Oregon courier. (Oregon City, Clackamas County, Or.) 188?-1896, January 31, 1896, Image 5

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Rkpuhucan Committee Meets. A
meeting of the republican county cen
tral committee was held at Pope's hall
on Monday at which 27 precincts were
represented. . For the apportionment of
delegatus for the republican county con
vention, Hermann's vote in Jun", 1804,
was taken as tbe basis, and it was agreed
that there should be one delegate for
each precinct and one for each 30 votes
polled for Hermann and one for each
fractional part of 30 votes. This will
give the convention 133 delegates, a
gain of 12 orer the number two years
ago, and 21 more than four years ago.
Tbe gain comes principally from the
county precincts that have fractions of
30. Owing t the faci that the date for
the meeting of the state and congres
sional convention has not been set, the
committee could not name dates for the
primaries and the county convention.
It was resolved to leave that matter in
the bands of the chairman, Henry Mel
rum, with tbe instruction that the
county convention should not be less
than 10 days before the state and con
gressional, and that the primaries be
not less than five days before the county
convention. The committeeman for
each precinct was authorized to appoint
the judges and clerk for the primary
election in his precinct.
Council Meeting. A special meeting
of the city council was held on Monday
evening and the following business
transacted : Ordinance declaring tax
levy of seven mills was passed. Bill of
E. F, Driggs for a balance of $450 as city
attorney laid over till regular meeting
next week. Warrant for $47 on We in
hardt sewer fund ordered canceled as
warrants drawn by former recorder were
found. The trustees of the M. E.
church preferred a brick to a plank
improvement on Seventh street and
committee appointed to draft ordinance
was authorized to make change. Divi
sion pro rata of rebate of 52 on Mrs.
McCown's Fifth street assessment order
ed made to her and Mrs. McDonald.
The mayor announced he could not
make a satisfactory showing as to the
city's financial standing on account of
tba shape of the books, as the reason he
had not delivered an annual message.
It was reported that the warrants paid
sines March had not been cancelled,
with the exception of one month
October. Cioab Stohi Closed The cigar store
and billiard parlors of E. B. Riuearson
were closed by F. T. Griffith with n
attachment tor $137 on last Friday . It
seems that the account was assigned
by W. A. Ackerman, who ran a similar
' place about two years ago, to M.' Rosen
baum who assigned to F. T. Griffith.
Mr. Rinearson did not like the way be
was closed up and assaulted Mr. Rosen
baum shortly afterwards-.for which be
plead guilty and paid a fine of $10 in
Recorder Ryan's court. It is said that
Rinearson was about to dispose of .his
business when it was closed. The at
tachment was released and the store
opened on Monday by John Jennings.
Assaulted. Mrs. Osborne, who re
sides near the foot ot the Falls View
steps, was assaulted near corner of
tixth and Monroe pt.eets on S.itnrd ay
evening by a man who struck her with
a club on the hack of the head, ca is tig
her to fall and make an ou'ery, which
brought sesihtiitice and I lie man fled.
Fred Gillam, a resident of the wesi dde,
was ariesUd mid died on Monday for
the nssault but he was discharged. She
says she war sure he was the man but
would not swear to it. The object whs
probably robbery
The Roman Catii ilk: Celeiiration
The semi-centennial celebration by the
Catholic church of this city will beuin
with divine service in the m uning. At
Stiively's hall in the evening addresses
will be delivered by both prominent
Catholic clergymen and laymen luvi
tstiens have been sent to the bishops
of Vancouver, Washington and Idr.ho,
and to all tha priests of Oregon. The
semi-centennial celebration will of it
self be sn event of uncommon impor
tance. Attention, Comrades ! Regular meet
ing ot Meade Post No. 2, G. A. R.. will
be held at the new hall in Willamette
bloik on Main street ou Wednesday,
February 5th, at 7:30 sharp. Recruits
will be mustered and business of im
portance will come before the Post.
A good attendance is desired
Williams, Commander.
C A.
Highest Honors World's Fair.
A ewe Craw Oeim of Tartar Powder. Fret
b'-m Ammonia, Alum or any other adulterant.
Twenty-Fifth Weddino Anntver.
8Ary. A few friends of Mr. and Mrs.
11. C. Stevens tendered them a pleasant
surprise party at their home on Ssverith
street lust Monday evening In honor of
the 25th anniversary of their marriage.
