Oregon Courier. Ity A. If. CHUNKY. CI'l'V OKJ'TCIAl.. I'Al'Klt. Entered In the Oregon City puslornve a second claa matter. m'u.s(;iupTios rates. One year 2 00 Klx months 1 on Three monllii .... r0 I( dhIiI In advance, per your 1 W VThe dale oppoaltc your address on (lie paper dinotin I lie time to which you liaro paid l'ATKONIZK IIOMK IMHSTHV. OREGON CITY, JAN. .1, 18!)0. Women of the Uniteil Sutes during tbe pHt decade have pmit 100.000,000 for foreign title which were attached to Inferior tuoii. Tub Oregon Road Club of Portland lias recontly set up a new steel-plate bowling alley. The club was organized for the improvement of roads and not for indoor enjoyment, but roads are a secondary consideration now. The failure of Congressman Hermann to get the chairmanship of the river and harbor committee, we opine, will prove a political blow to that gentleman. It is altogether likely that he w!ll be suc ceeded by Hon. George C. Crownell . Oswego Iron Worker. Thb following is a preliminary esti mate of the area, product and yield per acre of the principal farm crops in the United States In 1805 as furnished by the government. Aeraga Crop. Acre. yield. Product. Corn K2,074,7r9 2(1 2 bn. 2.1.r0.343.412 bn Wheat........ Kl.tatytMH 1J,! 41!I.M!l,.'ttH (lata 27,WW,:I7 211.11 " H-Jft,Hl:f,Hh7 " Hyo', 1,XJ,IKH UA " W.IWO.tWtt ' Barley .3,'.W,4ai lift. 4 " M.IXVJ.WO " Buckwheat ... 7G,048 JU.l l,,a,HWi 1'otaloaa 2,t).r1.0ni 10U.7 ' 2S7.147.K17 " Hay 44,01R,UO7 l.tM tona 41,M7,WI tana Hay ... Tobacco Cotton , ;.6U6 T4H. Iba. .aO.182,13.1 164.6 Iba. .TAI.MIMIO Iba 8,140,IU,ll.i Any one knocking about in the back streets of Portland cannot refrain from observing how Brent is the number of tenantless dwelling houses, stores and shops. Their aggregate is many linn dreds. The large sum of money in vetted in them is inert and the buildings decay. Costly hotels that once did land office business, now barely Day ex pensei and huge brirknand stone struct urei that promiieri to make tbeir own era rich, have left thera bankrupt. Thus tbe world wags. Despite tlrto hard time littring 1895 the Coukikk enjoyed a prosperous year in every way. It paid living wages, set tled all Its bills in cash, defaulting in no payment whatever, and it grew in bus- ' inesa, in circulation and in size and i starts the New Year with bright pros pects. We wieh to renew the dedication of the paper with its Improved plant and resources to the service and best interests of the Oregon City and Clack amaa county public, promising to give to our patrons the very best paper that can be printed and supported by the business offered and to be secured by hard, persistent and paintaking work on the Dart of every person of our force. Russia knows more of the civil con vulsions that have sent multitudes of Armenians to bloody graves than his tory will evor divulge. It is a settled policy with the Muscovite government to scatter secretly agents through the Turk'inh provinces which it covets, who bribe indiHcriniinntolv either Christian, peasant or merchant, or Turkish offic ials of any degree, with the object of fomenting anarchy. The situation is now so grave that England is in a stew and the Sublime Forte does not know which leg he is standing on. Russia is using the Turk to twist the British lions tail but this lordly beast cannot retali ate by kicking the hear in the ribs. Russia, nnde'-hmded warfare has been ond is more effective and profitable than onnn warfare and costs but a trifle in comparison. Lodge Dolngi. Lant Friday Willamette Rebeko Lo.lgo No. 2, 1. O. O. F.,electud the fol lowing ofllcers, who will deinstalled on next Friday, January 10th: Mrs. Nora Cooke, N. O; Miss Ada liedwell, V. O Miss Ida Barclay, Sec; Mrs. Li.zi Howell, Treas: Miss Minnie Ilolden P. 8. Lono I'ino lodSe, No. 53, A. F. and A M. of Logan, hold its annual Installation of ollicers last Friday. A number