Oregon courier. (Oregon City, Clackamas County, Or.) 188?-1896, January 31, 1896, Image 8

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Beauty ml Neatness Tend to Promote
Good Health Sonthampton, N. T, 8U
Good Example Benefits of Organised
Effort A Modal Village.
One of the most active and beneficent
Tillage Improvement associations in
New York, if not in the country, is to
be found at Southampton. The associa
tion was formed in 1884, and most of
the prominent business men of the place
are included iu its membership. The ob
Joct of the association is clearly stated
in its bylaws :
"The Southampton Village Improve
ment association is formed to encourage,
promote and carry on projects for the
beautifying of the village of Southamp
ton. "The village being now noted for its
salubrity, and for the existence of con
ditions in a high dogree favornblo to
health, it will be a primary object of
tho association to take all necessary
moasures to keep its high sanitary rep
utation. To that end it will make efforts
to exclude any source of disease or con
tagion, to especially insist that the lake
and waters are kept pore and free from
possible contamination by erroneous
plans of sewerage, and to aid in enforc
ing all regulations of the local or state
board of health.
"It is further the object of the asso
ciation to encourage and promote meas
ures for local improvement in the
building or laying out of walks or roads,
the planting and preserving of trees and
turf, the adoption of other plans for
beautifying the village and for increas
ing its facilities of access.
"The association dopends for its funds
upon small annual or other dues from
its members, and npon donations from
those interested in the maintenance of
its pluiis. "
How well the association has succeed
ed in its work is evidenced in the model
village, which is the result largely of
its labors. Sidewalks in perfect condi
tion, streets sprinkled, roads kept in re
pair and beautified with shade trees, pa
vilions and docks built around the Aga
wam lake shore, signboards erected at
street crossings, are ainoDg some of the
results of the society's work. Points of
interest in the village and vicinity are
designated by signs, bearing a brief in
scription of bistorio facts. Forinstanoe,
the original settlement of the village
called Old Town, where the first settlers
of the town erected houses in 1640, is
marked with a sign telling of that fact.
The first cemetery in the town is thus
designated: "Old Southampton Burying
Ground. Opened 1640." The site of the
first ohuroh, which was erected in 1648
to also described to visitors in the same
manner, and the old fort used during
the Revolutionary war also bears a tablet
marking its location. The wood drives
north of the village are also provided
with guideboards.
Besidos these, several of the society
employees were kept busy during the
summer months patrolling the principal
streets in the village for the purpose of
removing waste paper, stones and other
objectionable matter, and neatly painted
barrels are plucod at convenient point,
about the villuge bearing the inscrip
tion, "For the sake of neatness, deposit
wuste paper heroin.
The average minimi amount paid in
by members of the society during the
past ten years is uboutf-iOO, but during
the post season the funds were niutoriul
ly iucreused by an equestrian exhibition
given by the cottagers, the sum uotted
being neurly $(100, and further by a bi
cycle meet, which added 4!)0 to the
treasury. With those additions to its
funds, the executive committee has been
enabled to udd largely to its field of im
provemouts. Street sprinkling uarts were
purchased, nnd the sprinkling of the
streets added greatly to the public com
fort, and the sidewulks, docks, pavilions
and other property of the association
wore put iu perfect order. After paying
all indebtedness, the treasurer reports a
balance on hand of $588.68 with which
to commence the work of improvement
next season.
Ripibllcai Club Delegates.
Oswego F.L. illntin, 0. W. Prosser,
J. C.Haines, Dr. A. L. Baylor, A. J.
Monk and J. W.Thomas.
Oregon Cily-C. II. Dye, II. E.Smith,
J.U.Campbell, F. A. Toepelman, T.
P. Randall, Charles Mererve, Oeo. F.
Ilorlon, S. M. Ranmby.C E. Cross, E.
E. Charman, T. F. Ryan, Thomas
Campbell, W . II. Howell, Charles Bab-
cock and Bruce Zutnwalt.
Milk Creek-W. E. Bonney, F. M.
Manning, Chas. Dolman, C. T. Howard.
Maple Lane Jas. Watkins, John
Davis, John Darling, J. Prieiler, J. L.
Leland Geo. C. Brownell.
The regular monthly meeting of the
Clackamas County Teachers' Associa
tion was held in the schoolhouse at
Barlow (Saturday, January 25 .
