FROM actual analysis made by me, I pronounce the Royal Baking Powder to be the Strongest and Purest Baking Powder before the public. Pre. One of Euaene field's Franks. When Eugene Field was oity editor of tlie Kansas City Timos, he fonnd great amusement in annoying one of the char soters employed on the paper. Ferguson was one or the "muko nps" ou the pa per, and in Wyandotte, where he resid' ed, juHt over the line from Kansas City, he was the leador of a local temperance sooiuty. J) or over a year Field, on com ing down to the paper to go to work, would write a persouul concerning Fer gjjwMi. Generally it run like this: "Mr. John Ferguson, the well known 'make up' of The Times composing room, np peared for work yesterday evening in his ubuuI beastly stute of intoxication. This entertuiniug bit Field won Id send down in a bundle of copy, and the oth era of the composing room wonld set it op and say nothing. Poor Ferguson knew that this awful personal was in their midst, and every night would go carefully over every gal ley for the purpose of locating and kill ing it It gave him vast trouble. Every now and then Field would not write bis personal about Ferguson, and then the bedeviled Feigusou was worse off than ever. As long as ho could not find it it might still be there. It almost drove the poor man off the pupor. Now and then it escaped his eagle eye and was print' ed. On such occasions Ferguson's bur dens were oeyoud the power ot even a Christian spirit to bear. Witches la Eggshells. When Nupoleon III was approaching sovereignty, he asked a judicious friend to observe him curofully for a week and to point out to him anything that he did which was not according to the severest code of the manner of a well bred man, At the end of the week there was only one practice which his friend had no ticed. The emperor, after eating a boil ed egg, invariably thrust his spoon through it. . Whence this practice has arisen, at one time not uncommon, it is difficult to say. Some date it from a very early period and ussume that it was done originally in order to prevent witches sailing m the eggshells. . 100 KKYVARkS moo. The readers of this paper will be pleased to learn that there is at least one dreaded disease that science bas been able to cure in all its stages and that is Catarrh. Hall's Catarrb Cure is tbe only positive cure now known to tbe medical fraternity. Catarrb being a constitutional disease, requires constitutional treatment. Hail's Catarrb Cure is taken internally, acting direotly upon tbe blood and nmoous surfaces of the system, thereby destroying tbe foundation of tbe disease and giving tbe patient sirenatii uy uuuuiuk up me uunnutuiioa and assisting nature in doing its work The proprietors nave so much laitn in us curative powers, that they offer One Huu area uouirs lor any cane toac it laus cure. Bend lor list of Testimonials. Address, F. J. CHENEY & CO., Toledo, O, tmVBold by DruK?its, 75o. Hall's Family Pills are the best. to FITS.-Alien topped Iree by Dr. Kline's Great Nerve Restorer. No rlta aflei the Ural day's ise. Marvelous cures. Treatise and 12.00 trial bottle free to Fit cams. Hend to Dr. Kline, HI An b St.. Philadelphia. Pa Try Gibmka tor breakfast. EVERY FAMILY SHOULD KNOW THAT it a verr remarkable remeir, both for 7If. TBRNAL tad EXTERNAL Tuu, and woo. 4ettui la la quick action t relieve distreti. iSt"Z ,ClTrot. G'ouahs, ('Ills, Dlarrhcra, Dyaenterr, Cramp, Cholera, and aU Mowtl Vomplainlt. Pn.fVTf?rISTnE BEST rem. ruillmmiIlCrtaT known for ! frtrkaess, Hick Headache, I'nln In the Back or Hide, Rheumallem and Neuralaia. Paln-Killer SEWi' HiDE. It brings ipeedy and permanent rthtf In aU case of Bruises, Cats, Strains, vera Burns, Ac. Dain-kTlUfr H tried and MallImIilll trusted friend of the Meeaanle, Farmer, Planter, Pallor, and In fact all claues wanting a medlrlne alaeya at band, and rac to ute Infernally ar externally wlia certainty af relief. IS RECOMMENDED Mf nytieuMtiM, by Mitiionaries, by MmUtart, bp Mtchanlct, by JVuraef In BotpitaU. BY eVKHYBODY. Daln-lflffpf Medicine Chest la riilIl-l.IllCr luKif, and few Taawls leave port without a supply of It. Se"Ko family can afford to he without "his Invaluable remedy In tbe house. In price brings It within tbe reach of all, and It will annually save man; lime Its cost In doctors' bills. w Beware or imitations, lata I aaauuae "raaaT iavja." FERRYS; SEEDS. Perfect seeds grow rtvin crons. Perfect seeds rare note row n byebauce. fiotb- f i na levr left to chance In STOW- 1 ' Inc Kerry's Seeda. PealemaeU ' tnvia everywhere- Vrlte for FERRY'S SEED ANNUAL for 106. Brimful of valuable J , Informatlonaboutbeetana new . eat seeds, f ree by mau. . D. M. FERRY a CO., Detroit. Mich. MRS. WINSLOyifS H7rhup5 FOR CHILDREN TEETHIMO - rMlSTallPi aaawja. 