LOCAL EYEXTS. IIocmunci tub Uktaii.oii. "I Imy my h tock mostly in llm Knt," Mini u liicr c Imnl in tlita city lust wtuk while open-ng- a case ol uoodi. "The wholesale men e( Portland, 1 mean Die dusters In notions. ask such !iih prices that it is impossible for me to patronize lliein, and those In Sao Franc iiico are but little better. Portland loses much trade by hogging the retailer. Merchants east of the mountains would buy much more of their dry gcods and notions In Port land if they could do as well there as in Chicago, as they have to pay the freight any way on all they buy in the East to Portland and return. That's where the kindness ot the railroad comes In." Attbmptsd 8ucidb. Mrs. Belle Dnd . ley shot herself last Thursday at ber borne, abont eight miles east ol this city. Her father, J. W. Orr, died last week Tuesday. Her husband is in California. Last summer she suffered a stroke of paralysis that rendered ber health precarious. Oris! over her father's death, with ber own helpess ness and nloomy prospects, seemed to upset her mind, and she sought to end her lire. The wound is a severe one, but not necessarily fatal. Mrs. Dudley 'is 35 year of age. and baa two sons, the older of whom is abont 18 years of sge. Vbtbbah Steamboat Man. On the 15th inst it will be 41 years since Griff Jones of this city began stetmboating. The accidents which have befallen him on the river during that time would had killed most men. Wheu on th Alice ha fell 25 feet from a sane clank, receiv ing injures which laid him up five months. Subsequently in May, 1875 be was blown up with the steamer Senator. Both his less were broken i several places snd one side of his body nearly paralysed, and it took him five years" t recover. Griff is yet as lively as many younger man . Tub Fndbavokkrs. Endeavor day was ubtsuited with much entlu siasm by the young peop'e of the chuiches last Sunday. Exactly fifteen years before viz. on February 2, 1881, the first En deavor society was organised at Port land, Maine. .: There are now some 43.000 societies with more than 2.000, WW memoers- rres. mar ..aajra Golden. Rule that members are now i ni.-b ..... 1 1. . bains- added at the rate of more than a thousand a day. The Endeavor movements is one of the great social phenomena of the day. Naw School House. The Molalla Mhool district hss levied a special school tax of 5t mills and will during the ummer bnild a new two-story building - with two rooms below, and a ball above. ;. the hall to be used fof additional rooms when- it becomes necessary. The amount realized from the tax is between ' S400 and 500 which wi.l be used to buy material aa-i me citizen m ma place has subscribed work to an equal thsrahv enabling Molallaites to secure a fine school building at small cost. Pbobatk Mattshs.-tJ. B. Caples ap nointed auardian of Katie Sargent and April 7th set as time for final hearing of M. Pratt, administratrix of J. P. Miller estate. C. Zweifel, John Vick and Fred Sturgis appointed appraisers of estate of J. H. Zweilcl, liiisl report of John Bngby as administrator iif J. W.Davis approved ' Thirty Tiiousaxd Cokds. Since Bat dorf brothers took their contract on the west' side they hnve delivered 23.000 cords to the mills, and 10,000 cords are yet piled,up along side the railway track and in the wood. Last fall they em ployed 120 wood choppers but now only about 70. They pay 70 cents per cord . . Jones, He I'ays the Fkeioht. Send for a copy of The Buyer's Guide, with latest reductions and market reports, sent free to any address. Freight on $20 orders paid to any point on the Willamette river readied by Portland boats. Jones' Oasii Store, Corner Front and Washington Sts., Portland.Or. Indian war veterms and widow of deceased veterms who desire the pas sage of the bill now before Angnss. granting them pensions should at once address Grand Commander T. A. Wood, Portland, Or., who has the matter in charge. He requires your assistance in this important work. Give your present full poBt office address and name of captain served under. Awarded Highest Honors World's Fair. CREAM sam ty Will MOST PERFECT MADE A. wire Grat Cream of Tartar Powder. Free Irom Ammonia, Alum or any other adulterant 40 YtARS THE STANDARD. mm fiiiPAT Literary Battle. The Hes pi ii.nih ti!l live! Tho oratorical forcos have Hiii-ctHKfiill.v met the Parkplace