Following is a list of teachers present :
8upt II 8 Gibson, S W Holmes,
A U Strange,
T J Gary,
E M Ward.
Arthur Holden,
C E Cone.
Katie Kunke,
Mangle Williams,
Aletha Phelps,
Jennie E Rowen,
Agnes MallocK,
Hattie Wetherell
Nellie Younger,
Geo L Story,
J W Gray,
W G Beattie,
W II Dobbyns,
T L Coleman,
W L Reiser,
Bertha Sumner,
Joanna Peter,
Helen Taylor,
Mollie Talbert
Fannie O Porter,
Hattie Monroe,
Elgiva Mullan, Laura Heatty,
p, , , . , . , , , Klgiva JUUilan. Laura ieany,
Clackamas county has 14 clubs and Maggie Hampton, Bertha M Gibson.
is entitled to 05 delegates to the state
convention at Portland next week
Dally Health Laws.
Don't eat io rapidly.
Sit on a chair and be quit after eating.
Your stomach is not a cool bin.
When you feel uncomfortable after eating
you have eaten too much, and you need Joy's
vegetable Sarsaparilla.
Ilyousuflcr from rheumatism watch the
sheds. Don't get between them; it' damp
ury tnem.
Cure your rheumatism with Joy's Vegetable
Keep flies out of your house; they are germ
Wcarflannel undergarments.
Keepyour feet warm; your head cool,
The meeting was called to order at
the usual time by Supt. Gibson.
Tim minutes of last meeting were
read by the secretary, Fannie G- Porter.
The semi annual election of ollicers
resulted as follows:
Vice-president, E. M. Ward; secre
tary, Fannie G. Porter; treasurer, A. U
Strange; editor, Bertha M. Gibson.
Miss Mullan and Mr. Hainsby played
a beautiful violin and organ duet.
A. C. Strange spoke on "Results to
be Secured in School." "The results
we hope to attain comprise every hope
of the profession. It is not possible to
measure the work of a real teacher. It
safe guide for the future."
Messrs. Kelser, Gary, Gray, Holmes,
Ward, Strange and Supt. Gibson also
spoke on this subject.
Miss Veva Tull sang a beautiful song.
T.J.Gary spoke on "The Best Die-
I t ,, J.I I 1A ...
cipuiie. - ii ii were possible for a I
teacher to road the character of each of
his pupils, the use of the rod would
be unnecessary. It Is something neces .
ssry to enforce order. The best disci-
pline is ao active means to the improve
ment of the mind and mora i of the
Messrs. Strange, Slory, Holmes,
Gibson and Ward spoke briefly on this
Messrs. Parmenter, C. U. Barlow,
Kovher, Irvin and others spoke words of
encouragement to the teachers.
On motion association adjourned to
meet at Psrkplace the last Saturday in
Bkiitiia M. Giiison.
is a sure cure tor neauacne and nervous
diseases. ISoihmg relieves so quickly.
.Whe.?,r! :.bllt,!i" to Possible to spend a great deal of time
w i ii vis j win ui wva is nun I , , . . . . t i
take Ws Vegetable Sarsaoarilla: it will " reading, yet acquire very nine anow-
make your blood red, rich and thick. ledge thereby. One should read some-
Yes, it will do to take Joy's Vegetable SaMihln tmnd tn rnmnmber. One of the
saparilla now. Lrlt r.nlta of tn.nhintr la the
When you get orr your bicycle after along " , , . ...,..
warm run, put on a coat. ueveiopmem oi uiinu. nauit, in uui
If you are going on a trip take Toy's Veee- another name for character.' "
table Sarsaparilla. Ui. Tannlu Bnwan mpibnrl "Ren. tho
Strange food made strange stomachs. Joy's ... ,, , . , , ..
Vegetable Sarsaparilla reaches the stomach, ,n ,,. ,, ,
cleanses the stomach, and renews the stomach. "How to Teach Writing" was the sub
No appetite? Take Joy's Vegetable Sarsa- iect assigned to T. L. Coleman. "The
parilla. Keen appetite. dudUs should be taught to write well.
Accept nothing but the genuine when you I, . ,,,, Mr. rBm.n
illustrated his method of teaching the
ask for Joy's Vegetable Sarsaparilla.
Consumption Can be Cured
by the use of Shiloh's Cure. This great
Couge Cure is the only known remedy for
that terrible disease, for sale by U. A,
Karl'slover Root Tea purifies the blood,
and gives a clear and beautiful complexion
On Town's Proud Record.
