Oregon courier. (Oregon City, Clackamas County, Or.) 188?-1896, December 27, 1895, Image 7

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    Highest of all in Leavening
1 1 W C7
Blanket Street,
Oh, ooma with me, baby, to Blanket street,
Tie famoiu place, dear, for tired feot.
Up Stairway hill, across Landing Rldgo.
Part Bannister lune and tbon "Kissing bridge,"
Where somebody always you're sure to meet
Over the bridges and at lout we are there,
Right In the middle of Little Crib square.
The atreet is aa white aa the driven enow,
Bat warm like the blossom time snow, you
Warm to toe that are aott and pink and bare.
And, speaking of toed, 'tla in Blankot atreet
That the five little pigs so often meet,
And the littlest always goe aqueak, squeak,
ThouKh the weather In nover cold and bleak -fur
'tia always aumraer in Blanket atreet
And the yellow bird tallu as well as sings,
And the bumblebee hums, but never stings,
And the lovo lamps burn like stars all night
Oh, come, and be sure to listen right,
For the Blanket street birds say wonderful
May D. Hatch in Onoe a Week.
fi ' Nahlda Berny.
Nahida ' Remy ig a. sublime woman.
Ten years she spent in the study of
Jewish literature, history and character,
tine read, studied, inquired and wrought
herself into a state of enthusiasm and
lofty admiration of Judaism, all? of
wb.ioh.Bhe poured forth irk most beauti
ful foriua in her two volumes on "Pray-
er In the Talmud" and "The Jewish
Woman. " Never before was the liturgy
of the Jews and woman in Israel so en
thusiastically presented to the world by
a Protestant lady as was done by Nahida
Remy. And now she embraces Jndaism
with one of the greatest living Jewish
philosophers, Professor Lazarup Ph. D.,
D. D. , the septuagenarian savai. whom
she has recently married. American
Women Elect Officers.
Mrs. Sarah A Thurston was chosen
president of the Woman's Republican as
sociation of KansaB at its recent annual
meeting in Tupeka. Mrs. Lewis Han
back of Argentine was chosen vice presi
dent; Mrs. Edward Gaylord, Topeka,
secretary; Mrs. Best of Rosedale, treas
urer; 'Mrs. Inez M. Stiue, state organ
izer for the last year, was unanimously
To "turn the cold shoulder" is probably
very ancient proverb. It first appears in
a- literary form in Soott's "Antiquary."
where it is .timid with exactly the signifi
cance attached to it at present.
Ethiopia was thus" named by the Greeks,
ihe original word signifying "the land of
t he burned or black faoes. " '
. -'---w. . These Are Chinese Maxima. '
. When the sword is rusty, the plow bright,
the prisons empty, the granaries full, the
steps of the temples worn down and those
of the law courts grass grown, when doc
tors go afoot, the bakers on horseback and
the men of letters drive in their own oar-'
riagea, then the empire is well governed.
Arlequin. ... .;'.' '
IsPure and unsweetened
and can be retained by
the weakest stomach.
A safe, easily digested
John Carle A Son. New York.
Breech-Loading Shotguns
Parker hammer gun, twist barrels, pistol grip,
12-gange, 37.5i 10-gauge, 940.50.
Parker, hsmmerless, fine Damascus, pistol
trip stock, checkered and engraved, 12-gauge,
S57.0O; lO-gaiue, 60.57.
Mo. 7, fine twist barrels, top snap, pistol grip,
patent fore-end, extension rib, 10 or 12-gauge,
No. 432, fine blued steel barrels, side snap.
pistol grip, rubber Dutt, lu or m-gauge, eiv n.
No. 47. fine twist barrels, pistol grip, rubber
buit, 10 or u-gauge, aii.xs.
No. 137, fine blued steel barrels, top snap,
back action rebounding locks, pistol grip, pat-
eot lore-end, lQand 12-gaHge, S14.85.
No. HA, Belgjfa, floe: twist barrels, pistol grip,
10 and 12-gauge, 1 1.50.
