T LOCAL EVENTS, Oiiitcaby. Died lit Canby, Febru ary 25ili, Mian Vanilla RiifS t dauKhter of Wesley and Lizzie Riggs o( Canby. Miss Riggs was born at Macksburgon the 27 lb of April. 1877, to waa but 18 years, 8 month and 28 days old. She was converted at Hood River nnder the labors of Rev. J. II. Wood, when but IS years of age, and united with the M. E. church and Epworth League of Canby, during my pastorate there. I found her to be an earnest and loyal member, 'ready at all times to do what be could. For some time prior to her illness the made Gladstone . her home, but on the 16th of February she returned1 fo Csfiby 'quite sick. At'flrst it was thought she had a severe attack of la grippe, bat as the decease pro grossed it proved to be a severe caw of typhoid fever. She was bedfast only a week, she suffered much. The funeral waa held from the M. E. church at Canby on the 27th. A large con course of friends met to pay the last respects to the body of the dead. We laid her away in the cemetery to await the day when . the earth and sea give up their dead and the corruptible bodies of those who sleep in Him aball be changed and made like Ilia own glorious body. W. J. Gardner, pastor of the M. E. church, Hubbard, Oregon. Taa Whitmwc Indian Masbacbb. When the excavation was made for the foundation of the west pier of the sus pension bridge of Oregon City, the re mains of five human beings,4 which had evidently been buried In one pit, were exhumed. It was easily seen from the abape of the skulls that they had be longed to Flathead Indians, but no one at that time could form any idea how Indians of that tribe came to be burled here. Mr. H. C. Campbell, who had charge of the work, caused the bones to be gathered up and stored them in a building near by, and they were for gotten for the time. Since, lie hag learned that five c f the Indians who took pirt in the Whitrntn in mac re were brought to Oregon City, wliere they were tried and banged, and It Is now considered certain that the re mains exhumed were thrum of these five Indians. On looking for the bones lately, it waa found that they had been molested, snd the skulls carried off, it is supposed, by boys. If i lie bonei are really those of Indians executed for the Whitman massacre, the skulls would be greatly prized for the collection of the Oiejon Historical Society, and inquiry should be made to find out if they can not be recovered . Oregonian. Bibtiioay Part v. A birthday party W 8 given a t the residence of Father Boland at Clackamas HeUhts on Saturdav evening In honor ot his 76tb birthday and a very pleasant time is re ported. Dancing was indulged iiv after which refreshments were served. Those present,, were t J. W. -Roland and wife, James Moore and wife, Mr. Wheeler and wife, Hj W. Western and wife, Ge.i. Sinserling and wife, Miss Maggie Boland, Alfred Herm, Alfred Kerken, John Richmond, Samuel Reynold, F. Boland, F. Clyde, G Boland ami Robt. Maloy. , Subs ror 120.000. Mrs. M. F. Bogan of Marion con i y has asked the county CJUrt to pay her $20,000 for injuries sus tained on the roml between Aurorit and Barlow in October last. Her horse stepped on the end of a loose plank which (riitntened the beaut and caused it to run away and throw her out She says: My jaw was broken, arm sprained and spine injured. I was surely damaged in the sum of (20,000. Judge Thayer is her attorney. Ole Olson. The Crocket Dramatic Co. will present this beautiful melo drama in four acts with a full cast of characters at Shively's hall on Friday snd Saturday evenings of next week Besides the play there will be jrocal sol is. comic sones, farces, etc. Admis sion 25 cents, children 10 cents, reserved seats 35 cents; seat on sale at telejraph office, next to Albright's. No Squaw Voted. Our attention has been called to the fact that we were mis imformed when we stated last week that a squaw voted at the school election She was a balf-bred and owned