VALUE OP GOOD HIGHWAYS. They Contribute to the Pleaaura as Wall M Profit of the People.' Good roads, lilto clinrity, should be frill ut homo. Pcojilo everywhere me lie giiininu, to rtalizo that Rood rciaitn have a cash vnlno. Properly countructed high ways not only mid immeasurably to I ho plcuHure of tlio people, but to their prollt iih well. Tho farmers who have for ninny years boon oriiunizina lor the purpose of se curing bottornud cheaper ruilruud trans portution for their markotablo products are now bocomiug awake to tho fact that a groat reform is noedod right at home. An unnecessary and a very tx pensive evil has been permitted to exist at their very doors. Tbey have been wasting1 mncb valuable- time and hone flesh in getting products to market. They have loomed that it costs more to wr r Opoa to Debate), BOULEVARD, PASADENA, CAL. haul a load to the station a few miles away than it does to have it transported from the station to the faraway sea boards. This along the line of profit In the way of pleasure they have suffered an immeasurable loss. Because of poor roads they have been more or less isolat ed from the world and deprived of the priceless advantages that come from as sociation. The farmers ' sons, unable to readily get to and from the villages, have gone to the villages and oities to remain. So have many of the daughters. The lack of society has been a blight upon rural life, robbing it of the flower of its youth. The same would be true of cities to a great degree if there were no good means of getting about The farmers are going to do better, and the merchants in all the country towns will, if they are at all wise, gladly do their share toward making good roads. The good roads town catches the trade. A good road is a thing of beauty and a joy forever. And besides it pays. Good Roads. Life. Jp' A Testimonial. "Once more, praise to heaven," cried Joan of Aro, "the English are put to rout I am full weary, for I have fought much since daybreak. My new suit of bifurcated armor is a treasure. I cer tainly could never hnve driven the Brit ish butchers back had I been hampered by my old skirts. Steel bloomers for me every time, I say. "Referee. TO BEAUTIFY THE CITY. Ladles of New Brunswick, N. J., Form U Town Improvement Society. Tiio stato of New Jersey is already fa mous for tho good roads which truverso u large part of its territory, and if the movement which tho ladies of several of its most prosperous towns have inuugu ruted for tho beautifying and improve-' meut of their communities Keeps on spreading it will soon be equally fa tuous for the beauty of its towns. One of the most recent moves in the direo tion of town improvement was made in New Brunswick, where Mrs. William ton, wife of the mayor, was iustrunien tal in forming a society composed of la dies of the town, with the comnienda ble object of giving to New Brunswick clean streets, parks with trees in them and a good many other things to make the town attractive. Briefly stated, the aim of this society will be to make New Brunswick more attractive both to its own people and to strangers. Recently a publio meeting was held, and B. G, Northrop, an experienced lecturer and organizer of village improvement so cieties, explained what women can do and have done to improve the sanitary conditions of their home and surround ings, sidewalks, roads, roadsides, schools A Fact Worth Knowing. Conumptlon, LuGrippe, Pneumonia, and I I Throat and Lung disease are cured by aShiloh't ure. 1 For Dyscjippsla. dl.iver (,'oiiipa U ii'!i rid a tocon every hot Sliilh'Vhln neeriiili cure. The Ills of Woman. onatipulion, causes mere than half the ills of women, Kai Clover Knot Tea is a pleasant cure fur Constipation. It Saves Lives Every Day. Thousand, of of Consumption. Asthma, Coughs, Cold and Croup ate cured every day by Shiloh't Cure. It is easy to humbug a man once. When he has been persuaded into buy ing cheap, inferior whiskey he never does it again if he can help it. Inferior whiskey is distrusting, poisonous and unsatisfactory in every way. Besides it is