Oregon courier. (Oregon City, Clackamas County, Or.) 188?-1896, March 20, 1896, Image 5

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Novelty Silks.
47 pieces 1 8 inch, Checked Silk
Warranted pure Silk, for 25c yd.
16 pieces 20 inch Persian Silk,
Latest Colorings, for 75c yd.
18 pieces 21 inch Fancy Dres
den Variegated Effects, extra for
85c yd.
27 pieces Fancy Duchess Dres
den, 21 inch Double Warp, extra
heavy, very latest, $145 yd.
13 pieces 18 inch Swivel Silk in
Cream Pink and Blue Armeer ef
feet, variegated, 49c yd.
fylcllep &
Corner Third ana Morrison 5t, roruana, uregun.
Y. P. 8. C. E. Bally. Ao enthusias
tic rally ol the Oregon City Christian
Endeavor societies waa held at the
Congregational church last Tuesday
evening with G. H. Be.tow, president
of the local union, iu the chair. In
structive and interesting addresses were
made by Fred Lockley ol Salem, treas
urer of the Slate Endeavor Society,
Rev. A. J. Montgomeiy, pastor ot the
Oregon City V resbylerian church, and
Rev. G.E. Haniesof Portland, pastor
of the United Presbyterian church. Mr.
Lockley nave some interesting statistics
concernii.g ihe growth of the endeavor
niovcuioui iu this etnte and county, and
mentioned tin- fact that the first state
endeavor convention in Oregon conven
ed in Oregon City ou June 13th, 1889,
and cousisted of 40 delegates, ttev.
Warren H. Landon of Portland was
president and Mrs H. A. Newali of
Salem was secreiaiy. To illustrate the
vani.1 vrnwlh
of the movement, it was
shown that there will be 600 delegates
, i ti aiatn convention
in atienuauvB i
which convenes in this city on April
14th, iu comparison wun iv
bers that composed the first convention,
which was held here , in 1889. The
auditorium was pretty Well filled with
Endesvjrs who are enthusiastically
making preparations for the coming
state convention.
Thk Oratokical Battlb. A grand
' ralyot the Hesperian lUerary forces
will be held Saturday evening of this
week. A joint dicubslon will take
place between that society aud the Wil
lamette Falls literary club. The best
speakers of each society have been
secured for the occasion. Reduce lares
will be secured from the West Side R. R.
Cars will leave station at 7.15. Bj on
time and come along. This is to be the
literary gathering of the season, peihap
the biggest ever held in Clackamas
county. The meeting will be held in
Batlorf's hull at Willamette Falls. Re
member the date. H. 8.
At Canemah. The Caneuiali Sunday
school will give one of their enjayable
entertainments and Bocials at Stokes
hall in Canemah Friday evening, March
27th. The nomial sum of 10 cents for
adults and 5 cents for children under
years will be charged, which will
entitle those admitted to refreswnenw.
The proceeds will be used.to purchase
bibles for the children in the school.
Canemah has first class socials. Go
and see .
Ole Olson. -The Crocket Dramatic
Co. will present this beautiful melo
drama in four acts with a full cast of
characters at Shively's hall on Friday
and Saturday evenings of next week
Besides the play there will be vocal
sobs, comic songs, farces, etc. Admis
sion 25 cents, children 10 cents, reserved
seats 35 cents ; seats on sale at telegraph
office, next to Albrigi-t's.
Fob Rent. The Huelat property
on the hill in Pleasant Place addi
tion, consisting of an eight-room
plastered bouse and seven lots, at 18 per
" - r : ..A10 a ts
Inquire at the Courier office.
rritnrf Wilier, imik HWO. viv.
Highest Honors World' Fair.
nurc Gnne Crecm of Tartu Fowd. Fret
Ar.m10.11a. Aluii. or any omer wmKeraiit.
Noveltv Dress Goods.
47 pieces French Gray Mixtures
38 inch, worth 40c yd. for 25c yd.
18 pieces of 40 inch French Im-
porteq Serees. guaranteed all wool
former price 50c, placed on asle at
35c yd.-
21 pieces of Imported Oriental
Cloth. Dresden Effects, warranted
all wool, very handsome, at 50c yd.
The largest stock of Black
French Crepons in Silk and Wool,
ever shown by any house in Port
land. at7c yd.
See our Silk and Wool Dress
Goods at 50c 75c & 1.00 yd.
