Oregon courier. (Oregon City, Clackamas County, Or.) 188?-1896, February 14, 1896, Image 5

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Tub Steamkii Aliianv. The 0. C. A
E. K. Co.'s new steamer, which I the
N. 8. Bentley rebuilt, nmde her maiden
trip during the week. The Albany is
the second boat of the nam? that has
navigated the Willamette. The drat
Albany was built at Caneinah in 1808
by the People's Transportation Com
pany, and her dimensions were some
what less than the Albany now at
Corvallis. fihe operated on the Wil
lamette until January, 1875, when she
sank at the mouth of the Long Tom.
She was in command of Captain Vickers,
who met his death month later from
the effects of exposure. At the time
be was wrecked portion of the old
boat drifted down to Buens Vista,
where' it remained on an island for
several years. In the spring of 1871
the Albany made 18 consecutive trips
between Oregon City and Eugene, clear
Ing from $800 to $1600 per trip.
A Bucesss. The concert given on
Toe day; evening by Hiss Neitn Barlow's
St. Cecilia chorus was the musical event
' the season. The chorus, which con
sist d of U singers, rendered some of
the choicest selections. The sing
ing of Miss Agnes Watt and Mies
Lois Steers and Miss Alex Ttiomis of
Portland was fins. Miss Morey made
a most favorable Impression at this,
ber first appearance before an Ore
gon City audience, and likewise
Mrs. Casaius U. Bsrlaw.. The in
strumental solos of Beatrice Bartow
showed remarkable talent. The string
quartettes composed of Misses Campbell
and Caufield and Messrs. Stevens and
Campbell were favorites. Each number
was encored and all seemed highly
pleased with the entertainment.
Rkmuious Discuhion. We learn that
arrangements have been made between
Bishop ' Dillon of the United Brethren
church and Elder Healy of the Seventh
Day AdventititB denomination to hold a
public discussion in Oregon City for
several days braining March 10th, on
the Sabbath question, as to which day
should be obseived according to the
Bible, Saturday or Sunday. . They will
also discuss the nature of man and the
cWi i Ion of the soul and spirit after
death. Both these men are disputants
of more than local reputation and will
doubtless ably represent the views of
their respective denominations.
Wither at Mt Hood. The report
of the weather bureau's observation
station at Government Camp, on the
summit of t he Cascades and at the foot
of Mt. Hood, for the manth of January
hows Ih'at some 'severe weather has
been experienced up there. The snow
fall for the month was 00 inchei. The
lowest temperature was 19 degrees
above. There were uni) four clear d:iy
duiing the month. It is difficult to
realize that such wintry conditions pre
vail just 61 miles from the Oregon City
Lectcrr ok Mbxico. Hon. I). P.
Thompson of Portland, who has recently
returned from an extended tour through
Mexico, will deliver an interesting ad
dress on our Sister Republic, Thursday
evening, February 20th. at Willamette
hall, f-r the benefit of Mead Women
Relief Corp. A full attendance is
anticipated the corps has performed
worthy charity work during the year
Hnd shoul-j receive ihe support of the
community. Doors oen at 8 p. m.
Admission 10 and 15 cents.
Board of Tkadk. The regular month
ly meetina of the board of trade was
held on Monday evening. The presi
dent appointed the standing committees
as last year: Some 15 members were
dropped for non-payment of dues. , Tho
dues of two members who had given
considerable time and money to the
board of trade were remitted.
Probate Matters. Thos. Charman
discharged as administrator of estate of
Alexanner McGarvey and final report
accepted. Executor of estate of Jacob
Roop ordered to sell certain notes and
mortgages. Eliza J. Cason filed final
report and was discharged as exec utrix
of estate of A. J. Cason.'
Josxs, Hi Pays Tp Freight. Send
for a copy of The Buyer's Guide, with
latest reductions and market reports,
tent free to any address. Freight on
$20 orders paid to any point on the
Willamette river reached by Portland
boats. Jours' Cash . Store, Corner
Front and Washington Sts , PorfJand.Or.
Highest Honors-World' Fair.
Da- '
K pure Grape Cream of Tartar Powder. Free
from Ammonia. Alum or any other adulterant
February Session Short Circuit Court
Expenses Audited.
Q. K. Hayes Judge and Richard Scott
and Frank Jaggar commissioners.
The sum of $77 allowed in payment
of appellants costs in case of Forman vs
Clackamas county. Ordered that the
judgment of $20 secured by Formssbe
paid ; the county's costs having been
paid at a previous term .