It is the proud boust of the people of
the northern section of Cuss countv.
Mo., the comnierciui center of which is
the town of Pleasant Hill, that a mort
gage has never beeu foreclosed on a furtn
iu tliut part of the county and that no
.money louder has ever lost one dollar
by investment there. It is a glorious
record, bespeaking not only the great
weulth of the sail, but the sterling hon
esty of tho people.
Pleasant Hill is one of the sturdy lit
tle cities thut go to make up Missouri's
greatness. It is ouo of the most impor
taut shipping points iu the state. Her
citizens ure wido awake and progressive,
standing iu tho front rank of the army
that is making tho new Missouri.
II Read Newspaper.
"Have you observed," suid a mer
chant to a customer, "the handsome ad
vertisement I have ou a fence between
Red Cloud and Inavalc?" "No," re
plied the customer, "bnt if you will
end the fence around to my house I
will try to read the announcement. I
read the papers, and I haven't time to
go around reading billboards." And
the merchant scrutubed bis head. Red
Cloud Chief.
Tb Road to Sueeeaa.
Good soldiers dou't cease firing as
toon as an advantage is gained. Uood
advertisers keep "everlastingly at it"
so long ai there are customers to pro
core and new goods or special values to
announce. Printers' Ink.
A Good Definition.
An advertisement is a thing that rep
resents a business man's Roods and busi
new at a place where the uiau aud the
goods are not R. L. Currau.
An Old Soldier's Recommendation.
In the late war I was a soldier in the First
Maryland Volunteers, Company G. During
y of service I contracted chronic diar
rhoea. Since then I have used a great amount
of medicine, butjjwhen I found any that
would give me relief it would injure my stom
ach, until Chamberlain's Colic, Cholera and
Diarrhoea Remedy was brought to my notice,
I used it and will say it is the only remedy
that gave me permanent relief and no bad re.
suits follow. I take pleasure In recommend-
formation of different letters .
C. M. Ramsby sang "A Letter from
Home" with much expression.
It was decided to bold the next as
sociation meeting at Parkplace, and
Mr. Gray, Miss Phelps and Miss Monroe
were askeu to prepare a suitable pro
gram .
Association adjourned until 1 :30 p. m.
Called to order by Supt "Gibson .
The audience were delighted with
instrumental music furnished by Miss
Mullan and Mr. Ramsby.
Miss Bessie Shephard recited "Alas
"History" was the subject assigned
to Geo. L. Story. "The principles of
our government demand that (he masses
of the people shall be educated. The
study of history teaches the struggles of
Dr. Price's Cream Baking- Powder
ewaratd bold Mnul Mlawinlei Fir Sir Francisco.
A Fact Worth Knowing.
Consumption, LaGrippe, Pneumonia, and
1 I Throat and Lung disease are cured by
.ci,:i,,i,. .... '
i i
For Dysepepsla.
dLiver Comp'.a i lw:u rid
a teeon every hot Shilh'Vialn
neerlaili t cure.
The lilt of Woman.
onstipation, causes more than half the ills
ot women. Karl's Clover Root Tea is a
pleasant cure for Constipation.
It Saves Lives Every Day.
Thousands of cases of Consumption.
Asthma, Coughs, Cold and Croup are cured
every day by Shiloh's Cure.
for Infants and Children.
pnOTHERS, Do You Know th.tpw.one,
Bateman'i Drops, Godfrey's Cordial, nianjr so-called Soothing Btuds, and
moat remedies for children are composed ot opium or morphine r
Pe Ton Knew that opium and morphine are stupefying- narcotic poisons f
Po Yen Know that In most countries druggists are not permitted to sell n rootles
without labeling them poisons t
Po Yon Know that you should not permit any medicine to be given your child
unless you or your physician know of what It Is composed f
Po Yon Know that Castorla la a purely vegetable preparation, and that a list ot
Its Ingredients Is published with every bottle f
Po Yon Know that Castorla Is the prescription of tho famous Dr. Bamuel Pitcher.
That It has been In use for nearly thirty years, and that more Castorla Is now sold than
of all other remedies for children combined t
Po Yon Know that the Patent Office Department of the United States, and of
other countries, have Issued exclusive right to Dr. Pitcher and his assigns to use the word
44 Cnaiori" and lta formula, and that to Imitate tnem Is a state prison offense t
Po Yon Know that one of the reasons for granting this government protection was
because Castorla had been proven to be absolutely harmless?
