Oregon courier. (Oregon City, Clackamas County, Or.) 188?-1896, February 14, 1896, Image 8

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FtmUhed Every Week by the Clackamas
Abstract & Trust Company.
0 Woods to G W Woods, lol 1 of blk
1, first add to Park Place ; 500.
A M Condi t to Mary A Cole, lots 4 and
2 of blk J and land adj lining in first add
to Park Place, and lots 1 and 2 of blk 30
Boot's add, and 3 and 4 of blk 8, Wiud.
cor; $1200.
R M Sprajcue to Theo Kelson, lota 2
and 3 of blk 6, Weslynn ; $565.
H E Cross to Meresse, lot 8 of blk
100, Oregon City;. $000.
J K Elmer to M S Zweife), i a in J
TWingfield cl;)3.
Hattie Thompson to Posaon's Seed
Store, ne of m of sec 7, 2-3 e j
Hattie Thompson to Walter Smith, n
wjf of oe of ne M of see 7, 2.3 e ; $ 1500,
E A Luther to J W Lather, 3 a in nw
of ne of sec 20, 1-2 e; $300.
Chas Moehnke to L L Porter, se M of
sec 20, 3-2, except 80 a; $1500.
Will Land Co Jo Fannie M Gregory,
tracts 33 and 50 of Prunelands; $1000
U A Smith to W B Burt, nm of sec
12, 6-3 e; $480.
M E Church of Oswego to Oswego
Grange, lota 3 and 4 of blk 8, Oswego;
M A Mullen to J D Renner, lot 8 of
lk 107, Oregon City; $12000.
J N Duncan to John Campbell, 30
in sees 8 and 17, 2-2 e; $1.
Jasper Cliff to Norris Davis, 10 a in
sec 2, 2-2 e; $1000.
C L Brash to John Campbell, lot 4 sec
!),l-2e. '
Jasper Cliff to Norris Davia, 30.27 a in
nej-4'c-f sec 2,2-2 e: $1200.
Elisabeth Peckover to W H Smith
ots 7 and 8 of blk 7, Etlgwood; $75.
G W West to Jos Paquet, 163.90 a in
John Duncan to J N Campbell, 55 a in
M E Young to A W Cheney, lot 8 o'
blk 2, 6uns3t City; $850.
J D Lee to J F Dickson, lot 13 of blk
SO, south Oswego ; $00
Pope and Meldrurn to District 04,
.icre in Laswell cl ; $1.
J B Estes to Votaw & Broughton, 2-3
interest in 5 mining cl ; $1.
Agnes McDounough to J M McDou
nough, lots 3 and 4 blk 88, O C; $400.
England & Williams to Olive Williams
blka 2 3 27 and 30, lots 1 to 13 of blk 26,
1 to 6 of blk 55, Minthorn ; $250.
Geo Btryker to Ola M Stryker, blk 8
of Sellwood's add to Milwaukie; $1.
S R Jessup to J H Albert, lots 5 to 11
of blk 1, lots 4 to 5 of blk 2, lota 3 to 12
ot blk 8 and blk 5, Mountain View add
to Ore City; $5612.
Geo Collins et al to Clack Co, road
way in Minthorn ; valu. .
0 F Woodruff to F H Whitehead, e '
of Wallenstlne cl in 3 and 4, 4 e; $3200.
Fredrick Fredrick to Peter T Johnson,
15 a in sw 1-4 of se 1-4 of sec 10, 2-1 e ;
J O Shannon to Lenora V Plummer,
blk 45 of Shannons add ; $400. '
F M Sutford to FA Waddock, 10 a in
ne 1-4 olnwl-4ofsec26,l-2e;fG75.
N P Cainpmeeting asstn to P Fred
rick, lot 14 of blk 2, subd of 8 and e
of 2, Oak Grovo; $70.
Sunsut l and Co to Berger J F, lots 1 & 3
uf hlk 8, Sunset City ; $U33.
Sunset Land Co to M P Burner, lots 1
and 2 of blk 8, Sunsut City ; $1000.
Sunset Laud Co to Cora B Iluteon,
lot 5 of 15, Sunset City; 1 200.
L L Porter to Louisa Noble, 6 1-6 a in
d of cl 02, 2-1 e; $1250.
"What a handsome dog I He most be
valuable. "
"Yer bet 'e is. De man wot I bought
ira of 'a offerin $30 reward 'f I brings
ini back." Truth.
