Highest of all in Leavening Power. AD60LUTEtY PUDE A DYING SPARK Stop Right Now! Don't Light Another ! You're Burn ing Your Brains. WRECKS ALONG THK STKEETS1PB Oft-times tobiiooo'i lo- tiuis look at the dying park in the oigar stump o.- at the big masticated "chaw" of tobacco iust expectorated, and with nerves uicotmueu wiiu lobaooo, mentally re solve. "Now, tbat is my last, 1 will never tine it attain. 1 know tbat it is injuring me physically and financially and my nerves are becoming to irritated that I can't stand the least annoyance." What is the result f These good resolutions are generally made while the effect of the use of tobacco practically paralyzes the crav ings of millions of irritated nerve centers and just as soon as the effects commence to pass away tbete good resolutions weaken, showing conclusively that tbe use of tobacco is not a babit but a disease of tbe nervous system caused by tbe edu cation of the nerves to crave for the nico tine poisoning. What then is tbe easy, permanent, natural way -to relieve your self of the use of. tobacco? Certainly not by discontinuing it and suffering tbe nervous reaction and piostrating effects and mental degeneracy sure to lollow the long and continued use of tobacco. Does it not suggest itself to you tbat the natural thing to do is to take a remedy that is specifically prepared to eradicate tbe ef fects of the nicotine In tbe system and to overcome tbe nerve craving effects and re store tbe tobacco irritated nerves to a nor mal and healthy condition ? To this, we all say, "Yes, wuere is the remedy ?" You will find it in No-To-Bao. This is easily said and we all naturally ask for proof. Certainly. IfNo-To-Bac fails to cure, The (sterling Remedy Company, ot New York, Montreal ana Chicago have so much faith in their remedv. that tbev Pos itively guarantee to refund the money, and tbe oonoern being owned and operated by souieot the most reputable business men of fhe esBt and west.1t is absolutely re liable and we are glad to say, able in every way to live up to its guarantee. The sale of No-To-Bao within the rat few years has assumed enormous propor tions, almost entiiely developed upon its merits and tbe recommendations of tbe cared. Bo great is the sale tbat it is hard ly possible to go into any leading drug store without finding it on sale, and the druggist has notning but words of praise to give it. , Ht-ttlecl a I'olnt, The question us to whether the United States lias exclusive jurisdic tion over a soldiers' home, which was - raised iu an assault case at Milwaukee some three weeks ko, has been decid ed by a I'nlted States Judge; who holds that the homes come under State and not Federal laws, as the lands have never formally been accepted by the United States. The ease was of particular Interest, as. If the Juris diction had been found to belont; to the Federal government, the Inmates of the home would have been deprived of their votes. Springfield Repub lican. Minn uiiiiu A. V. UUles. Miss Laura A. C. Hughes, who was recently graduated from Tufts college, has beeu u noted hospital worker in Bos ton and has had charge of a dispensary in that city. During the G. A. R. cu campuient iu Boston she established an emergency hospital, one of the first in Boston. She has been elected a member of the Massachusetts Medical society. Besides her regular work iu the medical school Miss Hughes is a graduate of the training school for nurses connected with the city hospital, she having served a term in each ward, and owing to ef ficiency hud charge for a long time of the mule surgical ward. She is a mem ber of the City Hospital club. She stud ied at St. Margaret's hospital, which is one of the most exacting institutions in the city, und she also took the teachers' conrse at the Hemenway gymnasium under Dr. Sargent. New York Tribuna Dreae Made of Cigar Ribbons. Mme. Ida Luue Ney of Vienna has diwsovered a new use for