dangerous to health and comfort. Don't buy whiskey at random The risk is too great. Get a Midi-grade liquor that has been tested and proved The I. W. Harper, Nelson county, Ky whiskey has made a reputation by it excellence. It Is invariably good and and churchyards, to provide drinking can lwaf8 be dePenJed upon. Sold by troughs, lighting and parking streets, w'i uregon uuy, uregon. removing nuisances and front fences, planting trees and otherwise beautify- hinudtii u;i K;n;I is famous ing the town. or itscureofbadcold. It openi the se. "There is nothing visionary about the ion. i,.i,. .u II..MU UTIUI.m.An Ur...n ' '""6" UIUC puui, .mu o. .1 ...uiouu. - -to,in ,1,, .. . . . ... .... tn V.rnir ahnnt a hnnlrhv tpnt. mnt in -. -b '---"7 this town anion the women toward irfreelvused "nasthe cold has been making the oity a pleasant place to live contracted, and before it has become settled in. Once we have made sentiment we in the system, it greatly lessens the severity Will enlist the individual sympathies of of the attack and has often cured in a single as many women as possible, tnen urge dav what would have been a severe cold THE BEST ECONOMY. Honey Spent Improving Hlfhways Is Re turned With Interest. The cause of good road making has advanced notably in the last few years. The subject has been scientifically stud led under the United States depart ment of agriculture and several of the state departments. Counties and towns have taken up the matter seriously, and whenever the work has been practically carried out it has been agreed that the result more than paid for the cost in saving of money, labor and comfort In all places where good roads have been built the interest has increased, and almost invariably new roads have been planned. Massachusetts, Now Jersey and New York have been active in the matter of good roads and have set excellent ex aniplcs to their sifter states. Colonel P. V. Greene said, in a re cent iirtclroHH, that actual tests show that the same horsopoworor force thut draws one ton on a muddy country road can draw four tons on a well built macadam road. This eoouomy of strength, if chaugod into a money vulue and applied to the way freight of the New York Central railroad, would stand for a sav ing of about 19,000,000. Nothing could better show that intel ligent outlay is the best possible econo my. Youth's Companion. Bloycles and Improved Highways. It is easy to traoe the general demand in a dozen and more states "for better roads" directly to the riders of the bi cycle. It is ouo of the reforms that the new innovation is going to bring uhont. Thoy will succeed first because they are united in thoir demand. They are young and vigorous and influential. Moro than thut, it is a long neglected reform, in the success of which all tho peoplo will bo beuetited. Stop putting any more millions into railways until tho country roads are made passable. In Now York a committed appointed by the legislature is visiting tho various counties and leading places and trying to formulate, a statu system that is bet ter than anything before praetieod in any state of the Union. Other states will follow tho example. Chicago Inter Ocouu. Believes In Wide Tlree. Professor Ross, in a recent talk on the "Problem of Country Roads," said he thought the chief reusou for country roads not being up to the economic standard was because there was no strong commercial or busiuess interest behind them, and because they cannot be improved to any advantage by indi viduals, acting as such. He pointed out tho many ways in which bud count. y roads menaced the people economical.,, and socially. lie thought their condi tion might be greatly improved by a law compelling the use of wido tires und providing for constant and efficient work under the supervision of compe tent engineers. Time Saved Is Money Saved. With good roods larger loads could be hauled and time saved in this way. It has been computed that the averugo ?ost of getting crops from the farm to the railroad station is greater than put ting it from the railroad station to the seaboard, and if we count the cost cf crdiuary wages ve will see that this is not t?.T rrc-g.