COURIER, VOL. XIII. OREGON CITY, OREGON, FRIDAY, FEBRUARY 21, 1896. NO: 42. OREGON just how to cook a roast'qulfe well, that what all 00 not know, the first thing is to get your meat, ano then the fire mu5t glow. , o0nt spoil the meat and waste the fire ' 'but have a Wire Gauze Door put on your ran6e and roasts will taste better than e'er before! I OAR) jBuy the CHARTER OAK, L S jf WITS TBB w' wire gauze oven doors. BELLOMY & 3USCH, The Housefurnisheis FIRE, LIFE ' j And Accident 0I10' heading" Agency v , REPRESENTING. JJjMTjl Of LlTCrpOOl-0 ' tKorth British & Kercanffl8n3&-, " 1 SOS Ol LOfldOn -,le,t PurriJ flr" lnsurnc " In the world. tna of Hertford -Lre,t ,,d bert Aner,o" ompy. Continental of New York ne of the bt A,neri,n ? iAND OTHER FIRST-CLASS INSURANCE COMPANIES The Tiavelers Insurance Company of Hartford- Lnrgeiit, oldest and bent necltlont luauritiioe comuny in Hie wurld, nrt also does a very Ure life . Insurance business. .GALL ON MB FOB BLOTTEBR AKO CALENDARS T ! BATES the Lowest " CHOICE CUTS and TENDER MEATS 00 TO ' PETZOLD & GALE'S CASH MARKETS. Seventh Street, Corner of Center, otAhe Hill. . Main St., Opposite Caufield Block. Two Shops, - " " Oregon City, Oregon. R. M. BESTOW -FOR DOORS, WINDOWS, MOULDING and Building Material. Lowest Cash Prices Ever Offered for First-Class Goods. Shop Opp. Congregational Church, Main Street. Oregn City &e Bucket May be, but there's more to follow. Better come our way early, and go hand-in-hand with comfort through all the rainy days to come. MACKINTOSHES Blue, Black and Brown, with capes or without. UMBRELLAS Real rain-defiers,with the prettiest handles in town. Charman & Son... Dealers in (jeriera Merchandise WM. KRUEGER, MERCHANT" TAILOR (D? Sext Door to Oriental Hotel.-.. ALL KINDS OFREPAIRIXG DOSE. Oregon City, Oeigo. I n Clackamas County business i" th world. F. E DONALDSON, at Commercial Bank. C. N. GREENMAN, THE FI05EEB Express and Drayman. (E-UbHubed 1SS) Parcels delivered to all parts of the city. Salt Mackeral " Salmon " Herring ' Codfish Smoked Halibut " Salmon " Herring Canned Fish ...OF ALL KINDS E. WILLIAMS, The Grocer. DEATH TO FRUIT PESTS. To make the Orchard imy yon mont Hpray, winter and summer wim t-ror. Brown s Exterminator. The only Insecticide known that will kill all Inseot life without Injury to tree, fruit or foliage. Kndorsed by tho Slate Board ef Horticulture of California, Oregon and Washington. Used by many Nurserymen and Orchardista. My winter wain is the only solution that will kill the wooly Aphis, (used only when the foliage is oft"). My summer wash la a pura destroyer of the coding moth, eggs, and all Inseots except wooly Aphis, use just alter the blossoms fall off) my hop house wash kills all insects that Infest vines, vegetables and plants. Thn InirnMliaiit used In m formulas can be found In any drug store, costs much less than other washes. (Full and explicit directions for mixing sua using.) Knowing- I have a sura remedy, some un principled parties are now selling Imitation. Thereore, to discourage all such parties I have concluded (for a short time only to reduce the price of the three formulas to 12.50 by mail to any address, f ormulas eopyrignieq, January Uth, 18!K. P. 0. Box 2237. By V, H. BROWN. Entomologist. San Francisco, Calif. Mention this paper. V V. HARRIS, Star TtV Grocery DEALER IN GROCERIES, FLOUR, FEED, CROCKERY, ETC. H. W. JACKSON Machinist and Locksmith, Bicycles, Umbrellas, Sewing Machines, Guns and an Kinas oi bujhm umumucij im paired. Prices reasonable. Shoo Www Street. Oppottte D'pot H. VV. WESTERMANN, Merchant Tailor.... Cleaning, Repairing and Pressing Done. Price's Old Stand, Next Door North of Armory, Oregon wty. Knrl'slni'pr Root Tea nurifies the blood and gives a clear and beautiful complexion The Best Cough Cure u K.w,nh Cure A nedecteil couch is dangerous . Stop it at once with Shijoh's Cure. For sale by G. Harding. E. WONDERFUL BARGAINS. The Greatest of the Dress Goods. Dress oods. 33 pieces of Bright Fancy Plaids, 20c quality, at 12. 