cigar rib bons. For tho past five years she has collected the narrow, yellow bits of silk used iu tviug 'Ks together, and to each of these she lias "joined" a htnp of black dress silk of eimil length mid width. Liiti'lv she found that the piece of goods was Urge enough to make a KMMl ft 1 1(1 Hi red iiccordinaly. There are 3,000 cigar ribbons in the dress. A penny or two all extra profit. That's the merchant's reason whourges an inferior bindingfor a costly skirt. It's not nothing is) as good as Was Velveteen Skirt Binding. Look for S. H. & M. on the label and take no other. If your dealer will not supply you we will. Send for samples, showing labels and mate- rU.s. to Ibe S. H. t M. Co. r. . O. Box e9. Nrw Vork Cj. REEL ESTATE MORTGAGES BOUGH H. E. NOBLE Latest U. S. Gov't Report A BIO SALT MINE. The Development of a Me California Industry. Artiales of incorporation have been filed by the "Crystal Book Bait .Min ing Co." of San Franolsco, with a cap ital stock of $600,000, of whioh 227, 500 have been subscribed by Chas. U. Ahlborn, Sanford Bennett, Meyer Lewis, Julius Beimer, 8. Lewis, L. Dorn and Ben Lewis. The Crystal Bock Salt Mine is situ ated in San Bernardino county and prodnoes a salt of superior quality, which, according to analysis made by Professor L. Falkenau, of the State Assay Offioe in San Frauoisoo, is found to be chemically pure. At the instance of Norton, Teller & Boden, and other San Franoisoo bouses, a number of tests were made, with the result that the salt produced from this mine has been found to be equal to the best English salt in the market for butter-making and table use, and for meat and fish paoking, milling and dairy purposes. The lump stock salt from this mine is preferred by the large cattle com panies to any other salt, by reason of its purity, dryness and solidity; also because it is the most economical for stock-feeding. Owing to its firmness and purity ic does not deliquesce when plaoed out on the ranges. The Company controls over 1,000 sores of mining ground in which the salt is mined from large deposits, as clear and transparent as crystals. The mine is connected with Salt Rock Sta tion (Danby) on the Atlantio & Pacifio B. R. by a road extending thirty-two miles, especially constructed by the Traction Engine Company, and upon whioh the oompany successfully oper ates a train of traotion engine and wagons, constructed by the Best Manu facturing Company, of San Leandro, Cal. The oompany is about to commence tbe erection of extensive works at the mine, and upon their completion will be enabled to supply tho purest salt overproduced for butter-making, table use. meat and fish-packing. Lump salt for stock-feeding and milling pur poses is now only being shipped. Tbe buildings at tne mine are con structed of salt, and the oompany is about to erect an offioe building at the railroad station out of rook salt, whioh willattraot great attention. Passen gers on the train passing this station are now in the habit of getting off the train for the purpose of securing crys tals of salt as keepsakes. In the sunlight a building construct ed of this salt appears as if it was cov ered with diamonds, j Eliabiarufka, Siberia. Khabarofka is a wretched looking lit tle phtc'f, about a quarter tbe size of Vladivostok, although it is tbe capital of eastern Siberia und the residence of the governor general It lies about 49 degrees latitude north, or degrees uorth of Vladivostok. Iu the public gar den is a bluff commanding a bird.ieye view of the river, beach and steamers. Here is a monument, in bromse, to Gov ernor General Ad julaut General Nikolai NikolaiiA'iteh Muruvief, who took part two exploring expeditions 1854, 805 and gained tbe title "Amurski for his services iu the acquisition or this Amur region to Rpssia. The chief street in Khafcurofka is called, after bim, Muruviof-Arnurski. On the stat ue's pedestal ure engraved tho names himself, his