Oregon Courier. liU A. W. CHENEY. CITY OJTIPXCIAL I'APKIi, Entered In the Oregon City postofflce as second class matter. SUBSCRIPTION RATES. One year 2 00 Ux montbi 1 00 hrea monlhi bo If paid In advance, per year 1 M t&'Tht date oppotlte your address on the apor denotef the tine to which you liave paid ADVERTISING BATES. Standing bualneai advertisements: 1 Inch If. 2 Inches 11 80. X lmhi i I?chP" oolunw) 12 .85, 10 Inches (H column) , 20 inches (column) W; yearly contracts lo per Per week 1 Inch St. Cecilia Chorui. cent leu. Transient sdvertlaementa : iwd, ineuae fir incnea laches el JO, 10 Inch 2 M. SO Iriehea In Legal adyertleemente: Per Inch-Bret In. Aarrtlon SI. aarh uMitlnn.l fmuntinn oru Am. 4aaiUf' publtoatkMi will mc k furniaaad til pnoueanon reel are paia, laMal notices! Firs centa per line per week, V SUMBM1 MJ. PATRONIZE HOME IADPSTBT. OBEOON CITY, FEB. 7. 1896. i QOOB APPOlNTMtHT. By the appointment of Bon. Wlllism Galloway of Yambill county to tlx office of receiver of the United States land office of Oregon City, the administration baa conferred an honor on Itself, for he ia not alone a courageous, uncompro misiDi,aggi-essi ve democrat, proud of the faith that is In him, but a m-vlel citizen and a man of honor, above tint artifices and tricks both of the weak-kneed, fawning time-server and I he prnfe aional politician. In his legislative career, he proved himself to be invul nerable to the a'lurementa of the re publican uorruptionists who have robbed the taxpayers, being always active and foremost in behalf of honesty and frugality. Though Yamhill county lias a , republican majority, its citizens Following is the program of the St Cecilia Chorus, given under the aunpi ces of Mi'hs Neita Burton, on Tuesday ev nlng, Fobrunry 11th: Chorus, "In Spring." V. Dargiet I'iano.Solo"FaiilasiaImpromptu''Cliopin Mrs. E. E. Williams. Vocal Solo, "Spring Song" from The Knickerbockers Miss Florence Moray. Siring Quartette, "Mill In the Forest', Eilenberg Pauline Campbell, Vera Caufleld, Clare Campbell Harley Stevens. Vocal Solo, "When you are here Love," Vannab Mrs. Alex.Thomas. Chorus, ()"Summer'Fancies,"0 Metra. (b) "Last Night.". .... Kjerulff Reese Vocal Solo, "Walts Bone," from Romeo and Juliet Miss Agnes Watt Vocal Solo, "Violets-, ,.Rome Miss Lois Steers. Flam. Solo, "Nocturne," Op. 31 No. 2, Chopin Miss Beatrice Barlow. Vocal Solo, Selection from Rigoletto Mrs. Cass, U. Barlow. Chorus, "Greetings to Spring," Wilson The choruses consist of the follow Ins: Soprano Misses Florence Morey, Vera Pilsbury, Kale Ward. Minnie Kueeter, Mary Congers, May Kelly and Muriel Stevens; Mesdames Alden Gra ham, A 8. Dresser and W. C. Cheney. Contraltos: Misses Etta Pop. Mattie Draper and Hattie Monro. Mesdaraes B. M. Doolittle and Chas. H. Caufleld. Mrs. E. E. William, aceompanist. Tickets sold at Huntley's. Free, Free, the great atreet parade Saturday. Feb. loth. A great ahow free at noon. Electric Bitter. Electric Bitters Is a medicine suited for any season, but perhaps more gener ally needed in the Spring, when the languid exhausted reeling prevails, when the liver is torpid and sluggish and the need o a tonic and alterative Is lelt. A prompt use of this medicine lias ollen averted long and perhaps fatal bilious fevers. No medicine will act mre surely in counteracting and freeing the system from the malarial poison. Head ache, Indigestion, Constipntiou, Dir.. siness