property and was lawfully entitled to vote. For Rent. The Huelat property on the hill in Pleasant Place add! ton, .consisting of an -eight-room plastered house and seven lots, at 8 per month; good water, fruit trees, etc, Inquire at the Courier office. Highest Honors World' Fair. 01EATJ MING MOST PERFECT MADE A pure Grape Cream of Tartar Powder. Free from Ammonia, Alum or any other adulterant 40 YEARS THE STANDARD. Imi-kksonatrd Sciilattbb. Israel B. Putnainof Oregon City, better known as "Rock Inland rutnam," recently left for a visit to his mother in Marietta, Ohio. As Putnam wears long hair and has a meek and child like expression he was on several occasions while en route taken for Francis Schlatter, the Denver healer. While passing through Kansas a couple of traveling men told b ira they were goingto start the rumor that he was Schlatter and soon the passengers were crowding to Putnam's car, where several recognized him, hav ing seen his picture, etc. After his arrival in Kansas City, where he stopped three hours, be waa aurrounded and continually besieged with person; who- wanted him to-bless 4betn, touch them, bless their handkerchiefs, etc. A policeman had bis handkerchief blessed after which he folded it and placed It next to hia heart; he also blessed a' women with a broken leg; another lady was cured after tying a blessed handker. chief around her neck. Y. M. C. A. Committee. The di rectors of the Oregon City Y. M. O. A. held a meeting at the M. E. church Monday evening and the following, standing fiommltteas were appointed by President L. C. Caplea: Executive committee H. E. Cross, E. J. Maple and J. R. Humphreys.: Finance -G H. Bestow, W. M. Moore and F, E. Donaldson. - Educational Robt War; ner, F. E. Donaldson and E. J. Maple. Auditing W. M.Moore, Kobt. Warner and H. E. Cross.' Vacancies Chester Muir, G. H. Bestow and ' J. R. Humph reys. Secretary Levi Johnson of East Portland was engaged to take charge of the work in this city and nextMomlay evening the quarters to be occupied will be determined upon. Probate Court. May 4th is set as time for final settlement of W. R. Mc Cubbins estate. Hiram Straight was appointed administrator of estate of Isabel KiuuitMoti. Chiiin of K. L. Stevens against Phillip Moore estate allowed at $23. G. W. Kistner ap pointed administrator of Pricilla rtniith estate. John Goodell, W. ii. Fallin and J. (j. Hiatt appointed appraisers of Catherine Bagley estate. Aprfl 6th set as date for final settlement of Samuel Smith estate. . Rbmuoub Debates. Bishop Dillion of Salem, representing the U . B . church , and Elder W. M. Healey of Portland, Seventh Day Adventist, commenced a series of debates on . the . Sabbath question at the Baptist chucrh on Tuesday evening to continue until Thursday evening. Rev. A.J.Mont gomery was chosen moderator. Jokes, He Pays thb Freight. Send for a copy of The Buyer's Guide, with latest reductions and market reports, tent free to any address. Freight on 120 orders paid to any point on the Willamette river reached by Portland boats. Jones' Cash Store, Corner Frpnt and-Washington Sts PQrtland.Or. To Doo Owners. Notice is hereby given tbat next week Chief of Police Burns wilj impound ' all 'tiogs -found running loose without license tags on them. Licenses should be paid at once to Bave trouble. i ' Prof. H. S. Strange will speak at Union school house Saturday night and beo. C. Brownell at Park Place the same night. " BUTTEVILLE. Well we are still alive and will try to tell vou some of the news. We are having very pleasant weather. L. Wool worth made a business trip to Portland Monday . A. B. Domicile returned from his hunting excurtion last Saturday and is now ready to mend shoes again. J. I. Doiier made a business trip to Aurora Wednesday. Mrs. Dawson has been quite ill for nonie time but is new recovering. Miss Ketta Dawson was the guest of Mis Belle Jenning Tuesday evening. Mrs. McDanial, a Chistadelphiau