wife, about 26 military iffloers and seven scientific men. who shared in the toils and dangers of his expeditions. " Near the statue is a baud stand, where u military band plays on Sunday evenings, und a little temple of the Blessed Virgin, the Bogonxmza, with painted pictures inside the walls. Further on is a pretty little wood, left for shade. Behind is the governor's house, a fine brick building, with sen tries pacing before it. Pant the wood a steep puiti lends to the bathing place, where one has tho choice of wading in from the stony teach or diving from a regular bathing honse at the end of a dilapidated wourieu pier. Doriniguuy Review Haw Mrs. Carlisle Keeps Cool. Mrs. Carlisle's prescription for eudnr- iug the heat is first of U not to worry or fret. Do all your work early in the day und try to find some light employ ment, either physical or mental, to Keep your tnougtits iroiu mo iiuiuwm.. and how "awfully not it is. The wife of tho secretary enjoys ner home to the ntmoxt. She has tno nouse rid of many of the heavier hangings and thicker rugs us soon as the weather becomes oppressive. The large, airy rooms are clad as fur as possible in cool summer attire, and the intense heat of the midday is shut out Washington Letter. Her Hrmrt fjpon Her Sleera. The up to date girl, says the New York Sun. wears her heart upon her .w It's a ir.jld or silver heart, to b tnre. and it dangles "bout he fVrmi A. Ion 1?. slender chain, bnt it is of Wtet Kittern. and within it are a like uesi and the lock of bair presumably of her sweetheart. The hearts are about an inch and a half long and appear in nil imles of extx-nsiveiHss. Sometime they are of richly chart-d gold set with orecions stones, but again tney are nui ply of frosted silver. aa""Trilby hearts." Tbey are known BONAPARTE'S OPPORTUNITY. Bow Ha Took Advantage of tha Oral throw of tbo Constitution. All night long, from the 16 to 1? Brumuire, a committee of the Anoletits was in session, minutely perfecting their plans. Next morning at 7 the faithful majority, having been summoned ac cording to form, convened as the coun cil, for tho doubtful members had ei ther not been summoned at ull or hud received notice of a later hour. As soon us a quorum was present, Coruet, a woll known butt for the'wits, rose and de nounced the terrible conspiracy which was menacing them. Reguior then moved thut, according to articles 103, 103 und 104 of the constitution, both branches of the legislature should meet next day at noon, und not before, iu the palace of St. Cloud; that General Bonn parte should be intrusted with the exe cution of their decree, and that to thut end he be appointed commander of the Paris garrison, of their own Hpcoiul guard and of tho Nutiouul guard; that ho therefore appear and take tho outh, and that these resolutions be duly ootu mnuiciited to the directory, to tho five hundred, and also to the public by printed proclamation. The motion was curried unanimously. During these proceedings ull the gen erals present in Paris except Jourdsui and Angoreun, who had not been invit ed, but including the stanch republican Lefebre, commander of the garrison, bad gathered iu and before Bonaparte's house. They had been requested to come in uniform in order to amiirRo lor a re view. It wus noticed that Bernmlotte, though present, was not in uniform. He had so fur yielded to the blandishments of his brother-iu-luw as to come, hut de clared that he would obey only what was ut that niomeut the chief authority in the state, Lefebre was in uniform, bnt having met on the way bodies of troops moviug without his orders, aud not boiug initiated, he was naturally startled. But Bonaparte know his man. "Would you, a supporter of there public, leave it to perish in the hands of these lawyers?" was his grcotlng. "See, here is the sword I carried at the Pyramids. I give it to you as a mark ot my esteem and coufldeuce. " . "Let us throw