$ti 1 POPULISTS. Tbe Fopuli-ti of Oregon have met in convention adopted an excidlciit jlir- form mill minii-il u ticket. A uiorc earnest, pittriotiu liody of men never ua neiiiblnd and their work iiio-ih with ihn approbation of the runic ami file of I lie party tlirohwlioiii the niaio. While tliere wua a iliviniun of opinion upon uoveral importunt iBHUt'H before the convention, i every one of them went finally ill poeed of in a manner which gave Mti faction and the best of feeling wai die played between the delegates at the clone of their labors. CONVINTION IN DETAIL. The state people' party convention was called to order by Chairman W. II. Spaugh in the opera house in Salem at 1 :15 o'clock Thursday afternoon. He first read the call and made a short speech by saying that he was proud of the large representation present. He knew that the people's party had a pand work before it, it had a nation to save, and thorough, harmonious work must be done ; tbe delegates must act in harmony for he thought the convention had a big job before it during tbe two days. Nathan Pierce, of Umatilla, was elected temporary chairman, J. A. Jef frey, of Jackson, secretary. A committee of five on credentials was appointed, viz: W. 0. Ballard, S. P. .Smith, James Bruce, J. K. Sears, H. Caldwell. The delegates handed up their credentials and the committee pro- needed to prepare its report. On order of business the following gentlemen were named: H. A. Murphy G. A. Sanford, D. E. Swank, 0. Huff man, 0. 1. Steam. ' A motion was offered that a commit' tee on platform and resolutions be se lected it to conaiHt of one delegate from each county represented in the conven tion. An amendment was suggested that the committee be mimed bv the re- spective countien. Carried. The com mitte selected was as follows: W. Simmon, J. 0. Young, 11. S. Graham, J S. McCain, L. A. Ward, W. S. U'lten Frank Willhims, J. W. Jory, C. II Mur.sli, Dr. ISrooklmrt, Dr. Euibree . Wm. Parsons, Geo. Meader, V. II Spaugh, John Gill, J. T. Johnson, W J. EdwiirdH, I,. Henry, J. C. Luce, J. S Smith, II. Penlinger, 0. P. llutherford VV. B. King, Chester Skeel, A. 0. Brown Martin Quinn, J. B. Grilllth, J. C. OH ver, A. Buxter, G. B. Huff, II . Cald well. On motion, Multnomah county was granted an additional member on the platform committee. By motion the ladies of the W. C. T. DOCTOR G.W. SHORES' COMPLETE ATARRH URG. ItOTH LOCAL am) ivn:i:xAL. 1 tic tinlv remedy frdnriinteetf to nbtolutcly . uiv cuuirh mill cniMey cradicttto the Ueaic hum l ho moud unit ratem FULL SIZE, $1.00; TRIAL SIZE, 25c, Lath full ,ie pinkot? oniMins unc full iniinlh's tical trMiment, nne full monih's supply of Cturrh ti'uliiij; It.ilm una titu- (till iniiiith supply of CilUrrh, tltmj und Siuiu.n, h IMS. If vnu hvi nw nf the fnll.iwfntr vmn'ims, Dr (i 'V. Shores ('nmpif'e C inrrh ("ure w'll (jive vnn In- -Mn relief rtiul conipn'te'v anJ peimuneittly cure ytiu. U lite ne vnp1 tn ? )nvmir nnse dU'-hnrirr? Ik V mn nrp (in.1 lemlcr? I ihrre nutfi In f nn ' liirt? ho vnu hawk tn clev 'lie thrum? Is your llintiit drv in (he morning? Po you sleep wtih your mouth open? Is your hearlne fatlln ? Do vou' er tlUchitrtfe? Is Hit wax drv In your ears? Do you ..ear better mme days than others? Ik your hearing worse when you have a culd? Or. O. W. Shores' Ouph Cur cures all cmihi. olds and hmnrhf I affections. One dose will stop -paniodic cr-nip Keep a b 'tile In the house. Large .litbottles 2Sc. If you have these symrtoms ute It is directed on tbe M'le and It will cure you- Have vou a couch? )o vou take cold easily? Have you a pain In the side? (oymi raise truth v matcrlnl? Do