Oregon Courier. By A. W. CHENEY. CITY OP'S'IClAIi PAPKB, Entered In the Oregon Cltjr postoffice n second claaa matter. SUBSCRIPTION RATES. On year 2 00 llx monthi 1 00 hree month! ......... So (paid In advance, per year 1 150 g&'Tht data opposite your address on the aper dcnolei Ihe time to which you hare paid ADVERTISING RATES. Standing bailneu advertisements: Per month 1 Inch 11, i Inohei II 60, 8 Inches L7o,4 Inchea 12, ft Inches ('A column) $2 45.10 Inched ( H column) M, 20 Inchea (column) (8; yearly contract! 10 per cent lees. . Transient advertisement!! Per week 1 Inch Mo, 2 Inchea Tfw, J Inohe fl. 4 Incbei 1.25, t I nchea 11.60, 10 Inchea 12 60, 20 loohea Legal advertisements: Per Inch flrat In. aertlon II. each additional Iniertlon &0c. Am daTlu of publication will not be tarnished until puoucauon leei are paia. Local notice.: Fir ceata per line per week, per mown wo. PATRONIZE HOME INDUSTRY. OREGON CITY. FEB. 14, 1890. Tits gold fields in dispute between England and Ventfiuela are not yet pro ducing nch an otitpnt as those of the Rand or of Colarado, but according to English official estimates they already give employment to 10,000 men, and it is said that hardly more than a tenth ot the gold-bearing territory line been explored. Mining lias rxnn going on for barely ten years. The discoveries of gold in paying quantities resulted in an output of 400,000 in the five years from 1886 to 1890, but in 1891 the pro duction increased to 375,000, and by 1894 it had risen to 510,000, or nearly as much as the total revenues of the colony. The earning capacity of money is about six per cent It costs half of this amount to support the government under prevent conditions. This is out of all proportion and it is a draft upon the people which Ihey cannot endure long; One half the earning capacity of the people is conhumed by less than one-fiftieth of non-producing popula tion . It is only a question of time when such a condition will result in bankruptcy of the tax-paying and pro uucing classes. Dhpatch. i Uscle Join Spruceby. ' Considering the inclement weather Ihe audience which greeted the Uncle Joh Sprucely company last night, says an exchange, was larger than the mun agement expected, and judging from the vociferous applause which was ac corded to the exc ellent specialties the plsy was throughly enjoyed. In some parts the verbiage might be Improved, but taken thoroughout it was a much better melo-dratns than the public had been led to believe. Mr. Burt Hodgkins, as Uncle Josh 8 w lice by, a typical New England farmer, played the part to perfection, and bis adventures with the New York landlady provoked roars of laughter. Major O'Laughlin's manipulations of the musket and baton were marvelously skillful and drew forth rounds of ap plause. The sawmill scene in the third act, where Nancy Spruceby, after being choked by her husband, is thrown on the log and allowed to be carried almost against the teeth of the saw ripping through the timber, is thrilling and ex ceedingly realistic. That is the scenic climax of the play and is a striking effect which the lovers of stage realism sppreciated . One of the best features of the per formance, however, was the excellent orchestra, nnder the direction. of ?rof. Cbas. Gerlach. It is one of the best which has been brought to Fort Worth this season, and the musical selection! ttiih numerous variations, introducing all Ihe ordinary sounds heard on the farm, delighted the entire audience. At Sliively's opera house Saturday, Febru ary 15th. Tickets on sale at postoffice. 