A 0 U V Library Oregon courier, 14th YEAR. OREGON CITY, OREGON, FRIDAY, MAY IB, 1896. NO. 2. BELLOMY k UUSCH, The FIRE, LIFE And Accident REPRESENTING ROyal Ol LIVerpOOl Do" busloesa in the world. North British & fflercanllle-n3o:-M ,n wor,d' 56 " SOIl Of LOndOIl- 0,de"t Pure, flr insurano orHea la the world. JEtnfl of HirtfordLret be"' AmeriaB company. Continental of New York u f th be,t iB"ltM ompnii AND OTHER FIRST-CLASS INSURANCE COMPANIES"1""" The Tiavelers Instance Company of Hartford Lara-eat, oldest and best accident lnurinoe cowoany In the world, and alio doe a very lara-e lire insurance buaineaa. t , .CALL OX MB rOB BLOTTEBfl AMD CALENDAB8 . Bates Lowest the ot-feop.tcQted- A A ' A With past achievements, but always striving to out-do our former efforts. , You will find our store bright with NEW -SPRING RAIMENT," most pleasing to the. eye and quite the correct style to buy. CHARMAN &'S0N .....GENERAL MERCHANTS..... for CHOICE CUTS and PSTZOLD & GAME'S Seventh Street, Corner of Main St., Opposite Two Shops, ..GO G. H. BESTOW & CO. FOB DOORS, WINDOWS. MOULDING and BUILDING MATERIAL. LOWEST CASH PRICES EVER OFFERED FOR FIRST-CLASS GOODS. Shop Opposite Congregational Cunroh. WA1! WAK!! WA1!!! AT THE GAMBRIHDS COLD STORAGE! The only pi w the city which can supply you with anything yon want In the liquor line and Jae! ou money on every artiele you buy W INK, BKEK AND WQUOKS-becauw I sell to you at Portland price and save you your electric car fare and expense while in '"itwiil save ten years on yAur life's leae by trading at home with a reliable firm and not beine held up by highwaymen on the electric car. v .. What you buy at the Gambrinus Cold Storage is guaranteed to be Just what you buy It for or mnLrKe?t Stock of I.lqaor. and the only complete stock of Wines at the Low EOT Punas. Whv GO TO A DRUOHTOHK and pay W.OO per gallon as a pastime when you can buy belter wine at the following prices: California Port Wine, per gallon Sherry " " " Angelica M " " Sweet Maacatel " " " Tokay Wine " Marteria Maliga " " " Brisling Hock" Claret " " Bottled Beer (quart) per dozen Porter, Domestic " juiness' Extra Stout (pints) per dozen wan Whiskey, per gallon Phoenix Bourbon California (irape Brandy, per gallon California Blackberry Brandy, per gallon For keg beer, leavs order. The finest family N. F. ZIMMERMAN, Mgr., ' " III f ITTil 9 12 1 0'" 11 Ttl Hea w:3 itji.. eril Thla MurnlMlerr.rrM MS F,.( uiei tti - ii iu.i 2 .j. 7 fj.r orftaUvkBOrwuaaCi-. Or:. Sble service:.. ' Like the tare, should in every way be satisfactory. Everything on the table should please the eye. Fine crockery is the best kind of sauce for triumps of cookery. Our new dinner seta, comprising 100 pieces, . for $7.79, present an opportunity not to be missed, and there are ' others in our stock too numerous to numerous to be mentioned here. Come, see. admire, and buy for yourself. Nowhere else in Oregon City can you see so many tempts ions to buy. , Hasefournisheni, OREGON CITY Leading Agency in Clackamas County F. E DONALDSON, at Commercial Bank. TENDER MEATS go to CASH M&IIKETS. Center, on the Hill. Caufield Block. Oreaon City, Oregon. Main street, Oregon City, Oregon 1 50 1 40 1 50 1 AO 1 30 1 60 1 M 75 75 1 50 1 SO 2 K 3 75 4 1)0 3 50 a oo rooms. This place is conducted first-class' Fsw - m Btmr'y enre eaiekly, permanently au ,r;J''t. Con laiu.noopUie- Uistnt laale lad aiiMHlbnllder. JUItMthepaleawlpimyM'.ioraDdplaiiia. 5IIt rnrrl-'O In Trt onckrt. 1 per boi: ft l"T S- Bt mll.pn- i J ii .jMtifis sw vnneaM WtmtML- Writ jet rl p rn wmm-'. with i tiwiui-i" t' tlAHit A ft 1 Build Up Your Brain... Steady your nerves, and i.erfect your digestion by using bread , mt I from our whele wheat flour. It is made from the whole wheat berry, except the outside bull or bran, which is a woody substance, irritating and indigestible Bread made irom this flour Is not so white as that made from the pale white roller flour, but is far superior for , food as it contains all the , gluten, germ, and oily matter of the wheat and , is much sweeter than graham or any other bread not sweetened artificially. ONCE TRIED ALWAYS USEDl. E. E. WILLIAMS, The Greer. CORRESPONDENCE. REDLAND. Plenty of politics and mud Miss Princie Leek was visiting ber sister, Mrs. A. B. Linn, Saturday and Sunday. Mrs. Geo. Spees was visiting ber sister Sunday and Monday. . Mr. McGrath left Sunday for The Dalles. Grandma Xoyer is staying with Mrs. Mary McGrath this week . ;- -. C Fagaldia was visiting Ed. Bailey Sunday. 