the lawyers into tha river," cume the expected answer. A fow monieuts later arrived the au thoritative summons from the Aucieuta Bonaparte stepped out on tho poroh and road their proceedings aloud. By a unit ed impulse the officers flourished their swords in response. It was bnt au in- Btmit before they were mountea, ana with Bonaparte in front the cavalcade, headed by nm either already famous or destined to become so Mocuonaid, ee nuicr. Mnrat. Luuues, Andreossy, Ber- thier and Lefebre proceeded to the council chamber. It needed bnt a hasty glance, as they passed through the city, to see that precoucerted orders had al ready been carefnlly executed. Tho troops wore all under arms and at their stations in commanding places tnrougn out the town. Arrived at the Tnileries, the goneral and hiB glittering escort en terod the chamber. "Citizen delegates," he said, "the re public was falling. Yon understood the situation; your conrse has saved it. Woo to them who canBe disorder or disturD- ance I With the help of General Lef obre, of General Berthior aud my other breth ren in arms I will arrest them. Let no man look for' precedents iu the past. Nothing in history is comparable to the end of the eighteenth century, nothing to the present moment. Vour wisdom passed this motion ; our arms will exe cute it We desire a republic founded iu true liberty, in civil liberty, iu popular representation. We are going to have it. I swear it iu my own name and iu that of mv brethren in arms 1" "We swear it !" was tho autiphoual response of the assembled generals. Some one ludis creetly suggested thut Bonaparte bad sworn, but not the oath of allegiance to the constitution required by their pro vious action, bnt the president hurriedly declared nil further proceedings out of order, tho assembly having adjourned br its own act. Professor W. M. Sloane's " Life of Napoleon" in Century. Tba Fly's Month. The fly's mouth is really nothing more nor less tnuu a tongue wnicu, at the proper time, runs in and out pf a hole in the fly's head, like the tongue of a snake. Eveu this latter effect may be proved to be a delusion if you are sareful in examining a fly while in tho act of eating, for it is then that it may be seen that the combination month aud toncue is simply a tiny black, thread like proboscis which unfolds from be neath the head, where there is a little niche or socket prepared for it When this combination tongue and month is unfolded ready for business, it spreads out, dividing into two flat leaves, which are planted smoothly and evenly over the surface from which the little insect bones to extract a meal. Should the surface prove dry or un yielding, the fly is equal to the emer gency, and by a muscular feat he im mediately changes his Binonth, soft, leaflike tongue into a rasp which works with lightning rapidity over the lump i f sugar or other substance, the particles thus dislodged being quickly sucked in to the stomach. In case the meal is a liquid one the mouth and tongue com bine to make au excellent pump for transferring the food to the place where it will do the mt good. St Louis Republic. Tne Poajonlp. The following explanation is given ot the remarkable condition expressed by :he word pogouip: "This is said to be a name given by the mountaineers of he- radu to a sort of frozen fog that appears wmetimes in winter, even on the clear t and brightest days. In an instant the lir is filled with flCuliug needles of ice. To breathe the pogouip is death to tn ctrgs. When it comes, Indians as well in whites rn.Ji for shelter. It appears to je caused by tbo sudden freezing in the lit of the moisture which collects atxiu lie summit of the high peaks. " New r-"k Ledger. 