Oregon Courier. nu a. ir. ciu:m:y. CITY 01'I'ICIAJ T'AT'KIt. Entered In the Or joo City poatofllce as second cImi mttter. HUnsCRIPTIOX RATES. One year ,, '', BIX Dion tin I 10 Three month! , 10 paid In advance, per year I it nFThe date opposite year eddrou ft. t te iper denotes the time to whit h you r.-t ;Jd I'ATKONfZK IIOMK I.MH'NTItV. OUEUON CITY, l)f:C. "7, 1893. WAIl OF A.mflA'S. Eniflnod haH two old scores to fettle with RuRHia. the Crimean war and the war of '77-'78, in both of which she balked Russia of her prey, the European possessions of the Turk. The time seems now ripe for squaring the account, and for deajinu a terrific blow to En gland's power and prestige in Asia as interest. Sentimentality and charity hnv no place in England's statecraft, but Instead her policy Is one of cruel, relentless, unscrupulous self-aggrandize ment. The power behind the Russian throne is at home in that kind of states manshlp, and grimly awaits the result oi the great conflict which seems immi nent. Waterloo rankled in the breast of French patriots, and the tbeft of Egypt enrages French statesmen. Victory over English arms is the hopeful desire of both Russians and Frenchmen. England, in that event, would cease to be mistress f the sea and the financial center of the world of commerce would be transferred from London to Paris or New York. England's conduct in the Venezuela affair indicates that she seeks a row and the outlook promises that she will 'Vet it in the neck" before she can get well ready. We have nothing fear from her because an attack on us would precipitate a crushing attack on her vast Asiatic possessions. Holland swept the seas with her fleets until EngltLd's admirals destroyed them, and relegated the Lowlands position of a third-rate power. Spai was, at the meridian of her glory, the - .strongest and greatest empire in Use world. 8tupid statesmanship has duced her to but shadow of her former -greatness. Perfidious Alblpa will also Ma her doom, will receive the rewark earned by her tlmabfnored policy of being the blustering bully among nations. Chickens coma home to roost and the sooner the poultry comes home of bia cockney cousin the better it will suit Uncle 8am. The rhinoceros has a perfect passion for wallowing in the mud, and is usual ly covered with a thick coat of it. Some road supervisors are evidently laboring under the impression that this county is inhabited by rhinoceroses. Barlow Three Sisters. Tiik American patriot is not an An gomoniac. There is no room under the stars and strips for craven Britons mas querading as Americans, and we can very well do without them. America for Americans I Xo wonder times are hard. Accord ing to the assessors there are only a million and a half dollars in money in Oregon, loss than M Pp capita. --Statesman. W atkb will burnt Why sot, since it la composed of two gases both of which rt inflammable? as proof, spray it oi hot fire . The fine pstHicUt . srUl 4aot Injure the Are bat will MtmMmm How, then does water pat out a fire? On tb sam principle) that sand or blanket would do it by eovering it up end mothering It. Separate the part' idea of water into a fine spray, and they will burn combine them into a volume large enough to cover the Are,, it goes out. OrganuaHon makes the difference between feeding the fire and killing it. The some la trua of men and, partlc olarly, of farmers.' Let them march m fly up against the error of the day, and they arc destroyed, beaten ona by one. Let them coin hiae and march up against the evil lu a solid body, and they put it out. Thb Htrtld man evidently draws on " his stock of ignorance fur facta ami argu ments. 