minister from the East, ' ia hld:rg meetings in the Presbyterian church this week. There Is strong talk of a Good Templars lodge being organized here soon. 1 The Y. P. S. C. E. of this place con sists of 29 active and 19 associate members. We intend to have an inter esting society when spring opens up. Our tin-lawful saloon keeper still holds forth here but it seems rather strange in as industrious a place as the city of Butteville to allow the sale ot liquor without county, state or V. S. license. Surelv this cannot continue much longer, though Tom Nelson says, "I have been keeping saloon for 40 years and have never paid but one license and intend to sell In Butteville in spite of the people, country, slate or anything else." Now he sells behind what people call a blind bog" because he thinks it might not be best to let everybody see who is doing the selling and because in the quiet city of Butteville there is more than one March 11. Quack. Gisst Pawder. The powder magazine of the Giant Powder Co. is at Clackamas station and the powder days are Wednesdays . All orders must be in by Tuesday at the office of the agents, James Laidlaw & Co., 93 First street, Portland. LOCAL NEWS ITEMS. For bargains go to the Racket Store Courior till after election for 21 cents Subscribe now. Live fun at the opera house Friday night, March 20th. Hon. Geo. Brownell will speak at In' dependence on next Monday. License to wed granted on the 7th to Polly A. Johnson and Levi Welty. Encouraga home talent by your patronage at the opera bouse March 20th. Married on March 8th by Justice J. E. Jack, George F. Blair and Tressie A. Nicholson. Misa Hattia Monroe's pupils gave her pleasant surprise party at her home on last Tuesday evening. Your attention ia call to the fact that a new laundry has been established in Oregon City . See ad. Mrs. L. W. McAdama gave a party on Saturday In honor of ber daughter's, Maurlae, third birthday. It ia reported that G. E. Bailey and P. D. Hull are thinking of starting , a newspaper in Oregon City. E. F. Drlggs has moved bia law office to the new Weinhardt building, where he baa an elegant suit of rooms. The steamer Altona broke her shaft on her downward trip Tuesday and Is now' laid up for repairs In Portland Capt. J. P. Shaw, a former resident ot Oregon City, is engaged in mining on the Umpqua river in Douglas county., Graham Bros, have purchased O. P. Mason's interest in Oregon City Transpor tation Co's boats, Altona and Ramona. Rev. Gabriel Sykes of Beavertnn as sisted Rev. Stryker in the funeral ser vices of Mrs. Hickman of Clackamas Heights on Monday. Willamette Falls Camp of Woodmen took in four new members on Tuesday evening. The camp now has over 15 ) members and is growing rapidly Part of the roadway has caved off near the old Singer mill. If this build ing is not removed a terrible accident will happen there when the same falls over." Edward Pohle, aged 19, of Oswego, was committed to the county jail on Tuesday to await the grand jury under $300 lionds, on several charges of larceny. The Junior Dancing Club gave their second dance at the Armory hall on Friday evening A pleasant time is re ported. Fuch's orchestra of five pieces furnished the music It has been rumored that if the East Side Railroad Co. continues to infringe on the rights ot taxpayers it will find its track inside the city limits has been torn up some dark night. The firemen will gi ve a "hard times' ball at the Armory hall on next Tuesday eyening, March 17th. Cooke's orchea tra will furnish the music and tickets wil be sold for 50 cents. ? ...Dr. Wm. B. Knapp, dentist, has opened an office in Courier building, with Dr. Frank P. Welch, where he can be found on Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday of each week. Tha Chautauqua circle will meet next Monday at A. S. Dresser V Mrs. Dye has resigned as leader and either Col. R. A. Miller or Prof. L. W. McAdams will be