Oregon courier. (Oregon City, Clackamas County, Or.) 188?-1896, January 31, 1896, Image 7

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    Highest of all in Leavening Power. Latest U. S. Gov't Report
11 WC7
An Important Railroad Department
The Company'n I'ropr-rtjr l'ro
tccteil by Hpeclul Crew -Their Alarm
Byntcm Fitzgerald's Excellent Hun.
In the Sierra Nevada Bangc.
There Is In California a fire depart
ment which protects property extend
ing over a (Hutu nee of forty miles, and
contlng a million and a half of dollars.
The property referred to Is familiar to
every one who lias taken a dayllirht
trip over the Central Pacific Kallroad,
as It runs from the land of sunshine
Into the land of sage brush.
Owing to the heavy snowfall In the
Sierra Nevada the railroad has been
compelled to proleet Its track from win
ter blockades by building a series of
sheds to cover It. These extend con
tinuously from the little telegraph sta
tion of Blue Canyon to Truckee, on (he
astern slope of the mountains, a dis
tance of forty miles. In the winter the
itnow protects timse sheds from all dan
ger front Are, tout when summer ooniea
the wind and sun soon melt the cover
ing of snow and rapidly dry the tim
bers, until by July 1 the lumber In the
shells Is as dry as powder.
The forty miles of sheds are constant
ly patrolled by men selected for that
purpose. Each man's beat Is less than
three inlleslouit, and 1 so arranged that
lie passes over it a short time In ad
vance of every train. Situated at dis
tances of a mile apart throughout the
entire length of shed-guarded track are
placed unlocked electrical call boxes sim
ilar to those In use in the cities. On the
face of these are inscribed the words
"Bast West rock on track shed
down train wreck tuir off llde
fire." Besides these there are thirty
four alarm boxes, which are kept lock
ed. These are used exclusively for tire.
When an alarm Is rung hi on one of
these a gong strikes the number of the
toox In Sacramento, 100 miles away,
and on the different points where the
fire trains are situated.
In 187", J. A. Fillmore, general super
intendent of the Southern Taeiflc, had
occasion to reprimand "Johnny" Fite
Kerald, of the Summit tire train, who
la the oldest fire train engineer in the
service, for not niuulng fast enough.
A few weeks later Mr. Fillmore hap
pened to be at the Summit when an
alarm was rung lu from Emigrant Gap,
twenty-two mile a l ay. He thought he
would like to make the ran, aud so he
boarded the engine. "Johnny" saw his
opportunity aud determined to make
the most of It. As soon as the words
"clear track" were received, "Johnny"
pulled out. and throwing the throttle
wide open let her go. In less time than
It takes to tell It, the train was running
a mile a minute. Open places In the
nheds a hundred yards lu extent seemed
little more than flushes of light, and the
rfeiu-nrie bridges were crossed with
Family Medicine of tlie A?e.
.Taken Internally, It Cures
Diarrhoea, Cramp, and Pain in tht
Stomach, Sore Throat, Sudden Colda,
Congbs, &c, &c
Used Externally, It Cures
Cuts, Bruises, Burns, Scalds, Sprains,
Toothache, Pain in the Face, Neu
ralgia, Rheumatism, Frosted Feet.
Ho article m attained to neb anbosadal
awpulntr Kalrm Mutwr.
Am article of great merit and Tiito ee.
'weTanbear testimony to too eaeeejr of the
F-aia-Killer. W dt. moo It mie etlerta m
eoothtac tho eeerest pain, ud know it 4o be a
good irticle. t,mri'iii Uvpatrk.
A speedr euro for pin so family aaoold a
Without it niml Trmtrrifl.
5ohin baa ret enrpaaeed tho Pslo-Klller.
wbieh I ho noot TSiublo faaulf m
It ke reel merit: ae mm of mortal polo,
o medicine has eeuoired a reputation oqool to
Ferrj Peeie'.Paia-aiui.-J'e-pe "
'!Tta reellr eelaable mediefoe-ts seed by
faanj Pkjeieiaoe. netee TrwwIlT.
bware of imitation, boy ooly tbo geojelae
aeato r -Ptt d.tu.-' eoie mntm
Ew beUlae, mad ma.
such speed mat inu train seemed to
leap them, as a graylioiiud does a fence.
