1896 SPRING IMPORTATIONS 1896 PARIS AND DRESDEN NOVELTIES. Novelty Silks. 47 pieces t8 inch, Checked Silk Warranted pure Silk, for 25 yd. 16 pieces 20 inch Persian Silk, Latest Colorings, for 75c yd. 18 pieces 21 inch Fancy Dres den Variegated Effects, extra for 8jc yd. 27 pieces Fancy Duchess Dres den, 21 inch Double Warp, extra heavy, very latest, $1.45 yd. 13 pieces 18 inch Swivel Silk in 'Cream Pink and Blue Armeer ef fect, variegated, 49c yd. tyLc$.lleQ & lyicpoggell, Corner Third and Morrison St., Portland, Oregon. LOCAL J3VENTS. Siuvklvi Monday. Miss Gracie Plaisted, supported by her own specially engaged and competent company of artists will appear at 8hively'a on April Ctb. Ever since the start of her tour last fall Miss Plaisted has been liberally rewarded by both press and public for her conscientious effort to please, and her merry company also have come in for a large share of the encomiums. People gn to (he theater cither to be amused r edified. The repertoire which will be presented to the Oregon Cityites lias been specially selected to amuse the the playgoer, if high srtistic comedy and choice musical features can enter tain the average auditor. Every role J in competent bands, and musical nunv bers, consisting of solos, duets and quartets, and behind the scenes choruses follow in rapid succession. Not a dull moment is allowed to sppepr through out the evening. No effort will be spared to make this engagement an ideal one, one to be remembered in mture by the "old theatergoer." The full strength of the company appears at every per forniance, and the following comprises the list of artists in the organizntion : Miss Durothy Kossmore, Inn a R. Fitch, Minnie Ellsworth, Daisy Thorne, Lillian Allison, little Nina Cook; Frank Valerga, Cornell Makiti, ,M. Dellainotte, Ham Lewellyn, Charles I N. Warner and H. Sherwood. Tickets 011 sale at. express office. Btoe 25wSSr5Q and 75c. ,pV Thb Endeavor Convention. The time for the coming State Convention of Christian Endeavorer is drawing near and the work of preparation for the entertainment of delegates is being pushed with energy by the endeavorers of the city. On . Wednesday evening, April 1st, a grand endeavor rally meet ing was held at the Presbyterian church. Rev. C. H. Curtis and W. J. Arnold from Portland were present and addressed the meeting, snd sqine fpeiiHl music whs ali-o pro vided The hilMiicss men o( ilie city ought imt to forget In decorate iheir . places of business during 1 he convention a a large jnmber ol people will visit Oregon City from over the whole state at this time and we should show lbs) we are not heli hi' I the people of other cities in enterprise or hoHpituliiy. The state colors are while snd gold, which will be used in decorations. Rttmeinbir the time of the convention in April 14 IB - - . , Ezft.i KKNfUI.I. at Shivkly's Aran. 7tw. -For 10O nights Ht Ihe Chicago opera house the comedian Fzra Rends!) III TT1H UlKIlll lirillllllTl Hill Ml LIIIIL K' I ll UO ptthcl''. n'Ali Buba," triumphed as the best comedian thai ever graced t':e Chicago stage in that class of entertain .mAtit Trf Via rwrforiiisnce of "A Phir Of Kids," : Mr. Kendall will introdui-e 'all six of thoeenpnlar songs which I e -waAtflinJ bm.. tt-lth ai1nn.iM in " A 1 ., a. ui. .... ..ru t ..b.i ,.n t'rit 5, 35, 50 and 75c. Notice. The regular quarterly meet ing of Multnomah District Pomona grange will be held at Barlow April 8th, at 10 o'clock a. m. All patrons in good standing cordially invited. Mary 8. Howard, Secretary. ' ' ' j Awarder ttigbest Honors World' Fair. Da MOST PERFECT MADE . pure Crar Cream of Tartar Powder. Free from Ammonia, Alum or any other adulterant 40 YEARS THE STANDARD. Novelty Dress Goods. 