chosen to lead. Ex-Mayor T. W. Sullivan attended the celebration at Robert Emmet's by the Irish Americans in Portland last week. lie. acted as chairman of the evening musical and literary entertain ment. The annual reunion of Oregon p'o neers will bn held in Portland on June 10th. At Tuesday's meeting H. A. Straight (1843), Wm. Barlow (1845) ann T. A p person (1847) were appointed on invitation committee from this county. The populist primaries will be held jn Saturday and the county convention on next Tuesday; the republican primaries on next Saturday, March 21st, and convention on following Wedoe day ; the democratic primaries on Saturday, March 28th, and convention on the following Saturday, April 4th Willamette Fall Camp of Woodman will give a free entertainment at Wil lamette hall on next Tuesday evening, After program a basket social will be held. Woodman and their families ami friends and visiting neighbors are cordially invited. Lodge meeting will be a half boor earlier on account of the entertainment afterwards. . The first regular meet ing of the new school board was held at Clerk Ryan's office on Saturday evening, but no bus iness of importance waa transacted ex cept to authorize the clerk to borrow $1600 or as much as is necessary to pay teacher's saleries for next two months, Tbe board now consist of J. W. Noble (chairman), Dr. Noma and Dr. Carll Miss Celia Goldsmith, who ia at present in San Francisco, selecting spring and summer styles for the first grand opening, writes tbat she has been most fortunate, being able to purchase from a milliner just from the French capital, Parisian trimmed hats and bonnets. She specially requests tbe ladies to wait until her return, in about 10 days, before deciding on a purchase. She will show tbe most beautiful and tasty goods ever brought to Oregon City. 'V LOCAL SUMMARY. " tt tCrttr to loa on good Mcority by A; 8. Dreuer. Tablets and composition books 4c up at "The Fair." .Prescriptions carefully compounded a G. A. Harding'a drug store. Received at Charraan & Son' a large invoice of wall paper, latest and pret tiest designs. Shark, the barber, don't swim but he's in the awim when it comes to ahavlng and hair cutting. 1 - Great reductions on ladies', children's and gents' underwear at the Racket Store. Best in the city for the price. For your strings and txtras for all nusical Instruments' go to Burmeister k Andresen's, who keep a full supply. Blank note and receipt books of all kinds and deeds, mortgages, etc., cheaper than Portland wholesale prices at Courier office. L. L. Pickens, dentist, does all kinds of dental work. Gold crowns, porcelain crowns and bridge work a specialty Office in Barclay building, corner Main and Seventh streets. Remember when you need anything in the line of graniteware or tinware that W. A. Pjtrow now has a complete assortment. If price is any object you will not fail to give him a call. Frank P. Welch, dentist, graduate of the University of Pennsylvania, will be in Oregon City office Thurfr day of each week ; remainder ol each week in Portland offioe, room 77 Dekum buildinj. tor the accommodation of his msny customers on the hill Mr. Albright has established a branch meat market in the Suively building on Seventh street where he keep a full stock of all kinds of fresh and salted meats, hams, bacon lard, etc. No stale meat kept. Give him a call. . C. A, Willey has moved hia harness and repair shop from on the hill second door west of depot, next Courier office, where he will not only keep a full line of first-class hand-made harness, saddles, etc., bu t will do all kinds of harneaa and boot and , shoe repairing at prices that can't be dup licated. Give him a oall,:; Satisfaction guaranteed. A Hoatehold nature. D. W. Fuller, of Canaioharie. N. Y., says that he always keeps Dr. King's New Discovery in the house and bis family has alwavs found the very best results follow its use: that he would