Highest of all in Leavening Power. vcyi 4S60MJTEI.Y PURE NOVtLTY IN SKATES. The Pneumatic Hoad Blcate la the Luteat Invention. The pneuniutlc roud skate Is tbe latent Invention In Eugliiml. The new appli ance, which Is really an adaptation of the principle of the bicycle to the old fa nil loiicd rollpr-Hknte, can be used on practicully uuy ordinary roud or foot path. It Ih furulKlicd with ball bcnringis and pneumatic tires, and It will proba bly not be loni? before the Ingenious Inventor will contrive to Introduce the principle of geared uctlon, and thus Mill further Increase Its resemblance to the bicycle. The new skate will Indeed jrrove a very formidable competitor to all other forms of wheeling, since by Its use one eon combine all the pleasure f rapid traveling by means of one's own exertions,. with a very small amount of preliminary trouble and a merely TII1C PNEUMATIC HOAD 8KATK. nominal expense. It Is claimed that the skate may be safely used on both up and down grades as well as ou the level roads, and that with very little practice a speed of ten or twelve miles an hour can be attained. It Is highly probable that the new form of skating will be me us fashionable as cycling Itself, and It Beeihs clear that a prosperous future awaits the conductor or an en terprise possessing such obvious advan tages from a commercial point of view. The skates can be folded for traveling and can be easily carried under the arm or like a small grip. Vegete'lan Boots. Vegetarian boots are now advertlseJ; the uppers are made of "pannus corl um," the soles of closely waterproofed flax belting. To show that tbe skins of slaughtered animals are not necessary the vegetarluns say that "India rubber, gutta percha, steel and Iron and brass nails, and brass caps, cashmere and cotton, elastic and webbing, wool and list, cork and straw, silk aud Jute, and even brown paper and wax go to form the modern mystery which still carries the old name of boot or shoe." London Telegraphy A Blander. A clever woman, in the New Orleans Picayune, says that it bus been whisper ed to her that there will be a room in the Woman's building, at the Atlanta fair, where any of the sex so minded may steal away and smoke cigarettes, and she follows up the story with a talk against the evils of the weed for the feminine gender. That such story should exist at all i TUfihnhlv due to the ingenious brain of some newspaper space writer, and it has never occurred, to Uie women iiirerwtiwi v, Woman's bnildiuB that there were women who might be addicted to the noxious weed. From me very in nf the enterprise the general trend of ideas for every department has teen to make it tnurougmy ronuna ami woman ly, mid indeed the mere sngges ,,f 'i0!inttn sinokiu2 nmouu women would horrify most of the members of the board bevond expression. EVERY FAMILY SHOULD KNOW THAT it a Terr rtmarktble remedy, MA tot TtU TBfNAL and EXTERNAL ate, and wan. afcrfei la iuquiek action U rclitrc dittrtn. Pain-Killer tESTSZXZ Chill, Diarrhea, Dreeatery, Craaspa, Caatera, and oU Anwt OmplatnU. Mekaaaa, Sick Headache, Pala la (ha Back or Hide, K heaaiaihna and rlearalala. Pain-Killer S&fSik& MADE. ItbTtnfS panf and pnaonel rellf hi all caaei of Braisea, Cats, gpraiaa, erea-a Baraa, a. , Paln-Killer trusted Mead of tbe Maehaale, Farmer, Plaster, Keller, and met all flaanrs wanUnc a aiedleiae always at kaad.aad mfr to ear latrraaUr ar exlcraallr with cartaiatr af relieC 13 RECOMMENDED rrnrai. by Ifliwiomarta, bj JftnUtars. by JfecAanfej, by Krrf tm JiotpMaU. d BY eVMHYBOOr. Pain-Killer lea port without a sntrpl- of k. mr-Ko UmUy can afford to bt arKboet tbb) aTaluable remedy in tbe bona Iw prloe brlr.e k within tbe reerb of all. and h will ennuaiiy mmwm mi tlmea la coat la doctors' bHW. I or nanaajuiaj. am aaaaa - "Paaai fiava." REAL ESTATE MORTGAGES B0U6B1 H. E. NOBLE SI ratal etl'sw ruallisu. Latest U. S. Gov't Report LOCKWOOD DIDN'T LEAD. i An Invitation to Pray Krlghtenea the Ivmlnont Loudon Attorney. Many