As a small remembrance of the oc
casion, the guests presented Mr. and
Mrs Stevens with a handsome silver
and crystal berry bowl. A few hours were
very pleasantly spent after partaking
of a sumptuous repast, and wishing their
host and hostess many happy returns
of tbe day, the guests departed. Those
present were: Mr and Mrs C II Cau
Del J. Mr and Mrs C D Latouretls. Mr
and MrsTL Charman, Mr and Mrs II
L Kelly, Mr and Mrs J O fillnbury,
Mr and Mrs E E Williams, Mr and Mrs
EE Charman, Mr and Mrs T A Mo
Adams, Mr and Mrs II D Wilson, Vrs
Mary Charman, Mrs J W Norrls, Mrs
D 0 Rhindler, Mrs Robt Cauffeld, Mrs
Sarah McCown, Mr and Mrs Geo Brouch
ton, Mr and Mrs Chas Albright, Mr
Chas Wilson.
Road Decision. Judge McBride Tues
day rendered a decision of considerable
importance, bearing upon the consti
tutionality of the statute for roads of
public easement. Several months ago
R. J. Shoukley petitioned for a road ol
public easement across the premises of
Daniel Mayer, in Highland precinct.
The viewers appointed by the county
court awarded Mayer $1'5 damages, and
he appealed from that award to the
circuit court, where the cause was tried
last November, resulting in a verdict
for $150. Mayer moved for judgment,
notwithstanding tbe verdict, on the
ground that the statute authorizing
rotds of public easement was unconsti
tutional, and the motion was granted.
It was held that the taking of private
property for private roads of public
easement was taking it, for private uses,
and not for public, and that the consti
tution would not warrant such action.
No School That Dav There was
noschrtol in the West .Side scrwolh itue
last Friday. In the m rning the fire
which the janitor started in the basement
caused the awakening of an inoffrniivrv
looking motherly cat-like brute
and her littlo dim, oh of
which jumped into tiia fire and was
burned-to death.. yCrie br.iuht the
assembling pupils below and together
they killed the entire family, nit be
fore, however, several garments were
rendered unfit lor use. There was no
school there that dav or any entertain
ment in the evening either, the
result of the antics of several striped
kittens skunks.
' Crobs vsHubbard. U. 8. Attorney
Murphy was In Oregon 'Cit Tuesday
looking p evidence in the case of H.
E. Cross against W. FHubbard, super
intendent of the government hatchery
on the Clackamas He will, in a few
days, make a motion to dissolve the in
junction granted to prevent Hubbard
from interfering with Cross log boom
and hopes to have the injunction dis
solved ; but the case will not probably
be tried on its merits until tbe next
term of court.
Fishermen's Union. The Willamette
Fishermen's Union was organized in
this city last week Monday with the
lollowing oilier m : J. Humphrey of Or
egon City, president ; John Kriuksnn of
Oswego, vice-president J Edwards Rich
ards, of Oregmi City, secretary! A. Ma
gone, O N. Haitiex, W. Jennings, cen
tral committee.
Jones, He Pays the Freight. Send
for a copy of The Ituyei's Guide, with
latest reductions snd market reports,
tent free to any address. Freieht on
f20 orders paid to any point on tbe
Willamette river readied by Portland
boats. Jones' Cash Stoke, Corner
Front and Wastington Sis.. Portland, Or.
Card ok Thanks. We desire to ex
press our thanks for kindness shown
and Hssistance- rendered during the
sickness of our late child. Haiiky
Big bargains in all
at the Fair.
kinds ot notions
Great reductions on ladies', children's
and gents' underwear at the Racket
Store. Best in the city for the price.
The finest line of silk umbrellas to be
found in the city at Burmeister & Ander
Bellomy & Busch have just received a
carload of tinware and are now head
quarters for tin as well as other house
hold articles.
For the accommodation of Ids many
customers on the bill Mr. Albright has
established a branch meat market in the
Snivel y building on Seventh street,
where he keeps a full stock of all kind
of fresh and salted meats, hams, bacon,
lard. etc. No stale meat kept. Give
him a call.
Men's caps, just the thing for work
ing. Reduced from 50c to 25c, at the
Racket Store.'
Boy's and Girl's Eaton Caps for
at the Racket Store.
Job Printing at the
Courier Office.
Dr. Miles' Net-re Plasters 23c at all druggists.
For bargains go to the Racket Store.