you cnuirh fn the rooti.lnR? Do you spit up little cheesv lumps? Dr. G. Shores' Tonic ind Blood Purifier clean ses and purities the b'ood, gives kirength and vigor, ures dvpepsia and all nervous diseases. Price, I per boltle. It 'rermanently cures the following -vitip'onts: Is there nausea? Do you belch up ff..? Are you cnsiip.ne.tf I yout tongue co.ited? lo you bto.tt up after eaiing? Do vou I eel vou ate glowing weaker? Is there cnnstam bad laste m the mouih? in. U. W. Miortfs Kidney ami Liver Cure uusail d vases ul (lie kidneys, liver and bUdder, 'mo, l rot b.'Ult. !. vou get Jiy'f Have ou tuli ifti? Do you leel miserable? Do you if'l t'rrd easily? lo uu have hot tljNhrs? j Ate yout spoils lo M times? I ! i ou hive ruml ltli' in IvwHs? D ' viur li.nivls an.) iivt sw tlr I i ,vs nwiiiv.1 m. 'if .it n ; i 1 1 j i ihi'e pJ'ii in siiirfll l Ivukf II tr lite pftru.iuoii a b.id nJor? is ilictr putlinfS UitJft ihffi D.iv,uilue lo uri up oltL-n atnitit' s iiit-ie a deposit in uiine it Irtt standing 1 1 ti I i llu'se siits .ui.t risk lirij;iil s Ji-f.-.e .Mliiitf you. Dr. Niorr' Kidney and ner vuie vvtii uie u it usvd as aut-cteJ on the bottle Dr. U. W, Sli' MoiintHln nre Oil st.rs ti trst ram n out noiuiie. t"f hca.iiu ue. tootii ti "he, n-i.t i ir.i'iii-s or iniic (is It rs'i in.i:Iv and m- eriKtiiv Divvi-m and cure d'pliihtita it used m t pt kV i . h.-iiii- It in tv, I't . . -'. ;i b.'ttie. Vc Vt. W. ;i ire' I .' in Vcrmtlture dosirovs tii,"' ii ..t.ii in I ri'i ii v tV I 'lie i.iiinJ nt-st vf:ir. t'trv luuh an.l b .rJ It ties vr fa.'. Price ()r. ti "V Shares' Wmte'green Salsc cures ,i!t it. t itm kni. !- u-.ses r-d spots .ind biaclc .-itn.'H s tr.iin me l.u e. Iui old uu tn J to Sdays. FT'!, c . J l' t. Or i V Shtire Aitl-Cnntip iti.i Pllli uie clii-''iii o wiip 4tun. u headache and bilious iftack I'rue, c a Isnre. In a'l rws, if the N-wf 's are constipated tnkV -rie t r. 4f W. li.ires' Anil-(.nsi.rjH on D'twat bdnme t yo'irtTTmWr t chn-nn- .sni dip-sai-d. wnte Dr i. W Shoes rrro"4ilv for hi pew n-.piom bs tnd have our case jiagnoed and gft h s epn ad- h e tree. 1hi f.im-Mi repJ:e re p'enreJ omv rv Ish--t (i W S'K.irs. ion k .Mcdi.ai Insiititu-. Salt La'-ir .its-. I't.ih For sale bv a'l Druggists, or sent u, ai: addtrs , "ctt.'pt 'f rl!l"e- I OS VI. K BT G. A. HARDING, Sole Agent OIIK'.ON I I TV, OKEIiOX. U. were invited to seats on the platform and they were h!k granted permisMon lo present ptiition to the ih lvfttr. Mr. Vandcrvi'i t tend tlie paer whieli ciilli'd ii ii Hit- coiivi'iiiinn tn ini'lnde in u film form a lank (avoiinu pioliitn lion of tin- lioicr tiallic. The ducument w.is ordered transiniited to the com initico on ri'solntions. On iimiion of IlenRft, of Mnlinomad a coin hi ittee of live win apKinied by the chair on revision of the plan of party organization, vis: 1). Heni(st, Ira Wake Held, Chas. A. Fitch, J. J. Sturgill and 0. Teal. On motion of W. D. Hare a recess was declared till committee on credential were ready to report. At 5 o'clock it was announced tbat the committer would be unable to report before morn ing, and that Gen. Weaver would speak in the evening. FRIDAY MORNING. Convention reconvened at 0 o'clock a. m. and adopted the report of committee on credsnt'als. The house then proceeded to perma nent organization, by the election of Judge Olmstead, of Baker, as chairman, John W. Jory, of Marion, secretary and Ralph Harper, of Marion, and . H. Cooper, of Clackamas, assistants. Mr. Jory declined on account of engage ments in favor of Mr. Harper, who was advanced to the office of permanent sec retary. The committe on platform reported and report was