Po Yon Know that 35 average doses ot Castorla are furnished for 35
ovate, or one cent a dose 1
Po Yon Know that when possessed of this perfect preparation, your children may
be kept well, and that you may have unbroken rest f
Well, tho things are worth knowing. They are facts.
sdsmntnro of
Children Cry for Pitcher's Castorla.
ing this preparation to all of my old comrades,
who while giving their services to their country our forefathers for constitutional liberty.
contracted this dreadful disease as I did, from History comprehends all that is best
eating unwholesome and uncooked food.
Yours truly, A. E. Deeding, Halsey, Oregon.
For sale by G. A. Harding, Druggist.
Captain Sweeney, U.S. A.
San Diego, Cal., says: "Shiloh's Catarrh
Remedy is the first medicine I have ever
found that would do me any good." Price
50c. For sale by G. A. Ilardtng.
and greatest in human development.
Cromwell and John Hampden paved
the way for the American Revolution."
Mr. Story believes that history is one
of the most important brat dies of
study . "The knowledge of what has
been done in the past should prove a
hinirhiVt mm RmuI is famous
or its cures of bad colds. It opens the se
cretions, relieves the lungs and aids nature
in restoring the system to a healthy condition.
If freely used as soon the cold has been
contracted, and before it has become settled
in the system, it greatly lessens the severity
of the attack and has often cured in a single
day what would have been a severe cold ,
For sale by G. A. Harding, Druggist.
vn fv &rr
m ml ma mi to ir mi
13 I nervous
a iuimvdv en res onicklr. nermanenttr au
us uittjui, Wttuk Memory, Lo0 of Brain Fow6r.
be. Wukerulnuas. lxt Vllulltv. MKdtlr Knila.
$uu cil diuiiujs, ImpoUiiicf and waetlnir dlwasee caused bf
youthful rvii or t-xwnt, Coutalim no opiate, is a serve Ion I.
uiitl hlcixt btilldt-r. MakOH tho pale nnd piinrptrnnff and plump.
mrf (v-rrlert In vit pm-ki-t. S 1 nor box; o for MS. By malljpre
prilrt, f. -u'rUten wranUormtmeyrcfvvLUa Write ui.treo
motii.j '.n-itc. eiicu pinln wrapper, vmh twntlmnniais ana
ri. 1 1 - -.n'm , 'ochnfe tnr rnnnuttrttiimn. hrwart of imit o.
liua r 'lt.l4-WnNtlti:UVBAl;' ' '. l4k It T !,(!.
'orsalemOresoi. -
aii parties snowing themselves in
debt to Charman & Son will please call
and settle.
Then Baby was sick, we gave her Ctorta.
When she was a Child, she cried for Castorla.
When she became Miss, she clung to Castorla.
When so. hod Children, she girt them Castor!
This rreat Vw Jtahla
tlon of a famous French physician, will quickly cure you of all ner
vous or diw-aaes, of the generative organs, such as Lust Manhood.
TnuimntL I'ulnftln thn Riu?lr. Amlnal eml..lnn. x... lt-k.nl...
Pimplearunfitnra to Marry, EzhansUng Drains, Varicocele and
all the horrora uf Impottncy, CCPIDEHKcleonuea the liver, Ine
a unevHana ins iinnarrnnraneoi ou unDunuiL
U NUH K strengthens and restores small weak organs. .
The reason suflereni are not cured by Doctors Is bemuse ninety per cent are troubled with
istlputlon. It stops all losses by day or night. Prevents quick
s of discharge, which If not checked leads to Snermatorrhom and
l.jtltla. ODI'IDENEIi theonlrknown remedy Incurs without an oneratlon. toouieailmnnl.
als. A wrtttea rruarantee given and money returned If six boxes does not eifeot a permanent cure.
miMm OOX, SIX lurffMju, 'j 11111. ownu iur in.. uivuw auu lesuiuuuuua.
Address vavosj jasoivina vw
, P. O. Box 3m, Bon francisco, Col. ibrAKsty
Ueorge A. Hardingru
Dr. Miles' New Heart Cure Victorious.
No other medicine can show such a record.
Hera Is a veritable patriarch, 73 years of
age, with strong prejudice to overcome, who
had Heart Diuaite U yean. He took the New
ueart uure ana is now sound ana well.
