Oregon Courier. lly A. W. CHENEY. CITY OFFICIAL PAPKR, Entered In the Oregon City poilofflce mecond elui matter. SUBSCRIPTION RATK8. One year 2 00 II z monthi 1 00 hroe months 60 (paid In advance, per year 1 !0 tWThe dale opposite your address on th aper denotes I ho time to which you hare paid Tin Increase In price of marketable beeves and mutton sheep together with the wonderful Impetus that quart, and placer mining is receiving in Eastern Oregon promises to put that section o the road to renewed prosperity. PATRONIZE HOME INDUSTRY, OREGON CITY, JAN. 31, 1896. Tn Cripple Creek mining boom la an Indirect benefit to us. It is taking number of Idle men from this state to Colorado. Tub English troops captured the kingdom of Ashantee by the device the republicans have heretofore used in this state to capture the voters, fireworks and noise. Tin rise in the price of wheat has a stimulating effect on the big ranchmen of California. Unless the rise is much greater, it goes without saying that it will not help the small farmer Clackamas. of M. E. Inoalls, a wealthy railroad man of Cincinnati, is mentioned as an aspirant for the presidency on the demo cratic ticket. He has a good record and could fearlessly repeat to mud slingers Grnver's dictum, ' 'Tell the truth." Tut announcement of the approach Ing marriage of ex-president Harrison is another proof of the old saying that a widower generally tries to drowu his sorrow over the departed by securing another helpmeet. The thousand colored voters of Mult nomah county may no longer be sat is fled with being snubbed by the bosses, but demand substantial recognition. Some of them are very much awake This la merely a gentle reminder .to Joe Simon et al. Tbi insurgent president o( Cuba tie V.rea to present us with the "Gem of the atilles," and we can have no valid eaaon tor refusing the proffer. Eng and is not going to gobble It by ''any Manner of means." Tbb rapid growth of mannfactoring industries in Japan is a new and unlook ed for danger that must be met and met soon by congressional action. Fifty aiz cotton mills haye been established in Japan, the product of which Is driv ing the English out of the Oriental market. The subscriptions to the government loan, more than twice the amount of the bonds offered for sale by the secretary of the treasury, are proof of the fact that there is far more gold in (lie county than croakers would make us believe, and also of I lie other fact, which is iiihih important, thut puiriotisiu is not tliail . Tub cum ho uf mining piigiuuurinx which ha been istubliitlicd at the state university oilers Ihu young men of Ore gon a splendid opportunity to fit them selves for a profiissi.m which offers ninny opportunities for rapid advance ment, for milling h.n never attrivunj more capital ami uttention than nt present, Tub "fiee trade" larilf in not appre ciably injuring (lie iron industry. A Tiladelpliia exchange says: "Xever wis there such activity in iron and Bteel works as now. Everything U running night and day. Machinery is stained. l'lojeds for greater activity are improving in I8!0. .Several ra ilroad companies placed big orders also." Tiik free-silver majority of the senate finance committee will stubbornly op pose any financial legislation that does not specially favor the white mental though the president is In the wav to thwart any such scheme. We can only hope that money matters will adjust themselves without assistance from congress, as we can hope for none The populists of the committee fear they would stultify themselves if they assisted the government in relieving it from the incubus of the f500,UOO,)00 of paper money that is used by the great bankers to rob the treasury. Tui leaders of the republican party in this state have proven themselves faithless to the trust Imposed on them by robbing the tax-payers. Never were taxes higher and never was it more dif