COwMTV COURT. fmeedlugi f th Maroh Trm Amount! Cxpeided Roadt Daring Lilt Year. ' fieport of velwen on petition of L H. Kirch )m et al for change in tba Crlsswoll and Milwaukle road approved aod road ordered opened. Report on petition of Daniel Mayer et al for a road approve! and J. K. Graham. II. 8. Ramaby and John Darling appointed viewer. Report of viewer on petition of C. C. Miller et al for county road approved and J. A. Vancuren, J. C. Hurnetb and Henry lioffmiuiaen appointed viewers. Report of D. Vt Kinnard, road master, on petition of M. V. Donley et al for a road received and petition tie nied. I Petition of J. W. Roots for vacation of certain streets in Roota' addition to to Clackamas granted. Petition of Oak Grove Land and Imp. Co, for vacation of certain streets in Oak Grove granted, j Contract for supplying county with powder for one year granted to Cali fornia Powder Works on bid filed. Application of Oak Grove Land and Imp. Co. to, redeem part land in Oak Grove sold al. tax sale Correction of tax roll whereby Hattie Thompson was doubly assessed for 1893 ordered. Petition of J. B. Culick et al for a county road granted and W H Boney, J R Morton and A W Cooke appointed viewers. Claim of Mrs M F Bogan for 12000 dam ages o'j account of accident on county road continued. Order tbat warranta for care of Fran k Simmonds be issued to G. W. ProfW. A llowance for care and keeping of J.,. Tuttle Increased to $8 per month. Petition of J 8 Vaughn and J R tlnyon lor a change in the Uraham's Ferry and Buttevilln road granted and E. 8. McCllncy, Max Schulpius and Surveyor Kinnard apppointed viewers. Four dollars per month allowed for care and keeping of Isaac Thornton warrants to be issued in favor of Wm. Knight. Allowance for care of following paupers reduced ; in effect on March 1st: Mrs. Canning from $10 to $8, OleHensen from $15 to (10. Warrants for care and keeping of Mrs. Mary Ross ordered transferred to Mr. L. A. Winesett, at (12 per month, and 120 ordered paid for charges to March 1st. Claims in case of state vs. Bert Jewell DOCTOR G.W. SHORES' COMPLETE r ATARRH HOTII LOCAL ANI IXTKKXAL. The only rmedy guaranteed to absolutely curi cularrh and completely eradicate tba disease Icom the blood and System. FULL SIZE, $1.00; TRIAL SIZE, 25c. Each lull ilia packsgs cuittslns una lull month's beat treatment, one lull mnnlh's supply ol Ct'arrrt Hsaling Balm and une tull month's supply ol Catarrh. Blood and Stomach Hills. If vnu hava anv nf the following symptoms, Dr G. W, Shores' Comp'ele Cstnrrh Cure will (five you In stant rUef and cumpletely and permanently cure you. Is the nose stopped up? Does vour nose discharge? Is the nose sore and temW? Is there pain In front of heid? Do you hawk to clear the throat? Is your throat drv In the morning? Do you sleep with your Mouth open? la your heart?; falHn?? Do your ears discharge? Is the wax dry In vour ears? Do you hear better some days than others? Is your hearing worse when you have a culd? Dr. O. W. Shores' Cnitgh Cur cures all coughs, olds and bronchlil affections. One dose will stop spasmodic cnup. Keep a bottle In the house. Large sire bottles 2Sc. If you have these symptoms usa II as directed on the buttle and It will cute you. Have vou a cough? Do you take cold easily? Have vou a pain In the side? Do you raise frothv material? Do you cough In tba mornings? Do you spit up little cheesy lumps? Dr. 0. Shores' Tonic and Blood Purlller