4 PAPERS FOR Ul THE NEW YORK WORLD, THRICE-A WEEK EDITION. ASE YOUR WIFE... By Baying One of Those ELEGANT LOUNGES A ti New Store of J. J. McGrath Opposite Postoffice. All Kinds of Upholstering Work Done to Order MATTRESSES Repairing 0! All Kinds And Carpet Laying Done. MADE TO ORDER And Repaired COPNTY OFFICER".; . Judo : O. K. Hnyes rk of Courts Ora. F. Ilurliin Hherlff It. U. Madilnck Kwonlnr 8. M. Haiu.liy Treasurer, ,.M.L. Moore Aeuaeor, J. C. Ilnullay School Huperlnteudent H. H Ullwoii Sumjrnr, '. D. W. Klmilard Coroner, , It. L. Uolmmi --'- fEtf.ES Oonotjr Court meet, on Bret Wednesday after tint Monday of every month. Probata Court meets on first Monday of evsry month. Circuit Court meet! on third Monday In April and arai jnonuay in flovemoer, OREGON CITY OFFICERS. Mayor Hiram fitrala-h Recorder, ..... .T. F. Ityan Chief of Police, T C. E. Borna Treasurer H. E. Slraiiiht Cltr Attorney F. T. Orlflltb Street Commissioner. C. C Babcock.Jr, Sup't of Water Worke, W. 11. Howell City Engineer H. H. Jotinaon Councilman Hearr Me dram. J. W. Moffat. L. rener. . i. laoae, at. aoaraer, U. u. uapioa, T. K. Gao.lt, John Blitn.r. vouneu amis Bret Wednesday ol eacn montn. . eiIERIFF'8 8ALE. In Die Circuit i:iurt of the fltnte of Oregon,) Bank of Oregon City. OLDEST BARKING HOU8B IK TBI CITY r.Id Up Caltsl, $50,000. Surplus, $20,850. Preildent. Vice President, Cashier, Manager, . ' Tiomas CiAlaUN Obo. a. Habdim K. O. CioniLD CMABUi H.CAOnL0 JtisTici courts everywhure are ex. pensive and practically no benefit is received from the outlay required io aiaintaiti them, as nearly every Impor tant case coming before tlietn has to be tried over before the circuit court. Of ten a double expense is thus created and then the cse dismissed. What we need is a court always In session, where all ordinary cases may be Iried and dis posed of without any expensive and useless preliminary wotk.Jaclmmville Timet. 18 Paget Week, lit Paper a Tear la larger than any weekly or semi-weekly Baper published nnd la the only Important emocratlc "weekly" tiuhllcatlon In Mew York. Oily. It will be of especial advantage to you during tbe PKKS1UKN UAL UAMPAIGN , as it la puuiisneo every otner aay, except nun day, ana has all the freshness and tlmellneea nf dally. It comblnea all tbe newa with a long liat of Interesting departmenta, unique features, cartoons an i grnpmc illustrations, tne latter being a peelallty. All th-.-ae Improvements have been made without sny Increase In tbe cost, which remaini at one dollar a year. we oner mis uucouaiea newspapirnna me ORKOON cnilKIKH together one year for Itoo, t montha for 11.00, or S montlia lor cents. All Goods are Hand-Hade And First-Class in Every Respect SATISFACTION GUARANTEED. No More Dust, No More Sprinkling, No Hore Scrubblig, When Ton Ba?e SUMMONS. In the Circuit Court ol the State of Oregon, for ine uouniy ot uiacaamas. James . Day ana siran K. Day. Plaintiffs, vs. jonn unioer, or tne unknown belra of John uruner, Deieuaanu To John Oraber, the abore named defendant, or to me unknown neirs or jonn u ruber, IN THE NAME OP THE STATE OF OREGON you. and each of von. are hereby reauimd to appearand answer the complaint (Ilea against you In 111" above entitled cauae on or hnfunt thn inira Monday in April, a. i. ihuo, the amo ueing tne mta aay oi April, lmw, and If you fall so lo answer the plaintiffs will apply to the court for tne relief demanded In said complaint which la a decree that a certain ded evMMitail I the Arena for February anneara 1 Jhedefendant on the23djay of April, 1H6, ., . rr ana recorded in doom k oi uveas on page w, tne Statement, which may seem singular records of Clackamas county, which said deed I aafalu lHSali1ii4 Ja nniiHnti nil ahnol.l a.. to SOme, that the revolt Of the people of veTed To 7. M." Vaifcleav."'