ficult to obtain the money to pay them The democrats have the opportunity to show their patriotism and regard for th welfare of our state by nominaiiug for the legislature the very best men in tLeir ranks. The republican party, under its present leadership, has log the confidence of the voters and, unless they have degenerated lo party slaves they will prefer an honest democrat to a thieving republican professions politician . Col. E. B. Wise, a prominent business man of boldendale, Wash., eaya in a letter to a friend from Stockton, Cal 'I have found nothing in California that will compare with our Eastern Oregon and Washington except climate. The stale of California is 'played nut.' It is a sea of fixating population ( tramps, health hunters and vagabond. In this ureal San JoHquin valley that you hear so much about is nothing. The farmers raise only 10 to 15 bushels of wheat per acre in a good season and the business men are simply paralyzed, or in plain language it is as dull as li on all sides." Oregoniane should be satisfied to stay where they are. Tub Saturday Review, one of the most influential organs of the conservative sentiment of Great Britain, does not hold the opinion that the British em pire can endure the strain of a great war., it sajs: "Ve are regarded with indifference by our kinsfolk in upper Canada, and the feeling in Australia is scarcely more sympathetic. The Syd ney Pu letin, the most popular journal ui.der the Southern Cross, derides Eng land .and. the English connection in every issue." This London journal is less afflicted by the Anglomaniac bias and more loyal to America and the feeling of American patriotism than the Cham ber ol Commerce of New York, which received its charter from George III., or the New York Nation, which derides the hostile feeling in this country to ward England as jingoism. It is a con- solatian that though the tories have too much to say iu Wall street, they do not regulate the patriotism of the rest I Ihu country. HUS W WIFE.... By Buying One o! Those fiANT LOUNGES At the New Store of J. J. IVicGrath Opposite Postoffice. All Kinds of Upholstering Work Done to Order MATTRESSES Repairing Of All Kinds And Carpet Laying Done. MADE TO ORDER .And Repaired All Goods are Hand-Made And First-Class in Every Respect SATISFACTION GUARANTEED. School Report For Fourth Month January. laCLAV SCHOOL. 8' S m SI 8. W. Holmes' room. M. Weddell.. Mlis Flnley...... miss Monroe Mlsi Weinerell ..... Heslie .' .. Miss Cochran Miss Kelly JO 87 2 19 1 mi ti 20, 65& 46 20' TW 361 20. 860 H 20 . MO 30, 8U I1ITHAM SCHOOL. . W. MoAdams' room . Mrs. McAdams Miss Lawrence Miss Balrd Miss 8nanaler Miss Haukins 20' 797 ail 1022 20 64451' 20. Saul 6'J 20 4W62" 20 MM m: I 4W62U 13 lJ 81 27 2d m Hllxv2a is u"M..o, 2 loraH aits 311 men m insist !fil!1!jfi is 31 47 48 44 1 1 87 22 M 65 95 a 27 60 48 47 1 19 is 87 So 8.1 1 2 H SJ 45 W 87 1 2D XI Al 46 48 1 .15 IS 81 2 2s 1 0 19 49 44 49 1 10 23 42 41 40 2 tf, X7 68 24 61 1 1 19 Id 87 85 SI 1 21 28 44. 88 34 8 1 M In 81 27 20 1 15) 89 34 ..80 Onk report says that humiiess is pick lug up in the Kast, and another says it is not, the coloring of the report evi dently depending on some such i i rcum stance as the condition of the liver of its author. We may he confident of this that as soon as Ihishhu confidence has been fully restored money will cir culate more freely and "hard times'' will cease; hut not till then. A sawmill and gu.sh.duor and blind establishment of Wisconsin, roiitiirin 2 ID acres for its plant, desires to remove to a timber belt in the northwest Pa cific coast country, the timber in its present location beinjr exhausted. Kf forts are being made to locate it in the 'arge maple forest of Klickitat and Va lium counties, Wash., covering an area over 50 suctions. Thus gradually rent Industries jjo westwanl with tiie larof empire. A'J TlOHAh COSVEXTWXS. N'uIioiihI