v.l , t r 8'- Oregon Courier. Jty A. W, VUENEY. City and County Official Paper. Catered In the Oregon City postofflce is second elsss matter. SUBSCRIPTION KATES. On year 2 00 X month) 1 00 three monlhi M If paid In advauce, peryetr .... 1 SO aCaVThe del opposite jrour addrcit on the per doeole lb time to which foil here pild , ADVERTISING RATES. Standing builneu advertisements: Per month 1 Inch 1, 1 Inohea l (0, 1 in.he 11.76, 4 inches H, inches column) I2.HS, 10 Inohe ( H column) . 20 Inches (eolunin) IB; yearly contracts 10 per mwm ie. Transient advertisements! Per week I Inch jse. 1 Inches T.'w. t luehee $1, 4 Innhet 11.25, I sachet nM, u model i60,n inches n Lognl advertttementt: Per Inch first In sertion !, each additional Inaertlon 60o. Ara- lvlti of publlctunn will not be (urnulied until vablluatlon fee are paid. Local noticeei Fire centa per line per week. er mom a sue. PATBOMIZK HOKB ISIDISTRY. OREGON CITY, MR. 13, 1890. DEMOCRATIC COUNTY (CONVENTION. The Democratic Uouotr Cormntinn 4 Clackamas county, Oregon, ia here by cullttd to meet la Oregon City, on Saturday, April 4'li, 1800, (or the pur poee of noiQln iiiiiK ratiriidates for the the following office, ( Im voted for at Che general election lo he held on the first Monday in June, 1896: Three rep resentatives, a county commissioner, -county clerk, county recorder, county heriff, county treasurer, county AMHHuor, county school superin tendent, county nrveyor and county coroner, and j is' lc is of the peace and constables for ilm several justice dis tricts in tliecMinty j and for the further purpoce of cliotting eiirt.t delegates to represent Clackamas county in the Dem ocratic State Convention, to be held in Portland on the Oth day of April, 181)0, M II o'clot k a. m. The county convention will be com fKMied of 1)0 delegates, apportioned to che different prepini ta as follows: 3'recincts. No. of delegates Ahernethy 3 (Harlow ... .3 Jteaver Creek ...... ..2 liorings Canemah ' 3 Canity 2 Canyon Ureek aJascatles 2 Jherryville J....1 XaeUamas ......3 Damascus ....3 Uaeitt Creek 3 Khr 1 1 aiarfield ;.. 2 tveorge. 2 Harding 3 Highland 1 Lower Molalla 4 Marquani 6 Milk Creek 1 Jtfilwaukie .2 Jleedy 4 New Era ., ...'. 2 Oregon City No. I .... .6 Oregon City No. 2 5 Oreifon City No. 3 2 Oswego i.,3 ?leasaiit. Hill ......3 -SprioKwater 2 floda Hprinit ..1 tMevnrs 2 Tualatin .3 Union 2 Upper Molalla 7 Viola I West Oregon Lily 2 .Total numUr nl' lielegutes ....(Ill VrhecojDioittee lecoiuinend that pri rmar1es, for the purpose of choosing - audi diilugates, be held, at the usual Voting places in the different precincts exopt tu Milk Creek precinct, where Xlie voting place l changed to Grange liall nenr Howards') on Saturday, .''March 28, 1SD0, at such hour as the 'committeemen for the several precincts 'tuay t'esigiiate. The judges and t-lerks of -primary election? to be appointed by the coiiimftteemen of the respective recincts. TImj declaration of principles is left for ronitilgation by the convention. By order of the County Central Com auiitee. S. It. Grken, Chairnuu. V. R. IIvuk, Secretary. Prof. H. S. Strange, who ad dressed the Citizen's Republican Club in Oswego last Saturday night, is a gentleman of probity and popular with all factions here. He is a candidate for county superintendent and has not an enemy in (Jswego to place an obstacle in his road. That he is well fitted for the position, which he has held in another county of this state, all are fully cognizant. Not only is the professor highly intellectual, but he is a man of good, original ideas, active in pro mulgating them, and has had practical experience in school work throughout Oregon, having begun aa teacher in a village school and afterward acceptably per formed the duties of principal at Brownsville Ila Grange,' Corvallis, Oregon City and other towns. -i, ms name is not associated wun those who encourage party cliques and worship faction leaders. He is an honest man, and being such, is consequeutly a true republican . -Oswego Iron Worker.. . Why did the county court let contract for furnishing powder for this county to Califfftii. Powder Co. when they were the only blddanT Bids were not ad vertiafd (or. This, company's powder house la located osj land owned or formerly owned hv Commissioner Scott. CDIKP Or POLICE NOTICE OF SALE FOR DKLINQt'ENT FIFTH STliKKT AH8ES8MKNT. MOTICE IS IIKRKBY OIVK.N THAT BY virtue of a certain warrant Imuod bjr the Kvcorilnr of Orcifon City, dated the 2Uh