of visitors were lu attendance. The ofllcers installed were the following: A. M Kinnan, W Mj Myron Bahlor, S W Thomas Foster, J W ; Alexander Kech ton, Treus ; George C. Armstrong, Sec John Lewellen, 8 D; John Kprague, V ; C C. Hoopos, S 8: V. J. Lewellen J 8, James Brown, T. Department Commander K. W. Allen and staff on Wednesday installed the following ofllcers of the Meade Post No 2, O. A. It, and Mrs. Sarah M. McCow the officers or Meade W. R. 0 No. 18 in the new Willatne'le block hall. The new post officers are : C. A. Williams P C; M. L. Moore, 8r V C; 0. F. Horn JrVCjL. U. Andrews, 8ergt;II.E Grider, Chap; J. A. Stuart, Q M; C. II Dauchy, O D; Frank Walker, O G. Th new corps officers are: President, Mrs J. B. Harding; Sr V Pres. Mrs. Dora uius; Jr V, Mrs. M. Shedle; Chap, Mrs Mary Charman; Sec, Mrs. Edith Clouse Treas, Mrs. Fouts; Con. Mrs. Jennie Meldrum; G, Mrs. Metzman. Stir ring speeches were made interspersed with vocal and instrumental music after which substantial refreshments were served hy the ladies of Relief Corps. Abernethy Rebekah Lodge, No. 80, 1 O. O. F., elected the following officers Mrs. Minnie G. Charman, N G; Mrs Nellie F. Glass, V G; Mrs. Haltie Wetherell, Sec; Miss Mollie Hankins P Sec, Mrs. Pauline . etenar, Treas The installation will take place Friday evening. Vitam iinpendere two. With this quotation a Portland cotemporary ends a "puff" of Joe Simon, the republican boss. Whether either Joe or Boss Buckley (San Francisco's "blind devil") would the more readily "risk his lite for the truth" is an open question, but it is not a matter of doubt among those who have followed the course of events in Portland and in our legislature that the most corrupt in Oregon is Joe Simon. Were he to throw his inflences on the side of worality and municipal reform, the gamblers and prostitutes of Portland would feel the heavy hand of the law, and the taxpayers would not be un mercifully bled by the taxeaters. Yet it is this same "Hon. Joseph Simon," who is in politics for what there is in it, regardless of political principle unless it can serve his purpose, whom the re publican leaders uengrii w norror. Ttmpora 1 O Mora 1 An elegant line of Eaton Caps at 25 and 30 cents at the Backet Store. The Fair bas just received a nice lot of leatherette novelties and toys. Call ami see them m t - Slates, tablets, pencils, school bags etc.. at "Tbe Fair." LOCAL SUMMARY. Money to loan on good security by A. S. Dresser. Tablets and composition books 4c up at "The Fair." Prescriptions carefully compounded a G. A. Harding's drug store. For cheap stamped linen goods and linen by the yard go to the Racket Stor. P. t. W 1 1' 91 ie ' tst shave in town ii t only I ' its hop next to Drier. .! RecehjdatCU.-mt aAtoa's a large invoice of wall paper, latest and pret tlest designs. Call and see our new line of ladies' children's and gentlemen's underwear. Racket Store. J. W. Welch, dentist, formerly of the Chiaago College of Dental Surgery Office in Courier block near depot, For your strings and extras for all nuslcal instruments go to Burmeister I Andresen's, who keep a full supply Blank note and receipt books of all kinds and deeds, mortgages, etc. cheaper than Portland wholesale price at Courier office. When in Portland call on Edward Hughes, corner of Front and Alder, and nspect his, stock of Old Hickory wagon and farm machinery of all kinds. L. L. Pickens, dentist, does all kinds of dental work. Gold crowns, porcelain crowns and bridge work a specialty. Office in Barclay building, corner Main and Seventh streets. Remember when yon need anything n the line ot gramteware or tinwaru that W. A. Putrow now has a complete assortment. If price is any object you will not fail to give him a call . Flour 70 cents, dry granulated sugar, rice, raisins or soda 5 cents per pound. Elegant trimmed hats at cut prices. Christinas goods in variety