LOCAL EVENTS. Tiik BaixUamk Tlie football g.une on Christina's duy at Gladstone reunited in a victory for the athletic club boys witli a score of 12 to 0. The teams lined up as folio rs: ATH ItTIC ( .IB. romTION. COMPANY T. Kit Newton . ... renter .. J. T. Campbell ... Erneal Kami ... . K. 8. Kelly .. Henry Jnni-s ...KraMus Hmith ... J. I. Kealiug .... Max Teirord ..(ieortte McBrlJe . F. MuCaulauJ . . Rum Hpenrer . UlRhtoii Kelly Dr Bnmrm L. U Win. Hniiklna K. U. . . Frank llruwu I T.... Ed Kechner K. T. .. Kreil Jteclnea L E. ... BL'rt Ureeiunail R. K... charli'i Poiie (i. B Will I'arker I, il.-n . Charles Monro . .. R. H. . B James Church .... K. B .. Hie ground wag very muddy, being partially covered with about a loot of water. The game was well contested and no scoriug was done in first half but in the last half the athletic boys made VI points. The best work was done by Pope, Parker, Church and Somers. J . P. Lovett acted as referee, Nello Johnson was umpire, F. W. Greenman lineman and J. E. Hedges timekeeper. Notwithstanding the bad weather some 500 people witnessed the game. Numerous horns constantly rent the air. The colors of the militia boys were orange and white and of the others purp'e and white. Tub Battle cf Demokthksks. The first of the three joint dicussious between the Park Place and Hesperian societies took place last Friday evening. A large gathering listened to the oratorical battle in which the Park Place gladiators, led by their gifted orator W. Donchy, de feated the Hesperian boys in double quick time. The auditorium was beau tiful decorated with the national colors and a great prolusion -of evergreens and demonstrated artistic taste on the part of the decorators. The Hesperian young ladies with their refined instru mental and vocal talent once more de lighted the audience and were warmly applauded and cheered by the spectators . Miss Jennie Noble delivered a well ap preciated recitation. Prof. S. W. Holmes in his familiar unique style rendered a beautiful literary selection, which was well received by the audience. The boys'quartet made their first appearance that evening and were greeted by loud c hee rs and warm applause. May the public turn out in greater number for the next discussion on January 4th. M. H. 8. A Church Pafer. The first number of the "FalVt City Ltaguer. made its ap pearance last week. It is published by the Epworth League of the M. church, with Rev. 8. W. Stryker, E. E.Martin, Miss . Kittle Paine and W. M. Moore as editors and B. M Doolittle, E. J. Maple, W. Kirby and Miss -.Mamie Aldrich . a publishers. '' This 10-paie monthly paper It but 25 esnta par year and all who can afford should wabecribe and help tha good cans., . It to quitetfberatty patronized by the; Oregon City mer chants. Much credit Is doe the pastor tor bis untiring assistance in getting out th:iftiMaJ nnjihar. Mr. Stryker once upon a timers printer! knows .how to succeed in a venture of this kind, And, right here, it might be said, be also ir a satajiBiioiwortat and haa dona much toward the wpbuild ing of the M. E. church and congre gation. Huccess to kim. Bbiach or Paewssr-The breach el promise fete of Angelina vs; Ed wi is the torn talk. It will be hearer in Judas Miller's eourt across the river. Prosecuting Attorney Drigga and law yer Heart Pwerr will represent the plsistiff and defendant respectively, This ease promises to boons of more than passing Interest, as the parties concerned are all in high standing socially . Don't fail to tear "The Trial by Jury"- t 'SWveiy'a opera now Watch program. This is all for the bepefit of the Y. M. C A. gymnasium of Oregon CKy. " A Old Gtw. Caufleld's old brass cannon has been dug up in Oregon City, and is being put in trim in case of war, It needs a vent and muzzle. It would also need a little boring to smooth it up, When repaired it will bo attached to the electric-light works, and made a rapid- fire sun. Planted on the bluff and trained northwest by north it could drop a ball over in Esquuimalt. Portland Argus. Actioks. Circuit court actions filed durimr month: Cleveland P 4 O Co ts H E Cross et al ; E E Masten vs F M Summer; H E Cross vs W F Hubbard; 8 F Scripture ts J T Edmiston; E F Riley vs Merrit and Julius Campbell; H C Palmer vs J C F Jaeger et als; Alfred & Tell vs D W Smith. Awarded Highest Honors-World' Pair. CTIEATJ DMJN6 FOXED MOST PERFECT MADE A pure Grape Cream of Tartar Powder. Free worn Ammonia, Alum or any other aduftennt 40 YEARS THE STANDARD. mm Am Ixn-Ncriox. H. E. Cross last week obtained in county court an in junction to keep W. F, Hubbard from cu'tini! loose the leg booms of thu Glad stone Sawmill Co. niichoreJ in the Clackamas river near the United States salmon batcbery. The United States fish commission has certain rights there, and Mr. Hubbard, as the representative of the commission, claims the anchor ing of the booms causes considerable inconvenience, so he caxt the timbers loose from their shore fastening. Th e injunction granted will restrain him from such action until the case can be heard In court. KtstEi.L Uki.kajed. On Saturday Ernest ICusxell, held for murder of J. M. Brown, was released on a f-300 bail bond. A. V. Davis, Frack and George Strong who went after Alvis Russell returned on Saturday without being able to get to the mines where Alvis lives, but on Monday he came to tjwn and denied the story told by Prisoner I Moore in regard to the murder "busi ness." Russell claims he "filled Moore some but did not tell the story that Moore related. From personal knowledge we would not believe Moore if be swore on a "stack of bibles." Dr. Tukssino Dead. Dr. J. H Thessing died at his residence on Mil wankie ayenue, last Tuesday, aged 77 years. The doctor was one of Clacka mas county's pioneers, having resided near Milwaakit many years, where be had a lucrative practice in his profession He quit his practice some years ago and has quietly enjoyed the fruits of his early labors. ' His wife died' several years ago. He leaves considerable property in Multnomah and Clackamas counties. Portland Dispatch. A Forger Arrested. Edwin Love was arrested in Portland on last Friday on a charge of forgery, and lodged in the county jail there pending his re moval to Corvallis, where he is wanted. Lane has been operating in Portland, having, it is said, recently passed a fraudulent check on which he got a gun and ammunition and money in change. He also passed worthless checks at Ore gon City and by the time he is brought to trial will have several charges brought against him. . Pbobats Mattsks. W. A. Hedges, J. P. Lovett and E. A. ' Sommers ap pointed appraisers of estate of J. K. Bingman. . Sale of certain property of state of F. 0. McCown confirmed. An nual report pf4H L; Kelly as guardian 01 UUbert Unoates filed.- , . . ... .- PM9NAtSf' Dr. Schubert is spending a few day in town.-- 0. W.Sturgisof Canby was in town Tuesday. . Tom Carrico is spending the holidays at.home. . .r. : . .Theo Clark of Bandoa is spending the holidays her f iTha family of Rw4 8. T&etrykej spwtnrhnnmin'Pmnd. Miss Mebbelle Wiggins spent Christ- itb her brother at Salem. E , M. Mack and Harley Stevens rs turned from a trip to San Francisco Sun to. Landlady Robiasoo of Electric hotel speud several days in Salem during tha week. R. w. Alden has returned from an extended visit to California and will remain hers-. Miss Daisy Lawrence rattrrnod from Corvallis Saturday and will spend the holiday vacation at home. Merle and eflo Johnson of Stanford University arrived on .Sunday to spend the hoirjajs with their parents. Misses Erma La wrens a.-, and Ura Snansler left Saturday for Corva Ilia where they will spend the holidas. P. C. Humphrey. A. Mather, Mr. Youmans and Sol Imel were among the Clackama-visitors to the county sea! on Monday. C. Moras left on Tuesday for Iowa via St Paul, where he will enter the employ of a large mercantile firm which haa several stores- Mr. R. G. Creelman, a prominent citizen of Vancouver, Wash., returned Monday after a two weeks' ri sit with friends in this city . Come again Bob. Ed Fields is now station agent at East Portland. While at Grant's Pass be met Mr. Chapman, wh left for southern Oregon several years ago and who now haa a well-paying mine there. Prof. J. H. Lsncasterand Mr. H. A. Bands of Forest Grove are spending the holidays with Mr. E. P. Rands and family of this city. Prof. Lancaster, a young man of scientific attainments, pre sides over the "art studio" of that well and favorable known institution. Pacific University. Mr. Rands is one of the professor's most promising students. Hens wsated on subscription at Coram office. Dont fail to see our holiday display, a thoronghly first-class