0NSUMPTI0N CURED AN ABSOLUTE REMEDY FOR ALL PULMONARY COMPLAINT8. A. Sloe am offers to Bend Two Hot Um JTroo of His Hawed? to Car Consumption and All Lang Troubles -An Kllslr of Life. Nothing could be fairer, more philan thropic or oarry more joy in IU wake than tne ouer oi i . a. Biooum, m. u., oi iso Pear, street. New York. Farleotlv conti nent that be has an absolute remedy for the cure or consumption and an pulmon ary complaints, he oilers through this pa per to send two bottles Ire to any reauer no is suuenng iruui lung trouuie or uuu- mutton, also loss ol nesu anu au count- tions or wasting. He invites those desir ous of obtaining this remedy to sehd their express and pos to trios address, and to re ceive in return tbe two bottles free, whioh will arrest tbe approach of deatn. Al ready this remedy, by its timely use, has permanently cured thousands of oases ' i , i i . i i i. j wmcn were given up, ana uoniu was juum.hu upon as au early visitor. be- ing so proof-positive of its beneficent re sults, Dr. Ulocum considers it bis religious duty, a duty which be owes to humanity, to donate his infallible remedy where it will assault the enemy in its cidatel, and, Jk.uuwiug uia reiucuy m uo uvwi uu ?its inherent potency, stay tne current dissolution, bringing joy to homes over fhich the shadow ot the grave has been gradually growing more strongly oenned, causing fond hearts to grieve. The cheap ness of tbe remedy ottered rrtely apart from iu inherent streauth. is enough to commend it, and more so is the perfect confidence of the great chemist making tbe offer, who holds out life to those already becoming emaciated, and says: "Be The invitation is certainly wo.'tny oi tne consideration of the attiioted, who for years, have been taking nauseous nostrums without effect; who have ostracised them bIvm from home and friends to live in more salubrious olimes, where the atmos phere is more congenial to weakened lungs, and who have fought SKainst death with mil the weaDons and strenstn in ineir hanrta. Thnro will be no mistake in send' lng for these free bottles tbe mistake will be in passing ine mvimnon oj. Whv la Urns Prooers nicture so seve at Tho photographer aaked her to look pleasauu' . NOTICE. Brs. H. H. Green A Bona ol Atlanta, a., are the greatest dropsy specialists In tbe world. Cure more patients than tne entire army of physioians scattered over this beautiful land of ours, a vaiuaoie diacoverv outside any medical book or published opiuion. A purely A purely vegetable preparation. Kenioves an symptons rapidly. Ten days' dropsical treatment mauea to every sunarcr. doo ment in other column. advertise MOW'S THIBT w Affor n, Rnndmd Dollars Reward for any ease of Catarrh that cannot be cured by Baui i;siarru uuit. w th. ,i.4Mfimjtfi. hive known t. J . Cheney tor the lsat 16 Team, aud believe hltn perfectly honorabla in all bullosas rjannaetloui and fin ancially able to earrjr out any obligations made by men ana. - Whole-ale nrargists, Toledo, a WMaila hrnmriata. Toledo. Ohio. Waj-diks. kiss am MAV nairs uaiarruiiuxe is iwu iuwu.ij. ...- Ml -.1. . n Um KlnnA mnA lliaMMMJUrl tOH O XZS2Tr!Z ailu.7 Bsii by ail araggisw. Taatlmonials free. HSU'S r I Family Pius are tbe beat Piso's Cure is the medicine to. break up children's Coughs ands Colds. Mas. M. u. Blunt, Bpiague, wasn., Maron o, um. An Oat of DiMir at Home. Agavdou purty fiwhiouubly conducted an out of door "ut home," with ameliorations. Tho stuffy, overcrowdea rooms are libsout ut the summer func tion, and tho timo between coming and going is so brief and guests urrive so nearly at the situietime that the hostess is on duty n muen snorter uuio uiuu when receiving under the house rooi. Light refreshments only are served ices, cakes, punches or lemonade, cafe au lait aud the like. Saluds and froids are oftener than not excluded from the menu. The hont is expected to be in evidence, his abseuw being less excusa ble at the garden purty than at the in door "at home." A Ring of Para Gold. Dr. O. D. Norton wears a ring of pure trold that has never left his tiuger since . a m LIh 1849. In that year a menu oi imsw the gold