Oregon courier. (Oregon City, Clackamas County, Or.) 188?-1896, March 27, 1896, Image 1

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NO. 47.
About Carpets.,
Yes. that's the lubject to talk about
now, for the two-fold reason that it'a
Spring, and we are offering opportunities
for carpet buying which are the wonder
of the hour. There's nothing remarka
ble In low prices for goods which no
' one wants, or la high class carpetings '
being sold st figures which only the
rich can touch. Our figures for new,
handsome, and attractive patterns in
carpets, rugs, mattings, oilcloths,
linoleums, etc-, make buying easily
possible for all. No job lots of have
beens here: Carpets, 15c a yard and
upwards. Matting 10c a yard and
JBELLOMY & 111 Sill, The Housefurnlshers, OREGON CITY
Salt ackeral
" Salmon
14 Herring
" Codfish
Smoked Halibut
" Salmon
" . Herring
And Accident
n Clackamas County
Doe largoat bunlueu id the world.
I,anrnt ameti In the worW, S.,0,-
Royal of Liverpool-
North British & Mercantile-1 Soo
Son of London o,,,ei,t p"re, flr ' me n ti,e worw.
JEtUS Of HartfOrd .:"' a'"1 hMt American company.
Continental of New York o,,e f u,e be,t """'"" companies
The Travelers Insurance Company of Hartford
Lurgent, oiliest wild beat accident limurunoe comuany In the world, and
hIho does very large life inmiraiioe buniiieaa.
F. E DONALDSON, at Commercial bank.
Bated the
Canned Fish
The Grocer. i
Those present had
the dance broke np
Saturday night,
lovely time, but
little too soon.
Two of our young men are going to
bunch-grass In a few days
O- Shumway was at Linn's mill
P. P. Liua was in Highland Sunday
T. W. Linn ws to see Lis bett girl
6. Davis was visiting at Linn's mill
A. B. Linn was visiting Mr. Leek
March 24th. Enoinkbb
Seventh Street, Corner of Center, on the Hill.
. Main St., Opposite Caufield Block.
Two Shops, . . . - - - " ' Oregon City.
and Building Material.
Lowest Cash Prices Ever Offered for First-Class Goods.
Shop 0pp. Congregational Church, Main Street. Oregn City
&e Bucket
May be, but there's more to follow. Better
come our way early, and ero hand-in-hand with
all the rainy days to come.
Blue, Black and Brown, with capes or withont.
Real rain-defiers,with the prettiest handles in town.
Charman & Son.
Dealers I. Generai ( erchandise
a w - s
. '11
itfiyifsri J
Scientifically tested and properly
fitted with spectacles or nose
Sold Sterling Silver Thimbles, only
by mail 17c, stamps taken.
A Specialty.
Mr. Humphrey went down to Port
land last Friday and also on Saturday
on business.
Miss Mattie Dedraan came up from
Portland last Monday to make an ex
tended visit and to inprove hor health.
A Mr. Fairly and wife from Eastern
Oregon nre the guests of Mr. LongCy.
They were old friends and neighbors
iveral years ago. They attended Sunday
school at the M. E. church on Sunday
Considerable farming is being dene
this beautiful weather, everyone seams
to be busy making preparation for
George Dedman came up from Port
land last Saturday to help elect the Kvjt
ticket, which was swept away by the
landslide that struck Clackamas and
has not been heard from since.''
The primary last Saturday was wel I
attended there being about 160 ballots
cast. Below we give the yote of each
ticket and the readers of the Coihikr
can draw their own conclusions as re
gards the merits of the two tickets:
Clark Ticket Roots Ticket
0 F Clark 101 J A Talbert 58
305 Morrison sleet,
John Wolf 100 P T Davis 58
JW Bennett... 105 Sol Emil 61
Win Welch 100 Win Robinson.. 50
Fred Zinger. . . . 88 John Welch ;...2
The W. C. T. U. gave a pink T social
last Friday evening at the residence of
Mr. Humphrey. It was a grand success
and was one of the most superb the
union bas yet given. Mr. and Mrs.