'The populist orgsn stated in Its last ienfe that the outstanding warranta of Clackamas county amount to 200, 000. The official recorda ahow that oa October 1st, with Interest included, the amount was not over $130,000. Though this is far larger than it ought to be, yet it affects the credit of this county so little that all warrants over S0 readily sell at par and those of email amounts bring 07 to 08 cents of thelrlface. whereas those of Klickicat county are good lor nothing. The Herald' i lugubrious com . parison of tie financial status of this county with that Klickitat Is, therefore, put it mildly, childish and ridiculous. Tut Co rvallis Times sensibly remarks that there ia no occasion for democrats to feel discourage with the result of the recent elections. In the reverses suffer ed in eleven out of thirteen states the principles of the party itself have neith er been discredited not repudiated. In all the states where election were held last year the republican majorities have been cut down, and the loss of tales hitherto democratic was due, not to an increase in the number of repub lican voters, but strife among demo crats. Jacksonville Times. A SOCIAL EVENT. A breach of promise case will be argued in court early in Janu ary in bhivelys opera noure. it is the "Trial by Jury , sister play to rinafore.by Gilbert and Sullivan, the ever popular authors. I his is one of the most laughable musical productions ever placed before the public flnd it will be the last pro duction of the season under the direction of Prof. F. K. Hepburn. Mr. Chas. Miller, as the judge, will be very funny. Mr. E. F. Drigers will swear in a jury of twelve men. The plaintiff, escort ed by the bridesmaids, enters the court and receive much sympathy and attention from the judge and jury. After the defendant is called by the usher, war with' Eogland commences, I he defendant, course, is condemned. The live flirtation between the jury and plaintiff is not granted by the honorable judge, as he also falls in love with the beautiful Angelina and finally marries her himself. The spectators join with the court in grand choruses and the audience is charmed by the delight ful music and given a hearty laugh by the refined yet brilliant comedy of which the opera is full The finale of the performance, "Penelope," the Milkman's Bride, is also a very charming and favor ite operatta and will show that a girl with too many admirers always gets in trouble. 1 he policeman (Mr. Anion), and the grenadier i i i l Dir. xncnan.11, iuve me servant Kin for the sake of the good loo a. such as cold mutton and jelly they get while courting tn tne kitcnen. The milkman, (Mr, V. Harris), a good, honest man, firstly in Jove with Penelope, and a broken heart ed man, wins it M hef love, after be" two mutton eaters tapairhe servant girl to her mUtrtM, and at the oment Penelej lq. W wye. the house, the good, trtit milkman steps in and tke the girl to bis care, marries her and all ends happily. : Come, whether rain or shine; as this will be the musical event of the season. Watch tor Did Ysu Ever Try Electric Bitters as a remedy for your troubles 7 11 not, gnt a bottle new and got relief. This medicine has been found to he peculiarly adapted to the reliuf andcureof all Female Complaints, exerting a vouderful direct influence in giving strength and tone to the organs. II you nave Loss of Appetite. Const! ua lion, Headache, Fainting Spells, or are nervous, wioepluns, Excitable, Mel ancholy or troubled with Dizzy Spells biectric jsitters is tne medicine vou need. Health and strength are guaranteed by its use. Only fifty cents at Charman & (Jo s Drug btoro. The sick and delicate need a gentle tonic-Htiimilunl. It is often a matter of life and death with thorn. The ideal nutrient and restorative is pure whis key. The whiHtcey usuuliv mven is poor anil therefore dangerous. Too much strew cannot be laid upon thin. Weiik- ened systems need a mature, whole some, mellow liquor. 