47 pieces French Gray Mixtures 38 inch, worth 40c yd. for 25c yd. 38 pieces of 40 inch French Im porteq Serges, guaranteed all wool former price 50c, placed on asle at 35c yd. 23 pieces of Imported Oriental Cloth, Dresden Effects, warranted all wool, very handsome, at 50c yd. The largest stock of Black French Crepons in Silk and Wool, ever shown by any house in Port land, at 7 $c yd. See our Silk and Wool Dress Goods at 50c 75c & 1.00 yd. Happy Famcwill Susprisk Party. Miss Jeannie and Mamie Dealy were happily surprised Tuesdav evening at their home on Fourteenth street by about a score of their frienJs who or ganized a farewell suprlse party in honor of their leaving shortly for their future abode in Providence, Rhode Is laud. When the company arrived, through the sagacious management of Misses Annie Gleason, MamU Klanagsn and Burnice Kelly, the girls were taken unawares, but that only added to the pleasure of the ocasioii After enjov Ing themselves with all kinds of games and songs, a delicste supper was served bv Mrs. John Deuly. After a very late hour the comnuiv started for Itom . af ter expressing Iheir thanks for having had such a g'd time. Those present were: Misses Mamie Flansgsn, Burnice Kelly, Kllen Gleaaort Voni Walker, Mirtie Wineselt, lleoina Perchall, Gil vie Butts, Clura Nehren, Mamie Dealy Jennie Dealy, lioilie Dealy, Dauiel Dealy, Mrs. Jno. Dealy. 11 whisk Party A surprise party was giver, Walter Bradley on last Sat urday by his achoojiuates. The evening was spent in games, music, etc. ite freshments were served. Those present were: Mattie .Gray, Pearl Cosper, Ethel Walling, May Marks. Grace Whitlock, Rahy Spencer, Gertie Powell, Verdi Monroe, Sadi . Siever, Louise Toepleman, Emma Allison, Nettle Brad ley, Caa Eaton, Bert Jones, pay Norris, Ira Wiahart, Rutherford Whitlock, Charles Burns, Charles Drew.Treston Reatl. Levi Yoder, George 'Simmons, Bon Nefzger, Fred .Humphrey, Waldo Adams, VValter Bradley. ' . Auction Sai.k. The undersigned wi'l sell at public auction on Friday, April 17th, at hu farm on Ahernethy road, 2 miles from Oregon City, the follow ing personal property : 2 horses, 1 inure, l cow, 2 wagons, l express wagon, 2 carts. I double harness, 1 cultivator, I garden ilml xml ilrivar.or, I Dunn d oigau, hoiirtehnlil giHiils, Hlli'tll f'iriii tools, etc. .1. liKHKKTII Hals from 10 cents lo $10 at Miss U ildnnith' s Patronize good slows mid the itets bv encouraging the home maiiaguieiit in honking ihe rim attrition Ktrn Kmc dall, who has been 011 the Mad eleven years in "A Pair of Kids." which is proof enough that he is one of .he lies'. At Shively's Vprtl 7th.' The bachelor nnng ladies will give a dancing parly at Armory hall uu Friday evening, April 10th. Music will be furnished by Hert Anion Zilm's orches raof Portland. A crcid supper will be prepared by Wheeler A Cram at 50 cents per couple f-r those who desire. Invitations ere out The following delegates to the demo era tic county convention on Saturday of this week from Oregon City were elect ed: Precinct No. 1 C. D. Latourette, J. W.Cole, J. J. Cooke, V. R. Hyde.D F.May. E. L. thw; No 2 Geo. A, Harding. J as. Thome, W. E. Carll, C. W. Kerry, Wra. Kheehan r No. 3W. H, Savage, T. P. Keilly. . Mr. Levi Johns on, who resigned the position of secretary of the Eaat Side (Portland) department of the Y. M C. A., to accept a similar position at Ore gon City, was given a farewell Monday ' evening. A number of prominent 1 . M C. A. workers were present to bid him good fortune in bis new field at Oregon City. The survival of the fittest, for laugh ing fits only. That musical fare comedy "A Pair of Kids" is now in its eleventh