A Great German's Prescription.
Diseased blood, constipation, nnd kidney,
liver and bowel troubles are cured by Karl's
Uover Koot lea. ror sale by O. A. Hard
Alt Recommend It.
Ask your physician, your druggist and your
Irienrts about Miioh s Lure fur Consumption.
Ihey will recommend it.
Some time ago Mr. Simon Goldbaum ol
San Luis Key, Cal was troubled with a lame
back and rheumatism. lie used Chamber
lain's Pain Balm and a prompt cure was ef
fected, lie says he has since advised many
of his friends to try it nnd all who have done
so have Sioked highly of it. It is fur sale
by G. A. Harding, Druggist.
Itefure Subscribing tor a magazine
See the Best,
Economy is something that everybody
tries to practice, and yet just a little over
sight wilt sometimes rob the most frugal
and thrifty family of a year savings. You
want to do as J. I'. Iliekman, of Monticcllo,
(la., did. He writes, "For six years I have
kept Simmons Liver Regulator in my home,
and used it in my family and linve bad no
need for a doctor. I have five as healthv
liildren as you can find.".
Catarrh Cured.
lealth and sweet breath secured by Shiloh's
Catarrh Remedy. Price 50 cent'
Injector free.
The Best Cough Cure
ishhiloh s Cure. A neglecte,! cough is
angerous. Mop it at once witli billion s
Cure. For sale by G. Harding.
Fcr 50 Cents.
The Oregon Courier will be sent to
any address from now until alter the
votes are counted at the June election.
ow is the time to subscribe ss the
committees and nominating conventions
ill soon meet.
It is easy to humbug a man once.
When be has been persuaded into buy
ing cheap, inferior whiskey he never
does it again if he can help it . Inferior
hiakey is disgusting, poisonous and
unsatisfactory in every way. Besides
it is dangerous to health anil comfort.
Don't buy whiskey at random. The
risk is too great. Get a high-grade
luor that has been tested and proved.
The I. W. Harper, Nelson county, Ky., 1
whiskey has made a reputation by its
excellence. It is invariably good and
can always be depended upon. Sold by
Hill A Cole, Oregon City, Oregon. j
Dsmorsst's Cl'T Papkr Pattkrns are the most
practical 011 the market. They are of any i.ize
tint any ineuini-r ui a nonseniiia couiu require.
Iu earn copy of the imiKazlne U nrlnled acmiunn
entitling the subscriber, or purcliasur, to a pat
tern (worm mm regularly toni lor 9.1c.) or any
number of patterns for four cunts each to rover
package and HtKC- When the value of the
patterns is coiuiuereu actually gets
And whnt a magazine It is! For 18KI it will be
more uriiiiani man ever beiore. New man.
axemen!, new methods, new hleas. Each oonv
contains an exquisite reproduction In colors of
some ceienrateii picture by a famous artls',
worthy to adorn the walls of the most rellneu
home. It In alllruied that DKMOIIKKT'S la th.
only compu te Iiimlly magazine published c-om
billing all of the most excellent noints of it.
fOllLtillinorarie. nexlde. I.arltnr 111 inilahla fan.
tures of Its own DKMOKKST'S Is actually a
dozen magazines in one. r
It is a Digest of Current Event, snd Tdn.a fa
me busy man or woman, a lie view and store
house of Interest for all. Wives.raotliers. .Inters
ami daughters ran nun exactly what they need
amu.e nnd instruct tliem, also practical help.
in every department of domestic and wiinl life,
including the furnishing nnd ornamenting of the
home, em broidery, brie-a bac, artistic and fancy
work of all kinds, etc., and suggestions and
ail vice regarding the well-being and dressing of
their own persons.
The seoK! of the articles for l,S".i" and lMHi will
cover tile whole counlrv and its varied interests,
and the articles will be profusely Illustrated with
the Hurst engravings. 101.I, in addition, it will
publish the best and purest fiction. It treats at
length t)i;t-of l)oor Sports, Home Amusements
ami Knlertalnnieiits; it give, a groit deal of at
tention to the Children's Department, and "Our
(iris," and has. monthly S iii.,iiini l,y Cele
brated People, tn which are ili.eiis.ed Imimrtaiii
questions of the hour of interest to the oldest
bet us have your .ubscrlplion at once. You gel
more valu. for your money than it Is possible to
secure in any oilier magazine.