No. 676, line steel barrels, side, checkered
grip, ease-hardened locks and mountings, 10 and
UHwure, SIO.SO.
No. 1786, fine twist barrels, patent fore-end,
Si 7rriP' elten,ion tlb 10 and 12auge
No! 67 laminated steel barrels, pistol grip,
rubber butt, nicely engraved. 10-gaoge, S16.8S.
No. 17, fine twist barrels, bar rebounding
locks, top snap, extension rib, pistol grip, rub
ber ban, 10-gauge, 014.00.
"Field Gun," extra fine Damascus steel bar
rels, bar rebounding locks, extension rib, fine
Knglish stock, engraved and checkered pistol
grip, rubber butt, a close shooter, lOf auge,
S THIBD STREET, Portland. Or.
DIRECTIONS for tiling
a particle of I he Balm veil
up into tht nortril. After,
a wiommt draw itrong
breath through the note.
Vte three timet a day, after
meals preferred, and before
retiring .
KIT'S CREAM BALM Opens and cleanses
the fatal Passages, Allays Palo and Inflamma
tion, Heals the Sores, Protects the Membrane
from eolria. Restores the Senses of Taste and
tmelL The Bala is quickly absorbed and fives
relief at onee. ,
A particle is applied bite seen nostril, ana i
rreeablsv Price. 0 eeoia at irragfistj' or by
M Warren street, New era.
Power. Latest U.S. Gov't Report
They Live Id a Land of Sunshine and Are
Merry All Day Lone.
You can find Burma very easily by
consulting yonr school geography if yon
don't know exactly where it is located.
Finding the map of India, you will no
tice that this strango, interesting conn
try is bordored on one side by the Chi
nese lauds and on the other by the conn
try of the Hindoos. The thing that will
most interest young readers is the fact
that the Burmese children are among
the happiest youngsters of earth.
They live in a gorgeous country, and
their mothers are held in great respect,
which is not always the case with the
various races of old India. Some of the
little Burmese girls are very pretty and
very graceful. -They are fond of maiiy
trinkets, and though shy in their man
ner they easily become acquainted with
strangers when the latter are lavish
enough in their gifts of pretty things.
AH Burmese boys are educated in the
Buddhist monasteries, but it has not
hitherto been thought necessary to teach
the girls more than to read and write.
To be pretty, to be religious, to be amia
r m it
ble and gay hearted and to have a good
business instinct is all that is demanded
of -a girl in Burma. Presently, when
she comes to learn the advantages which
education confers in dealing with the
foreigner, she will doubtless demand it
as her right. To be pretty" and to charm
is her aim, mid few things human 'axe
more charming than a group of Burmese
girls going np- to the pagoda to worship
at a festival. With her- rainbow tinted
Bilk tamein fastened tightly round her
slender figure, her spotlessly clean short
jacket modestly covering the bosom and
with her abundant black tresses smooth
ly coiled on to the top of. her head, in
the braids of whjuh sweet smelling flow
ers are stuck, the Burmese girl knows
f nil well she is an object to be admired.:
Perfectly well pleased with herself and
contented with her world as it 'is, she
gayly lunghs and chats with her com
panions. ' '
Ah, yes, Burma is a happy land, and
its people are all gay and honest and
sober,' and the sunlight is warm and
strong in their land, even as their bodies
are strong and their hearts warm.
New York Recorder.
The Slate's Complaint.
The schoolroom was very quiet, for all
the children had gone home. The snn
hud set some time before, and there was
only a faint light in the room. A rend
ing book and a slate lay on Harry's desk.
He had forgotten to put them away.
All at once the reading book said :
"Well, slate, if I couldn't spell any bet-
. ter than yon can, I wonld try hard to
! learn. Now, you never saw a misspelled
! word on my pages, but I see three words
spelled wrong on you. "
i "I can't help it, reader," said the
poorslate. "It is no fault of miua Ton
see, that careless little Harry does make
me spell so that I really feel ashamed of
myself. A little while ago Mary White
had ine, and she only made me spoil one
word wrong nil the time she kept me.