Droinlneut lawyers In Loudon are of an evaugcllstlc turn of mind and employ their leisure by pulpit exer- Ises iii whatever denomination tney favor. Header Harris, a well-known queen's counsel, for Instance, Is found er and head of the obscure body known as the rentecostul League, which Is holding its annual meetings In Imdou this week. But the best known preach ing queen's counsel Is Bumuel Wnddy, a leading light among Methodists. Mr. Wuddy Is a good-humored old soul, of whom his brethren "learned In the law" like occasionally to make fun. Once hen he was on a circuit with Mr. (now Sir) Frank Lockwood. that witty low- yer determined to see how Waddy be haved In the pulpit. Accordingly, nc ompiinled by a barrister friend. Mr. Lockwood visited the Methodist chapel where Waddy was to preach and took i prominent front sent. Rut Mutiny spied them when he entered the pulpit. and. knowing their object, determined to get rid of t'aein; so, after some pre llmlnciry exercises, he rose and solemn ly said: Hi-other Lmkwood will lead the con gregation In prayer." Brother" Lockwood's dismay niny be better Imagined than described. lie vanished from his seat quicker than thought, and no "Method" chapel has known his proud presence since. It Is not often that anyone score off Lockwood. Generally It is the other way. Once he was engaged ou the op posite side from Kir Charles Uussell (now Lord Uussell of Klllowen), who was trying to browbeat a witness Into giving a direct answer, "Yes" or "No." "You cau answer any question 'Yes' or 'No,' " declared Sir Charles. "Oh, can you?" retorted Lockwood. "May I ask If you have left off beating your wife?" Of course Lord Uussell Is not a wife- beater. tint he was fairly cornered. If he i!d "Yes" ho admitted the practice; If he said "No" the situation was still worse. He did not press the point with the witness, New York Mull and lCx press. Of Knullsh Orlgn. Many so-called Americanisms are hi reality archaisms of which the Kngllsh origin Is forgotten. The phase "let slide" Is supimsed to be an American ism, but students of English literature will cull to mind tbe following stunna from Chaucer's "Clerkes Tale:" "I blame him not that be considered nought In time coining what might blin belittle. But on his lust present was all bis thought, And for to haiike and hunt on every side; Well nigh all other cure let he slide. Aud eke he 11' old (and that was worst of all) Wedden no wif for ought that might befall." The term "I guess" was also used by Chaucer: "With him ther whs his none, a younger squier, A lover mid a lusty bachelor. With locka rrulle as they were Inide la premie, Of twenty year of age he was I gesse." Americans huve been criticized for us ing the word "homely" to express the absence of beautiful as a "homely girl" for a "plain girl." An example of such usage may be found in Shuks- peare: "Upon a homely object love cau wink." After all, life would be unbearable If everybody talked like a book. It Is far better to use "Isms" than, In the words of an illustrious Irishman, to "hide one's nationality under a cloak of per sonal affectation." Hpun Glass. A French chemist brought spun glass Into practical use about Ufty years ago. nlthoiiL'h the art of snlnnlug uliiss was practiced long before that time. He flrst succeeded In softening the hard, Hhlnv effect of the Irian fabric, giving it a silky effect that was much more pleas ing. Next he endeavored to reduce Its brlttleness by making a spun glass, whose threads were much finer than those of silk, and whose texture was much like that of wool. This glass could readily be woven and all kinds of articles were made of It. It was' found especially suitable for surgical use. owing to Its antiseptic properties and Its cleanliness. The fact that glass Is unatuicked by most acids made the fabric useful for lalioratory (titers, and nearly all well equipped establishments of the kind now use them. The cloth Is. beside, nun-combustible and a poor