Mr. Fillmore sat perfectly still, except
that once or twice he asked the en
gineer to test his air. Iu twenty-three
minutes they had made the run of
twenty-two miles, and when "Johnny"
turned to look at the superintendent,
expecting to get a ripping up the buck,
Mr. Fillmore said cheerily, "That's the
way to go to a tire."
Near Cisco la one of the highest
mountain ridges on the western slope
of the Sierra. On the topmost point of
thlsTldge, at an altitude of nearly 8.0(10
feet, there Is a little cabin, in whlcb
a man and his wife and a boy live from
the time the first snow begins to dis
appear In the spring of the year until
It reappears In the autumn. This man
and boy from the point of observation
which they 'occupy can see thirty-live
miles of snow sheds.
Day and night, no matter how stormy
the weather, this man and boy keep
their vigil, and at the slightest slgu of
fire threatening the sheds a telephone
message locating it Is Immediately sent
to Cisco, from which place orders are
Issued to have It extinguished. These
fires are located from lied Top, the
name by which the site of the little cab
in Is known, by means of a dial In the
center of which an arrow swings like
the needle of a compass. The point of
the arrow Is directed toward the fire
which causes the feather end to cover a
marking on the dial Indliitlug the
name or number of the place toward
which the arrow points.
It I One of the Most Ancient of All the
Civilized Art.
It is generally believed, by the simple
and unlearned, that the art of advertis
ing is of comparatively modern inven
tion, but a very slight study of the sub
ject will be sufficient to convince the in
quirer that it is, in point of fact, one of
the most ancient of all the civilized arts.
Indeed, the first advertisement was prob
ably coeval with the fiat man who bad
something to dispose of or with the
first woman who wanted something she
had not got. It seems not impossible
that the serpent tempted Eve to partake
of the apple by means of -"puff para
graph," sotting forth the merits of the
fruit usacoruplexioa benutifier. Be that
as it may, the uses of advertisement
were known at a very early date to the
Israelites, who were' accustomed to
placard the streets of their cities with
the utterances of kings aud prophets.
The ancient Greeks, too, were much
given to advertisement, chiefly through
the medium of the town crier, who,
however, was- not permitted to offend
the ears of the citizens with his procla
mations unless he were accompanied by
a musician to give him the correct pitch.
The fact that property had been stolen
or damaged was made known by means
of curses, inscribed upon sheets of lead,
which were affixed to the statues of in
fernal deities iu the temple, the venge
ance of the gods being thus invoked
upon the persons who had stolen or in
jured the advertiser's goods. A rider
was usually added, to the effect that
should the property he Teturned, or rec
ompense be paid, the owner would In
tercede with the gods for a remission of
the punishment
The Romans also made use of the
towu crier to proclaim laws, victories,
or sales, and the walls of the streets
were covered with notices painted in
black or ted, or iuKcribed upon terra
cotta slabs, and let into the pillars on
either side of h:usns aud shops. Many
of these wall advertisements were found
in Hurculaiicuin and Pompeii, among
the most interesting being the announce
ments of the gladiatorial games, contain
ing promises that shelter wonld be pro
vided in case of rain and that the sand
would be watered should the weather be
exceptionally warm. Corubill Maga
zine. Turning the Table.
A professor who cuce took with him
to an appointment a favorite student
thought to test the young man. He was
to take tbo morning sorvice and the
young man that of the evening. Accord
ingly while ou the road to the ap
pointment the professor "pumped" the
youngster. Witness his surprise when
on giving out his text he funud that the
professor had stolen a march upon him.
His surprise was turned to dismay when
he found that not culy text, but also
"heads" aud all had been appropriated.
Now, it happened that the pulpit was
an old fashioned one, aud the professor
was very stout. To get in, a ladder had
to be procured to euuble him to clirnb
over the top. After service he chuckled
over his triumph. His triumph was,
however, turned to disaster at uighf
when the young man announced bis
text, "He that entereth not by the door
into the sheepfold, but climleth up
gome other way, the same is a thief and
robber." Newcastle Chronicle.
A French Woman' Secret.