- Faraj New A RfjnTenator. (Mem : There's a baby in the house and a bottle of milk has been placed to cooL ) First Weary Wanderer Well, Jim my, an now does it taster Second Weary Wanderer (in ecstasy) Don't Bpeuk ter me, Tom ; it takes me back 80 years I (Falls asleep crooning "I would I wub a boy agin I") Truth. Fair Play. Comment by Referee Youse felleys makes me tired. This ain't no waltz quadrille, and I ain't callin no fancy figures neither. If you don't fight sqnarer, I'll chew both of you. Life. Too Long. apon each to do all in her power to im prove the appearance of her immediate neighborhood, when the society grows and gets money, that will be invested upon some improvement The govern ing board of the city and county will be influenced to make appropriations for publio improvements. Children's aux iliaries will be formed, and they will be taught to pick up papers from the streets and deposit them in boxes that will be supplied for that purpose. ' For sale by G. A. Harding, Druggist. THE LOCAL NEWSPAPER. The sick and delicate need a itentle tonic-stimulant. It is often a matter of life and death with them. The ideal nutrient and restorative is pure whis key . The whiskey usually ifiven is Door ana inereiore dangerous, loo much stress cannot be laid upon this. Weak ened systems need a mature, whole some, mellow liquor. 1 hat's precisely wnatinei. w. iiaiipkh Whiskev is. Perfect as a beveraire or medicine. It prevents chills and tones up the system. ii is vitality irom nature s laboratory. It exhilarates and does not noison. for all fusel oil and impurities are removed That's why doctors drink it. It's good for the sick and old and excellent for the young and well . Sold by Hill A Cole. Oregon City. for Infants and Children. pn OTHERS. Do You Know u i, Batemsn's Props, Godfrey's Cordial, many so-called Soothing Syrup, and most remedies for children are composed of opium or morphine t Do Yon Knew that opium and morphine are stupefying narcotic poisons t Do Yon Know that In most countries druggists are not permitted to sell n rootles without labeling them poisons f Do Yon Know that you should not permit any medicine to be given your child unless you or your physician know of what It is composed f Do Yon Know that Castoria Is a purely vegetable preparation, and that a list of Its Ingredient Is published with every bottle f Do Yon Know that Cartoria Is the prescription of the famous Dr. Samuel Pitcher. That It has been In use for Dearly thirty years, and that more Castoria Is now sold than of all other remedies for children combined t Do Yon Know that tho Patent Oflloe Department of the United States, and of other countries, hare SHoed exclusive right to Dr. Pitcher and his assigns to use the word " CoatorU" and Its formula, and that to Imitate them Is a stato prison offense f Do Ton Know that one of the reasons for granting this government protection was because Castoria had been proven to be absolntoly kamloaef Do Yon Know that 35 average doees of Castoria are furnished for 35 centa, or one oent a does t Do Yon Know that when poescaaed of this perfect preparation, your children may be kept well, and that you may have unbroken rest f Weill thoso things are worth knowing. They are facts. Tho fao-dmllo signature 1 $h$M&tM w,pp,rr Children Cry for Pitcher's Castoria. When Baby was sick, we gave her Castoria. When she wm a Child, she cried for Castoria, When she became Hun, she clung to Castoria, When she had Children, she gave them Castoria It Is One of the Moat Important Means ol the Progress of the Town. The newspaper is the champion of the city, its business, its business men, its homes, its public interests, its oorpo rate existence, and any slight put upon any of these is promptly resented, and lou receive a lend pencil free with all things for their benefit are advocat- eaci, tablet you purchase at "The Fair." ea Doiaiy ana loyany, says jur. . w, Coon, publisher of the Waukegan (Ills. ) Gazette. It is the organ for personal