1 i J. V7, Linn was visiting his best giii one evening last week,. G. E. Spees bad .' . very BeriocV' cident while working for Mr. Wolf . A limb fell from a tree hitting him plump acroBS the nose . A. Mosher is again visiting in Itedlan d. Mr. Bullard, of Currinsville, is visit ing his daughter, Mrs. F. F. Heliman, Ed. Bailey is staying at Mr. Varus- burg for a few days. i alt .THE- BEE-HIVE POPULAB FAYOB STORE CROWDED DAILY We show one of the most complete stocks of FANCY DRY GOODS, GENTS' FURNISHINGS and SHOES ever 'shown in Clackamas county. You will find this an UP-TO-DATE STORE. No long-winded prices here. We guarantee every article at or below Portland prices. Everything marked in plain figures one price to all. A few sample prices from our immence stock: Genu Cotton Socks 4, 5, T, 10 and 15c. envelopes c a ouncn. Ladies' Shirt Waists the largest line in Oregon City-35. 4)1, (W, 73, Wc, 11.13, 81.23 and 11.48. Hsir Pins 3, 5 and c a box. Ladies' Belts 6 to oOc Darning Cotton 3c. Dress Shields 8, , 13 and 15c. Best English Pius 4c; Common lc. Dress 81 vs 9c er dot. Whalebone Casings 10c tpiece. Rick Rsck Braid 4c a bunch. Shell Hair Pins Wc s doz. Safety Pins tc a dox. hooks ant tyes 2c a paper. Windsor Ties 6 and 9c. Pure Silk Windsor Ties-14c. full line ol the famous P. N. and Dr. arner s O rsets Cut Diices on them all. Begiilur 1 'i, up-to-date Kid Gloves (Wc. Gt-nts' Negligee Sbirts-fl, 25, 48, U), W, Mt and S1.2J. Genu' French Balbrirgan Underwear 4-' . Gents' Natural Wool Underwear 44c. Cents' Fine Neckwear 23 and 4-c. nee our Shoes. Gents' Cotton Socks 1, 5, f, 10 and 12c. Ladies' FastBlackHose-7,9,12. 15. 1, 23 and .. GLASS & SMITH S OLD STAND, CAUFIELD BLOCK. OREGON CITYOREGON Mlsa Helen Taylor has closed a sue ceefliul term of school in district No. 75. T. W. Linn was visiting school dis trict No. 70 recently. Miss Emma Funk wi in Oregon City one dy last week. School in district No. 70 Is progres sing nicely. If lather tod soap wasn't so scarce- P. F. Bellman would cut Lis " whiskers' off. Don't forget the dsnce at Linn's mill May 23d. "Giris" don't "forget" to bring a full " basket,? says the May 10. Engineer. COLTON. We have been having not copious showers but downpour! ngs of rain. Gardens do not look like it was the Gth of May. Cattle hare improved much in the last twit weeks; sme are nearly ready for beef, people will not be apt to loose any more stock by it getting fast. Press Bonney and his brother, Burt, came home for a couple of days. They are working at Bonney & Brot's shingle mill on the Pudding river. Burton Parmer was up to his home but will return to his employment. Suc cess to all honest labor. Crops look well, but it has been push and bustle to get them In this season. The present year there has been a large amount of clover seed sown in this vicinity more than usual. Victor Dickey took the school in dis trict No. 72 on a month's trial and the patrons liked him so well that the board hired him for the remainder of the term. The Young Bro.'s have been logging for Mr. Gorbett's saw mill with a six horse team. Carl Stromgreen is clearing on his land. Mr. Ball returned home last night. He went out for work; don't know whether he was in luck or not. Mrs. and Miss Ball and Mrs. and Miss jorbett were visiting at Mrs. t . a. Bonuey'S on 4th inst. There is to be a basket social at -4he Alliance hall on Cinyon Creek on the 9th of May ; all are invited Oliver Lnfferty last Sunday eveulng went to cross a bridge at a rather fast rate and bis horse fell on him, but fortunatly he was not much hurt. May 6th. . Pixy NEURALGIA ' cured by Dr. Miles Pills. "One cent a dose." At alt drui Pais gRlst. Handkerchiefs-3, 5, 7, 10, 15 and 19c. Corsets bteels 5, 7 and 9c. Combs 6 and 10c. Lluen Thread 6o a spool. . Look at Our Hhoes. Tooth Brushes S and 10e. No more fancv prices in Oregon City. Towels 5 to 50c. Come in and see an up-to-date store. Ladies' f kirta-60, 75, 9 and Hc. Boys' Caps 25c. Best Overalls 47c a pair. Chenlle Table Spreads 85 and Vie. Laces and Embroidery an immense line. Ladies' Bicycle