Humphrey did everything they could
to make all feel at home and happy .
Their large rooms were brilliantly light
ed up and the freedom of these were ex
tended to all present. Much cf the
credit for this splendid entertainment
is due to Mrs. Humphrey and Mrs.Cook,
whose untiring efforts made it a suc
cess. A one literary programs was
arranged for the occasion and was
rendered without mistake. We wish
we bad time and space to notice each
production . The tableaux were very
beautiful and had a good effect upon the
audience, we give the entire program:
Sonif "SomeGlad Daj "
.Select readinz C F Clark
Recitation Bertha laluert
Recitation Jessie Paddock
Laurie Hornberger
Bong. . ."Good as uolrt ". . .Alice -Moore
and Maine Marines
Recitation. "Over the Hills to thePoor
House" Mabel Lawrence
Recitation. ."Over the Hills from the
Poor House". . . Ex Co S upt 1 homson
Song Ethel Clark
Recitation aoval stnte,
" Cora Thomas
" Ethel Mather
Select reading Miaa Mohr
Recitation "Rock of Aes" Miss
Georgia Ruth
Recitation . . Mav Johnson
Eseav,. . . . Work of the W C T U Mrs
C T Clark
Recitation . .' The Book Keepers Dream
Mrs Ella Longcoy
Sang 'The Old Ualteu Bucket'
Jliss Ueorgia Kutli
Recitation Herbert Clark
Tableaux, (1st) "Crowning of the May
Otieen" (2d)" Mav Uneen Crowned
CM) "Faith. Hope and Charity" by
Mabel Lawrence, Myrtle Kicumati
and May Johnson with recitation
by Agnes Hartman
Tableau No 4, "Essay on Man," Mr.
Tableau Xo 5. "The Bachelor's Den"
Willis Johnson
March 25. A son.
Miss Maude Blanchard left last Fri
day for Brownsville.
There have been several cases of sick
ness, here during the put week, both
of mumps and scarlatina.
the democrats will bold their prim
ary at Stokes' hall Saturday, March 28th
Messrs. Midlam, Wilkinson and Moore
were elected delegates by the republl
cans last Saturday.
A voter arrived at the house of Mr
Martin last Wednesday.
TheCanoraah Sunday school will give
an entertainment and social at Stoke '
ball Friday, March 27tb. Admission
10 cents, adults under twelve 5 emits;
come one, come all.
W. L. Miller of Stringtown mid a
business trip to Jacksonville the first
part of the week.
There was a sham ho'duo here Fri
day night. Tnree persons of Stringtown
wereon their way horns when they
were stopped by three uiafkud man.
wnue mey were searching they were
discovered to be soma Canem ill d up j
radoes. Whether the boys did it as
joke or for practice is hard to say, but
we will suppose that they did it as a
joke. It Is a very poor way to play
joke and it is taking a dangerous chance
to have a little fun (if you call it fun)
We hope it may not occur attain.
March 25. Jack
Uformation for Tax Payers.
In an article published in the Enter
prise last weea is tn asserboa that no
underhanded work was done in regard
to the powder contract. We merely as k
Mr. Scott as did the article entitle d
"Dark Complected," whether or not he
got the lowest p rice on nito-glycerine
powder, as there was but one bid. I aim
to see that every contract le; to con -
'pet i tors is at the lowest rate. I will ask
the taxpayers of this county to investi
gate and see whi'ther or Dot they receiv
ed the lowest possible prices on nito
glycerine powders, and so far an the un
derhanded and spite work against M r.
Scott is concerned, wo don't conside he
gave us. a clear, answer to the "dark
complected" work and we hope in the
future he will give us a more definite
Why does Commissioner Scott set 15
extra miles when goes to county court
meeting and Commissioner Jaggar his
even number? Why is it that Commis
sioner Scott was assessed in 1802 at $28,
218, in 1893 $26,340, in 1894 $19,540, and
in 1895 but $16,470? We think it ad vis
able for taxpayers to turn to books and
look the matter up. '
Clackamas, Maich 24.