46 pieces of Bright Fancy Plaids, 35c quality, at 21c. 27 pieces of Mohae's Plaids, imported, 75c quality, at 43c. 23 pieces of Fancy Plaids, silk and wool, $1 quality, at 63c 28 pieces of Fancy Plaids, silk and wool, $l .50 quality at 83c. Sixteen Fancy Suitings and Fancy Mixtures.... 105 Pieces fancy mixed suiting, 38-inch, latest effects, forme price 40c and 45c per yard, great clearance sale price 21c per yard of j.-inch imDorted French piaids,, pin head checks, guaranteed to wash and boil if necessary, celebrated for wear and duraDiiuy ior price, out, icui v.i-ai .... price, 43c yard or $3.01 suit of 7 yards. Ladies examine this cloth. 30CO yards of 22 inch sifks and in plaids and stripes, all pure silk, great sale price 25c per yard. Cloaks, Capes, Jackets and Fur Goods at one-half price. - 1 .. .mcallen & Corner Third acd Morrison St, STAFFORD. I( the ground-hog Appeared on the 2d inat be was very foolish for holing up again Immediately an the weather is "Just too utterly utter." Many yard plants are in bloom and fruit trees are fast swelling their buds. We have not as yet seen any fresh fern sprouts or water-snakes so take it for granted that winter is still lingering by. In the low lands frogs are decidedly in the swim. Mosquitoes and gnats are numerous and some house flies have come to "grease their toes from off the butter plate, to allay the Irritation of their toe nails on your pate." Miss Ollie Gage spent Wednesday in Oregon City with her sister. Mrs. J. Howard. Edward Sharp and sisters started to ward Feblerville with team and top bugg) Thursday. When last seen Ed. had got tired of traveling so slow, so had got out and was journeying on foot. It is reported that he wont have to make many - more trips as a wedding now looms up in the near future. Oak saw logs arc being hauled from OH the Wagley place to Mink's saw mill at the mouth of the Tualatin. The teamster had a mishap with bis load Friday. While above Schroders with a bjrge log on his wagon and an eight horse team, he riding the near wheeler, the. whole concern went rolling over the bank into a ravine, turning oyer five times and not a strap broken. As the log would roll it would roll the team with astonishing ease. The driver and team came out unharmed. It took several hours of hard work, slashing and making roads, to get the wagon aud load out of the ravine. . Another paper was read at the literary society Saturday night and it afforded a great amount of jolly laughter. Mr. Fred Baker acted as editor and as he Is j well known about there parts as a high- life! literary genius and a large crowd came to hear his newsy sheet read, and by the grinning faces we would surmise that the "gentle bitter" was well ap predated. Come again, Mr. Kdltor, with your little sheet. It js reported that Deacon Reutter contemplates moving his bouse out WaV IritT road ;.nnd erecting - store building and putting therein a large stock of goods, such as are usually kept in a country store A young business man of this place yet single, is looking for a red-haired girl between 17 and 23 years of age. This is a snap ladies that should not be overlooked. February 1(5. Lengthy. MACKSBURG. The weather is ve-y tine; tins frogs are singing; the merry spring lias come. People are complaining of bad colds Mr. and Mrs. Klar are quite sick with the la grippe. Last week a little child of U. liar nickey pulled a can of lye off of a shelf and splashed It on its face and in its eyes. Last report was that it would be blind for life. C. Lorence ha-t taken a contract to cut 100 cords of wood for the railroad company. F.and W. Weismandel of this place have gone to Oregon City to work. Charley Riggs has started