- tl M
J. C. Bkad Again. Last Friday Rev.
James C. Read, unon petition of W. C
Johnson, was examined as to his mental
condition, and, upon the report of Dr. J.
w. Noma, the patient was adjudged
insane and committed to the asylum.
In the complaint and commitment it is
stated that Bead was born in buelby
countv. Kv.. SO years ago: that his
mother and a brother and probably also
a sister were insane; that the patient
has suffered from typhoid and malarial
fevers, aud wheu a child he was injured
on the head bv a stroke from agruo-noe
Bead was ituiuuiitleU to the insane
asylum the 18th of la t April, utter tiU
trial tor the altempUd robbery of the
First National bank, of East Portland.
A few months latter he was discharged
Irom ttie institution and came at ouce
to his home in this city. List Noveiu
ber he went to Nevada for the pu pose
of getting employment, where he would
not be hampered by his unfortunate ex
peiieuce in Oregou. But he was uu
successful, aud returned here about a
month ago. It is reported that he was
seen in California, Colorado and Kacsas
during his absence from here
Mrs. Read Also. Last week it was
discovered that Mrs. J. C Read had
passed several vweated" gold pieces
on our merchants. About itau worm
of coins, mostly 20s, haye turned up.
NothinK was done by the U. S. officials
in the matter and people would like to
know why. It was learned that Mrs.
Read had purchased a certain acid at
one drugstore and a second at another
the two making the only solution that
will dissolve gold. The coins were from
75. cents to 1.-50 'short." What was
done with the gold lakan off is not
known to the writer. A friend of the
family claims that "Rev" Read had an
influence over his wife and she did this
u nder his direction. The act of making
the coins short is not a criminal offense
but the panning ol same certainly is. To
hush up the matter Mr. Read was hus.
tied off to the Salem apyluin and Mr.
Read was not m ested. If he or she
had been without influential friends
they would have been arrested and
he at least sent to the pen where he
Shot in Heao Eli Ilartle of New
Era, a woodchopper, was seriously, in.
j u red on Sunday while hunting. He
attempted to pull his Winchester rifle
through a picket fence the hammer of
which caught and the gun was discharg
ed, the bullet went through his mouth,
knocking out several teeth, and lodged
near base of brain . He was taken to
Gladstone hospital on Monday aftei noon ,
but bullet wus not found. He will
probably recover. He was not uncoil
sious at any time.
Kept Hotel Here. Mrs. Elizabeth
Fryer died in San Jose. Cal., March 8.
Mr. and Mrs. Fryer came first to Ore
gon in 1845 and settled at Oregon City,
where they kept a hotel, and Mr. Fryer
ran the ferry from Oregon City to the
to wn of Linn City, opposit- f Up to 1852 ,
it is said, he knew every resident of Or
egon. They moved to Polk county in
1852 and settled near Bethel. In 1886
they went to California, Mr. Fryer
and three children survive the mother.
DiED.-Leona Beatrice, bel oved dangh
te r of B- F. and Alice Harless, diedMarch
13, 1896, aged 10 months and 23 days.
Oh. fair is the ea and the sky above
And sweet is the summer land
There'r nothiogfso dear to a mothers love
As the touch of a dimpied hand .
. 1 L.4 An. I n.r. inr thtk land
And what do I care for the sea hand
It I could feel the touch of my baby
And the the mother is here by me.
State Firemen. A meeting of the
executive committee of the state fire
men's association was held in Portland
on Tuesday. Oregon City was repres
ented. A. P. Pincns, and C. Alisky of
Portland and T. E. Howell of Oregon
City were appointed a committee to
draft rules for annual tournament at
Astoria in August.
For bargains go to the Racket Store
Linn Jones spent Sunday in Salem.
Courier till afterelection for 25 cents
Subscribe now.
Live fun at the opera house Friday
night, March 20th.
W. T. Hankins commenced teaching
at New Era on Monday .
The Woodmen gave another of their
entertainments on Tuesday evening.
License to wed granted on the 12th to
Ellen Hardesfy and Thos. G. Garnett.
Beautiful spring hats at reasonable
ptices at the Red Frcnt, Oregon City .
Senator Butler of Polk county was
visiting Judge Galloway Wednesday
Mrs. F. E. Hoditkins has been visit
ing her mother, Mrs. Jennings, during
the week .
Hose Co. No. 3 will have a house
warming at their new house this Tburs
day evening;.
'Subject st M. E. Church Sunday:
"Relation of Christian Church to se
cret Societies".
J. 8. Purdom was last week installed
as high priest of the new chapter of R.