yearof continued successes. No comedy on earth bave played to the number of people, created the amonn t of laughter and stood the test of eleven years. At Sbively'a April 7th. Ticketa at Express office. Photographs, crayon, water color and pastel portraits, views, frames, etc., at Cheney' Art Gallery at reasonable figures. Call and be convinced. One door south or Bed Front. LOCAL NEWS ITEMS. For bargains go to tint Racket Store P. F. Morey left last iiilit for Cali fornia. Gracie Plaisted ut Shivuly's Monday, April 0th. See Ezra Kendall and be happy Tues day next at Shively's. Mrs. N. J. Beattie of Eugene is visit ing her daughters in this city. Cyrus K. Ballard of Milwaukie has been granted an original pension. C. B. Smith was last Thursday ap pointed postmaster at Ea;le Creek. Democratic county convention at l'ope's hall on Saturday at 11 a. m. Fred Wilson returned on Tuesday from a trip south for the Capen Shoe Co. Mrs. J. R. Spangler of Corvallis visit ed her daughter, Miss Ora, during the week. Born on Friday, March 27th, to the wife of J. J. Thompson of the west side, a boy. The Chuatauqna circle meets with Mrs. Driggs next Monday evening. A full attendance is requested. For tiiose who love good music the entertainment at the B tptist church on the 10th will be a grand treat. Edward Bros, of Ballston, Polk county will shortly open a grocery store In the Wishart building on the hill. Mrs. Frank Campbell, mother and family returued Thursday from Salem, where tbey bave resided for the past (our years. W. W. Quinn was displaying a freak this week. He had a chicken hatch which had two heads with two bills but only one eye. . The mayor and city officers of Minne apolis visited Oregon City on last Thurs day iu company with H. W. Goode of the P. G. E Co. The attached stock of general mer chandise of H. H. Snr.- & Son of Orville will be sold at auction on Saturdry by R. L. Sabin as assignee. J. M. Lawrence and M. E. Bain have decided not to start their new paper until after the June election, when they will put in a brand new outfit ' C mnty Treasurer M. L. Moore Us t Thursday sent toflOO to Salem as first installment of Clackamss state taxes the total amount of which i 220O. Bishop Morris officiated at the Episco pal church Wednesday evening, and will give the pariah another service 'on next Saturday at 7 :45 p. ra. All are welcome, Go to hear Miss Do Forest, the elocu tionist, at the Baptist church on the 10th. It will certainly he a rare treat. Admission . 25 cents; children under 12, 10 cents. The St. Cecelia chorus wilj be one of the features at trie' entertainment at' Hie" Baptist church on the evening of the 10th. Miss Metta Brown of Portland will also sing. Dr. W. E. Carll. J. H. Walker, Thos. F, Ryan and L. L. Porter attended the festival of the Knights of the Red Rose on nionnay-inursuay 01 noiy weea (yesterday). A union Endeavor rally was held at Pre ebyterlan church 011 Wednesday evening. C. H Curtis and w. J. Arnold of Portland spoke, besides the nher exerciser. During Ms wl 1 the i-ntintv pleik col lected and turned into the treasury fees amounting to $290 3i; th wwlur turn ed in $183 53. The sheriff deposited I f"loO for taxes collected. T.. A Nobel has sold the Denot hotel snd ss loon to Psnl Hemmelgam. Mr. Nobel will prohahly m ove to California on amount of bi wife's health. We hope he mav yet. conclude to siav with is. Mr. I.ockprhy, who reeentlvrame from Indiana to live with his son, Gporgn Loekerhv, at his home on the north fork of the Clacksmas. rlid Mondav morning He was A3 vrs old and a j veteran of the Mexican war. H. H. Snow, who failed at Orville last week, was arrested on Tuesday on charge of