Petitions for the vacation of streets in
Minthorn granted.
Petition of E. Mclntyre et al for view
ers to a road granted and W. W. May,
J. K. Graham, Enos Cabill and County
Surveyor Kiuhaird appointed to view.
Petition of R. Staub for viewers to a
rosd granted and M. McGeehan, J. H.
Darling, Enos Cabill and Surveyor
Klnnslrd to view.
Petition of M. V. Douley et al for
Viewers to a road referred to Road
master Kinoaird.
The following road accounts were ap
proved and expenses paid : .
Dlstrtt. Ubor
1 45 50
3 Lumber $25.40 7 76
Totsl $137 25
Allowance for care and keeping David
Arthur reduced from $14 to $10 per
Report of viewers on the petition of
G. F. Blair et al for a road approved
and expense of $13.20 allowed and road
ordered opeued.
Report of viewers on petition of J. W,
Cochran et al for a county road ap
proved and road ordered opened ; ex
pense allowed of $31.
Claim of U. Urbtfr Sr. et at for
damages by reason of accident on county
road disallowed.
Warrant for care and keeping of Win
White ordered issued in favor of Frank
Allowance heretofore made (or care
and keeping of Henry Lewis ordered
discontinued from February 1st.
Application of Dr. Paine for aid for
Mrs. M. M McMalran, an indigent per
son, allowed and $S per month appro
priated from February 1st and also
a warrant ordered I at once for im
mediate necessities.
Reports of officers on collection of fees
for January approved.
Milage and per deem of commissioners
allowed as follows: R. Scott. 2 days
and 16 miles, $5.00; F. Jaggar, 2 days
and 12 piles, $5 20 .' 7 ,T '
H 8 Croker A E, records . . .$90 00
Courier, priutinir, claimed $11 80. 9 4
Glass A Smytn, pauper scut,
claimed $12.75 12 50
Miss Ehu Watts, pauper acct ...
claimed $16..... '..V. 8 00
Robbins & Son, pauper acct 2 50
Thos Charman A Son, pauper acct 21 68
John Dresher, pauper, claimed
13.20 3 00
Adolph Miller, road acct 3 00
Robbins A Son, " 1 40
Palmateer, Livermore A Hoops,
road 30 87
OCIron Works, jail acct 27 00
Geo C Sears, sheriff's acct 3 00
Noblitt'e stable, sheriff's 6 00
C W Noblitt, sheriffs acct, $14 30
E C Maddock, board of prisoner 93 28
Jurvlist, distN-13 7 00
Jury list, (list No 14 7 00
L Kucotiioh, meal for jury 9 75
Claims of jurors 413 00
Claims of grand jury witnesses,
' claimed $uo.20 59 W
State vs US rjhac.kleiurd 20 20
M K Boylei It 85
" F Ghering, claimed
129.80 28 80
State vsC Caruthers, claimed 29.15 28 30
D J King A G W Jackson
claimed $57.30 ; 40 30
State vs John Hughes, claimed
113.85 10 85
State vs Seth E Jones, insane.... 28 20
E 0 Maddock, sheriffs acct 8 t8
W A Huntley, stationery 31 15
Wales Russell, pauper acct 6 00
H H Johnson, reestablishing Gov
corners 16 50
E P Rands, reestablishing Gov
fnrnppn 6 00
J H Werner.road acct 11 85
Morteman dc Hansen, roan auci. . o w
Frank Hawler. road acct 59 81
J M Hayden, " 39 04
state vs kuius reuse, ciauueu o.iu i
1 I' Rrarilav. aaanasinr'a acot 216 00
Geo Dunlavey, road acct 1 25
JlraAKoigni .w
The iinlnit of the Congregational
church will be supplied next Sunday
hv Rev. C. H. Curtis, of Portland . Iff.
Cowan will occupy Mr. Curtis' pulpit.
There is some disatisfaction because
h firemen have hired Everet'a
orchestra of Portland to furnish mtulc
tor their dance on the 27th at $32, when
Oreson City orchestra agrees to furnish
the same amount of music for f 23.
Mr. Athev.Sr.. and wife and daughter.
Mrs. Frank Campbell, will shortly re
turn to this city to reside.
Biwino Machines Chrap. Want a
evina machine? Gel a good one for
$25.00 with five years guarantee; $5.00
sown and $5-00 per month until paid .
See Bellomy A Busch about it .
Uncle John Spruceby's Hayseed Band
will parade Saturday, Feb. loth. Do
not fail to see the great procession.