1 hat's precisely what the I. VV. IIakikr Whiskev in. Perfect us a lieveraire or medicine. It f revents chills and tones up the system, t is vitality from nature's laboratory. It exhilarate and does not, poison, for all fusel oil and impurities are removed rhats why doctors drink it. It's aood lor the8ick and old and excellent for the young and well. Sold by Hill & Cole, Oregon City. ' Louis Friedrich, the fashionable tailor has moved his shop to the building formerly occupied by Mrs. Du teller's millinery store. Nothing but first-class work done and satisfaction guaranteed. mm m wife BQIQ By Buying One of Those ; ELEGANT LOUNGES"! Bank of Oregon City. Ul.PKsr HANKING H0U8 IN TUS CITV Md Un Cttltal, $50,000. Surplus, $20,850. President, Vice President, Cashier, Manager, THOMAS CHARN.N Geo. A. Haidino B. O. CADrULD CaASLii H. Caunkip At the New Store of Pitcher'0 Castoria, WANTED: Several trustworthy'gentlem.n o uIIm lnlnv.l In IImmh frt v. II . I t reliable hnnae. Salary S7SO and wnan... htaiulv twiaitlnn. tr.nal.Mt. vnfaMnna ...1 . ... dressed stamped envelop. The Dominion Com pany. , TDird floor, Omaha Bldg., Chicago, 111 EXECUTORS' NOTICE. WOTICE IS undent? dates' . nd program. Admission 50 anti 35c B. O. Dun, In his "Review of Busi nest" says: "Eighty Ave per cent of all the concerns that have failed in the United States during the ten years un der review, are houses that attempted to do business without advertising." British Columbia would form a desir able addition to the sisterhood of states minus the world "British." Our allies Russia and France, are preparing for (bs fray . Which part of Canada would England rrefer to keepT The Fair has just received a nice lot of leatherette novelties and toys. Call and see them A. E. Kilpatrlck, of Filmore, Cel. had the misfortune to have his lei caught between a cart and atone and badly Dratseti. urdinaniy he would have been laid up for two or three weeks, but lays: "After using one bottle of Cltamberlain'a Pain Balm I be gan to feel better, ami in three days waa entirely well. The peculiar soothing qualities which Chamberlain's Pain Ualm possesses I have never noticed in any other liniment.- I take pleasure n recommending it." This liniment ia also of great value Joe rheumatism . and lame baek. ' For sale by G. A. Hardin. druggist. v 1 s ' saw Slates, tablets, pencil, school bags etc., at "The Fair." in You receive a lead pencil free with each tablet you purchase at "The Fair." Far Ovar Fifty Taaia. Am Ol asu Wku-Twkd Kbiust. Mi. Wla alow". Soothing BytuelMi bna aat for onr any jmn k; BtilUona of Butane far (hair eUMna wall. tMtal.f , wltk pM-fact MOM, ft aaatha tka caUct, eofuiia the (aM,aIlara all pais, cure, wind colio, aad ia tha beat (or tMarrfcoM. Ia laaaaat to th. taat. laid kf Drof fiete la every part of Ike World . Twaatr-ftv oanU a bottle. Ia value la la ealoulabl. Be sere aad aak for Mr. Wtaslow'i goolhlnf Syrup, and take a. ether kind. The popularity of Chamberlain's Cough Remedy and the high esteem in which it Is held leads us to believe It to be an article of great worth and merit. We have the pleasure of giving the ex perience of three prominent citizens of Kedondo Beach Cal., in the nse of the remedy. Mr. A. V. Traded says: "I have always received prompt relief when I used Chamberlain's Uougn Kemedy." Mr. Jsmes Orchard ssvs: "I am satis fied that Chamberlain's Cough remedy cured my cold.' Mr. J. M. Hatcher aays: "For three yeara I bave used Chamberlain's Cough Remedy In my family and ita