w wTrTr s J -m T ORE COOKIE VOL. XIII. OREGON CITY, OREGON, FRIDAY, FEBRUARY 7, 1898. NO. 40. GON R. v3 v. . iV ' TU5T HOW TO COOK A ROAST QUITE WEIL, THAT WHAT ALL 00 NOT KNOW. q THE FIRST THING 15 TO GET YOUR MEAT, j and then the fire mu5t glow, oont spoil the meat and waste the fire but have a Wire Gauze Door put on your ran6e and roasts wilitme better than e'er before! 6aR) Buy the CHARTER OAK, WITH THS- Ww WIRF OAU7F OVEN DOORS. BELL 0 MY & BUSCH, The Housefurnishers FIRE, LIFE And Accident " eadinAgency In Clackamas County REPRESENTING Roy&l of Liverpool"00" irt woria. 8ns of Loadoa we,t ' 8r in.nM u th.-w.rvi. JStllft Of HartfOrd UriMtudlmt Araerleaa oompauy. Continental of New York on of be,t Am"ica ' AND OTHER FIRST-CLASS INSURANCE COMPANIES The Tiavelers Insurance Company of Hartford Largest, oldest and let Hoolrtent liwuranoe ooiuunny in the world, and lio doe a very lurae life Insurance bulnei. , ...CALL ON MB FOB BLOTTERS AMD CALENDARS ... i F. E. DONALDSON, at Commercial banK. Bates the LOWEHT for CHOICE CUTS and TENDER MEATS 00 TO & GALE'S CASH MARKETS. Seventh Street, Corner of Center, on the Hill. Main St., Opposite Caufield Block. Two Shops. - 0reBn CitV 0reBn- G$2 &. H. BEST0W N FOR ; DOORS, WINDOWS, MOULDING and Building Material. Lowest Cash Prices Ever Offered for First-Class Goods. Shop 0pp. Congregational Church, Main Street, OregnClty 10 ft &e Bucket May be, but there's more to follow. Better come our way early, and go hand-in-hand with comfort through all the rainy days to come. MACKINTOSHES Blue, Black and Brown, with capes or without. UMBRELLAS Real rain-defiers, with the prettiest handles in town. Charman & Son... Dealers ii general Merchandise. Fish Salt Mackeral " Salmon " Herring ' Codfish Smoked Halibut " Salmon " Herring Canned Fish .OF ALL KINDS E. E. WILLIAMS, The Grocer. MOLALLA. Several in this vicinity are complain ing of severe colds. It almost amounls to the grippe with some. Molalla is trying to have a new school house. There stem to be some dissention among the tax payers of our district ; some want a new house, others want to patch u p the old one, while others tbink our present school building is suf ficient for the present. The directors o)ft circDit wU1 held Bt Mi pwe on and reports the snow only from two and one-half to three feet at the mines and bard enough to bear the weight of horse. iVuless there Is a further snow (all the mines will be clear of snow by the lit of April. The political pot is beginning to faintly bubble out here but it wont be long until we see the smiling face of the office seeker occasionally in our midst. Theft is some talk of organizing brass band again. There is a set of band Instruments here and it would be good thing if the boys would reorgan use and have a band again . Joha Bagley has recently taken his regular annual cougar hunt on the head water of Molalla and Butte creek but owing to heavy winds that prevailed du ring the hunt the animals would not re' mala tteed lor g enough for John to get to the tree. His dogs treed a large cou gar several times but It would remain only a short time in the tree and finally the dogs and cougar went entirely out of lieariff and John bad to give it np. Charley Pelkey has ordered a bear trap and expects to capture a bear this spritf. He is staying at the bee ranch this Winter. He was all alone for a pe riod of 23 days this winter. He was shut In by high water so that he never seen any one during that time. 1 ' BEDLAM. F. Wbiteman was at Linn's mill on business last Monday. The drama and minstrel show at Linn's hall the 1th was a success, bit there was not as large a crowd as was expected, although the play was fine. G. Spees was at Lion's mill Monday. B. F. Linn has got a force of men re pairing his mill, which will be running in full blast about the 17th. Th) next M. E. conference of the Vi WM. KRUEGER, merchant" taoorj Sett Door t Oriental Hotel. ALL K1USS OF REPAIRING DOSE. Obigox. C. N. GREENMAN,- IHK nO!CEt Express and Drayman. r met recently after a school meeting had been held and a tax levied to build one, ant could not agree on the dimensions of the proposed new; house. , It is to oe hoped though that they will come to an agreement and there . will be ' a new house briitt this summer. The dimen sion of jthe present contemplated house is 32 feet in width and 64 in length, two stories high; two "'rooms bekw and a hall above. Such a building, would add much to the appearance of our village, besides it is sureiy needed at this time. Dick Austen had the misfortune last Saturday evening to get his left collar bone badly fractured and his right wrist severei y sprained by his cayuse throw iiig itself and fulling upon him. The horse pitched head first and landed upon its back with Dick or. the wr ing side. Professors French and Hale of Fort' laud are instructing a large class in vo cal music at the Molalla school house. Tli.y are giving better satisfaction than any one that has ever had a class hern before. They are thorough masters of vocal music and have a splendid system of teaching. It is to be hoped that they will teach the second term when the