Photographs, crayon, water color and
pastel portraits, views, frames, etc., at
Cheney's Art Gallery at reasonable
fiffnres. Call and be convinced. One
door south of Bed Front.
4 uu
..13 50
..12 75
.. 4 00
..18 75
..20 00
. 11 00
For hamulus go to the Racket Store
Go to the Racket Store for your valen
tines, c
The firemen will give a ball on Febru
ary 27th.
W. H, Vaughnn of Molalla was in
town on Wednesday.
Born, at Seattle on Sunday, to the
wife of J. E. Hedges a girl.
Mint Randall will loon make another
trip to the Ogle Creek mines.
License to wed granted on 12th to
Louisa Darrein and Wm. Henmann.
For nearness to school, chespness,
and view, the best is Park Addition.
John Bean opened his cigar store and
billiard parlor on last Saturday evening.
F. L 8kitvin of Marquam was a
caller at the Courier office Wednesday,
A. M. Gilford, aged 63, of Union Mills,
was adjudged insane and taken to Salem
on Saturday.
Editor Fitch of the Herald attended
the populists' state committee meeting
at 8 lam on Tuesday.
See Uncle Josh 8prucoby himself in
the lead carpet sack in hand. Parade
Saturday, Feb. 15th.
A. N. Munse.v of Salem, a former
resident of this city, was renewing ac
quaintances here Saturday.
J. W. Boatman has been employed
by finance committee of the city council
to "expert" the city's books.
John Young was arrested on Monday
and taken to The Dalles. He is wanted
in Wasco county for seduction.
Two of the children of Mr. Ward of
Sunset Chy have been quite low for the
past fortnight with pneumonia and
Ladles, look In at the Racket Store
opposite Electric Hotel, and see the
nice lots we are selling for almost
The republican connty primaries will
bo held at Oregon City on Saturday,
March 21t, and the county convention
on Wednesday, the 25th.
The seal now being used by the or
pora'lon of Oregon City rea ls ' Oregon
City, 0. T." As it is 37 years since
Oregon was a territory it's about tims
that the city spent $4 for a new seal.
Next Sabbath. February 16th. the
pUl pit of the Presbyterian church will
be occupied in the morning by Rev
W. 0. Forbes, of Portland, and in the
evening by Prof. Arthur P. McKinlay.
Rev. Montgomery is taking a short well
deserved rest by visiting Sa i Francisco.
The Alton Is a stumblina bloclt, to:
the other river steamers that cm not
keep up with he.-. Though the engine
of the Ruth, a new boat, has a 14-lncb
cylinder ami 7 feet stroke, and carries
175 pounds of steam, the Altona, with
only a 12 inch cylinder,4 feet stroke and
154 pounds of steam, beat her the other
day, in a race from Portland to Oregon
City, nine minutes.
F. J. Catterlin has secured the old
M. K. church building where be is
showing the Cook A Scott patent
clothes line, the finest thing we
have seen for many a day. With this
lines woman can "hang out" or "take
in" her. washing without leaving the
house. Mr. Catterlin has already sold
the 1 1 glit for 10 counties.
H.T Sladsn has been employed by
the Willamette Savings A L 'un Associa
tion of this place lonolicit new members
for the society and is meeting with
good success. The second series of
stock has beeu closed some time and a
third has been opened and tiie stock
nearly all subscribed. Parties wishing
to become members of an association of
this kind should not fail to see the bene
fits offered by a home institution.
Park ad lots 12 and $100.
Golden Juibler. The 50th anniver
sary of the dedication of St. John's
church of this city waT celebrated here
on Wednesday. The fe tlvitea began
by a procession led by the G. A. R. and
its drum corps, after which at the
church solemn high mass was celebrat
ed by the Rev. Father Hillebrand, with
Father White, of Salem, deacon ; Father
Rauw, of Portland, sub-deacon, and
Father Orth, of Portland, master of
ceremonies. Archbishop Gross preach
ed a strong sermon, it being largely a
retrospective review of the Christian
church, after which the visitors re
paired to the parochial school, where
they st down to a sumptuous banquet.
Thirty priests and dignitaries of the
church were present. At Shively'i
opera bouse in . the evening a
jubilee entertainment was given, con
sisting of addresses by Jos. D. Bice,
Mayor H. Straight, G.A.R Poet.by Com
mander Williams and Archbishop Gross;
a historical paper by Miss Fannie
Porter, music by Mises Lou and Mattie
Draper and Dr. Emil Schubert, music
by drum corps, drill by the boys and
girts of St. John's schools,, and the
farcical comedy "A JLimb o' the Law"
by "The Artisans,'' under supervision
of E. J. McKittrick, in which the fol
lowing persons took a prominent part :
J. D. Rice, E.J. McKittrick, N. Michels
T. M. Beilly, J. de Lafontafne, C
Michels and Misses M. Kuerten. M.