Chairman Harrity last Fri- luy issued the ulliciul call for I he demo- ratio iiHtional con vuution. It reads : Tne ilein icnitic national committee, libviiiK met in Washington, January 16, 181)11, has appointed Tuesday, July 7, 1000, al 12 o'clock noon, and chosen the city nt (Jhicaiio as the place for holding the democratic nutionai convention Each slate is entitled to representation theiem equal to douhie the number of its senators and representatives iu the congress of the United Stales, and each territory and the District of Columbia shall have two delegates. AH demo cratic L'otiNcrvutivo citizens of the United States, irrespective of party political as-iociatiom ami differences, who can unite with us in the effort for pure, economical and constitutional Kovcrnuient, are cordially invited to join us in sending delegates lo the con veution." These are (he opening and closing dates, the meeting-places and the candi dates of the democratic national con ventions: ls:-Mey 12.1:1. Baltimore A Jackson lH.Hi May 20-il, Baltimore M Van Burcn IMO .Mav 5-0. Haltlmore M Van Buren lull-May 27-i!.Bltliuor6.. ...James K Polk IMS May 22-J0, Haltiuiore Lewis Cans is'..' June i n, Baltimore Franklin Pierre l.'i June 2-11, Cincinnati James llirhattan ltiC April J;l May ;l.l'harlestoti.No. Nomination IMW June Is -M, Haliiinure S A Douglas ls June 22 t. Baltimore JC Breckinridge is 4 August 2-31. I'hloago ti B McClvilau it Seymour . Horace tiret'ley . .Horace lireeley HJ Tilden . ..W 8 Handcock .(inivn clevlanl (irover Cleveland Urovsr Clf velanii Buoklen't Arnica Salve. Tub Bkst Salvk in the world for Cuts, Bruises, Sores, Ulcer, Salt Hheum, ever Sores, Tetter. Chapped Hands. Chilblains, Corns, and all Kkin Erup tions, and positively cures Piles, or no pay required, (t is guaranteed to give perfect satisfaction or monev refunded. rice 2o cents per box tor sale by Charinan A Co. Electrio Bitters. Electric Bittern is a medicine suited for any season, but perhaps more itener ally needed in I he Spring, when the languid exhausted (eelini; prevuils, when the liver is torpid and aluifuish and the need of a tonic and alterative is lelt. A prompt use of thin medicine lias often averted long and perhaps fatal bilious fevers. No medicine will act more surely in counteracting and freeing the system from the malarial poison. Head ache, Indigestion, Constipation, Diz ziness yield to Electric Bitters. Only )0c and 1 per bottle at Charinan & Co's Drug .Store iH itisii tliepat SO years the world's annual gold production has increased .0 folds, while the world's population has increased only S.'e fold. Last year the total production was over fJOO.OOOV 000, and if the present increase in gold mining continues, we shall be deluged by the yellow metal. The conse quence will be a fall in the value of gold, or, in other w ords, a rise in the price of all commodities whose value, relatively, is measured by gold. si-m Inly 4 , New York 172 May 1-4, Cincinnati. IST2 July '.'10, llahiiuore lsTil June 27 J!i, Si LouH I.-" June L'2..4,i'inoiuuall... sl-July -IO. Chicago lss Juue.r-. St Louis .... I i2-Juii -.'1 il, Chicago iwo July 7,1 locago The follow inn are the dates, meeting places and candidates of the republican national conventiona fromthchPL'hininir ! i ,-, .. i , ,?, "i NOTICE ,s HKBKBV (ilVEX THAT T1IERK v, June t.