not be without it, if procurable. G. A Dykeman, Druggist, Catskill, N. Y., says that Dr. King s New Discovery Is un doubtedly the best Couith remedy : that he has used it in Ins family for eight years, and it has never failed to (In all that is claimed for it. Why not try a remedv so lonir. tried and tested. Trial bottles free at Charman & Co's Drug Store. Regular hizh 50o. and f 1.00. fAen Baby wa sick, wo gars her Caatorta, When she was a Child, she cried for Castor!. Vheo she became Htea, ehs clung to Cutoria, Wbea he bad Children, ih. (tre them Cutorif The cheap rates of five dollars cabin and two-fifty steerage, including meals and berth, are still in effect on the 0. R. & N. Co's steamers from Portland to San Francisco. Steamers leave Portland every five days. Oally Health Laws. Don't eat 10 rapidly.' Sit on a chair and be quit after eating. Your itomach U not a cool bin, '- When you feel uncomfortable after eating you have eaten too much, and you need Joy't Vegetable aarsapanlla. If you suffer from rheumatism watch the sheets. Don't get between them; if damp dry them., . , ' , Cure your rheumatism with Joy's Vegetable Sarsaparilla. , Keep flies out of your house; they are germ carrieas. Wearflannel undergarments. Keepyour feet warm; your head cool. W. en your blood is thin you feel cold in he st change. When your blood is thin take Joy's Vegetable Sarsaparilla; it will make your blood red, rich and thick. Yes, it will do to take Joy's Vegetable Sar saparilla now. When yon get oft your bicycle after a long warm run, put on a coat. If you are going on a trip take Joy's Vege table Sarsaparilla. Strange food made strange stomachs. Joy's Vegetable Sarsaparilla reaches the stomach, cleanses the stomach, and renews the stomach. No appetite? Take Joy's Vegetable Sarsa parilla. Keen appetite. Accept nothing but the genuine w hen you ask for Joy's Vegetable Sarsaparilla. Louis Friedricb, the fashionable tailor bas moved his shop to the building formerly occupied by Mrs. Dutcber's millinery store. Nothing but first-class work done and satisfaction guaranteed. Have Your Eyes Tested... , At Uurnielhter & Andresen's Jewelry Store. They have one of : the finest eye-meters and will test your eyes free of charge. Glasses may be re-' turned if not suited to eyes. V7.A. PUTROW aC3s e stoves, ; TINWARE, 1 GRANITEWARE. OREGON CITY TO SUBSCRIBERS. The publisher of the Courieb would be pleased to have country subscribers settle their subscription accounta with produce of any kind. ' At present we are in need of several bushels of wheat , cord wood, a few rolls of butter, some potatoes, apples, meat, etc., and a large amount of silver and gold to pay our bills. Please pay up. We will do our part by accepting any hing tbe farmer raises at the highest rnmket price. Notlot to Taxpayer. As assessors or deputies will not go out through the country this year, you are requested when in Oregon City to come in the asseswor's office and give in a statement of your taxable property,' or nend in a list. You will be lurnlshed with suitable blanks. J. C. Bradley, Assessor of Clackamas County The finest line of silk umbrellas to ba found in tbe city at Burmeister AAnder sen's. ' Sewing Machines Cheap. Want sewing machine? Get a good one for .$25.00. with five years, guarantee ; (5 .00 down and $5.00 per month until paid. See Bellomy A Busch about it. , The nicest and finest stamped linens ever received, now at Racke -tore.' Photographs, crayon, water color and pastel portraits, views, frames, etc., at Cheney's Art Gallery at reasonable figures. Call and be convinced. One door south of Red Front. You would not knowingly swallow doisoii. When you (iritiK poor wnisKey you puisou blood, body snd brains. Be sides thin yon don t entoy tne arms:. Buy uood whiskey. There's comfort, health and enjoyment in it. If overwork ed, worried or run down, you need a warming soothing tonic. Nothing like good whiskey- itadis