amended and adopted an follows: THE PLATFORM. W. 8. U'Ren, secretary of the com mittee, read the report. Each plank was vociferously applauded by the con vention and at the conclusion the doc ument as a whole was adopted, not, however, without some debate on the plank relative to the "obligatory form" of the initiative and referendum, sev eral desiring that it should be amended to read "optional," and others thought it entered into details at too treat an extent. Finally the plunk was simpli fied us eliown in the platform below. The committee had labored on the plat form from 8 o'clock Thursday nichl until 1:30 o clock J'rulay morning and, as Mr. U'lten said, drafted a plat form of greater length than the moral law. Then the several factions of the committee gut together at 8 o'clock Fri day morn ing and seeing what they had done decided to leave the whole matter of a platform to a sub-committee of three and to them the convention is indebted for the following with the exception of the one amendment. "National affairs We reaffirm the fundamental principles of the Omaha platform and instruct our delegates to the national convention to readjust any details, if possible, in such form tbat all reform elements can unite on one platform and one national ticket ; "We favor changing our national con stitution so as to provide some form of diiect legislation, and tiie early sub mission of important national questions to the people ; "We recommend that our national con vention devise some plan for the effec tive protection of American labor from the ruinous competition of Asiatic and European cheap labor, including rigi restriction and, exclusion if necessary. of foreign immigration. "State affairs We demand the frei and unlimited coinage of gld and silve , ut the ratio of 10 to 1, without waitini for the consent of any other nation' "We denounce the republican part) fir its entire failure to perform un promise it made to the people of OregO' in the year 1894, and hold it wholly re sponsible for the reckless and extrav agant waste of the tax payer's money by the legislative assembly of the yeu 1895; "We pledge our candidates for tin legislature to vote for the abolition oi all useless commissions and boards, foi ihe Biliary system of paying public of lims, for a stale appropriation bill pro- SPALDING'S Athletic Library. Iflsti ui'tive nook on all branch of athletic ' ris. wiicnliy the novice van heroine ;in tfH i h honk is :i complete tre.itist" on that particular tt, iiulutly illnstr.itril, tonuinini; the latest n aitil wiitiiMi hy it Co in potent authority. 'Ihe ! u U a empiric li .i, lo il.ilt, tu V.!;lll aildj n atc iii.hIc monthly. I. i in .unt i. .lines oi i.i-. I. Cornell. H S. Ii'..li:in C mU ami Pnmii ftf i hA I. I . w to IVi'tiinc a !i'cr. 'I l'- ",u '" ' ''vl-.twn I nnis. I,- I!....- IUH. trv t-t:u'.i- (i !. t' s liaMil'i. :! l PliiUirv .- li ill 1 IVn. in . H) ' i.hu.J S I;lil. I j n n; if" i '!'''- ,. i; iun lis- IJ1IU--S I ;i.,n.i rv t in. n .nl III. A:, licrv. :i Mil. tic I! V u II. Oili.-i.il K ..t in t: v s... II ;1 ' Xl'il.-li,. :ttl P'l!! u.. I y II. t;.iMtc r..!it. .1 I W'.iltiT lj.iV tr.uu ot 't l'i.iscr.n: li. 11. , lo uc t nc l u. ti- s.; IV H ii k I,t p..!.. ,'.lln' Pi II. 11 u ! I'l .y Pa. r...w. i.y U . II I'.ii TII. , -u !. Pi . .,1 It .1' I'ln in; 4t AtSl -ti.- !-: l.r r . '--t. X lriu. is i ls 1 K ' T l to- i .-.j'. ic. 17. s':n ii ti ..: ... I..: A A 1" . ,- c i. Si-iM -nt . Pi :i ur , p....! i ,.r.. ii - MIAr.-m.l t!ii!.-i,v' .ui.l i..r I'iie, 0:. r r,.'k. iit;.i I t. ny aal'- V I .1.1 J -utr or t jiil ..!a. A.l.iics. : Department 'C Am-Tuiar! S,xrls Publishing Co 21 BROADWAY. Y V. 4. 