-W, l'hlla.lelphia J C rremont I 11 . K,..,..i i,i. ., i,..i i i,iu,v iii, i'i.,.... a ii i.. .. : . ... " "l"rl' SUMMONS. In the Circuit Court of the State of Oregon, for me loumy oi i;iacaaina8. Jaiiiei 11 Day and Sarah K. nay. Plalntltls, vs. John tirnliar, or I lie unknown heirs of John limber, Defendant. To John (Sruhrr, the above named defendant, or to the uiiknowu heirs of John timber. IN THE NAME OF THE STATE OF OREGON you, and each of yon, are hereby required to appearand answer the complaint It leu airaiiiKt you In the above entitled cause on or before the third Monday In April, A. I. lS'.Hi, the same beiUK the 2Utli day of April, la-Hi, and if you fail so to answer the plaintiil's will apply to tne court for the relief demanded in said complaint which is a decree that a certain deed executed by the defendant on the 28d day of April, 1m;ii, and recorded in book E of Deeds on paije Sin, records of Clackamas county, which sld deed was intended lo convey and should hare con veyed to J. !. M. Vaucleave. a tract of Ian 1 known as the D. L. C. of John Her, deceased, situate in See 111, Twp. 2 S . K. 2 E., and in Sec. IS, Twp. 2 8., K. 8 E. of Willamette Meridian, conlniniiiK 327 N6-1U0 acres, situate ill Clt 'kamas county, Oregon, be so reformed and corrected in the description therein, which locales that portion of said l 1.. C. situate In See. IS, as being iu K.2K instead o'ii K S E.,aud that the record of said Instrument lie declared to convev the land known as the John Her l L C. and if properly described in Sees. 13 and Is in Twp. nance anu .1 r.., as 11 snouhl nnv done and you are hereby dinner notified that on the jail) day of January, Is;, Ihe Hon. T. A. Mcllride, judKeiofJUie above named court, made an Older, directing that service I made on you iu tiie above entitled cause br publication oi summons. JAMES TlfOKNK, Attorney for I'laintirT. CITY TREASl'REK'S NOTICE. . A. 6. Steinbach & Co., Popular One Price Clothiers, Hatters and Furnishers. Corner First A Mori If on, I'ortlnnd. NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. LAND OFFICE AT OREGON CITY, OREGON, January in, WM. Notice Is hereby given that the following-named settler has filed notice of his Intention to niako final proof In support of hia clnlin, and that said proof will be made be fore tho Register and Receiver U. 8. Land Oflice at Oregon City, Oregon, on February 21st, 1S1H1, vlu: PETER Rl'DSTIIOM, II. E. No. woai, for the W !j of SE'i ard E U' of 8W V. See. 2fi, Twp. 5 si., R. 8 K. He names the following witnesses to prove his continuous residence upon and cultivation of, said land, vl2: Lars G. Larson, Andrew Johnson, Albert hnglo and r.ricK umtiiuist, ainu Moinim, Or. KOBEKT A. Mil. LlClt. Register. COUNTY orrtcERs. Judge 0. K, Hayei Clerk of Courts, Oro. llorlnn Sheriff I. O. Madilock Kecnnler 6, M. Hainihy Treaanrer, M. L. Mcsire Awsuor, J. ('. llradley Sehuol Siiperintenili'iit II. B Olbacui Sureyor P. W. Klnnlard Coroner, ; R. L. Unlman lt County Court meets on tint Wednesday after dial Monday uf every month. Probate Court meets on first tfunilay of eory month. Circuit Court meets on third Moinlay la April and first Monday In November. OREGON CITY OFFICERS. Mayor Hiram Straight Keconler, T. K. Hyan Cliluf of Police, C. E. Burns Treasurer,... II. E. Straiiillt City Attorney F. T. Urlllith Street Commissioner, CO. rlalsjock.Jr, Bup't. of Water Work W. II. Howell City Engineer H. H. Johnson Councilmen Henry Ueldrum, J. W. Moffat, L. L. I'urter, J. J. Cooke, B. Koeruer, L. C. Caples, T. K. Oault. John Bittner. Conncil meets first Wednesday of each month. Bank of Oregon City. OLDK8T BANKING HOUSE IN TBI CUT l aid Up Caital, $50,000. Surplus, $20,850. President. Vice President, Cashier, Manager, Thomas Crarmam Oio. A. Habdixj E. O. Caufiki.d Charlis H.Caufikid K General Banking Business Transacted. Deposits Received Subject to Check. Approved Bills and Notes Discounted. County and City WarranU bought. Loans Made on Available 8ecurU Exchange Bought and sold. Collections Made Promptly. Drafts Hold Available in Any Part ol th. norm. Telegraphic. Exchange 8old on Portland, Ban Francisco, Chicago and New York. Interest Paid on Time Deposits. C. W. GRACE & CO., Dealer In Ct, KJT ENERAL MERCHANDISE. NEW GOODS. NEW STORE. Molvlla Ave., (Ely.) WM. KRUEGER, MERCHANT TAILOR . Next Door to Oriental Hotel ALL KINDS OF REPAIRING DONE. Oreuon City, " Okhoon Imperial Gallery Oregon City. OHUROHK8. First Cnogrfiatlonal Charoh Iter. J. W Cewsa Pastor. Kerilces II a. m. ana l:U0 p. sa. Sunday Sshnol after morning lerrlee. Prayer Mealing .tery Wednenlay .tenlng at S:C0 p. ra. Prayer M.etlng T. r. 8. C. E. ery Sunday arelllog at 6:A0 prompt. rirat Baptist Church Re. M h. Kngg, Pastar Morning Narvlc. 