omt-rs, who arc-used tlicm of timidity iii.d "fi nd lii. kii'." The final engage ment was fought last Thursday evening and a large audience witnessed the contest. It would be too long to com ment on all the proceedings of that In teresting meeting The debate, "Re solved, That the revolutionary war has been more beneficial to the American nation than the civil war," was the main fcutuie of the evening. The af firmative was led by James Matheson, nn efficient and forcible speaker; he was followed by his two colleagnes, Messrs. W. Doucby and Jes. Fsublan, both dis playing an abundance of forensic. tactics and arguments. The heroic Inviuclbls Hesperian phalanx -waV.led, by Fred Meindle, a young, talented, eloquent and forcible speaker. Everett Secor, another embryo orator also defended the civil war and in a clear void language pictured the many evils of slavery. Ed. Meresse, although not at his best, delivered a few well chosen remarks. The Judges Prof. Gray, Mr. O. Freytag and Prof. Holmes rendered a decision, two for negative and one for the affirmative. Miss Mabel Hollembeck delivered a beauti ful lecitation i.nd proved herself to be an elocutionary light. 1 he "Hesperian chjir" rendered a few well received and appreciated (elections. Miss Jennie Noble road the society journal which convulsed the spectators. O. P. Golden Jubilee. Golden Jubilee Celebration at .81. John's Church will take place on Wed nesday. Feb. 12th. MOHXIKU PROGRAM. Solemn High Mass, Coram Episcopo, will begin promptly at 10:30 A. M. The celebrant will be the Rev. A. Hillehrand, with deacon, subdeacon and master f ceremonies. His Grace the Most Kev. W. H. Gross will preach the morning sermon. 1 The music at the morning service will be of tho Cecillluu order, dedicated to honor of St. Patrick. After the morning service His Grace and the invited clergy will participate in a banquet given by St. John's congrega tion. EVENING PROGRAM. ' Address of welcome; JnsephD. Rice. Vocal and instrumental music. Boys and girls' drill. The beautiful farce comedy " A Limb of the Law," by the Artisans." Address by His Grace the arch bishop - Several other good speakers will de liver short addresses during the jsvenlna ' The anturtainment will close with I grand red light tableau of boys and girls sroaert: " " " "": . Tiiia la an occasion that occurs only once in fiifty years, therefore Oregon City people should not lost toe oppor tunity of witnessing this grand festival. Tsaoher's Irsgra. -' Following is the program for the teacher's meefihg at fark Place the last Saturday in t euruary . ltsim : Mtiafn . . WOIW ----------- Fractions E. M. Ward Teacher's Reward Phoebe Eddy Methods of Encouraging Punctu ality ,H. G. Starkweather Maxwell's Grammar.. Gertrude Finley Penmanship P. L. Coleman INTERMISSION. Roll Call Quotation from J Whit- comb Riley. . Recitation W Gilbert Beatly Psychology A. C. Stranj-e Needed School Legislation. .J. T. Gary How can I keep the boys and girls in school'? S. W.Holmes Tenure of Teachers' Position L W.McAdam Address State Supt. G. M. Irwin Recitation Alex. Thomson TEACHERS' EXAMINATION. Vnttnn U herrihv uiven that for the ...nn.a nf malriiii an examination ol all persons who may offer themselves as ,i;.lutoa Inr laurhara of tl fi schools of this county .the county school superinten dent thereoi win noia a puouc e&Buiuin tiou at the courthouse in Oregon City, Clackamas county, Oregon, beginning on irAJv K-uhrimrv 12. 189ti. at 1 D. m. 1ICUUCDU.J, a . ' . -- Those desiring state certificates can apply for same on Thursday, Feb. 13th . Dated this 31st day of January, isutJ. H. S. Gibson, County School Superintendent. The finest line of Bilk umbrellas to be found in the city at Burmeister A Ander sen's. For the accommodation of his many f natnmers on the hill Mr. Albright has established a branch meat market in the Sliively building on Seventh street, where he keeps a full stock of all Kinds of fresh and salted meats, hams, Dacon, lard, etc. No stale meat kept. Give him a call . Men's caps, j'.iBt the thing for work ing. Reduced from 50c to 2'ic, at the I Racket Store. ! . -. m r Fcr 50 Cents. The Oregon Coi'Rier will be sent to any address from now until after the Totes are counted at the June election. Now is the time to subscribe as tbe committees and nonimating conventions will soon meet. m rjeadarbe bad? Get