. irac toV 75 Mexico "aisaiiist. 8paln was inauu-urAtud k.""w.n .".f''8 i; h - J".h" JLler' ifeaaed, , .... ,i,i..ig m ocv. w, iMp, i n n. a., HHU 111 OCT). by Hidalgo, a priest, September 10. 1810, 1". Twp. u a, R. s K. of Willamette Meridian, which is the natal dav of Mexican In . dependence; he was captured aid shot, when the leadernhip was taken up by Morelos, another priest. The republic has shown iia Krotitude hy naming a state after each of these patriots." A veby utile prenuher, who labored nealously in RiiHeliiirtf for three weeks re tently, got a collodion that amounted to 138 and a ijood many people thought that he was oveipaid. Katie Putnam lauKhed, saii and danced two hours at the theatre Saturday niuht, receiving ibont twice as much and a number of ihose who saw lir think she was pocrly patronised. Review. A contemporary writer says it is a curious fact that while Great Britain looks the world over in vein for an ally, Kussla has a choice of every country in Europe and Asiu, including Great Britain itself. Mr. Bull's reputation as a partner is that he always expects 100 per cent of tbe profits. Ex. Ik the A. P. A. counts 3,500,000 members as it claims, It will elect the next president, and If its bossi is not idle that throughout Christendom It has a aworn allegiance of 0,000,000 men the anti-Catholic crusade has broken out with a vengeance. oonlaininff .127 85-100 acres, altuate in Claekainaa county. OroKon. be so reformed and nomuited in trie aeneripllon tliereln, which locates that Dortloil of said I) L. C. almata In hw. IS. beliiK In R 2 IS. Instead of in H. 8 K., and that the record oi aaid instrument e declared toconvev the land known aa tho John Her D L (J., and if uronerly desorlbed in Sees. 13 and In In Twn. n. ci. hhiiku i ami k., as It anoiild nave dune and you are hereby furtner notlrled thaton the '.nth dHy of JaniMry, 1N46. the iloa. T A. Molirlde, Indue of Ihe above named court, made an mder, dlreetini that aervlee he made on yon iu the above entitled cause hy publication of summons. ja.mks THORN K, AUoruey for Plaintiff. DEATH To make TO FRUIT the Orchard PESTS. Dav Ton luuat. aprar, winter and summer with I'rnf Brown'a KxtermlnaUir. The only Insectioide known that will kill all Inseot life without Injury to tree, fruit or foliage. Kndoraed bv the Hlata Board ef Hurtlrnltiira of Call lorn la, Oregon and Wanhlnirton. Used by many Nurserymen and Orchardiata. Mv winter wash la tho only solution lliat will kill thai wooly Aphis, (used only wheu the follaxe la on"). My aummer wash la a Dure deatrovnr of the cooi uk mom, egK", auu an inaeou axoept wooly Aphis, use Jiiat alter the bluaaoma fall off) uir hop house wash kills all Inserts that Infests vines, vegetables and plants. The Ingredients need in my formulas pan be round In any dm store, mats much leaa than other washes. (Full and explicit directions for miauia; auu using. ) Knowing i nave a aura -emeay, some on- Principled panics are now selling Imitations, herelore, to discourage all such parties I