And then you ought to see the answers
Harry makes me give to the examples he
has to do in arithmetic) Oh, dear! I do
wish the teacher would give me back to
Mary White !" Woman's Journal.
The Mew York Vonng Man.
On Sunday morning the west side of
! Fifth avenue is thronged with chnrch
parada There one sees in all his splen
dor the New York young man. Some
how, notwithstanding all his efforts to
be English, he never qnite effects it
Either his hat is too curly, his coat too
long, or his trousers overpressed. He
looks like an advertisement for a fash
ionable Manchester tailor, and represents
the wide difference between gentleman
ly and a gentleman. My impression is,
by the way, they will never be able to
produce the breed of American gentle
men until they manage to buy up and
transplant an English public school,
with all its traditions and style. At
present the gilded youth here seem to be
in the transition stage between the cow
boy and the masher ; they talk very low,
between their teeth ; they call each oth
er "old man," and describe the theater
last night as the "rottenest show," bnt
next minute oat leans the cowboy, either
in manners or talk, and the temporary
illusion is sone. Temnle Bar.
There is no beaut lfler of complexion or
form or behavior like the wish to scatter
)or and not pain around as. Ados
two Boys Whose Peculiar Talents Attract
ed General Attention Borne of the DlfB
eolt Teats Through Which They Passed
George Parker Bidder was born in
1806 at Morton Hampstead, in Dovou
ihire, where bis father carried on n
imall business as a stonemason. At lin
early hge of 4 he showed a most ex
traordinary ability for calculation, which
with slight assistance from an elder
brother assumed qnite phenomenal pro
portions. His peculiar talents soon at
tracted goneral attention, and his father
found it a much more profitable employ
ment to carry his son abont the country
and exhibit him as the "Calculating
Phenomenon" than following his trada
In this way young Bidder visited many
parts of England, astonishing the differ
ent people who oanie to question him
by the wonderful rapidity with which
be was able to answer, without external
aid of any description, the most difficult
questions. Of these the following are a
few of the most extraordinary examples:
If a flea spring 3 feet and 8 inches
in every hop, bow many bops must it
take to go around the world, the circum
ference being 25,020 miles, and how
long wonld it be performing the journey
allowing it to take GO hops every minute
without intermission? Answer, 8,713,-,
000 hops and 1 year, 814 days, 13, hours
and 90piunen ,
The following question was solved by
him in JOfipcpntls': Enppose the ball at
the top of St Paul's cathedral . to be 6
feet n diameter, what did the gilding
cost at 86'd. per eqnure inch? Answer,
237 lOv'j'd.
The' following in 1 minute and 20
seconds : Suppose a city to be illuminat
ed with 0,900 lamps, each lamp to con
sume one pint of oil every four hours
in succession, how many gallons would
they consume in 40- years? Answer,
109,489,050 gallons.
Another curious question was: Sup
pose the earth to consist of 071,000,000
inhabitants and suppose tbey die in 80
years and 4 months, how many have re
turned to dust since the time of Adam,
computing it to be 6,860 years? Multi
ply the answer by 99.
DVirins one of his exhibition tours.
fortunately for the lad, his performances
attracted the attention of eminent schol
ars, who after making inquiries subse
quently undertook his education. He
was attached to the ordnance survey
for a short time and afterward was as
sociated with Stephenson, the great en
gineer. Some years after, be. entered parlia
ment, and numerous stories are extant
of his wonderful skill in ' detecting a
flaw in some elaborate sets of calcula
tions, whereby he was often enabled to
upset an opponent's case. Or, at other
times, he would establish bis own case
by arguments based upon mathematical
data, possibly only at the moment
placed before him. It is said that on
one occasion an opposing oonnsel asked
that he might not be allowed to remain
in the committee room on the ground,
that ''nature bad endowed biro with
qualities that did hot place his oppo;
nents on a fair footing. " ' .
After taking a leading part in many
important engineering works', he died at .
Dartmouth, Sept 20, 1878.