yield to Electric Bitters. Only 30c and $1 per bottle atCharmun ACo's urug store IB , a . Louis Frledrich, the fashionable tailor has moved his shop to the building formerly occupied by Mrs. Dn teller's millinery store. Nothing but drst-claxs work done and satisfaction guaranteed. HWom fWattk esteemed Mr. Ullowy so highly that tlwy elected him on the democratic ticket to the office of county judge, and for several years lis has been prominent ly identified wlth tb management of the state fair. In 1894, In recognition of bis ability, sterling integrity and popularity throughout the state, the democratic party placed him in nomina tion for the office of governor of Oregon. Aa a matter of coarse, the republican majority and the republican sack being overwhelm!, g, tho democratic standard bearer was defeated, but true to the chivalric blood of old Virginia thnl courses through his veins, i.e win not conquered . William Galloway was born in Dodge ville, Wisconsin, June 10, 1845. He crossed tho plains w ith his parents when he was hut seven years of age. They located in Yamhill county. He was elected h member nf the Oregon state legislature in 1874, again in 1878, and was re-elected in 1880. During the ses sion of 1878 he was chairman of the ways ami means committee of the house By .fUfln iFfilfS WWd CCD By Baying One of Tbose ELEGANT L0DN6ES, COPNTT OFFICERS. -tuillfe, ... rUk ol Courts, Kherlir Kiaiorder -.- , Tmaaurcr, Aweiwor, Iiiml Superintendent. . . . 0. E. Iluyo Bm, F. II. .111111 B. C. Msdilook . H. M. IU111.1..V , . . M. L. Mcxirn ..1. C. Bradley II. 8 (llliann Surveyor D. W. Kliiniard Coroner, R. L. llulman I Hloharn molt I Frank Jaguar nisi At tie New 'Store of Commissioner!, County Court meets on Brit Wednesday after smnnay 01 every nonin. Probata Court meets on lint Monday of arery miintli. Circuit Court meets oa third Monday In April and drm MoiKlay In November. j OBEOON CITY OFFICERS. Mayor Hiram Rlrahrht Recorder, .1. F. Ryan I'liM of Police. C. K. Burns Treasurer, H. E. Straight City Attorney F. T. (Iriltllli Street Commissioner CO. Balioock.Jr, Hup't. of Water Work W. II. Howell City Engineer H. H. Johnwn Coonelleaen Henrr liaMnim. 3. W. Muflit. L. L. 1'ortir, J. J. Cook, B. Koeraer. L. 0. Caplea, 1. K. Uaalt, John Blttntr. Coaaell BtatSntWgdaailay of eaeb atonth. J. J. McGrath Bank of Oregon City. I OLDEST BANKING BOUSE IN TBI CITT Fald Up Caltal, $50,000. Surplus, $20,850. Opposite Postoffice. All Kinds of Upholstering : Work Done to Order President, Vlo Preaident, Cubier, ataoafer, . . Taoif AS CHASJlAtt . Omo. A. Hasbiss X. O. Caunsu CBAILla H.CAOrttiB SPECIAL CORPORATE MEETING OF SHAREHOLDERS OF WIL LAMETTE SAVINGS AND ' JLOAS ASSOCIATION. BFECtAL CORPORATE MEETINO OF lae anaranoiaera nl in. wiiiametta Harinra and Loan AaaociaUen will be held at their nrhnu in aana 01 urecoo uur building) at 7:80 d. m, Wadneadsr, February Isib, lavs, for the purpote of placing In aominatlon dlraetora and auditor! to be voted for at tbe annual corporate meeting March 30th, ISW, alio for the1 election of two alters w set a aata annual meeting. . By order of f. O. CAUF1ELD, Preaident H If. JONK8, Beoretary. Repairing 01 AU Kinds And Carpet Laying Done. General Banking Bualneai Traniacted. Depoalta Received Subject to Check. Approved Bllli and Motet Dlaconnted. County and City Warrant bought. Loana Hade on Arallable Secnnt Exohange Bought and 4nld. 