She I really don't think I ahall take
part again in theatricals. I always feel
as though I were making a fool of my
He Oh, everybody thinks that I
Pick Me Up. .
Cure for Headache.
As a remedy for all forms of Headache
Electric Bitters has proved to be the
best. It effects a permanent cure and
the most dreaded habitual sick head,
aches yields to its influence. We
urge all who are afflicted to procure a
bottle, and give this remedy a fair trial
In cases of habitual constipation Electric
Bitters cures by giving the needed tone
the bowels, and few cases long resist
the use of this medicine. Try it once.
50c and $1 at Charman & Co., Drug
gists. It fa easy to humbug a man once.
When he has been persuaded into buy
ing cheap, inferior whiskey he never
does it again if he can help it. Inferior
whiskey is disgusting, poisonous and
unsatisfactory in every way. Besides
it is dangerous to health and comfort.
Don't buy whiskey at random. The
risk is too great. Get a high-grade
liquor that has been tested and proved.
The I. W. Harper, Nelson county, Ky.,
whiskey has made a reputation by its
excellence. It is invariably good and
can always be depended upon. Sold by
Hill & Cole, Oregon City, Oregon.
Louis Friedrich, the fashionable tailor
litis moved his shop to the building
formerly occupiod by Mrs. Du teller's
millinery store. Nothing but ll rat-clans
work done and satisfaction guaranteed.
Boy's and Girl's Eaton Caps for 20c
.it the Racket Store.'
United States Land Office, February
4th, 1800. Notice is hereby given that
the approved plat of survey of township
" sooth ratine G east, lias been received
Irom the Surveyor General of Oregon,
and on April 8th, 180(1. at 0 o'clock a. m
uf said day said plat will be filed in this
office and te land therein embraced
will be subject to entry on and after said
Koiikht A. Miller, Register.
Pktkk Paqi't, Receiver.
A Great German's Prescription.
Diseased blood, constipation, and kidney,
liver and bowel troubles are cured by Karl s
Clover Koot lea. ror sale ly C. A. Hard
Karl'slovcr Rout Tea purifies ihe blixxl J
and gives a clear and beautiful complexion
The exposure to all sorts and conditions of
weather that a lumberman is called upon to
endure in the camps often produces severe
colds which, if not promptly checked, result
in congestion or pneumonia. Mr. J, O,
Davenport, ex -manager of the Fort hngg
Redwood Co , an immense institution at
Fort Brayg, Cal., say they sell large quanti
ties of Chamberlain's Cough Remedy at the
company's store and that he has himself used
tin's remedy for a serve cold and obtained
immediate relief. This medicine prevents
any tendency of a cold toward pneumonia
and insures a prompt recovery. For sale by
G. A. Harding, Druggist.
Hondaohe bad? Out MI1m' l'atn Pills.
The Best Cough Curs
it Shiloh's Cure. A neglected cough is
dangerous. Slop it at once with Shiloh's
Cure. For sale by G. Harding.
All Recommend It.
Ask your physician, your druggUt nd your
friends about Shiloh's Cure for Consumption.
Tbey will recommend it.
Dr. Price's Cream Baking: Powder
Awarded Gold MfW M-dwinty-"- Francises.
WnenBahjwMsfca we gavw he Castor
m ah was a Child, si cried for Caatoria.
Wheat aba became Silas, aha clung to Caatoria.
Vkaa aba had Chflirea, ehe gave thesa Castor is
, . Before Subscribing for a Magazine
See the Best,
PaMnaiKT's Ci-T I'spkb Pattekni aro the most
practical on tha market. They are of any lze
Hint any member of a household could require.
In ciicli copy of the magazine is minted a coupon
entitling the subscriber, or purchaser, to a pat
tern (wort It iiiil regularly sold for :!oc.) or any
number of patterns for four cents each to cover
package and iHtstago. When tne value of the
pattern Is considered actually gets
And what a marine It Is! For lj tt will be
more lirilll.mt than ever before. New man
agement, new methods, new Ideas. Each copy
contains an exquisite reproduction In colors of
sonio celebrated picture by a famous artist,
worthy to adorn the walla of the mnnt refined
home. It l alllrmed that IIKMOHKST'S Is ihe
ug all uf the most excellent points of Its
contemporaries besides Laving inimitable fua
tores of Its own liEMOKKsT'S Is actually a.
dozen tnngaxtties in one
Proceeding of December
Term Last
only complete family ntagailne published coin.