to The Dalles to seek for work. Mrs. Washington Smith has moved back into her old home again. There will be a grand masquerade Nineteenth Century. McDonnell.... I Portland, Oregon. ball at our county judge's halt on Febru ary 28th by Fred Yohann. Everybody la cordially invited to attend and a good time is assured. P. Weismandel of Clackamas station is grubbing for Tat Gibson. II. Harms is talking of putting up a barber shop on Front street. ' Jerry Baty of Barlow was seen on our streets last week. February 17. Shorty. REDLANO. Sunshine has visited our little town again. Spring is coming and the willows are in bloom. O. Spees and E. Baley were in Beaver Creek Sunday. K. Whiteman was at Lion's mill Mon day. Mr. Real Noyer paid his sister. Mrs. S. C. (Linn, his last visit, Sunday, bo fore going to the mines in Eastern Oregon. T. W. Linn moved Mr. Hull of Logan to Canby Saturday. Those present at the dance at ' Linn's mill on February 14 enioved them selves till a late hour Saturday morning. Some of the younar men of our burg attended the dance at Elyvtlle the 15th. Sav. boys, when you go to town to a dance, don't forget to put on your straight face. Miss Hester Linn is in Oregon City, where she Is going to school. We hear that Mr. Gill of Logan has moved in our neighborhood. B. F. Linn has been sick in Portland the laxt five days. F. Whiteman and Kate Catto was visiting atSpeeses to day. F. E.Linn and wife has gone to house keeping. Bill Johnson has finished his house on the Wright place. February 17. Enqinkbb. CANBY ITEMS. Spring is at hand. Republican candidates are "looming up." "Many mar be called but few are chosen." Considerable sickness is reported. Born, to the wife of Scott Kelly, twins boy and girl. All are well. Mrs. Young has a 10-pound boy. Mr. Avery hits traded his Canby prop erty for a 160-acre farm at Wilhoit. Th6 Willamette Land Co, has" sold two blocks to Mrs. Fanny M. Gregery for .2100. Quite a number of fruit trees have been eel out here.-' Th Hiy council has passed an ordin ance forbidding anyone selling tobacco to minors. S. Garrison is still in the hoop busi ness. There was a social dance at Evan's hall on the Hth. All were pleased. Several families have the mumps. G. W. Shanks has several persons cutting steamboat wocd.' Several farmers have begun to turn over the sod for spring crops. A few are putt:ng up their hop poles. The populists h 'd a blowout at Evan's ball 011 Easy street the other nieht. Mr. Avery has moved on the camp ground, where he will live this summer. Henry Knight has returned from Port land and his broken arm is about well. Miss Virmelia Riggs has returned home. She has been working near Gladstone. Mrs. Lydia Riggs is still sick at the Good Samaritan hospital in Portland. Nearly all have finished cutting rail road wood. School is about out at the Howard schoolhouse. Mr. Dobbin's school will be ont in ten days. The mumps have kept several from school. Lee Rogers talks of teaching a school near Canby. He has been teaching near Wilhoit. John Reelman has put up a new picket fence. , Plagley has bought J. Wilson's place here. Chester Hodge has returned from Salem, where he ha been going to school. The dentists of Portland have been doing good work for people with the toothache. A. II. Lee will go east of the imnri tains about March 1st. L. Shank has done considerable plow ing on the A. E. Waits place. ( He has about 30 acres ready for seed. February 15. Sebo. . You hear it almost everywhere, and read it in the newspapers, that Simmons Liver Keg ulaior is the best liver remedy, and the best Spring medicine, and the best bloid medicine. i " I he only medicine 01 any consequence mat i I use is Simmon Liver Regulator." So wrote Mr. K. A. Cobb, ol Marganton, N. C. , And W.F. I'ark.M. IK, Tracy City, Tenn., j writes: "Simmons Liver Regulator is the best." Children