stay with us and
will move his family from Salem and
occupy the Taylor cottage on 11th
street. '
The bids for the new reservoir of Or
egon City will be opened to day (Fri
day). J. F Case, superintendent of
the construction of tbe Astoria water
works, has been appointed engineer in
The Clackamas county teachers at
sociation will meet at Milwaukie next
week Saturday, May 23d. '. The teachers
should avail themselves of this oppor
tunity to improve and learn more of
school work.
Edward F. Story and Miss Helen M.
Taylor were married on Sunday, May
10th, by Rev. A. J. Montgomery of the
Presbyterian church. The ceremony
took place at the residence recently
erected by Mr. Story. A large number
of friends were present.
Mrs. Walter Reed's bird-like voice
fairly charmed the audiance at the Mar
qnam Grand and her first appearance at
Shively's hall promises to be the grand
est musical event of the season. Re
member May 28. Tickets 50c ; reserved
seats at Huntley's without extra charge.
T. J. Cleeton, republican candidate
for district attorney, and W. S- ITRen,
populist candidate for representative,
held a joint debate on Wednesday
evening at Pope's hull before a full house
After 3)hours of talking Mr. U'Ren
seemed to have the best of the argu
ment, although the two men are about
equal as debaters.
Articles incorporating tbe Oregon
Brick Manufacturing & Construction
Company were filed. with the county
clerk on Tuesday ; object, to manufat-
tnre and sell brick and tile;
capital $1000, divided into shares of $10
each, office and place of business. Oregon
City; incorporators, Theo. Kraeft, Al
bert C. Kraeft and Eli Criswell-
Tbe Mechanics Land Company filed
articles of incorporation with county
clerk on Monday; tbe incorporators be
ing J. P. Logan, M. E. ClanceyandE.
F. Driggs. The capital stock is $24C0,
and the place of business Oregon City.
The corporation is organized for tbe
purpose of platting and handling CO
acres of land in the T. M. Miller tract
on the west side of tbe river.
' ,f 1.
A Free
CO'. Irf
Over 1000 TRIMMED HATS to choose from
at Mrs. Sladen's Millinery Parlors. Any style
and prices to suit everybody. Don't fail to see them
for Decoration Day is coming-
t r .......
E. E. Miirtin will remove Lis stock of
goods, 4art of which were recently
damaged by fire, to the old M. E. church
on Mud street the first of the week. He
received $000 Insurance on the goods-
The loss on the building was settled
at $120.
Mortmere Whitehead of New Jersey
gave a populist campaign speech at
Shively's ball on Tuesday afternoon to
a fun bouse. He is quite an entertain
ing talker and the Chautauqua manage
ment are to be congratulated on secur
ing his during their assembly lu Jul y.
An electric car on tiie East Sid'' line
jumped the track near tbe switch at
Oak Grove, this side of Milwaukie,
on Tuesdav morning. No damage
was done except the shaking up of the
passengers. If the accident had oc-
cured on a trestle where would the pas.
sengers have been now dead or severely
Secretary Johnson of the Y. M. C. A.
is laid up with a lame foot. While
going through gymnastic exercises wi th
a class, one of the members jumped on
his foot and Bprained it severely. The
business men's class on Mi niay, Wed
nesday and Friday an I the juvenile
class are doing finely. Mr. Johnsm is
a good instructor .
Hats from 10 cents to $10 at Miss
Trimmed hats, new goods, 50 to 75c,
at Mrs, Bladen's.'.
''Vntiav Ia titan nn annA nnnllrltv tiv
uT"V"" ' -r- . j
A, b. uresser.
Prescriptions carefully compounded a
Q. A. Harding's drug store.
Received at Charman A Son's a large
invoice of wall paper, latest and pret
tieet designs.
Beauties! those trimmed hats at tbe
Reel Front Store; Ladles' sailors and
Canton flats 10 cents.
Shark, the barber, don't swim but
he's in the swim when it comes to
shaving and hair cutting.
For your strings and extras for all
nusical instruments go to Burmeister
k Andresen's, who keep a full supply.
Blank note and receipt books of all
kinds and deeds, mortgages, etc.,
cheaper than Portland wholesale prices
at Courier office.
The G. A. R. has appointed a com
mittee to look after Decoration Day ex
ercises and Col. Slover is now ready to
fix" up graves in presentable shape for
that occasion.
L. L. Pickens, dentist, does all kinds
of dental work. Gold crowns, porcelain
crowns and bridge work a specialty.
Office in Barclay building, corner Main
and. Seventh streets.
L6uis Friedrich, the fashionable tailor
has moved his shop to the building
formerly occupied by Mrs. Dutcher's
millinery store. Nothing but drst-class
work done and satisfaction guaranteed.
O. A. Willey lias moved his harness
and repair shop from on the bill to
second door west of depot, next to
Courier office, where he will not only
keep a full line of first-class hand-made
harness, saddles, etc., bu t will do all
kinds of harness and boot and shoe
repairing at prices that can't be dun
Heated. Give him a call. Satisfaction
- BevlnU of BuImm.
Probably there could be no better
proof of improved business than is af
forded by the statement of tbe Pennsyl
vania Railroad company, for the reason
that its gain of 10 per cent in gross earn
ings has been made in despite of lower
freight rates than were ever before ob
tained by shippers. Philadelphia Rec
ord. After the Coon.
The Ohio Republicans have set an
other one of those back action financial
traps calculated to catch tbe delegate
coon either coming or going. Washing
ton Post.
' All Is Mot tort to BMd.