'Collection! Made Promptly.- ' Drafta Hold Avallahla In Anv Part of th. World. Telegraphic Kichange 8old on Portland, Baa Franclaeo, Chicago and New York. Intereal Paid on Tine Dennalt. criTjitcirrcs. Flrt rongn-gailonal (Tiuroh n.r. J. W Cowin Piulor. Hrrricun II a. ni. and :IH) i. m. HurnUy ScIuhiI arii-riwirnliig "iTlce. Pniy.r Holing .rery W'Mlm-iiilny xvrnlnK t K:II0 p, m. I'rayer Mwllng I. I', S. C, K. ") Suuiliiy ov.lilng at t:'0 prompt, Flril IliptNl C'litirch ItfT. M I.. Bugg, FHilor Muriiliig Hrrvlra II; Bunday School 1 'J : 1 r. ; Kmiiliif Sirrlr 8 :Ht; It'-K rtlar 1'ray.r Mwllng Weilnmilay viiImb, Monthly i:rrnHin Mroling .r.ry Wrdnn. diiy rvi uliig prucurdiog Ur.t Sunduy in the month, St, John'. Church, Oathollo B.y. A. Illll.brand, Pwtor. On Hiiiiilny, StuM at S aod 10:30 a a. Every Suuiliiy Uonnitn Harmon aftar I a'aluek Maw. At all other Mnmoii Kngliah Sarmona. (aaday SekMl t:'.u p in. VVniHini, AH)logeticKl SubjMti aad Ban lullction at 7::m p. lu. Mnihoillt Kplopal. K.. S. W. Stryker, Paator, Morning Sirioet II; Sunday Hehool at llilS; Kvm. lug barvic. at M. Ep worth Laaga. Bating Sua. day vroiilng at 0:'.U; l'my.r Mmtlng Thunday avaa. lug at t .W. Fimt I'mshyti'rliin Church. Bey. A. J, Mwtgoai. ry, Pwtor. (Mtvich ll a. m, ana aw p. m. eauiatk Hehool 10 a. in. Y. V. S. O. K. arnala ay.ry Sunday evening at HM. l'ruy.r MmtingWadanday .T.aiag, 8:00. Si au fr'o. Evangelical rhuroh, Oarman H. B, Bornaokuh Paator. Praarklng HarvloM ar.ry Saada, II a. and 7 SO p. ai. Hulbalh School every faaday I a. Weakly Pray.r Mortlag .v.ry Wwaday ev.alag, ' TJaltad Brethren Chnrek. Be. J, IF, ktrladge, Kalar. 'BHgjuiotoaBd aad fourth aa4aT BMralaga and tlia proceeding aalunUy night la each aa.atk at Oreaon City 11 a. m. and 7 a. .. and the ant Sea. aav aftaraoea of aaeb aaoalh at Fatb) Tlaw. Ft. Punl'i Church, EptMnpal Ber. Taaae Bawaee, paHlor. BmlcM ar.ry Sanday at II a. m. aad 1st p. aa., aud Friday erasing at 7 -39 p. a. Bvangtllcal tnthrian Zloa Congregation. Ret. L. Oray, paator. Mi! la Sblvely'a kail. Banday achool from 1130 to 10;) a. m. Barvicee 100 a, m, aa4 7;S0p. m. G. W. GRACE & CO.. Dealer In MATTRESSES MADE TO ORDER And Repaired General Merchandise All Goods are Hand-Made And First-Class In Every Respect SATISFACTION GUARANTEED. No Core Dust, 1 No ILiriskllng, No Csre Scrcbblzg, trten Ton Eaie. NEW GOODS. NEW STORE. Molvlla Ave.. (Ely.) Imperial Gallery Oreg-on City. Tub policy of absorption which Russia is prepalring- lo adopt tiward Turkey, will eventually lead the reuli.ation o' the (lity-ilreatns of her emperors and statesmen since Hie lime of Peter the Ureat, who laid the foundation of the Russian empire. Constantinople will become a Russian seaport and Armenia a Russian province, and, prhaps, Jeru salem a French city. The realization of this progranme may include a war j with Great Britain, but if il does, the war will include all Europe, anl no European power can leas afford ita risks than Great Britain. The Vene lurlan boundary dispute hss helped to brinK out, silently, that the "mother country" has no friends, at which no tare American grieves, for the old lady despises us, and the country must need to be thankful to the president for his time and vigorous message in regard lo it. SUMMONS. In the Circuit Court of the State of Oregon, for in luuuiy ui iiecamaj. James B. Dey and 8arah K. Day, PlalntlaX vr John Grnber, or the unknown heira of Job.it Umber, Defendant. To John Qruber, the above named defendant, or to the uaknowu heira of John ((ruber. IN THB NAMB OF THE STATE OF OREGON rou. and each of you. are hereby reaiilred to appear and aniwer the complaint (Ilea againat you In the above entitled eauie on or before the third Monday In April, A. I. lSDtl, the aame being the 201 h (lav of Anrll. 