and social affairs, and gives a picture that is attract ive to those who see the mirror of its life. In its columns are shown a town or city, large, stronger and more attract ive today than yesterday, and with a promise of still better things for tomor row. To tne outside world it is tne watchman on the tower that proclaims the advantages of the city and calls the strangers from the ends of the country to pitch their tents and cost their lot within its walls. Tlie oity has a name and reputation very largely through the columns and by the words of the paper. The paper is one of the most important means of the progress of the city. With such a puper, giveu a fair recog nition and snpport from its city, the publisher is a power in fact, and the property is u valuable one. It is a pub lic oflice and a business in one, but it is an office not subject to the caprice of any oflice broker and person high in power. The constituency of the paper will grow, and a large portion of the old und new patrons continue for a long period. The control and ownership of such a paper is a laudable ambition and is a measure of success of which any oue should be proud, and which should content most men. CURED AT n YEARS. Dr. Miles' New Heart Care Victorious. No other medicine can show such a record. Here Is a veritable natriarch. 73 vein nf age, with strong prejudice to overcome, who had Heart Diteaxe 15 ytart. He took the Mew Hears uure ana is now souna ana well. I I j'l J jTi SSI k 3 J 91 1 vi s ' 9 Inim'.iu; Hi liH.MiMDu, YVuks.' i Ml i bt. HOI rnrnuie in Oroao. ttcir. .'tv enrol quickly, pormsnently su YvuuK juuuiury, Liuks oi uruin rowtiit ulnuag. Lout Vllullty, Nlululv Baiis- hiuii i. ovil iiruutiifi. ImooU'iicr and wastlnir dlBeaiec caused bv 1'utf"ifti Urrm-0 or & r.ctjm . ContuiiiH no opinio. Is a nerve tonle ftml nloovt hui:d.'r. Iial:etliopuloniid puny tit nmaand plump. Kaillycn-rie'llnM"'tpi.'l;'t. 8)1 put' bui; l for Ha. Brmallpre milil, ii-t'h icrtttciitnHircntre orvinnryrt,'uv(led. Write ut. free meri'.fiii n,ok, f-ohltid plain wruopcv, with tntltnontals ana flnt.i.t t'nctHir'H.lrvrritttiiHalirrr.ii. iirwnrtof imltr "I'M .VWAUjtllKi:' vuoiitel'cBslfeCUMse- MANHOOD RESTORED "CUPIDENE Thht treat Vm tahla IVltallftr.thenrM.!rlib tlonof a famous French physician, will quickly cure you or all ner vous or diseases of the generative orsans, such as Lost Manhood, Insomnia, 1'aliisln the Buck, Seminal mlsslns, Kervous Debility, Flmplrs, Unfitness to Marry, ExuausUu Drains, Varicocele and Constipation. It stops all louses by day or night. Prevents quick-ne-ssof discharre. which If not checked learin to BDermatorrhom and armor . u n a rrr o all the horrors ollmpotency. CUPinENEcleaimes theliver, the SirVnllNISriLn klilnnHthlirlnF.K.ii.nllllniniirilU. CUPIDENE titrengthens and rentorea umall weak organs. The reason eufleren are not cured by Dnctnra Is because ninety per cent are troubled with I ij PrewtaUtlik CUl'lDENEIs theonly known remedy to cure without an operation, fioou testimoni als. A written jranraniee given anu Dinner rwiunieu 11 six mixes uoes nv 1UI0 a box, six fur t&oo, by mail. Bend for man circular and testimonials. Address DA YOIi JaKDICIHE COn F. O. Box 207S, Ban Francisco, Cat tbrSalibt George A. Harding ru Lady If you will send the parcel at once, I shall be ever indebted to yon. Tradesman But our terms are each on delivery, madam. snemeia ieie- graph. Modified Convictions. "I think I will have a special bicycle seimnn next Sunday." "Why, only a few Sundays ago you preached a sermon denouncing the wheel. " "Yes, but siuce then noarly every oue in the parih has bought oue. " life. tiuldepoate at Crossroads. The argument for a proper marking of intersecting highways slioud need no exteusive specifying in this age of en lightened interest in facilities for road travel and truffle, says tho Now York Tribune. The stranger may lose hours of time through making a false turn. Anything which tends to attract visit ors to a town, whether bent on pleas ure or business, is certain to benefit it and its inhabitants. Little traveled