have concluded (for a short lime only to reduce the pricooi toe inree lormuiaa io az.av Dy mall 10 any address, formulae copyrighted, January 14th, 1NW. P. O. Box 'tSil. By W H.BROWN, Kntomologlst. san Kranclsco, Calif. ueutiou tills paper. ..ON THE FLOOR... V It's Odorless. ' It's Cheaper Than Paint, It's NonJnflaminaWe It is a vanish-like subniance, yet never hafJetw, and ivlien applied to iioors oi any Kiau, enables you to sweep without raising the dust, hence yon are not compelled to wait till after office hours to renovate your prr-mme. It is nn odoiouft compound which penetrated the wood and for months Keeps up a constant exudation, sufficient to catch and hold the dnst yet not enough to be noticeable. Extravagant as this icay teem, it can be easily verified. By its use you prevent the percolation of dust p.irtioles throughout shelvph, canes mimI good, which ih so annoying to every mercnant, summer or winter. It will ilouUless, hIso. ward off certain iluemes by preventing the bncferu l'roi rising and being inhaled When you use PUSTINE jou do not ned to scru't your Honrs. This saving id soups and .ye counterbalances the cost of DUSTINE. No sprinkling if required li-dore sweeping. 4 General Banking Bnsiness Transacted. ' Depoalti Eeeelved 8ubJeot to Check. Approved Bills and Notes Discounted. County and City Warrants Bought. Loans Made oa Available Seeunt Exchange Boaght and ld. Collections Made Promptly. Drafta Sold Avallahla In An Part of in. nunu. Telegraphlo Kxchange Sold on Portland, Bad Francisco, Chicago and New York. Interest Paid en Time Deposit. C. V. GRACE & CO. Dealer In Gi ENERAL 1Y1ERCHANDISE. NEW NEW GOODS. STORE, Molvlla Ave., (Ely.) Imperial Gallery Oregon City. PHOTOGRAPHY IN KVERY BRANCH CRAYONS, ENLARGEMENTS. CHILDREN'S PICTURES A SPECIALTY. Gallery tver lit. Frier's Store, Mile St V. HARRIS, t . . . Star -jir Grocery all Mich Vermin, hence is evrv house Buoklei't Aralea Salve. Tub Bcrt Salve in tbe world for Cuts Bruises, Bores, Ulcers, Salt Rheum, Fever Sores, Tetter, Chapped Hands Chilblains. Corns, and all tikin Eruo lions, and positively cares Piles, or no par required. It is guaranteed to jrive perfect satisfaction or money refunded. "rice 25 cents per box. For sale by barmaaAUo. The Fair will close ass its eetlre stock tinware, glassware, aotloas, etc., sjast regarolttt of cost. Everythlsg goei. Free, Free, the great street parade Saturday. Feb. 15th. A great show free at noon. For 50 Cents. Tbe Oregon Coi'Bixa will be sent to any address from now nntil after the Votes are counted at the June election Now is the time to subscribe as tbe committees and nonimating conventions will soon meet. I HEADQUAITEIS FOK j Sweet PeasN Mixed Varieties (.Quarter pound . . 40o. 25o. ISC It menus death I" hVpa and keeper's (tit ml. t is not compoNed of benzoine or any other explosive or infliinmible substance, hence will not sflect your insurance. 'Va.e-eAv PORTLAND JTESTIMONIALS: : We take pleasure In snying that we had spread on our first and seeond floors the preparation manufactured by Mr. Wm Hagley for the purpose of keeping the dust dnwn. Mr. Ragley claimed that the vruDaration would keen the dual off our aooda and wa nnlil Jun . r,,h ocoai-lon to sprinkle onr floors We are pleased to aay the claim la made good. We have now nan uu uur miun in rue mourns ann nave noi oeen annoreo wun ine leaal dllit hi our eatar iiviiiucuk vnr iiufpnf nev,i no apruiKuiia. no nnai on our Doxns oi goooa. we