1 i. Moil !.. I. ' S if 1 t V," I ' . i riding only for the constitutional sal. arles and the economical support of necessary st ite institution and avainst y appropriations for -ertarian insti tutions; "We remand the reduction of official ' salaries to correspond with the reduction in the wages of labor Hnd the prices of the products of labor; "We renew our demand for the speedy abolition of all fish traps, Hsh wheels', and a stringent regulation of seine and gill-net Ashing; "We demand the re-enactment of the mortgage tax law. " We favor an amendment to our stale constitution providing for the ni(iative and referendum." "We protest against the policy of the government in patenting lo railroad corporations lands along their lines, of which in many instances, mineral lands are patented to said corporations, to the great injury of the miners of our state; Wherefore, we demand that all min eral lands in this state be exempt from the grasp of such corporations and re served fur the use and benefit of the miners and the best interests of the state." A resolution was passed that a clause be inserted in the plan of organization that four members of the State Central Committee be elected by that body, and together with the state central chair man constitute the state executive com mittee in which power is vested to fill all vacancies which may occur in the state, congressional and judicial ticket. A resolution was passed favoring a service pension law for all ex-soldiers, sailors and mariners, who served ninety days or more in the late civil war, who are not now on the pension roll, anil that the surviving veterans of the civil war be placed on the pension rolls at the same rate as those of the Mexican war. An amendment was added that congress authorize me government io Nsue eullicient paper money to pay all pensions. At this juncture of the proceedings all the delegates of the peopled party present, who had served in the Mexican or civil wars were asked to rise to their feet, and a careful count showed there were 47 of them. A resolution was passed declaring it to he the sense of the meeting tbat the request of the W. C. T. U. for the in sertion of certain planks in the state platform could best be met by the adoption of the Initiative and refer endum. A resolution was passed calling for the election of U. S. Senators, president and vice-president of the United States by direct vote of the people. A resolution was passed that exemp tions for indebtedness be only made in cases where 'here was a corresponding taxable credit. Retribution. Wife If I hud known before we wore married that yon swore so, I never would have married you. The Husband (sadly) That's what conies of beinir a hypocrite. Life. The nicest and Anest stumped linens f ver received, now i Ii utK4 "GREATEST ON EARTH." Dr. NUea Restorative Nervine. . Mr. R. T. Caldwoll, is book-keeper In the First National Bank of Fulton, Ky. "I was completely run down. My nerves became so unstrung through loss of sleep and worry that I felt sure I would be com pelled to plvo up ny poxition 1 would lie awake all night lone, aud It took but little K. T. Caldwell. ! to shako mo up so that I could not possibly ; attend to my busitu&d as I shuuid. In ; connection with this I had liter trnu&k, heaviness about the stomach, and pains in , different pnrtsof niy bouy. I wasnlsomuch i rtxlucesi in tlosh. I was persuaded to try i Dr. Miles' Restorative Nervine. I first procured a trial bottle from a local drujet! ist and Kooii result. quickly followed. I then procured a dollar botue.nnd by the time I hail used this uo I was a different man. I am now on my third bottle and am able to sivrpsoundly ana eat rvcularly, somethins I could not possibly do before taktn your iVmtns. 