clean ses and purities the blood, gives strength and vigor, cures dyspepsia and all nervous diseases. Price, II per bottle. It I eminently cures the following symptoms: Is there nausea? Do you belch up gas? Are you constipated , Is youi tongue coated? Do you bloat up atter eating? Do you feel you are growing weaker? Is there constant bad taste in the mouth? Dr. (I. W. Shares' Kidney and l.lver Curt (Ores all d seases uf lite kidneys, liver and bladder, I'tke, $1 per bottle. Do you get Jlzy? Have you cold leel? lo you teel miserable? Do vou iret ttred eaiiv? Do you have hot Hashes? Are vour spints low al times? I Do you have rumbling in bowels? I) i your hands and leel swell? Is this noticed mote al nuiliti1 Is thete pam In small ot back? Has the perspiration a bad odor? Is there putbness under the eyes? Do you have to get up often at night? Is there a deposit In urine If left sunding? Don't neglect these signs and risk bnglii s disease killing you. Dr. Shores' Kidney and liver cute will cura yuu If used as directed on the bottle. Dr. (1. W. Shores' Mountain Sage Oil stops rha worst pain In one minute, ror headache, tixilhache, neuralgia, cramps or colic use It externally and In ternally Prevents and cures diphtheria If used in lime. Keep a bottle hinJv. Price. Jsc a bottle. Dr. O. W. Shorea' Pepsin Vermiluga destroys worms and removes the little round nest where they hatch and breed. It never fails. Price 2sc a botte. Dr. U. W Shorea" Wlntargreen Salve cures alt diseases of the skin. Uemoves red spots and black pimples from I lie face. Heals old sores in jtoSdays. Dr O w' Shores' Antl-Constlpatlnn Pills cure chronic constipation, sick headache and bilious attacks. Price. Jsc a b..He. ln'all rases. If the bowels are constipated take one of Dr. ti.W. Shores' Anll-Constlpatlon Pills at bednme. It your trouble Is chronic and deep-sealed, wrtie Dr. G.W. Sho-es personally lor his new symptom list and have your case diagnosed and get his expert ad vice tree. , . 1 hese famous remedies are prepared only by Doc tor (i. W. Shores. Ziun s Medijal Instituie. Salt Lake litv. I'tah. For sale bv all Druggists, or sent to anv address on receipt ot price. ton smc t G. A. HARDING, Sole Agent, , uliKl.uN CITY. I'KKtioS. (disallowed at November term) allowed at 1 45.40. Warrant for $50 for contingent ex penaea for officials ordered drawn in favor of Treasurer M L Moore. Additional bond of E C Haddock as tax collector approved. Cletk'a exhibit of road warrants drawn fur year ending March 1st, 1890, approved. Voting place ol Went Oregon City precinct ordered changed to Willamette Falls railroad station, near suflpension bridge. Application of M. F. McCown for redemption of a part of block 100, as sessed to 8 M McCown an-J sold for taxes, granted. Fetition for change of voting place in Milk Creek precinct denied as pe tition for location of same at Grange hall contained more names Eight dollars per month ordered drawn in favor of Wm Scott for care and keeping of Mrs. Lent, Report of offices on collection of fees for February approved. Mileage and per diem of comtnis sioner, allowed aa follows: R Scott, 3 days and 16 miles and 15 miles extra, $12.10; Frank Jaguar, 3 days and 12 miles, $10.20. Reports of road supervisors for Feb ruary approved and expense allowed as follows: District. Amount 11 $ 5 25 13 24 0 14 6 6(i 16 material $52 08 21 50 17 " ....51 71 123 01. 