day of January, laud, and lo me dircoted, for the col lection of a certain iireet Improvement aitvai meat levied for the Improvement of Fifth atreet In Oregon City, Clackamas county, Oregon, which warrant command! and require ma to proceed lo lovy upon and ll In manner pro vided by law, Lot Eight (S) In Block One Hundred and Sixty (100) In Oregon City, to make the ium of Four Hundred and Hlxty-ilx and Forty -eight Hundredths Dollari(4fl.4l),blngthe amount of laid aMemmeat wblcb ia unpaid and delinquent, aaieued upoa said Lot (S) In Block One Hundred aad Sixty (160) of Oregoa City for the improvement of Fifth street in aaldelty aa directed by Ordinance Mo. US, of laid Oregon City, which aaaeaimenlU declared by Ordinance No. MO of aald Oregon City, and was entered in the docket of City Liens on the 6th day of October, MM, to Heirs of Wm. Broughton at owner, and my percentage and come, and te make my return of lb tale under eaid warrant wlthla tlxty dart from the date thereof. ' Mow, therefore, in obedience to said warrant I have levied apoa an will.on Saturday, th 2ut day of Marelt, law, at the hour ef one o'clock p. m of said day, at tne front door of the county court houw In Oregon City. ClackamM eonuty, Oregon, offer for tale at publle auction, and nil to the highest and belt bidder fur cath in hand, all the right, title and Interest tbe aald Heirs of Wm.aronghton have In and to the eald Lot Elgh (8) in Block One Hundred and Sixty (160) In aald Oregon City, or as much thereof at may be necettary to make tald torn. Dated tola 4lh day of January, ls6. CHAP. K. BURNS, Chief of Police of Orecon City. Tmk aati-A. P, A'h, won in the school election on Monday in Portland, Astoria, Baker City. Pendleton and The Dalles. ThnA P. A. won in Salem. Fraui South. ere Oregoa. Health in general ia good. The wise farmers took advantage of the nice February aeathor and have most of their seeding done. Owing to thi depth .of the snow in the mountains mining is slow, thus leaving a great many idle men. The Southern Oregon copper mines are progressing nicely, with a favorable out look. ' There were 28 applicants attending the teachers' examination st Grants Pass, "22 of which were successful. n nave nau an open winter, very little rain and some snow, but at present we have two feet of snow and it is still snowing.' . Southern Oregon has a large number of excellent farms, also some vacant and railroad land, which can be pur chased at various prices according to location and improvements The Gold Basin Mining Co. have ahut down their mine, but for a short time it it hoped, as tney employ fiom 100 to 200 men . Sunshine Althouse, March 2d. J. W. WELCH, DE3STTIST, WILLAMRTTE BLOCK, OepOMTI P. O., OlIKOOK CITY, OltE. Dr. Win. B. Knapp, DENTIST, Of Portland, will be in Oregon City o(hYn (Cocrirr building) Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday of each week. Buoklea's Arnica Salve. Tm Best 8Ar,vi in the world for Cuts, Bruises. Sores, . Ulcers. Salt Rheum. fever Korea. Tetter. Chapped Hands. Chilblains, Corns, arid alT Skin Erup tions, and positively cures Piles, or no pay required, ft ia guaranteed to give perfect satisfaction or monev refunded. rice 25 cents per box For sale by iarman 4 Co. Dr. F. P" Welch with an assUtanto Dr. John Welch's of Portland will still continue their dental office in the CouttiKR building. Fancy pearl buttons for waists and dress trimminif at 'he Racket Store. Children Cry for Pitcher's CastoHa. W . KRUEGER, MERCHANT TAILOR & Next Door to Oriental Hotel ALL KINDS OF REPAIRING DONE. Oreoox City, . - . Oregon CHIEF OF POLICE NOTICE OF BALE FOR DELINQUENT FIFTH STREET AM8EH8ME.NT. VOTICE 18 HEREBY OIVEN THAT HY virtue of a certuln warrant iuued by II Keoorder of Oregon City, dated the iittli day uf January, lsuo, and to me directed, for the collection of a certain street Improvement auemment levied for the Improvement of Fifth street lu Ongon City, Clacktmet oouulr, Oregon, whleb warrant commands and require! me to preened to levy upon and sell in mauaer provided by law, Lot Seven Ol In Block One nunureu and Hlxty (100). in Oregon City, to make the turn of Thlrty-ulne aud Eighty-Five Hundredths Dollars (.), being the amount of taldaaaoaimeut which It uupald and delinquent attested upon aald Lot Seven i) la Block One Hundred and Sixty (160) of Oregon City for the Improvement of Fifth ttreet In tald city, aa directed by Ordlnanoe Mo. 1S8, of tald Oregon City, which aaaeatmeat Is declared by