City Library COURIER OREGON CITY, OREGON, FRIDAY, DECEMBER 27, 1898. VOL. XIII. NO. 34. OREGON FIRE. LIFE And Accident REPRESENTING assa, . . . Roytl Of LIV6tp08l- " North BrittsU ft nercanttle - Sun of London oirt p""1 fir th wurw- tn& of Hirtf ord LrMt b,t Anr,c "' i ContinentsI of Now York of th b"t ","ro-,, 'p' t AND OTHER FIRST-CLASS INSURANCE COMPANIES- The Travelers Insurance Company of Hartford Largest, oldest and liest aoclrteut Insurance couiuany In the world, and nlo do a very large life Imuraiioe business. .CALL OH MB rtl BLOTTEM .AMD CALEX1MBI Bates the 2L F. E. DONALDSON, at Commercial Bank. lowest. i '&YRRY :i W LLYSriji bfc Csttera, Choppers, ers, g;rtng Tooth Harrows, Potato Diners, ALSO Si'Bisa W AGOt' Cart anre ml want nil when ti buy t you nut. EDWARD HUGHES; . , r BEAUTIFUL PASTEL PICTURES .GWen When You Have Purchased .' . : The frame and glass will be Actual ;ost at CII "ml fivt E E. MARTIN. Comrnercial Bank Bjocfc. j CHOICE CUTS and TENDER MEATS "O'ro PETZOLD & GALE S CASH MARUET3, Seventh Street, Corner of Center, on the Hill. Main St., Opposite Caufield Bli)ck. Two Shopa. 0re" Ci'V- 0rB Pure Milk. Delivrred t) all farts i- Meritor Par JDairy AT REAWJXAliLK TRICES..., Chas. Catta, Prop -ii-.v r. I.. KlXPAI.L A MEIER. GO TO &. .Iffl. IBEST W J J FOR DOORS, WINDOWS, MOULDING and Building Material. Lowest CaA Prices Ever Offerecf for First-Class Goods. Step Opp. Co lgrsgatieaal Chtrch, Gala Street Oreg City "1 Woman's Reason la usually a good one. even thonuh It is '. even thontcli it is bv a single word t in admiring mirj only expressed b. "because" She extension (allien. I hey are hand- some. ilumblH ami cheap. Our 4 t extension table is verv seiviceabh?, t while our. 13 Oak I'illur Table "a beantv" im mi ornament for the I finest dinning room, Good gie Kitchen Tables we well (or si. Large nine) hard wood Center Table (or SI. 75. rtwi ... A niif.AU rtU II.. ORFCON ClTV, OREOON. .J In Clackamas County wtm Lo&""e" ,B world, 56,- e s H 'it M'i Plows, Harrows, Seed- Bt'aoiRS. Eh- - , In the city whether vou corxr" fkowt . Taylok, AXtr Portland, Or Away.... $10 Worth of Goods-H ' ' furnished you for $1.25. the factory. Ticket. tne city rom Leading Ageicy 1 The Per Cent Profit Will be cut down to the the lowest notch on holi day candies, nuts, etc., this Christmas. If you are on the tree committee don't fail to see us. We will save you money. Plain Candy French Candy Null of All Kind.... ....Christmas Tree Candle E. E. WILLIAMS, r - - MOLALLA. Molalla has at last Huheived the lielylit of her am'jition.the dream of a life time. She lias organized a foot ball team. From the time that the ami apieara upon the crest of the Cascade mountain until it drops into the Pacific, no matter how inclement the weather, one has to but cant their sight to Shaver'a pasture to beheld a colossal mound of humanity uiins, let's and heads protruding in everv direction If one be near the mound they will probably hear a fail I la murmured "dowu, ' then the squirming mass will untangle only to repeat tM performance. It is claimed that nearly all that came in contract with Ike iu the came last Saturday withdrew fo time with streaming wounds. They say that he ia as dangerous ai batrfeea wiie fence in a name of foot ball. TM boy. think they will be able to tackl gieufoM in a tew nays. I'aities that have recently returned from the uiouutaiiis report about eight feet of snow 111 the region of the 0t. Creek ininea, A party of three start! to goto the Oitle t're mines ilnrilr" M vt nat fan anwa. Thy bcsirK luat iitt isfc.;uM anient. rur t"; i1faia! iu auw iroiu two to " , 4 :di wiilSilfoWtlrtjiiif Vk4t'i of U atjr d 5lieir Irct 1rtj tM were all nearlriaM gui tit when they finally reached the old Ju Dsvla be tauch. There was no tm' ttrrt;' f'rtu ' bately Oiey found some prdneioii wtiisii they were uemlintf abour that Msaav : . Old Mr Porter, who haa beett Hvitif at Wales EusHell's, died vnry su.Uenlv not long sko. He , was sick only a Jew ' hours. The old gentleman hai't Iteen poor health for a number of years and wsa wardut thetiouiity. . lander Harless died at th-i biin of, his oruther, near hertvon th morning of the 30th. 1 lie had befflictl with uostimptiou for the 'ajlt.year.