Oregon courier. (Oregon City, Clackamas County, Or.) 188?-1896, April 24, 1896, Image 7

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the New Leader of the IrUb Parlla
meiiturjr Party,
John Dillon, who lum Just been olftt-t-ed
clmlriiiuu of llio Irish parliamentary
party, In not only nil nolo parliament!.
rlun and politician, but a quullued phy.
lelan und surireoii. His father wai
John Hliilto Dillon, of Dublin, a fam
ous ban-Inter. Mr, Dillon Inherited bin
rare power of oratory from hla futher,
who was likewise a patriotic M. P.,
sitting for Tlppernry In J8(i5-K1. Mr.
Dillon's mother was Adelaides Hart
Ho wag born In 1N.H, and was gradu-
joiix mr.i.ox.
ated from the Catholic University of
Dublin. lie Is also a licentiate of the
Royal College of Surgeons, of Ireland.
He was first sent to parliament In 1880,
when he sat for Tlpperary. In 18S5 ho
was eleetcd from East Mayo. He was
re-electixl In 1NU2. He has a good fa..
An nnocdoto relates how a noted art
ist painted that face In it West End
London church panel as the counte
nance of St John, where It Is admiral
to-day for Its serene beauty. Mr. Dil
lon Is a great lover of books. Ills
home lu North Great George's street,
Dublin, has a library rich in rare Hlber
nlana and, Indeed, In many valuable
and Interesting old volume picked up
by their owner through many years of
patient search. The neighborhood In
which he lives was a favorite one with
the ibers of the Irish parliament
It would le hniil to Imagine a man of
Mr. Dillon's imaginative nature llvln
in any but tin undent house with his
torical associations. At his bent Mr.
Dillon Is as fine u speaker as any man
in His party. Hut he lacks constancy.
He has neither the steadiness of Ilealy
nor the readiness of Sexton. Ills sen
tences are smnetimes broken and dif
Jointed. Hut if his feelings are strong
ly moved there is a simple strength
about what he says that, taken with his
manner, makes him second to none In
Impressivcness. He has long been af
rectionately known as Honest John
Geographies to Illume.
Ask any hundred English men, worn
en or children what is the name of the
capital of Russia, and every one ot
them will reply, "St. Petersburg." It
may be a small inuttor, bnt in point
or laot the proper name is "Peters'
burg. " The English are the only folk
who insist opou the "Saint " The city
was founded by Peter the Cheat, and is
named after him. It is quite true that
Peter was onoof the most extraordinary
men that ever filled a throne, but no
one would have been more astounded
than himself at being dubbed a saint
He neither lived nor died in the odor of
sanctity, and it is hard to find out how
it became the English fashion to mis-,
call the splendid town he founded.
Little Folks.
"It seemed sort of strange at first,"
said a stroller, "to Bee a one legged
man looking at the display in a shoe
store window, for it didn't seem as
though he would take more than half
an interest in shoes, but as a matter of
fact he appeared to be as much inter
psted as anybody. " New York Sun.
Spring -Medicine
Your blood in Spring is almost certain to
be full of Impurities the accumula
tion of the winter months. Bad ven
tilation of sleeping room, impure air
in dwellings, factories and shops, over
eating, heavy, improper foods, failure
of the kidneys and liver Jproperly to do
extra work thus thrust upon (hem, are
the prime causes of this condition. It
is of the utmost importance that you
Your Blood
Now, as when warmer weather comes and
the tonic effect of cold bracing air is
gone, your weak, thin, impure blood
will not furnish necessary strength.
That tired feeling, loss of appetiie, will
open the way for serious disease, ruined
health, or breaking out of humors aod
impurities. To make pure, rich, red
blood Hood's Sarsaparilla stands un
equalled. Thousands testify to its
merits. Millions take it as their
Spring Medicine. Get Hood's, becaoM
la the One Trne Blood Purifier. An droerlwa. H
Prepared only by C. L Hood A Cat, Lowe.l, Mass.