Miles' Pain PIIU. LOCAL NEW ITEMS. For bargains go to the Racket Store. Go to the Racket Store (or your valen tines C. F. Blytbeof Cnnomuli lias moved to East ?ortland. Mr. Meserve and family moved to Gladstone Monday. Valentines of all kind at the Racket Store, cheapest in the city. W. F. Hubbard of Clear Creek was in town on business Friday. Mrs. 8nidow Is lying quite ill at her rooms over the "Fair' ' store. Mrs. Hammond (nue Ward) was visiting friends here this week . Miss Beasa Re J dick of Green Point has been quit 111 during tbe week. G. "Rentier was on Monday appointed postmaster at Stafford, this county. Miss Nora Conyers visited her former home In Colombia county last week. Mr. Robt. Finley has returned from the coast, where he has property inter ests. Last Tbursdsy the friends of Miss Blsncbe Holden gsve her a surprise party. Miss Stella Welch of 8ilverton has been visiting her brother, J. W., this week. The many friends of Hon. Peter Psquet will be pained to hear that He is no better. License to wed granted on February 3dtoMsryM.J. Rauch and Wilbarn G. Randall. Mrs. A. R. Dootitlle of the. west aids is recovering from severe attack of rheumatism. J. H. Brown, the Logan postmaster, was doing; business at the county seat on Thursday. Mrs. .McDonald of Portland will pre side at the piano at the Guild sociable Tuesday evening. Remember Isabella G. Barchns and Elisabeth E. Plummer at Shlvely's n Saturday evening. ' 8. B. Califf, T. 8. Lawrence and "Jinks" McCown are each building fine houses on the hill. An old unoccupied frame building on upper Main near Third partially burned on last Friday night. See Uncle Josh Sprunoby himself in tbe lead carpet sack In hand. Parade Saturday, Feb. 15th. O. W. Robbins, tbe merchant, and N.. P. Kaylor, tbe pork packer, of Molalla, were io town this week. ' Mr. John Bean and family are occuby ing Mr. J. M. Taylor's cottage, rtpflOly vacated by Mr. Sheehan. , - . , J. O. Keller baa bis hand crashed at iU Wtit.'matta' mills" on Tuesday. It was amputated at the wrist . Miss Neita Barlow has secured the best talent to be had to sing at her con cert on Tuesday evening next. ; Uncle John Sprnceby'a Hayseed Band .111 ., Hattirdav. Feb. 15th. Do not fail to See the great procession. T. P. Randall is now dock agent at this place for the O. C. T. Co. 'a boats and Jack Oliphant is purser on the Ratnona . . ; Mrs. L Toedtemeier of Wilsonville and Miss Amelia Toedtemeier of this citv returned last week from a trip to California ' W. H. Youn on Saturday purchaced the interest of his partner, W.Davidson, in the livery business and will here after "go it alone." Mrs. J. T. Lynch on Saturday re ceived the S. F. Chronicle present of a silver cup for becoming the mother of a son on Christmas day. E. G. Caufleld will not build a new building at cornar of Main and Eighth streets. Since the report he has been besieged by architects, carpenters, etc Thn stHte republican conventio n will be held in Portland on April 9th and the flrBt district congressional conven tion will be held at A Ibany on April 7m James Shaw returned on Sunday from an extended trip through Minnesota, Wisconsin, the Ddkotas, Iowa and the middle states. He reports things quiet there The ladies of St Paul's guild will uive a Valentine social dance on next Thursday evening, February 13th. Ad mission, including dancing privileges, 25; children 10 cents. Photographs, crayon, water color and pastel portraits, views, frames, etc., at Cheney's Art Gallery at reasonable figures. Call and be convinced. One door south o' Red Front. About 501 hoes have been packed this sea son at Molalla by the two pack ing establishments and still there was demand for more. The Molalla hams and bcon find ready sale in the market here. Merton Robert, the 10 month old son of Duane C. Ely. died t the residence of F. A. Ely at Mt. View on last Friday and was buried on Saturday, February lst.at 2 p.m., Rev. A. J. Montgomery officiating. John Hig'ins, aged 73, died at his home at Kedland on last Thursday of liver troubles, and was buried the fol lowing day under the auspices of the G. A .R. He was a veteran of the Mexican and civil wars, and has been resident on Clear creek for about 20 years. Violin, Guitars, Mandolins, Autoharps, ""WASHBURN GCJfrrlfR. Strings and Extras lor All Instruments. .BURMEISTER & ANDRESENS. The Junior