Ordinance Mo. 160. of taid Oregon My, and was entered la the dock of City Llent on the tn day of October, 1193, to Heirs of Wm. Bronghton at owner, aad my percentage and casts, and make my return f the tale nmj.r said warrant within alxly daya from th date thereof. Mow, therefore, la obedlenoe to laid warrant I have levied upon and will, on Saturday, the Hit day of March, ln6, at the hour of one o'clock n. m. of tald day, at the front door of theeountyoourt houae in Oregon City, Claokamu eoanty. Orgon, offer for tale at public auction and tell to the blghett and bent bidder for cash Irrkand. all the right, title and intercut the tald Heirs of Wm. Broughton have In aud to the tald Lot Seven (7) In Block One Hundred and Sixty (180) in tald Oregon t'I'y, or aa much thereof aa may be necettary to sake tald mro. Dated this 14th day of February, 1S90. CHA8. K. BURNS, Chief of Police of Oregon C.'ty C. N. GREENMAN, TIIK PIONIIB Express and Drayman. fr. (Eitabllthed 1865.) T Parcels delivered to alt parts of the cuy". '. S k. W. WESTERMANN, , . MerciiairtTtllorM.. Cleaning, Repairing and Pressing Done, Price's Old Stand, Next Door North of Armory, Oregon City. .Activity among our republican "brethren Is increasing ai th republican congressional convention approaches. While the democrats of our country are not interested in this, yet, if the next representative mun be a republican, iocal Interest and pride among us avMld advance the candidacy of Senator Crownell, who aeema to be already prominent iu the race. Though differ ing from him politically the democrats appreciate that no other republican of the county could have made the win ning fight two years ago against Mr. Starkweather. Mr. lirownell's personal qaalitie and well tried abilities have ach attached to him the people throughout the country, though often awakening the jealously of his rivals in iregon City. We direct the attention ul orchnrdisls to a rending notice in this iseue headed "Death to Fruit Pests." It is over the signature of Prof. W. II. Brown, the well known entoinolouiat ; hii add reus in Ii x 2237, San Francisco, California. O, A. Harding, Diugisist, desires us to publish the following extract front a letter of Chi. M. UutHeM. Rfedlyi Fresno Co., Cal., as lie handles the remedy referred to and wauls his cus tomers toknow what a splendid medicine it is : "It is with pleasure I tell vou by one day's use of Chamherlatn'a Cough rem edy I was relieved of a very severe cold. My head was completely stopped up and I could tot sleep at night. 1 can recommend this remedy.' A cold nearly always starts in the head and afterwards extends to the throat and iungs. A HeromineiitlHtlon From i,oa Angelee. 63 J Castelar St., Los Angeles, Cal. After having suffered for a loug time from acute rheumatism without obtaining relief, I used Chamberlain's Pain . Balm and was almost immediately relieved. I highly recommend this as the best medicine known. E. M. Hamilton, ' For sale by G. A. Harding, Druggist. The county court has cut the wsiros of .i borers on roads down ta the following j tales: Supervisors 11.75 per day, laborers $1.35, team and driver !.50 to 1.00, powder men $1.75, bridge car pesters $175. Work, to be given only to these qualified to do a full days work. Ttie supervisor to work aa those em gtloyed by him. Perfectly lovely centerpieces in linen and nist just arrived at the Racke 4-tore. In a recent cd.torial the Salem, Oregon, Independent says: "Time and again have we seen Chamlierlain's Cough Remedy tried and never without the most satisfactory re sults. Whenever we see a person afflicted with hoarseness, with a cough or cold, we invariably advise them to get Chamlierlain't Cough Kemedy; and when thev do, they never regret it . It always does the Work, and does it well ."'For sale by (1. A. Hard ng. Druggist. This is a good time of the. year to take Simmons I.iver Regulator. It' is the very best medicine to take in the Spring for the blood, and to cleanse the system of all impurity. '-I have ued Simmors I.iver Regulator at a corrector and Mood purifier and think it an excellent remedy. I always keep it on hand to take in preference to any other medicine." I. M. lly-ell. Middle port, Ohio. Willamette Steam Laundry IS NOW PREPARER TO DO First.Class Laundry Work. 'me Spring Water Used. Work Called for and Delivered. Satisfaction Guaranteed. LOCATION: Old Creamery, Back of Falls View. WAGENER & DEH1N, Proprietors CHIEF OF POLICE NOTICE OF BALK FOR : DELINQUENT FIFTH STREKT ASSESSMENT. VOTICK. IS HEREBY GIVEN THAT BY -" ., 1 14 .... ..I - . . I .. .. . ..... . . . . i.i.'.o vi a vci.biu n 11 mill lonueil uy tile Recorder of Oregon City, dated the 24th day of January, 1 96, and to me diiected, for the vol lection of a certain street improvement aasettineut, levied for the improvement of Fifth ttreet in Oregon City, Clackamaa county, Oregon, which warrant command and requires me to proceed to levy upon and sell In manner provided by law, Lot One (1) in Block One Hundred and Sixty iloO) In Oregon Cily, to mako the turn of Eight Hundred Fifty and Twenty- Ill no Hundredths Dollars (8o0'4ii), being the amount of said asseaxment which is unpaid and delinquent, asteiised upon laid Lot One (1) in Block One Hundred and Hlxty (loo) of Oregon City for the Improvement of Fifth street In tald city, as directed by Ordinance No. 168, of tald Oregon City, which assestini-ut is declared by Ordinance No. ISO, of said Oregon City, and waa entered In the docket of CUy Llent on the 6th day of October, 18'JS, to Helra of Wm Broughton as owner, and my percentage and costs, and to make my return of the aale under said warrant within sixty dnys from the date thereof. Now, therefore, In obedience to said warrant, I have leviel upon sud will, on Saturday, the 21st day of March, lsuo, at the hour of oue o'clock p. m. of said djr. at the frontdoor of the county court houae In Oregon City, Clacka mas counlr, Oregon, offar for sale at publte auction, and sell to the highest and best bidder for cash in hand, all the right, title and Interest the said Heirs of Wm. Broughton have In and to the said Lot One (1) In Uloek One Hundred and Sixty. (10) In said Oregon City, or aa much thereof aa may ba necessary to make said sunt, ... , Dated this 14th day of February, 1896. CHAS. E. BUBN8, '.. .1. ' '- Chief of Police of Oregon City. NOTICE FOR PUBLIC.ITIOX. LAND OFFICE A T OREGON CITY, OREGON, Murcll 'Jd, 1M!HI. Nolle. Is hereby nlven lha! the following-named settler hat tiled notice u( hit Intention to nuke Hnal proof in support of his etui in. and that said proof will he made be fore th. Reslster and Receiver U.K. Landofliee at Oregon City, Oregon, on June Oth, 1806, viz: ADOLPH SEsl'ER, H. E. No. 8748, for Lots 1, 2, 3 and 1 of See. :t0. Twp. 1 8., H. 5 K. He iianiea Hie following witnesses to prove m raiillnunua rnsidene. upon and cultivation of, said land, vie: John Tayler, Walter Junes, H. Cook and Martin Thomas, all of Hull Run, Oregon. KUUKiir A. MlliLKK, Register. ANNUAL CORPORATE MEKTING OF SHAREHOLDERS OK WIL LAMETTE SAVINGS AND LOAN ASSOCIATION WILL BE HELD AT THE OFFICE IN THE Bank of oreann City bulldlna March 20th 1HW, for the election of nine directors Hnd three auditors; the reading of annual reports and for the traiiHction of such other business aa may be legally brought before said meeting. Tbe polls for voting will be open from S p. m. to S u. ni. The busin.ss meeting- will b. tailed to order at p. m. E. O. CAUFIELD, President. H. K. JONK9, Secretary. SUMMONS. of Oregon Fleming, In the Circut Court of the Slate for the Comity of Clackamas. U. M. Fleming, Plaintiff, vs. James S iieienuaiu. To James 8. Fleming, the above named Defendant. IN THE NAME OF THE STATE OF OREGON rou are herebv required to appear and airainat vou In the above emitted suit by the first day of the regular term of this court next tiircding the expiratioa of the time prescribed by law fur the publi of this summons, to wit Ou the 20th day of April. 196. and if von fail to lo answer, for want thereof, the plaintiff will apply to the court for the relief demanded in the complaint, lo-wit: For a decree dlsaolving the bonds ot matrimony existing between you and the plaimitl: for the care and on-tody of the minor chlldien named in th. complaint in the above entitled suit, lo-wit: Harry, Arthur, Ada aud he ho. and lor such other and further relief as to eitiity and good conscience mav pertain. muii'iieu pursuant 10 an oruer 01 me Hon. Ixival B. Miami, judge of fourth ludlcial district. Dated, March l'.'th. lass. B. F.A W. SWOPE, Attorneys for Plaintiff. CHIEF-OF POLICE NOTICE OF BALE FOR DELINQUENT FIFTH STREET .... - M .'' ASSESSMENT.- .