LeKgins--50c and 1.19. Ladies' Neck Hear! 2M, Gents' Fine Silk, Linen and Cambric Handker chiefs. , . Gents' Fine rnlaundered Bhirts-relnforced, pure linen front iHc. See Our Hhoes. Gents' Sweaters-tl.23, fl.ffi) and I2.4H. Bemember our prices are right We will save you money and treat you wall. Come in and see ns whether yoa wlnh to buy or not-Oer price, will interest you when you are In need of goods. STAFF0R0. We have been informed that one of our local bloods has begua on a (even year contract in Fehlerville. Well, ancient history tells of a Rachel that was worked for to win for a ln term of years ; success crowned Jacob'sjefforts at last. Taff Beichle has business in Frog Pond now that 1 growing interest daily. We have been told that he In tends taking in a partner, and double bis capital stock, also putting up a new office and wareroom. Conrad Priester is waiting for the roads to dry some before resuming his weekly trip to Frog Pond. Marcus Baker is speedily coming to the front, and ere the season passes will comm and one of the foremost walks in society's ranks. Henry Schatr has given up sporting for a spell and gone to splitting rails. John DeNeul has settled down to his fate, batching. T L Turner and son, Herbert, were iq Portland and invested in a new riding saddle. The Eureka Dramatic Club will play in Larson's ball Saturday night. A free dance will be given in connection with the play. Ticket 25c. v Spuds are still being shipped to Frisco and the returns are very satisfactory. Mr. Rose a Merchant of that place was in our midst Saturday and reported a probable raise In the price before the month is out. - Even though the grain crop may be short there is one crop that is now be ing harvested whidh turns out fairly well, stumps. May 10. Lenotiiy. CANEMAH. Canemah is so near Oregon City that your correspondent can not mention the state of the weather. But there might be a slight variation and so to set the matter right, I will say that it has been raining up to the time of writing, when it looks as if it will adjourn . .Mr-Jiftwry thft janitor c-f the Ca nemah school, had the misfortune to fall last Tuesday night. He was on the table looking for something on the top of the cupboard, when he fell and struck his side on the edge of a box. He is confined to his bed, perhaps on account of his see. ' We hope he will soon re cover. The Southern Pacific must be fond of cutting beefsteak lately, for another cow was killed last Wednesday, which be longed to Mr. Criteser. As it occured on the outside of Canemah and also on the outside of the fence; tbe company will have to pay for it. Maxwell Telford, formerly of this place, came down from Ashland Sunday morning. He has been working in tbe Ashland woolen mills for tbe past six months, and will remain here for i short time. -' . Mr. Rinzler was visited by some rob bers late Wednesday night. They were trying to break in the door, when Mr. Rinzler got up and shot through the window, whereupon the visitors left with haste. Populists pass here almost everv day, as you can tell them by the large steps they take. Jacob May 12th ' CIRCUIT COURT. April Session Adjourned on Tuesday Un til June 8th. E. G. Caufield vs. Jos. Knight et al; dismissed. M. Giesy vs. J. C. and Amanda Rea- soner; sheriit s sale confirmed. State vs. H. H. Snow; judgment of not guilty. State vs. Wm. and Louis Heinz; set for trial June 8th. Wm. Lowe vs. Washington county, appeal; jury verdict for $110 00 and costs of $48.40. John Dethefs vs. Washington coun ty, appeal; jury verdict for $175.00 and costs of $156.80. Louis Toedemier vs. James Evans dismissed and costs of $5 taxed to de fendant. Geo. W. Shaver vs. W. D. Adams; referred to A.S. Dresser to take testi mony. J. II Settlemier vs. Nellie R. How ard, et al ; suit abated as to W. P. Herman, defendant. Calvin Harrington vs. Sarah M. Mil- ler et als; tille to se of sec. 32. t 5 s, r 1 e, quieted. Leon a Hawksworth vs. John Hawks- worth; decree of divorce by default and maiden name of Leona Smith granted plaintiff. J. 8. Anderson va. Portland Flour ing Mills Co.; jury verdict for $1100; defendant allowed 90 days to file bill of exceptions and 30 days to move for new trial . H. II. Wheeler vs. C. T. Howard; complaint amended, and referred to A 8. Dresser to take testimony. 