The reason that a Frenchwoman's
toilets always seem to suit her is that
she rarely chooses It exactly like the
model shown her. Her personal taste
Is always shown in the details that give
the cachet to ber costumes.
Edict Against Bloomers.
Paris women who wear bloomers or
knickerbockers when riding bicycles
will be disqualified from receiving the
sacraments of the chorch, according to
the Instructions Issued to the clergy by
the cardinal archbishop of Paris.
Copper Mining.
Some of tho present methods rcsortod
to in the mining of copper are said to
have a very intimate rtlutiou with the
great success characterizing the produc
tive value of that metal in certain prom
inent localities. Conspicuous among
these methods is the avoidanco. of a
scrup of waste, even the water, by pre
cipitation, being made to yiold value
rlmt pomes in the form of a precipitate
currying from 75 to 83 per cent copper.
Tho practicability of this precipitation
of tho waters is said to have been dis
covered iu a very peculiar way and by
means of experiments that were of a
very crude character J the first to Ini
tiate the matter being a miner who was
without experience or knowledge in re
poet to the chemical relations of the
metals, but who casually ascertained
that a tin can or piece of iron thrown
into the channel through which the
waste water was discharged would at
tract the conner contained in the water
aud save at least a large percentage of
It nnd SO, 111 a SUOri lime, as wio tenuis
ts. it was found that every
drop of water discharged by the mines
was capable or being nuuaieti to auvau
tuge for the metal contained in it.
In a word, this being nothing less
than a thorough solntion of oopper, run
ning steadily so many inches a day, the
volume being raised into tanks, charged
with Rerun iron and salt: from tank to
tank the volume goes until it passes
through a circuit oi tnem, over iron aim
tlirnnuh fltiiniuo. before it is let off. aft
er which it is as clear as coal oil. The
contents of the water are now settled in
the tanks, aud one after another a tank
is cnt out of the circuit, the iron re
moved, the copper hammered off, sort
ed and shipped. It is through this that
the least particle of copir is saved.
Moot Danceron Reef on EnKlliih Covet,
Tho Manacles rocks, situated about
midway between Falmouth Roadsted
aud the Lizard point, are considered the
most dangerous point on our English
coast. These rocks cover a considerable
space and extend seaward about three
milts from the coast. At low water
thulr bold and sharp spurs, jutting out
of the sea, are to be seen stretching right
across the natural direction for a ship to
take in making for Falmouth. Thor
oughly to appreciate the danger for ves
sels here, one lias only to take up a po
sition on a bold headland overlooking
this wide expanse of sea, when these
rocks cau be seen at low water covering
an immense tract of ground, over which
vessels are continually passing up aud
down at high water.
Every winter, and sometimes in the
summer mouths, fearful wrecks take
place on these rocks, attended with con
siderable loss of life. These disasters
take place at night, when it is probable
that tho men in charge of a ship are un
certain of their positiou. There is a
large bell placed between two and three
miles out at sea to warn vessels of dan
ger. But during a stormy and windy
night it tnust surely be most difficult to
catch the sound of this bell, particular
ly so if the wind carries the sound away
from the ship passing these rocks. Lon
don Standard.
Good Morning" In Samoa.
I had to go down to Apia five or six
different times, aud each time there
were 100 black boys to say "Good
morning" to. This was rather a tedious
business, and, as very few of them an
swered .at all, and these who did only
with a grnut like a pig's, it was several
times in my mind to give up this piece
of fculiteuess. The last time I went
dowu I was almost decided ; but when
I came to the first pair of black boys,
and, saw them looking so comic and so
melancholy, I began the business over
aguin. This time I thought more of
them seemed to answer, and when I got
down to the tail end where the carts
were running, 1 received a very pleas
ant surprise, for one of the boys, who
was pushing at the back of a cart, lift
ed up his head, and called out to me in
wonderfully good English, "You good
man always say good morning." It
was sad to think that these poor crea
tures should think so much of so small a
piece of civility, and strange that (think
ing so) they should be so dnll as not to
return it. Robert Louis Stevenson in
St Nicholas.