18 7 29 27 0 30 34 II ROAD WARRANTS. Clerk's exhibit of warrants drawn on road fund of Clackamas county for road work during the year ending January 31st, 1806: District. Total Amount 1 ...$ 1026 57 101X1 37 3 1597 55 618 25 223 25 6 625 3H 117 25 8 82 61" 9 105 25 10 187 75 11 1948 19 12 387 10 13 91)9 32 14 3039 89 15 276 75 10 281 94 17 1449 04 18 273 43 19 345 65 20 121 60 21 146 50 22 181 80 23 404 68 24 510 Ots 25 327 28 26 498 95 27 742 89 28 j... 226 85 29 154 8 30 3682 65 81 381 31 32 582 99 lotal road warrants 23,733 73 In district No. 14 $1514.13 was paid B F Linn for planking Oregon City and Highland road and $543.38 was paid Lindley fc Son for plank for Oregon City and Apperson and Oregon City and Molalla roads, making the amount ex pended by supervisor 11882.33. CLAIMS ALLOWED. Madden & CraiTord. blanks $ 17 07 D J Hlover. pauper acct 10 00 O 0 Water Works, ch acct 15 00 Jury list, diat 7 7 (Hi 10 7 no J K Uralinm, pauper acct 13 05 uregnn lei Tel (Jo., ch acct.. .1 7 J C Bradley .assessor 200 00 w Meidrum, re-establishing got, corners 13 50 Teacher's examination 63 00 W H i oung, livery 4 00 E 0 Maddock, board prisoner . . 78 12 Xsooieu s stable, livery I 50 uai rowtier Works, load acct. . . 498 4o Gladstone Sawmill Co, " .... 3 45 Jos Rice, atty fees, J P court. ... 7 40 j martin a sons, road acct (t 46 M Hyatt, dent sheriff 13 8V Mrs C A Nash, extending tax roll 115 Oi Mattie Noe " " 95 09 John Kent, road acct 5 00 h (J Maddock. tel acct 3 OS Enterprise, printing, claimed 74 8o 73 92 Thinness is often a sign of poor health. A loss of weight generally shows something Is wrong. If due to a cough, cold, any lung trouble, or if there is an inherited tendency to weak lungs, take care I of Cod-liver Oil, with Hypo phosphites, is a fat-food and more. It causes such changes in the system that the gain is permanent and improvement continues even after you cease taking it. Sound flesh; rich blood; strong nerves; good digestion; aren't these worth a thought ? SCOTT'S F Ml'l-SION has been endorsed by th ivolev.ion tur tweiitv vrrs. .4-k our doc tor Tl.i is because it l alwavs psUublt always miiterm- elwav comlttn II ftuut borufjp CW rtvr OilanJ rrrvMvfrr,-f. Innt on Scott's Lmulaloa with traJe-nurk of rurt and t'..h. Put up in o cent and $1x0 aim. The small sb ' assy bo muuah to cum your cough or help your baby. WM 'Bosh, there are visitors in the draw bag room!" "How do yon know"" "Listen 1 Papa is saying 'my dear' to mamma. .Punch. A Basra Specimen. Mrs. Donovan Michael, wnd ye Ink at tbat lovely goat? Be the powers, if we had that big divvel in the front yard, we'd be the invy av the whole neighborhood. Mr. Donovan Uo an wit' yon an your ignorance I Can't ye see be the sign on the birdcage tbat he's wan o' them Oryx Licorices? Mrs. D. Arrah, thin av coorse it is that same, an I might av knowed had I noticed his beautiful lioorice horns. Truth. Notloe. United States Land Office, February 4th, 1896. Notice is hereby given that the approved plat of survey of township 5 south range 6 east, has been received from the Surveyor General of Oregon, and on April 8th, 1806, at 0 o'clock a. m. of said day said plat will be filed in this office and the land therein embraced will be subject to entry on and after said date. RoiiEitT A. Miller, Register. Peter Paquet, Receiver. A breat German's Prescription. Diseased blood, constipation, and kidney, liver and bowel troubles are cured by Karl's Clover Root Tea. For sale by G. A. Hard