Reilly, M. Draper and M. Dufiy.
Liberal terms for Parked, lots; box
Violin, Guitars, Mandolins, Autoharps,
feeaRSiii IN A I
Strings and Extras for All Instrnn&ats.
Hi'i-ty t) loan on good security by
A. 8. Dresser.
Tablets and composition books 4c np
at "The Fair."
Prescriptions carefully compounded a
G. A. Harding's drug store.
Received at Charman A 8on's a large
invoice of wall paper, latest and pret
tiest designs.
Shark, the barber, don't swim but
he's in the swim when it comes to
shaving and hair cutting.
J. W. Welch, dentist, formerly of the
Chisago . College of Dental Surgery
Office in Courirr block near depot.
Great reductions on ladies', children's
snd gents' underwear at the Racket
Store. Best in the city for the price.
For your strings and extras for all
nueical instruments , go to Burmelster
k Audresen's, who keep a full supply.
Blsnk note and receipt books of all
kinds and deeds, mortgages, etc.,
cheaper than Portland wholesale prices
at Courirr office. ,
L. L. Pickens, dentist, does all kinds
of dental work. Gold crowns, porcelain
crowns and bridge work a specialty.
Office in Barclay building, corner Main
and Seventh et reels.
Remember when you need snything
in the line of granitewitre or tinware
that W. A. Pjtrow now ha a complete
assortment. If price is any object you
will not fail to give him a call.
Frank P. Welch, dentist, graduate
of the University of Pennsylvania,
will be in Oregon City office Thurs
day of each week ; remainder of each
week in Portland office, room 77
Dekutn building. .
For the accommodation of his many
customers on the hill Mr. Albright hss
established a branch meat market in the
Shively building on Seventh street,
where he keeps a full stock of all kinds
of fresh and salted meats, hams, bacon,
w .i i . iyt
liaru, eij, o auie .meat aepi. uive
C. A. Willey hss moved his harness
and repair shop from on the hill to
second door west of depot, next to
Courier office, where he will not only
keep a full line of first-class hand-made
harness, saddles, etc., but will do all
kinds of harness and boot and shoe
repairing at prices that can't be dup
licated. Give him a call. Satisfaction
Trees sre being cut along the new
road in Park ad. south ot Abernethy
The Fair is dosing tat.
Men's caps, just the thins for work
ing. Reduced from 50c to 25c, at the
Racket Store.
m s
The finest linn of silk umbrellas to be
found in the city at Burmeister AAnder
Big bargslss in all
kinds of notions
at the Fiir.
In a recent editorial the Salem, Oregon,
Independent says: "Time and again have
we seen Chamberlain's Cough Remedy tried
and never without the most satisfactory re
sult. Whenever we see a person afflicted
with hoarseness, with a cough or cold, we
invariably advise them to get Chamberlain's
Cough Remedy; and when they do, they
never regret it. It always does the work,
and does it well." For sale by G. A. Hard
ing, Druggist. 1
A' Roommadt!oa Tram Lot Angela.
6j Castelar St., Los Angeles, Cal. After
having suffered foraloug time from acute
rheumatism without obtaining relief, I used
Chamberlain's Pain Balm and was almost
immediately relieved, I highly recommend
this as the best medicine known. E. M.
Hamilton. For sale by G. A. Harding,
Job Prlntlsg at t&
Courier Ctflci.
984041 New Dekam,
Suts made
order in
Latest Styles.
...Accordians. .
Methods of
Are used by
firms. Watch
the win-
dow and you
will see.
one of our ways. Each
week some staple and
useful article will be
marked at prices you
never bought the same
at before.
Tht Dracovory Savsd HI Lift. ,
Mr. O. Caillouette, Druggist, Beavers
yille, III., says: "To Dr. King's New
Discovery I owe my life. Was taken
with La Grippe and tried all the physi
cians for miles about, but of no avail and
was uiven up and told I could not live.
Having Dr. King's New Discoveiy in
my store 1 sent for a bottle and began
its use and from the first dose ttegan to
get better, and after using three bottles
was up and about again. It is worth its
weight in gold. We don't keep store or
house without it." Get a free trial at
Charman k Co's Drug Store. '
Valentines of all kind at the Racket
Store, cheapest in the city.