11; Bundny Kchool VIM,; Kfening 8erice Regular Prayer Meeting Wednesday evening. Monthly Covenant Meotlng every Wednes. day aveuing precuedlng Unit Sunday In the month. HI. John's Church. Cathollo-llev. A. Hlllehrand, Pastor. On Sunday, Mass at and 10:.'K a m. Every Biimlsy Oennan Hermon after 8 o'clock Maes. At all other Mums English Sermons. Sunday School 2::i0 p. m. Vespers, Ajwlogctlcal Subji-ola and Ben. eiiictiun at 7:30 p. m. Melbndlst Eplcopl. R.v. 8. W. Slryker, Pastor, Morning Service at II: Sunday School at VIM; Even, lug Hervloe at Haw. Kpworth Lesgue meeting Sun. day evening at 6M; Prayer Meeting Thursday even Ing at 8:00. First Prosbyterlsn Cbtireh. Rer. A, J. Montgom. sry, Pastor. Services 11 a. m. and l p. Da. rJabbath School 10 a. m. Y. P. 8. O. K. BieeU .very Sunday evening at 6:HU. Prayer MeetingWedneMlay .veiling, 8:00. 8eau free. Evangelical Church, Oemum-n. E. Hornschuh, Pastor. Preaching Marrleea every Sunday Ham, nd 1-M a. m. ttsbbath School every Sunday lUa.m Weekly Prayer Meeting every Wednesday evening, United Brethren Church. Bev. J. W. Eldrledge. Pastor. Services second and fourth Sunday mornings and the preceding Saturday night In each month at Oregon City 11 a. m. and 7 p. m , and the first bun. dav afternoon of each month at fells View. St. Paul's Church, Eplaeopal Rev. Isaac Damn, pastor. Services every Hunday at 11 a. m. and 7:30 p. m., and Eridsy evening at TOO p. m. Evangelloal Lutheran Zlon Congregation. Rev. L. r " . VI I.. BhlMl.'l hull MlinAae urej, peewir. sscvu. wh.'so school from Dill) to 10:30 a. m. Servl and 7:30 p. m. hall. Hunday errlces 10Sj0a.m. PHOTOGRAPHY IN EVERY BRANCH CRAYONS, ENLARGEMENTS. CHILDBEN'S PICTURES A 8PSCIALTY. Gallery over Mrs. Prier's Store, Main St. V. HARRIS, Star Grocery DEALER IN GROCERIES, FLOUR', FEED, CROCKERY, ETC. C. N. GREENMAN, TIIK IMONIXR Ixpress and T Drayman. r (Established 18I1S.) NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. LAND OFFICE AT ORERON CITY, OREGON, Jan. lu, lf'.ii. Notice is hereliy given that the followln-f-nained settler has tiled notice ol his Intention to make final proof in support ol his claim, and (hat said proof will be made before the Register and l.ecciver U. 8. Land Otllce at Oregon City, Oregon, on February 21st, lstie, via: JAMES A. ODELL, H. E. Xo. 770'. for the N'J of NE'V, N',' of N !-4. See. 21, Twp. 2 8., R. 6 E He names the following witnesses to prove his continuous residence npon and cultivation of. said land, viz: Charles Baty, J. 8. Ware, Joseph Wall and C P. Ware, all of Salmon, Oregon. ROBERT A. MILLER. Register. I4 June 7 a, Itsliunore l"s May JO i'l. ( tin hku 17'J- June o-ti. rhllsdelfiia .. sTh June M 17. I'm, linmli. . Ixi-Juue t'hlea'o 11 June :t-, t'hieai;a.....w.. ISM - June lit-JV t hu itiro. . A Lincoln I' .(rant C S Orant ... KB Hayes ... J A (..irtield .. ... J ti lllaine b Hamlin rumi ot ureson t ity lo pav all ontstamting mat rams endorsed prior to July t ah. Ivx, Interest ceases with tiie ditte of this notice. 11. E. srRAlilHT. 'it y Treasurer. Oregon City, Oregon. January Ji, lv.si. NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. LAND OFFICE AT OUEGOX CITY, OREGON, Jan. lfi. 1J. Notice is hereby given that the following-named settlor has tiled notice of his intention to make final proof in support of hia claim, and that said proof will be made before the Register anil Receiver V. H . Land otlice at Oregou City, Oregon, ou February Jlst, leuo, vli: ERICK MNDQt'IST, II. E. No. WSI. for the NK. of Sec. 34. Tp. 5 8., K. 3 E. He names the following wit nesses to prove his continuous resilience upon ami cultivation