ing. All Recommend It. Ask your physician, your druggist and your menus about bhiloh s Lure lor Consumption. Tbey will recommend it. The exposure to all sorts and conditions of weather that a lumberman is called upon to endure in the camps oflen produces severe colds which, if not promptly checked, result in congestion or pneumonia. Air. 1. V. Davenport, ex -manager of the Fort Bragg, Redwood Co , an immense institution at Fort Uragg, Cal., says they sell large quanti ties of Chamberlain's Cough Remedy at the company's store and that he has himself used this remedy for a serve cold and obtained immediate relief. This medicine prevents any tendency of a cold toward pneumonia and insures a prompt recovery . For sal t by G. A. Hardinir. Druggist. For Sale Cheap. A farm of 140 acres, seven miles from town ami mile west of Graham's church ; divided into three parts of GO, 40 and 40 acres; 30 acres intoroved : stillicienl imber to run a saw mill live years or more; good water; good house and barn, and everything a man needs; price very cheap on account of hard tiuic". ' . 7 It Saves Lives Every Day. 1 hiiusands of caes of Consumption, tbma, Coughs, Cold and Croup are cured every day by Shiloh's Cure. Catarrh Cured. Health and sweet breath secured by Shiloh's Catarrh Kemetlv. t'rice W cent. Aasal Injector free. is a sure cure for Headache and nervous diseases. Nothing relieve;, so nuicklv. A Fact Worth Knowing. Consumption. I.aGrinpe, Pneumonia, and 11 Throat and I.ung disease-' are cured by Shtloh s ure. The Ills of Woman. stipation. causes more than half the ills men. Karl's Clover Root Tea i a cure for' Constipation. The Best Cough Cure is Shiloh's Cure. A nrtjlectexl coujh is d.ingrrous Slop it at once with Shiloh's Cure. For sate bv G. H.irding. Dr. Price's Cream Baking: Powder 4aretd Gold Mraal Hnwmn Fair 9ar Fraactsc. a REAL ESTATE THAN3FEH3. Fsrahhed Every Week by ths Clackamas Abstraot t Trust Company. The Claokaaiaa A bet rant A Trust fo. Ii tha owaar of tha eotiyrtght o the Thorns yatera of abet riot masses tor uiacaamas oounty, and baa tba on! complete est of abntracla in Ibe county; can turn III Information aato title to landat oooaon application. Loans. Inrealinenla, real estate, abatmcta. etc Oflloa orer liana or urriron city, uall ana Investigate. Aaureae, uoz on, uregon I liy. urrgon. O. C. Thurman to J. F. Clark, s of Ju'of ee 14 of seel and 114 acres in n wly part of sec 12, t 2 s, r 2 e; $10. J. F. Clark to Theo. Wygant, same a Inst; f 1. F. M. White to Geo. A. Harding, lot 7 of blk 3. Mt. Pleasant; $5. Gladstone R. E. Assn toE. N. Wells, lot 10 of blk 38, Gladstone; $300. U. S. to J T. Weckert.s of ne X andflots 1 and 2 of sec 5, 3s, 7 e; patent. J. T. Weckert to E. Edwards, same as last; $800. state to d. v. Hedges, nw of ne H' Hot ne M, s of ne 1-4, se f -4 of sw 1-4, o K of se 14 and sw 1-4 of se 1-4 of sec 7, 4s, 9 e; $280. E. Blankbolm to Wm. Phillips, 1 acre in Geo. Wills cl ; 5. N. Muckel to M. Muckel, lot IS of blk 65, 0. 1. & 8. Co's. add to Oswego; $1. Oak Grove L. & I. Co. to Chas. Broock, lots 9, 10, 11, 12 of blk 90, subd Osk Grove; $12. J A. Foe to J. B. Breck, sw 1-4 of nw 1-4 of s w 1-4 of sec 3, 5 s, 1 e ; $800. J. R. Burlington to E. Burlington, lots 3 and 4 and nw 1-4 of se 1-4 ot sec 2,t3s,r4e; $700. M.S. Kellogg to M. J. Kellogg, lots 7 and 8 of blk 13. lots 1 and 2 of blk 28, lots 2, 8 and 4 of blk 26, O. I. & 8. 