Rhode Island is for Reed. All is sot
among tbe lost, strayed or stolen. -Boston
AD AnurgUt - i . . s - imb r0i.
Eleadacbe bad? Get Mile.' Pain Pill
Have Your Eyes Tested...
1 A. II A . .
ai uurmisier Andresen'a
Jewelry Store.
They have one of
the finest eye-meters
and will test your
eyes freeof charge.
Glasses may be re
turned if not suited
to eyes.
- - - . .
Bank of Oregon City.
Paid Up Caplti, $50,000.
Surplus, $20,850.
Vies President.
Cubler, -
Manager, .
Thomas Chasnah
B. O. CAmu
Cbaii.ii H. Caopikld
4 General Banking Business Transacted.
Depoilts Received Subject to Check.
Approved Bills) and Notes Discounted.
County and City Warrants bought.
Loam Made on Available 8ecurtlv
Exchange Bought and 'told.
Collection! Hade Promptly.
Dr.fta Rnllt AvaflahlA In In, ! a. h
World. , . .
Telegraphic Exchange Sold on Portland, San
Franolaco, Chicago and New York.
Interest Paid on Time Deposits.
Paper Hanging,
Artistic House Painting
And Kalsoming.
Removed from Holmnn'i Old Bland to Nex
Door to Courier Building on Seventh Street,
Near Uepot, Oregon City, Oregon.
c. v. grace & co.,
General Merchandise.
. , NEW GOODS. "
Molalla Ave., (Ely.)
A few more packages , of that
50 cent tea for 40 cents; Fairbank's-
Golddust 20 cents a package;
Pettijohn Breakfast Gem 10 cents;
Island rice 5 cents a pound; other
goods in proportion. Stratton's,
Corner ;th.& Center St.
Star -jV Grocery
Orroarra P. 0., Orkgom City, Ok.
Next Door to Oriental Hotel
Oeeuo.v City, Orsoon.
machinist and Locksmith,
Bicrclei, Umbrella, Sewing Machines, Cunt
and all klndi of small machinery re
paired. Prices rnuonable.
Shop on Seventh Street. Opposite Depot
WANTED: .Several tnntworthv gentleman o
l.dien to travel in Oregon far e.tabliibed
vllatil. home. Dalarr I7M) and .xpenaea
eteadv onltlon. Enclose reference and .elf ad
dreMdamte'lenvelo.. The Dominion Com
panjr. Tnird floor, Oman Blag., 'jnicago, 111
WASTED: (Several trnrtworliilr jenu.men or
Udle. to trarel In Oregon tnt elillhed,
reliable bonne. Salary l"0 and expenae.
Hteady poaitioa. Encloae relerene. and Mil ad
preaael aiampefl envelope, me uomiumu vi
any. Third rioor, om.na mux., mic.gu. 111,
if .cH and RHTauTiii relieved
aby Dr. Miles' Nerve flaatera.
la entirely done away
with by our hIiovh. In
filet, tlitty are a regular
"(Society for the Preven
tion ol Cruelty to Feet."
What are their methoda?
lVrfi-ct til, pioinpted by
reBpect to the aliape of
tho haniHii foot. A sim
ple creed, but doesn't it
cover the whole field?
Then a aiioe may treat a
foot "shabbily" without,
being'exactly cruel to it.
That is to cay, the shoe
may lack style and wear
inn capacity. But ours
' have the wearing; capacity
and style alone with the
rJt, and that should be
enough to make you buy
Next Door to Burmclater A
Notary Public and Real Estate Broker
Money to Loan. Alwtraeta nt Title Hade.
Drawing o( Legal Doeumeuta a Specialty
Ofllce on eaat aide of Main atreet
Between 6th and Tib.
Attorneys at Law,
Commercial, Real Estate ant
Probate Law Specialties.
OFFICE : Commercial Bank Bulldln
Gr.o. V. Baov, Nu.
J. V. Campbili
Caufleld Building, . (rgn Cltv.Oi
t. h UmliliS,
Office: Two Doors South of Courthouse .
thr rioNiaa
Express and Drayniah.
- t: ,r ,
, ;. (Kalabllahe 1805.) ,4 . ., t A
If Parcels delivered to all parts of. the city.
Noblitt Livery and Sale Stabh
0a the Street between the Bridge and th
Double and aluale rlia and saddle hoi sat 1
wava on band at tbe lowest rates. nd a earn
also connected with tbe barn lor loos a toe)
Any Information retarding any kind ol it
promptly attended to by letter or peraoa.
The Commercial Danl
, CAPITAL i 100,000,
Transacts a General Banking Butlnen
Loans' made. Bills discounted. Hakes c
lections. Buys and sells exchange on all poin
In the United Htates and Kurope and on Hoi
Kong. Deposits received subject to check.
Bank open from 9 A. M. to 4 P. H.
President. Cash).
...Corner Grocery...
Keeps a full line of STAPLE wd
Lowest Price--
Rooms 7A, 77, 7, Dekui
Will be In Oregon
City office, Courier
Many of my friend. ha
building, every Bat- trouble to find au; k.11
tbi. card.
Zfew Fish EXarXsete
K. Richards, Prop.
Oysters, Fresh and Salt Watei
Fish, Poultry, Game, Crabs,
Clams, Etc.
Turkeys, Geese and Chickens for ThankxglvlnL
free Delivery, Two Doort South of Amort
Standard Pat. Medicines.
Paints, Oils and Window Glass.
PreKrlptiont Accurately Compounded
harding's block.