Oregon courier. (Oregon City, Clackamas County, Or.) 188?-1896, May 01, 1896, Image 1

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    Library', .
NO. 52.
About Carpets....
. . ,
Yes., that's the subject to talk about
now, for the two-fold reason that it's
Spring, and we are offeringcpportunities
for carpet buying which are the wonder
.of the hour. There's nothing remarka-
ble in low prices for goods which no
one wants, or in high class carpetings
: being sold at figures which only the
; rich can touch. Our figures for new,
handsome, and attractive patterns in
carpets, rugs, mattings, oilcloths,
linoleums, etc., make buying easily
possible for all. No jab lots of have-
. . . , . beens here: Carpets, 15c a yard and
upwards. Matting 10c a yard and
upwards,. 1 ' .
BELLOMY & BUNCH, The Honsefurnlshers, OREGON CITY
And Accident
' Leading Agency in
' .Clackamas County
ROyal Of LIVGrpOOl Doe largest buslnen in the world.
North British & UfmVSr ,n th" "orM' 56"
I SUl Of IiOndOn" 0,dt ParaI' flre lnnrsne omoe in th world.
bl3 Of HartfOrd L,raet l bt Amerlc company.
Continental Of NOW York 0ua of tl,e be,t American eompaolei
The Tiavelers Insurance Company of Hartford
Lwrgont, oldeat and beat aocldent Inauranoe company in the world, and
alao doea. a very larce life Inanranoe bualoeaa.
F. E DONALDSON, at Commercial Bank.
Thla Fanona Remedy onrcl qnlekly. permanently au
nurvuus dloeuneA, Weak Meoiurr, Lohs o( llraln fuw6t
Uuadacbe. Wakeruliiau. Ixxit vitality. Hignviy Kml
lutm, evil dreuuis, linpoteucr and wasting dlseaMS oauwd by
voutiuierrorturrxcaun. Coatalna no opiates, liaaerve tenia
and blood builder. Mnkethe pale ana punr itmnaand plump.
Banlljr enrried In vent pocket. Ml per boxi 4 forM. By manure
pnlrt, vHlhawHlUHmnntnvmrmfvrtfvritd. Writ u ft. free
medlrnl lKnk. settled plnln wranner, with tnfltlmonlals and
flnnncnifltflnn'Tiar. trharmtnremvHti(Ynt. Hrwan of mlffl-
'orsale in Orevou Cl'.-
, With past achievements, but always
striving to out-do our former efforts.
You will find our store bright with
most pleasing to the eye and quite
the "correct style to buy.
Your Brain...
Steady your nerves, and
perfect your digestion
by .using bread maJe
from our whele wheat
flour. It is made from
, the whole wheat berry,
except the outside bull
- or bran, which is a woody
substance, irritating and '
indigestible. Bread made
' Irom this flour I? not so
white as that made from
the pale white roller flour,
but is far superior for
food as it contains all the
gluten, germ, and oily
.' matter of the wheat and
,ia much sweeter , than
crHhHm or any other
bread not sweetened
artificially, .
The Grocer.
Your Redland correspondent bar
waked np again and will tell you whut
our people are doing. v
Mr. t'oraeoa of Tremont was viaitin?
friends at Linn's mill Saturday and
Sunday. - ' , - "v
Some of the boys in Stringtown were
visiting in Redland Sunday,
Mr. Ed. Bailey made a flying trip to
town Saturday.
G. E. Spees went up to Mr. Wolfs
to work.
J. AV. Linn was visiting C. A. SpragV-e
Sunday. . ..... ; ' 'j
Tbe Redland and Beaver Creek' rata
band is progressing nicely undor t'p
MmianAmaMl nf Du( T It.. '. ' '
furnished by tbe "violins."
School Id district No. 21 Is progress
ing nicely.
F. R. French of Dover, Or., was visit
Ing bin gon in law, F. F. Salman, Sun
day and Monday.
Tbe roads has no bottom in our little
burg yet.
Miss Milda Linn was In Oregon City
Monday .
Ed. Bailey waa in Beaver Creek Sat
urday night
The Redland and Beaver Creek brass
band will giveadancs at Linn's mill
'Saturday evening May 30, with a basket
supper; tickets 25 dents. Tbe band
I will furnish the music for the round
dances and a very good time is anticipa.
ted by everyone. All are cordially in
i April 28th. Engineer.