tmua an oi me most e
ulem port
res of Iti
wea mam
It is a Ingest of Current Events and Ideas fo'
the busy man or won. an, a Kevlrw and store
house of Interest for all. Wlves.mnthem, sisters
and daughters can find exactly what they need
amuse and instruct them, also practical helps
In wary department of domestic and social Hie,
including the furnishing and ornamenting of the
home, embroidery, brio-a bac, artistic aud fancy
work of all kinds, etc.. and suggestions and
advice regarding the well-being aud dr-caeing uf
their own persons
The scope of the articles for IftiSetid lMMwill
eover ttie whole country and Its varied tuterests.
and Ihe article will be profusely Illustrated with
the Rnest engravings, ami. In addition, it will
publish Ihe best aim pnrest Action. It treats at
length Ot.t-of-Ioor Nporta, Home Amusements
and Entertainments: It fives a great deal of at
tentlna to the Children's Department, and "Our
tans." and has a monthly Symiuni by Cele
brated People. In which are discussed iniiortaiit
questions uf th hour of Interest to the oldest
Let us have your subscription si mica. Yon get
more valu for your money thsa It is possible to
secure in an; other magazine.
The .Magazine one year fur r.'.Ot).
Or Six Months for sl.m.
(Over indifferent tarmenta are shown each
year, patterns of all of which are obtainable bv
uhacrihera at 4c each ) Oam pie copy t with pat
tern coupon) sent for tor.
110 Fifth Avenue, New York
A I HIFRAI fir r Kit llnl. tt i.., .h. I " ladlest,
Ow.t.,3. Co, . and Lemoreaf. Family i r;'i'o7- rZZ.
Magazine. Send jroui atlbarriptiona to dreased tampr-l envelnr-. The Iiomini -n Ccm
thia oflicc. I TnirJ t'loor, Omaha Bldg., t'hicaxo, 111-
Oaily Health Laws.
Don't eat so rapidly.
Sit on a chair and be uit after eating.
Your stomach ia not a cool bin.
When you feel uncomfortable after eating
you have eaten too much, and you need Joy i
VeietaMe Sarsnparilla.
If you suffer from rheumatism watch the
sheets. Don't get between them; if damp
dry them.
Cure your rheumatism with Joy's Vegetable
Keep flies out of your house; they ore germ
Wcarnannel undergarments.
Keenyour feet warm; your head cool.
W. en your blood Is thin you fee cold in
he st change. When your blood ii Ihin
take Toy's Vegetable Sarsaparilla; it will
make your blood red, rich and thick.
Yes, it will do to take joy's vegetable Sar
saparilla now.
When you get olt your bicycle after a long
warm run, put on a coat.
If you are going on a trip take Joy s Vege'
table Sarsaparilla.
Strange food made strange stomachs. Joy s
Vegetable Sarsaparilla reaches the stomach
cleanses the stomach, and renews the stomach
No appetite? Take Joy's Vegetable Sirsa
pari) la. Keen appetite.
Accept nothing but the genuine when you
ask lor Joy's Vegetable Sarsaparilla.
There are two reasonable things which
everybody should do, take good care of one's
health; and if lost regain it quickly, and to
his everybody will agree. And thereaiea
great multitude of people who are agreed
that for both purposes Simmons Liver Kegu
lator is the best helper. "I am troubled
with toipid liver and nothing gives relief so
quick like Simmons Liver Regulator." R,
R. Strange, Lake City, Fla.
is a sure cure for Headache and nervous
diseases. Noihing relieves so quickly.
, A Faot Worth Knowing.
Consumption, LaGrippe, Pneumonia, and
1 1 Throat and Lung disease? are cured by
aShiloh's ure.
For Dysepepsla.
dLiver Compla ou havesa rl d
teeon every bot bhilh'Vialn
neerf.uli cure.
The Ills of Woman.
onstipation, causes more than half the ills
of women. Karl's Clover Root Tea is a
pleasant cure for Constipation.
It Saves Lives Every Day.
Thousands of cases of Consumption.
Asthma, Coughs, Cold and Croup are cured
every day by Shiloh's Cure.
All parties knowing themselves in
debt to Cliarman & Son will please call
and settle.
Catarrh Cured.
Health and sweet breathsecured by Shiloh's
Cttarrh Remedy. Price 50 cents. Nasal
Injector free. ' '
Dr. Miles' New Heart Cure Victorious.