results have alwayr been satisfactory." tor sale by u. A. Hard' ing, druggist. HEREBY GIVES THAT THE led bave been aBDointod h Gordon K. Hayen, county Judge of Clackamu county, atate of Oregon, executors of the estate of J. K. Hingman, decease J. All penou having claims ae-ahtat the said estate are hereby required to present the same duly verified and with proper vouchers within six months from the date of thla notice to the undersigned executors, at the offices or u -weiu, ileuses, Thompson 4 Grlmth, Bar clay building, Oregon City, Oregon. Dated thia 27th day of Nov.mber, 1895. (iKOIKiR LA7.il.LK, TItO M AH DUNCAN. Executors of the Estate of J. K. Bingman, Deceased J, J. Mrath Opposite Postoffice. All Kinds of Upholstering Work Done to 0 rder NOTICE OF EXECUTOR'S PRIVATE SALE OF REAL ESTATE. Repairing Of AH Kinds And Carpet Laying Done. MATTRESSES MADE3T0 ORDER k General Banking Buslneai Transacted, Deposits Received tubject to Check. Approved Bills and holes Discounted. County and City Warrant! bought. Loans Made on Available Hecurilv Exchango Bought and Hold. Collections Mado Promptly, Drulta Hold Available in Anv Part i ih World. ' Telegraphic Exchange 8old on Portland, Han Kranvlsco, Chicago and Now York. Interest Paid on Time Deposits, Take up a Paper. And read all the advertisements care fully. Look and see who holds out the inoht tempting oilers. Then go around and see what those tempting o'fl'ers really amount to. Nine times out of ten you'll be disappointed. We are very careful what we say in our ads, but we believe it is perfectly truthful to state that when people buy ' of us they get their money's worth every time. That's ail we can promise. 0. W. Git ACE, u..i.r m Groceries, Dry Goods, Boots, Shoes, Etc. KLT, OREGOM. WM. KRUEGER, S MERCHANT TAILOR & Next Door to Oriental Hotel ALL KINDS OF REPAIRING DONE. Oregon Citv, Oeeook. Imperial Gallery Oregon city, PHOTOGRAPHY IN EVERY BRlfCH CRAYONS, ENLARGEMENTS. CHILDREN'S PICTURES A SPECIALTY. OTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN. THAT the undersigned, as executor of . the estate of Ween O. Kinenoes. deceased, in pursuance of an order made by tbe Hon. Gordon E. Hayes; judge of tne prooate court ot Uackamas county, Ore gon, entered on the 1 8th day of December, 1895, will offer for sale at private sale for cash in hand, from and after the the 20th day of January, 1896, the following described real estate, tiwit: A part of the Philander Lee D. L. C. No. 56, and a part of 4ae SE of seclionn ia ttMrathi); j south, range I east of thaJtyTsajitli Msrirlisai aitnated in Clackaaaas fiat, Qiaaisv. satagtbsd a1 jbtiuwai -t -saiiagatai .- as law town. tw smam- m jmeL section . xtt Mmoc y caatas oa aaid townsalp liss; taeara- w" f V ebamsttkeweaW 6j E 10.50 coitB,theice S tT E 7.96 chaiai. to the soaust Bac of said claim SSj thence 4,17 cnainst in pace of beginning, containing 10 acres, mure or less. . , v -' Also all ot lots 4. and 6 of bloc! M in tne town 01 ian(yi uacaanus . cottntr, Orecon. "i ' ' The said property is a. part of the real estate belottfjiot to said eatate-and rh satt thereof is. sarcessary to pay claims hied against sata awe, . enquiries mar be addressed to the undersigned at Canby. Oreiron. or , uye, attorney, cenar Mxtb aad Main streets, Orcgoo City, Oregon, at whose office 1 J n. t 3 wiu asie will uv naoe. Dated, December IS, 1895. HANS A. LINNEBERG. Executor of Estate of Jorgea O, Ringaocs, aeceasea. .iillQ A8 PalieQ fi,llery ,ver n- Pr,er' 8tor. 1 All Goods are Hand-Mad 9 Aci RrsJ-Class In Every SATISFACTION GUARANTEED. A. B. SteinSEich t Co., Psal ar Oas Fries Clothiers, Hatters Furnishers. and Corner Firrt A Honisou, l-.rtl.nd. Wlsss Baby was sick, we her Oaatoenw VTbtn ah was a Child, she cried for Castoria, mass she beeaina Mlaa, she chmg te Castoria, Vhsa she bad Ckttlrea, she j: rt them Castorif Receiver's Notice Notice to Polity-Holders of .STATE KSURANCE CO.. Favorable arrangements have been made witb tbe Firemen's Fund Insurance Company For the substitution of policies of the STATE INSURANCE COMPANY, witbont loss to the assured. Before canceling- your policies, call on agents ol tne rlKEMl.vg FIND INSL'RAXCI COMPANY. Edmond C. Giltner Receiver Bute Insurance Com pan 7. 