forgerv. in signing Mrs A. McKinney'a nam to twnexprea orders for $100. He gave $500 bail for his appearance before the grand jurv . There will he an Easter sermon and service at (tie Congregational church next "nndsv morning. In the evening there will be an Eastpr song service with recitations and songs by the chi'd ren, and with other singing by the Ladies' qttartetle. the Crescent quartette snd the choir. The survey for (he water reservoir to be built by the water commission has just been completed and plant and specifications made. Bids will soon he asked for. The reservoir will be 150 feet square. 10 feet deep, and ft will hare a capacity of 1.000,000 gallons. It will be located at Elyville about op posite the store of G. W. Grace & Co Its cost is estimated to be about $6000. The seduction suit brought by Nettie Davis against George Silver ended on Saturday by the marriage of the parties. George not wishing to meet his future mother-in-law, gave a boy 10 cents to get her written consent to the marriage, and aaid, "you bet I'll get away from ber bouse as fast aa my legs will carry me after the cermony." lie is aooni 18 and she about 15. He refused to live with hia wife. mm n . - in ir nvss r GO'S. J1 YZ-METER Y0U HATS AND BONNETS we SAILORS AND TURBANS. WANT A Full Line, Cheap and HAVE To Suit Everybody at IT MKS. SLADBN'S IT Hillinery Parlors. CITY COUNCIL. Regular Monthly Meeting on Wednesday . evening. . Liquor licenses of Brady & McDonough A. Knapp. J. N. . Miller, and Wanda Zimmerman renewed. L. A. Noble's license transferred to Paul Hemmelgarn. Petition asking council to put names on atreet corners referred to street com mittee. Six cases of disorderly conduct were reported in recorder's court. Warrants tor $1147 were drawn during month. City treasurer's report for quarter pre sented and filed. Ordinances establishing City attorney fees ordered published, also one revising licenses. Water commission allowed to retain Iheir quarterly percentage until new reservior is built and paid for, when it is to be paid. Question of buying hydrants for now main to Elyville referred to Are and water committe. Committee on health and police order, ed to revise ordinance 178 on contagions diseases. ' Report of J. W. Boatman, export ap- pointed to look into city offices, placed oil file and recommendations made therein ordered. " Sale of lots at head of Fifth street re ferred to finance committee. ; Finance committee reported adversly to increasing yearly allowance for fire companies, committee was instructed to buy two nozzles and a connection and a second-band cart. Thoa F Ryan. recorder........'. $ 25 00 Chaa E Burns, chief police...... . HO 00 E L Shaw, poiice...... 60 00 H E Straight. tieaann f 40 00 Ch aa Bs-bcock , atreet work . . . ... 67 80 F T Griffith, attorney 30 "0 Oregon Coukikr, publishing.... 35 00 miller A Stevens sou Hollester A Foster 5 00 LA Noble, meals... 11 80 P G E Co, lights 172 70 Wilson & Cooke, hardware 15 15 Jury List. J. W. Meldrum, Abernetby, farmer, F. M Samson. Marqnam,' " ('has. Cone, l.owei Molalla, " J. C McMtirrv, Damascus, VV H Fitzpairick, Bering. " BC Hawley. Harding. Jacob Miley, Union. ' M Moi-hiike, BeHver Creek " Robt L Kingo, Highland, " Wm Hallinsn, Oswego. ' Wm Scott, Pleasant Hill. A Leiirhtweis, Milk Crmtl-, loliii Reif. New Era. W L C'orriett. Springwater, " Jolinathau Humphrey, West Side, fix Annan J M Heckart.OregoH C'irytX I, drayman J U naiiocK, i;ia:Kainas, larmer O Bail . Needy B S Bellnmy, Abemethy, merchant A Mania, Maple Lane, farmer J Courtney, Milwaukie . ' Fred Hampton. Canny " John F. Jennings, Abeni'Uhv. farmer HH Walker. Oregon i'My No 2, laborer Wm Thompson. Needy, farmer