Dr. Price's Cream Baking Powder nDl
Wsrtds Fair Highest Mtol Diploma. Afl druggbu
bt -i ".7 Wic ram Fill
e-l tii J rain tLUz.
A. Barrett went np the valley Friday.
F. F. Sellman and family went to
Sandy a few days ago to spend a week.
There was a dance if WMteman's
H. O. Inskeep's singing class is pro
gressing finely.
,T. K. Graham was elected delegate
from this side to the republican conven
Oscar May is very sick withs ymptons
of typhoid fever.
The South Carus Lyceum will give an
entertainment on Saturday evening,
April 4th, consisting of recitations,
dialogues, sonirs, and the selling of lunch
baskets. The proceeds 10 be used to
buy a bull for the school house. This
will be the laat meeting of the lyceum
for this Kpring. Everybody is cordially
invited to attend. The question for
next Saturday nitilit is, "Resolved,
That labor saving machinery is a detri
ment to the laborer." Chief disputants
R. Scheubel and Bud Smith.
A. L. Jones is again on the sick lint.
E. Armstrong and B. J. Helvey made
a business trip to Portland last week.
We hear there is going to be a wed
ding in this vicinity in the near future.
Preston is working for Joe Eaton.
Mr. Haymond visited Mr. Rowen of
Beaver Creek last Saturday.
Mrs. Sinton Paine is sick.
March 24. Gkax.ek.
Death of eae of Oregon'! Earliest Pioneers
Died at his home near Butloville
March 20, Mr. Fredrick Geer, at the
age of 79 years. Mr, Geer was one of
Oregon's earlest pioneers, having crossed
tbe plains in an early day and set tied on
his donation land claim, just across ,th
river from Butteville in Clackamas
county, where he resided until his
death. He was one of the first store
keepers in Butteville, also the first nun
who took up the hop business in thi
Mr. Geer came of large, noted and
much honored family ana leaves an
aged wife, a large family (all married)
of his own, besides scores of near rela
tives and Mends to mourn for him He
was a member of the Mason's order in
good standing thi reraunt were
laid to rest in the family cemetery on
the farm Sunday at 2 p. m. by that order
Tbe funeral was very largely attended
there being between four and five
hundred ithe procession.
Many beautifull flowers covered his
last resting place. The entire community
wish to extend their smpthy to the be
reived In their sad hours. Anna.
Special School Taxes.
.The following special school levies
were made by the different districts of
this county for 1895:
No. Dlit Kilo. AaMMiiitnt.
1 5 $210,500.
3 8 87,118.
2.... 2(1,550.
18 6 28.509.
28 1 72,457..
29 1 44,878..
30 1 12,190..
31 1 28.1(18..
34 5.... 450.041..
35 bit.... 75,803..
41 93.... 52.810..
43 1)$.... 84,007..
47 7 20(1,921..
48 8 145,504..
49 US,'.... 112,301..
51 2s,014..
54. 2tf.... 44,151..
55 1.4.... 37,542..
62 6 819,986..
69 4 16,753..
70 4 10,563..
75 ;.6 25,088..
82 5 22.446..
84 5 15,846..
86 7...... 47,581..
06 6 , 16,062..
98 5 4 987..
101........ ...12.,... - 5.307.V
102....- 5.;.... 8,502..
Joint 13. 1 , 100.539..
30. .. .2.... 16,162..
57..-...4t,' ... 6,323..
70 2.... 32,018..
73 12 5,910..
$1052 50
696 94
18 59
171 39
27 4
44 87
28 17
2475 2:
417 25
501 09
405 33
1448 44
1164 52
103 54
3(1 90
110 37
62 50
4419 91
67 00
66 25
150 62
112 23
79 23
333 06
102 37
24 93
: 2M 73
128 43
. 106 50
.. 40 40
28 43
80 04
70 02
Taxable Property.