1H!kI. mid If vim (all no lo irnnwcr the pluliitlHn will apply to the court for the relief domandi-il In aald voinplaint which In a decree that a oerlnln dei-il executed by the defendant on the 'JKd day of April, Ikwi, and recorded In book E of Deeila on page 840, record n of t'lackamaa county, which Mid deed was intended to convey and ihoulil have con veyed lo J. 8. M. Vancleave. iraet ol land known aa the D. I,. C. nl John Her, dcceanel, aitiiBto In Sco 13, Two. 2 8 . R. 3 E.. and In Sec. la, Two. i 8., K. 8 K. of Wlllaniettu Meridian. vuniaiiiiiig sit tw-tuu acres, ituale In Clackamas county, Oregon, he an reformed and corrected In the description therein, which locateii that portion of aald 1) L. C. aiiuate In Sec. 1H, aa being In R. 2 R. Innteail ol In R. .1 E., and that the record of aald instrument he declared tooonvev the laud known as the John Her D L C. and If properly described in Sees. 18 and 18 In Twp. t n. o, Kange imiii r.., aa a kiiouiu have done and you are hereby lurtner notifled that on the '.tilh day of January, lK'Mi, the Hon. T. A. Mollrlde, Juiljfe of the alMive named court, made an older, directing that service lie made on you III the above entitled cans, by publication of summons. JAMKM THORNS, Attorney for Plaintiff. 0N THE FLOOR... It's Oiorless, It's Cfeexper Tiaa Paint v ' irsT4laflao2iU PHOTOGRAPHY IN KVERY BRANCH CRAYONS, ENLARGEMENTS. CHILDREN'S PICTURES A SPECIALTY. IttMery vr Mr. Prltr't Stars, Mala St. V. HARRIS, r ... StanV Grocery DEALER IN . ., I!n8 were opened on Wednesiluy for the new government hondH. There were 4II40 hida for $"i8,2ti(),SVi worth of bonds at from $1.09 to 11.50, tlie majority bidding about 11 or 12 percent preinitin Bucklen'i Arnica Salve. Tun Bkt Sai.v in the world f.r Culs, Bruises, Sores, I'lcer. Salt Kliettm, Fever Sores, Tetter, Chapped Hands, Chillilaiiis, Corns, and all Skin Krtip tiotis, ami iHsiiively cures Piles, or no pay required. It is guaranteed to give perfect satisfaction or money refunded. Price "5 centa per box For sale ly Cliuruian A t'o. The Fair will close and its entire stock of tiaware. glassware, notions, etc., mast go rejarsJIess of cost. Everything goes. Pr. Mile' Nerre PlasU-ra Z. at all druararUita, DEATH TJ FRUIT PESTS. To make the Orchard pity yon met .pray, winter and eiimmer with Prof. Brown's Extormlnatnr. The only Insecticide known that will kill all Insect life without injury to tree, fruit or foliage. Kndnrseil by tho blate Board ef Horticulture of (..morula. Oregon and naiihington. rued by many Nurserymen and Orchardiata. My winter wa.h la the only aolutlon that will kill the wmily Aphis, (used only when the foliage Is off). My summer wash la a pur. destroyer of the ciMiuiK moth, exirs, and all Insects except wooly Aphis, use Just alter the bloasoma fall on) my hop house waah kills all luaecta that infests vlnca, vegetables and plants. The Ingredients used in my formulae can be found In any ilnu store, costs much lesathan other washea. (Full and