of, said land, viz: Lars O. Larson, Andrew Johnson, Albert Engle and l'eier Rudstrom, all of Molnlla, Oregon. RoIlKR f A. MILLER, Register. NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION". T AND OFFICII A T OREGON CITY. OREGON. I Aj January 'JO. lS'.f. Notice is hercbv given Hint the follow ing iianied settler has Hle.1 notice of tits intention lo make final proof iu support of his claim, ami that said ppxif will be made be fore the Register and Receiver U. 8. Land Oitice at Oregon City, Oregon, on March 9th, l.vjfi, vii: JOHN MI'SA. , II. E. Xo. lto, for the NE': of Sec. 2 Twp. .1 8., R. o K. He namts the following witneaees to prove hia couiinuons residence upon and cultivation of. said Inn. I. vir: Fred Reiebel of CherryviUe. Orecon. and Charles Paschal, Joseph Linhart auj Joseph raclial, if 8audv, Oreeon. ROHERT A. MILLER, Register. lso." June 7-10, Minneapolis. ....... U Harrison ; ! June la, 8t Louis : II. W. WESTERMAXX, Merchant Tailor.... Louis Kricilrii.li, the fasliionable tailor , hua: uiovftl Ilia ahon tti tha liuililinir t loiim-rly o.ciiie.l by Mrs. IWier Cleaning, Repairiniml Pressing Done, niillmcir store. Notliinif but tirst-class ! Trice's Ol.l Ptaml, Next Poor North work done anJ sgtiefaction suaranteeJ. of x'mory- 0rif',n Cy- Parcels delivered to al! parts of the ciiy. A R. DOOLITTLE'S West Side Store KEEPS A WELL-SELECTED STOCK OF Groceries, Provisions FRUITS, FLOUR AND FEED. West Side Express IN CONNECTION. BOCIKTIK8. OHgooif crrr. Falls City Lodge No. 5 of A. O. V. W. Meets every Satunuty eveuing ot each month In A. O. V. W. hall on 8eventh street. All sojourning brethren cordially lurllixl to attend. Electrio Lodge No. ft. A. O. V. W. HeaU 2d and ilh Wednesdays of each month. Visiting members welcome. Oregon Lodge, No. 3, I 0. 0. r. Meets .very Thursday avenlng at 7:.'10 o'clock p. m. In the Odd fellows' Hall. Main street. Members f the Order sre Invited to attend. Valla Eneamament. Nc 1. 1. O. O. F. Meets first and third Tuesdays of each month at Oddfellows' Hall. nemDersasd visiting patnaront ooraiaiiyin vited to attend. Willamette Rebakah Degree Lodg. No.-2. Mests th. second and fourth Fridays lu the month at IKK) In the I. 0. O. r hall, Abern.thy Bebekah Degrs. Ledg. Mo. M. Meats Tuesday .ening at I. O. O. F hall. Multaomah Lodge, No. 1. A. T. A A. M. Holds It regular communication, on Unit and third Saturday of eaoh month si 7 30 p. m. Brethren in good stand, ing are Invited to attend. Myrtle Lodge No. 24, D. of IL Meets every Friday lu A. O. V. W. lull. Clackamas Chapter No. 2. R. A. M Regular eon. vocation third Monday of month at 7:90 p. m. Uourt Kubln Hood No. SU, I. or A. Meets in K. of P. hall on second and fourth Fridays. A. P. A. Council No. A. Meets on first and third Fridays of each month. Pioneer Chapter. No. 28, O. E. S.-Meata In Ma- sonlo Tempi, on Taesdays. Willamette Falls Camp No. 148, W. of W. Meets second and lunrth Tasadaya of th. nienth at K. of P. ' nail, visiting Belghbora mane w.ieoma, Wach.no Tribe. No. 13. 1. 1). I. M.-Me.ts Tu.s- day evening at A. O. U. W. Mali. Visiting rn.mb.rs cordially Invited, Meade Poet, No. i, O. A. K.. Dsp.rtm.at of Oregoa , Meet. Irtt Monday f eath m.ath at A. O'U. W-1 Hall, Oregon City. Tleltlag eenradea made wel. came. Msad. Relief Corps, Ne. M, Department ef Or. goa. Meets an Brst sad third Friaays f eaeh aseath in K. of P. Hall. Members of corns from abroad cordially welcomed. Sons of Veterans, E. D. Baker Camp. No. 18 Meet Brat and third Thursday evenings ol each month. L. A. 8. of Baker Camp. 8 of V .-Meets in K. P hall on second and fourth Monday evenings of each month. . ' Achillea Lodee. No. 38. K. of P.