1 am nowulii rcitsfrrd. and do not hesitate to pronounce Pr. Miles' Restorative ir'ui me iruiim umni on earta. - Fulton. Ky. K. T. CALDWEIX. Dr. Miles' Nervine tn sold on a positlva fnarantee that the first bottle will ix'nenu Alliirustistftaelliifcttl.e botdt-d frj,or It will bcseit. prenanl. on receipt of price by the Dr. Alilc AWiai Co Eikhaxt, lad. Dr. Miles' Nervine RcfJIS,t irriTV rpUTivr Tif AnDTQn I VYHl litEjI XLUUltiSll SECRET OF 8UCCES3 OF MANY PROS PEROUS TOWNS. With SlmlUr Natural Advantages Thota With Improvement Societies Far Out strip Their Neighbor Huw They Are Formed Professor II. O. Northrop. With practically the same natnral ad vantages it seem strange at first thonght that one town attracts new residents, local industries are successful and the deposits keep the borne bank in a healthy condition, while another village barely holds its own from year to year and is an example of what a village ought not to be. One village baa a high school, a building that cost, say, $30,000, and the income from the tuition of nonresi dent pupils and from state and town funds makes tbe school taxes reasonable, while an adjoining village is perpetual ly in hot water over its school affairs, and its taxes are heavy, without any corresponding benefit Why are some so attractive educationally, socially and in such matters as shade trees, street lamps and good roads, while other are so backward and unattractive? The difference is usually explained by the presence or absence of an organ iced or unorganised rural improvement society. An organised improvement so oietyls a power for good so long as it maintains its organization, bntit is often the case that half a dozen live, pro gressive property ' owners accom plish the work of an improvement society withont northbop. special organiza tion. Professor B. Q. Northrop, LL. D., tbe father of improvement societies, de fines their work, which, he says, in cludes the sanitary condition in homes and their surroundings, sidewalks, roads, roadsides, school and church yards, cemeteries, parks and other pub lic lands, as woll as private estates, the grounds around railway stations, pro viding drinking troughs or fountains, lighting streets, removing nuisances, planting trees, organizing free town li braries and whntevor else the exigencies of each plan may suggest for its growth and betterment. Village improvement societies are reconmiouded b-cau.se they cultivate a general frieDdly feeling; they foster public spirit j they do much to break the monotony of the life of small communi ties, which is not commonly too excit ing under any circumstances; they make life better worth tbe living and real estate better worth the buying; they attract people of taste and fortune who are prospecting for a place which they can call home. ' The organization of an improvement society is an exceedingly simple matter. The officers usually consist of a presi dent, viae president, secretary, treasurer and executive committea The meetings are usually held monthly, with an an nual meeting usually held in the spring. Special meetings nm' be called nt any time by tht president, and the annual dues vary from $1 to $5. B. G. Northrop, LL. D. , may be said to be the father of the improvement so cieties of America. He is n native of Litchfield couuty, Conn., and was born and bred on a farm. Ho entered Yale college and graduated, choosing the ministry as his profession. For a time he was the pastor of a church