Another of these ' extraordinary cbil
dreni. between whom and Bidder honors
were Almost equally divided,'' was
Zerah Colbnrn, bora at Cabot, Vt,
Sept 1, ',1804. , Signs of his wonder
ful power appeared at a very' tender
age. The discovery was accidentally
made by his father, who was much sur
mised one davto hear him rorjeatimr
the product? fi several ' numbers, al
though at thetfme he had received no
other TttH'tr'nqtlon than such as could be
obtained ; at la smull country school
whose cnrricnluui did not include writ
ing or ciphering. He thereupon proposed
'variety of arithmetical questions to
his"svri .a.U ...qjt. which the child answered
with remrfrfcable' facility and correct
ness. At the age of 8 the boy was able
to solve most difficult questions by the
mere operation of his mind. Many per
sons of the first eminence for their
knowledge in mathemati.es made a point
of seeing and conversing with him, and
they proposed to him a great variety of
questions to test Ms marvelous powers.
Among them were the following :
Give the square root of 999,999. Aft
er hesitating a little be replied 999,999,-
000,001 and observed that be produced
this result by multiplying the square of
87,037 by the square of 27. He was
then asked to multiply the answer twice
by 49 and once by 26, a task which he
accomplished successfully, though the
answer consists of 17 figures.
Name the cube root of 413,993,348,-
677. To this he gave the correct answer
in five seconds. How many times would
a couch wheel 12 feet in cirenmfereuce
turn ronnd in 256 miles, and bow many
minutes in 48 years. To the first be re
plied in two seconds 112,640, and to the
second, before the question could be
written down, 25,228,800, and added
that the number of seconds in the same
period was 1,613,728. What are the fac
tors of 247,483? To this he replied 941
and 263, which are the only factors.
Strand Magazine.
Aa Women See Women
Alice Stone Blackwell, in answer to
question by a Boston paper, wrote:
"The question. Are women more char
itable toward the faults of other women
than men are? must be answered in the
negative, lieu see the faults of women
through a certain softening glamor of
sex. Women look at them clear sighted
ly and with an impartiality that is of
ten pitiless."
The mort extravagant instance of lit
erary relic worship on record is said to
be that of a well known Englishman
who constantly wears, in a small locket
attached to a chain around the neck, a
portion of the charred skoll of Shelley.
Working la Powder Mills,
Apart from the dunger of explosions,
which, by the way, are loss frequent
than is genorally supposed, gunpowder
mills are exceedingly healthful places.
Such a thing as a workman dying of
consumption is unheard of, the explana
tion being that the. constant breathing
into the lungs of dust containing char
coal, sulphur and saltpeter is beneficial
to thorn. As to the douth rate in powder
mills, the popular ideas are much exag
gerated, the averago freight yard being
vastly more futal than they. Statistics
show that from the beginning of this
century, when the Du Pont powder mills
were establ.ished,.up to the present year.
there has been an "average ot'not quite
one aeatn a year ironi accidents or ex
plosion , ,,l!J;l'V!,;;ii.
as among the employers, so. among
the men, fear is almost unknown, thj
black faced fellows shovoling the gun
powder abont as if it were coal and
walking through it kuee deep, as they
wonld through so much flonr. They are
perfectly happy, these stolid Irishmen
who go on risking their lives year after
year for about the same wages as are
paid in less dangerous employments
that is, $40 or $50 a mouth. And yet
they are exceedingly superstitious, it be
ing not uncommon for a man to throw
np his job because he has had a warning
or his wife has dreamed of a white
horse. Thore are various dreams under
stood by powder men to foretell an acci
dent or an explosion, and it is very dif
ficult, often impossible, to , get a man
who has bad one'of these to go' near the
worka McGfnre'a Magazine. ?
. " Beards," Buna and the English Bar.
. Forty years ago an Old Bailey practi
tioner who wore a heard was summoned
to attend a mooting of 'the bar and charged
with '.' violating the' honomblo tradition's
of the profession." Ho sought acquittal
on tho ground, that serious affootion of
the throat compelled his transgression of
the unwritten ordinances of the 'bar, but
bis judges declined to accept his dofonso
and sent him to Coventry; Times, The Law
Journal, points out have changed now.