at bedrock pi ices. Red Front Trading Co. Cut prices on 300 gents' hats, 200 tine neckties, 100 fine towels, up to date and a third saved in price. Standard pat terns a third less in price. December Delineators ready. Red Front Trading Company. Frank P. Welch, dentist, graduate of the University of Pennsylvania, will be in Oregon City office Thurs 4 $t of each week ; remainder of each tjrf In Por'.lano. office, room 77 nm buililinc ( A. WiV I as r. oved his harness tit repair i o frori on the bill to wc.jd doc west cf depot, next to Coi'kikr office, where he will not only keep a full line of first-class hand-made harness, saddles, etc., but will do all kinds ot harness and boot and shoe repairing at prices that can't be dup licated. Give him a call. Satisfaction guaranteed. Did Ysu Ever Try Electric Bittors as a remedy for your troubles? If not, ttin a bottle new and get relief. This medicine has beuu found to ho peculiarly adapted to the relief Hiidcure of nil Kmiiiilo Colonial nts, exerting a voihichui direct inllneiiee in giving strength uml lone to the organs. If you have Lobs of Appetite, Constipa tion, Headache. Fainling Spells, or are INervoiiH, blcepleps, hxeituhle, Mol ancholy or troubled with Dizzy Spells, blecmc nitters is the medicine you need. Health and strength are guaranteed hy its use. Only tifty cunts at Chai rniin & Uo's Drug Store. Tho sick and delicate need a gentle tonic stimulant. It h often a matter of life and death with them. The ideal nutrient and restorative is pure whis key. The whiskey usually given is poor anil therefore dangerous. Too much stress cannot be laid upon this. Weak ened systems need a mature, whole some, mellow liquor. That's precisely what the I. W. IIaiu'kk Whiskey is. Perfect as a beverage or medicine. It f revents chills and tones up the system, t is vitality from nature's laboratory . It exhilarates and does not poison, for all fusel nil and impurities are removed That's why doctors drink it. It's good for the sick and old and excellent for the young and well. Sold by Hill & Cole, Oregon City. You receive a lead pencil free with each tablet you purchase at "The Fair." For Over Fifty Years. AM Olp asm Well-Tmid Bauini. Mrs. Win alow'a Soothing Syrup baa bean used for ovar fifty years by million! of motbera for Ihalr children while taathing, wltb perfect success. It aoothea the child, softens Uia gums, allaya all pain, cures wind collo, and h the beat remedy for Diarrhoea. Ia pleaaant to the taate. Sold by Druggists la every part of the World. Twenty-Are centa a bottle. ItaTaluelaln oaloulabla. Be lure and ak for Mrs. Wloalow'a Soothing Syrup, and take no other kind. There is nothing that causes women greater discomfort and misery than tbe cotantly recurring Headache. Men suf fer less with Headache. "My wife s health was very indifferent, having Headache continually, and just two packages of Simmons Liver Regulator released her from all Headache and gave tone and vigor to her whole system. I PLEA8E YOUR WIFE SBBB By Baying One of Those j ELEAGNT LOUNGES Bank of Oregon City. OI.UKHT HANKINU IIOL'HK IN THK CITV Paid Up t'ltltul, $50,000. Surplus, $20,850. I'ruaiiluttt, Vice Prealtloiit, Canhlrr, Manager, Thomas C'iurmaii Geo. A. IIahhi.vo K. a. Ciuriii.n . Chaklii II. CAiimin At theNew Store of J. J. Wrath Opposite Postoffice. have never regretted it's use." M. DeBord, Mt. Vernon, Ky. B Some time ago Mr. Simon Goldbaum of San Luis Rey, Cal., was troubled with a lame back and rheumatism. He used Chamber lain's Pain Balm and a prompt cure was ef fected, He says he has since advised many of his friends to try it and all who have done so have spoked highly of It. It is for sale by G. A. Harding, Druggist, Just the article for wet. weather, waterproof cover tor baby carriages fol sale at The Fair. All Kinds of Upholstering Work Done to Order Repairing Of AU Kinds And Carpet Laying