stock, combining quality and elegance, with prices within the reach of all. Visitors are cordially invited. Burmeister A Anderson, re liable jewelers. For Foster Kid Gloves go to the Backet Store. LOCAL NEW ITEMS. Gottlieb Mucckt) was on last Thurs day appointed postm-ister at Aurora The Portland Sunday Aritus announces tliat it will dJju Ksue a one-cent daily edition. The electric cars now run every 45 minutes instead of every 40 minutes as heretofore. J G. Pillsbury has been assisting in land office during the illness of Receiv er Peter Paquet. H. S. Cram and Miss L. E. Wheeler were married in Portland on Wednesday by Rev. 51 . L. Rugs. Chas. Albright Jr. has opened a branch meal market in the Shively block on .Seventh street. Just as we go to press we learn of the death of Frank Albright, which occured this (Thursday) morning. The Weber Dramatic Co. played to poor bouses at Shively's this week. It was a first-class company too. A large delegation of Masons will at tend the installation of officers of Lone Pine lodge at Losran tonight, the 27th. Mrs. Cbas. Otty of Clackamas was sent to the asylum on Monday. She is 28 and arsenical poiso ning is the cause Jos. T. Lynch is the proud possessor of a Christmas present in the shape of a tea-pound girl, which arrived on Christ mas day. . Wm. Oeaterle waa on last Thursday bound oyer to the grand jury under 1500 bonds for committing rape on Minnie Heuke. The postofflce department on Monday forwarded postmastership commissions to R. F. Reasoner of Alice! and Chas. D. Kirk of Highland. The lO.yaar-old son of H. 0. Inskeep of Beaver Creek accidently shot him self through the abdomen with a 22 rifle on Christmas day. ' The Workmen of this place have made arrangements to send Mrs. Hiram Hall, wife of the murdered man, to ber home in Aberdeen, 8. D.,on Monday The M. E. and Congregational churches bad Christmas trees on Tuee day evening. The Presbyterian and Baptist each had a Dutch windmill and miller. The masquerade ball given at Armory on innstmas mgnt oy uo. r was a grand., affair, and the. hall was full of dancers. Cooke's orchestra furnished the music. Tha new fire bell was tested on Tues day. It i. larger and better than, tha old bell and is mounted on a 80 foot tqw-' or, situated between' Fountain -hose" house and the eily Jail.' V Constable M. F. McCown and ' Via Cora Vaughaa were married on Batnr aay, mm aiet.ai ne residence 91 uepoty Sheriff N. M. Moody by Bar. A. J. Montgomery of the Presbyterian church. The regular quarterly meeting of tha Clackamas County Alliance wilt behold in the halt ostr tha HMrht office, Ore gon City, on the 1st Sttttrday in Janu ary, 1895, at Jl A. M. E. H. Coopbb, Soc'y. : - Ex-SupF. Alex Thompson oTCIacM- mas, H. G. Starkweather of Oswego Supt. H.' 8. Gibson and Prof. II. Strange of Oregon City will take part in the state teachers institute at Portland on the 1st, 2d and 3d. After this week the Capea 8boa Co. of Willamette Falls will clou down for. about a month for repairs and toparmit the putting in of additional machinery, which is made necessary by their con stantly increasing trade. The annual election and iustallatio n of officers of Multnomah Lodge No. 1, A. F. & A. M., waa held on Saturday night. 'The new officers are J H Walker,' W M; D W Kinoaird. S W; F S Kelly t J W ; T F Ryan, Sec; W EOaill.Treas; PAlUah,8D;J OfcHunJphrey. J D; J T Lynch, 8 8; T 8 Lawrence, T. The W. P. 4 P. Co. again gladdened the hearts of its employes on Christmas by giving each a turkey. This is "extra'' as it generally gives turkeys on Than ka- giving day only, but this' year Superin tendeat Lang ssys the boys worked well and were entitled-to two turkers. This liberality ia unusual among employers, ontside of this company. Miss Annie Weddell of Jefferson, who last week committed suicide by taking carbolic acid, was a niece of D. J. 61over this place, who was very much shocked to hear the sad news. 8he was a bright and pretty girl and commit. tod the rash act because her parents would not give their consent to her mar riage with a certain young man. License to wed granted by Clerk Geo. F. Horton : On 20th to Helena Reimer and Henry Scheel; on 21st to Cora K. Vaugban and M. F. McCown; on 23d to Mary E. Yerden and John V. 8wan; on Z3tn to Florence uuin ana nr. o. Webster, to Katie Sheaffer and F. E. Linn and to Lucile