"Half of tho ordinary members of t ho court
of appeals now wear beards, Lord Justice
Lopes, Lord Justice Rigby and now Lord
Justice Kay having departed from the tra
ditions of the bench. Theonly other judges
who wear beards are Lord Watson and Sir
Francis Jouno." '
Another terrible Instance of departure
from ancient precedent was deplored lust
night by the lord clilof justice In his amus
ing speech to the Hardwlcke society. The
"eminently judicial" habit of taking snuff
was, he regretted tosay, falling into almost
complete desuetude. He remembered Hlr
James Baoon telling him on ono occasion
that whon he was a junior there was not a
single man In. the court, from the judge
on the bench' to the usher, who did not
carry a snuffbox, and he ended by saying,
"Here I am, tho only man left with a
snuffbox.".. - And now the only man loft is
the chief himself, but all that one man can
do he does. Westminster Gazette. . 1
rw . -
By local applications) they
the diseased portion of .the ei
caomi. reach
DOrtion of the esA 'There la
only one way to ours-; Deaf neaSinind that is
bv constitutional remedies. Deafness it
oaused by an iniianed condition of -the
mucous lining t( the Kisiachian Tubsv
wnen mis iure-gets lnnsmea you naves,
rumbling sound u. imperfect bearing, and
when it is entirely closed Deafness is the
result, aqd unless toe i'ntianiniation can be
take out and ttiii' tube restored to its nor-
mar condition, bearing 'will-be westroyed
forever; nie casta out itf ten. r oaused by
catarrh, . which is .n.othfog . but n 'D
darned condition of the muaqiia surfaces.
- We will gi On Hundred Dollars for
any case of DeafneM '(caused toy catarrh)
that, can uot be. cured Jjy Hall s Catarrh
.Cure, Bees' for circulars, tree.
' J. fiHKVEY A HO .: Toledo. O.
6bld by Druggists, 78o;' " .
, Some people are so influenced. by the
electric currents of the atmosphere that
tbey can foretell the coming of thunder
storm with perfect accursoy, and.' others
there are with nerves i-o sensitive that they
are sure of bavin neuralgia frg.ni a lew
and 1 ret ml state or the nervous t-ystein.
Now, why can't the latter be' warned in
time ana xtiow mat an ounce ot preven
tion is worth a pound of cure. . To use St.
Jacob's 01 promptly will ward off an at
tack, or if attacked, will promptly cure.
Such people can do for themselves what
others do Horn weather prophecies. Heed
the signals and save the. wreck and din
aster. :
Not Happily Expressed: New office boy A
mau called here to thrasn yon a lew mlnutsx
sko. Kdltor Whar. did you sny to hlmr Boy
1 told hlui I whs i-orry you weren't in. ,
By careful Investments by mall thrnogh
a responsible Arm of large experience
and great sueeess. Will send you par
ticulars free, showing how st small
mount of money can be easily multi
plied by sueeessful Investments In grain.
Highest Bank references. Opportunities
excellent. I attlson ft to., Bankers and
Brokers, Boom P., Omaha Building,
Is the truthful, startling title nf a took about
No Tn-Bav, the harmless, gasranteed toba'00
habit care that braces uo uivotlDlsed nerves.
eiinunaies me nicotine poison, mates weas
men sain strength, vigor sml mauonnd. Ynu
run no phyiOH or financial risk, a. No-To-Bs
Is sola by dragvists everywhere nnder a guaran
tee to cure or m ney refunded. B.nk lies.
Address sierliug Remedy Co,. New York or
FITS. All Fits sUMiued fim bv ir Kllna's
Orat Nerv Bnatnrti r. No F'ta anr lh Ural
day's use. Marvlous cures. Treause and S2.00
trial bottle h-H) to Fit casrs. bna to Or. Kilns,
SSI Arch HI., Philadelphia. Pa
TlV Oases,, for nm .