dancing club will give a dance on Friday evening of this week ; 8t. Psul's guild gives a St. Valentine dance on next Thnrsday and Mrs. Moray and Mrs. Pope will give a private mas qureade on next Friday erenlng . County C!erk Horton collected during the m'ontfe of January, fees amounting to $233 OA 50 more than for January last year. Recorder Ramsby tnraed over fees aggregating $201 65 $71 more t ban for the same month a year ago. The midyear examinations are taking place thla week in oar city schools. Next Monday the second term begins and all parents who have children to nter the primary room are requested to start them than so they may begin with their class. Miss Wiggins secured from Kansas a arge stalk of the Kaffir corn and dis tributed the kernels among the members of the Chautauqua circle at their Mon day evening meeting. A detailed dis criptlon l the new "wonder" was crowded out of this issue. The Ualol! gospel meetings at in Baptist church still continue with in creasing interest. The attendance is large, a number of conversions have occurred, and tbe serious attention on the part of those who attend gives promise of still further results. The meetings are held each evening except Saturday and ttw public is cordially Invited. LOCAL SUMMARY. li it .-, 1 I'll on good security by A. S. Dresser. Tablets and composition books 4c up at 'The Fair." Prescriptions carefully compounded a Q. A. Harding's drug store. Retilved at Charman A Son's a large invoice of wall paper, latest and pret tiest designs. J. W. Welch, dentist, formerly oi the Chiaago College of Dental Surgery Office in Courier block near depot. For your strings and extrss for all nusical instruments go to Burmeister k Andresen's. who keep a fall supply. Blsnk note and receipt books of all kinds and deeds, ' mortgages, etc., cheaper than Portland wholesale prices at Courier office. L. L. Pickens, dentist, does all kinds of dental work.' Gold crowns, porcelain crowns and bridge work a apecialty. Office in Barclay building, corner Main and Seventh streets. Remember when you need anything in the line of graniteware or tinware that W. A. Putrow now has a complete assortment. If price is any object yon will not fail to give him a call. Flour 70 cents, dry granulated sugar, rice, raisins or soda 5 cents per pound. Elegsnt trimmed hats at cut prices. Christmas goods In variety at liedrock prices. Red Front Trading Co. Frank P. Welch, dentist, graduate of the University of Pennsylvania, will 'be in Oregon City office Thurs day of each week ; remainder of each week in Portland office, room 77 Dekum buildin.' C. A. Willey has moved his harness and repair shop from on the hill to second door west of depot, next to Courier office, where he will not only keep a full line of first-class hand-made harness, saddles, etc., but will do all kinds of harness and boot and shoe repairing at prices that can't be dup licated. Give him a call. Satisfaction guaranteed. Tbe Fair is eleslno oat. Tinware Cheap. Bellomy & Busch have received a large consignment of tinware direct from the factory, and aa there is no middleman to pay the public of Oregon City will get the benefit of this hesvv purchase. No. 8 wash boil ers are sold for 75c, and copper bottom tea kettles for 50c. Sbark, the barber, don't swim but he's in the swim when it comes to shaving and hair cutting. Eagle Tailoring Company. M-W-fil Xew Iekntn, 4 S'. Cor. 3.1 Aan. Portland. Suts made order in the Latest Styles. mi ...Accordians.. A Different - r-y -rrr Methods of Advertising Are used by different firms. Watch the win dow and you will see one of our ways. Each week some staple and useful article will be marked at prices you . never bought the same at before. PUTROW'S TdSTORE, MAR COURT HOUSE. Marvelous Result. From a letter written by Rev. J Gund erman, of Dimondale. Mich., we are permuted to make this extract: "1 nave no hesitation in recommending Dr. King's New Discovery, as tbe results were almost marvelous in the case of my wife. While I was pastor of the Baptist Church at Rives Junction she was brought down with Pneumonia succeed ing La Grippe. Terrible paroxysms of coughing would last hours with little interruption and it seonmd as if she could not survive them. A friend re commended Dr. Kinx's New Discovery ; it wan quick in its work and highly satisfactory in results." Trial bottles free at Charman & Co's Drug Store. Regular size 50c. and $1.00. Money loaned on farms or business property. J. F. Clark, office over Oregon City bank. Cheney's Art Gallery, situated on Main street, Is now open tor business. , For Over Fifty Tears. 