in Massa chusetts, but soon ubandoned the minis try for school work. For ten years he was agent of the Massachusetts board of education, when he wus made secretary of the Connecticut board of education. He held the latter position 10 years, and was largely instrumental in bringing about the free school system in the state. During the last ten years, or until his recent trip to Japan and other oriental countries, his life bus been devoted to the organization of improvement socie ties and the proper observance of Arbor day, of which he was the founder. It is said that Arbor day for economic pur poses originated with J. Sterling Mor ton, while Arbor day for educational and memorial services, especially in schools, originated with Professor Northrop. A Mix Up. The rlf nientH were niixeii in lnrn i that iiatiiro mia'it ftnuil un mid ftty la all the world, Thi.swuani.iii! i!ak'V-1 Life. "Boforci I ciruc tip liiv wifo s.ivrt t) rtie. 'EVu't riilc fai his t.iil, (ieurep.' But how am I to know which is hif fail?" Loii'ii.n's Funny Vendor. NErBALT.IA cured h PluA. 'Vuecent a u.m?. Ir. Mile" Pais At all druggist. & u. 1- aT'.Wi'S.i. i i for Infants and Children. pnOTHERS, Do You Knovy h, Batemaa's Drops, Godfrey s Cordial, many so-eaUed Bootbinf Bjrups, and most remedies for children art composed of opium or tuorphbwf He Tarn Kaarw that opium and morphine are stupefruf narcotic poisons f VJo Yon Know that in most oountrtes drursiats srs sot permitted to sea ssrootka without UbtUnr them poisons t Do Yon Kow that yoo should not permit sir madlda to bo give your child ualess you or jour phsteJaa know of what It Is composed f Do Toa Know that Cartoria is a purely vegetable preparation, and that a Urt ef 1M ingredients Is published with ererr boUls 1 Pa Toa Kow that Cactoria Is the prescription of the famous Dr. Samuel Pitcher. That it has been in use for nearly thirty years, and that mors CastorU Is sow sold than of all other remedies for children combined 1 Do Yoa Know that the Patent Office Department of the United States, sad of other coastries, hare Issued exclusive right to Dr. Pitcher and his assigns to net tbe word CastorU " and its formula, and that to Imitate them Is a stats prison offense t PoToa Know that oiic of the reasons for giants because CastorU had been proren to be ateelataly karaalaee? Po Ton Know that 35 rage doses of Castorla are furnished for 3ft oanta, or one cent a dose t Po Yon Know that when poseeened of this perfect preparation, your children may be kept well, and that you may have unbroken rest f Well, these things are worth knowing. They are facte. The fac-simile signature Children Cry for BEFORE and AFTER CUPIDESIE trengthensandrostoresmall weak organs, - .- The reason sufferers are not cured hv Hectors Is because ninety per cent are troubled with atautls. CUPIDENEIstheonly known remedy tn cure without an operation. Cuwiestlmnnl- sis. A written vuarantee (riven end money returned If six boxes does not enecl a permsueut cure. UIOabox,slxforfS.oa,bymail. Bend for jnEB Address BAVOl. JIEDICISfE CO., P. O. ' M- P ONF. GIVES WAR! -AT GAMBRINUS The only place In Ihe city which can supply you with nnylhlnn you want In the liquor Hue and naves you money on every article you buy WINK, HHP. It AM LiyllOKS because 1 sell to you ul Fortluud prices and save you your electric car fare and expenses while in Portland. It will Hve ten years on your life's lease by trading at home with a reliable firm and not being held up by highwaymen on the electric ear What you buy at the Unmbriuua Culd storage is guaranteed to be Just what you buy It for or aioncy relunded Largert