Wi-wrtrTe Dillc theon'y pillsrotake
nOOU S rUISwith Hoods oanaoanll
lliwl bourn Familiarity With Moth.
"What is tho biggest game in youi
country?" inquired the English tourist
with the gun on his shoulder.
"Moose and politics," replied the
lauk American who was sitting on the
fence and whittling a etick. Chicago
Electricity on lapuneNo Wur Vessels.
Tho tiring of great guns and the ex
plosion of shells apjMur to have the
effect of disarranging somo of the elec
trical devices on warships. The Japa
nese legation In Paris has forwarded
to the French government a report re
lating to the riM-ent naval combats,
lu which It Is stated, with regard to
the electric installations on Ixmrd the
Mikado's warships, that the luterrui
tious of current which took place were
not caused, as 1ms been said, by tho
recoil of the guns, but by tho bursting
of Chinese shells. Tho working of the
ordinance maneuvered by electrMty
was not Interfered with. The electric
wires used for Igniting charges were,
however, brokeu by the vibration set
up by the firing of the heavy guns.
Victoria's Newspaper Clippings.
Silk ribbons are used In the court of
Victoria to hold newspaper clippings
designed for the royal perusal She
never sees the putters In their orlglnnl
state. They are carefully perused by
an official, who cuts out what he thinks
will please her. pins tho clippings on
the ribbons, and lays them on her table,
"I haven't a
friend on earth; and,
what Is more,
I don't want one.
ine man wno creeps along bent over
with his spinal column feeling in a condl
tion to snap like a plpetttem at any min
ute, would readily give a great deal to get
out of his dilemma, and yet this is only
the commonest form by which lumbago
seizes on ana twists out oi shape tne mus
cles of the back. ThiB is commonly known
as backache, a crick in the back, but by
wnaiever name H may oe Known, ana How
ever bad it may be, 10 minutes vieorous
rubbing with St. Jacobs Oil on the atllicted
part will drive out the trouble and com
pletely restore. It is a thing bo easily
caught, it may be wondered at why there
is not more oi it, out riecause it la so easily
cured by St. Jacobs Oil may be the very
reason witu we near ho nine oi it.
"Maid of Boston, ero we part,
(Jive, O nlve me, love, vour heart!"
"durel" the answered, on tbe spot,
And tbe marble heart be got
Were old fashioned instrurneutB of torture long
since abandoned, but there Is a tormentor who
still continues to agonise the Julniu, muscles
uuu nerves oi many oi us. ine rueuinatlsiu
that Inveterate foe to dully and iilifkuy com
fort, may be conquered by tho timely and
steady use of Hostetter's Stomach Bitters, which
mewiso eradicates neuralgia, onions, malarial,
oowei, stouiaou aua nerve uoinniaiuie.
"My family," said Miss Antique, "came over
with the nigrum on tbe Mayflower." "Did
they really?" exclaimed Hicks. "How very
luierehiuigi auu were yott seasiva r
Stats of Ohio, City op Toledo,
Lucas County.
Frank J. Chknky makes oat
that he Is the
senior partner of tue firm of F. J. Chknky & Co.,
doing business in the City of Toledo, County
and State aloreeaid, and that said firm will pay
the sum of ON 1 HUNDRED DOLLAKS foreauti
aud every case of Catarrh that naunot be cured
oy me use oi hall s catarkh cubs.
Sworn to before me and subscribed in m
presence, this loia day ot December, A. II. 18S
I A. W. GLEA80N,
1 Notary Public.
Hall's Catarrh Cure la taken Internally and
acts directly on the blood and macous surfaces
oi ine system, bend lor testimonials, free.
f . j. (JHB.NKI & CO., Toledo, 0.
Sold by Druggists, 76c.
Hall's Family fills are tbe best.