No other medicine can show such a record.
Hera la a. veritable natrl&mh. 73 vaara nf
age, with strong prejudice to overcome, who
had Heart Diuaae 15 vtart- He took the New
ueart uure ana u now aouna ana well.
tor Infants and Children.
pnOTHERS, Do You Know that Paroforto,
g Hll Bateman's Drops, Godfrey' s Cordial, many ac-caued Boothlng Syrups, aud
moat remedies' for children are composed ot opium or morphine f
. i -
Pe Tern Knew that opium and morphine are stupsfyuic narcotic poisons f
p Yon Know that In most countries druggists are not permitted to sell narcotics
without labeling them poisons 1
Po Ton Know that yon should not permit any medicine to be given your child
unless you or your physician know of what It Is composed f
Po Ton Know that Caatoria is a purely vegetable preparation, and that a list of
Its loa-redleuU Is published with ererr bottle f
Po Ton Knew that CastorU Is the prescription of the famous Dr. Samuel Pitcher.
That It has been In use for nearly thirty years, and that more Caatoria Is now sold than
ot all other remedies (or children combined f
Pe Ton Knew that the Patent Office Department of the United States, and of
other coon tries, have Issued exclusive right to Dr. Pitcher and his assigns to use the word
" Caatoiin " and Ms formula, and that to Imitate them Is a state prison offense t
Pe Ton Knew that one of the reasons for granting this government protection waa
because Caatoria had been proven to be abaolutely kavrmlass?
Pe Ton Knew that 35 avsrais doses of CastorU are furnished for 35
oenta, or one cent a dose t
Pe Tow Know that when possessed of this perfect preparation, your children may
be kept veU, and that you may hare unbroken reat f
WsJls these things are worth knowing. They are facta.
The, fae-sisnlls)
lama tare of
Children Cry for Pitcher's Cattorla.
TM ?. r.nn T7omcdy cures quickly, permanently e
dim on: 'ufi'.iM, weua Memory, lkjks 01 main rowor,
llt!ali.hu. Wukcfuinuas. 1-oat Vllullty, Nuthtlr Kmls-
101H, evil uimkuo. liujJOUMicy and wastlna diseases eauaed by
youUiuKmir wu.uux. Contaliiinooplutes. lsaaervc Ionia
anil blood bniutvr. 2inl-.es the pulo and punyetroneand plump.
Banly en rrleii ' n vt prwlcct. (S 1 pur boxt O for US. By malhpre
paid, with i. , ( i(m.iruntormitifviiiiikd. Wrttaus,rre
atltniiu 1. ?'nelinr6fnrcmt'uHa1tnit, B'wttr of inuo
,ui (tool .iw , tiLBVHtm:: c . wmauwiiiismssi
'orsaieinOreaou):1 '"AllMAN CO "tu
This (rest Vegetable
tlon of a famous French physician, will quickly cure you of all ner-
aa ixm
s, Vartc
. Preve
all the horrors of Impotencr. CVPirtKHEcleaoseaUiellver, tha
tlnn of a famous French Dhvaiclan. will aulckl
vous or dlsnaaes of the generative organs, such
I VitaJUwr.the preaurlp.
insomnia. Pains In the Buck, Bemlnal Emlsalona, Nervous Debility.
Pimples, Unfitness to Marry, ExhauaUns; Drains, Varicocele aud
Conatlputlon. It stops all losses by day or night Prevents qnlck-
dcssoI discharge, wincn 11 notcnecked leans to npermaiorrnoja ana
all the horrors oil mpotency. icniii.aecn
kldnevsand the urinary onransot all impurltlsa.
CCPIBBJfKatrengthensandreatoresamall weak organs, t, ,
..... .fr. .r. t rai hv iinctnni s bmiDse ninety Ber cent are troubled with
PrewtsUtla. CUI'I DEN B is the only known remedy to cure without an operation, toooteatlmonl
)k A written anarantPA nlven and money returned If alz bnzea does not effect a permanent sure,
tun a box, six for (MO, by malt, Bend for rasa circular and testimonials.
XddresaDAVOIjHEDICIMKCOP.O. BoxaBanFraiiciaco.CrJ. lor Bolt Iff
Oeorge A. Hardi rgiu
Grass Lake, Mich.. Dec. 28, 1894.