1 Rome' Attempt to Da Modern.
The tendency in Rome has of late been
toward the artificial, and it is a refresh
ment to come upon some untouched por
tion of what is good as well as pic
turesque. The attempt to produce a
modern capital at all hazards and costs
huB told npon the population as well as
upon the city itself. For at great centers
the first result of modern civilization is
vice, aud the next is degeneracy. It is
really quite useless to ignore the fact in
print, when it is perfectly apparent to
every man iu his senses. Italy is no
worse than other countries, bnt neither
is she an exception to the general rule,
and since the most necessary institutions
of civilization are prisons and hospitals,
it is to Italy's credit that she should
have spent as much as she has upon
them in the midst of so much utterly
senseless extravagance in other direc
tions. Marion Crawford in Century.
When Kmemon Propoaed.
Mrs. Ellen Emerson says that she re
members well the day when her father,
the Coucord philosopher, set out to pro
pose marriage to her stepmother. "The
liveryman seemed to know, " she adds,
"that it was a special occasion, and the
horse and buggy which he gave father
were made garish by a pair of bright
yellow reins. Poor father looked so dis
concerted. He pleaded gently for some
thing less conspicuous, but the man was
obdurate. I can see him now driving off
with those glaring reins hanging loose
ly over the horse s back.
Her Opinion.
"The worst tyrant possible is liber
ated slave."
"Er jet. I guess that's the reason so
many devoted lovers make such horrid
husbands." Indianapolis Journal.
Hit Health Was Too I'oor to Termlt
Attention to Bnelnees A Great Suf
ferer for Many Yean, But He Hut
Mow Recovered.
From the Springfield, Mass., Culon.
There isn't a gun manufacturer in
the United States who does not know
Jefferson M. Clough, and why? Be
cause be has been intimately associated
all his life with the development of the
two best American rifles, the Reming
ton and Winchester. For years he was
superintendent of the E. Remington &
Sous' great factory at Ilion, N. Y.
After leaving there he refused a tempt
ing offer of the Chinese government to
go to China to superintend their gov
ernment faotories and accepted in
stead the superintendenoy of the Winchester-Arms
Co., at New Haven, at
a salary of f 7,600 a year.
It was after this long term of aotive
labor as a business man that he found
himself incapacitated for further serv
ice by the embargo which rheumatism
had laid upon him and resigned his
position more than two years ago, and
returned to Belchertown, Mass., where
he now lives and owns the Phelphs
farm, a retired spot where he has five
hundred acres of land.
Being a man of means he did not
spare the cost and was treated by lead
ing physicians and by baths at celebrat
ed springs without receiving any bene
fit worth notice. During the summer
of 1803 and the winter of 1894 Mr.
Clough was confined to his house in
Belohertown, being nnable to rise from
his bed without assistance, aud suffering
continually with acute pains and with
no taste or desire for food, nor was he
able to obtain sufficient sleep.
Early in the year 1804 Mr. Clough
heard of Dr. Williams Pink Pills for
Pale People. He began taking these
pills about the first of March, 1894,
and continued to do so until the first
part of September following. The
first effect noticed was a better appetite
and he began to note more ability to
help himself off the bed and to be bet
ter generally. Last August (1894) he
was able to go alone to his summer
residence and farm of 163 acres on
Grenadier island, among the Thousand
islands, in the river St Lawrence,
where from the highest land of his
farm he commands a view for thirteen
miles down the river, and sixty of the
Thousand islands can be seen.
Instead of being confined to his bed
Mr. Clough is now and has been for
some time able to be about the farm to
direct the men employed there and he
is thankful for what Dr. Williams'
Pink Pills have done for him.
These pills are manufactured by the
Dr. Williams' Medicine Company,
Soheneotadv. N. Y., and are gold only
in boxes bearing the firm's trade mark
and wrapper, at 50 cents a box or six
boxes for $3.50, and are never sold in
bulk. They may be bad of all drug'
gists or direct by mail from Dr. Wil
liams' Medicine Company.
Two men in Mississippi had a
fight in a room. One threw the other
out of the window and, thinking he
had killed him, jnmped himself. They
fell a distance of thirty feet and neither
was hurt
nn hear tho tnlie on DObsOIlT" "No."