fever and went west, promising to send back tbe first gold he found. He chanced to be one of the successful ones, and it was but a few months till Dr. Norton received a letter iuclosing a jot of gold dust This he had made into a heavy ring, which he has worn ever since, but which is now nut one-mnu iU original size. The sender, by the way, is now president of the Scientif ic . falifnrniii (Cincinnati 1(J HUVIVIJ V xm ... Times -Star. Bow Do Politlclana Thrive There Thfy've just elected a hew president of the republic of bwitzeriaua wnnou any friction and without even the ior mality of a presidential campaign. Hap py bwiss ! Boston Herald. Free wt will acNO FREE nr. 2;"' Scarf Pin Iot12 Une atari rin 1 2 0onpoM and 13 WC WILL SL0 Sf NO FREE, oni pais or - . . r-a n f r80(fcrapoM SoNd SUvar I inlf IPPVP rillllllll - - oa. row. L,iun ' a' - You will find one coupon inelde each otio bag, and two coupooa ioaida each 4 ounce bag of DLACKUELL'S GENUINE DURIIAfil TOBACCO, end eoupona with nsis aooagsaTo BLACKVCLL'8 DUHHAM TOBACCO CO., DURHAM, I. a Buy a W of this Celebrated Smokinc Tobacco, and read the coK whfch gives a list of other premiums and how to get them. 2 etMT STA awrS ACCtrfXD. VERY AWKWAKO INDEED. This la nreclstly the kind of mistake a man makes if he "turns out" on the wioui aide ol the road when a vehicle cornea toward him. No leaa abtiml la the error ol tbe individual who takes nraatio medicines to relieve bla Hver. Tbat oraan la on the right aide, and the load lo IU relief la Hoatetter's Siomwh Hitter s, a niedi- Ine also adanied lo the reliel ot ayapeima, con- tlnatloo. klduer and rheumatic ailments aud malaria. When a mother tells row funny atories about her baby, be patient, or sbe Kill bate jou. WIND SWEPT. Wera it not for the intervening moun tain ranges, this country, from Northweit to Bouthwest. wonld at times in winter be swept by devastating tornadoes. Blizsards seem to arise out ot the oaves and oauons of tbe plains. Gaining strength and vol ume over a v. me expanse, vneir lorue is ar rested by the battlements of big hills. Sometimes they rise above tbe barriers and sweep the Middle stales with fury. There you enjoy one day a mean tempera ture, and tbe next may be far below freez ing. It is like an ice water bath on a warm day, and tne snocc to muscies, nerves and circulation is tne cause oi sua den neuralgic and rbeumatio attacks, both violent and acute. Those predisposed to such should have the master cure, St. Jao' be Oil, always ready. Iu prompt use prevents tbe ohrouio stage, and in the chronio stage it is a prompt, sure cure. Btlll Time.-Bobbv-I hadthrre lights today sua dldu'i get licked once, lllngo (reaching fx trap) Well, my ton, th day is not jel over WITS. AU Sta stopped tree by Dr. Kline's n...t smi Ki,rr. Mo Sal aftai U nnt day's nae. atarveioiia cures. Traauae and StOS trial noma tme to Pit oaaea. Bend to ot. Kiln, Ml Arab si, Philadelphia, Pa. Tbt Osbmka tor breakfast. Is what gives Hood's Sarsaparilla its great popularity, increasing sales and wonder hsl cures. Tbe combination, proportion and process in preparing Hood's Barsa parilla are unknown to other medicines, and make it peculiar to itself. It acts directly and positively npon the blood, and as tha blood reaches every nook and rornar of the human system, all tbe nerves, muscles, bones and tissues come under the bemnoent influence oi food's Sarsaparilla The One True Blood Purifier. All druggists; , nOOU S rlllS uke, easy to operate. 