F Hagenberger, Milwaukie, farmer M McGeehan, Haple Lane C T Howard, Milk Creek, miller Henry Kleiinsmith. HigliUn l, far ner C C Ifoopes, Springwater, ' A F Jack, Marqnam, " Wanted , a young lady to learo photo graphy, inquire at Cheney's Art G 1 ery Main atreet A WONDERFUL PERFORMANCE. A Milt fa One Mlaata Eleven and Throe Fifths Seosndo-Tno Fastest Mile Ever Rlddea on a Bieyelo. "Chicaoo. III.. April 1, 1890. W. A. Huntley. Oregon City. Or.: O M Dennis, at Denver, rode a CRESCENT No. 1, ninety-six model, mile straight away, time one minute, eleven and three-fifths seconds; fastest mile ever made on any form of bicycle. Westerx Whkel Works. The above telegram was received Wednesday by W. A. Huntley, general agent for CRESCENT BICYCLES for Clackamas county. It la without ques tion the most wonderful performance ever accomplished on any style or make of bicycle. No. 1 is their high grade road wheel (not racer), weighing 24 pounds, fitted with Morgan k Wright quick repair tires. Boys, before Loying your scorcher, better look op CRES CENTS. Sold on installments. Have Your Kjcs Tested... At UuTiW'Nter & AiidreNen'H Jewelry Store. They have one of the linest eye-niciers and will test our ees free of charge. Glasses mav be re turned if not suited to eyes. Notioe to Taxpayer. A assessors or deputies will not go out through the country this vear, you are requested when in Oregon City to come in the assessor's office and give in a atatement of your taxable property, or send in a list. You will be lurnlshed with suitable blanks. J. C. Bradley, Assessor ot Clackamas County. TO SUBSCRIBERS. The publisher of the Courier would be pleased to have country subscribers settle their subscription accounts with , ' .. produce 01 any Kind. At present we are in need of several bushels of wheat . cord woid, a few rolls of butter some potatoes, apples, meat, etc., and a large amount of silver and gold to pay our bills. Please pay up. We will do our part by accepting anything the farmer raises at the highest market price . Jonks, Hg Pays the Frkkiht. Send for a copy of The Buyer's Guide, with latest reductions and market reports, cent free to any address. Freight on $30 orders paid to any point on the Willamette river reached by Portland boats. Jonks' Cash Store, 105 Front Street, Portland, Or. For 0r riftjr Yean. Aa Old ark Will-Tbied Bihidt. Jtn. Win low'i Soothing Byup hm tmn oicd for ortr flfty jrmn by million! of motheri (or thir cbildnn while tmthlDg, with pwfwt iooomi. It HothM th child. urttiia the un,illajri all pain, cum wind oollo, ud ! the beet remedy (or Dlwrha, U pleusnt to the tut. Sold by Dracglib la erery put of the world. . TW nty-lra csnU a bottle. -.It nlu bin oslonlsble. Be sura and aik (or Mrs. Wiiulow'i Soothing Syrup, and take no other kind. Money loaned on farms or business property- J. P. Clark, office oyer Oregon City bank. . , FRENCH TANSY WAFERS. These wafers are for painful, scanty, profuse or irregular menses, any cause, and ladies will find that no better remedy exists for these difficulties. To avoid being imposed upon by base'ittiita- tions buy from our agents and lake French Tansy Wafers only. Price by mail. $2.00. C. G. Huntley, Druggist, CMiitield Block, Oregon City, Oregon Dr. K. P Welch with an assistant o Dr John Welch's of Portland will still continue their dental office in the CorntKlt building. i ne oniy rsrisan tiara hats ever brought to the city ut Miss Goldsmith's. Louis Krieilricli, the fashionable tailor has moved his shop to the .building (miner I y occupied bv Mrs. Dutcher'e millinery store. Nothing but tirst class work done and satiftfaction guaranteed. rEwi.o MACiiiNKs uiikap. Want a sewing machine? Gel a good one for $2o.