hardly need any duster now and we consider the preparation valuable to every mercantile buslnexs. We have It uu uur mitnueuin auu n avis me same as on our noors. ne cenainiy commend the Drtmaratlon to every storekeeper. PRAGER BROS. CO., We have been using "Dustlne" on Ihe floors of onr crockery store since March, lx4, and the reaulte are ao satisfactory that we continue lining it and will do so in the future. All you claim lor It has been performed Tw decided advantage! reault, namely, that no dust rises when the floors are swept, and that scrubbing ia unnecessary to keep the floor clean. We cordially recom mend lie use ou any floor where dust la liable lo settle. OLDS 4 SUMMERS. We have your 'Dustlne" on our floor bow for some time and eaa truly say that we become more pleased with it every day. We have no need of covers for our goods and have not used them since Hie Uuatfne" was appl ed. To an v one wishing to keep their atock free from dust and also to avoid tbe generally hard labor of sweeping, we eheerfully recommend "Dustlne." CHICAUO CLOTHINU CO. We have had your "Dustlne" on our floor abonl eight month and it is everything you olarra for it. n e have not used anv water on the floor durln that time, and it nnvu th rin.i rising or sticking to tbe floor. We would not be without it for any reasonable consideration. w. is. OWBN a CO. L. B. CHIPMAN, General State Agt., Portland. DEALER IN GROCERIES, FLOUR, FEED, CROCKERY, ETC. for the County ol Cluckauma. ( II. C, Stevens, Plalntlir, 1 8Uhs Wright,''! E. Wrlitht, j Kcubuu Wright and wifu, I Kllsabrth Coatee, i. L. Crouae f and wife, Levi Hiehmaii. A, E. Dun" and wife, and ' 1 James V. elon, Delendaiita. j State of Oregon, j IIY VIRTUE Or A JUDGMENT ORDER, A decree and an execution, duly issued out of and under Ihe seal ol the above emitted court, In the above entitled cause, to me uuiy directed and dated Ihe 10th day of February, laixi, upon a Judgment rendered and entered lit said court on the 7th day of November, letfi, iu favor ol Ihe above uamed plaiotitl ana against the above named defendants, for Ihe sum ul al6.UA, with Interest thereon at Ihe rate of U per cent, per annum from the 7tb day of November, UuS, and the further sum of 27.00 costs and disbursements, and the cost of and upon this writ, commending me to make sale of the following desorlbed real property situate iu the couuty o! Clackamat, stale of Oregon, and that the same be sold In parcels In the order following: First All that portion of the Donation Land Claim of Harrison Wright, described iu laid mortgage and which has not been sold by L. E. wrigntana anas nrigut since tne execution ot aid mortgage, which uasold portion Is described as follows, lawli: Beginning el tbe most easterly corner of Ihe tterrltou Wiight 0. U V. In township i south of range SI east of the W. M.; running thence sonth ilU' west, tracing southeast boundary of said claim M.74 chains to northeast comer of a tract of laud heretofore old to Frank Jones; thence north 46 30' west along northeasterly Una of said Jonee tract 10.41 chains lo soutberlr corner of a tract of land heretofore sold lo Kllxabetn Coates; Iheooa along the easterly line of the latter tract and a tract of laud heretofore sold lo Reuben Wright, north M 0 : east 20.60 chains: thence north ti 44' east lo Molalla river: thence with the meanders of said Molalla river, eontheaaierur to Its Intersection with the east line of the afore said 1. L. C; Ibeuce