FITS. All flu stoooed free by Dr. Kllna'a
Great Nerve Restorer. No Hi after the Brat
day's use. Marvelous eures. Treatise and 12.00
trial bottle free to Fit cases. Bend to Dr. Kline.
Ml Ajrcb Ht., Philadelphia. Pa.
Tbt Gcbmia lor breakfast.
rrom U.S.Joumal a MHu
Prof. w. H. Feeke, who
makes a specialty of
Epilepsy, haa without
doubt treated and cur
ed morecase8 than any
living- Physician; his
success is astonishing.
We have heard of cases
of so years' standing
cured oy
him. He
publishes a
work oo
this dis.
ease, which
he sends
with a
1 U f-(r Yint-
tle of his absolute cure, free to any sufferers
who may send their P. O. and Express address.
We advise any one wishing a cure to address
rot W. H. FEEKE. F. 0.. a Cedar St.. Hew Tor ,
mo j
'& Water
for MM
Tha watch is nickel, good timekeeper, quick stem wind and set. You will
find one coupon inside each 2 ounce bag and two coupons
inside each 4 omnce bag of
Send coupons with suit and address to
Buy a bag of this Celebrated Smoking Tobacco, and read the
coupon, which gives a list of other premiums and how to get them.
If yon want a tare relief for
lunM, ue aa
BiAt in Miitd Not one of
tations it as rood as the genaine.
John K. Cowcn, tho New President
of tho lliitltnorc ami Ohio,
John K. Cowcn, incmlwr of Congress
fiiini the Koiirili Maryland district, who
was recently elected to tho presidency
of tho Uiiltiinoro and Ohio Kallrond,
has been tiivmlllcnt in the politics of
his State for many years. Ho Is Haiti
to lie lu clime contact with President
Cleveland, and It Is argued that In view
of this fact and thu political enmity
existing between Mr. Cowen and Sena
tor Gorman, Mr. Cowen's selection as
president of the Haltlinore and Ohio
has no little political significance.
Mr. Cowen was born In Ohio about
55 years ago. He was graduated from
Princeton College, at which Institution
he formed an Intimate acquaintance
with Hubert Garrett which Is resjionBl-
blo for Mr. Cowen's present Intlueiitlal
position. Tho Intimacy was continued
after the young men left college, and
at the suggestion of his futher, John
W. Garrett, then at the bend of the Hal
tlinore and Ohio road, Mr. Garrett In
duced Mr. Cowen to settle lu Iiulti-
more aud enter the service of the road
In the li-giil department. Mr. Oowen
did so und was rapidly advanced, be
coming general counsel lu 1872. lie re-
nuiluHd lu that itaclty until his elec
tion as president of the roud recently.
Mnmly Satisfied.
A imuiufiR'turer of tombstones in a
floiirinliliig provincial town one dny re
ceived a call from a customer who
wished to buy n stone for bis mother's
grave. After looking anxiously about
for some time and making numerous
remarks ns to bis mother's taste he
dually ll.vtHl his gnsse upon n ston
which the ( stone-cutter had prepared
for another person.
"I like this one," he said, decidedly;
"1 11 take tins."
"Hut that belongs to another ninn,"
remonstrated the stonecutter, "and It
has the luune 'Francis' cut on it, you
see; that wouldn't do for your mother. n
'Oh, yes, It would," responded the
country nmii. "Mother couldn't read;
and besides," ha added, as he saw the
stonecutter's expression, "she'd like It
all the better If she could read, for
Francis was nlways a favorite name
of hem, anyhow."
The story Is suggestive of one told of
a London tradesman suddenly grown
rich, who, having set up his carriage
In great state, went to a hnrncssmaker
to have a silver letter put on the blind
ers of his horncfl.
"What Is the initial?" asked the har-
"The what?" said the rich man, look
ing blank.