1 Cel a battle, . 4 OuMiUtry, Ctlltgi Pharmacy Dr 7. VmivtnUjr q California. Struck by a Itoad Hand. Said Eonry Billings, a retired road engineer : rail "I was running a night train on tbe Santa ie road buck in tbe seventies. This particular night had been stormy and threatening, and the flashes of lightning were frequent and in tonne. We were running ahead of our schedule in order to make a siding in time to al low an extra to pass us, and were travel ing, I suppose, at the rate of about Or 35 miles an hour. "I was sitting with my face close to the forward wiudow of the cab, gazing straight ubeud, when in a brilliant blaze of electricity a man's arm and bead suddenly burst with greut force through the glass and the open hand struck me squarely in the face. I was duzed for an instant by the blow, and held blindly to the side of the cab. My first thought was that some tramp was trying to hold up my train to rob the passengers, and, acting on this idea, I seized my wrench from its place and dealt the head of the intruder a blow with all my might. "The fireman, thinking I had killed tbe man, shut off steam and we slowed down and took our lanterns to examine the strango visitor. I could not describe the feeling that crept over me when climbed npon the engine and looked at tbe man whom I believed had attacked me. His entire body below the arms was gone. It was easy to understand what bad happened. He hud been struck by the rapidly moving engine and his body severed as with a knife, the lower half falling to one side and tbe head and arms flying straight through tbe cab window." Atlanta Journal. Leaves That Are Fifty Fast Lone In our temperate climate none of the trees has leaves of a size that will even compare favorably with those of the sea island and tropical countries in general The muple, the oak and the elm leaves are but infinitesimal bits of green when compared with the gigantic sheets of velvety verdure found on some of tbe trees, shrubs and plants of South and Central Amerioa. The South American tree which bas the largest leaf is thelnaja palm, which grows on the banks of the Amazon. The leaves of this giant are often 50 feet in length, but they are very narrow, sel dom exceeding 8 to 10 feet. With the Ceylonese cocoanut palm it is different. In that species the leaves are from 30 to 25 feet in length and from 16 to 18 in width. The natives of Coylon are said to use these leaves iu tentmaking, three or four being sufficient to make a shelter for a whole family. An extraordinary specimen of Ceylonese palm leaf now in the British museum, and which must be a freak because the average length and breadth of the leaves of this variety of trees do not exceed the figures given above is 36 feet in length and 28 in width, even though it is admitted that it muBt have shrunk one-fifth in dry ing. St. Louis Bepublio. The Porte. The porta is the short name of the sublime porte, which is the official way of speaking of tbe Turkish government. In tho east judicial business is transact ed at tbe city or palace gates. One story says that the sultan of Bagdad put in the portal of his paluce a piece of sacred black stone of Mecca, thus making his gate the porte. Another says that Sultan Orkhan built a gorgeous gate to his place iu Broussa. Both of these stories are probably untrue so far as they pur port to explain the name as applied to tbe Turkish government Just as the British court is called the court of St. James and the late French court that of the Tnileries, because their head quarters were in the palaces of St. James and the Tnileries respectively, so the Turkish court got tbe name sublime porte because its headquarters were in the palace of Bab-i-Humayun, or the Lofty Gate, in Constantinople. The name has been attached to the building in that city which shelters the four prin cipal departments of the government New York Sun. Legal Punning-. We do not mean punning which is le galfor there is no pun which tbe law authorizes but punning by members ot the profession which calls itself legal It is credited by The Green Bog to Vice Chancellor Robertson of New York. The chancellor was listening patiently at chambers to an argumentative con flict over the amount of a fee claimed