south 17 M' east to the place of beginning, containing 30 acres, more or less. second The followiM Dremiaea desorlbed In the answer aa sold to Reuben Wright, to-wiu Beginning at a point in the east Hue of the Har rison Wright and wifeD. L. V. No UN, lying In sections 2!t and 2U. towushio 4 smith of rum -J east of W. M. In Clacaainaa county, Oregon, south 17 8 55' east 2.W chains from the northaaat corner thereof; thence aoulii &) west 6.aV chains; thence south M 9 east U.85 chains; Ihence south U'lff west 18.68 chains; Ihence south 67 30' east 8.6 chains; thence south 22 30' west 6.7b chains' theiinn nnh sua ami v.iiiH. uicun Buviii at" wesi kb cuaine; wence south 68 o east 17.21 chains; thence north 84 east 10.IS chains: thaiii:K north 'Zi J:V u.ut VtMi chains to the east line of said claim 18 on the east bank of Molalla river; thence north 17 s 65' ' -'" cnaius tracing said line to place or buginuliig. 'I hi mi !(..( .i .. t in Kt -1. -1 - . . a no ... chains south from Ihe northeast corner of the aald Harrison Wright l. L. 0. In township i south, range 2 east of W. M . ; thence north M east 78 links along center line of the Oiegon City and Molalla road; thence north 22s SW east 4.22 chains along center Hue of haul road; thence at right angles to said road south 07 9 JO east 8 6s chains to slake: Uimiich aikiirti .Mt a to ohalns to a suite, thence north 68 weat 8.80 chains to place of beginning. rourin-oeginuiiig at the uorlheast corner of said Harri.ou WriKlil D. L. C: ihnr on north line of claim w.t 1n in fti,.i.M t.ir in Molalla river gravel bar: Ihence sooth 48 16 BUKtS.BO chains ta rbriit bank nf M.iImD.i thence UD stream u.nb (as obaius to cedar tree W Inches In diameter ou east Hue of Harrison Wright 1. I. C.; thence with claim line, north 17 s 66' west 2.6s chalue lo northeast corner of said Harrison Wrlgbl D. L, C, to place of beginning. .Vhl,.Cu,nme,U!ln w-60 chains south and 18.30 chains weal from uortlircsl corner of said Harrison Wright 1). L. i;. at m k i ,h. ..iu of Oregon City and Molalla road; thence with center line of said road south 84 s west 7 26 chains: thence south 4630' east 17.81 chains lo a stake; thence north 34 3 east W 41 chalue to a stake; thence north 6 weal 17.21 ehaitU to place of beginning. Now. iherefnra. hv virtue ni .t . ,J?ol?mi.8,,0rler,,S,,d.,!0ree",1l I" compliance with thecomniands of said wrl I will, oa Satur day, the 14th day of Mamh. iwik .kL i...... , eleven o'clock A. M . .t th. 7:; , tOunty Court Houte in the cft nf niiv in said couuty and state, sell at public auction.. . subject to redemption, to the highest bidder, for cash In i hand, all the right. Illle and interest . which the within named defendants or either of them, had on Ihe date of the mortgage herein . or since had in and to the above described real property or anv nart ihannf. in ,.n.i. ui.i execution, judgment order, decree, interest, conta aud all accmpg cqsu, ' E. C. MADDCCK, Sheriff of Clackamas Couutv. Slat, nf nii By N. M. MOODY, Deputy. Dated, Oregon City, Or., Vebruafy Uth, 1896. A R. DOOUTTLE'S West Side Store KEEPS A WELL-SELECTED STOCK OF Groceries, Provisions fruits, , flour and feed. West Side Express IN CONNECTION. S08J, STARK STREET. THI ONLY DOUBLE SWEET PEA. f f Midi or kuoiii i - '" rmnwnw (True to Maaie.) Prlcsj-Padiet 25C. Half packet ISO. THE WONDERFUL CRIKSON RAMBLER ROSE, Only IS Cents. mn FLORAL COIDE, 1536, I Ae Pleaeee SeeS OaSaJagea. X irwa ana True Norelt its. rackaiaa - 1 avmavw levwn , WtC Ljihucraphs of Double Sweet Pea. Ro.ee, Fuchaiaj, blackberriea. Raspbettiea. New leader Tomato Vegecahln. Filled with nod ininga, OM and Full LI cgetablea, itnuUI Fraitt, etc, with descriD- 4 iWiJiimi u.:ii . r A 7 r : '' vm meipt oi 10 ct which say be deducted toe f ru ordee really W Free, or nwa with aa order far aay of um ROCHESTER, N. Y. JAMES VICK'S SONS Charman & Co , City Drug Store. Agents ciacKamas county. for A. B. Steinbach & Co. Popular One Price Clothiers, Hatters and Furnishers. i Corner Firrl e) Morilson, Portland. SHERIFF'S SALE. tho Circuit Court of the State of Oregon I for the County of Clackamas. j C. Stevens, Plaintiff, . . va. 1 Henry Peckover, Elizabeth J0ver and William i Smith, Defendants. j State of Oregon, ( Comity ol Clackamas,) MY VIRTUE OF A JDD0MEN1 ORDER, i7.,.;Hl"ld.u'", ""'. duly Issued out "'"' u d" al of th. above entlUed S?'.' ,h1 .bov? e"u,le, ane,tomedulv directed aud dated he luth dav of February, uW,lSpoU Ju,lKraenl dered and enterwl n said court on the 8th day of February !um in favor of H.C. Stevens, plalnilfT, and against h.e.?,,f.l,r?r Peckov'e, ,f Wl. with interest thereon at the rate ol I per cent per aunum from the 8th day of Feb ruary, li, and the further sum if w as at Uirney s fee, and the Inrther sum of 810 costs and disbursements and the costs ol aiid upon this writ, commanding me to make sale of the following described ral Bm J!S.,. :S" county of Clackamas, state of dregon lo-Vii-A 1 of lot No. 12 In Block No N of Park PUce, :-i..,K"'i;."reon- 'wrding to the H. VV. VVESTERMANN, ' Mercbiat Tailor Cleanin., Repairing and Pressing Done. Price's Old Stand, Next Door North of Armory, Oregon City. - NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. LAND OFFICE AT OREGON CITY, OREOON, Jan. 1H, lmw. Notice la hereby given that the following-named settler has filed notice oi his Intention to make final proof In support ol his claim, and that said proof will be made before the Revister and Coivr IT a l .nrl " 0reSn ctlT Option, on February klat, orw, iji . JAMES A. ODELL, H. K. no. TTOS. for th VU nt VII .' VI.' r V l 1 . . .i -r .. . T. , .. ... following wllneaftea to prove his conlinuoua ireiueoce upon ana ruitivatlnn of. aaid land, vis: I'harlee Hair. J. w.r. u-.ii r d ia-... .if" .' -",-""''" " ... . an Mumtm. urrei n. ROBERT A. MILLER, Register. 'ANTED:-tVveral tmatworthly gentlrraen or '.. . d'e to travel ia Oregon for eetabllabed. reliable house. Halarv stmi r,A un Steady poaitlo.. Enrlwe reference and tell ad drreeed jumped envelope. The Dominion Com pany. Third Floor, Omaha Bldg Chicago. Ill dr. Price's Cream Baking; Powder WcrM- Fair Htffcwat JrVedal aad Dtpteaaa. NOTICE FOR PUBLICATIOX. T AND OFFICE AT OREOON CITY. OREGON. January is, 1H8. Notice is hereby given that the following-Bamed settler baa filed notine of nia luiriuioo to naae nnai proof in support of hia claim, and thai said proof will be made be fore Ihe Register and Receiver tj. 8. Land Office Oregon City, Oregon, oa February 21st, im, PETER RID8TBOM, H. E. No. 9028, for the W'i of be i' and E U of e"i, Hoc. 2ri, Twp. & 8., R. t K. He names the following witaeaae lo prove hia continuous residence upon and cultivation of, said land, via: Lara 0. Larson. Andrew Johnson, Albert Engle and Erick l.lndquist, allot Molalla. Or. ROBERT A. MILLER, Reglater. SPECIAL CORPORATE MEETING OF SHAREHOLDERS OF WIL. LAMETTE 8AVINOS AXD LOAN ASSOCIATION. A SPECIAL CORPORATE MEETING