You can bear the bum of Linn's mill
every day now. ,
VV. Sprague went to Oregon City one
day last week.
Mr. Hanes gave a dance Friday night
and we hear that those present bad a
fine time. We also hear the music waa
Owing the continued rains farmers in
this locality manv have been delayed
in finishing their seeding and gardening.
Notwithstanding the bad weather
there is some-one almost daily passing
through here en-route to the Ogle Creek
mines. Last week James Thome,
Doctor Goiifher and others went to Ogle
Creek. They had to abandon their
horses some eight or nine miles before
they reached the mines, on account of
the snow . It will be some time before
the Red Rock trail will be clear from
snow so that horses can travel the en
tire distance. The most of the travel
now to Ogle Creek goes by way of the
river route as there is no snow that way
but the Molalla at this season of the
vear is a dangerous stream to ford un
less one is well acquainted with the
crossings. Wbat little prospecting has
been done so far this spring at Ogle
Creek is very flattering. That country
will probably be developed this season.
People here generally deplore the cut
ting inflicted upon the person of Lon
McLane by Eli Deck and muchsyra
pathy is extended the family .
ihe Molalla orchestra is practising
regular. They will furnish music for
the drama, "Above tbe Clouds," that
will be given by home talent to the
stone for the foundation. Notwitbstand
log bard times there will be several
new buildings erected at and near
Molalla Ibis summer in the way of barna
and homes. There la still a probability
that we will bave roller mill here this
year. Mr. Rodgera (the miller) and
family have located here with us ind
he is trying to make the enterprise a
Our school will close on May 5th.
Work on the new achool bouse will
be commenced as soon as possible after
school cloees.
Frof. Charles Cutting wat through
here recently on bia road to some mine
located on a tributary of tbe Molalla.
The proseseor had plenty of provision
and was well fixed generally, in fact,
has started to the mountains for a sea-
Hon s run.
Til ...
ii ib reponea tuat a certain yeung
man who went to Eastern Oregon from
here recently has failed to locate the
garden of Eden out there and wants to
get back to Molalla again. Of such is
bunchgrass to one that has been raised
in Clackamas county.
We had a new doctor locate with us
recently but he disappeared a few days
Jacob Harless is thinking of rigging
his chop mill again in place of the one
that flew to pieces for him a short time
April 28. XYZ
church Is sent back on thia field of labor
this year. . Ilia next appointment is tho
first Sunday iu May.
Chas. Biglow will probably be home
In a few weeks to stay for some time un
til he gains bis health.
Alfred Kuenzi la making a rail fence.
Ilia brother Herman has been helping
him for a while.
The fellow that got bia foot in a
pillow case hasn't been very well since.
April 27th. Daw Dk- p.
Elmo Daugoit fell from a bridge '
Saturday night. He was bruised a little
but not dangerous.
Mrs. Kakel was taken sick Monday
but she is improving now.
Tne mumps are about to leave.
Canemah as there are but one or two
cases at present. It is a question where
they will emigrate.
Tbe young men who started to fish
some three weeks ago report bad luck
because the water was to high.
Mr. Moore and family of Parkplace
bave moved into the Ross dwelling.
April 29th. Hans Woukbt.
people -ot Molalla and vicinity, la the.
near future. The proceeds of said enter
tainment is to go , I beleive, to aid in
procuring cnairs to text the hall or
upper story of our new school building.
Our new school house has been com
menced. Uncle Jake Harless has been
Talk about your Easter weather being
a forecast for six Sundai s to coma !
Why, friends, you are not in It at all
with your old threadbare prognostics
tions; in fact, you don't know anv more
about the weather than many others
Like the rest ot humanity vou have to
take it as it comes rain or shine. Don't
you remember the old saying, ''never
cross a bridge until you come to it?"
Say there I how is your clover crop
looking? Hereabouts it never looked
better at this time of the year.
z,acK iMiig8on nas some very nice
young pigs pasturing in the school yard.
Not every rancher has the control of
their hogs enough to jump them over a
six-board fence to feed upon scraps
thrown out by the scholars as they eat
their midday lunch.
Our local blacksmith, Mr. Schultz, is
hot having much of a rush of work at
Henry Schats is aplitting shakes to
Fnri iihed Every Week by the Clackamas
Abstract & Trust Company.
Geo Broughlon to G M Taylor, 11 a in
8 8 White cl; 1750.