rouds are not usually associated with wealth and a progressive spirit. Besides this element of self interest, the nobler one of remird for follow man outers. A email expenditure will save . many per sons lucouveineiico aud loss of time. Tho appeal is direct aud convincing. Iteachlug After Trade. Cincinnati proposes to go after Mex ican trade. Tho Cincinnati board of trado has appointed n committee to se lect an agent to travel in Mexico and in all the Central American states to fos ter trade relations with Mexico aud Central America, and to establish agen cies for Cincinnati houses all over Mex ico. The idea is well conceived, and it would be well if some like plan were put into operation in other communities. WaWW" ' laaMrrVKS W" "W THE MttWA JEWE1LEM JX A. N. WRIGHT. Watch Repairing a Specialty Sairoiii O. BTOna. Grass Lake, Mich., Dec. 28, 1894. I have been troubled with heart disease IS years or more. Most of the time I was so bad It wag not safe for me to fro out alone, as dizzy spells would cause falling. I bad severe palpitation, shortness of breath and sudden pains that rendered me helpless. All physicians did for me was to advise keeping quiet. In August last I commenced taking Dr. Miles' New Heart Cure, and before I had finished the first bottle I found the medicine was a God-send. I have now used four bottles in all and am feeling entirely well I am 73 yt-ars of ace and have held a grudge against patent medicines all my life, but I will not allow this to prevent giving my testimony to the frreat cure your valuable remedy hog wrought in me. I do this to show my appreciation of Mr. Miles' new rteart cure. sam u f;ii v. stuim k. Dr. Miles Heart Cure is sold on a positive Suarantee that the first bottle will twnenb .11 druggists sell It at $1, S bottles for $5, or It will be sent, prepaid, on receipt or price by the Dr. Miles Medical Co., Elkhart, Ind, Dr. Miles' Heart Cure Oregon Central & Eastern R. R. Company. 305 JMORFISON STKKET. PORTLAND, OREGON. TlieJew Way East. A Kin n D 9. M on i mro Proceeding of Always Demand For Them. A Michigan newspaper has struck a bright idea, and is vigorously booming the project of establishing a coffin fac tory in the town where it is published. No matter how hard times ure, it ar gues, people will die, and they must be buried, and the coffin business will al ways be booming. New York Sun. YAQUIXA December Week. HAY Three Thins Iralred. The three great movements for Omaha and Nebraska: Irrigation, immigration and colonization. Omaha World-Herald. Doee Away With Worry. The business man nerd have no cares As to the dipoitiun "f hia wares Nor wait fur trade with wistful eyes If he will but advertise. Priuters' Ink. Term Last KOUTK Connecting at Ysquins Bar with the San r'raitciarn and Yauiilna Bay 8lramship Company. Steamship "FanHon" A 1 snd first-class In eveir respect Sails from Yauiliiia for San Francisco about everv eight days. ro-sscnger accommodations unsurpassed. point west to San 1 Far. imm Albanv Francisco: Cabin .... Steerage Cabin, round trip, good for M days .... The Short Ronte To Points In i -n- , Through Tickets On Sale To and From r Washington, Idaho, J Montana, Dakotas, Minnesota and the EAST. Chicago, St. Louis, Boston, Philadelphia, Washington, New York Anil ALL POINTS in the TJ. S.. CANADA and ETJKO PEJ r.K The..Greilt Xor,ln'rn Railway is a new Trauwjonliner tal Line. Run Buffp(-nhr.r Obs.rv.t ou cars i-alaee Sleeping and Dining cars, Family Tonrisi Sleepers and first 1 wond-class coaches. Having a rock ballast track the Ureal Northern i RaMwav "s fr ? trom dust, one of the chief annoyances of transcontinental travel. Round trip ticket, wi n sSn o? pririlege. and choice of return routes. v lK" wua " 'P er For further information eall upon or write. C C or F. I. WHITNEY li. P. & T. ., St. Paul, Minn. DONOVAN, General Agent. 122 Third St., Portland, Ore. ; oo S 00 18 00 R-I-P-A-N-S ONE GIVES RELIEF. For sailing days apply to H. L. WALDEX, Agent, Albany, Oreiron. CHAM EDW1X STU.NE, Mgr , CLARK. Stlt.t., Corvailis, Or. Children Cry for Pitcher's Castoria.