-Meeta everv Fri day night at th. K. ( P. halL Visiting knights invited. . a Company, First Re ., O. If. G. Armory, Third and Main. Regular drill night, Monday. Regular .. . business meeting, first Monday of eaeh month. St. John's Branch, No. 647, C. K. of A. Meats .very Tuesday evening at their ball, oomer Mala and . Tenth streets, Oregon City. Oregon City Board of Trade Meets at Court Hons on second Monday in each month. Visitors welcome. . Columbia Hook sad ladder Co. Meets II rat Fri day of each month at Fountain Engine House. Fountain Hose Co., No. 1 Meets seeond Wednesday in each' month at Engine House, east side Main street, between eleventh and Eighth. - Cataract Hose Cn. No. 2. Meets lecoi.d Tuesday of Pach month at Cataract Engine House. Oregon City Hose Co., No. 3 Meets in Hose House on the hiill the third Tuesday of each month. OOCMTT. Pig Iron Lodge, No. 13f, A. O. U. W.-Meets everv Thursday evening at Odd Fellow's Hull, Oswego Visiting brethren alwaya welcome. Molalla Lodge, No. 40, A. O. U. W.-Meets first and third Salarduy. iu each mouth at School House. Visitiug members made, welcome. Gavel lodge, No. 63, A. O. U. W. Meets second and third Satunlny evenings at Knight's Hall, Cauby, Visiting brothers made welcome. Clackamas Lodge, No. 87, A. O. U. W. Meets firs, and third Mondnys in eaeh month, at Strife's Hall Viaiting brethren welcome. Sunrise Lodge, No. 43, A. 0. TJ. W.-Meets every second and fourth Saturday nt eni-h , ..,. , uriT sonviile, Oregon. ' Mistletoe Lodge No. 20, D. of H. Meets every Tuesday evening ' Oswego Lalie. No. 1)3. I. O a T Ma... ... ixi.i r.i low's Hall, Oswego, every Monday eveuing. Visiting brethren made welcome. Oswego Lodge No. 10 I.A rtl M f .... .v. secoiid and fourth Saturdays. Masons 'invited... General Pope Post, No. 62,0. A. R.-Meeta Or' Saturday of each month at Grange hall, Mulino Comrades cordially invited. Geu. Crook Post, No. a, G. A. R., Department of Oregon Meets in school bouse at Needy on first 8t- -..., ,u cu uiumu at -i o ciock p. m. All com mons made welcome. Star Lodire No. fl.V K t.t p M..... ..., day evening In Castle ball. Brothers Intitcd. Cauby Lodge, No. 6114, I. O. G. T.-Meete first and third Saturday evenings at Kniohf. HhIi -..!. Visitiug members siwaya made welcome.' Oswego Lodge No. 448, I. O. 0. T. Meets .very Friday evening In new hall In old town. Canby Spiritualist Soct.t. 1. . and third Sundays of each month. New Era W. C. T U.-Meets first Sstiml... !- .., month at their hull in New Era. Friend. f is invited to he preaaut, 8prinawater. No. 9aa p Saturday after full mo'on.' In Oregon City, beautiful town, With its zephyrs soft and gentle, Is a place that has the best renown, Its name, The Oriental. It gained this fame by selling BEER, In glasses monumental; Then when your soul you long to Go to the Oriental. cheer, From ancient days good men would The famous continental, drink Would say to friends, you all must And seek the Oriental, think, Good beer by some is often sold, I?y others accidental, But everj- time, I have been told, Drink at the Oriental. N. F. Zimmerman, Prop. of H. Meets on second Canbv Board of Tro,l m.. .. Canby, on flrst and third Frida, rcl week ' Visitors welcome. 3 wtw. Molulln Grant Vn ac d n .... hall a. Wright's Bridg. on the" TZ.T", Tualatin Grsnire K 111 o . u .. . . . . day of each mono, a, &l halTin Wilnvil'le. Warner brange. No. 117, P of H M.i fnnr.h Satunicyofeach month at' their bSi in New Em . B"e Creek Grange, No. 82, P. of H.-Meets at Ihl hall in Mamuam ond Saturday .b "month a? 10a.m. .siting members ml J"1 t Oswego Grange No. 175, P. of H.-Meets second Saturday in moutli at 10 a. m. aecona Damascus Grange N0.21K), P. of if t.t. a, satunlay in ,, ., lu a'. m. IXnTJZl Teasel Creek. No. vr-Ji d ti .. Saturday. ' ' " "K!l on lrd Boise (Orville), No. 2."s3 P of II ... oud Saturday. ' ' ' U--ts on sec Uighland, No. an, p. f Barion Saturday. No. 2152, P. of H.-Meeu on first and third H. W. JACKSON Machinist and Locksmith, Bicycles, Imbrellas, Sewicg Machine,, Guns and all kinds of small machinery re paired. Prices reasonable. Shon u Sertmh Street. Oppose D'pot