3rinf your policies to ... F. . Donaldson, Agent FiaiMsVs Fckd Ixsraaxci Uompast, at Oregon City, Oregon. SHERIFF'S WOTTCE OF SALE ON EXECtrnON. Ia the Circuit Court of the State of Oregon, tor to. caasty 01 Uiswxamas. 'JaV TeasasWltsllSttC. vs. D, SUM of Oregon, Cevaty of Cli Mf Wtkclrouk crt i lbs stats t Ongwa I aal ss aad U 6aKia7 Ctackanu., bearing data (walnl I eaasav aT ledi iflCI HEREBY WVM Tft W VOr- fT?. VT1T OT A- JCDfjatKNT WeofsaysaaassMaiijsasfaaf af sl. lasn.d,' dceree sad a neeation, duly W tk.clreuit cfti thagM4 Ongoa efaa aadaf the bm! of tha abw .eauaty Ctackaouiw bearing date trd ( ( r) abre entitled eaaae. t SHERIFF'S BALE. la 1 lb Clreuh Court of tha State ot Oregon, MmWf thaw at 'atissl iU.t...a Jasper Clift, nalntuT, w Robert J. Seattle, I A. ' .rT' . eaie, asery A, souie, 1 Oeorge O. tilbsom aad B, O. Miller, Def.nd- af Osagatw Owiiny of'claekasaas, as. OKDRIL laauea oat - V. HARRIS, Star Grocery OXAUtS IK GS0CERIES, FLCn, J CKCCIE4T, ETC. i 1HK rrSNSSB . aaeowaa dant; bar teas. 1st a mi lalntUTaad D.W.Uowd swa defeav MvJrnbe'. ostbea OiegaaiSal oat U .Pn real asiais betetaaiW dMwribSd.wiamllaa a suss suBlcrsnt to satlafi th. ilvmanda ad aauMt aaBerea. Uk.witi fSs. wilt laUrnat laweoa mlmn Aarll 15th, 18U5, at I par cant, tetanaunv mm ia susa 01 ii.i paia barbtn Oetobat th, ISS6, sad tb. further aum of tfMaaabl a.altaul .mU i. vniitivi vawasBssj. UlC fJUIT and dated tbe a6th d.roT Norember. It rndsmcnt rendered and cntmd sort an tbe 2Stt da ot'Aprit, ISM.-In M- Jt II' Cllrt..nUiaMrT knA u.lntfl m r.mmmr, irnmv,' lUMPSSS j. (Maine, . ww wm u. uiDsnn- ana uij waueu oat I r i ' - . -yttilMPrew sad Prayra (KaUbliahed 1885.) IOIVI JUner, defeodanta, for the aum of wtu luaswat uereoa at tae rata of a par attrmm iroas the Milt day of April. R. U. amt.s. per oeat. 1 urn, and tlo iils shsT aliin IShiTiiti ill anil sltsJiat tha-fljttM sum ut S2S.25. ni .nA rti.Hi..,. I J'jrCtls.irttlllil to alt Darts otLjnaicirv. '-il Ibla writ, I .oilowiDsr .! Drorvprtv .ltiiM In th ....tm.w A? Claekanua, state of Oregon, to-wlt: i -i 1 UK. WUI IVTT BpUHl VUU Will, H 0.Urar, tfaaflth dar of Deoanber. Uaa. at the hour of S f alock ai. at said day, at the treat door of odurt bosta ia said county, offer for sale at publlo aucitou, and smi 10 tae nigoeot ana oeat bidder, for cash iu baad, all of tlx meats, aauf tha coat, of and eommatuuug me to make sal. amwriDea real upoi of th .VST nbalna: tlwuio north iv caat 5.40 ehaina th.nMnnrthSt' west J.U ehalns: thence north t east 11 ehaina; thence north 6s cast to the Intersection of the meander 01 tne Willamette river; thence op aaid river tn a point on said river T.S7 chains west of the west boundary of section 30: thence smith m.Ot ebalna; thenea west 7 chains to tha southeast corner of the nurtbeaat Quarter at section a: Ibeuee ehaina: thence eaat SI 50 chains tatbe beginning. Also beclnnlns! at a DoiutlSO chains west of the southeast corner of the north half of the northwest quarter of section 29, town skip south. range 1 east; tnence witn tne me.na.rs oc tae Molalla river, north so west i.ut chains: tnence north 10 9 west I chain: tnence norm as west 17 chains; thenee north S 3 east is