James Mclntyre spent Sunday at
Mrs. George Ely Jr. of Elyville is
quite sick.
The county court convenes on next
George J . Currin of Currinsville was
in town Tuesday.
Sam J. Baechler on last Friday pur
chased the Flannagan saloon of A. F.
The regular meeting of the city coun
cil will be held on next Wednesday
The G. A. R., Woodmen and Fores
tors will occupy the new hall in Willa
mette block.
John Bean & Co. will open a cigar
store and billiard parlor in the new
Weluhardt block.
L. Scbwabacber of the Crown Paper
Company returned to San Francisco on
Saturday evening.
Mr. Allen Balrd of Portland, formerly
of this city, spent Sunday with his
sister, Mrs. A. S. Dresser.
K. M. Mack, formerly foreman of tbe
Enterprise, is now employed iu a large
San Francisco printing home.
Chas. Cole of Portland has taken a
chair" in P. O. Shark's barber shop
and will move his family here.
Invitations are out for a social dance
to be given by the Junior Dine in Club
at Armory hall on February 7th .
Willamette Falls Camp No. 148, W.
of W will hereafter meet every Tues
day evening In tbe new Willamette hall.
The Capen Shoe Co. and the Crown
Paper Co. are members of the manu
facturer's association of the northwest.
Tht Fair will close and its entire stock
of tinware, glassware, notions, sto., must
go regardless of cost Everything goes.
Mr. Edgar Dickson of the San Fran
cisco land office spent several days of
this week in the city, attending to land
office business
.. Messrs. Ment W. Randall, C. A. Nash
and James Church of this city passed
part of the week very pleasantly at a
winter resort near Sandy.
-Architects are- working on plans for
a two-story brick block for E. O. Caufield
to cover the corner now occupied by
Hiram Straight's grocery.
Mort Green, who escaped from the
county jail here twice last summer, has
turned up in Nebraska, where he rob
bed a lady of 150,000 worth of jewelry
Edith Cheney on Tuesday received a
prise of 15 in a drawing competition, as
ad advertisement for Slier a iu-Williams
house paint which is sold byG. A.
The ladies of St. Paul's guild will give
... ta.,,, L ,1
a social dance at- new . wiuameua aau
on Si ..Valentine eve, Tnursday, Febru
ary 13th. ' Admission 23 cents, children
10 cents.
Photographs. crayon, water color and
pastel portraits, views, frames, etc., at
Cheney's Art Gallery at reasonable
figures. Call and be convinced. One
door so uth 0.' Red Front.
Chief of Police Burns on Wednesday
brought from Vancouver, Wash., R.
Shankleford, an ex-convict, who is
charged with the larceny of a g ild watch
from Squire McCarver, of this city.
Paul Meminelgariu has associated
himself with J. N. Miller in the saloon
linsii.ess and will move from their pre
sent location to the old Lovejoy place,
corner of Main and Fourth streets.
Sam J. Baechler has sued Sheriff
Maddock lor $100 damnges for attaching
the saloon license of A. F. Davis for
$103 on an account held by Rothschilds
Bros, of Portland . Davis had sold out
to Baechler but bad not transferred his
An attempt was made on Sunday
evening to attain "hold up" the electric
car Janet between Gladstone and Mil
waukee. The inoterman saw several
rails and a light ahead on the track but
he did not stop and pa-wed the obstruc
tions salely .
' The olumbimr establishment of A. W.
Schwan, next to Courier office, was
closed on Friday last by an attachment
of Cram & Jack Co. for $1114. Attain
opened on Wednesday, Mr. Sehwan
having made satisfactory arrange ments
with his creditors.
Married at the Congregational parson
age by Rev. J. W. Cowan'on Tuesday,
January 28tb, Mrs. Celia McDonald and
Henry Will, both of Barlow. Mr. Will
is a member of the mercantile firm of
Barlow-Will Co. and Mrs- Will is a
daughter of J. C. Adams of that place.
The grand jury on Wednesday report
ed an indictment against Charles Mont
gomery for murder in the first degree.
Alontgomery shot Hiram Hall in XovenV
ber and then delivered himself to the
sheriff and asked to be locked up. The
prisoner was given until Friday morn
ing to plead to the charge.