The Magazine one year for l-J.Otl.
Or Six Months for . sum.
(Over ia) different garments are shown each
year, patterns 01 all or winch are obtainable by
subscriber, at 4c each ) Sample copy (with pat
tern coupon) sent for 10c.
110 Fifth Avenue, New York.
Watch Repairing a Specialty
Samuii, O. Btonb.
Grass Lake, Mich., Dec. 28, 1894.
I have been troubled with heart disease IS
years or more. Most of the time I was so
bad It was not safe for me to go out alone,
as dizzy soells would cause falling. I had
severe palpitation, shortness of breath and
sudden pains that rendered me helpless. AH
physicians aia for me was to advise kee
quiet. In August last I commenced ta
Dr. Miles' New Heart Cure,
and before I had finished the first bottle
found the medicine was a God-send. I have
now used four bottles in ail and am feeling
entirely wen 1 am a years 01 age ana nave
neia a grunge against patent medicines all
my life, but I will not allow this to prevent
giving mv testimony to the great cure vour
valuable remedy hits wrought in me. I do
this to show my appreciation of I)r. Miles'
New Heart Cure. SAMUEL O. STONE.
Dr. Miles Heart Cure is sold on a positive
guarantee that the first bottle will benefit.
AH druggists sell itattl, 6 bottles for S3, or
it will be Bent, urepaid. on receint of Dries
by the Dr. Miles Medical Co., Elkhart, lad.
Dr. Miles' Heart Cure "$Z.u
TlieJtfew Way East.
All -
S GbL amii dram nn i mce
i HtlHI '".f "IIU U II tt II UU, LI 11 LO
' HI
f Washington,
I Idaho,
and the EAST.
Oregon Central & Eastern
R. R. Company.
Through Tickets
Ou Sale
To and From
St. Louis,
New York
A LIBERAL OFFER : Only $3 for the
OitsooN Coi kikr and Demorest's Family
Magazine. Send youi subscriptions to
this otlico.
nrANTKD: .Several trustworthy gentlemen o
lariie. totrav.l in iinvnn f.,r a,ui.itBh.i
reliable house. Salary S7w) and rxnen.e.
Mealr nnsition. Enclose mfei-ine n.l ...if .H
dre..eU.tamtei1 envelop. The Dominion Com
pany. miru ioor, Omaha Blilg., Jhieago, III
ll'ANTEI': Several trustworthy genii. men or
ladie. to trarel In lln'run fur nt.r.n.h.l
reliable hnuw. slry tm) and expenses
steady po.ition. Enelooe referenp. ami sell ad
drv.ed stamieil envelope. The Dominion Com
pany. ThlrU Floor, Omaha BMi!..ChieiH. Ill
Proceeding of December Term Last
, The tireat Northern Railway is a new TraufConlineLtal Line. Runs Buffet.Lihr.rr
uonerv.tiou cars, fal.ee Meening and pinine ears. Family
Having a nick ballaat track the Great Northern lUilwar 1. tr
Round trip ticket, with slop over
Connecting at Taquina Bav with the San
FrauciM-n and Yauiiina Bar
Steamship Company.
Steamship "Faallon"
A 1 ana flrsl-lass In everv respect. Sails
from Yaqiilua for an Francisco about every
via mj 1.
Passenger accommodations unsurpassed.
Albany or points west to San
second-class coaches.
ItOTJTJC imt oue ' "'e chief annoyances of t-anscontinenlal travel.
Ifii.iirKc .uu enuiev ui return routes.
For further information call upon or write.
c c
O. P. & T. ., St. Paul, Minn.
DOXOVAV, General Agent,
122 Third St., Portland, Ore.
Far irom
r.bln ....
Steerage -
Cabin, round trip, good for
ft) days . - -
12 00
S 00
18 00
WANTED: Several trustworthy gentlemen or
" lailie. to travel In Orec-n for established,
reliable hou.. Mlry : and expente..
te,tv imAttion. Eti-1, rf.-rMn.. ..,.1 ...if
arwwcvi .t.mpru envelm.
The llttmini .n I'nn.
Third Floor, Oinh Bldg., Chlraaxs 111.
For sailing days apply to
' Agent, Albany, Oregon.
R-l- P-A-N-S
Corvallis, Or
Children Cry for Pitcher's Castoria.