T C Pettit to Herman Brown, 80 a In
ne cor sec 18, 2-4 e; $200.
A J Ringo to A L Kimro, w sw X
sec2, 4-3 e; $1700.
WescoA Davie to Nellie P. Brown, w
seo 10, 2-6 e; $150.
E J and A O Aldredge to Annie M
Green, indefinite description; $1275.
John Campbell to M L Manning, 10 W
a in see's 8 and 17 and 19 in Craufield
cl in 2-2 e; $3500
Sunset Ld Co to A W Cheney, lot 6 of
blk 5, Sunset City; $330. . .
K M Atkinson to A 8 Warren, lota 3
4 and 5 of blk 2. Park add. O 0 j II .
Geo Collins to E C Gilner, blks 4, 25,
32, GO and 69 and of 54, and lots 22,
23, 25 of blk 54, Minthorn ; $1358.
Wdi D Adams to J F Adams, 00 a in .
a of ne sec 22, 5-2 e ; $1. - ,.
., State j to G L Slaughter, se U of ',
ofioc isMttkn.-;-
A B and A W Graham to Violet Ran- .
dall, lots 1 and 2 blk 123. O C 1700.
J D Ritter to Katie M Ritter, 29.25 a
S Jb' of nw M sec 33, 4-1 e ; $10.
H A Moss to John Kiernan, lot 4 blk
engaged (between showers) hauling cover a chicken house. 20x18. he intends 31 antl 2 4 5 "d 8 blk 33, 9WeS0 ; $90
Scientifically tested and properly
fitted with spectacles or nose
Solid Sterling Silver Thimbles, only
by mail 17c, stamps taken . '
...Watch and Jewelry Repairing a Specialty...
We show one of the most complete stocks of FANCY DRY
shown in Clackamas county. You will find this an
UP-TO-DATE STORE. No long-winded prices here.
We guarantee every article at or below Portland prices.
Everything marked in plain figures one price to all. A
few sample prices from our immence stock:
building in the near fu ture
Joseph Miller waa seen on one of our
thoroughfares a few boars since, enroute
to Tualatin presumably to see tbe
boys. ???
No more hair on John Gage's upper
lip since his youngest slBter, Miss Ollie,
jumped the broom-stick. John says he
cannot wear a mustache and dance in
the hog-trough too.
A. M. Holton and his bride, Ollie,
formerly Miss Gage, departed on Friday
last for Northern Washington where
they will make their home. 1 Mrs.
Holton was born and brought up In this
neighborhood, and, so we have been
told, has but once been out of the state
heretofore; a typical American girl
always jolly and full of fun, and well
liked among her many associates.
We are pleased to state that those
that were reported on the sick list a
couple of weeks ago are convalescent,
and no more to add to the lift. Gen
erally speaking, 'Stafford is a very
healthy place and owing to its close
proxinity to the Willamette falls should
be classed as one of the "summer re
sorts" 01 ttie north west. Stafford la
located 6 miles west of the county court
nouse and at tbe base of tho Tualat'n
mountain, also 6 miles from Oswego.
0 miles 'from New Era. A
Wilionville and 6 miles from Durham' a
m'" LEVflTIIVr
April 24.
Jaa Shaw to Geo Kampp, lots 19 and
20 of blk 3, OI & 8 add, Oswego; $200.
J W ble lu T L Ctiarinan 8 a in
White cl ; $1.
Windsor L A I Co to E H Lei k, lot 8
and of 7 blk 3, Windsor ; $200.
Thro Niooli to Tbeo Wygant, a of
Geo Walling to W P Hawley, blk 1,
Sunset City; $450.
Joseph Plait to Ininan Paulson k Co,
lota 13 and 14 blk 14, Oswego ; $600. .
R W Brown etal to A E Hodgson, 8.52
a in II Johnson cl ; $255.
F M Ambler to A R Hodgson, 2.35 a
n nw of ne M of sec 28, 2-2 e; $235.
J and M Russell to G W Full, 100 a in
T R Jackson !l; $1200.
J J Naef to Otto Naef, tract in n 4 of
B B Rodgers cl ; $ I.
R F and 8 E King to G W Gordon, se
qr of a ijr of nw l4 and sw l4 of se
of nw ot sec 10, 0-2 e; $1.
US to David O Donnell, a of ne U
and lots 1 and 2, aec 4, 2-7 e; patent.