The taxubl) property of Clackamas
county by precii:c:s is as follows for 1895c
Canby $133,488
Oiegon City 704 609
West Oregon City. 399.000
AberneUiy SiUO.ZHZ
Maple Lane 137.987
Uanemah 117.3o8
New Era 75,221
Hardinics 87,503
Viola 68.549
Beaver Creek ..... 110.835
Milk Creek 68,927
Milwaukie 292,631
Clackamas 232.593
Damascus 153,509
Cascade 87.693
Engle Creek 84,629
Boring 61.401
Sievers 32,875
Cherry villa 17,408
Garfield 89,163
George 27,002
No. 34 19,642
Barlow 100,850
Upper Molalla. 164,231
Lower Molalla 78,864
Union 44,430
Highland. 93,287
Needy 109,589
Soda Springs 62,907
Marquarn 173,777
Canyon Creek 37,050
Springwater 62,982
Tualatin 72.616
Oswego.... 409,998
Pleasant Hill 121,814
Teachers Program.
Following is the prigratn f r the
teacliers association meeting at Clacka-
as Saturday:
usic Lifal Taleot
Raising the Standi rd of Teachers"
Jlrs. A.M. Wells-
Supplementary Reading II 8 Strange
"Civil Government" Robert Gintlier
and W W Austin.
Recitation Pupil of School
R-jII Call Quotations from Alice Carey
Song Georgia Ruth
"Beaut. fying Halls and School Build
ings" T J Gray
Recitation Alex Thompson
' Mathematics" Supt H S Gibson
What Next in Education ?". .T J Gary
A Household r castre.
D. W. Fuller, of Canajoharie, N. Y.,
1 says thai lie always keeps ur. King s
! New Discovery in the house and his
I family has always found the very best
i results follow its use; that he would not
! he without it. if procurable. G. A.
Dykeman, Druist. Catnki!l, N. Y., says
Fnri'hhed Every Week by tba Clackanae
Abstract L Trsit Ceaipany.
The CUoHinjM Abatraot A TrM O. la lh owner
of the copyright to th Thoreo qrttom of 4baltHt
indaiM for UtaokunM oouotr. mmt bu only
oompleU mi of brtnolt In Um ouaotjri nn furnlih
Information u to title to luidaioMooa tppliwllno,
Lonn inrMtDMBtn, nal utn, nlalmcu tic office
OTr Bank of Orogoo City. Onll and inrMtigntn.
Addrm, boi 177, Oregon City. Onfoo,
O W Stratum to L Barney, lot I of blk
23, Falls View ; $125.
E Cole to J J Cole, 3 as in Geo Wills
clj $1123.
H Wilbern by assignee to Geo Brown,
tract in Foster cl ; $500.
K 8 Wolfer to F M Si urges, small
tract in tec 4 t ft, rlej $150. .
Geo Smith to L B Hein, ne of nw
M and nwjlf of ne see 17, t 5, r 2e;
II H Linnenberger to Ole Therkelson,
10 as iu P Lee cl ; $675. .
John Wilhoit to W II Davidson, sw
M of sw M of sec 3, nw H of nw 4 ot
see 10 and land in sec 9, 1 6, r 2 e, con
taining in all 102.67 as; $1.
ChasCaliffby assignee to W H Woods,
lota 7 and 8 of blk 3, Green Point; $283.
C D Covey to M E Covey, 12 as in
Abernethy cl ; $1500.
. Chas Califf to W H Woods, le ts 7 and
8, blk 3, Green Point; $1.'
J P Shaw to E B Michels, lots 3 and
4, West Side Add ; $45.
Will Land Co to E Wheeler, lot 7 and
8 of blk 3, Park Place; $200.
M Westrom to J Koiiing'berger, lots
14 aud 15 of blk 70, Minthoru ; $45.
Will Land Co to F A Graves, tract
65, Pruueland; $1600.