And pains of rheumatism can be cured
by removing the cause, lactic acid in the
blood. Hood's Sarsapsrilla cures rheu
matism by neutralizing this acid. Thou
sands of people tell of perfect cures by
01 dl'
The One True Blood Purifier. $1 six for S.
CSSd'l Pill kar"0B,0,,,T "
laVd 5 rilia Hood s Sarsapanlla. Sets.
T. A. Blocum Offers to Bend Two Bot
tles Free of Bis Bemedy to i
Consumption and All Lung Troubles
-An Kllxlr of Llie.
Nothing: could be fairer, more nhllan
thropio or carry more j.iy in its wake than
the oiler of T. A. Blocum, M. C, ol 1-3
Pearl street. New York. Perfectly oonti
dent that he has an absolute remedy for
ins cure oi consumption una an puiiuor.
aiy oonipiainis, ne oners through this pa
per t ) send two buttles free to any reader
who is sutler! ng from lung trouble or on
Huniptioii, also lots nf flesh and all condi
tions of wasting-. lie invites those desir
ous of obtaining this remedy to -nd their
exurets and postolHce address, and to re
ceive in return the two buttles free, wbiob
will arrest the spproaoh oi deal h. Already
this remedy, by its timely use, has per
manently cured thousands of oist-s which
were given up, and death was looked upon
ai an early visitor.
Knowing bis remedy as be does, and be
ing so prooi'-ponitive of its beneticent re
sults, Dr. Slocuru considers it his religious
duly, a duty which be owes to humanity,
to donate bis infallible remedy where it
will aisault the enemy in Its citadel, and,
by its inherent potency, stay the current
of dissolution, bringing jy to boruts over
which the snailuwot the grave'has been
gradually growing more strongly defined.
causing fond hearts to trrleve. The cheap
ness of. the remedy offered freely -arart
from ils inherent strength, is enough to
Ciiinnidid It, arid niore so fs the. perject
Gptitldenoe of-thegreaiCheihsHiiiakfiig the
oiler, who- hold out Ufa to-those already
becoming -emaciated, and- says: '-Be
eared.',' .- -
The invitation Is certainly worthy of the
consideration 'ol tlie alliioted, wbb, for
years, have been taking nauseous nostrums
witnout eneci i wno nave osu-aoisea tnem
selves .from-hoine and friends to live in
more salubrious climes, where the atmos
phere is more congenial to weakened lungs.
and who havei fought anal nut death with
all the weapons and strength in their
hands. There will be no mistake in send
ing for these free bottles the mistake will
be in passing the Invitation by. .
Is fraught with Import doubly dire to the un
happy mau who bt'bulds bis dwtlllng or his
warehouse feeding the devouring element un
insured. Happily moat peon's wuoca", Insure
everything but hestsht Nlnelentha of us
nt-icleet the preservation 6f 'this when It la In
palpabn Jeopardy, lueipien Indlgrs Inn, liver
complaint, la grippe, Inaction of the k duevs
and bladder and malaria are all coanteiacuju by
Host iter s U.omaob Bitters.
Piso's Cure cured "me" of a Throat and
Lnnir trouble of thrto years' standing. K.
Cady, Huntingiop, Ind., Kov. 12, 1SB5.
; Ouarantee skirt edges
from wearing out. Pon't
take any binding unless
you see "S. H. &fl." on the label no
matter what anybody tells you.
I f your dealer will not supply you,
., we will.
Ssnd for ssmolea.
showing labels snd ma-
terlals. tothe S. H.JcM.Cc.P. O.
box ovv,
New York City.
If you want a sure relief for
limns, use an
& m mm.