- . : NOTICE 18 HEREBY GIVEN THAT BY lt a m - n..l.!n n. . . I 1 V.. . V. n ..,u ui m .qimiii n.ii.ui ibbuvii u vim Recorder of Oregon City, dated the 24th day of January, 1896, and to me directed, for the coi. lection of a certain atreet Improvement assess ment levied for the improvement of Fifth street in Oregon City, Clackamas county, Ore gon, which warraut commands and requires me to lew upon and sell in manner provided by law, Lot Two (2) In Block One Hundred and 8'Aty (160) In Oregon City, to make the sum of One Hundred Eleven and Thirty-three Hundredths (sill. 83) Dollars, being the amount of said Hssessmeut which Is unpaid and delinquent, assessed upon said Lot (2) In Block One Hundred and 81xty (160) of Oregou City for the improvement of Fifth steeet in said city, as directed by Ordinance No. 138, of said Oregon City, which assessment Is declared by Ordinance No. I HO, of said Oregon City, and was entered In the docket of City Liens on the Sth day of October, 18!tt, to the Heirs ot Wm. Broughton owner, and my percentage and costs, and to make my return of the sale under said warrant within sixty days from the date thereof. Now, therefore, in obedience to taid warrant I have levied upou and will, on Saturday, the 21st, day of March, 1896, at the hour of one o'clock p. m. of said day, at the front door of th. county court house In Oregon City, Clacka mas county, Oregon, offer for sale at public auction, and sell to the highest and best bidder for cash in hand, all the right, title and Interest the said Heirs of Wm. Broughton have in and to the aaid Lot Two (2, In Block One Hundred and 8ixty (160) In said Oregon Cily, or aa much thereof as may be necessary to make said turn Dtted this 14th day of February, 1H96. CHA8. E. BURNS, Chief of Police of Oregon City. COlJNTf 0FFICEBS. Judg. 0. E. Ilityet Clerk uf Courts, . , Oeo. F. Ilnrton Hhnrlir E. C. Madil.ick llncurder B. M. Kainshy Trtuuurer, U.L. Mwire Aaifaukjr, J. ('. Ilnull.y School SupirlnUndent, H. B Ullxwn Surveyor D. W. Kinnlard Oorou.r, .... R. L. Uolmaa Col-l..r...... K2fJ4Sr Oonniy Court mmttoa Brat Wedo.tUay after ttrtt Monday of every month. Probata Court ow.u oa Irat Monday of ev.ry month. Olronlt Court m-ta on third Monday in April and Irst Monday ia Nov.iab-r. SHERIFF'S SALE. In the Circuit Court of the State of Oregon,) for the County of Clackamas. II. C, Hlevent, Plaintiff, Sllaa Wright, L E. Wrlithl, Keulwu Wright aud wife, Elicabeth CoaUit, J. L. Croute aud wife, Levi Htehuian. A. E. Dun and wife, and Janiee F. Nelson, Defendants. Slate of Oregon, u County of Clackamaa; J BY VIRTUE OF A JUDGMENT OBDIR.l dooree aud an execution, duly Issued out under the teal 01 tne aoove euiweu fit anil umrt. In the above entitled cause, lo no duly ' J 1 A u..n AutuA thai imh H.i nf V lintar . OREGON CITY OrriCKM. ' upoa judgment reudered ind enter, fii Mayor Ulna Straight Mid court ou the 7ih dy ot November. IW6. in p ikai liH namavl i.lavi nlirl n.i a a tun if CkM of Puliea, -C. I. I.ihi j the ebore Deaod defend noli, lor the turn ol wa as .H. I. Stral.hl I. T. Urtmtb Tmrarar. CI IT Attoraav. . . I , 1 1 ft m - .... I. I Snp't of Water Woriw W. H. How.li CityEDglaMf ,.. H. H. Jobnaoa Couaelmi.n-HMry Maldraa, J. W. Motbl, L. L. FortM-, J. J. CaokK B. Kotraer, L. 0. Ckflsa, T. K. uaalt, J.ka Wtsaar. Council auett ant Wtkday ef tack awath. Bank of Crcaw City OLIIKHT IANKINO HODIl IK TB CITY 1 aid Up Cult al, $50,000. Surplus, $20,850. President, ' Vic President; Cashier, ' Manager, - Thomas Cmasma Obo. A. Haidix ' K. o. CAtnata CBAabas H.CAonaiD 4 Oeneral Banking Business Transacted, Deposits Received Subject to Cheek. -Approved Bills sad Notes Discounted. County and City Warrants Bought. Loans Made on Available SecurUv Exchange Bought and 4old. Collections Made Promptly. Drafta Hold Available In An Part af th. World. Tetegraphle Exchange Sold on Portland, Baa Francisco, Chicago and New York. Interest Paid on Time Deposits. C. W. GRACE & CO., Dealer In nr ENERAL MERCHANDISE. NEW GOODS. NEW STORE. Molalla Ave., (Ely.) Imperial Gallery Oregoa City. PHOTOGRAPHY IN KVERY BRANCH CRAYONS, ENLARGEMENTS. CHILDREN'S PICTURE8 A SPECIALTY. Gallery ever Mr. Prler'i Store, Male St WANTED: Several trustworthy gentl.men or ladiea to travel in Oregon for established, reliable house. Salarv 1780 and expenses steaay position, enclose reierenc. ana tell aa dressed stamped envelope. The Dominion Com pany. Third Floor, Omaha Bldg., Chicago. Ill NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. LAND OFFICE AT OREGON CITY, OREGON, Feb. 20, 1896. Notice is hereby given that the following-named aettler hat riled notice of hit Intention to make Bnal proof in support of his claim, and that aaid proof will b. made be fore the Register and Receiver