Money loaned on farms or business
property. J. F. Clark, office over Oregon
City bank.
Cheney's Art Gallery, situated on
Maiu street, is now open for business.
For 0r Fifty Tr. ,
Ax Ou An. WcLb-TaiCD Rchxdt. Mra. Wla
loVkSwatof Bynip ku bmi 0m4 for ovr Sftj
pm Wjr ariUfens of mothn tor thlr ekUdrn wkll
HHMe. wttti Ftf t race. It mtfet tttl cMM,
ofteiM tto guM, altars all pain, cum viad eulle
tad htWlMl raaMdjr for DUrrhctm, b plwaaat Is
Ihi taat. 8oM by Druggists la annr put of th
WotM . Twmijt-It Miits a bottle. It nlao Is In
ostenttfctt. Bo sura sad ask for Mrs. Wtaslow's
goottuag Sjmp, and take ao othor kind.
These wafers are for painful, scanty,
profnse or irreuular menses, any cause,
and ladies will find that no better
remedy exists for these difficulties. To
avoid being imposed upon by base imita
tions buy from our agents and take
French Tansy Waters only. Price by
mail, $2.00. C. G. Huntley, Druggist,
Csutield Block, Oregon City, Oregon.
The successful farmer has
learned by experience that
some grains require far differ
ent soil than others. He
knows that a great deal de
pends on right planting at the
right time. No use complain
ing In summer that a mistake
was made in spring. Decide
beore seed-time. The best
time to treat coughs and colds
Is before the seeds, or germs,
of consumption have begun
their destructive work.
Scott'a Emul5lon of Cod
liver Oil, with Rypophos
phites, promptly cures lung
and throat troubles. Do not
neglect your cold.
iSmr EMULSION km kasa oadoraM STo
nWlul wrtUmioK for twrty yrt. (.Ait fr4t4r.)
TMtbaotauMHIs always tiuishU alwsys mrnrm
alwsys untMim titpuntl Ntrmftm Ct4 Utr M
fx a hi y ( tad tl a staM. Th sawl sta
aujr t tnouh u aan jm couf h m hat jrtw Way.
fS-SMl Wew Detain,
Cor. M a Wash.
y Give us a trial
Warm Shoes
Our shoes are warm and tight
as it's possible to have shoes.
That's on account of the good
ness of the leather in the care
that's taken In their making
on the perfection and comfort
of their fit. All sites and
styles ladies', men's and
Krausse Bim,
Next Door to Burmelster St Andreem'e.
Monty to Loan, abstracts of Title Made.
Drawing of Legal Dosumeuta a Specialty.
OSsee on east aid of Mala street.
Between Stk and 7ta.
Opposite Caufield Block
Attorneys at Law.
Commercial, Real Estate and
Probate Law Specialties.
OFFICE: Cemmerolsl lank SslMing
CO. C. ER07XlvLIi,
Attorney at Law.
Office Or Door North u Caufield A JTswi
. ky'i Drugtlori,
E. F. DEISGS. . - ;
Office : Two Doors South of Court hous,.
Mitt Livery and Sals St:i!t
0s tat Stmt betwsss Iks Brldgi tR.ttu
Ospst. -
Doatblaand single rlfs and saddle hoi mi a
ways oa hand at the lowest rates, and sawaral:
also- connected with the barn for loose aioek.
Any Information resardins any kind of alee
prosaptlr attended to by letter or parsoa.
The Commercial Dank
CAPITAL $ 100,000.
Trassaots a General Banking Business
Loans made. Bills discounted. MaheuJ.
lections. Buys and sells exchange on all poiB
In the United States and Kuropa and 'on Hoi
Kong, deposits reueirea suDiecuooneoa.
Bank open from tA.M.toi P. M.
President. Caahin
...Corner Groctry-
Keeps a full line of and
Lewtit Frlees-o- .
M.H 7. Detest
raaTLAiio, Oaaeow.
Maay af aaf friaeafa fca.
ssaaaia so aa4 a smsm
MUs eatd.
I7tt Ilfixbele
E. Bsaherate, Prap.
Oysters, Fresh and Salt Watei
rish, rouitry, uame, crabs,
Clams, Etc.
Tarkeys, Oeeae sad Chickens for ThaoksglTlBg
11 a nc r.
Trt DetiMry.
IW Door South of Amtry
Standard Pat. Medicinss.
Paints, Oils and Window Glass.
PrucripOoiu Aeevrolelw Comfodtd