present one expires. They will give a musical entertainment here on or about the 28th of this month when they expect to have both vocal and instrumental music. They also have classes at Mar- quam, scoits'8 Mill, Teazel (jreea ana Needy . Stewart and Russell expect to com mence operations on their Ogle Creek mines about the latof May. Alyis Kus- sell went to the mines a few days ago Feb. 22d and 23d. Dr. Que will give one of bis interest ing lectures at the M. Church on the 25th or 26th of this month. Those who have once heard the doctor will go long ways to hear him again. Rev. Quinby will begin a series of re vival meetings this month, commencing on Monday, the 17th . Iflr. 1. W. Orr who haa-been ill along time died on Jan. 26th. Mrs. Frank Stone, of Tacoma, is visit ing relatives here. . It is easy to tell by the broad smile on Will Brown's face that something is the matter. It is a 10 pound girl. - . . John Higgins, one of the best known residents of this place died Jan. 3Uth, aued 73 years. Ekoineek. STAFFORD. Yesterday rains stopped farm work in general ; today the weather is chilly with some snow falling, which melts as fast as it bits the ground . Jack Hanua will again woik at Sharps for a few weeks. Wm. Schatz came nearly suffering the loss of a hand a few days since. Mr- Schatz was trimming his fruit trees when ha made a stroke with his ax which cut the cords of the left wrist almost in twain and also cut through into the artery. Summoning assistance he was taken to Tualatin, when the round was dresced and the flow of htnod stormed bv Dr. Taylor. His hand till has a numb sensation and it will be sometime yet before he regains suf ficlent strength of cords to use his hands and fingers to grasp and hold anything. The cutting of the cords in his left wrist so Mr. Schatz says, takes the strength out of bis right hand also, causing a sensation similar to that in the crippled member. Tbe Literary society was well attend ed last Saturday evening. A rousing program was rendered Including the debate on, "Resolved, That a tobacco user has more pleasure out of life than non-tobacco user." After an hour and a half of lively sparring by some of our ablest speakers it was decided lu favor of the affirmative. Now boys, if you wish great pleasure out of life (not in) just pitch in and use all the tobacco you can possible get away with and you will, undoubtedly, be blessed with much joy in the world to come. Jake Hoff , aged about 17, had some worda with bis father, and like many way-ward youths thought it better they live apart and also thought he knew to much to receive advice from the "old man" so sold his hounds for $3.50 and skipped out for California to seek his fortnne. Mr. Pollfka is making pickets and intending to renew the fence around his chicken yaid soon. Emerson Woodruff is building a small yard in which to confine his poultry. Miss Lizzie Schatz, one of our most estimable young ladies, leaves us on Monday next for South Dakota, to re turn uo more. Our hearty congratula tions go with her and we wish her un- bounded joy and happiness in her new home. Most of Miss Schatz 'a relatives are settled here, but she still has a brother in Dakota. Messrs. John Schiewe, Sam Mayer and T. Reichle are making a stump machine and preparing to hook it to some of our large fir stumps and either, making, breaking or busting in the business. February 4. , Lengthy. SUNNYSIDE. John Welch is suffering with a car bnncle on tbe knee. ,' 8, E. Johnson has been improving hia place by building a sheep abed, which was finished last week. It is 40 feet long. 9. H. Christian is in the wood busi ness. Mr. Cotty has been ill, but is better at this writing. Our merchant and postmaster, Mr. 8. E. Johnson, has gone to cobbling shoes, in addition to storekeepiog. Some of our people attended the dis trict quarterly meeting of the Free Methodist at East Portland, which closed Sunday. Fred Hurtman is with us again.' February 4. Juxta. COUNCIL MEETING. The City Books to be Experted; They art In Bad Shape. Remonstrance by M. E. Church against Improvement of South street be tween bridge and depot by planking re ferred to street committee. Street committee ordered to have new hose house insured . Finance committee ordered to have an expert to look over the clty'it books. Rent ordered collected of O. C. T. Co.'s or lease will be terminated J. N. Millet 's saloon been ordered transferred to corner of Fourth and Main. Tbos. Campbell granted continuation of saloon license. Reduction of shooting gallery licence relerrcd to health and police committee. Petition of fire companies for $50 per year each and new nozzles and tele phone Ailed. , A. F. Davis' saloon license ordered transferred to 8. J. Baechler. BILLS ALLOWED. L. R. Shaw, policeman $60.00 Thoa. Cleamandc Son, clothing. 75 Cooper Hose Co. hose jacket. . . 27.25 Chas. Poslen, repairing rope. . . 75 Mr. Dodge, gravel 19.00 Depot Hotel, board prisoners. . . 4.80 Couiier, printing 31.00 T. F. Ryan, recorder C. E. Burns, chief... H. K. Johnson, surveyor H. Moffatt, Abernethy bridge. C. H. Greenman, hauling. 