V. 8. Land Office at Oregon City, Oregon, on May 13th, 1H96, vis: KARL GERAU80N, H. E. No. 7768, for th. NE of Sec. 28, Twp. Twp. & 8.. R. 8 E. He names the follow lug witneasea to prove hta continuous residence upon and cultivation of aaid land, vli: Lara G. Larson, Andrew Johnson, David Callahan and Krana Erlckaon, all of Molalla, Oregon. ROBERT A. MILLER, Register. SUMMONS. . In the Circuit Court of the State of Oregon, for iue voumy 01 uiaccamas. ames B. Day and Sarah E. Day, Plaintiffs, vs John Grubar, or the unknown heirs of John unuter, Defendant. ,- ... To John Gruber, the above named defendant, or hi vuo nnanowu neirs 01 ioon uruoer. N THE NAME OF THE STATE OF OREGON yon. aud each of von. are herebv reauirt to appear and answer the complaint filea against you ia th. above entitled cause on or beore the third Monday in April, A. D. 1896, the same being the 20th day of April, 18U6, and if you fall so to answer the plaintiffs will apply to th. court for the relief demanded In said complaint which is a decree that a certain deed executed by the defendant on the 23d dav of Anril. lwui. and recorded In book E of Deeds on page 340, records of Clackamas county, which said deed was intended to convey and should have con veyed to J. 8. M. Vaucleave. a traet of land known as tbe D. L. (J. of John Her, deceased, situate in See. 13, Twp. 2 8 , R. 2 E., and in Sec. IS, Twp. 2 8.. R. 8 E. of Willametto Mrtriln. containing 327 85-100 acres, situate in Clackamaa county, Oregon, be so reformed and corrected 111 tne description therein, which locates that Portion of said D. L. C. situate in Sec. 18, as being in R. 2 E. instead of in R. 3 E and that the record of said instrument he deetared in convey the land known as the John Her D. L. (J.. and properly described In Sees. 18 and 18 In Twp. fl. il KHnrH 2 Mnri .1 K.. aa I, ihmilH liavn done and you are hereby Iiirlner notified that on the 29th day ol January, WM, the Hon. T. A. MoBride, Judge ol the above named court, made an Older, directing that aerviee be made on you in the abort entitled cause by publication of summons. JAMES THORNE, Attorney for Plaintiff. NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. LAND OFFICE AT OREGON CITY, OREGON, Feb. 20, 18H6. Notice is hereby given that the following-named settler hat filed notice of hit intention to make Anal proof in support of his claim, and that said proof will be made before th. Register and Receiver U. 8. Land Office al Oregon City, Oregon, on May Sth, 1W6, via: RICHARD WILLIAMS, H. E. No. 88-11, for the 8W W. of See. 26, Twp. 6 8., R. 2 E. H. name the following witneasea to prove hit continuous residence upon and culti vation of, taid land, via: Charles Daugherty, William Douglas Dougherty, John Newton Stewart and Robert William Bagby, all of Molalla, Oregon. ROBERT A. MILLER, Register. Men's caps, just the thing (or work intf. Reduced from 50c to 25c, at tbe Racket Store. WANTED: Several I mst worthy gentlemen or v? ladies to travel in Orert or established, reliable houae. Salary VH) and expenses. Steady position. Encloae reference and self ad drMwed stamped envelope. The Domini m Com pany. Third Floor. Omaha bide., Chicaa-o, III D A O tf acw and Rhxtwattsv relieved DMW Kby Dr. MiW .Nerre Plaster. SUMMONS. In the Circuit Court of the State of Oregon, for Clackamaa County. Emile Chagnot, Plaintiff, 1 vt. Joseph Hohenleltner, Katrine Hohenleitner. Joseph Bichner and Anna Bodcn, Defendants. To Anna Boden, one of said defendants. IN THE NAME OF THE STATE OF OREGON. Yon are hereby required to aoBear and answer the complaint bled against you in the suutb ciitibivu buh on or ueiore me nrat day of the next regular term of tald court, towit: April 20th, 1896; and if you fail to answer for waut thereof the plaintiff will applv to the court for the relief demanded in the complaint to filed as aforesaid. This summons it published pursuant to an order of the Hon. Thomas A. McRrMn. 