(H) with five years guarantee; $5.00 down and $5.00 per month until paid See Bellomy & Busch about it. Flow er Festivals, Fiestas, Rose Carnivals, and the like, will be the delight of California for the nest two or three months. 8as Barbara Flower Festival, the fame of which is world-wide, and the elory of which, like that of Solomon, is not half told, opens April 15. Queen Flora will reiicn 3 davs an arbitrary and absolute doapct. La Fiesta de Lot Anoelet. now fixed in tbe chronology of Calif oruia feasts. and not less illustrious than its older prototypes, commences April 22. and and the riot of fun will spread over four days. The Carnival ol Rosea, to take place In 8an Jjse. thy 6 to 9, inclusive, though a more recent candidate for favors of the fun-loving world, yet be cause of the limitless possibilities of the Garden City for anything that Is made of rosea, is quite aa full of promise. REDUCED RATES will be made by the KArriiEBX Pacific Com past for all hese brilliant events. Arrange your programmes accordingly, ami call on agents for particulars. CRUELTY TO FEEL la entirely ttnmt away with by our shoes. In fact, they are a regular "Society for 1 lie Preven tion of Cruelty to Feet." What are their methods? Perfect (it, pinnipied by respect to the shape of the human foot. A sim ple creed, but doesn't it cover the whole field? Then a shoe may treat a foot "shabbily" without being exactly cruel to it. That a to say, the shoe may lack stylo and wear ing capacity. But ours have the wearing capacity and style along with the tit, and that should be enough lo make you1 buy them. .' KRAUSSE BR0S Next Dorr to Bnrmelater A - Audreaen'i. THOS. F. RYAN, Notary Public and Real Estate Broker Leading Insubancs Aiikkcy or Clackah County. Money to Loan. Abmrtcti of Title Made. Drawing of Legal DoeumeiiM a Specially Office on eut aide of Main street, Between 6lh and 7th. OREGON CITY, OREGON. C. D. & D. C. LATOURETTZ Attorneys at Law. Commercial, Real Estate am. Probate Law Specialties. OFFICE : Commercial OREGON CITY. Bank Bulldiaf OREGON. Oho. C. Biuwnku. J. U. CAaraai.1. BR0WNELL& CAMPBELL, ATTOKNKVS AT LAW. CHufttld Building, Oregon City. Or E. F. DRIGGS, ATTORNEY LAT7, . OREGON CITY. Office : Two Doors South of Courthout C. N. GREENMAN, aa riosaaa and Drayni&a, Express (Kfltabllihed 186&) Parcels delivered to all parts of the city. Noblitt Livery and ale tstJt OREGON CITY, OREGON, 0a the Street between the Bridge aa4HM Depot. Double and aluile rt and saddle hoiaai Wavionhaud at tho lowest ratea. and imih', alao connected with the barn for looae stael Any information regarding any kind ol Max promptly attended to by letter or person. HOUSES BOUGHT OB HOLD The Commercial Dan OF OREGON CITY. CAPITAL j luo,000., . Trantaots a Goneral Banking Business Loani made, Bills dlauounled. Makes ' lectiona. Buys and sella excliaiiKf on all polo in the United Htntea and Knrniie and no Hoi. Kong. Deposits received lubfei't to check. . Bank open trim A. M, to 4 P. M. D, C. LATODRBTTE, f. K. DONALDBO) President. Caabh- R. FREYTAG'S..:. ...Corner Grocery Keeps a full line of STAPLE ant FANCY GROCERIES. PROVIS IONS. FLOUR. FEED. FRUITS and VEGETABLES at. Lowest Prieei-- J0NN WELCH. Batlat. Boons 7. 77, 7, Dakw. Building. PoaTLAMO, Oaaaoau Hany of m friends 0ja irowiie to Bad mi this card. Xftw Fish 2erbtt E. Bioharda, Prop. Oysters, Fresh and Salt Watei i-ish, Poultry, Game, Crabs, Clams, Etc. Tarkeya, Geese and Chickens for Tbsnksgtvfei . vinoer. Frtt DeUttrw. Two Doort South ot Armtn GEO. A. HARDING, DIALia I IP DETJGS IR, IB tandard Pat. Medicines. Paints, Oils and Window Glass. PrueripiUnt Accurately Compounded BABPIKO'l BLOCK. j