E. Wheeler and H. Cram ; on 20th to Ida Califf and M. L. Kline and to Maria Maireand August Guignard. Call and see our new stock. We have a full line of watches, jewelry, silver ware china souvenirs, fine silk umbrel las and silver novelties, well adapted to holiday giving. Burmeister A An derson. Just the article for wet weather, waterproof cover for baby carriages foi sale at The Fair. desiring to purchase crettv snd Holiday Reason Burmeister & Andresen's Jewelry Store ins SI M H ! f They cu supply you Btuirottriate Gifts for (ail to see our Watches, Clocks, Diamonds, Jkwslry, silk Umbrellas, !mi. VER and LOCAL SUMMARY. Money to loan on good security by A. 8. Dresser. Tablets and composition books 4c up at "The Fair." Prescriptions carefully compounded G. A. Harding's drug store. For cheap stamped linen goods and linen by the yard go to the Racket Btore. P. (1. "bar s li to 1 he I ut shave in town at I only I c its, hop next to Oriental Recdhv-d at GU.Triia & I on's a large invoice of wall paper, latest and pret tiest designs. Call and see our new line of ladies' chil dren's and gentlemen's underwear Racket Store. J. W. Welch, dentist, formerly of the Chiaago College of Dental Surgery Office in Courier block near depot. For your strings and extraa for all nusical instruments go to Burmeister k Andresen's, who keep a full supply Blank note and receipt books of all kinds and deeds, mortgages, etc, cheaper than Portland wholesale price at Courier office. '. When in Portland call on Edward Hughea, corner of Front and Alder, and inspect his stock of Old Hickory wagon. and farm machinery of all klnda. . , , Li L Pickens, dentist; does all klndsJ of dental work. Gold erowhat porcelain erowna and bridge work a specialty Olce in Barclay building, corner Main and Seronth streeta.. Remember when you need anything in the line of granitewaro or tinware that W. A. rutrow now has a complete assortment. It price ia any object you will not fell to givo him a calf... Floor 70 cents, dry granulated sugar, ricV, waina or soda 8 cents per pound Elegant trimmed . beta at cut prices. qhristmaatobds in variety at bedrock prices. Kad front Trading uo. Cat prices on 300 gents' hats, 200 fins neckties, 109 flue towels, up to data and a third saved in price. Standard pat terns a third lesa in price. December Delineator! ready. Red Front Tradla g Company. Frank P. Welch, dentist, graduate of the University of Pennsylvania, will be in Oregon City office Thurs day of each week ; remainder of each wek in Portland offioe, room 77 re m building. I A Wl'l . I . t wmA Urn Karnaaa a i' repair 1 iO ire - on tne dim to sef 'jd dots wodt cf depot, next to Courier office, where he will not only keep a -full line of BMt-clsaa hand-made harness, saddles, etc., but will do all kinds of harness and boot and ahoe repairing at prices that can't be dup licated. Give bim a call. Satisfaction guaranteed. Missouri 8orghum, just received, E. E . Williams, the grocer. FRENCH TANSY WAFERS. These wafers are for painful, scanty, profuse or irregular menses, any cause, and ladies will ' fin ! that no better rem edy exists for these difficulties. To avoid.being imposed upon by baseimita- tions buy from our agents and take French Tansy Wafers only. Price by mail, $2-00. C. G. Huntley, .Druggist, Cautield Block, Oregon City, Oregon. Et,le Tailoring Company. 904041 New Dekam , Cor. Id wain. Portland. Suts ui orde in Latest tv Those something useful during the will do well to call at MJ ' " mn with the nicest snd most Old and loung. Don t special attractions In Silverware, fine 0VKLTIK8 Chin'a- WARE. Tour Cbristz&s Turkey trill b Delicious II Cooked la Ai Excelslcr Rctstbj Pta. For Stla by y. A. Pntrow, Dealer la Hardware, Stoves, 1 avara, Near Court House. 