1n1. of the circuit court of the state of Orecon for the county of Clackamaa, which order was made and dated February 12th, 1896. GORDON E. HAYES, Attorney for Plaintiff. a.l&uv with luteraat thareon al the rata I ner cent, per annum froat lb lib. day ef November, lsvi, aud the farther sum of fUM coals and disbursement., and the aotts ef aad upon thlt wril,eommandiug me to saake tale ef the following described real property tltuate It the county of Clackamaa, Hate ol Oregon, aad that the earn be sold la parcels la lha erotr following: rirtt-Ailtbat portion of the Donation Lead Claim ol Harrtaaav WrtgJU, described la said amrtiage atxlwbioh kaa aet bean told 4y L. 1. W right aad Silas Wright since the aaeulioa of saldmortgage, which untold portion !a described as atUaws, to-wlt: -dteginnlni at the most easterly ceetau of the Hvriaoa Wright D. L. C. In township 4 ton lb of range 2 east ol ias W. M runninc tb.nea aaattk tSI' weaa, Iracljg south. htnuidary ef taid ctataarlAJi chain to northeast corner of a tract af land heretofore told to Fraak Jonee; thence not 46 W weat along sortheatlerly Hue of tald Joata traet ls.41 cbaina to aoutberly corner of traet of land heretofore sold M Elisatwth Coetaa; theaee along the eaaterly line ol the latter traet aad a tract of land heretofore sold lo kiubva Wright, north 14 east tO.6 ohalnt; theae aarlh ! . 46' east to Molalla river; thence with the meenderaof aaid Molalla river, toulheaaierlj te Ita Intersection with lira east line ol the afore said D. L. C; thence south 17U' east lo the niece of beainatna. containing a) acrM, more . or lest. Second The following premise, deaorlbed In -the answer as aold to Reuben Wright, to-wlti Beginning at a point In the eatt line of the Har rison Wright and wjfe D. L. C. No 88, lying in sections 28 ahd 20. township 4 south of rang 2 east of W. M, In Clacaamaa county, Oregon, south 17 0 54' east 2.&S chains from the northeast corner thereof: thence aouth 63 Welt ASj ebaint; thence toutb 34 0 eatt 2.65 obalna : thence aouth 22 o 80' West IS 6S chains; thence aouth 67 30' eaat 8.58 chalua; Iheuce south 22" 80' west 6.7b chaina: thence north 66" weat 8.60 chains: thence tooth 84 west o.si ohalnt; these, south 66 0 eatt 17.21 chains; thenee north 84 s east 10.1 J chains: thence north 23 s 45' east 12.40 ohsins to tbe east line of said claim 18 on the east bank of Molalla river; thence north 17 5f' wast 25.14 chains tracing said Hue 10 place of begiiiuiug. Third Beelnnlni 10.64 chains west and 28.46 ehains aouth from the northeast corner of ihe aald Harrison Wright 1). L. 0. in township 4 south, range 2 eatt of W. M.; thane north 84 0 east 7S links along center line of the Oiegon City and Molalla road: thence north 22 0 80' east 4.22 chains along center line of said road; thenee at right augles to taid road aouth 67 30' east S 5s chains to slake; thence south 22 30' weat 70 chains to a stake, thence north 66 s Weat 8.60 ohaius to place uf begiiiuiug. Fourth Beginning al the northeast corner of tald Harrisou Wright D, L. C; thence ou north line of claim weat 10.25 chains to stake in Molalla river gravel bar; thence aouth 48 ' 15' east s.so chains to right bsnk of Molalla; thence - up at ream north (3 east 6.60 chaina to oedar tree 10 Inches In diameter ou east line of Harrison Wright D. 1. C: thence with claim Hue north 17 e &5' west 2.6s chains to -northeast corner of said Harrltou Wright D. L. C, to place of beginning. Fifth Commencing 36:60 chalnt south and -16.30 chains' west from northeast ootner of laid Harrison wrrignt D. L. C. at a stake in tbe center ' of Oregon City and Molalla road; thauce with center Hue of aaid road aouth 3 west 7 2i chaius; thence south 4 30' east 17.34 chaini to a siake; thence north 34 3 eatt 10.41 chaina to a itake; theuoe north 59 west 17.21 chains to place of beginning. Now, therefore, oy virtue of said execution, Judgment order and deoree, and in compliance with tbecommanda of aald writ, I will, on Satur day, the 14th day of March, W96, at Ihe hour of eleven o'clock A. M., at the front door of the County Court House in the city of Oregon City In taid county aud ttate, aell at public auction, subject to redemption, to the btgh.it bldd.r, for cash in hand, all th. right, title and interest which tbe within named defendants or either Of them, had on the dale of th. mortgage herein . or sine, bad in and to the above described real ' propsrty or any part thereof, to satisfy aaid . execution, judgment order, decree, interest, costs and all accruing costs. X. C. MADDOCK, .. Sheriff of Clackamas County, state of Oregon By U. M. MOODY, Deputy. . fated, Oregon City, Or., F.broary 11th, 186. ' ' ' CITY TREASURER'S NOTICE. NOTICE 19 HEREBY GIVEN THAT THERE are sufficient funds on hand in Ihe General Fund of Oregon City to pay all outstanding war rants endorsed prior to August 2d, 1894. Also all warrants on Main street Fund endorsed prior to June 12th, 1WH. Interest eeasea with the date of thia notice. H. K. SfllAIGHT, , . City Tie laurer. Oregon