chains; thence north boundary 01 south bait ol south' went Quarter of section Aitodlvislon llnebstween tbe southwest quarter and southeast quarter of section. SS: thense south to Ih. south boundary tha north half of tbe northwest Quarter or section w; taenca weal a. 3D cnains u tne place 01 Beginning. Alaobetrinnlne' at a point 21.81 chains south of the northeast corner 01 saia u. renaietoo i. Ij. v; thenee west 17.85 chains: thence north 1.53 chains: theuee west SLS5 chains to the Molalla river: thence southerly up said river to the line dividing the north balf from the south half of aaid D. L. C: thenca east on said division line about 50 chains to tha east boundary of the claim; tnence north to tne place 01 Beginning. Also beclnnhur at a point 88.81 chains south and 50 chains west of the northeast corner of aaid I. l C; thence north S.5S chains; thence west 10.90 chains; thence north S.28 chains; thence 16.79 ehaina; tnence south 13.81 chains; thenca east 2S.79 ohalna to the place of begin ning; all of said land lying in Clackamaa county, Oregon, and containing 418 acres. Dated this 27th day of November, A. D. 1895. K. a HADDOCK, Sheriff of Clackamas County, State of Oregon. ByK. M.MOODY, Deputy. at R. DOClITTItE'S West Side Sterc KEEPS A WKU,gElECTX HOC 0 1 Groceries. Prc-is West Sids & purposes. V. .'J - IN CWSSCtKW. Now. therefore, ha vlrtun of ..hi .ivmlnn I Judgment order anef decree, and lu compliance I taM.tKvol KlinTSL"'.'',?:; In Oregon Citv. beautiful to. hour of 11 o'clock a . m.. at the front door of the With its zenh vr arvfs uufjii.ii.i 1 county court hous. in the city of Oregon City in . " , K zcP"r "OK asW gentle, said county and state, sell at nublio .nriloi. I IS 81 nlarrrh9t kaa efi tm ' "'.K-iX subject to redemMkm. to th. hlefie.t hldTlV, i; 7. ' . ' "wn, DuS Xf u- f rid coin, cash in hand, .ii the right, tuie 1M name, l be Oriental. K I and intiMwiL whioh Ihm within n.n,rf 1 ' or eitner of them, h J on the date of the mort- It Sained this fame bv trIli ntr sir cat gag. herein or since had in and to the above "fa",cu 114,3 ,am Dy selling BEER, described nal property or any part tboreof, to An glasses monumental: satisrv said aucution. liiitffm.iifc nM. iImim. wt . . " . Beaiunina at tha southaaat porti.v of ih. half of the east halt of section 2 in towaahip '2 south of range 2 .ant of the Willamette Mer uiau, running inenoe west tracing the south Una af said section 20.18 chain. i ti.a n..i.. section corner on th. south Hue of said section; thence north tracing the west line of tbe east nan oi saio section iu cnains; tnence eaat oa a line parallel with th. south Una nf .aM aaoiia 10 0 chalna to a point equt-distani from the east line and the west line f- sahl west half of la a- aaa It K ). nl aaM aan.lnn. , . -w H..V..VU, Nl.llt. lllll 111 ll cnains to a point equi-aistant from the east line ana me west line oi saia west halt of the east ball of said section; thence east on a line Varatt.l with tha south Una af .aM aaotlnn in n. Chains to the eaat line ot said west half of the ca.il nan ni saia seciion: ineni. imiith 'Ai chains tu the Bl.cn af tviirlnnina .nnl.mln n, m aMM mora or less, sav. and except a atrip of land ii A -I .... . 