- Lsct spring he went t. Uraj muiiv, hut the change did nut benefit fim auy and he returned about the lt ol (September. He was born in Matiisnn cotintv, Indiania, and ame here with his far Mils nearly 10 years g, wnen ne was 3r.rtrt four years old . i lefc nntnw citlriends awl vetauveatu mnnr Iim luaa. A.Mr. Ureii iry. who M ir1ng in QHver KbWn's house, has .tteexi.very sick re cently, but is now gettinjr bettor. , There is at present considerable' ajulc ness in mis vicinity. , . It is reported that F. C. Ferry has sold out his business at Needy and is coming back to Molalla. Herman Bros, have moved their en- t III MlnSeelW jmm-- we pppppm i mi rr-sgx ...SPECIAL REDUCTIONS FOR THE... HOLIDAY TRADE. rrw? k nave Uie uarccsi Collection of f Black French Dress Goods ever introduced or displayed by any Dry Goods House or Dry Goods Finn north of San Francisco. v s2-inch IJlack' Fi-ench "Draptd. Ate, Ncvelty Silk and Wool, 49 48 48 46 44 42 44 46 " Kffecl!i English Jacqu'ard " " "7a French Serge, extra super , worth $1, " - special, 38 7A nrir KnVht Fancv Plaids for 47 - " " 33 140 " Heavy Scotch Mixturt s, HBADQTJABTBRS For FUR CAPES. CLOTH CAPES. MISSES' and CHILDREN'S WEAR, TABLE LINES. BLANKET. LACE CCKTAINS. PORTERIERS. ULOVE8 and CORSET and FANCY TOILET ACTICLES for the HOLIDAYS. Special inducements for XMAS. xr. UcALlEN A-D McDOXElL "Sir- ginH back to the mill ami will mmn be ready go lo tawing again. December 24. X Y Z. MULINQ. Winter appears to have came to re' main and funning is stopped completely, and those who have been toiling to raise 40-cent wheat ami lU-cunt oats, etc., can now take a long breath and be gan lo think of next year's politics and other kindred subjects. ' The heavy rains of the past week have raised Milk creek to a small flood 1 he usual Uhrlstmas festivities are on hand. Adance at the grange hall tonight, family galherinirs, anil last but not least the little ones' stockings in the corner for "Old Santa Claus." Dr. J. Cssto, grange deputy, spent last Saturday night in Mulino, on his wuy home from Marion county , where he just organized a promising grange of vj BiemDers. Mulino has made a number of per mtnent improvements of late.the last of which Uthe neat commodious barn built by Mr. Mulvy. in place of the one des troyed., bv Are. .It ia. now completed and Mr. Mulvy wishee to employ this mtanato thank his numerous friends od Mighdurs for their kind aasistanc lit baildiiig the new one, many donating two M4 tbret days' work We also observed our local insurance agent tak i survey ot the structure few days 00 to make ont a policy . We hear that the dance ai Union hall hist Veturdaf niuht was a sreat success. ta w'ioiu we do not know; but we pre sume to the man with the lunch counter, wii sold six whole sandwiches. We wish the editor Merry Christ mas, and Happj New Year, and if this does not iro to the waste basket you may liear Irom us again. December 24. Citizkh. STAFFORD. .The' storm la on 1 We had some anow, but now, oh my J. Mud and more Oregon weather. These days are death to hgs. At most any ranch can be seen from one to doten of them strung .up by the heels. Mr. Weed it down from Jefferson to aee bow the dagos are getting- along clearing his wojds He Is also making his daughter, Mr Weddle, a holiday Wt,, Mis Dell Larson, ia around with her ertn in aling, a broken wrist-bone it the cause. , , ft Pcked hone was the result of h,fng it annouiieed that the 'Duplex Literary Uncial y w$ to have a paeer. AlengUiy proKraiuute wsa rendered, and a debate, concerning " Women Suffr ie" was chewed ; then came the paper, Wsrial isaue, ellte-t h ' Johu ige. hi i peaoent -"wf wfHefwat HerteHtifeeWW water etiJiiTUei rin top of tti groasMtj and ran Madly realise the trouble, -our lowJeiid seiiihlsWMtre pat to, tying wn their fences in places, anl tearing tneia" laarn in otliara an to bit th ntnr ' David weolfle i Mpendiiig the holi days with his parentii here and visiting bis many triend. Dtvid is a pupil at the. McMinnville Academy end- ia great ly taken up with .his studies and school wnri. J. Q. and 