City, Oregon. March , ltw. WANTED: Several trustworthy gentlemen o " ladies to travel in Oregon for established reliable house. Salary 87S0 and expenses Steady nnaition. Entl.se reference and aelf ad dressed stamped envelop. The Dominion Com pany. Third Floor, Omaha Bldg., 'Jhicago, 111 SHERIFF'S 8ALE.;f In-the Circuit Court ot the State of Oregoa, I for the County of Clackamas. c. Stevens, Plaintiff, vs I Henry Peckover, Elizabeth Peokover aud William 1 Smith, Defendants. j State of Oreenn. t County ot Clackamas,) BY VIRTUE OF A JUDGMENT ORDER, decree and an execution, dniv ImiiimI aih of aud under the seal of the above entitled court iu the above entitled cause, to me duly dlreoted and dated he loth day of February. 1 u u: . . ...... . t . . .i . . i . . - . """i upwu juugiueiit reuuereq ana entered In said court ou the Sth day of February, 1896, in favor of H. C. Stevens, plaintiff, and against Henry Peckover, Elizabeth Peckover and Wil liam Smith, defendants, for the sum of 8436.75, with interest thereon at th. rate of 8 per cent per annum from the 8th day of Feb ruary, ltl9, and the further sum al tm a. tornev's fee, and the further sum of 810 costs aud disbursements, and the costs of and npon this writ, commanding me to make lule of the following described real property situate In the county of Clackamas, state of Oregon, to-wlt: All of lot No. 12 in Block No. 4 of Park Plaoe, Clackamas county, Oregon, according to the recorded plat thereof. " Now. therefore, bv virtue nl Judgment order and decree, and in compliance with the command! of said writ, I will, on Saturday, the Hlh day of March. 1896. at the nonr of ii;30 o.clock A . M , at the front door of the county court house In th. city of Oregon City In said county aud slate, sell at public auction, subject to redemption, to the highest bidder, lor c,i? JnJ1,ndVa" ,he ri?ht and Irrtereat which the within named defendants or either of them, had on the date of the mortgage herein or since had In and to the above described real properly or any part thereof, to tatlsfy aaid execution, Judgment order, decree, interest, costa and all accruing cotts. E. C. MADDOCK, Sheriff of Clackamas County, Oregon By N. M. MOODY, Deputy. Dated, Oregon City, Or., Feb. 11th, 1896. NOTICE OF FINAL SETTLEMENT. WOTICE 18 HEREBY GIVEN THAT THE . . "J Ieport of ,ne administrator of th. estate of Jamea Officer, deceased, has been filed in tbe count court of the ttat. of Oregon for th. county or Pl.l.m.. nH u 5. the 6n dav of April, 18, at 11 o'clock A. M.. has beea duly appointed by aaid court for the settlement thereof and the hearing of objections thereto. n..!IyiA,, H, yATJGHAN, Administrator. Dated, February 13th, 1896. I. a DRESSER, Attorney for said Administrator. NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. LAND OFFIC E AT OREGON CITY, OREGON, Feb. 20th, 16. Notice la hereby given that the following-named settler has filed notice of his intention to make final proof in support of hit claim, and that said proof will be made before the Register and Receiver r. S Land Office at Oreaoa City. Oregon May 12th, 1896. via: HENRY B. BARVER, H E. No. T962, for Ihe SW'i of See. 10. Twp, 4 3., R. 4 E. He names the following witneme to prove hit continuons residence upon and culti vation of. said land, vis: Huah F Currin. of Comnsville. Oreaon, S. C. Huffman, of Leon Orveon, sm Heiple and Geo. J. Currin, of Cnrrinsville. Orei-on. ROBERT A. MILLER, Register. APPLICATION FOR LICENSE. JJOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN THAT I SHALL apply to the city council of Oregon City, Ore gon, for a saloon license to continue my saloon located on lot 8 iu block 24 af Oregon City, aald license to date from April 15th, 1896. A. KNAPP. TN THE CIRCUIT COURT OF THE STATE OF a. Oregon for the County of Clackamas. Jf "oat Plaintiff, vs. Laura M. Jackson defendant. ' To Laura M. Jackson, laid defendant: In the nam. of the state of Oregon yon are ,'b.T.?T,'r,,0,Ppe"rnd answer the com plaint filed againr you in tbe above-entitled suit on or before the first day of the next renin term of said eoort, to-wii. April 20th, 196. and if you fail to answer for want thereof the plainttfT will apply to the court for the relief demanded in the complaint. This summons la published pursuant to an i. derof th- Hon. Henry E. McGinn, j",. of ,he circuit court of the state of Oregon for Multnomah connty. which otdc-r was made and dated Febru ary 2Tlh, 18W. o. E. HAYES, Attorney for Plaintiff.