1 f vrr rri' Statb Insurance. Policies Redeemed. Patrons of the State Insurance Com pany are requested to bring their poll cies to F. E. Donaldson at Commercial Bank at once and exchange them tor policiea in a first-class company. High est market price allowed for unexpired time of old. policy. Do not delay as you will get nothing if your property is burned while Holding the old policy. Keek of all kiaca atTat all tvriceee a( tha. Raoket 8tor. v 1 1 m hi ai 1 '. tiaklea'a Aralea Sahre. ,: f But Salti in tha world for Cuta. Bruises, Sores, Ulcers, .Salt Rheum, f ever-HofM. letter. UhaDoed Hands. Chilblains, Coma, and all 8kia Erup tions, and positively curse Piles, or no pay reoaired. it ia inaranteed to aire nenect satiatactlon or meaetr reiunded. Pclee.25 coats per box. For sale by CharmaadiCa. " . ' The cure of Rheaiatliua has often Used medical skill, but it's prevention has been very easy by So occasional use of Simmons Liver Regulator. . It keeps the liver well regulated, a4 the system free from poison. Therein tt the secret of health. "I have ased It for years for Miration and Contti patioa, aad also found it gives one reli-i iron a touch of Kocunaatum, M . Hughes borasourg, n, m. All kinds ohovs and dolla lust re ceivea at me Kacaei Htore. BUI A CoU inforsa ua that their fine new saloon, Cor. Main A 7th St., will be ready for occupancy early in January. iney nave useu every snort to furnish for their patrons the finest and moat completly equipped place in town. And in harmony with this Idea, only the choicest brand of liquors and clears will do sept. 1 neir customers have already become acquainted with the great I. W. Harper 'whiskey, which they bur direct from the distillery in Nelson Co.. Kv. thus assuring absolute ouritv to tha con sumer, and avoiding the risk ol adulter ation, which so often occurs when wbls key passe through the middle men's bands to the retail trade We wish these gentlemen a continuation of suc cessful business, which their progres sivenesa certainy merits. Free Pills. Send your address to H. E. Bucklen A Co., Chicago, and get a free sample doxoi King s new L,ne mis. A trial will convince you of their merits. These pills are easy in action and are particu lary effective in the cure of Constipation and Sick Headache. For Malaria and Liver troubles they bsva been proved invaluable. Tbey are guaranteed to be perfectly free from every deleterious substance and to be purely rentable. They do not weaken by their action, but by giving tone to stomach and bowels greatly invigorate the system. Regular sise 25. per box. bold by t barman 4 Co., Druggiat. Tailoring Company. M041 New Dekam, torn nun, fortland. Give us a trial as we GUARANTEE SATIS F f There's No SQch Thing As Luck.... In buying shoes if you get shoes that wear out in an un reasonably short time, it is not due to bad luck. It is because they were either poorly made or made from iuferiorleatLer. We buy all our shoes from manu facturers who cannot , a ford to -make goods that won't wear well. ; Krausse Bros., Next Door to Burmeister & Andresen's THOS. F. RYAN, Notary Public and Real Estate Broker. LiADliio Ixii-aAXcs Anncr or Clackaha County. Honey to Loan. Atntracts of Title Hade. Drawlnc oi Legal DoaumeuU a SpeclaUv Office on cut aid at Main street. Between U and 7th. OREGON CITY, OREGON. RINEARSON & HYDE, ATTORNEYS AT LAW AISTRACTINQ OONE. Opposite Caufield Block, OKEGONCITT. ... ORKOO C. D. li D. C. LAT0UKETTI Attorneys at Law. V Commercial, Real Estate and Probate Law Specialties. OFFICE: Commercial Bask Balliiss OREGON CITY, 0RE60N. GEO. C. a&OWfELIi, Attorney at Lav, Offic On Door North oCtmleld &Eumf, fey' Ihugtlori, OREGON CITY, . OREQOK. l F. tZI S,, ... OREGON CITY. e Office: Two Doors South of Courthout .! Ul.II i.J OREGON CITY, OREGON, Oa tit Street betweea the trMfe aawtW . Oeeef. ' . . A a warteahaae at tka laal raAaa. smmi al Maaaotad with the sera far haw sMes AaylBteraaltoa regai-Hai aay kla W ttsei roaspilT aueaded lo by letter or persan. OIUUtaBOOOBT OK MLB - The Commercfcl Cank O? OREG09T CITY. CAPITAL $100,000. Traeaaete a teaeral laaklei eeleeea Leaas matte. Bills dlacaonUd. ataksa eel r0".'-. sad sells ichange en all aiai. In the Vnltad Stalei and Xarope aa en Hob. Kong. Dapoalu received lubfecl lo check. Bank open from S A.M. to 4 P. H. O.O.tATOCRBTTI. P. I. DONALDSON rrealdent. CashlM R. FREYTAG'S.. .-Ceretr Crcccry. Keeps a full line of 8TAPLE nnd FANCY GrtOCERIKS, , PROVIS IONS, FLOUR, FEED, FRUITS and VEGETABLES at. Lswsst Frleea-- JOHN WELCH, nttatiaa. Kooms N, 77, 7, Dekum oanainr Postlaiid, osseoii. k af air Mtmirn hm BMM M IM AMI thta earl. K. Biefcsr4s, Pvap. Oysters, Fresh and Salt Water Fish, Poultry, Game, Crabs, Clams, Etc. Turkeys, Oeese and Chickens for Thaakagtvlni Dinner. Fret JkUrery. Ta Doori South Armry GEO. A. HARDING, DBALia IN IP 1EI Standard Pat. Medicines. Paints, Oils and Window Glass. Pruertpliaiu Aeeunittj Ctmpomdld. HAIOISO'S BLOCK. T