explicit directions for mixing and using.) Knowing I have a sure -emedy, some tin- Principled parties are now selling Imitations, herelore. lo discourage all such parties I have concluded ifur a short time only to reduce the price of the three formulas lo IZ.IO by mall to any address. Formulas eopvrlghted, January Hth, I WW. P. 0. Box 7. Bv'W II. BROWN, Kiitiminlogbt. San Francisco, Calif. Mention this paper. It is a vanish like substance; yet never harJerit, d4 when Applied to GROCERIES, FLOUR, ' FEED, ..: noor oi any una, enables you to sweep without raising the dust, rvnrrvw Vlr hence yoir are not-compelled t to wait till after office hours to tltUtaVlilli, Lll. renorate your pivmtse. . ., : i It is an odoroun compound which -tenetrated the Wood and for months - A R.. DOOUTTLE'S keeps up h coustant exuastion.. sufficient to catch and hold the iant yet tiot enough to be noticeable. Extravagant as this re ay Mem, it can be easily verified. By its use you prevent the percolation of dust particles throughout shelves, cases mid goods, which is so annoying to every mercnant, summor or winter. It will tloubtlexs, also, ward off certain diseases by preventing the biiferis frtcn rising ami being inh tlml When vou us DUSIINE un lo ti"t noed to scru't your floors. This sitving of soiips and uoiintcib.iliinces the cost d' DUSTINE No sprinkling is required betun; sweeping. It niesns death to lues and all such vermin, hence is every house keeper's ll i lid. It is not composed Ol' lnnzoin or ituy other explosiva or inflmumible siibstnnce, hence will nut anect your insurance. PORTLAND TESTIMONIALS: We take pleasure In saying that we had spread on our first and second (loon the preparation manufactured by Mr. W in Uitglcy tor the purpose nl keeping the dust d iwu. Mr. Baglev A. B. Stein-bach & Co., Popular One Price Clothiers, Hatters and Furnishers. Corner Firl A Moni.on. I'ortland. claimed that the preparation would keep the dust oil' our goods and we would have no further occasion to sprinkle our floors We am pleased to say the claim Is uiade good, We have uow had it on our Hnora three months and have not been annoyed with the least dust In our estab lishment. Our floors need no sprlnklina. No dust on our boxes of goods. We hardly need anv duster now and we consider the prenaratiou valuable lo everv mercantile hnalmuui u . 1..V- 1. on our uiieoieuiii auu it acis too same a. uu our nuurs. ue eertainiv uoinraenu the preparation to every storekeeper. PRAGER UKOS. CO., We have been using "Dimtlne" on the floora ol our crockerv store since M.rch lu mA tk. results are so satisfactory that we continue using it and will do so in the future. All you claim for it haa been performed Tw - decided advantages result, namely, that no dust rlisa when the floora are awept, and that scrubbing la unnecessary to k.ep the flour clean. We cordially recom mend lte use on any floor where dust ia liable to settle. OLDS & SL'MUEUS syoor "Dnatine" on our floor now foi some time and can truly say that we become ed with it every day. We have no need nt covera for our goods aad have not used lie "Imstlne" wasappl ed. To am on. wishing to keep their stock Iree from dust aud We have ? more pleased them since the aim to avoid the generally bard labor of sweeping, we cheerfully recommend "Onstlne " lHlttuu CIAJTHIM, CO. We have had your "Dustlne" on our floor abont elirht months and