I have been troubled with heart disease IS
years or more. Most of the time I was so
bad it waa not safe for me to so out alone,
aa dissy spells would cause falling. I had
severe palpitation, shortness ot breath and
sudden pains that rendered me helpless. All
physicians did for me waa to advise keeping
quiet. In August last I commenced taking
Dr. Miles' New Heart Cure,
and before I had finished the first bottle I
found the medicine was a God-send. I have
now used four bottles in all and am feeling
entirely well I am 73 years of aire and have
held a grudge against patent medicines all
my life, but I will not allow this to prevent
giving my testimony to the great cure your
valuable remedy has wrought in me. I do
this to show my appreciation of Dr. Miles'
New Heart Cure. SAMUEL O. STONE.
Dr. Miles Heart Cure Is sold on a positive
guarantee that the first bottle will benefit.
All druggists sell itattl, 8 bottles for $5, or
It will be sent, prepaid, on receipt of price
by the Dr. Miles Medical Co., Elkhart, Ind.
Dr. Miles' Heart Cure Sk.
Oregon Central & Eastern
R. R. Company.
Watch Repairing a Specialty
Conneetlng at Taqnln Bav with the San
Fraiiciacn and Yauulna Bay
steamship Company.
Steamship "FanHon"
A 1 and flral-r1a In mmm q..m
from Yaoiiina for San Franels al,,t o-..n
eight days.
Passenger accommodations unsurpassed.
Fars irom Albany or point west to San
Cabin )2 00
Steerage . . . . 00
t'abln, round trip, g(wd for
60 days .... g 00
For sailing days apply to
Agent, Albany, Oregon.
1 AVAXTf'''!!'T'r1 "'"worthv gentlemen or
I " la.lies U. iravl in Orecra ,.r established.
The on ly place In the city which can Mirply yon with anything you want in the llminr lln
and aavea you money on every artiele vou but WIME. ItKKK ami i.ioi;,miJ.)u.
I sell to you al Portland prices aud save you your electric car fare and expenses while in
it will save ten years on your life's lease by trading at home with a reliable firm and not
being held up by highwaymen on Ihe electric car.
What you buy at the tiutnbrinus fold storage is guaranteed to be just what you buy it for or
money refunded
l.arKrrt Mock or I.lqnors and the only complete stock of Wines at the Lowejt Patera
WHV tiO TO A lmilisTOlili and pay fl.00 per gallon as a pastime when you can buy
l)Airr U iiitt at tliA mllfiit-liicr nr ooa
California Port Wine, per gallon
Sherry .
" Angelica'' " "
" Sweet 31uicatel " M -'
Tokay Wine " "
" Maderia " " .
' Malaga " "
' ' K.-LlingaHock"
' Clart " '
Bottled Beer (quarts) per dozen
Porter, )omelie
Unities' Extra Stout (pint) per doseti .
Swan Whiskey, per gallon
Phoenix Bourbon '
California Grape Brandy, per gallon
California Blackberry Brandy, per gallon
1 30
1 1
1 30
1 SO
1 So
1 m
1 60
1 so
1 so
2 75
S 75
4 00
3 30
3 IM
For keg beer, leave order. The finest family rooms. This place is couducted first-class
and main streets.
R-l- P-A-N-S
First Congrrgallonal Otureh Bav. J. W Cowan
Pulor. tkirvlces II a. ni. aud 8:00 p. m. Sunday
School after morning sanrlce. Prayer Heating avery
Wadniwday netting at 8:10 p. m. Prayer Meeting
T. I', 8. C. K. every Hnucluy srsninf st :W prompt.
Pint Baptlat Clitirch Itev. M L. Rngg, Paator
Morning Hervlea 111 Sunday School li:U; Kvaning
Hartlcs IKiOj Kegular Prayer Mealing Weilaaaday
vanlng. Monthly Cuvenanl Meeting avsry Wednes
day evening proceeding Bret Sunday in the month,
81. John's Church, Cathollo llev. A. Illllebrand
Paitor. On Sunday, Minut at H and 10UI0 a m
Kvcry Sunday Uonuan Sermon after o'clock Mass
At all other Maw tualii.ll H.Trnunn. Sunday Sehuo
2:W p. m. Vusuera, Apologelical Subjects and Ben
diction at 7:30 p. ui.
Meihi.llMt Kiileeonal. Rev. 8. W. Strvker. Paster.