by a counsel. At the close of the con tention, be remarked : "Let me have your papers and tbe affidavits of the expert, and I will see what is feasible as to the fee, and will endeavor to see my way to a just solu tion between the contention on tbe one side that tbe fee is a phenomenal one and on the other side that there should not be a nominal fee. " A Woman's Will. Talk about a woman's willl Why, up in Lansing resides a lady who has en joyed good health and yet has not been one occasion when she returned home too late to get supper for her husband be grumbled and said that he hoped next time she went out she would break her leg. This led tbe woman to declare she would never again go outside the yard. Later when the husband died, of I remorse probably, she followed tbe cas-! w .i.. , .i 1 mw premisea.Kalam.KX Garett. CARBOLIC ACID ANTIDOTE. Discovery That Alcohol Nullifies the Ef fect of the Poison. On May 4, 1808, about 1 :30 o'clock p. w.,Mrs. X., while dining, quarreled with' her husband, rushed up stairs and swallowed an ounce of liquid carbolic acid with suicidal intent. Mr. X. fol lowed his wife in loss than 18 minutes, to find her lying on tbe floor in a deep sleep, from which he could not rouse ber. Be noticed an empty bottle on tbe bnreau labeled oarbolio aoid and recog nized its odor through the room. Medical aid was immediately sum moned, when two physicians promptly responded, made a hurried examination of the condition and surroundings of the patient, who was in a profound stu por, with pnpils contracted to pin points, injected atropine to antagonize the poison supposed to have been taken nd then used tho stomach pump. Demulcents such as olive oil, glyc erin, eta and limewater and sul pburio acid were also administered with tbe stomach pnmp about this time, and an effort was made to waken the pa tient with the faradio current, but without result. Mrs. X. was now allow ed to remain undisturbed until 0 :80 p. m. , when an attempt to restore her to consciousness succeeded. On first awak ening she was dazed, rambled and was unable to realize her position for a few minutes, but soon rallied and answered questions readily. When asked what she had used, without hesitation she replied carbolic acid and whisky, and that she experienced bnt little pain or burning sensation and declared she slept sound ly, having pleasant dreams. With the exception of slight nausea and depression of spirits for a few days she suffered little or no more inconven ience and made a rapid and satisfac tory convalescence, and has enjoyed ro bust health ever since. , The slight corrosive action and free dom from pain experienced on the pres ent occasion proved the value of her ex- perimeuts and suggests a new and effi cient pluu of treutment in carbolio acid poisoning. A mixture of equal parts of carbolic acid and alcohol may be pour ed over the back of the hand, leaving scarcely a trace of corrosive action if promptly washed off with alcohol. The white stain caused by the liquid oarbol io acid can be removed by the immedi ate and continued application of alco hoL In the case of a young man who oume to my office suffering from intense itching caused by a Bpider bite I applied liquid carbolio acid, which stained the skin white. This application was left on the affected part until it caused se vere puin, when ' it was thoroughly re moved with alcohol, followed by the ap plication of a pad of absorbent cotton saturated with aloobol. By this means the stain was removed and pain relieved until heat was felt in the pad, when both stain and pain dis appeared. The heated pad was now dis carded and replaced by one of a similar kind, freshly prepared, when ' stain and pain vanished a second time, to return witb heat in the pad. This phenomenon continued as long as heat developed in the pad and ceased when it was no lon ger evolved. The only result besides re lieving the itching was an intense red ness of the skin over the affected area, which disappeared in a few days, at tended by desquamation of tbe outiole. This case also affords a striking illus tration of the resemblance in the symp toms produced to carbolic acid and opi um poisoning. - The diagnostio feature in the present case was the quiet and regular breathing. Alcohol, apart from its power as an antidote, is required as a stimulant in the majority of cases of carbolio aoid poisoning, to combat the intense depres sion usually experienced, and it would therefore appear as if alcohol were a true antidote