It is everything vou clafm for it. We have not usd any water ou th. floor during that time, and it prevents the dust from rising or slicking to the floor. We would not he without it for any reasnnabl. consideration W. M. owns A CO. L. B CHIPMAN, General State Agt., Portland 0B', STAKK STIIEET. Charman & Co., City Drug Store. Agents Clackamas County. for West Side Store KEEPS A WELL-SELECTED STOCK OP Groceries, Provisions FRUITS, FLOUR AND FEED. West Side Express IN CONNECTION. ftOCIXJTIKS. oaaoog cm. Falls Cltj Lodgs No. 8 f A. O. V. W. MmH every latarday evening af each month la A. O. 0. W. hall on Saventh street. All sojournlof krethraa eordially Invited to attend. Xlsetrla Lodca No. 15. A. O. V. W.M aata U and dth Wednwdaya of aack awath. Visiting aeaor! aleoaaa. Oraaoa Lodge, Ma. 1, I. O. O. a. Mass avan Thursday .renlng at 7:80 o'elook p. ss. lath Odd tallows' Hall. Mala strwt. Jfamaara. ol the (Msr are lavltsd lo atlaad. Falla laeaaaDmmi. Va. 1. 1. 0. 0. T M Mta list aad third Tumdays of aaeh aaoatk at Odd r.llovai' stall. Berneersaao visiungpatnaraaa earaiaily la vitU atlaad. Willamette Kakakak. Dam Udsa No. l-Maats tta sKoaa ana ruurtn rnaayi ui taa asoain uw In lha 1. 0. 0. T hall, Ab.rn.thy Babekah DegrM Lie. . Meats Tu.sday ev.alag at L 0. 0. F . hall. Multaomah Ledg., Ne. 1, A. F. A. M.-H.lda It regular commnnicatlons on Srst and third Saturday of each month st 730 p. aa, Brathren in good stand ing ar. Invited to attend. llyrtl. Lodge No. 24, P. of H. Haeta avary Fridsy III A. O. U. W. lull. Clackamas Chapter Nik 2, It. A. M . Regular Coo. vocation third Monday of awnth at 7:80 p. m. Conn Kobln Hood No. tCUO, F. of A. Meets lu K. of P. hall on second and fourth Frldaya. A. P. A. Council No. I.-MhU on Srst and thinl Fridays of each aioath. Pioneer Chapt.r. No. 2S, 0. E. 8. Meets In Ma soDle Temple on Taasdays, Wlllamett. Falls Camp No. laS, W. of W. afeats aeeond and fourth Tumdays of the month at K. of P, hall. Visiting neighbors asada welcom. Wach.no Tribe. No. 1.1. 1. O. B. If. MeaU Tuai- dav evaaing at A. O. V. W. Hall. Tlslllaa ss.aib.rs eordhUiy iBvitad. ' Msada Post, No. t, 0, A. R.. D.rortm.at ofOrana. Heats Srst Moaday af aaeh aaaath at A. O. U. W- n.ii, ungvn tity. vauueg eeaaradaa aaase wsl. eeasa. W J . M-l t. n , . . . m r Mtwmvw miiei It w. H,ii,pi ipus, OX vrf- goa. Heels ea Srst aad third Frldaya af aaeh ateatk in K. of P. Hall. H.mbers of corp. from abroad cordially w.leonad. Sons of Tst.raaa. B. D. Bakar Caatn. Na. IS Mmi flrst aad third Thursday av.aiacs of aaek aaonlh. L. A. 8. ef Baker Cans. I. ef V. Hta In K. hall oa second and loana Monday eveniafa of each month. Achillea Lodea. Ne.M.K.ef P. Haeta .verv Fri aav aigni as taa viteo. K. ef t. kalL Vultlag kaigkta In Oregon City, beautiful town. With its zephyrs soft and gentle. Is a place that has the best renown, Its name, The Oriental. It gained this fame by selling BEER, In glasses monumental; Then when your soul you long to uo to the Unental. cheer, From ancient days good men would The famous continental. Tdrink Would say to friends, you all must Anil serk the Oriental, think, Good beer by some is often sold, By others accidental, But every time, I have been told, . Drink at the Oriental. N. F. Zimmerman, Prop. NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. LAND OFFICE AT OREGON CITY, OREfiON, Jan. in, Ihm. Notice is hereby given that the rollowing-named settler has hied notice ol nis Intention to make final proof in support ol his claim, and that said pnMil w ill b made hefore the Keglnter and I.erelver I . S. Lan,l his claim, and that s.iil nnmr will l. n,u,i k. Office .1 Oregon Lily, Oregon, ou February Slat, ! IV' ."l . 