11,1. a a aa. hi v. mv cikh., and Interest tha said defendant oa April 15th. ISS0. bad cr sow kaa In and to the following de scribed real property, to-wlt: f Beginning at the southeast corner ot the donatio laud alalia of C. Pendleton and wife. no. &, laiowusnipvssoutn, rango i easii ine al,.u...U W --l.r1. -.. . ...AA Ik. aiuawn). wtiuWHt bvi.u tia.tii m.. eaat boundary of aaid claim 20.42 chains; theses weal irarrng tne aivistton hoc oi claim, nu cnains to the Molalla river; thence np aaid river follow ing tbe center thereof to where tha tame Inter sects ine soain oounaarv una oi ine ciaim; thane, .ut U.5S chains, traclnc the boundary linr to place of bealuning, containing lot acres. Alan hoalniilna s chains west of the southeast . . . . - -. - . . . i win i.i .cm, m, aim CAUpu. a ann iu lann 1 earner of the aortij ball of in. nonnwest 54 of feet wideoff of east side of said tract for public !?iLOB?. n ULaK1 ?J?,uU,.k' ran,e ?Sf ,Sa ro,a Pool". nd also save and wept a Tstrlp of tha Wll atnette. MaridUn: Iheaoe north it. . Iud. 2 feet wide off on west .Id. of ihS northXo wtlfaar th 5de.reeaeul.UehjaBa.to tbe aouthMst corner lha easthaU ot Uld seiK for public raid or ine paaamaraiiiianw: uieuee sons 1 wesi 1 satisfy said caecution, judgment order, decree, ctau ana an accruing cosu. . C. HADDOCK. Sheriff of Clackamas County, Oregon. By N. M. MOODY, Dapoty. Dated, Oregon City. Oregon, November 26, 1895 NOTICE OP ADMINISTRATOR'S rruVATE SALE OF REAL ESTATE. Then when your soul you long to uo to tne urientaL cheer, From ancient days good men would The famous continental, drink Would say to friends, you all must nna see tiie Oriental. . think, Good beer by some is often sold. jjoticb is rireby urviN that the By others accidental a undersigned, as administrator of the estate r " . . VA-,"",la, of C. B Hawkins, late of Clackamas county, EUt every time, I have been told State of Oraana. ftawaaari . haa Keen anthnrl T. 1 . . . . vruiK at tne unental. N. F. Zimmerman, Prop. state of Oregoa, deceased,' has been authorized by order of tha county court of said Clackamaa county, dated December 3d, W9o, to aell at prl- w aai. ior caia in u. 9. goia coin, me follow irht described nremlses halonrln. to tha Mifatnf said decedent, together with the tenement, and appurtenance, thereunto belonging or anoer- taiuing, to-wit: All of lot No. S of block W of uregon city, ana lots it and 10 of block 11 and lot 2 ot block S of Gladstone, all of aaid lots being situate in the countv of Clackamaa. state H. W. WESTERMANN, nerchant Taller. ol Oregon. Therefore, by virtue of aaid order m . t, .. , of said county court, and of the law pertaining Cleaning, KepairiDg and Pressinir Done thereto, I, as ..Id administrator of said estate, I . i-noe-at fjia Stand, Next Door North Job Printing at tne Courier Office. NOTICE OF FINAL SETTLEMENT. lavncf: 19 hereby give that thi t undersigned baa filed in the county court i uoaamas c-nrny. (.i-vgon, ner nnai report in SHuement or ue rma.w ri a. i. casoa. aereased, and that the )od T t. ilxed Monday. Febrnarv 3d. lwa,at loe i-l.t a. re, as the time of hearing and approval ibr : and for hearing objectioas thereto, If any br r.i.-U- Dated Peres l-r :tb, lijr. x J. CASOS. Executrix. C.D.1D.C C I i-ETTE, Attorneys. will, from and after the 4th day of January A. D. im, at my office on Main street. In Orecon City. In said county and state, orocaed to sell at private sale, according to law. for cash in 17. 8. gold coin, tbe real property belonging to said estate auu aoova oeaciioaa. THOS. r. EYAS, Administrator. Dated at Oregoa City this 3d day of December, . a, moo. f Armory, Oregoa City. - H. W. JACKSON Daclilnlst and Locksniltli, APPLICATION FOR LICENSE. tfOTICK IS HEREBY GIVES THAT I SHALL gon, for a saloon license to continue my saloon I located on lot 4 rf block 4 in Oregon City, said Shop t Seventh Street, OvvotiU IXmoi Hmiim Ia ill. fma a.n.w M In. I T. TBEMBATH. Bicycles, Umbrellas. Sewing Machines. Guns, " " ajuu. oi nun machinery re- pairea. rrlces reasonable. O A O Wf anr and Rfrarw attiiw relieved baft w rc aby lr. MUea' Nerve Plasters. All pain banlabed by Dr. Miles' P pn fiaawrs Z5c. at all druggists. aVfl draggista aeU Dr. Miles' Pain Puis.