Wm Barlow to D J Parmenter, 0.72 a
in a i of ne qr of sec 31, 3-1 ;$!.'
335 Morrison srteet,
Seventh Street, Corner of Center, on the Hill.
Main St., Opposite Caufield Block.
. Two Shops, - - - - - - Oregon City, Oregon.
1 - ,
Of?oUa CanfrtCJtl'ins' Cbnt. Mala Street, Orefoa City, Oregon
Genu Cotton Socks 4. 5, 7, 10 and 13c.
tnveiopen ac a Duncn.
La1lei' Hhlrt Walxta the largest line In Oregon
City 35. 4H, tie, 75, 9c, 11.18, 1.2and 11.41.
Hh Ir Pins 3, 8 and 9o a box.
Ladies' Belt 6 to "iOc
l)rnlng Cotton 3c.
lress Shields 8, , 13 and 15c.
Best English Plus -4c; Common Ic.
Kress Maya Dc per doi.
Whalebone Casings loc apiece.
Kick Hack Braid-4c a bunch.
Shell Hair Pins 10c a do.
Safety Pins k! a dor
Hooks and Eyes le. a paper.
Windsor Ties 5 and 9c.
Pure Silk W indsor Tles-llc.
A full line of the famous p. N. and Ir. Warner'"
C' rsets Cut prices on them all. ,
Regular 41 jo, up-to-dat Kid Oloves !Wc.
Cents' Negligee Shirts 21, 25, 4. 5o, si, W and
Oents' French Balbrlegan fndenrear-4jc
Gents' Natural Wool Underwear IV.
0nts' Fine Neckwear 'a and 4?c.
He Our Bhoes.
Gents' Cotton Socks 4, 5, . In and 12r.
Ladies' Fast Black Hose-7, 9, IX 1. W, 21 and i'x.
Handkerrhiefs-3, 5,7, 10, 15 and Klc. .
Corsets fcteels 5, 7 and Uc.
Combs 5 and ll)c.
Linen Threadfic a spool.
Jxwik at Our Shoes.
Tooth Brushes 5 and 10c.
No more fancy prices in Oregon City.
Towels 5 to 50c.
Come in and see an up-to-date store.
Ladles' skirts flu, 75, sa and line.
Boys' Caps -26c.
Best Overalls 17c a pslr.
Chenilc Table Hpresds itA and ':.
Laces and Embroidery an immense line.
Ladles' Wicycls Leaglnsuttc and l.li.
Ladies' Neck Hearts 2)c,
Oents' Fine Silk, Linen and Cambric Handker
chiefs. Gents' Fine I'nlaundered Shirts reinforced.
pure linen front me.
8ee Our Shoes .
Genu' Sweaters H.23, $1.63 and KM.
Bemember our prices are right We will ssve
you money and treat you well.
Come in and see as whether you wish to buy or
not-Our prices will interest you when you
are in need of goods.
The weather is still wet in our country.
. The farmers cannot plow now on
account of rain, not becanse they need
A. Souleand son have been making
rails and burning logs for a while.
Tilings look different around where
they stay now.
I.J. Bigelow was down t Portland
last week.
John King has been bu 41 an anoiu
and potato boose.
The people of Rural I expect' to
hear T. B. Hankins and T, F. May next
Saturday evening.
George Osie has been doctoring for
catarrh of the head.
Rev. J)avig has one more appoint
ment to fill before conference at Rural
Dell, which will be on the third 8unday ' pwder; but take SIMMONS LlVERREGth
in May. - , ,.-.. LATOR. . You'll find the RED Z on every
Rev. Blair of the Free Methodiit, T. H. Zeilin Co, FhlUdelphU, Pa.
Is Simmons Liver Regulator don't
forget to take It The Liver gets sluggish,
durine the Winter, ju3t like all nature
and the system becomes choked up by
Se.a5cum,ulated waste which brings on
Malaria, Fever and Ague and Rheuma
tism. You want to wake up your Liver
now, but be sure you take SIMMONS
Liver regulator to do it. it also
regulates the Liver keeps it properly at
work, when your system will be free from
poison and the whole body invigorated.
your system is In Al condition, and that
will only be when the Liver is kept active.
Try a Liver Remedy once and note the
difference. But take only SIMMONS
Liver regulator it is Simmons
Liver Regulator which makes the
difference. Take it in powder or in liquid
aireaay prepared, or make a tea or tne
... 1.