'i , o' r'V; ..V?"? JAMES A. 01.KI.U ViZ: I'KTKIt Rl-nsmnv lt:t, via: NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. LAND OFFICE AT OREGON CITY, OREGON, Jan. 16, lsssj. Notice is hereby given that the following-named settler has filed notice of nis imeniion to man. nnai proof in support of his claim, and that said proof will be made hefore the Register and Receiver V. 8 land Office at Oregou City, Oregon, on February 21st. lJ. vis: ERICK LISWjt'IST, H. E. No. 8WI. for Hie XK I' nf Sn. n his intention to mxke final pnaif In support of I TP- 5 R- 3 K. He names the'f.llowinir'wlt.' " " prove ins coniinuoiis resilience upon and cultivation of, said laud, viz: Lars O Larson, Andrew Johnson. Albert Engle and l'eier Kiidstrotn, all of Molalla, Oregou. XOriCE FOR PUBLICATION. I . AND OFFICE AT OREfiON CITY. ORK(;nv J January HI, lwnl. Notl-e is hereby given that the following-named settler has filed notice of II. E. No. 771", for the X'2 of XE' N', of N '. S-c .!. Twp -' s , It.ii E lie names the following wiinei.ee to wove lu continuous resilience upon uu,: cuiuvwinn oi. sain land, I vl: t hane" llatv. .1. s. Ware, Joseph Wall laud f V. Ware, all of Milium, Oregon, j Kl'HKliT . MILLER. Register. II F. No. '.HOI. r. r the W 'a nf SK 4' c,l E , of M 4. See. .,, Twp. ,S s., R. 3 E. He name' I the following witnesses to prove his coniinuoiis resilience upon .uu cultivation of. tiz: i.ars i. ROBERT A. MILLER, Register. I: F Company. First Bat .. 0. N. G. Arasorr. Third and Mala. Kaialar drill night, Honday. Baanlar business meeting, flrst Moaday at aaoh month. St. John's Branch, Xe. MT. C. K. of A. Haats eveiy TuMday-avoaini at1h.tr hall, eoraar Hata aad . Tenth streets, Oregon City. Oregon City Board of Trade Haeta at Court Hons. on seeoad Honday la aaoh atonth. Visitors welcome. Columbia Hook aad Ladder Co. Meets flrst Fri day ef sack month at Fountaia Engine House. Fountala Hose Co Mo. 1 Ilnu Mcnnd Wadnxilu s in each month at Baglne House, east aide Main street, Between Haventk and Blghth. Cataract Hose Co. Ne. . Heets aecot.d TUMdavof Pach month at Cataract Eaglna House. Oregon City Hom Co.. Ne. 3 Heat. In IIum Hons. on the biill the third Tneaday of each month. oorjTT. Pig Iron Lodge. No. 13S. A. O. U. W Meet. ...rr Tliureday evening at Odd Fellow's Hall, Oswego Visiting brethren always welcome. Holalla Lodae. No. 40. A. a. IT. W U..,. m ..j third Satarday. in aaeh month at School House, Timing atemoers made welcome. Oav.l Lodge, No. 65, A. O. V. W. Meet, seeoad anil thinl Saturday evenings at Knight's Hall, Canby. Visiting brothers made welcome. Clackamas Lodge, No. 87, A. O. V. W.-MeoU Are and third Mondays In each month, at Strife's Hal It Visiting brethren welcome. Sunrise Lodge. No. 43, A. 0. TJ, W. Meets .very' second and fourth Saturday of eaoh month at Wll. onville, Oregoo. Mistletoe Lodge No. 20, D. of H Meets avery Tuesday evening Oswego Lodge, No. 1)3, 1. 0. 0. F.