Bear in Mind Not one of the host of counterfeits and imi
tations is as good as the genuine. .
t(4 CmcHfSTcira e holism,
IImm.M wlt Sis. FIMm. Taka
1U tfUt la sssiitim soias. plat vrsppm,sra 4anares snstsrMts. At Drsisisu, as tssS as
f SSftualsrs. U.U-..I.I, 4 "ItillsT for Laetta,' Is iMMr, srnsaira MalT
Seeds, Trees, Spy
Three doses only. Try It
Both the method an3 result: when
Syrup of Figs is taken; it is pleasant
and refreshing to the taste, and acts
penil yet promptly on the Kidneys,
Liver and Bowels, cleanses the sys
tem effectually, dianela vH Wrl.
aches and fevers and curea hnhiri,ol
constipation. Syrup of Figs is the
only remedy of its kind ever pro
duced, pleasing to the taste and ac
ceptable to the stomach, prompt in
its action and truly beneficial in its
effects, prepared only from the most
healthy and agreeable substances, its
many excellent qualities commend it
to all and have mada it tha mnot
popular reuedy known.
Bynip oi Fltrs is tnr sola In RfU
and II botesl,y all leading drug
gists. Am reliable druggist who
may not havi it on hand will pro
cure it promjtly for any one who
wishes to try 1 1; notjtccept any
substitute. '
uuisviiu. nr. iroA;r.
TUB ARBMOTOIt hj. does half the world's
windmill business, bet-aoM hag reiiuoed the east ol
wind power to l. what it., u has mans branch
. houses, and auisjM U goods aud repaint
sw 4 M four door, t can aud does furnish a
k KmIImp tel. I. .... i .i
--- -v.ti i". iirnn infill., .nail
others, k makes Puruplng and
Qosml. keel, faslvsnissd after
JOoinplet, windmills, TllUns
r Framed. Hteei Tm j-mii- ami sui
nn r lira otwii ween, steel Buss Haw
W m Orinttera. on appllauen It will name one
III ' Uiese srtlclss thatw wUl furnish until
January 1st at I fil the usual Il also makes
Tanks and Pumps nf all klafla. Wxl fot eatalosus.
t IZtk, Rockwall lad FIUsm Strssts. Ckkua.
FortleM,rella Walls,
Norther, hallway to
Montana aolnts, Bt,
Paul, MUneapolls.
Omaha, svloUl; chl-cas-o
and tat, Address
tnearesl asvc A. B. 0.
Portland. Oi-Vo. 8te-
vens. u. w.i.aii.ni
Hettie;C.Q.Dlxon,Oeu. Agt.BpokaniAiaa, Ne
oasi; rooa-oaiiasi iraos, one soenety; palaos
sleeping and dining ears; baffellltaiseat,
lamely toarist sleepers ; new eqalpment,
Poeltlv ly Cured with Vegetable Resaxia,
BaTe oussd thouSaoils ot eases. OareeassuT
soonoed hopeless by bestphyslelaas. rruai an.
inaptoms disappear: in ten days at least two- X
all symptoms removed. Send for free book tM-
elals of mlnvralona onraa. Tea Jays' (reah
free bv mall. If von nrdar trial, saad lha. In n. 1
' Or pay posts. Da- H.H.ORSBif Sons, AUanswa i
; If you ordertrtal return this adrsrUssment to a
Tb asnhsr grip nor siokan. To eonviaesnsTaS '
Sill mail aaapla frs. or fall boa f SuS"
am. Du, BOsVANKO MKO. CO- Phlliinhi t
Morphine Habit Cored In lO
to SO days. No pay till eared.
IT. P. N. U. No. 6298. . N. TJ. No. 708
pains in the back, side, chest, or
rco caoaa
Second to none TBT IT.-
Mo matter where from. FOBTLABTD, Oft.
JOS Third St., near Tsyler
(is.sbj.rTu iuuiM.. a psUnears.TllTorriinlfMsrrrtos
Ms. UrassbusrasU. UU.BOSAMKO, ruiaTpa,
- for Children tcsthinq -1
. res-sals trslj PraastUU. So Casta a kettles i
i sTatflHwl.E f
I I Best Cough Byrup. Tastes Good. Use I I
1 1 In time Bold by dmrnrtsta I
nsealrSafs, Sera, ss4nMaM rill sir ssls. W
Nfk.k btomi Bth Is ItsS asS 9M smisiiIs W
cheT Does eyerr step seem a harden T Yon need