con ductor of heat As the Individual fibers are K-rfectly non-absorbent, grease spots and stains can be readily removed. For this same reason the cloth cannot be dyed, but it can be spnn of colored glass and tbe color Is abso lutely fast and unchanging. Saloonkeepers' Harvest. A great manufacturing company In Massachusetts recently paid their work men, on Saturday evening, 7(X) $10 bills, each bill being marked. By the follow ing Tuesday 410 of these marked bills were depof ited in the bunk by tbe saloon-keepers of the town. Fonr thou sand and one hundred dollars had passed from the hands of the workmen on Paturdny night and Hundny and b-ft them nothing to show for th! gnat sum of money but headaches and pov erty In their bomcd. FERDINAND AUGUST BEBEU Olatlngnlahed Oerman Who Fiercely Attacked Kmperor William. Vfrilliinnil Allirust HcM. WUOh flew attack In the Merman Parliament iinon Kmneror William II. on the occa sion of the debate relating to th cur tailment of the right of free asseuibhig has caused no much commotion in uer miiiiy, siinrcs the ieadersiilf of the Koclullnt-Deiiiocratlc purty In that roiintrv with Ilerr Llebknecht. Mclwl Is lu every enso u self-made man. Ho was born Feb. 22, 1W0, In Cologne, ami received his early educntlou lu a vil lage school near tnat fit j. I-ater on li attended a grammar school lu veinir, and In lHtm he removed to Lelpsle, where he established his own business, Hint of wood-turner and carver, In 1WH. Two years prior to that date be had Joined lu the worklngnien'i move ment in (ieriminv. and soon became ono of the most uggresslve leaders lu that cause. From IHKn to 1WK1, when no re moved to Berlin. Ilels-I wus president of the Workliigmen'H Educational Club lu Lelpsle and member of the pcrum- nent Executive Committee of the Oev ma u Worklugiiien's Association. In 1X117 lie liecame identified with the editorial management of the Volkstaat, HiM-lnllstlc miner In Lelpsle. aud con tinued this connection until he became one of the managers of the Vorwaert. tim lend uc Uei-imm socialism- uuny published In Berlin. He was elected to the North Merman Parliament In JWI7 and to the German Parliament In 18 iL In the election of June. 181)3, he was even elected In two districts, choosing the niaiidute from the Strasburg dis trict. From the beginning of BebePs Parliamentary career dates his uncom promising attitude against all monar chical Institutions. Bebel is at pres ent treasurer of the Socialistic party In 'derma ny. to which office he was elected In 1892. During the reorgani zation of the party. In 1800, Bebel ad vocated parllamentnrlnnlsm as tbe chief means of agitation, but in this he was opposed by the extremists of the party. He served ub a delegate to the International socialist congresses In Paris. 1889: Brussels. 1891; Zurich, 1893, and Breslan during the present year. On the latter occasion be made his fa mous speech, In which he said that so cialism would crush Imperialism, for which he has Just been sentenced to six mouths' Imprisonment. Intelligence of the Beetle. Lust week I came home one night, and by accident opened the pantry. I was surprised at tlndlng at least a hun dred big beetles scampering across the floor to escape Into their lair. I aw that Miey all dlsupieared down a cir cular hole in one corner of the closet. Next night I sallied forth on a tour of extermination. I prepared a wooden plug to stop np Uie hole nnd a flat .inir..i u-irti which to annihilate the fritters. I approached the pantry with a lighted candle, opened uie uoor suu deuly, and before the roaches fully real ized my presence I bud their escape completely blocked. It was n signi worth seeing. Some or tiiein were in the corner playlug "Copenhagen." Some were in the center or uie puuiry praams "ring around rosy." When they saw the light they suddenly Interrupted their sjmrts and made a bee line for home. Astonishment was written on every lineament of their black IkhIIcs when tliev saw thfllr escape