0 '". add, to 0s ego ; $1. R. Scott to A. Schneider, 12 a in se 1-4 of se 1-4 of sec 17, 1 5 s, r 1 e; $40. Isaac Farr to J. W. Boatman, undi vided s of lot 7 of blk 67, O. C. ; $10 G. W. N. Taylor to H. H. Deets, 94 a I sw part of sec 29, 1 4 s, r 1 e ; $500 J . D. Lee to F. Heitkemper, part of tract S of Oak Grove; $1. Oak Groye L. & I. Co. to E. Heit- kemper, part of tracts and lots 1, 2, 3, 4, 19, 20, 21 and 22 of blk 94, Oak Grove; $600. E. O. Hinderli to Z. J. E. Luthern church, 92 1-8 rJs in P. Lee cl; $1. M. F. McCown to Cornelia Mc Cown, lots 9, 10, 11, 12 of blk 16, lots 3 .4, 5, 18, 19, 20 of blk 17, Gladstone ; $1000. In the fall of 1893 a son of T. A. Mc- Farland, a prominent merchant of Live Oak, Suttor Co., Cal., was taken with a very heavy cold. The nains in his chest were so seve that he bad spasms and was threatened with Dneumonia. His father gave him several laree doses of Chamberlain's Cough Kemedy which broke up the cough and cured him. Mr. McFarland says whenever his children have crouo he inva riablv gives them Cbamberlaiu's Cough Rem edy and it always cures them. He con aiders it the best cough remedy in the market. For sale by G. A. Hard ing, Drug gist. How to Cure Rheumatism. Arago, Coos Co Okkgon, Nov. 10, 18UJ 1 wiali to iinorin yuu of the ureal good Chamberlain's Pain Balm has done my wife. Site has been troubled with rheumatism of the arms and hands for six months, and has tried many remedies prescribed for that complaint. but found no relief until site used this Pain Balm : one b title nf which has completely cured her. Yours truly, C. A. Btiliord. 50 cent and SI 00 bottles lor sale by . A. Harding, Druggist. Take Simmon Liver Regulator now. Its just the remedy for the spring of the year to wake up the liver and detinue the whole aystetn of I he accumulated waste uf the winter. "My wife corn- batted more malaria in Alabama in Ittfil with Kiiiimtiii T.ivnr Ilponluhir than all the ductora in the neigliuoi- hood. We vs Imd a siege of miliaria in our own family, and it helped us." W. N. Bryant. DjIUh, Texas. tTIVIi,Mr Bn. J To, t-,,,rii;Mc tk Mn and gives a clear and beautiful complexion HER LIFE TRULY SAVED. Dr. Miles' Heart Core Does It Mrs. Chas. La Point, a well-known resident of Denver, praises this wonderful remedy. Her testimony should convince all as to the worth of the new Heart Cure and Restora tive Nervine. Iler letter dated Sept. 11th, ley, reaua as lotiows: Has. La Ponrr, 2137 Humboldt St. "TYnhold fever left me with heart trouble of the most serious nature. Nothing the doctors gave had any effect. I had severe pains in tne nearx, ana was nnaDte to ne on my leftside for more than three minutes at a time. My heart seemed to miss beats, aod I had smothennr "Dells, in which it seemed every breath would be my lass. We acci dent!; saw aa advertisement of Dr. Wiles New Heart Cure and Restorative Nervine, and purchased a bottle of each. After taking the remedies a. week, I could be lifted in a chair and sit up an hour, and In a abort, time I was able ba do light housework. I shall be ever grateful to you for your wonderful medicines. Truly the saved my life. MRS. CHA9. LA POTTsT. Dr. Miles Heart Curs fs sold on a pnsitlvs guarantee that the rt bottle will benefit. AlldnicfistsneliltattL bottle, for (6 or It will besent-, prepaid on receipt of pries bj the Dr. Uiiea Ueuicai Co-, Elihart, lad. Dr. Mies' Heart Cure t&ft Mi What is mi iiiimimininimniuiw Castorla Is Dr. Samuel Pitcher's