uigusiion, makes flesh and pleasantly inviueratee the system Good whiskey does this mind you. Poor whiskey irritates the stomach, inflames the tissues and poisons the blood. You can't afford to run risks; get the best, it pays. Physicians drink and recommend I. W. Hari'Ek'b Nelson County Ky. Whiskey. Sold by Hill & Cole, Oregon City.Ore . .Shoe Repairing at Cost- AT WILLEY'S HARNESS SHOP PRICES: Mea's Hair-8ole SOe. Men's Half-Sols bus: Heels. .75o. Ladles' Half-Sols 35c. ladles' Half-Sole sad Hssls, SOe. Line of fine French Torchon lace, never in stock before, at Racket Store. Money loaned on farms or business property. J. F. Clark, office oyer Oregon City bank. Cheney' Art Gallery, attuated on Mln atreet, is now open for business. For Orar fifty Trs. Aa Old ai Wau-Taiio Kempt. Mis. Win low's Soothing- Sjnip has been Mod for onr tHy jmn bj Billions of mothtn (or their children while teething, with perfect raoeeM. It soothM the child. often the gnau, allajs all pain, cares wind colic, and ki the beat remedy for DUrrboje. b pleasant to the taata. Sold bf Drngglata la CTry part of the World. Tw cntr-Sn cento a bottle. Its tbJoc la In calculable. Bo tan and aek for Mrs. Wlnalow's Soothing Sjrrap, and take no other kind. FRENCH TANSY WAFERS. These wafers are for painful, scanty, profuse or irregular menses, any cause, and ladies will finl that no belter remedy exists for these difficotties. To void being imposed upon by base imita tions bny from our agents ana lane French Tansy Wafere only. Price bv mail,f2.00. C. G. Hontley, Drogfrist, Caufield Block, Oregon City, Oregon. Warm Shoes. For Cold ' .Feet. Onr shoes are warm and tight -aa lt'a possible to have shoes. ., That's on account of the good' ' neaa of the leather in the ear that's taken in their making 00 tbe perfection and comfort their At All sises and etyles ladies', men's and ' children's. Krausse Bros,; Next Door to BurmalaUr A Andresen's ; THOS. F. RYAN, Notary Public ud Beal Estate Broke- LtADINO Inios.kcs Aotycr er CucnAu VOVKTV. Mosey to Loan. AMreettof Title Made. Drawing ot Legal Dosuatute a Specialty . Office on cut did at Mala treet, , jwweva via eniwui. OREGON CITY, OREGON. RINEARSON & HYDE, ATTORNEYS AT LA t? AISTRACTIN8 DONE. Opposite Caufield Block , ORKOON CITT, ... RKb C. D. & D. C. LAT0URETTE Attorneys at Law, Commercial, Real Estate . Probate Law Specialties. OFFICE: CoMMerolal Bank Baltaias OREGON CITY, OREGON. GEO. C. BROWNELL, Attorney at Law. Office On Door North 'CauJUld&Huix ley's Dvugitort, OREGON CITY, . OBEGOa . E. F. DKISGS, , ATTOrUTDTT a OREGON CITY. Office : Two Doors South ot Gourthout' Noblitt Livery and Sals titlr OREGON CITY, OREGON, , 0s ths Strset httwisn ths Brldgs aaa tt Dspst. . Double anil single rlfi and saddle hoi mi wars on hand at the lowest rates, and aeorn. also connected With the barn for loos aioel Any Information regarding, any kind of tUtm promptly attended to by letter or person. . HORSES BOUGHT OB SOLD The Commercial Dank OF OREGON CITY. CAPITAL (100,000. Transacts a Geaeral Banking Buslnesi Loans made. Bills discounted. Makes c I lections. Buys and sells exchange on all polr In the United States and JCurope and on Hoi . Kong. Deposits reuelved aub(eot to check, Bankopon from (A.M. tot P. M. D.C. LATOURETTE, t. K. DONALD80? President. - Cebl R. FREYTAG'S.... ...Corner Grocery... Keeps a full line of STAPLE xnd FANCY GROCERIES. PROVIS IONS, FLOUR, FEED, FRUIT8 and VEGETABLES at. Lsweit frleos-w J0HN WELCH, ; atoui.t. Booms 70, Tt, to, Dfkato Building. Powtuxd, oaseoK. Many af ay frhads aa inane U 14 me$ baai this card. ' new Fish tlftrhet. E. Riehatrdt, Prop. Oysters, Fresh and Salt Watet Fish, Poultry, Game, Crabs, Clams, Etc. Turkeys, Geese and Chickens for TbanksgiTlng vinoer. fret Delivery. Tw Doori South of Armorf GEO. A. HARDING, DBALIB IK DP IDIRCTQ-S ward Pat. Medicines. Pslnta. Oils and Window Glass PrttcriplUnu Accurately Compounded BABPIITO'S BLOCK.