"Took a cab last niaht for fear of being held up
ann the driver charged him Hi cents more man
Dobson had."
la one of the most beneficent donations
voH' hsafed to ns bv nature. How ofien It Is
grossly abusefll Whether the stomach is nat
urally weak, er has been rendered so by impru
dence In eating or drinking, Hostetler's Worn
ath MtWrs Is the best auent for ita restoration
to vigor and ac ivlty. Both digestion and ap
petite are renewed by this fine tenlc, which also
overcomes constipation. biliOHsnesa, malarial,
kidney and rheumatic ailments and nervous
ness. Waiter-What shall I get for youT Professor
(absent-minded, leadirg the bill ol faie)-Iam
busy now; a:k me after dinner.
Piso's Cure is the medicine to break np
children's Cones and Colds. Mas. M. O.
. ... i L o toru
JJLUKT, Bprsgne, wasn., aiareu o, ion.
Go East from Portland, Pendleton. Walla
Walla via O. fi. & N. to Spokane and Great
Northern Railway to Montana, Dakotas, St.
Paul, Minneapolis, Chicago, Omaha, Bt.
Louis, East and South. Bock-ballast track;
fine scenery; new equipment; Great North-
Hlunan and Itinera FamllV
Tourist Cars; BuU'etrLibrarv Cars. Write
A. B. C. Denniston, u. v. at l. Ay roniana,
Oregon, or F. I. Whitney. G. P. t T. A.,
a, Paul Minn far nrinted matter and in
formation about rates, routes, etc
Illustrated by 6 dolU with 31 dresses, 6 suits, 23 hats,
and 35 other articles, furnishing the ladies with the latest
French fashions as well as the children with an amusing toy.
3 WaVS tO Send 6 Coupons, or
faTUariaJ Send 1 Coupon and 6 cents, or
UCt I 11 CSC "S 8end 10 Cents without an;
Fashions. ' coupon, to
Blackwell'M Durham Tobacco Co., Durham, N. C, and the
Fashion Dolls will be sent you postpaid. You will find one coupon
inside each 2 oz. bag, and two coupons inside each 4 oz. bag oi
Blackwell's Genuine
Durham Tobacco.
Buy a bag of this Celebrated Smoking Tobacco, and read the
coupon, which gives a list of other premiums and how to get them.
In states and territories where snow and
ice last all the long winters through, where
men are muoh exposed and suffer much
from cold, it is a wonder they do not pro
vide better against some of the conse
quence. In some lumber camps, chop
pers stand all day in knee-deep snow with
naif frozen feet. 'lha feet are much more
tender than the hands from being oovered
up all the time. Men are ofien lame all sum
mer from the frostbites of the previous
winter. Why It is so, is simply because
they do not know tbat 6t. Jacobs OU will
oure frost bite in a night.
Be Don't you think Flynn's conversation
macks of eRotism? Hue (thoughtlessly)-!
have noticed the smacks.
uow'S THiar
We otter One Hundred Dollars Reward (or
any ease of Catarrh that cauuol be cured by
Hall's Catarrh cine.
r. J. CH KNKY A CO, Props.. Toledo, O.
We the unrierkUtued, have known f. J . Cheney
tor the last 16 yean, and believe him perli-etly
honorable in all busiuess transactions aud fin
ancially able to ctrry out any obligations made
by their Brm.
WT 4 Tsoax,
Whole' ale umiKlsts, Toledo, O.
Waldino, Kinnan A Marvin.
Whulenale briiKKlsta. Toledo, Ohio.
Hall's Catarrh Cure Is taken internally, acting
directly upon the blood aud mucous suriaces ol
the system. Price, 76c per bottle. Bold by ail
druifilsts. Testimonials free.
Hall's Family Pills are the best.
riT.-AU FIU stopped free by Dr. Kline's
Great Nerve Restorer. No P'is after the nrst
day's use. Marvelous cures. Treatise and fi.OO
trial bottle free to fit cases. Bend to Dr. Kilns,
Ml Arch St., Philadelphia. Pa,
Tbt Gkbmka tor breakfast.
from U.H.JoTnl of JfanWiu
Prof. W. H. Peeke, who
makes a apeciulcy of
Epilepsy, has without
doubt treated and cur
ed more casca than any
living Physician; his
success is astonishing.
We have heard of cases
of so years' standing
lurtre bot-
tie of his absolute cure,
free to any sufferers
wno mav send their f. u. ana HxDress address.