prescription for Infants and Cbildren. It contains neither Opium. Morphine nor other Narcotic substance. It Is a harmless substitute for Paregoric. Drops, Soothing Syrups, and Castor Oil. It is Pleasant. Its guarantee is thirty years' use by Millions of Mothers. Castorla destroys Worms and allays fererlshness. Castorla prevents vomiting Sour Curd, cures Diarrhoea and "Wind Colic. Castorla relieves teething; troubles, cures constipation and flatulency. Castorla assimilates the food, regulates the stomach and bowels, giving healthy and natural sleep. Cas- torla is the Children's Panacea the Mother's Friend. Castorla. " Castorla Is an excellent madlciM for chil dren. Mother hare repeatedly told me of its (ood effect upon their children.' Da. O. O. Osoood, Lowell, Mas. Castorla. Is the beat remedy for children of which I am acquainted. I hope the day la not far distant when mothers will eoosider the real interest of their children, and uae Cutorto in teed of the various quack noetruma which are deetroyinc their tored ones, by foreinj opium, morphine, toothing syrup and other hurtful agenta down their throats, thereby randlnc them to premature) graree." Pa. J. F. KtjKmxoa, Conway, Ark. Tat Castas Coa-MB, TT M Thl Mill! It,-" I r'. lur iwui. cioua v e'oraaieinOrocou'. tlon of a famous Conatloation. BEFORE ano AFTER kidneys and the The reason aufferers are not cured by .iMHalhM. .nH HitnH. tTp lllla CUriDKNBlllheoniy xnown as AAI. MkbAT a ala A written guarantee given and money returned If six boxes doea not a LOO a box. alx for 15.00. by mall. Send for rasa, circular and testimonials. 4d6reaa DA VOI, JSKDICiaBl COP. (X R I - P ONE GIVES RELIEF. WAR! -AT GAMBRINUS GOLD STORAGE! The only place in the city which can supply you with anything you want in the liquor line and aavea you money on every artlele you buy WINE, HbEK ANO LIQUORS because I sell to you at Portland prices and save you your electric car fare and expenses while in Portland. It will save ten years on your life's lease by trading at home with a reliable firm and not being held up by highwaymen on the electric car. What you buy at the Gambrinus Cold storage is guaranteed to be Just what you buy it for or money refunded Larger! stock or Liquors and the only complete stock of Wine at the Lowext Paiciui. WHY GO TO A DRUUNTOHE and pay S4.0U per gallon as a pastime when you can buy better wine at the following prices: SWEET WINES? California Port Wine, per gallon ...... gi 50 " Sherry " " " ......... 1 411 " Angelica " "... . - . . . 1 50 " Sweet Muscatel " " 1 All " Toksy Wine " " 1 & " Mnderia " " " 1 60 " , Malsga " " " 1 60 ' HHilingiUock" " ' . . - 75 ' Claret " " 7:, Bottled Beer (quarts) per dozen - - - - - . . . 1 50 Porter, Komentic " ......... i littiness' Kxtra Stout (pints) per dozen - - - ' - . - 2 75 Swan Whiskey, per gallon - - , - 8 7r Phoenix Bourbon " ......... i mi California (irape Brandy, per gallon California Blackberry Brandy, per gallon fft-For keg beer, leave order. The finest family N. F. ZIMMERMAN, 1 4 PAPERS FOR 2! THE NEW YORK WORLD, v a a i at iittU prilvinii THRICE A-WEEK EDITION 18 Pages a Week. 136 Papers a Year Is larger than any weekly or semi-weekly paper published and is the only important llemocratic "weekly" publication in Sew York Citv. .It will tie ol especial advantage to yon during the PRESIDENT I AL CA.HPAIN as it is published every other day. except Sun day, and has all the freshness and timeliness