1 As Old ai Wbll-Tbikd Bimsdt. lb. Wis Uw'iSostklnf Sjmp ku bMB OMd for vnt tttj ran by Billions C mothm for Iholr children whlU toothing, with Perfect racoM). . It moUms Um child, ofttai th f aau, allays all pnla, earai wind oollo sad th toot nandy for Diarrhoj. I ylmoni I thHl. Sold by Dratf M ia eirj part of th World u Twonty-lT eonU bottle. It vain Is in oatouhtbl, " B san and k for Mrs. Window's Soothing Sjrraa, and tak a ethor kind .- ' FRENCH TANSY WAFERS. .., These wafers are for painful, scsnty. profuse or irregular menses, any cause, and ladies will find that no better remedy exists for these difficulties. To avoid being imposed npoc by base imita tions buy from our agents and take French Tansy Wafers only. Pries by mail, $3.00. C. G. Huntley, Druggist, Cautield Block, Oregon City, Oregon. The successful farmer has learned by experience that some grains require tar ditter- ent soli than others. He knows that a great deal de pends on right planting at the right time. No use complain ing In summer that a mistake was made In soring. Decide before seed-time. The best time to treat coughs and colds Is before the seeds, or germs, of consumption have begun their destructive work. Scott's Emulsion of Cod- liver Oil, with Hypophos phltes, promptly cures lung and throat troubles. Do not neglect your cold. SCOTT'S EMUUIMhttbMfltndorMdbyth mcOiul protoflon for twenty yt art. (.Atk yam itlar.) Thi. it okoum It it tlwtjrt pslstmUi olwtyt umtm tlwayt torn fin lu puna Norwrru Codlmr Oil Mi Hypophoipkittt. intitt on Scott's Enulf km, with mot-mark of Ban and fish. Put up tn v cent and i xx tht. Th tmatl rlia auy b. tnouh to cur your cough or halp your baby. Eagle Tailoring Company. M-SO-fil New rtpkiim, Cor. 8-1 Wanh. fortlanl. Give us a trial as we GUARANTEE SATIS F ACTON". MM Warm Shoes For Cold. Feet. Our shoes are warm and tight as it's possible to have shoes. That's 011 account of the good ness of the leather in the care that's taken in their making on the perfection and comfort of their fit.' All sizes and atylea ladies', men's and children's. .v 1 KrausseG$ros, Next Door to Burmeister A Andreseale. j THOS. F. RYAN, Notary Public and Real Estate Broker Leading Insobamcb Aomcv or Olactism County. , Monev to Loan. Abatmcti of Title at id a. Drawing- ol Legal Document a Specialty- umc on earn une 01 ataia nn, Between 6th and 7tb. OREGON CITY, OREGON. RINEARSON & HYDE, ATTORNEYS AT LAW ABSTRACTING DONE. Opposite Caufield Block, OREGON CITT, ... OBKM C. D. & D. C. LAT0URETTE Attorneys at Law, Commercial, Real Estate and. Probate Law Specialties. OFFICE: Cennerolal Bask SriMIs OREGON CITY. OREGON. GEO. C. HOVNELL, Attorney at Law, Office On Door North oCaitfeldJsIfmni OREGON CITY, . OREGOjs L F, DRIGGS, ATTORNEY at LAT7 OREGON CITY. Office 1 Two Doors Sooth of Conrthoua Noblitt Livery and Sslfl.Sttilr OREGON CITY, OREGON, 0s the Street betweea tks Bridie eae" ttv Oepet. ' Double and lucl rial and laddla hoiaai way on hand at th loweat rate, and s oarw ; alio connected with Ui barn for loo ioel Any Information regarding any kind of star promptly attended to by letter or person. HORSES BOUGHT OR BOLD The Commercial Dank OF OREGON CITY. , CAPITAL f 100,000. Transacts General Banking Buslnesi Loans made. Bill discounted. Mske .' lection. Buy and sell exchange on all poll 1 In the United Btataa and Knrope ind on Hoi Kong, bepoalt recelred mbfecl to check. Bank open from A. M. to 4 P. M. D. O. LATOURKTTB, T. B, DONALD BO I Preaident. Cahi. R. FKEYTAG'S.... ...Corner Grocery ... Keeps a full line of STAPLE and FANCY GROCERIES, PROVi3 ION8, FLOUR. FEED, FRUITS and VEGETABLES at. Lowest Prlces-- J0HN WELCH, eotlat. Boom 76, 17. 7, Dekuc Buildlna. POBTLAMD, OlIXOOS. Mm? of my friend fcav troubl to and mt) fcou thla card. New Fiah market. K. Richard, Prop. Oysters, Fresh and Salt Watei Fish, Poultry, Game, Crabs, Clams, Etc. Turkey, Geete and Chicken for ThankHglvinr JJlnuer. Fret Dcllctry. Too Doort South of Armor' I GEO. A. HARDING, DBALKB Iff IF IR, Standard Pat. Medicines. Paint. Oil and Window Glu. Prucrlptloni Accurately Compounded HABDIXO'S BLOCK.