We advise onv one wishing a cure to address
Prof .W. H. PEEKE- F. D.. 4 Cedar St.. Hew York
I let la I ud HliDd. Ble4ioi or Krotmrlint Piles WM l
fiji. ftbtoro tuiuoc A positive our. Cuoulari teiit fnt. Prw
fc. iiiittlllluU.
VaV DVM0SiW aw B v
If you want a sure relief
limbs, use
Bear in Mind Not one
tations is as good as the genuine.
It the name of Woman's Friend. It is
ful in relieving the backaches, headaches
which bnrden and shorten a woman's
women testify for it. It will give health and strength
and make life a pleasure. For sale by all druggists.
BLUMAUEE-FKANK DRUG CO., Pobtland, Agents.
$iftr.ri PPn
Take Care
Of your iiIivbIciiI health. Build tip your
system, tone your stomach and digestive
organs, increase your appetite, enrich
your blood, drive out all impurities and
prevent sickness by taking
lnldl !
The One True Blood Purifier. 1; six for t
TlnnA'a Wild harmoniously with
U00Q 8 flllS Hood's barsaparilla. eta.
. suffrrtd terribly from
roaring in my head during
an attack of tatarrk, and
brcauttvtry deaf, usedhly'i
Cream Balm and in tkret
weeks could ktar at well as
ever. A. P.. A'ewman,
Grating, Mick.
ELY'S CBKAM BALM Opens and cleanses
the Nasal Paasagea, Allays Pain and Inflamma
tion, Heals the Bores, Protects the Membrane
from colds, Restores the Senses of Taste and
Smell. The Balm Is quickly absorbed and (Ives
relief at once. t . ., . ,
A partlole Is applied into each nostril, and la
acreeaDiB. rnoe, ou wui.
Abl ODUiaoiwi
M Warren Street. New York.
Patentees of Self-Spacing Tjpe.
Sole Makers of Copper-Alloy Type.
213 Commercial Hl'll. PORTLAND, OB.
' Fersalaay aJ tyrmtetoU. S5aU a settle.
This Is Walter Baker & Co.'s Cocoa
box be sure that you dont fet an
Imitation of it.
Sold by Grocers Everywhere.
Walter Baker tt Co.,Ltd., Dorchester, Mass.
for paint in the back, tide, chest, or
of the host of counterfeits and Imi
Second to none THY IT...
No matter where from rOKTLAtiD, OR.
The very remarkable and certain
relief given woman by MOORE'S
uniformly success
and weakness
life. Thousands of
Buell Lamberson
205 Third Street
Send for one..
Mention Iklt pnjuir
dr. Guars ,-,
A Mild FhT.lf. One Pill fop a Doha,
jV mtwmnamt off tha ImwaU auh Ha 4aa
Dwui, nsjw pun aappir write id
auks K rsanlar. Thar ran Haadaeba, brichtaa UM
uraaand elaar thaComnlaiina Immu
f bn najthar (-rip aor atekan. To sonnooa warn, we
anil aail saaipl fraa, or full boi for fca, Wra.
lUdalpbla, Pa.
TUB AKBMOTOR CO. does half the worlirs
windmill bualMas, tncauae It baa red used the east of
anul power t I . what It waa.t It baa aiaoj branch
houaaa. and supplies lu goods and repairs
.w - wA ai four aonr, 11 can ana aoee lurnian
bolter article for less monei than
others. It makes ramping end
(feared, Stael, OalTaniaad after-
Ta . -J and FUrd Steal Towns, steel boss Ssw
a. "-ramee. weel rami Cutters aad Feed
V On niters, (ra application it will name one
of thoM aruclea that II will furnish anul
January 1st at 13 tlx nana! pnoo.'"lt alas makes
Tanks and Pumps at all kino's. Send for catalogue.
Factory: 12th, ReckwtH Sad Flltawra Streets, Cklcafw
Morphine Habit Cared la 10
to 30 dare. No par till eared.
OS. J.STEPHENS, Labanoa.Okie.
I BaaSoaaBrrapawua 0 Das I
I tn time. Sold by dreawista. 1 I
$. P. N. U. No. 634.-8. F. N. U. No. 711