Morning Service at lit Sunday School at 19:1A; Kven.
l.Hrvl(ie.tS:on. K 11 worth League mealing Sun
day evening at fliKIl Prayer Heeling Thursday even-
trig at 1st
First Presbyterian Churoli. Bev. A. J. Hontgom-
ry, Pastor, Sarvlcn 11 a. m. ana sw p. u. onuoeui
School 19 a. m. Y. P. 8. C. E. meeU every Sunday
evening at 6:.l. Prayer MeetingWedneaday sveuing,
tMO. Seaufree.
Kvangellcal Ohureh, Oennan-II. E. Hornacbuh
Paator. Preaching Samlcea every Sunday 11 a. m.,
and 7 iV) p. m. Salibalh School every Sunday 10 a. m
Weekly rrayer Heeling svery vveiiauaj b,i"u.
United Brethren Church. Bev. J. W. Eldriedge.
P,..ir Hnrviria eecond and fourth Sunday mornings
i.j tiio nrMnrdina Satiirdar unht In each month at
Oregon City 11 a. m. and 7 p. m., and the first Sun.
dav afternoon of eaeh mouth at rail View.
Bt. Paul's Church, Episcopal Bev, Isaac Dawson,
pastor. Services svery sunosy at 11 a. m. ana aw
p, m., and Friday svenlng at 7 010 p. m.
Evangelical Lutheran Zlnn Congregation. Kav. u
Orev. Daatur. Meets In ihlvely'a hall, nunaay
school from viM) to 10;) a. m. Services 10S a. m.
and 7:30 p.m.
oaEooN crrr.
Falls City Lodge No. 59 of A. O. U. W. Meets every
8atuniay evening of each month in A. O. V.
W. hall on Seventh street. All snjnurulug brethren
cordially Invited to attend.
Electric Lodge No. 113, A. 0. V. W.-MeU 2d and
4th Wednesdays of each nionlh. Visiting members
Oregon Lodge, No. 3, I 0. 0. F. Meets every
Thursday sveningst 7:30 o'clock p.m. in the Odd
Fellows' Hall, Main street. Members of the Order
are invited to attend.
Falls Eneampraent, No. I, I. 0. 0. F. Meets fin
aud third Tuesdays uf each month at Odd Fellows'
Hell. Members and visiting patriarchs oordlally In
vited to attend.
Willamette Rebakah Degree Lodge No. 2. Meets
tha second and fourth Fridays In ths moath at I .-OS
In Ihe I. 0. 0. F ball,
Abernethy Rebekah Degree Lodge No. 0.
Meets Tuesday evening at I. O. 0. F . hall.
Multnomah Lodie. No. 1. A. T. k A. M. Holds it
regular communications on Unit aud third Saturday
of each month st 7 30 p. m. Brethren la good stand
ing are Invited to attend.
Hvrtle Lodae No. 24. D. of U. Meets every Friday
lu A. U. V. W. hall.
Clackamas Chanter No. 2. R. A. M Regular eon.
Vocation third Holiday of month at 7:30 p. m.
Court Hobln Hood so. (CHO, r. or a. neen in
K. of P. ball oa second and fourth Fridays.
A. P. A. Council No. 4. Meets on first and third
Fridays of each moath.
Pioneer Chanter. No. 28, O. K. 8. Meets In Ma
sonic Temple on Tuesdays.
Willamette Falls Came No. 148. W. of W. Meets
second and fourth Tuesdays of the month at K. of P.
hall. Visiting neighbors made welcome.
Wacheno Tribe. No. 13. 1. O. B. M. Meets Tues
day evening at A. O. V. W. Hall. Visiting members
oordlally Invited.
Heads Post. No. 2. O. A. It.. Department of Oregon.
MeeU first Monday of each month at A. O. U. W
Hall, Oregon City. Visiting oomrades made wel
Meade Relief Corps, Ne. 18, Department of Ore.
gon. Meets on first snd third Fridays of eaeh month
In K. of P. Hall. Members of oorps from abroad
cordially welcomed.
Rons of Veterans. E. D. Baker Camu. No. 18 Meet
first and third Thursday evenings ol eaob month.
I,. A. 8. of Baker Came 8. of V. Meeta In K. P '
hall on second and fourth Monday evenings of each
Achillea Lodge. No. 38. K. of P. Meets every Fri
day night at the K. of P. ball. ViiiUng knights
F Company, First Bee., O.N. O. Armory, Third
and Main. Regular drill night, Monday. Regular
business meeting, first Monday of each month.