iu carbolic acid poisoning. Medical Record. Since A. D. 1810. Born in 1819, hor majesty has, of course, passed the period allowed by the psalmist as the average for earthly en joyments and sorrows. The world into which she was born was troublous; memories of Waterloo were still fresh ; Napoleon Bonaparte was still alive, and prisoner; capital punishment was awarded for almost any offense; the wager of battle was still unrepealed; riots prevailed all over the country; Lord Edward Fitzgerald was under at tainder ; Sir Charles Wolseley was in dicted in Chester ; John Cam Eobhouse was committed to Newgate by speaker's warrant for a pamphlet disparaging the house of commons ; the Earl of Fitz william was dismissed from tbe lord lieutenancy of the West Riding ! book sellers were imprisoned for selling Paine's "Age of Reason;" the country was ringing with the news of the Peter- loo massacre, when the yeomanry fired upon tne moo, and Henry Hunt, tbe chairman of the meeting, coming up to London for his trial, received on ova tion. Such was the stormy political world into which tbe royal infant came. It is edifying, though purposeless, to com pare it with that of today. The task of so doing can be accomplished by any body, and shall not, at least, be at tempted by me. Gentleman's Maga- tiue. A Mystery of the Law. In a case not 1,000 miles from Fort Worth, after a killer was acquitted, the wife of tbe victim brought a suit against him and was promptly awarded a considerable sum by way of damages. The verdict was upheld by tbe supreme court The criminal law said tbe slayer was innocent The civil law said he was guilty. If tbe latter was wrong, be " . it . mmb;iii w,u th!. ivL e roPren,e court -FortWorth(TGazette. Aa Insert's Anchor. The synapta, a water insect, is pro vided with an anchor tbe exact shape . I L 1 1 ; tj " " ,. TTT o tw Peculiar device the insect holds sdelphi. Ledger. A Fond Mother's liuse. There is a mother ou the north side who has a family of small children. One day sho became very much interest ed in a book, and it soemed as if she must rend it, but the children bothored her very much. Finally she thought of a scheme whereby she could get rid of the children, so she took a broom and put a red cloth on it and hnng it in the window. She then told tbe children they must play she bad the smallpox. and that they must not dare come near her, for they would cutch it They kept away beautifully all the afternoon, and she finished the book. Some of tho neighbors also saw the red flag and asked the children what was the niattor, and they said smallpox, and tbe report was current on that side of town in a very short time. Not ouly the children. but the uoighbors, kept away until they learned of tbe scheme. Indianapolis Journal. Inconsistent. "Why are you looking so serious, liobby?" asked the fond father. "Thiukin about the preacher. Be went and told us we should not oovet other people's things and then tried to get all the pennies we had." Cinoin uati Enquirer. He Will Not Drown Himself from the Troy, N. Y., Times. R. W. Edwards, of Lansingburgh, was prostrated by sunstroke during the war and it has entailed on aim peculiar and serious consequences. At present writing Mr. E. is a prominent offloer of Post Lyon, O. A. R., Cohoes and a past aid de camp on the staff of the oommander-in-ohief of Albany Co. In tbe interview with a reporter, he said: I was wounded and sent to the hos pital at Winchester. Tkey sent me to gether with others to Washington a ride of about 100 miles. . Having no room in the box oars we fwere placed face np on the bottom of flat oars. Tbe sun beat down on our unprotected heads. When I reached Washington I was insensible and was unoonsoious for ten days while in the hospital. An abscess gathered in my ear and broke; it has been gathering and breaking ever since. The result of this 100 mile ride and sunstroke, was heart disease, ner vous prostration, insomnia and rheum atism; a completely shattered system which gave me no rest night or day. As a last resort I took some Pink Pills and they helped me to a wonderful de gree. My rheumatism is gone, my heart failure, dyspepsia and constipa tion are about gone and the absoess in my ear bas stopped discharging and my bead feels as olear as a bell when before it felt as though it would burst and my onoe shattered nervous system is now nearly sound. Look at those fingers," Mr. Edwards said, "do they look as if there was any rheumatism there?" He moved his fingers rapidly and freely and strode about the room like a young boy. "A year ago those fingers were gnarled at the joints and so stiff that I oould not hold a pen. My knees would swell up and I could not straighten my leg out My joints would squeak when I moved them. That is the living truth. 