nf a daily It combines all the news with s long list of interesting departments, unique feature-, cartoons an1 graphic illustrations, the latter being a speciality. All these improvements have-been made without any increase in the ro?t, which remains at one dollar a year. We offer this nneualed newspaper and the OKEGON to I K1KK together one year for tt.uu, 6 montha for f l.uo. or 3 months ior'jo cents. All parties knowing themselves in debt to Charmaa k Son will please call an J settle. . Job Printing at the Courier Ollice. go- mm m wan i i mmmmwm wyicrwwvwrfi Castoria. " Caatoria is lo well adapted to children that 1 rooommfind UMiupwIortoejypre-CTtption known to me.'1 H. A. Aaorna, K. D 111 So. Oxford St, Brooklyn, W. T. "Our physiclana la tha children' depart ment ha spoken highly of their experi ence In their sutaide) practice with Caatoria, and although we only bar among our medical supplies what la known aa regular product, yet we are free to eon fee that the merits of Castorla baa won us to look with favor upon It" Uxitxo BoarrrAL aim Piirutaan, Boiton, lease. Aum O. Sarrrn, An, - wrsvy Strost, Kerw Yrk City. Pamone Remedy enrol qololly, permanently aii nnrvoua aieMUbOS, whhi jseniory, iums ox nrmin rowtr, liiiaducuo, Wukofuiiiaea, 1-oat Vitality, Nljtally Emis sion, evil dreuujs, tiupotonoy and wasting diseases oauaed by VoutAfuierrura or axccsi, .. Coutalna no oplatea. la a nerve taale and bloori builder. t lie paloand puny etroneand plump. Ea.l ly c.i rrled I n vt rinck-t. t nor boxi o f or M. By melljPre. pnl't, wtiha'.vr!(ttiiiiiuiruntrormfmfvrtfun(ttl. Wrtto ise,aree modlr-nt t, rcnled plain wrapper, with testlmonlale ana , i ri,ir". rnr rnitvl'Pir-t. linntlTV UT ' i -.'a'w'-i.fti.Ktaci. ' ' H.M.kiv k 'JO oa.liXta.U.CSMne. MANHOOD RESTORED 'CUPIDENE This treat Vegetable Vitallser.theDrueorlD. French physician, will quickly cure you of all ner- r awMea oi wo geucrauvo orxaiia, auco aa ijoai jnannooa, nU. rulnaln the Buck, Seminal Emissions. Nervoos Debility. Pimples, Unatnen to Marry, Exhausting Drains, Varicocele and It atone all losses br dav or nla-hL Prevenia onlck- nem of discharge, which If notchecked leads to SpermatorrnrBa aod all the horrors of Impoteocy. CVPIDKNKcleanaeitbelivar, ths urinary organs ol auunnuriua. doctors Is because ninety per cent are troubled with tnal I .Mb nmnL remeoy 10 cure wuuous an operation. Mwi-wmww uaot a permanent ure. X7t,San Praiiolaco,Csl. JSjrAttaeg George A. Harding Drngglat - A - N - S WAR!! THE- s ."m - - - . - : tut rooms. This place Is conducts J first-class"! - PHONE 31). XTH AND MAIN STREETS. wtwwe4wwrf HEADQUARTERS F0Rfj j . w yget s !; Sweet Peas l ' S I Mixed ( Per pound , .40c. .25c. . 15c. Half pound . varieties ria pound , THE ONLY DOUBLE SWEET PEA, I 9 DDinr ne unaisi a BRIDE OF NIAGARA. (irue to Name.) Price Packet 25c Half packet 1 5c. THE WONDERFUL CRIMSON RAMBLER ROSE. Only 15 Cents. VIGO FLORAL GUIDE, 18S8, As riaaasr Seed Catalogi. Tried and True Novelties. Fochi. Roaes, Blackberry The Pearl Gooseberry! Potatoes, Earliest Tomato Known etc Lithographs of Double Sweet Pea Roses Fuchsias, Blackberries. Raspberries New Leader Tomato Vegetable,, t ,Utd i',h good thrngs old ami new. Full iw rf Vegetables, Small I Fruits, etc.. with descrip tioo and pnees. Mailed on receipt of lo ceT which may be dedpjte.1 from first order n.ll i Free, or free with an order far any of tte : ROCHESTER, N. Y. 6 A JAMES VICK'S SONS