Cornelia McCown to Clara Brooghton,
lot 20 of blk 17, Gladstone; $50.
E Wheeler to N E Pierce, lots 7 and.
8, Park Place ; $400.
L Barney to C E Barney, lot 1 of blk.
23, Falls View; $250.
tl H Johnson to Bolton Land Co,
63.82 as in D D Tliompkiiis cl ; $1.
Jabesh Wilson to Grant Piiugley,
12 14 as in cl 40, 1 4, r 1 e; $350.
Geo Mayor to Wm Krueger, ) intiii.
5 as in sec 4, t 4, r 1 e ; $273.
WD Simon toD Kuehl, lots 2J and,
21 of blk 7, Miuthoro; $1.
J F Broetje to E C Gunther, tract 8 of
Broet je's Acre Homes . $400.
J F Broetje to A J Wood, tract 13 of
n k ct . ao.v
urucrjo saviv t&uinue, uv. - . '
JF Broel j loG A Jahu, tract 1 ot
Broetje 's Acra Homes; $3o0,
C D Covey to Stephen Vinson, sw
of nw qr, ne qr of sw qr and w of sw
quar of sec 3, t 3, r 2 e, 100 as ; $3500.
G W Lee to E D Wagoner, iut 6 ot bik
3, Caneniah ; $!. '
Did Yiu Ever
Try Electric Bitters as a remedy tur
your troubles? If not, get a bottle new
and get relief. This inedicino lias besu
found to ha peculiarly adapted to the
relief andciireuf all Female Complaints,
exerting a v onderiill direct influence in
giving strength and tune to the oiguns.
If you have Loss of Appetite, Constipa
tion, Headache. Fanning Spells, or are
Nervous, Sleepless, Excitable, Met.
ancholv or troubled with Di.zv Spells,
Electric (Sitters is the medicine yJi
need. Health and strength are guarantees
by its use. Only 30c and $1 HiCharman.
& Go's Drug Store.
Frank P. Welch, dentist, graduale-
ilie University of Pennsylvania
will be in Oregon City office Thurs
day of each week; remainder l each'
week 1c Portland office, room 77
Dekum ouildin.
Men's caps, just the thing fur work'
ig. Reduced from 50c to 25c, at lha
Racket Store.
Cheney's Art Gallery; situated' on
Main street, is now open for IniHines.'.
Is Simmons liver regulator don't
forget to take it The Liver gets sluggish
during the Winter, just like all nature
and the system becomes choked up by
the accumulated waste, which brings oil
Malaria, Fever and Ague and Rheuma
tism, r ou want to wake up your Liver
now, but be sure you take SIMMONS
Liver regulator to do it. it also
regulates the Liver keeps it properly at
work, when your system will be free from
poison and the whole body Invigorated.
Ynn trrtTlftf Itl.'MT 1lllilllll n
that Dr. King's New Discovery is uo- vrtlir .t.in la in A1 ,i th .t
doiibtedly the best Cough remedy : that i wiu onfy when Ljver js kpt actjve
he has used it in his family for eight Trv 9 I vrr PmH nnr. a,,H nnt th
Vlien Bbr was tick, we g-ars her Cutorta,
VThox iti u a ChiH. h crird tut CMtorU.
men sbs becrnms MI, she chmg; to Caatorta.
hma aba bad CUUrcn, lbs gtntbem Caataris
i years, and it has never failed to do all
that is claimed for it. Why not try a
j remedy so long tried and tested. Trial
I bottles free st Charman A Co's Drug
; Store. Regular si.e 50c. and $1.00.
Children Cry for
Pitcher's Castoriar
difference. But take only SIMMONS
Liver regulator it is Simmons
Liver Regulator which makes the
difference. Take it in powder or in liquid
already prepared, or make a tea of the
powder; but take Simmons liver regu
lator. You'll find the RED Z on every
package. Look for It.
J. H. Zellla at Cu, rtaia4ul(lhU, Pa,