-Meets at Odd Feb ow s Hall, Oswego, .very Monday evening. Visiting brethren made welcome. " Oswego Lodge No. 1ft). A F A A M second und fourth Saturdays. Masons Invited. Oeneral Pope Post. No. 82. n A a, Saturday of each month at Grange hall, Hulino Comrades cordially Invited. Gen. Crook Post. No. !. nan ti...m . . Oregon. -Meets in school house at Needy on flrst 8st unlay in each month at 2 o'clock p. m. All com rades made welcome. Star Lodz. Nn. .". K of p vr.. . nr.., day evening In Castle hall. Brothers Invited. Caaliy Lodra. No. luvt. r n n t u..-.- .... vlio. Muri1 'olngs at Knight's Hall, Canby Visiting members always mad. welcome. Oswego Lode. Nn. Ill Inn t u... Friday ereulng in new hall in old town. , Canby SDlritllallat Rn..,. i.. ki .. aad third 8uada.va of each month. New Ira W. C. T. V. aaoatk at their kail la New Ena. Fri.nds of th. cm laritod te ha prmat. 8nrinaw.ter. Vm. otta w w w... . Saturday after full aioon. Caaby Boant of ?F,r tna thM FridW ' "h week Molatlla (armnira Kn At n 'm n , hull . WL k-i " i-lj w" WB H IDOir 2a mri!ft-. JfWtwUie second 8aturdr f ch month ! le a. m. Miow member, made wejcome. TuUtln Oiantr. . V 111 B . u w , UJ of mch month at their hall in WiUon ville. warner taninfy vn 111 t A Batuntayof each month al their hall in Now Er Butte Creek flrans vA ao n Au . ' hiii i u -' n. JBoeie at uie tall in Mamuaia second Saturday 1d ch month at ueniuera always welcome. Saturday in mouth at 10 a. m. SamnllTIi Gwn: Vo-?e0- P- of H -Meets on flrst tunlay io aaaih at lo a. m. ia UamaKU. school- CrM,t- P- of H Meets on third on,:mXle, S0' 256 " H-MM,S " HigliUnd, No. 2fil, P. f H.-Meets on first Satur Harlow No. ',2, P. of H -Saturday. Meets on flrst and third Encl. sai,l laml. Larson. Ainirew Jnhi, stKrt and Krii-k I.indititt. allnl Mola'lla. Or. nwnr.nr a. .niLLhls Begister. NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. H. W. WESTERMAXN, Merchant Tailor.... Cleaning, Repairing and Pressing Done. Prios-'w Old Stand, Next Poor North of Armory, Oregon City. lt'ANTFl": S'Veral tnislwnrlblv gentlemen or i " ladies to travel in on-con for established, ! reliable hous-e. Salary f 7so and exiH-nnt-s i ."toady position. Kuclme reference anil sell ait 1 dressed lfimpel envelope. The lioinminti t'om I pany. Third Floor. Omaha Blilg., Chicago. Ill Dr. Price's Cream Baking Powder World's Fair Hlfheet Medal aad Diptema. f AND OFFICE AT "REOOX CITV, OltEGON ' i January ai. l.vst. otiee in herebv given thr.' the following-nameil settler has (ileil not ice of! his Intention In inaL-e lin.l nm..r i.. I 11 AN TKI): .s-veral tru.twnrlhv gentlemen o ! claim, and that said, proof will tie made be. I ' ladies to travel in Oregon Lr established ! '"re ,h KceittT and Receiver U.S. Land Otliee reliable house. Salarv ITsi) n.l expense" Oregon City, Oreron, on March 9th, vu-Mi-a.lv iiiin. Knco( reference and self ad j JOHN MI S ' .Ire.siNl 'lamp.-, envelope. The Dominion Com H p vn g,, th. Vli . o I..ny. iu.r.1 Flo.,, 0.u.,.Big., Chicago. II. j'wp XiVfo..nV . . witnesses to prove his continr.ous residence I j is,u uu cuiuvaiion oi, Mia lanii. vu: U'PsIn nn. I V. . "ii. .nip. irmron. ami i naries ' le 1 aln I Ills. , I aihal. Josei.h Linhart n,t p.u-h.i I of i-audv, Or.-eon. KOBKKT A. MILLER, Register. i All pain bunLshed by rr. SIIlci AO druggists sell I)r. Silica' Pain Fli. H. W. JACKSON Machinist and Locksmitli. Bicycle,, t-mbrellas, Sewlug Machines, Guni and all klnda of small machinery re paired. Prices reasonable. Shop tn Sevmh Street. Oppovtt Depot B AC Kl."il ,RHT,,T """ w" w y Ur. Miles' erve Plaaten.