8 . Matbews vs. L. V. Lewelling and W. S. U'Benj defendants given five days to file answer. Sophia Charnian vs. G. E. Hayes et al ; referred to A' 8. Dresser to take tes timony. Fred Scbiewe vs. Balthazar Kurz; time for motion extended till June 10th. German Evangelical Reform Congre gation vs. R. Staub : dismissed. Emil Cbagnot vs. Jos. Hohenleitner el al; judgment for $1803.35 and costs; also for 9822 and costs by Jos. Bichner, one of defendants, against Jos. Hohen leitner and wife. Duffy Brosvs G L Tout; judgment for 117.10. Joi H Miller vs Jos Van Duyse and wife; plaintiffs proceedings sustained. Cbas Moehnke vs Peter A Weiss; udgment for f 25 and costs of $53 20. Court adjourned to reconvene on June 10th. The judge will be here on Friday of this week to close up some cases. Juror J. W. Meldrum was excused for term and other jurors were excused un til June 8th. The following bills were allowed by court : W N Barrett, district attorney $210' Chas E Kunyon, reporter 130- T W Fouts.lalifl 84 T M Miller 87 Max Schulplns, baliff 27 FOR BATTLE SHIP OREGON. Movement to Provide a Silver Servior That Shall Reflect Credit oa Our State The new battle-ship Oregon, the great est of the new American navy and one of the most powerful war ships afloat. is now receiving ber finishing touches in California. It is customary for the namesakes of Uncle Sam's vessel to give some testimonial to the ship In recognition of the honor and as an of fering of good will and special interest. This teutiuionial usually takes the form' of silver service for the ship. It is de sired that the state of Oregon shall not be behind in the display of patriotism and Btate pride and that this most powerful engine of- war bearing the name Jof our commonwealth shall be- suitably t remembered. To this end money is now being raised to pny for a silver service to present to 'the battle ship Oregon when she comes to, Portlacd next July. : Five thousand dollars is the sum which the silver service will cost, and this much less than any similar testi monial has ever cost. Of course, Port land people will provide the greater share of this money. The other parts of the state, however, are justly expect ed to aid in the enterprise and to Ore City the general committee looks for $200 of the 5000. This seems a very reasonable amount to be raised here and the undersigned committee has under taken to provide it. The sum is expect ed to be made up of afreet number o' small contributions from all sources. The committee does not take up this work simply with the idea of helping to provide a handsome present for some body. Projects of such nature are not popular these times. It is the patriotic aspect of the move that commands our attention and efforts. The Oregon is a match for any marine warrior of the worU. Her career will be worth watch ing. Every person who contributes to the fund for the proposed testimonial, be the sum great or small, will feel a special and personal interest in the great ship and her achievements. No sordid considerations of profit and loss will go with her for she is not a trader of a merchantman; but the national honor itnd glory, the cause of liberty and humanly, the impulses of a great and enlightened people will go with her everywhere, it would be a difficult matter to provide a more effective way of promoting broad patriotism' of the' concrete order that will appeal directly to every indivi 'ual. The children es pecially will learn lessons and establish an interest in this connection that will make them better citizens and more intelligent observers of the world's affairs. E. E. ClMKUAN, F. E. Donaldson, W. A. Huntley, C. O. X- Williams, E. O. CAuriiao-, Board of Trade Committee. Cure for Headache. As a remedy for all forms of Headache Klei'trin Bitters has proved to be the best. It effects a permanent cure and the most dreaded habitual sick head aches yields to its influence. We urge all' who are afflicted to procure a bottle, and give this remedy a fair trial. In cases of habitual constipation Electric Bitters cures by giving tbe needed tone the bowels, and few cases long resist the nse of this medicine. Try it nnce. OOc and $1 at Charms n A Co., Drug gits. Dr. Price's Cream Baking Powder Awsrosd Cold MU Mwiato Frir. 6r Fraacbco,