01 lie Gage attended a ocial in Alto park Friday night and rep irt a nice time and good crowd despite the sterra. Miss Katie Schatz and sister, Llszie; are at hom once agnin, after a etay or several months in the metropolis. They are well and hearty and just as jolly a ever. 8'ime rail fence tisvw been blown by the w'nds recently. Our main xoeoV awe iagaJ condition. In traveling around newr the different highways we find that (n nnr wn dis trict we have eig.iod roads aa "at any other place. Theiksto thi excellent 11110111 of our local -road-boss, ifip and Baker. December 23. Lengthy. v aneiy. inc r inesi unu ewesi extra quality, $2.50 4 yard 1.87 " 1.75 - 1.50 " 1.50 " 1.25 " 1.00 14 d 85 - 50 " 25 " IS - 25 25 - special, Waist, special mch, 38 inch " REOLAND. B.K.Linn and Ed. Noble h 'vii re turn -eil from Kastern Oregon, where they lisvo been looking at some timber land. F. re 11 In 00k and L. Buah are working for B. F. Linn. A. Cutting is visiting friends in ltod land. He was formerly of lyee.Oreijoii . T. V. Linn, Trincie Leek, John Poter and Cora Leek utUmded the dunce at Clacktimis Heights last Saturday ntirht. F. Whiteniaii is Blowly improving School at district No. 21 closed last Friday . John Wolf was visiting friends in Itedlaiid Sunday. The shooting match at W. Surague'a was a grand success everybody carrying 01 a Dig tittle turkey, except my sell. L. Bush was visiting his girl Sunday . Who can it be Lucy ? We hear that souu of itir y eiaj in ei was going to Widiingixii "Bws, why don't you go?" B. F. Linn returiel frjin Portland Sunday where be had beeu on busiiiusa. Leap year Is uomuig. "tii is the Wa. bojra." December 23. Emoinii. " RURAL. OELL The weather la very wet and cool in this part of the country. 1. J. Biirelow butchered last Tour. Joseph Lawlercainn hmue Saturday to slay until after the holidays. We're glad to sue him once more. Father Samson has a new hand now since Mr. 8now has left Rev. Blair's s u of Salem is at limn now. Ellis Riding of Silvertnn, where he has been goi-ig to school, is at home. Misa Sadie Crocker is expected home next Tuesday. Allred Hueuzie's boy has a very bad col I. Misa Eva Crocker N intending f go away 10 work, near Hubbard, in Jan uary. We understand the mail carrier of French Prairie has to have a shed bnilt in Aurora to be kept iu while in town. This ia bad sign. , - M. F. Ltnty, t4i:har of on.' dismissed last Friday for two; weeks and treated hie pupils with candy and nuta. I reilric Palmer is on the sick list . Next Friday evening, the 28th: tin quarterly coiderenuM of. the U. It . church will uuiiiiiimicH - and last over Sunday v Elder Wyatt will he present and pieeibly H. U. prley, D U J" ' December 22. . . Dx wj Deor. , 3 uta aa II VMtriei'ariiuiJI has phuK d"u JJrjgkstii, tfie 1eading(grnga worker in the state, in orgHnztug new granges in Marion Co, The Dr. cant be beat at thin work. , Carus is now on a booth, nn-1 can boast of two . Sundny school a.d two prayer meeting, uoth at the eaite time and is going to have a new cliu ch building. -C. Spaiigler is finishing hU new- h u-. R. Fanton and J. Birtou will both build new house, next spring, :Thrt HnzelDell lyceum hits ''play ed 'Hit" already. . There will be a Uaooi in the new Hchooihouee in .district JJ . 102 m Christmas night, for the benefit, .ol tb -district. There will als-i be - a lyceum started there in the near future. ..- " . Mike London went to Portland last, week lobe examined for a pet - BIOIl. The M. E. Sund iy school whs organized last Sunday, with Mr. M. L. Havward as superintendeut and C. A. Cooper secertary. J. J. Guyer is stiperleudent f the Evangelical S. S. Mr. Spencer is improving his place by building new fences. H. M. Cooper will build a new hen house ami go into the chickens burliness next summer, so will Mr. Grayhill. X great many people in th i m part of the county are beginning lo Mr. Editor, as you said, fast week, that the republican party laid the foundation for the ills that afflict the country and also that a return 10 McKinJeyuun will not re store continence by any means. Henry Horneliuh is going lo have a Christmas treei (Jhristm is eve aud has