25 00 60.00 7.00 12.50 100 Street work 89 65 L. L. Porter, attorney 44.18 P.O. E. Co., lights 170,45 Mr. Secor, burying dog 1.00 Enterprise, printing ' 4.00 Mrs. Ueo. Church, rent ....... 16.00, T. F. Griffiths, attorney 10.00 J. N. Campbell A L. L. Porter, attorneys.... 50.00 Pope & Co. , repairiug 23.79 . McCauslsnd Bros., hose bouse. . 300,09 MUUN0 SQUIBS. HARMONY. WONDERFUL BARGAINS, (EfeUbliibed Parcelj dc'ivend to all parts of the ciiy. The Greatest of the Nineteenth Century. Dress Goods. 'Dress oods. 33 pieces of Bright Fancy Plaids, 20c quality, at 12. 46 pieces of Bright Fancy Plaids, 35c quality, at 2ic. 27 pieces of Mohae's Plaids, imported, 75c quality, at 43c. 23 pieces of Fancy Plaids, silk and wool, $1 quality, at 63c. 28 pieces of Fancy Plaids, silk and wool, $1 . 50 quality at 83c. Sixteen Fancy Suitings and Fancy Mixtures.... 105 pieces fancy mixed suiting, 38-inch, latest effects, former price 40c and 43c per yard, great clearance sale price 21c per yard Extraordinary value to close. 47 Piecs of 43-'nch imported trench piaids,, pin head checks, guaranteed to wasn ana doii 11 necessary, celebrated for wear and durability for price, 80c, great clearance sale price, 43c yard or $3.01 suit of 7 yards. Ladies examine this cloth. xoco yards of 22 inch silks and in plaids and stripes, all pure silk. great sale price 25c per yard. uioaKs, apes, jaww Goods at one-half price. ....mcallen & McDonnell.... Corner Third and Morrison St., - - - Portland, Oregon Notwithstanding the rain which pour ed in torrents a large crowd turned out last Friday evening to the school house to hear the debate on, "Resolved, That married life is happier than single life." The affirmative was led by Chas. Frank- hauser, and the negative by Walton Hagenberger. The aflim stive made the best points, in favor of whom the judges decided. Tbe subject for February 7th is, "Resolved, That the inventiou of machinery is beneficial to mankind ;" for thel4th,"Resolved, That foreign em migration be prohibited;" affirmative leader, Wm. H. Karr; negative, George Mooney . Chester McLaughlin had the misfor tune to get his foot hurt by a wagon wheel passing over it. At the special school meeting a tax of lJi mills was voted. Rev. E. Maner, pastor of ihe Evan gelical church, expects to commence revival meetings, beginning Monday evening, the 10th inst. There will be populist speaking at the school house Thursday evening. February 4. Juxta. Notice. A special school meeting was held on tbe 30th and a tax of (5 five mills voted to meet the first payment on the money borrowed to assist in building the house. The money has been used with good ., judgement, the work donated and the district feela. justly 'groud. of a neat; building for email coat '. In addition to other business done was a vote to meet on the next after noon and assist Mr. Howard in moving bis fence, which wai cordially respond ; ed to by the patron and neighbors. Mr. . Howard wishes to express his thanks for the favor. ' Mr. Dvninon, our road boss, had a gang of men putting in corduroy on the hill near the mill-race last week, it was a very needed improvement, nut we would like to suggest to Mr. Denison the propriety of getting smnu portion to keep the mud an i water from standing In the Molalla and Mill creek bridges and lor a slight expense no v, save tliu bridges many jears longer, soma of us think taxes are about high enough already. Citizen. Bellomy & Busch have just received, carload uf tinware and are now head quarters for tin as well as other house hold articles. ' United States Land Office, February 4th, 1890. Notice is hereby given that the spproved plat of survey of township 5 south range 6 east, baa been received from tbe Surveyor General of Oregon, and on April 8th, 1890. at 0 o'clock A. M. of said day said plat will be filed in thia office and the land therein embraced will be subject to entry on and after said date. Robebt A. Milleb, Register. Petes Pacjuet, Receiver. Boy's and Girl's Eaton Caps for 20c at the Racket Store. .Job Printing at the Courier Office. Big bargains In all at the Fair. kinds ol notions Great reductions on ladies', children's and gents' underwear at the Racket Store. Best in the city (or th price. REGUlATOR7 GOOD FOR EYERYB0D Almost everybody takes some laxativt medicine to cleanse the system and keep tht blood pure. Those who take SlMAJUNS LIVER REGULATOR (liquid or powdfcr) get all the benefits of a mild and pleasant laxative and tonic that purifies the bipod and strengthens the whole system. Afld more than this: SIMMONS LIVER RE(XJ VATOR regulates the Liver, keeps it active and healthy, and when the Liver re la good condition you find yourself free from Malaria, Biliousness, Indigestion, Sick- -Headache and Constipation, and rid of that worn out and debilitated feeling-. These are all caused by a sluggish Liver. Good digestion and freedom from stomach troubles will only be had when the liver is properly at work. If troubled with any of these complaints, try SIMMONS LIVER REGULATOR. The King of Liver Medi cines, and Better than Pills. EVERY PACKAGE- Baa tbe Z Stamp in red on wrapper. J. H. ZeUin A Co., I'hil-, Pn. -to. qssmm Cm', ! r