A. M. at Grant's Pass.
Capt. Kelly informs ns that Col 8um
mnra and tnff will inspect Co. F on
next Monday evening.
The comment on Pilgrim's Progress
will be continued at the Congregational
Church next Sunday evening.
The ladies of the M. E. church will
give a 15 cent dinner en next Wednes
day, day of republican convention
In about ten days the Ohio store
open In the Jaguar building, opposite
Caufield block, with furnishing goods.
George Marr, of the firm of Marr &
Robertson, is runnlntt a store recently
purchased by the firm in Portland.
LaitTai, a Chinese, was arrested on
Saturday evening for running a gambling
and was fined 'J5 before Recorder
Daniel Talbert ai elected director
and E. C. Dedman olerk at the second
school election at Clackamas. Over 80
yotes were polled.
The Oregon City Mfg. Co. is this week
Installing two new looms and a press
(n their woolen mills in this pity, an
evidence of prosperity .
Mrs. Celia Goldsmith will return Sat
urday with her new millinery stock.
She will have the only fine FreucU hats
ever brought to this place .
Dr. W. J. Taylor died at the resi
dunon nf liia brother. I. D., on the West.
Side, Tuesday mornini?. He has .Tbjen
visiting here about four weeks. ' ' .V
A. B. Marquam, assignee of the E. M.
Hartraan stock of good at Marquam,
has shipped same to Oregon City and
Parker & Howard are Belling them .
Thi Oregon Citv Juniors and appren
tice boys of the British ehipsin Portland
harbor will play a gane of foot ball at
Gladstone Park on 8aturday at 3 p . m .
Morrison's "Faiist" will bs presented
at Shivelv's onera house on April 22d.
This is a rare treat. Miss Gracie Plaist-
ed will appear at same place April 6th.
Mrs. Pauline Ost of Sunnyside ws
sent to the insane asylum at Salem on
Saturday.. Her mania is of a hysterical
order. She is 43 years of ag and has
four children.
The following new bell taps of the fire
companies were adopted Wednesday
i.vninir: Two tans for Cataracts, Foun
tains and Co. No. 3 and three taps for
the H ; & L. Co.
At a mHHtinir of the firemen's board
nn Wednesday the names c( all delin-
' qnent firemen were ordered turned over
I to the assessor so he dan collect poll
taxes from them.
Misses Clara A. Haettinger ol Oregou
Citv and Agnes Mntlovk of Clackamas
rHi:eived state certificates this week from
state superintendent as result of Fdbru
ary examination.
Knrvva for the new reservoir for the
Oregon City water works were made on
Wednesday. This improvement in the
means for supplying water will be made
this summer by the water commission
Annie and Nora Hoeutter of Clacka
mas Heights,aged 10 and 5 respectively.
iv0rn nn Monday tent to the Boy' and
Girls Aid Society of Portland, on ae-
cuntef abuse and neglect by parents.
Thra ia said to be a colony of Ral-
stonites in Clackamas county. Under
the club's system there are 60 degrees
and every degiee costa money. A ttai
stonite expects to live 200 years. StaUi
Mr. Axel Ekstsom. electrical engineer,
mhn hu been at work on the Oregon
City plant for the past year, has com
pleted bis task and left lor nan
city last week to erect a simiiiar piam
At a meeting of the board of director
of the Y. M. C. A. on Monday evening
the old Methodist Church building was
leased for eight months. It will be fit
ted up for a reading room, gymnasium
and bath room .
Complaints have been made that
parties are stealing flowers from the
graves at the cemetery. This is very
small business. The guilty ones are
suspected and if they do not stop legal
action will be taken.
Mr. Atbey bas returned from Salem,
after an absence of several years, and
will reside hereafter in Oregon City.
WANT A Full Line, Cheap and HAVE
To Suit Everybody at
millnery Parlorsaae-L
OPENING DAYS; Tuesday and Wednesday, March 24 and 25.
He doe not like Salem. Mrs. Alhey
and daughter, Mrs. Frank Campbell,
will return about April 1st.
Residents of the hill seem to think it
would not be more than right to have
two more hydrants there, which are
much needed in case of Are. It U un
derstood that the city has several un
used old hydrants that would answer.
A petition is being circulated and very
generally signed, asking the council to
put the names of the streets on cor
ners. This would not cost much and
would greatly aid persons in finding res
idences. About half the residents
don't know where tliey live. i. e. on
what street.