cut off. I net the candle on the floor and belabor ed them right and left with my weaiwn. Soon I had the floor atrewn with corpses. All at once my light went out. A venerable looking, patnorcnui son of cockroach, realizing that the. salva tion of his family and relatives lay In darkness, hud climbed up the candle and thrown himself across the flame. Like Arnold Wlnkelried, he died In a trice, but before I could strike a match the last of the still living bugs had found some secret means of exit and had disappeared. That's what I call Intelligence. I have that hero's body embalmed in my collection, and since that adventure I have the greatest re spect for roaches. When I want to ex terminate them now I treat them roy ally to 10 cents' worth of poison. Hous ton Post The Southern Aurora. On Feb. 1, in latitude 60 degreea, longitude 172 degrees 31 minutes, we ran into open water" again, having this timn snent utilvsixdavs in the ice pack. On the 17th the aurora appeared, stron ger than I ever saw it in the norm, u rose from the southwest, stretching in a broad efream np toward the senith aud down again toward tbe eastern hor iznn. The nhenomenon this time had quite a different appearance from what we aw on Oct. 20. It now presented lnnu Hliiniim curtains risina and falling iii wonderful shapes and shades, some times seemingly closedown to onr mast heads. It eridentlv exerted considerable influence npon the magnetio needle of cur conipaes. u C BorcngreviuK iu Centuty. Yltef M. mmmmrx FKIini.NAND Al'lil KT 1IKI1KL. . A HUGE UNDERTAKING. Great Idea of tba American Muaaam el Natural Hlatory. Thn rrnsteenf tha Amnricnn Mnaenm of Natural History in New York have doomed to establish an anthropological exhibit, which will be one of tbe finest in the world. They propose to have rrnnn of flrnirna illnstrutiim the Indus tries, mode of life and characteristic! of every important race on the globe. This nudertaking will require many years to complete, but the first group will be iu place within two or three weeks. For some time past attaches of the museum have been out west taking photographs and getting measurements of the various tribes of Indians in North America and on the north Pacific coust. Plaster casta have been taken of tbe faces, hands and feet of typical members of the tribes, aud, together with the measurements and Dliotoeranhs. for warded to New York. These duta will euablo the modoleri to construct life size plaster figures, clothed in native dress. Dr. Fran Boaz, the anthropologist of ih mtiKPiim. him nhnrirn nf thn work and willarrunge the figures into groups, each one representing as nearly as possi ble a scene from an Indian village. Boston Herald. Little Mick' BurprUe. The dinlomatio representation of Nio- arnona tn thn T7niteri Ptiitna has been discontinued for the first time in many years, and as a measure oi economy no legation will be maintained at Washing ton. This action is a matter of surprise to officials, owing to the importance of some, of the questions, notably tbe ca nal, in which the Uuited States aud Nicaragua are mutually interested, rv nnzmiin him nresnnted his letters of recall to the state department and him entered nnon tne nraotioe oi meoi- cine at his home, which was formerly the Nioaragnan legation. One Drawback. There's no snch thiua iu this life as fvimninra nt infliction. If a man has no money, he is miserable, and if be lias lots of it, it is next to impossible to in vest it remuneratively. There is no busl iiess which is sure to pay, not even tbe business of stealing, but that's because there are so many persons in it, aud tiiom wnnld he nituiv more in it if the penitentiury did not prevent it from be ing open to everybody, and so be utter ly rained. Boston Transcript. Dead Hand In Evidence. Tbe baud of a dead man, from which two fingers are missing, will be intro duced as evidence in the case of Mrs. V.mi.ln Linslevnsaiust the Central Med ioal college of Missouri in a damage suit for $75,000. Linslev's body was stolen from Ash lnnrl nemeterv several months ago and rllsKflptad in a medical college. The re tnninii wata then thrown into a box and buried in the potter's field, where they were found and ideutined Dy tne crip- ntnrl hand from whlflh tWO fiUgen UBd been cut during Liusley's lifetime. It Contain Chloaco Feet, And still another million to Chicago nniversitv Her stocking must m bd normally capacious. Boston Herald. TBI WORST Or IT. r.i,.i,inriir. It I eatd to be. is but antioipauon, the worst oi it i ureiy worry ana vexation, rney are tne piowe ..J Ihmt fnrrns the brow and out deanlv into the ntr-es. It U oonitant plowing or tnis xina idb. war !,;" :. . Thai sraarar nerve, like iicitv r. . the bigger roots, may res'st tor a time, but tne piougnBnare geia uuwu w Mr L.fnn. oil anwi nf nther ailments TT Ull J UIIIIKR . av.. w. of a torn-up syitem and at last tbe sciatic nerve is reached, a dUHurbanca to which In tbe foim of sciatica is ntienaea oy h- . K.in. u, TaAnhe nil ha cured oruuiBliug jom". w " - the worst ctuee of men crippled by it. U se 1. ana maae aure ui a .vu.S r nent oure. The man who l rive to batter down The wall that custom laid Will Dud, aJaal that Habit knoa AU ecreu ol the building trade. VI ARB rOIBONSD BY WATIB AIB AMD When they contain the gerir of malaria. To aunlbiiate these and 'avi.ld or conquer ohllla aud frver, billnu. rmltu-nt or dumb agu. use perfistentiy snd r. gularly Hosleuer s atomsch Bitters, wlnoh also rvmedlrt dytpe. -sla. liver trouble, constipation, loss of sireogtb, nervousness, rheumatism and kidney oom- p."iniv.pi'!f .5!?. ''rj: jst X? il nnrmit.?.of V U. A-Wiueila-full three tluieaaday. She dresxd up In her brother' clothes, A promenade ahe look, and everj one wbo knew her said: "How girlish yoH do look I" aiaa AII Vita atAnned free bV lr. Kllna'S nl-A Restorer. No He after ttoerlrai "r:. . jrrrdKE,: trial ooMie w v ' Ml Arab St., Philadelphia. Pa. Tit Osama for breakfart. SENT POSTPAID IN EXCHANGE FOE 100 COUPONS, os, if vou pnirtn, FOR 2 COUPONS AND $1.00 IN CASH. Ta watch la nickel, good timekeeper, quick stem wind and set. Von wsV iad one coupon inaide each 2 ounce bag and two coupons inside each 4 ounce bag of BLACICWELL'S GENUINE DURHAM TOBACCO. Scad coupon with aaaae aad address to BLACKWELL'S DURHAM TOBACCO CO., Durham, N. C Boy a bag of this Celebrated Smoking Tobacco, and read the coupon, which gives a list of other premiums and how to get them. . 2 CENT STAMP ACCEPTED. BOW'S THIST njr cue of Catarrh that cauuot be cured bj U.ll'.l,.l..rh f . J. CHKNKY a CO, Prop.. TOIertn, O. (or the lt 16 yearn, aud ballrTe Mm r!uotly bonnmbl In all builueit trununtlou aud Da suuUlly bl to oarrjr out tnj olillgtllou mtti by their dmv wurraTSCAX, Whole ale Lirurftirt, Toledo, O. J1 uuipaaio vimuwi. iuiwi Hall'i Catarrh Cure I talteu lntrully.acUn dlreollT upon the blood aud mucoiM (urlnce ol theiynem. Price, 7o per bottle. Bold by all Mlk.l..l. llH....,i.l. TnlulA , ill I n drUKlita. Tntlinonlali free. Hail 'I family fill, are the teL KKW WAT K AST NO DCBT. Go East from Portland, Pendleton, Walla Walla ia O. R. A If . to Spokane and Great Northern Railway to Montana, Dakota, Bt. Paul, Minneapolis, unieago, umana, oi T v..t ...A Onufh Rnnk.hallailt track! AJUUie, aubov nu - - - . , ' line aoenery : new equipment Great N ortti era Palace Bleepers and Diners j Family Tourutuars; uunei-iiorarT um. V j A. B. 0. Dennlston, v. r. a, i.a... roruauu, gon. or F. I. wmney.. u. r. a, x. a.. Bt. raui, Minn.. lor pnnicu iubwi formation about rata, route, ate t: i. ! the mdlnine to break UD .kliniartmiirhaand Cold. MBS. M. u. OLUHT, bprague, aau.. xaaru n. ct-.. Scrofula Manifest itself in many different ways, like mitre. iweliinES. running sores, boils, salt rheum and pimples and other eruptions. Scarcely a man is wholly free from it in some farm. Tt nlinir tenaciously until the last ve-tige of sorof ulous poison Is eradicated from .... i , mt- .l. the blood by uooa'soarsapaniia. xauueanue ol voluntary testimonials tell of sffer- lng from scrofula, often inherited, posi tively, perfectly and permanently cured by IHIoodl Sarsaparilla The One True Blood Purifier. AU druggists; . Prepared only by C. L Hood A Co.. Lflwell.MM. Unnil'a Wild et harmonlonly with UOOIl 8 rliiS Hood's SursaparUla. 