Cry for RURAL DELL. Some of the farmers are making good use of the beautiful Wfather. Mr. Soles has taken a lease of about 13 acres on I. J. Blgelow's place for four years. II. II. Snow was through this part of the country Monday. W. H. II. Samson spent Sunday night at his fathers'. Thomas Ogle has a mare uuder the weather. Mr. Bull' has been visiting friends in. this country for a few day. Rev. Davis preached at the school hoube last Sunday at 1 1 o'clock. Ha will preach again the third Sunday In March if nothing prevents. . Xhe Y. P. 8. C. E. of the 8ymurinia Congregational church has 'JS active members and la doing well. Grand father Ogle it under the weather with a bad cold. Albert Eyman la laid tip with a very sore leg. Joseph Gawler and company was out last Sunday evening. Miss Soles, who Is working in Oregon City, is coming bom Maroh ib. February 17. Daw Daor. CIRCUIT Oregon City va M. L. Moore, Co. Treas, demurrer sustained sod plaintiff allowed till April term to meve. R. Koerner et als vs Willamette Iron Works, defendent'i demurrer sustained and 30 days allowed. H. E. Cross vs W. F. Hubbard, plaintiff allowed to go upon defendent's premises. Mrs. V. O. Harding vs Ell risswell et als, judgement and costs Judge McBrlde last week rendered a decision declaring unconstitutional the provision of the city charier requiring 00 per cent of the road tax collected within tho limits of the city to be turned over to the city government, and also the correlative, requirement that the re maining 40 per cent be expended by the county court ou main roads leading to the city. The court aayt : "It may seem to be, and in fact is, a hardship that people who pay road taxes are not permitted to have the taxes so paid ex pended In their own locality, but until the legislature, provides for this kind of 'home rule', by) general statutes applic able alike to all localities, the court feels Itself prohibited by the provisions of the constitution from granting the relief asked in this case." ANNUAL SCHOOL MEETING. Notice is hereby given to the legal voiurs of school district No. 62 of Clack amas county, state of Oregon, that the annual school meeting for the said dis trict be held at Pope's hall In Ore gon City, Oregon, to begin at the hour of 7:30 p. 111. on the first Monday in (being the 2nd day of) March. A. D. 1800. This meet ng is called for the purpose of electing a school director for a term ot tnree lo) years, a uiHinct cierK ior a term of one (1) year, and the. transac tion of business usual at annual meeting of school dieectors. Dated at Oregon City, Oregon, this 15th day of February, A. D., 1800. T. S. Lawrence.' Chbirman Board of D.r;-o;oi J. Attest: Tnos. F. Ryan, District Clerk. Louis Frledrich, the fashionable tailor has moved his shop to the building formerly occupied by Mrs. Du teller's millintry siore. Nothing but nYst-clas work done and satisfaction guaranteed. SIMMONSN VREGULATOR THE BEST SPRING MEDICINE Is Simmons Liver Regulator dont fonjet to take it The Liver gets sluggish during the Winter, just like all nature and the system becomes choked up by the accumulated waste, which brings on Malaria, Fever and Ague and Rheuma tism. You want to wake up your Liver now, but be sure you take SIMMONS Liver regulator to do it it also regulates the Liver keeps it property at work, when your system will be free from poison and the whole body invigorated. You get THE BEST BLOOD when your system is in A1 condition, and that will only be when the Liver is kept active. Try a Liver Remedy once and note the difference. But take only SIMMONS LIVER REGULATOR It is SIMMONS LIVER REGULATOR whkh makes the difference. Take It in powder or in liquid already prepared, or make a tea of the powder; but take SIMMONS LrVER REGU LATOR. You'll find the RED Z on every package. Look for it J. B. ZciUn Co, Philadelphia, Pa.