A farmer from southeastern Kansas
told a Cockier repirter on the train
that times were pretty good in his sec
tion. Corn, hogs and prairie hay, he ;
said, are its principal products. Farm
wages, w hen work is brisk, are a dollar
a day and board. He had a favorable i
opinion of Oregon but was evidently
very well satisfied with his Ktn-ias 1
home. j
Violin, Guitars, Mandolins, Autoharps,
1 .
Strings and Extras for All Instruments.
An adjouined session of the circuit
court convened on Monday and the fol
lowing cases were disposed of:
Wm. Scranlon vs. O. J. Hoel; saleo
property confirmed.
Addle Webber vs. Chas. Webber;
diyi-rce granted on charge of desertion.
Fanny I. Lorlng, guardian, vs. J. W.
Nendal el al; judgment for (1208.45
and costs.
Homer Fisher vi Jas Evans; jury
A. Lewis vs 8. Gotlleb et als; judg
ment for $682.
II. A. Voigt vs Congdon & Mantour ;
R. II. Greely vs F. E. Donaldson and
T. Booth ; continued.
Fannie Taylor vs D. H. Taylor; decree
of divorce and costs of $27 taxed to de
fendant. R. Pease vs A. A. Pease ; judgment
for $300 and costs.
Grant Phegley vsJ. Wilson, guardian;
judgment for $500.08 and costs.
State vs R. M. Downey ; sentenced to
one year in penitentiary.
Assignment of S. B. & Chas Califf; C.
O.T. Williams as assignee ordered to
pay all obligation of company out of
partnership property and all individual
claims from individual property.
Tht Fair Is elosing out.
I i 1 1 . 1 j 1 i 1 on good security by
A . S. Dresser.
Tablets and composition books 4c up
at "The Fsiir."
Prescriptions carefully compounded a
G. A. Harding's drug store.
Received at Charman & Son's a large
invoice ol wall paper, latest and pret
tiest designs.
J. W. Welch, dentist, formerly of the
Chiaago College of Dental Surgery
Office in Courier block near depot.
For your strings and extras for all
nusical Instruments go to Burmeister
k Andresen's, who keep a full supply .
Blank note snd receipt books of all
kinds and, deeds, mortgages, etc.
cheaper than Portland wholesale prices
at Courier office.
Li L. Pickens, dentist, does all kinds
of dental work. Gold crowns, porcelain
crowns and bridge work a specialty
Office in Barclay building, corner Main
and Seventh streets.
Remember when you need anything
in the line of graniteware or tinware
that W. A. Putrow now has a complete
assortment. If price is any object you
will not fail to give him a call,
Flour 70 cents, dry granulated sugar,
rice, raisins or soda 5 cents per pound.
Elegant trimmed hats at cut prices.
Christmas goods in variety at bedrock
piices. Red Front Trading Co.
Frank P. Welch, dentist, graduate
of- the University of Pennsylvania,
will be in Oregon City office Thurs
day of each week ; remainder of each
week ir. Portland oflioe, room 77
Dekum building.
C. A. Willey has moved his harness
and repair shop fiom on the hill to
second door west of depot, next to
Couiiier office, where he will not only
keep a full line of first-class hand-made
harness, saddles, etc., but will do all
kinds of harness and boot and shoe
repairing at prices that can't be dup
licated. Give him a call." Satisfaction
Tinwahb Chkap. Bellomy fc Busch
have received a large consignment of
tinware direct from the factory, and as
there is no middleman to pay the public
of Oregon City will get the benefit of
this heavy purchase. Xo. 8 wash boil
ers are sold for 75c, and copper bottom
tea kettles for 50c.
Shark, the barber, don't swim but
he's in the swim when it comes to
shaving and hair cutting.
59-60-61 Sew Deknoi,
Cor. 3d A Wash.
Suts made
order in
Latest Styles.
Methods of
Are used by. different
firms. Watch the win-.
dow and you will see
one of our ways. Each
week some staple and
useful article . will be
marked at prices you
never bought the same
at before.
Marvelous Result.
From a letter written by Rev. J Gund
erman, of Dimondale, Mich., we are
permitted to make this extract: ' I
have no hesitation in recommending Dr.
King's New Discovery, as the results
were almost marvelous in the case of my
wife. While I was pastor of the Baptist
Church at Rivea Junction she was
brought down with Pneumonia succeed
ing La Grippe. Terrible paroxysms of
coughing would last hours with little
Interruption and it seemed as if she
could not survive them. A friend re
commended Dr. King's New Discovery ;
it wa quick in its work and highly
satisfactory in results " Trial bottles
free at Charman & Co's Drug Store.