'When I oame to think that I was going to be orippled with rheumatism, together with the rest of my ailments, I tell you life seemed not worth living. I suffered from despondenoy. I cannot begin to tell you," said Mr. Edwards, as be drew a long breatn, "wnat my feeling is at present I think if you lifted ten years right off my life and left me prime and vigorous at 47 I oould feel no better. I was an old man and could only drag myself pain fully about the house. Now I oan walk off without any trouble. That in itself," ' continued Mr. Edwards, 'would be sufficient to give me cause for rejoioing, but when you oome to oonsider that I am no longer what you might oall nervous and that my heart is apparently nearly healthy and that I oan sleep nights you may realize why I may appear to speak in extravagant praise of Pink Pills. These pills quiet my nerves, take that awful pressure from my head and at the Bume time enrich my blood. There seemed to be no circulation in my lower limbs a year ago, my legs being cold and clam my at times. Now the circulation there is as full and as brisk as at any other part of my body. I used to be so light-headed and dizzy from my nervous disorder that I frequently fell while crossing the floor of my house. Spring is coming and I never felt better in my life, and I am looking forward to a busy season of work." sENj U U U La A WARRANTED French Bnar Pipe, Hard Rubber Stem, equal to those usually retailed at 50 cents, will be sent free FOR 24 COUPONS OR. FOR 2 COUPONS and 24 CENTS. You will find one coupon inside each 3 ounce bag, and two coupons inside each 4 ounce bag of BiAiiiieDiiiiaiiiMco Bead coupons with nam and address to BLACKWELL'S DURHAM TOBACCO CO., DURHAM, N. C. Buy a bag of this Celebrated Smoking Tobacco and read the coupon which give, a list of other premiums, and how to get them. 2 CKNT STAMP ACCEPTED. STOP, THIKri Stop a small malady, wnit h Is iteslliif your trvniUh, More It outruns your power to arrmi It, nul n cover what 11 look from you. The aft hi and prtimplett recupera'nr of wanlm vitality. Is Modeller's Hlomnch Bitters, which irnews vigor, tlrsb and nerve tiiU'tuile hecaure It restores activity 10 llio e functions who. In lerruptlnu wl h veneial health. I'e the Bitten lor dyspeptls, Dialsrlsl, iheunailc snd klduey complaints suit lllifliuii. Tl well your uravlem wrais to wear ,,'kA. ....... .b. ).... K'n though lor front jon do not care; laey brrsk the fall, you know. WHY NUT. It is said that if we take care of little things, tbe Mir thing will take care of themselves. Hut why can't we be alwavs prepared for many of cr little troubles, VV hat's the na of sullerlng days and week", when In ten minutes we can vet rid of tbe pain. A sudden attack of backache, toothache, or pen rain ic headache, finds the mou of us without anvthinn at hand, while Kt. Jacobs Oil would cure and put an ena to i"1- enni rtrntm'v. TUB 8KUKKT Of UOUU CHOPS. The modern farmer Is not roulenl to ne the antiquated tools slid methods ot bis lather. Iu tbls aiceol kern competition, the farmer who wuhoi to prntiwr. neexU end Rets the most im proved fnrinlnx Iniplemeuis; snd by reading the best SKrlciilturnl litem uro, he keeps In touch wltn the spirit of prog-eas Ihst pervade our farming communities Ha is particular also, Iu regard to tbe klud of seed be plants and the manner of plniitliui II. The seeds must be of highest ferllitly and grown from the hlghext cu tlvated and most prnfl table var.e les of stock. 1 he great tend arm of H. M. ferry A Do., De troit, Mich., fully appreciate this fart, ss Is al iened by their nrogresslva business methods and the quality ot the seed which they supply farmers ana gardeners tnrouarn tne n crisis an over tbe country. The reliability and fertility of thtir seeds are proverbial and the Urgent sed buxlness In the world has been created by their sale. In evidence of lliU Arm's koowlekge of the wants sod requirements ol planters, large and small, Is "Kerry'a heed Annuel" for IKini. This book is of the greatest value to formers and aartleners-a veritable etiuTlo- ps: ila of planting and farming kuowledga. It contains more tmoful and practical Information than many test books tbst arc sold for a dollar or more, yet