26ota. If vou want a sure relief limbs, use an AUcock's 5E Bear in Mind Not one of the host of counterfeits and Imi tations is as good as tbe genuine. A A Perrect That is what Baron von Lkbig said of good chocolate. All of Walter Baker & Co.'s Cocoas and Choco lates are good, the best, in fact. Wafta Rat-r FLOUR MILLS...SAW MILLS J'ffifSSE." MINING MACHINERY... Willamette Iron Works IRON WORK OF All KIN PS PORTLAND. OREGON. WOMAN it the name of Woman's Friend. It is ful in relieving the backaches, headaches kLI.L I 1 . I U - - l wun u uurueu auu uiwwa m wuuiaia a women testify for it. It will give health and strength and make life a pleasure. For sale by all druggists. BLUM AUER-FRAN K DRUG CO., Pobtland, Agents. "IT IS IGNORANCE THAT WA8TE0 EFFORT." TRAINED SERVANTS USE SAPOLIO. Tfini QFPTl ilOUU DLLUf a . . !r ATAI fC Now ready ...PORTLAND, OR. f L A I J I It I Send tor one... , Hention thu tmvtr o o o o 000 oo Prof. W. S. Pmi. who make a apeoialty of Epilepay, ha without ed more cae than any living Phy.lciani his ucces is aatoniahing. We have beard o( cane of to year' Mending wrKe wow tie of hi abnolute care, free to any eufferer who may send their P. O. and Expreaa addre. Wa .ul.a ..u nnm wlahlnir oure in .ilrlr.u froX.W. H. PEXKE- T. D. Cedar St., Hew Turk PiMFfll A milRH RAI SAM la evrellenl for all throat Inllaromallona and for eninma. voonunip tlvea will in variably derive benefl I train it um, Mil quick lr abta the eoogb, reodera exp to ra tion eaay, aaalatlng nature In reetorlng wasted tlasuea. There la a large per oeutage of thoaewho suppuee tbelroame to be oonaumptwn who are only auQer ingfroni a chroma eold or deeo eealed niinuh iftMn &s? tfriLvuvletl bT ' emtArrh. tor eatarrh dm Kly'Ctein Bmm Pa.111 OH' Ki. bwim iriiir-ntT, - r Crpm HkOin, ftOo per bottle; JD) loth remedlea are plea IU w U.i. am Win at Ttr-iir lnt a DUD lr IPJIMTi lumi In quantities of3.a0 will BLY BROTUKR-". M Warren U New York. S Do You Z Pants? Wear. PHTI S3 11 Ultl Tatlor-msde, finished and ewed wttb silk throughout, perfect fitting by flrst-clan white tailor Irom your meaaure. On application will send samples of cloth and direction lor self measurement Black Chev iot auftings, VIS. Uniform and Bicycle Bull specialty. BUIH i BUCK CLOTHIMC COMPANY. POBTUHD, KVEGOM SURE CURB roR PILES for pains In tbe back, side, chest, or a A NK rood fr fV. LtfiL DorcllcStcf. MaSS. The very remarkable and certain relief given woman by MOORE'S REVEALED REMEDY has given uniformly snccees and weakness life. Thousands of ----- BueU Lamberson 205 Third Street BR, 6UKTS . raraovB LIVER PELLS ewke a faraaw. Thar ear BisaiTti, ktiiMaa as r 1 r i r i m iia THB AKRMOTOR CO. d bslf the worhr windmill tDeaa-beeanaeltBaWrenueedUiaeoslat nndaeaarla l.J what Itwaa It baa mans brands at . koneea, and supplies It goods and repair a a4 four door. It ran and doa lumlsfe a a better article for leas awaefUian a rJb Jottaen. It make Pumping ai4 I VV" leeand. Steel, CrslTanlsan alter- 1 v 'completion W'jidmMIs, TllUng .9 and FUrd (Heel Towers, Steel Buss Saw rro-, steel red Co tiers and rend ar Onnders. On application It will nama one ( una articles that It will rumlaa anul Jarraarr let a 13 the usual price. It s-ee makes Tanke and Pumpa ef all kinds, bend far eataawue. I Utt, aatawsH lad Fiuawr weats, takafk T J ura r W Mine UUIWCI nW'C scjTHiHa $ fhino. llillULUii u srsur i FOK CHILDREN TttTHINQ - C reeaelabr alipr-jaUW Uatla. a kial nnn tTarrihlne Habit Cored la 10 urn I SrV. LJ. STEPHENS, Lebanoa,Ohie. l lluatf wntitt All EiS fIL. I C I I Ssst CooaH Brmp. Taatea UvtO. Uas I I I I rn t ima. rVrtdbydriMraiais f I K. P. N. U. 5o. 636.-8. F. V. V. No. 713