invited the young folk; in to help demolish it. a December 24. (JraXoei. HARMONY. Mrs. Chas Otty, (nee Maggie By ers) has been adjtulged insaue and i to be taken to Salem. A debating society h been or ganized with John Gaffney, jr., as president ; C. Gibson Miilartf, vice president; Hiram Danuals, sec retary. The subject for debate next fridey evening will be, "Resolved, iThat lawyers are more necesary then doctors;" affirmative, C. Gib sou Millard; negative, Hiram Bat- - . ' ' Js-""U- Ja lw ton. The society neels in tho school house. The Y. P. 8. C. E- Iihm chtinged its time ol mooting from the even ing to 2 in tho nltcrnoun. The Sundiiy school will hiive a Christ inuH tree in church, Christ inas night. A merry Christnmc to all. December 24. Juxta. SUNNYSIDE. John Welch had tho to dislocnte ltin left miefortune wrixt lust Thursday. Enough snow foil Monday nii?U to hide mother earth wh -re the ground whs not too wet, The, hill tops Imve been white since Sunday. Mth. Geo. V. Johnson . f eat a few day last week HlHarui'Miy, the guest of lier parents. Mr. and Mrs. H. Karr. returning Sunday. Two of M r. Griffith Vh rse hare tbeen ejek with distemper, but are now improving. Revival meeting. are yet in pro gress mi hough onlr given' oul for one evening ahead at time. December 17. ' ' Meeting! aro continned for thii week. (feorae Thomneon, a Rock Creek ' !oungMtr,.hns been doing .quite a usineHH butchering and hlinir muiton. George in a rustler with buimm ability. buying his sheep ami felling wi'Ji omall -nargins for profit. . . We notice that Irving Com Hock has opened a shopand gone to work, we believe, chteflv at wood work. A. Hunter has ' a shed for hin wagons..- w5ti, -, F. H. Griffeth is having ' Kome cord wood uut. 1 :. r The Misses Thompson 0' Port- and contemplate spend ng Christ mas with their iMotimr. who ives at Itock Creek. ' ' :" Miss Zina McKinlev, who has . been attending school in Pottlnnd, : is at borne again..-., . Decent br 24. .' 1 n . jCxta. REAL ESTATE TRANSFERS' Fsrsiskee Every Week ly tke ClaekMU Abtraet k. Trust Csnaaey. i'.' M II SmithtrtO A Whit nndlvldal U. E. Litvm to u Q LCsnrette, V acre A Clitf tm K C KoawaX lot 3 of f.k 14, lain iewin'i). ; " ' .W. H Huiith to R L RuaaelT. small tract in Straight cl ; $230. H W Foss to E B-Obarmsn. lots 1 and totblk 3.OC;IOOO. ti W Townseiid to W Y Masters, n V of ee Vi aud se i of ne M and ne i 01 ss i of eeu 3(1, 1-0 e 3 (1S0U. G T Hodnck M A B M dl-itf, 17 Mi acres In 11 of si lo, H-l w ; 171 1. L I) King iu M B'U gbolder. UO.PJ acres inIDMuiccl;WKi. ' Union liting clr' uf ClKckuiiiKS to 1st C mg ch of O U. lot 4 of bin 1 1, Ta! burl's add t siarshnVM; el. : 1st Oiillg till H O U to lt C jug cm ot Clsckaiu-, ssjiw l iit; II. . . -IThoa Hluueu lit 0mg ch vf Cl!ka uika. . . U M Car;y to. Pte E ikr.u jB"it of sw M and lot 0 of sec 30, 4-1 e j 13700 : a a Miru wn m Jl UcU iwu, tots 1 2 3-15 17 JSlUsu l W.J big d7. iota 8 10 1) t ot bik Hi, . 23 45 12 13 U li of lila u. Gladstone ; li k Otto Ne son lo F M 8wnnr,' 13 Veres inN Lambert u;12i. Wui Barhrw totl'Ulementa.2.liicrd iusw 14 o't sec-.M. a-1 e; 4K) . Bertha M mm t i M FCjCu vo, lots i snd 4 of blklW, OC;iaT0. An eleg'int line f Eaton Caps at 2i and 30 tents at the Kai-ke. Store CBTE'UUABOt' GOOD FOR EVERY30D Almost everv body takes some laxatlv medicine to dtanse the system and keep th blood pure. Those who take SIMMONS UVER REGULATOR (liquid or powder) get all the benefits of a mild and pleasars laxative and tonic that purines the blood and strengthens the whole system. And more than this: SIMMONS LIVER REGU LATOR regulates the Liver, keeps It active and healthy, and when the Liver Is In good condition you find yourself free from Malaria, Biliousness, Indigestion, Sick Headache snd Constipation, and rid of that worn out and debilitated feeling. These are all caused bv a sluggish Liver. Good digestion and freedom from stomach troubles will ony pe naa wnen me uver riv at work. If troubled with any of these complaints, try SIMMONS LIVER REGULATOR. The King of Liver Medi cines, and Better than Pills. EVERY PACKAGE'S Has tbe Z Stamp In red osi wrapper. J. H. Zellln Jk On Pbllsb, Pa.