Done. MATTRESSES MADE TO ORDER -e-And Repaired li mm Au tiooas are uana-nade And First-Class in Every Respect SATISFACTION GUARANTEED. the Bucket- is God-liver Oil without the fish- fat taste. You get all the virtue of the oil. You skip nothing but the taste. May be, but there's more to follow. Better come our way early, and go hand-in-hand with comfort through all the rainy days to come. MACKINTOSHES. Blue, Black and Brown, with capes or without. UMBRELLAS- Real rain-defiers, with the prettiest handles in town. Charman & Son... SH!5ELIn General Merchandise. K (IviiomI Hankins Uiialui'saTrauaacted. l)uHiaita KocclvuU Subject lo Check. Approved Illlla and Nutca Dincounted. County and City Warrunta bought. Loaua Mario on Avullnble Hrcurilv KxcliaiiKe Uouiflit and Hold. Collvctlona Marie Promptly. Drufti Hold Available In Any Part ol tils World. Tuliwraphlc Exchange Sold on Portland, Ban Frauclavo, Chicago and New York. Interval Paid on Time Depoalli. G. W. GRACE & CO., Denier in (I, HJT ENERAL MERCHANDISE. NEW GOODS. NEW STORE. Molvlla Ave., (Ely.) WM. KRUEGER, merchant" TAILOR & Next Door to Oriental Hotel ALL KINDS OF REPAIRING DONE. ORBUON ClTV, OUEQOK. Imperial Gallery Oregon City. PHOTOGRAPHY IN EVERY BRANCH CRAYONS, ENLARGEMENTS. CHILDREN'S PICTURES A SPECIALTY. Gallery over Mrs. Prler's Store, Main St. V. HARRIS, Star Grocery DEALER IN GROCERIES, FLOUR, FEED, CROCKERY, ETC. C. N. GREENMAN, THK PIONIE Express and Drayman. (Established 1805.) Parcels delivered to all parts of the city.' NOTICE OF EXECUTOR'S PRIVATE SALE OF REAL ESTATE. WAXTEH: Several trimwrnrthy gentlemen o ladiea to travel In Oruenn for pmhllhrt rename nouse. saury ,u and axpenaea mrwiy u'Miuim. r.ocioF ri'Tereiiee aim aell ad dreaaed atainped enveloua. The Dominion Com pany. Third Kloor, Omaha BUIg., 'Jhlcago, III Louis Friedrich, the fashionable tailor has moved hia shop to the building formerly occupied by Mrs. Putcher's millinery store. Nothing but drgt-class work done and satisfaction guaranteed Ultea Baby was tick, g b CaafortaV mm aha was a CUM. the cried t or Caatoria. Vbea aha became Sltav aha ernef to Caatoria, Vaaa aha ba4 ChBJren, aba java Utea Caatoria Receiver's Notice. Notice to Policy-Holders of Favorable arrangements have been made wltb the Firemen's Fund Insurance Company For tbe imbatitutinn of policies of the STATE INSURANCE COMPANY, without loss to the assured. Before canceling rnnr policies, rail on agenta ot the FIKFXKNw FIND INSURANCE COMPAN Y. EDMOND C. GlLTNER Receiver State Insurance Company. Bring roar policies to ... F. . Donaldson, Agent Fibkms.n's Fcho Ixsi rancb Compast, at Oregon City, Oregon . OTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, THAT the undersigned, as executor of the estate of Jcrgen O. . Ringnoes, deceased, in pursuance of an order made by the Hon. Gordon E. Hayes, judge of the probate court of Clackamas county, Ore gon, entered on the loth nay ot Uecember, 1595, will otter tor .sale at private sale tor cash in hand, from and after the the 20th day of January, 1896, the following desc-ibed real estate, tt-wit: A part of the Philander Lee 1). L. C. No. 56, and a part of the SE of section 33 in township 3 south, range 1 east of the Willamette Meridian; situated in Clackamas county, Oregon, described as follows: Beginning at a point in the town ship line N 890 50' V 127 chains from the SE comer of said section 33; thence N 89 50' W 9.72 chains on said township line; thence N 270 V 7 27 chains; thence N 630 E 10.50 chains: thence S 27 E 7.96 chains, to the south line of said claim 56; thence S 4.17 chains, to place of beginning, containing 10 acres, more or less. Also all o( lots 4, 5 and 6 of block 13 in the town of Canly, Clackamas county, Oregon. The said property is a part of the real estate belonging to said estate and the sale thereof is necessary to pay claims filed against said estate. Enquiries