Regular size SOc. and 11.00.
Money loaned on farms or business
property. J. F. Clark, office over Oregon
City bank.
Cheney's Art Gallery, situated on
Main street, is now open for business.
. For ovar Fifty Yaare.
alow'e Soothing Byrnp has bats need (or orer Aft;
years by Billions of (aethers tor their c&IMrea While
tMlblng , with perfect saooees. It wolhoi the child,
softens the f ami, allays ell pain, cans wind eolle,
tad hi the belt remedy for DUrrhose. la pleasant to,
the teete. Sold bjr Drat; (lata (a erery pert of the
World , Twenty-Sre eenta e bottle. Ita nine la in
calculable. Be sure and eak for Mrs. Window's
Soothing Syrup, and take no other kind.
These wafers are for painful, scanty,
profuse or irreuular menses, any cause,
and ladies will flnl that no belter
remedy exists for these difficulties. To
avoid being imposed upon by base imita
tions buy from our agents and take
French Tansy Waters only. Price by
mail, 2.00. C. G. Huntley, Druggist,
Cautield Block, Oregon City, Oregon.
The successful farmer has
learned by experience that
some grains require far differ
ent soil than others. He
knows that a great deal de
pends on right planting at the
right time. No use complain
ing in summer that a mistake
was made in spring. Decide
before seed-time. The best
time to treat coughs and colds
is before the seeds, or germs,
of consumption have begun
their destructive work.
Scott's En.ul5.0n of Cod-
liver Oil, with Hypophos
phites, promptly cures lung
and throat troubles. Do not
neglect your cold.
ITT'S EMULSION has been endorsed by the
medical profession for twenty years. Atk your doctor.)
This is because it is always talatabit alwsva uniform
always eoiilgiiti tht purttt Norwgism Cod-Uvtr OU
Mnd Hrpopkotpkitrt.
Insist on Scott's Eanulslon, with trade-mark of
nun and fish.
Put up in v cent and joa sizes. The small alie
Buy be enough to cure your cough or help your baby.
S9-0-l New Ttckirm,
Cor. M Wash.
Give us a trial
as we
. ...
re "
Warm JShoes
Our shoes are warm and tight
as it's possible to have shoes.
That's on account of the good
ness of the leather in the care
that's taken in their making
on the perfection and comfort
of their fit. All sizes and
styles ladies', men's and
Krausse Bros,
Next Door to Burmeister & Andresen's.
Notary Public and Real Estate Broker,
Money to Loan. Abstracts of Title Made.
Drawing of Legal Documents a Hpecialty.
DfHce on east aide of Mln street
Between 4th and 71b.
Opposite Caufield Block,
Attorneys at Law.
Commercial, Real Estate and
Probate Law Specialties.
OFFICE: Coatoitrolal Bask Bulliiai
Attorney at Law.
Oiflce OntDoor North uCauJleld&Hunt
hy'i D' Mjfors, '. . rt t .
. ..... 4 - . - .-:
Office : Two Doora South of Courthoua
Noblitt Livery and Sale Stable
0s tht Strset bstwsen tba Bridge asa tit
Double and elude rla and aeddle hoisei a
ware ou hand at the loweit ratei, and a com'
alao connected witb the barn lor looae .loci
Any Information rerardlni anr kind ot iter.
promptly attended to by letter or person.
The Commercial Dank
CAPITAL $100,000.
1 Transacts a General Banking Buslnest
Loans made. Bills discounted. Makes cl
lections. Buys and sells exchange on all poll
In the United Stales and Kurope end on Hoi
Kong. Deposits received subject to check.
Bankopon from 0 A.M. to 4 P. H.
President. Caahli
...Corner Grocery...
Keeps a full line of STAPLE and
Lowest Prices--
Rooms 70, 77, 70, Dekut.
Portland, ureoon.
Hany of my friends hat
trouble to find me; bent,
thia card.
New Fish Market.
E. Richards, Prop,
Oysters, Fresh and Salt Wate
Fish, Poultry, Game, Crabs,
Clams, Etc.
Turkeys, Geese and Chicken, for Thankxglvtti
Fret Delivery,
Two Doori South of Amoi
Standard Pat. Medicines.
Palnte, Oils and Window Glass.
Preterlptiomt Accurately Compounded
habdisg's block.