OF tbe shareholders of the Wlllamrit irln and Loan Association will be held at their office (In Bank of Oregon Cttybnllding) at 7:30 p. m. Wednesday, February ltb, 1896, for ne pnrpote of placing in nomination director! and auditor, to be roted for at the annual corporate meeting March 2Mb. ISMeV, also for the election of two tellers lo act at aaid annual meeting. By order ol I. O. CAUF1ELD, President. H. K. JONES, Secretary. Now. thercfom. hv nr ., judgment order ind deT and "in" SS wftu the commands of aaid writ, I will on 8'rdy, the 14th day of March lSfloV at the hour of 11:30 o.c nek a u ,c" '."r!' thecouafy court house in the city of Oregon! Cltv in said eountv and .Lat u .mi..... c..bn"ln,h.edrtn,,l0.'i' t0, 'hhl8heat'bldder lor which .h wOhf".theJl5hi ,UI nl '"" I i. hj w 'hi nned defendants or either of .i-' ""'eoi tne mortgage herein or since had in and to the above described real ?iHy or. 'JT ",rt 'hereof to satW? .aid execution, ludement nnl.r , cosu and all accruing ooaui. ' E. C. MADDOCK, Sheriff of Clackamas Conntv. iii By N. M. MOODY, Deputy. Dated, Oregon City, Or., Feb. 11th, 1898. NOTICE OF FINAL SETTLEMENT. WOTICB IS HEREBY GIVEN THAT THE " Snal renort of iha .minu..,.. T . fl iZiT .u iuimr, aeceasea, naa filed In the eountv court of the state of On mi in, C1H1I11J OI been ri Oregon, w,m.bhui.. auu mil .Ann. Shdavpi April. 1896. at llo-clkTl?; Mai MsatCk tilllV SnnninlaJ l J - ' JUherr.udth.'he..g7 WU.tJAll W vini-eie . v . , . . .' 1 vi . iiuministrator. Dated, Febmary 13th, UM A. 8. DRE8SER, Attorney for said Administrator. WAT.ED:eTeI trustworthy gentlemen o ,, J,l'' travel in Oregon for established reliable honae. salary I7S0 and expenses eteadr Doeition. Enelnu .j ."i dremed "tamped enveloi The Dominion Com pany. Third Floor, Omaha Bldg.. Chicago, iu AU pais banlahed by Dr. Mile.' Pain Pllim. All drugglsUsell Dn Mllee' Pain PUla, NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. LAND Omrl AT OREGON CITY, OREGON, January '20, Mia. Nolle. I hereby given that the following-named settler has filed notice of nia intention io mate nnai proof In snpport of hia claim, and thai said proof will be made be fore th. tegtter and Receiver V. 8. Land Office at Oregoa City, Oregon, on March (th, 196, U: JOHN MIS A. H. K. No. 810, for tbe VP! of ft. I ) APPLICATION FOR LICENSE. JJOTICE 18 HEREBY GIVEN THAT W SHALL apply to the city council of Oregon City, Ore gon, lor a saloon license to continue our saloon located on lot i of block 24 In Oregon City, said license to date from February 28th, 1896. HILL COLE. Twp. S 8., R. 5 E. wltneuee lo prove NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. LTn!;PfSl1ATvEG?!,.CITT' OREGON, ,T" Notice la hereby given that the following-named settler has fifed noticeof h s Intention to make Bnal proof nWSoV hia claim, and that aaid proof will Vw. T.J?I before the Register and iWveT U 8 fa Jce Oregon City. OregoTotFebroiry ft? ERICK H. E. No. UNDO. CIST, 7 - w, for the NE. V r-r me ?: of See. 1 , - no- Ken, lor the NE. of lua ai He Dame, the following T- R- E. He name. tWilowiM J iia rontinnnna riHn i nease. te nrov. hi. T" f. , ln n of. Mid land, th:!?1 enlbvation of. said land. iiP? ' . -"- .... i.n'i . , ix : , ----- wi, aaiq lanO. vie- l, ti irM smiid of I berryrille. Oregnn, aad Tharlee I noa Andrew Johnson, Alu-rt Fail. Paschal, Joseph Linhart and Joseph Paschal, Rndstrom, all of Molalla, Oregon. 6andr,-TA.MttLLBer. ROBERT A. MILLER, Register. .