may be addressed to the undersigned at Canby, Oregon, or C. H. Dye, attorney, comer Sixth and Main streets, Oregon City, Oregon, at whose office said sale will be made. Dated, December 18, 1895. HANS A. LINNEBERG, Executor of Estate of Jorgen O, Ringnoes, deceased. A. B. Steinbach & Co., Popular One Price Clothiers, Hatters and Furnishers. Corner Firet A Monison,-Portland. EXECUTORS' NOTICE. voTicr is nnderaigne Hay Job Printing at tna Courier Office. BKREBY GrVEIf THAT THE ed have been appointed br Gordon E. Have, coontv ludce of Clackamas county, state of Oregon, executors of the estate of I. K. Bingman. deceased. AH persona baring claims against th. aald eatale are beirhr required to present the same duly Terined and with proper Tonehera within six months from the data of this notice to the undersigned executors, at the offices of O 'Set II. Hedaes, Thompson k Griffith, Bar clay bidding, Oregon Cttr, Orrgon. iVated ibis Z7th day of Noma bar, 1 t.EOBGE LAZELXE. THOMAS Pl'SCAN. Executors of tbe Kauta of i. K. Bingman, Deceased, NOTICE OF ADMINISTRATOR'S PRIVATE SALE OF REAL ESTATE. NOTICE IS HEREBY UIVKN THAT THE undersigned, as administrator of the estate of C. B Hawkins, late of Clackamas countv, state of Oregon, deceased, has been authorized by order of the county court of said Clackamas county, dated December 3d, 1N'J5. to aell at pri vate sale for cash in U. 4. gold coin, the follow ing described premises belonging to the estate of said decedent, together with the tenement, and appurtenances thereunto belonging or apper taining, to-wit: All of lot No. 6 of block lttu of uregon L iiy, ana iota 1 and 10 ot block 11 and lot 2 of block 3 of Gladstone, all of aaid lota being situate in the countv of Clackamas, stata 01 uregun. inereiore, Dy virtue 01 said order of said county court, and of the law pertaining thereto, I, aa aaid administrator of said estate, will, from and after the 4th day of January A. D. lH96.t my office on .Main street, in Oregon City, in said county and state, proceed to sell at private aale. accordinr to law. for rah in IT. a gold coin, the real property belonging to aaid estate and above described. THOS. F. BYAX, Administrator. Dated at Oregon City this 3d day of December, A. D. 1W5. A. R. DOOUTTLE'S ' if" VL.V" WestSide Store KEEPS A WELL-SELECTED 8TOCK OF Groceries, Provisions FRUITS, FLOUR AND FEED. West Side Express IN CONNECTION. NOTICE OF FINAL SETTLEMENT. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEX THAT THK undersigned baa filed in the eonnty court of Clackamas county, Oregon, her final report in settlement of the estate of A. J. Cason, deceased, and that the judge has Cxed Monday, February 3d. 18S. at 10 o'clock a. m, as the time of hearing and approval thereof and for bearing objections thereto. If any be made. Dated December 7th, iWf. , EUZA J. CASOX, Executrix. CD. 4D.C. LATOCBETTE, Attorneys. D A af f aciia and Rawmannw relieved DMV Kby I. Miles' Kerre Plaster. In Oregon City, beautiful town, With its zephyrs soft and gentle, Is a place that has the best renown, Its name, The Oriental. ' It gained this fame by selling BEER, In glasses monumental: Then when your soul you long to uo 10 tne uriental. cheer, From ancient days good men would The famous continental rHrint- Would say to friends, you all must na seek the Oriental, think, Good beer by some is often sold, By others accidental, But every time, I have been told, unnK at tne Oriental. N. F. Zimmerman, Prop. H. W. WESTERMANN MerchantTailor.... Cleaning, Repairing and Pressing Done. Prioe'a Old StarTd, Next Door North of Armory, Oregon City. H. W. JACKSON machinist and Locksnith, Bicycles, Umbrellas. Sewing Machines, Gun., and all kinds of small machinery re paired. Prices reasonable. Shop t Seventh Street. OpporiU Depot kU pain banlahed by Dr. MIW p Pnia, Werve Plaatera Be. at all drorglata. Ail Arugibu aell Dr. Mile.' a