stni k nf I.lqunrsand the only complete stock of Wines at the Lowest P hicks WHY GO TO A DItl (isTOHE and pay S4.U0 per gallon as a pastime when you can buy better wine at the following prices: SWEET WINES: California Port Wine, per gallon snerry Angellca, " " ' ts-oet Muscatel " Toksy Wine " " " Mnderia " " " Mul'Ka " " " ' Hisling A llucfc M " Claret Hotileii Beer (quarts) per dozen Porter, lioinesiic " tiitiiiess' shxtra .Stout (pints) per dozen Swan Whiskey, per gallon Phoenix llniirbnn OililpruiH Urapi' Sintidy. per gallcti California lilnrkbtrry llraudy. per gallon flpFur ki j beer, leuve onli r. The fltiest family N. F. ZitlfisERMAN, PAPEPtS F0II $2! THE 'NEW YORK WORLD TrHll'E A WEEK EDITION. 1H I'use. Meek. I .'ill l'upers a Year ! I r. ' I t, i i - ...... in. i...l!v N Ui"i;or tliiin ji.itr oilo-,-heI I't-tnn. riitic ' wen Citv. I' .i:l Ii-' svtt-lily or .iMiii-wet'lily l ilie i.nly inip.irtilnt piiMiraUon iu New York I'.-MtiI inlvHiitm. t yon A I. r.i.til'.tl(.!i it tlilT. exc-pt nn- --l H, rv OI i 1 ! all tin- fre s all tin ll ei.nil' hin -s a. d tilil-!inc- all U'e news w itb a i.t a iii lly , l.illl! list in;e'i'tiut (.itniftit-. unique f.-.ilur-s. eiirtisilis nil i uruiilili- iihiT-trutin , itie I liitti-r l"!in a st'riality. All th- c iinprnvenii'ins ttiliumt avy ini-rrs-e in lilt? huve been maile i (,i. s li ic h remains 1 1 one iloilar a yesr. .. oiT.-r tt'i" iM'.-inslnl nrsvspjip. r an.1 the i:Kt.' rot Hint tivHlii-r ore rsr l"r U t- n-.oiuhs tor ?1 os. or ii mi iiit lis lor "s',t)ts. All parties know inn tlipiiicelves in ilcl't C Inrmaii i Son aill please call an 1 settle. Job Printisg at tie Courier Ofiice- ftaaaViW) on every Pitcher's Castorla. :rr'.!y enret quickly, permanently au W'-sa jiwu.on. J.rtj!-H of lira in fowti, ''nt: cini wait:, k G.M'auot eunsra i ..i..'ilii r. . ')(-nu;f. Ibu oerve ton lis . ; , . ,V: I.. " ' 'IiVf'-riripMHl ptuinp. .. ifc i 7t ( x. ,:nS3. Hynmtl.prO" 'y".' ' i vi . 'i -.- , Write n. me . run .'i:-r ' ' " .J'lnonlfilri und MANHOOD RESTQREDSS tlnn of a fuiuntM French pliyslclitn, will quickly cure you of all ner vous or diai-aw of tbe geuerutive oriruun, such na Lost Manhood, -Insomnia, I'alnsln tlieBuck,Seniluttl Emissions, Korvnim lability. Pimples, Uullmi'S) to iliirry, Kxlmusilnif Drains, Varicocele and Constipation. t stops all losses by day or night Prevent quick nfmof discharge, which if notchAclcpd leads to Seermatorrhoitt and all the horrors odmpotency. UFin;im cleanses Uieiiver, the kldners and the iirlnnry oreansof all impurities. circular ana testimonials. , I Box 207S, Ban Francisco, C&l for Bolt If George A. Harding Druggist - A - N - 8 Rr LIFF WAR!! THE- COLD STORAGE! HI oti 1 4" 1 Ut 1 .HI 1 5(1 1 till 1 HO 1 oO 1 .- 2 7:. 3 7.-. 4 IHI 3 ."HI :i mi rooms. This place is conduete J first class" I II ONE 30. AM MA1 TKEETS. 3 Mssrrifr st:so tsa v iiiMuuHaiLRi run v--', -nrrr Ori)? Mixed ( P r pound .... 40c. -. tiif ......i ocn Varieties tyrtcr pound '. '. I3ci THE ONLY DOUBLE SWEET PEA, E3!DE CF NIAGARA. i True to Kamc.i Price Packet 25c. Hf packet 15C. THE WONDEPFUL CSIKSON RAMBLES RCSc, ' Only 15 Cents. vicn mm cgids, 1333, Tb Pteaer sed Catalog. Tritd and True Novelties. Filches S'M, ELckberry, The I'tirl UoscUrry Potatoes, Earheft Torr.ato Knomn. tic. Lithngniphi of Double i--e p' Fucbua. Blackberries, kj.rirrries New Leader Tooito Ve?eubi f nfcd .-i'-h cd thimr, old and new. Full liat of Flowers, VeaetaNes. Small Fritiw, etc.. with desenp houandco.es. JSii.ki on receipt of !o ct Zh ,;h f M dec-izfc. fea firit ufiCTri.l i Tnmt-t,t free wita in order for any of the : Jt ROCHESTER, U. Y. JAMES VICK'S SONS I t