"What letter shall I put onr inquired
the harnessmaker, suppressing bis
"Well, l naan t quite made up my
mind, answered the customer, "but I
guees W Is about as handsome a letter
as any, Isn't It?"
61avery In Great Britain.
Slavery survived in England much
later than is generally supposed. The
word "bondage" in Northumberland
still means a female farm servant. The
coolies und salters i. a , salt miners of
East Lothian were actually slaves till
775. If they deserted their service, any
one harboring them was liable to a pen
alty of 5 if he did not restore them in
34 hours. Tho last slave in England
was not freed until 17U0, and in 1843
there was a cooly living who, as well
as his father and grandfather, had work
ed as a slave in a pit at Musselburg.
paini in tbe back, fide, cheat, or
tbe host of counterfeit! and imi
Col. R. IYI. Littler Recommends That Best of Rem
edies, Paine's Celery Compound.
For ten years secretary of the Na
tional Better and Egg Association and
since 1883 secretary of the ChioaKO
produce exchange, Uol. Robert M. Lit'
tier has been in constant demand as a
bureau of information by eorresDond-
ents wno recognize Chicago as the com-
meroiai oenter of tbe country.
vnen suoh people as Col. Littler.
State Treaseurer Colvin of New York,
Modieska, the actress, ex-Minister to
Austria John M. Franois, and hosts of
other equally responsible persons vol
unteer testimonials as to the wonderful
virtue of Paine's oelery oompound. no
siok or suffering person can with any
show of reason hesitate to make use of
the great remedy that has made so
many people well. CoL Litlter says:
I have nsed with trreat benefit sev
eral bottles of Paine's oelery oomtxmnd
and have recommended it to myfrienda.
it is a wonderful spring remedy."
uo to the busiest lawyer, editor or
business man of your acquaintance who
has taken Paine s oelery oompoundv
Breast Com
L Made Kv Walter
J uorchester, Mass., is " a perfect
Jk type of the highest order of excel
ij lence in manufacture." It costs less
than one cent a
It the name of Woman's Friend. It la a-. - uniformly success
lnl in relieving the backaches.headachei r-f I 1 ls mnA o.vn..
which borden and shorten a woman's
wumua itJHtii v lor it. it win inve hba
and make life a pleasure. For sale by
Perfect mMs grow
rMytnircroiM, Perfect
fare not grown bychiuioe. Woti..T
ring in ever left to chance In grow
r Ini Krrrv'rpd. ImlmmU
f tbeiu everywhere. Write for
, for 1196. Brimful of valatblai
k luforzuatiooslwiJttjAt and new-.
. tat aocda. Fraa by msU. .
Detroit, Mich.
lieiBaT aad Bliad. ItksWlDtr tr PrMrn4tnsr Pll itaUH aMia
rsfcUNfMUMt!. a M-im-earr. i..r-a.r a-ot Irm. mm
: MRS. Wmt
FarMlaaraltOrMcfau. Cu a MUa,
There are hosts of such professional
men in every city who would hardly
spare yon a moment's time for strictly
business matters. Ask one of them in
his busiest hou.-s whether he can recom
mend Paine's oelery omipouud, and
ten chances to one he'll say: "Bit
down. No matter about my being busy;
always glad to praise Paine's oelery
That is the feeling among people
who have been made strong and well
by Paine's celery oompound. They
never feel happier than when they oan
persuade some man or woman who is
out of health to try Paine's oelery oom-
pound. .Next
to doing good to one's
self there is a delight in doing oood to
others. There is no more enthusiastic
body of intelligent men and women
throughout the oountry than the great
army of those who have recovered
health by the use of Paine's oelery oom- oelery compound should be taken with-Pn,nd-
out delay. It will restore the heakh
end disastrously might be quiokly and
aa a )
The very remarkable and certaia
relief given woman by MOORE'S
"aV. Xat ljfe rrnon(andg q
tn and strnnirth
all drumjisu.