The Willamette Club occupied their
new rooms in Ihe Weinhard block for
the first time n Saturday evening.
The rHims are handsomely finished and
furnished. Following are the officers of
the organteation: J. P. Lovett, presi
dent, Gen. C. Brownell, vice-president,
F. T Griffith, secretary and E. E. Cau
field, treasurer
Sheriff Maddock returned on Wednes
day evening with Tom Clark, who es
caped from jail here with three other
prisoners about three months ago.
Clark is under indictment for the rob
bery of the Red Fmnt store early in the
winter and was recaptured near Ta
coma. He also broimht back Elmer
Green, a morphine fiend and thief, want
ed, at Salem.
Probate Court J. F. Clark . appoint
ed administrator of R. Bradley -estate.
May 4th set for final hearing of executor
of J. E. Hornschuh. P. A. Baker al
lowed more time to make final report in
a Matcher estate. Henry Smith,
Frank Zollner and H. 0. Lee appointed
.,,,, iuur nf P. Rmlth estate. In case
of E. M. Galher vs. Geo. Roop, judg
ment was had for 7l and costs. J. A.
O'Dell ordered paid f32 and costs from
estate of Phillip Moore. May 4th set
for final settlement of J. O. Rmgnoes
Boaro op Tbade. A meeting of the
board of trade was held at county court
room on Monday evening, lne matter
of holding a road congress was tinned
over to Clautauqua Asaocialion with
recommendation ihstithe held during
their assembly. The following were
appointed as the Clackamas county
immigration committee, to act with
Portland boord : C. 0. T.Williams.
Thos. F. Ryan, H. K. Cross, E. G.
Caufield and and T. 1,. Charmun. The
committee to raise ami disburse lundi
for immigration purpoM. Caot. i. T.
Vpperson of special road committee re
nnrted that they had decided on a route
out of southern end of the city. .The
road to start at Third street anu go
under S. P. R. R. fracas and then up
the ti ill on a seven per cent, grade, a
distance of 1300 feet. Tue cost of this
he about 14000. Steps will be taken
to locate it as a county road after which
fnnt. tn hiiild same will be supplied Dy
the property owners to be benifltted,
citu:e.8 and the county court.
Dr. Wm. B. Knapp, dentist, has
opened an office in Coubibr building,
with Dr. Frank P. Welch, where he can
be found on Monday, Tuesday and
Wednesday of each week.
For the accommodation of his many
customers on the hill Mr. Albright has
established a branch meat market in the
Shively building on Seventh street,
where he keeps a full stock of all kinds
of fresh and salted meats, hams, bacon,
lard, etc. No stale meat kept. Give
him a call.
The finest line of silk umbrellas to be
found in the city at Bnrmeister AAnder
The cheap ratea of five dollars cabin
and two-fifty steerage, including meals
and berth, are still in effact on the O.
B.& N. Co's steamers from Portland to
San Francisco. Steamers leave Portland
every five days.
Louis Friedrich, the fashionable tailor
bas moved bis shop to the building
formerly occupied by Mrs. Dotcher'a
millinerr store. Nothing but first-class
work done and satisfaction guaranteed
Hare Your Dyes Tested...
At Uurniciftter & Andresen's
Jewelry Store.
They have one of
the finest eye-meters
and will test your
eyes free of charge.
Glasses may be re
turned if not suited
to eyes.
1 11 1
The nublisher of the Courier would
be pleased to have country subscribers
settle their subscription accounts with
produce of any kind. At present we
are in need of several bushels ot whent ,
cord wood, a few rolls of butter,
some potatoes, apples, meat, etc., and a
lane amount of silver and gold to pay
our bills. Please nay up. We will do
our part by accepting anything the
farmer' raises -at- the - higtiest market
price.1' ':: " ' ' " " - "' .
' Jones, He Pays the Freight. Send
for a copy of The Buyer's Guide, with
latest reductions and market , reports,
sent free to any address. Freight on
$20 orders paid to any point nn the
Willamette river reached by Portland
boats. . Jones' Cash Store, 105 Front
Street, Portland. Or.
Notion to Taxpayert.
As assessors or deputies will not go
out through the country this year, you
are requested when in Oregon City to
come in the assessor's office and give in
a statement of your laxnble property, or
Kend in a list. Yon will be lurnished
with suitable blanks.
J. C. Bradley,
Assessor of Clackamas County.
Sewing Machines Cheap. Want a
sewing machine? " Get a good one for
125.00 with five years guarantee; $5.00
down and $5.00 per month until paid.