3ta, SURE CURE for PILES IMbiB Ul Blind, BICtMllDf or rrawuniUR ruvw rttra aw warv M R. BO-aAN-KO'a PILI RCMBDV, MbMtM tumor. A ooitlve cur, circulars sBi nm, rrn If you want a sure relief limbs, use an Allcock's Bear in Mind Not one tations is as good as tbe genuine. CMioHtsrem mum. Rto Cum Diahond Bjuno J, r tttnwOTMi nubs m TMIo3lOIHLaMOMUIN. " "Oy aA Sal aajj W rvniarsHai far fTHsitgitr't JkwtoA IHmmd Mrmnd li Ileal u Oftm bMUIim XT lO.OOO Testimonial. Nam Ppw, FLOUR MILLS...SAW MILLS MINING MACHINERY... IKUN WUKK of au kinds WOMAN it the name of Woman's Friend. It is ml in relieving the backaches, headaches hih rtnrdnn and ahortfln a woman's women testify for it. ItwUl give health and strength and make life a pleasure. For sale by all druggists. BLUMAU3-FSlNK DRUG CO., Pobtlaud, Agents. HE THAT WORKS EASILY. WORKS SUCCESSFULLY." CLEAN HOUSE WITH APOLIO Silver OR, rom 2 Coupons and 30 ot. - - wO jysMMiM Scrofula Miss Dells Stevens, of Boston, Mass writes! I have always suffered from haiwIltarT Scrofula, for wbieb 1 tried it various remedies, aud many reliable ptiyslolana,but none relieved me. After taxing ODomra oi i am now well. 1 am very grateful to you, as I feel tbat It saved me from a life of un- ihsll take pleasure In speaking only words of nralae for the wonderful mod- lr ne. and in recommending i w miu Treatise on Blood and Skin Diseases mailed free to any ad dress. SWIFT SPECIFIC CO., Atlanta, Oa. DIRECTIONS for uting CREAM BALM.-Apply partielt of the Balm well up into thi iKutrilt. After moment draw itrona brtath through tht none. Use three t-met a dan. a fter meal prtftm d, and before rewnng, CATARRH IT'S CBKAH BALM Onan ens and cleanses the Nasal Paaaaf ea, Allay Pain and Inflamma tion, Heals the Sores, Protects the Membrane Irnm nnlrla. Rflatnraa the Senses of Taste and BmelL The Balm Is quickly absorbed and gives relief at onoe. , A panicle is applied into eaon nostru, ana agreeable. Prioe. 60 cent at Druggists' or by Alii DKUIOM M Warren Street. New York. TBBATRD FRKK. Poaltlv ly Cured with Vegetable Ranaadlea Have eaaad tbotuands of eaass. Cure aaaaa pro sonnoad bopelaaa by best physicians, from ftratdoei naptoma disappear; In ton dayi enseal awo-uiraa ll eymstoms removed. Send for f ne book testlmo olals of mtraoulons enrea. Tea Jays treatment tree by mall. If yoa order trial, send lOe. In stamps or pay postage. Da. H.H.GRSSH 8oNB,Atlaala,Oa, Uyoaordertrlal return this advenissnea' to as. AMERICAN I Patentees of Self-Spacing Type, Sole Makers of Copper-Alloy Type. for pains in tbe back, side, chest, or Porous Plaster of the host of counterfeits and imi R14 mf tHl rarava MARINE ENGINES AND BOILERS... Willamette Iron Works PORTLAND. OREGON. The very remarkable and certain relief given woman by MOORE'S. REVEALED REMEDY has given uniformly socoess and weakness life. Thousands of CURED IS I l ir MRS. WINSLOW'S SW!: - FOR CHILDREN TCETHINO -, Far sale by at I Uratdata. t Caato a bottle. t ' ill 111 II Ul inuellLamDerson 205-3w5TPOrTrLANO. JUIBTEKTED CATALOG rREt- TUB AKRMOTOU CO. does halt UM worWs wl ltd mil I ouaineMi, Decauiw mwm inmw-i wn wm w wind power to I what it wan.. It liaa uianr branch nouaea, ana auppnes lia lm ma rwiii. l . at iuur dour. It caa and dues f nnilsh a mum' art clerur leeamonef wan otoan. It makea Pumping and Oeared. Steel, OaHaniaed-after- 1 I.I I. . ATlMtmllla rilUr .uwuimnn biwihii Ta. and Fixed Steel Towera, Steal Boas Saw Va .r iwmj. mumj ftwrf OiiUara and feed Orlndera. On appllcstloa It will name one . ot time arUclea that It will fumle until Janaarr 1st at 13 Uie uaual pflee. It alaa aiakaa Tanka aoo rumria in ail linna. aano nar cawaiua, i ma, ReckwiU sai riUSMrs Wratts. uuatsi DR. Gumrs latraovao Z) LITER JL PILLS A Mild Pbrale. On Pill farm Daaw. awtcoMot of tba bswale aaeb da, iinin baalta. Tbaaa pill, aappl; what tba aratna laeka ta aaaaa M ngalar. Tba, ran Uaadacha, bctcbtao lbs Kna.aad claar thaOoaiplaiiaa oM tartbao ecaaaataav Tba, aartbar grip aor alokao. To enannee roa, wa will wmil aaapla fraa. or full Iki fir . Hold avarv waara. . BOSAJlkO MkD. CO.. Pbi'adaipbJa, Pa. OPIUM Morphlnw Habit Cored In 10 togO1r. No par Ull eared. DR.4 trntsi, LSDanoa.wnia. T i B ibfuSlitut ki tist mi . 1 1 I 1 Beat Coach SfrnpTTaauai Ouud. tJasl I II In time. Solo nr iihoiih r 1 V. f. S. U. 'o. 637 S. F. N. U. No. 714 SIS Cwwaenrel.l Bl'k. 1-UKTI.A2I. OB