RL.lnhn'a Branch. No. 647. C. K. of A. Meeta
every Tuesday evening at their hall, owner Main and
Tenth streets, Oregon City. .
Orpoon Cltv Board of Trade Meets at Court Hons
on second Monday in each month. Visitors w. looms.
Columbia Hook and Ladder Co. Meets first Fri
day of each month at Fouutain Engine House.
fountain Hose Co.. No. 1 Meets second Wednesday
in each mouth at Knglne House, east side Main street,
between Seventh aud bightli.
Cataract Hose Co. No. 2. Meets seoot d Tuesday of
Pach month at Cabiraot Engine House.
Oreson Cltv Hose Co.. No. 3 Meeta in Hose House
on the lliill the third Tuesday of each mouth.
Plir Iron Lodge. No. i:t3, A. O. U. W. Meets every
Thursday evening at Odd Fellow's Hull, Oswego
Visiting brethren always welcome.
Molalla Lodire. No. 40. A. 0. U. W'. Meets first aud
third Saturdays In each month at School House,
Visiting members mude welcume.
Gavel Lodge. No. 63, A. 0. U. W. Meets second
and third Saturday evenings ut Knight's Hall, Canby,
Visiting brothers made welcome.
Clackamas Lwlgo, No. 57; .. O. U. W. Meets firs'
and third Mondays in each mouth, at Strife's Hall'
Visiting brethren welcome.
Sunrise Lodge. No. 43, A. 0. U. W. Moets every
second and fourth Saturday of each mouth at Wil.
sonville, Oregon.
Mistletoe Lodge do. Al. u, ol 11. MeeU everv
Tuesday evening
uswego Lodge, HO. u.i, I. u. u. r. Meets at Odd Tel.
low's Hall, Oswego, every Monday evening. Visiting
brethren made welcome.
Oswegn Lodge No. 100. A. F. & A. M. Meets the
secoud.and fourth Saturdays. Masons iuvited.
General Pope Post, No. 62, 0. A. R. Meets first
Saturday of each month at Qrangu hall, Mullno
Comrades cordially invited.
Oen. Crook Post, No. 22, O. A.' R.. Department of
Orefion. Meets in school honte at Needy on first Sat
urday in eacn montn at i o ciock p. m. All com
rades made welcome.
Star Lodsn No. 03, K. of P. Meeta everv Wednea.
day evening in Castle hall. Brothers invited.
Canliy Lodge, No. 604. I. O. O. T. Meets first and
third Sutuniay evenings at Knight's Hall, Canbr
Visiting members always made welcome.
Oswego Lodge No. 448. I. O. O. T. Meets everv
Friday evening in new bsll in old town.
Canby Spiritualist Society. Assembles on first
and third Sundays of each month.
New Era W. C. T. TJ. Meets first f aturdav In each
month at Uiulr hall In New Eli, Frien Is cf ths cause
uviieu 10 tie present.
Springwater, No. 203. P. of H. Meet, on -nn,t
Saturday after full moon.
Canby Board of Trtule Meets st Knfirht'a Hall
Canby, on first aud third Fridays of each week .
visitors welcome.
Jiolalla Grange, No. 40. P. of H. Meeta at thpir
hall at Wright's Bridge on the second Satiirdar r
each month at 10 a. m. Fellow members made
Tualatin Grange, No. Ill, P. of H.-Meeta last Satur
day of each month at their hall in Wilsonville.
Warner btmnge. No. 117, P. of H. Meet fourth
gaturdty of each month at their ball in New Era.
Butte Creek Graoge, No. 82, P. of H. Meets at the
hall in Marqnam second Saturdsy in exh month at
10 a. m. Visiting members always welcome.
Oawego Grange No. 17. P. of H. Meets second
Satuolay in mouth at 10 a. m,
Damascus Grange No. 260, P. of H Meets on first
Saturday in month at 10 a. m. in Uamascus school
house. '
Teaxel Creek, So. 235, p. of H Meets on third
Boise (Orvllle).No. 256, P. of H. Meets on see
ond Saturday.
Highland, No. 261, P. of H. Meets on first Satur
Barlow No. 2C2, P. of H. Meeta on first and third
Machinist and Locksmith,
Bicycles, Umbrellas, Sewing Machines, Guns
and all kinds of small machinery re
paired. Prices reasonable.
Shop t Serenth Street. Opponte Depot
Children Cry forPitcher's Castoria. BACKbTiJrisTSs-