See Bellamy & Busch about it.
Photographs, crayon, water color and
pastel portraits, views, frames, etc., at
Cheney's Art Gallery at reasonable
figures. Call and be cpnvinced.- One
door south of Red Front.
For Onr Flrty Years.
! dm ami, WiLL-Taiio Bimedt. -Mn, Wis
ins'a gnuthina 8td hu boa OMd far onr flf ty
jn by million! of mother! for thtlr children whit
teething, with perfect mccMl. It oothei the child,
..ri.n. th im. .!! all sala. carte wind eolie.
and it the Lett reawdy for Diarrhoea, b pleuaat to
the lute. Sold Dy Drasgute in enry pan 01 we
ur.i rm .ni.a oBta a bottle. lie nine la In
oaleulable. Be lure and aak foe Mri. Wlnalow't
Soothing Syni), and take no ether kind.
You would not knowingly swallow
UU1BUIJ. TV llvll jvm u.... pw. .
V,?,l l.wfw and hreine. Re
: urkAn H.inh nnnp ivhtakAV
sides this yon don't enjoy the drink.
Buy gjBOXl winsney. n umi".,
health and enjoyment in it. If overwork-
a, worriea or run uui 7"" uoro
warming soothing tonic. Nothing like
good whiskey. It aids digestion, makes
flesh and pleasantly invigorates the
system uoou wnistey uoea tine umu
you. Poor whiskey irritates the stomach.
hinwi. Yna Ain't afford to run risks;
tret the best, it pays. VbysicUtis drink
1 .A-Ammnnd I W II ADPrtl'H XA.ftOIl
County Ky. Whiskey. Sold by Hill A
Uole, uregon uiiy.ure.
Money loaned on farms or business
property. J. F. Clark, office over Oregon
City bank.
These wafers are for painful, scanty,
profuae or irreuolar menses, any cause,
and ladies will find that no better
remedy exists for these difficulties. To
avoid heing imposed upon by base imita
tions buy from onr agents and take
French Tansy Walers only. Price by
mail, $200. C. G. If untley, Druggist,
Caufield Block, Oregon City, Oregon.
Warm JSte
Our shoes are warm and tight
as it's possible to have shoes.
That's 011 account of the good
ness of the leather in the care
that's taken in their making
on the perfection and comfort
of their fit. All sixes aud
styles ladies', men's and
Krausse Btm;
Next Door to Burmeisler & Andreseu's
Notary Public and Real Estate Broker
Leading Insurancb aoimcv or Olackasu '
Cohhty. . .
Money to Loan. AbatracU of Title Made.
Drawing ol Legal DtMumeuU a Specialty.'
Ofllce on eat lde of Main iilreet,
Between 6th and 7th.
Attorneys at Law,
Commercial, Real Estate am
Probate Law Specialties.
OFFICE : Commercial Bank Building
Attorney at Law,
Office On Door North , !avJleldScIIwn
ley'$ h-uglori,
Ofllce : Two Doors South ot Courthout
Express and Drayman.
-5 ... r .
(EHtabllibed 180S.)
Parcel delivered to all parts of the city.
Nobiitt Livery and Sale Stable
Oa ths Street betwsee the Bridge ens tfct
Double and alngle rtgi and laddie boiaei a
wayeonhand at the loweit ratei, and a corral
alio connected with the barn for looie atoel
Any information regarding any kind of slao'
promptly attended to by letter or peraoa.
The Commercial Bank
CAPITAL tl00,000.
Transacts a General Banking Business.
I.oam made. Qllle dUuountcd. Make c I
lection. Buy and nolln exchange mi all point.
"1 Ihe united Htalea ana r.nrnne anu on noiu
Kong. Deposits rocetved anMecl to check.
Bank open from 0 A. M. to 4 P. H.
i , Freeident. Caablei
...Corner Grocery
Keeps a full line of STAPLE nd
Lewest Prlces--
Booms M, Tl. n, Dekum
Many of mj friend kare
trouble to nod ate) beace
thie eard.
Zfew iriih Uarktt
E. Richards, Prpi.
Oysters, Fresh and Salt Water
Fish, Poultry, Game, Crabs,
Clams, Etc.
Turkeyt, Oeeae and Chickens for Tbankegtvlns
Fret Delivery. To Doort South of Armory
tandard Pat. Medicines.
Palota. Oili and Window Olam.
PrtiertjiUoiu AcnraUli Compounded