Poaltlv ly Curadj with TcgaUbl Ramadlat
Uaraoure4 Uiausands of sum. Cure sans pro,
snuncaxl bufwlau by baatpbjslcians. Krom Uratdoas
ynipuims dlsappaar:ln tan darsatlaMttwo-UiIro
lymptoras rsinovad. Ssnd for free book tastlmo
ntsl of rolrajmioas ennm. Ten dars' treatmanl
frm hy mall. If yoa order trial, sesd 10a In stampr
or par p"tas I'K. H.ll.jKisNHoNs,Atlaoia,(ia.
II rou order trial return una sdTerUseauuit lu us
This is true, though yon will not be
lieve it A distinguished, bat ?ery Phil
istine lady, who has in her powwmion a
rare and beantifnl "old manter," has
hitherto kept tbe pictnre io ber gallery,
because she did not consider "the node"
nitable for exhibition in a drawing
room. The other day sbe asked ber Ger
man governess an amateur artist to
paint clothing ou to the figures. Mow
the pictnre bas a place of bonor in ber
drawing room. I am told tbe effect is
rather extraordinary. London Gentlewoman.
permanently cured if sick persons could
only be induced to take Paine's eelery
oompound. If women, burdened be-,
yond their strength with household
oares, would only take Paine's eelery
oompound, When they fel that dispir
ited, enervated condition ooming on,
they would escape the martyrdom of
baokaohe, headaohe, disordered liver
and heart trouble.
Insead of being thin, nervous and
unhappy they would experience the Joy
of perfect health, sound digestion and
quiet nerves. ,. .
Paine's celery compound is just the
remedy needed by women who are in
continual ill-health and spirits, seem-
innlv well one dv and tlmn.t i,
abed the next Their trouble lies
plainly in the want of good rioh bleod,
, and plenty of it, and in the conseooent
famished state of their nerv. PaaW
billtated condition.
"Save My Child!"
is tne cry ot
many an
' little one
writhes in croup or whoop
ing cough. In such cases,
Dr. Acker's English Rem
edy proves a blessing and
a godsend. Mrs. M. A.
Burke, of 309 E. 105th St.,
New York, writes: "Dr.
Acker's English Remedy
cured my baby of bronchitis,
and also gave instant relief
in a severe case of cronp.
I gratefully recommend it."
Three sizes, 35c..S0c. II. AU Dnrtlats.
In an nnoccuplerl territory to lake
orders for
Rustlers can make big wagei.-
THE AKRMfrTOR GO. doas half tne '
wmrtmlll bualueM, becanae It kas reduced Ute euet of
wind power to l.H what It Ml U has many kraaeh
mw bouaee, and suppllae lu foods aud ntpairi
aV Vatiuurdoor. it caa aud diee f uraiaa a
a ST Am better article fo? lees moojiba
a fw3 mjuimi. it aiakea Pomplac ai.d
a Y I (toanxL Steel. ftalTanlaed-altar.
Oom pletlon wind mills, TlHlnc
and rued Steel Tower. Steel Baa Haw
Frame, steel ree4 On turn ao4 Wm
C A Orloder. On applleatHn It will aaasaene
M of tbeee articles thai It will fumisfe auM
) winery 1st at 13 tue nenal prte. It alee -isis
Tanks aud Pudds all kind Mnd m ,.m...
I Wk SatkwaR sas flllaers lweta,Cawase
"Jut Don't Fatil WaH J
upmwLIVER pills
- nuD, .oinaioaaa.
Only One for a Dos.
Sold by Dmsdate at SSo. box
Sam plee rnallrd frea). AMrv
Or. Batsnko Med Co. Pbiia. fa.
ttirttTintst ill 1l fallS. '"1
I Cough syrup. Taatce bond, Caa (
in tuna. Bold oy omgglata.
rw w
V. P. H. TJ. No. MO-8. t. . U. No. 723
B. MMAAtif, Phlifct Ffc