it will lie mailed free to any one ending his name and address on a postal card to tbe firm. from U.R.Jorat of Medici Prof. W. H. Peeks, whe makes a speciultv ol Epilepsy, has withou doubt treated and cur. ed more cases than nn living Physician; hit success is astonishing We have heard of case, of to years' standing 1 r iro hn, tie of hla absolute cure, free to any surTeren who may send their P. O. and Express address We advise anv one wishing a cure toaddresi mw a. t-EEU, Jr. &., 4 cedar St., Few Tors Lured imTfHHtfrrHHHHWHtfiHmHIHHHH Premium No. 1 Chocolate Made by Walter Baker & Co., Ltd., Dorchester, Mass., has been cele brated for more than a century as a nutritious, delicious, and flesh forming beverage. Sold by gro 5 cers everywhere. If you want a sure relief uniDs, use an Allcock's Bear in Mind Not one of the host of counterfeits snd Imi tations is as good as the genuine. mqCT7mtmmT VP W "TV"T" The very remarkable and certain W L J IXI A. I XI relief given woman by MOOKE'S as- aaawaaaa aaaaaaai ncvvirrn nmrurivi i it the name of Woman's Friend. Tt. In ful in relieving the backaches, headaches which burden and shorten a woman's WOmen testify for it. It will rive haadth and make life a pleasure. For sain hv BLUM A UEK-FE i-N K DRUG CO., Pobtumd, Agents. SAW FLOUR MINING MARINE WARE-HOUSE "A FAIR FACE MAY PROVE A FOUL BAR CAIN." MARRY A PLAIN CIRLIFSHE USES SAPOLIO FREE Spring Medicine Your blood In .Spring Is almost certain to be full of impurities the accumula tion of the uinter months. Dad ven tilation of slteping rooms, Impure air iu dwellings, factories and shops, over eating, heavy, Improper foods, failure of the kidneys and liver properly to do extra work thus thrust upon them, are) the prime caut-eiof this condition. It is of the utmost importance that you Purify Your Blood Now, as when warmer wrnther comes and the tonic ell'ect of cold bracing air ia gone, your weak, thin, impure blood will not furnish necessary strength. That tired fueling, loss f appetiie, will 0kmi t be way for serious disease, ruined health, or breaking out f humors and 1 impurities. To make pure, rich, red blood Hood's, Saraapariftla stands un equalled. Thousands taitlfy to its merit. Millions take .it as their Spring Medicine. Get Hood's, because Hood' 3 Sarsaparilla Is the One True Blood Purifier, All druggists, tl Prepared only byC. I. Uood&l'o.,lwell,Usas. Hrtrtrl'e D lie av the only pills M take 1 . iuum j J iih Hood'a Hans rlarsaptirllla Do You Wear... Pants? PANTS S3 TO DRDEB Tsllor-msde, flulahcd and sewed with silk throughout, perfect flttinsr, your measure. Ou sppllcstlon will send samples of cloth and directions for self measurement. Black Chev iot suitings, !. ITulforms and mcycie suits a specialty. Ul ( IUCI Mllllt DHHIl, fllllllt, Ml OPIUM rnhli toSdilH 1LS. Nopay till cured. tPHENI,Lsbanon,Ohie. for pains in tbe back, side, chest, or Porous Plaster uniformly succees and weakness life. Thousands of and atranffth all MACHINERY!! BY CORRESPONDING WITH THE WILLAMETTE HON WORKS PORTLAND, OREGON MUTUAL ADMIRATION "I'll bet yon a "V mat lauy is I a 1 d 1 one ot . the beautiful Rambler' Birr- cles; because she rlds so easy snd moss so grace ful." , "And I'll kil you an ' X" thail she bouRiit It of' Vred T. Merrill Bicycle Co.. 137 Sixth 8tet They Know how to tske csre ol ihslr rltlera bow to mska riders sit RraotfHl: be siilns, Ihev always handle the best cyles." Moral-Kltle a "KAMBI.KK" with O. A J. Clincher lires, and yoa will be "well mounted" and will not walk borne, with a flat cemem lire. MAKKISTO tADIKS RKNALDO "al tm m ff k ,1 1. . It dnlroyisll ffrrnu snd will pre ire your hesltb. nu re ana uarmiens. no medicine Internally. Particulars on writing ns. Hulflmen lor S months' nae IS. Address Keno Chemical Co., box im, Han Jose, Cel. THK AKRMOTOR CO. doss bail Wis wortira windmill business, because It eas reduced the eta at wind power to l.Swrial Itwaa,. II bas mans bram A BkbouaM, and supplies lis tfMds and repairs v' atfvurdoor. It caa and dues torulati a a fx Zm - better articls fur leas mooe, Uuui S aV3 " JoUmbs. It makes damping ai U 1 mnu, own. um.wiiwm-mw 0xnpletloa windmills. Tlltmw Ills, Tilt iBasse TS. -T and Fixed I I Steel 1 V awei reea vwmn man wm A ttrtnders, Onapplteatmiltwlll aaaaaane 1,1 ot time sroelee that It wUI fornlak anus January 1st a 13 tbe asaal arlea, It else sasaaa Tanks and Posnps of all klnda send Mr eataleaua. I Uta. SackwsS Sad raaasrs llinss. falisas M a 'ft ill ast K. P. K. U. No. M0-. F. V. V. No, 717