City Library OREGON COURIER, VOL. XIII. OREGON CITY, OREGON, FRIDAY, DECEMBER 20, 1808. NO. 33. j Woman's Reason In usnally a good one. even though it is only expressed by a single word "because" Slio is admiring our exti-iminii tables. They Hie hand-4 suiim. durable aiid cheap. Our M exUnnioii table is,verv seiviceahle.i wln'lo our. I3 Oak Pillar Table "a bounty" ih mi ornament fur the I finest dinning room. Cmnd gizev Kitchen Tables we null fur $1 Large size hardwood Center Tables for $1.75. BELLOMY & BUSCH, The House Fnrnln.T, OkFllON ClTV, OkE(.ON. F.UJE, LIFE Ani Accident Leading Agency In Clackamas County REPRESENTING ROyil Of LIVGrpOOl ,"M lr:rl business in the witrltl. Nora British & Mercanffle-ss:""" ,n wo,',,,, s0'" SlIIl Of LOlldOIl ,,ll,,J"t purely .'Ire insurance olHce In thit world. 2tni of H3rtford-"",j"rf''t ii,ur'u',n Continental of New York "f "' hHt Arin companies AND OTHER FIRST-CLASS INSURANCE COMPANIES"1"""" The T.avclers Insurance) Corapanv of Hartford Lurest. oldest anil heat hri'lileut iiuurulice ooinuaiiy In the world, unci uUit tines u very Inixu life liiHiirunvn lmliiK. .call ox me ron nmrrtin add calkxpars t SS. F. E DOKALDSO . at Comm rcial Bank. t OLD hickory 1 The Per Cent Profit Will be cut down to the the lowest notch on holi day candies, nuts, etc., this Christmas. If you are on the tree committee don't fail to see us. We will save you money. f ' J ; Plain Candy STAFFORD. .French Candy If NuU of All Kind. . . , ' ; .... Christmas Tree Candles o E. E. WILLIAMS, 9 Tim (ii-ncpr - - FRENCH PRAIRIE. AURORA. Best on Earth- ' 1 cauuv , f;tll link or .. .. FARM TOOLS, inchuiin r Hay Pr3333S, Feed Cutters, Chsppari, Plows, Harrows, Ssad ers, Spring Tooth Harrows, Potato Diggers, ALSO )1'RISU w .vooxs, c ARM till 1 mil win 1. von i.t. tiro hi tho !8. EtO city whether vou 1 EDWARD HUGHES, Tayloii, Portland, Or f BEAUTIFUL PASTEL PICTURES Mr. Randolph Wool worth of Bnltn ville is building a shed here for the benefit of hin driver and horses wldlo in town with the mail on rainy day.-). Mr. Ed. Muche, accompanied by Mr Crnckey, started for Chili, South America, last Mnnday. Thev have about 40 days' steamer ride before they reach their destination BUTTBVILLR. me innerai or wrs. wmines was Pleached in the Presbyterian church of this plHce last Thursday nt il A. M. bv Rev. Mr. Brnnillette of Gervais A large number of the Champoeg people were present. Mr. Homer Gone and Misa fllaM Brown were married at the residence of the 'irido on Sunday forenoon. December fith...,-,: rM1j,r.... :- The v.HlftS rolfca of this placn spent several hours in a play.partv lat Sut tnrdav nighr. They seempd to have a good lively time end all went home well pleased. Since some one broke into Mi Vande lonr's Rtnre a few week's ago and fcok feveral shirts be has bad heavy wnnden Nhntters made and hrng at. every door and window. That, looks like'a b:id eipn for the town but it will be a juke lu-si leiiow mat envs Hello 1 I'm alive and hope thiu w And my leaders the name. Our 11 round la too wet to plow ; some of the low-lands are too dry to go boat riding on. Cl.riMiius is coining. It soon will he here. Gen. Ratlin, Sr , la on the sick list and will probably not be uble to he itt-work for a week at leant. Jack Ellison is running the saw mill during his illness P. Schroeder la suffering from an attack of pneumonia and lunir fever and at the present writing 1 barely able to be up a lew minutes daily. Gerhardt Settle, the mail carrier, lias began, and thinks working for Uncle Sam Is most too steady a lob these stormy davs. and through mud am heavy roads, he realizes he is earning all he gets. Frank Sharp lias been out collecting threshing bills and i very well pleased with the way funnels are prepared to huve their receipts maiked "paid. John Hohlswath has bought a light spring wugnn and now luinselt and wife can ride around with ease. Jake Scliaix, the harness maker and repairer, js kept busy nowadays. He has lust finished a harness lor John Aden No dunce fur Christmas has us yet been announced. . Our liteiarv society baa decided to have a paper and John Gage has been appointed editor. We understand be intend hav'ng a pictorial sheet and, il is said, biographical sketches of prominent young men here. Jack Ilanua talks of going to Califor nia to make a Make. Go it Jack. California is a big place and all kinds of men needed there to keep lliins livclv. Sam Mayer and John Achieve talk of runningone of the Tualatin river steam ers for a year, and take lumber for pay. John Q. is back from California look ing well and hearty. John got a little pah around the gills w bile ut sou but otherwise stood tho voyage and had a very enjoyable time. December J7. Lengthy. I and hia sister has moved into hla house. The directors have secured the third teacher for the school . 0. Hodges was home from Salem on Thanksgiving. Buyers are offering but two and a half to lour cents lor Hops, The case of. W. D. Howard! vs Mr. Uoinstein was decided in favor of How ard tor a f25D judgement. It will be taken to a higher court. The city election is over. Henry Knight will have to go tc Mie uoou bainantan liosnital to receive treatment for his arm. Knight Bros, are shinuins some verv fine apples to Washington and have a good many still oil hand. The 8. I. company has 75 ears in the gravel pit. There was a man in the lockun on the night of the 14th. G. W. Smith ha.i a confectionery stand here- There are seven team hauling li's from Atkin's mill for the railroad com pany . Mr. Wheeler has contracted for oO.OOO feet to be delivered here. W. Vorpahl has moved into his new residence in Can by. There will be a shooting match here on the 21st. Stock is looking well. The hunting party baa returned with plenty of ''no game." December 14. , Nuito. &IM MONSN VREGULAT0R7 THE FOOTBALL GAME ON XMAS. Mr. COLTON. Well, winter is coming. Snow is pretty low down 011 the foot hills and the air is chilly and dump. It lias been pretty etotmy for the last three days. There was a party last night at Mr. Dowel's new hotie, but I did not hear h'iw ninny were pruseut but. th evening w a a . hi . . 1 on me shirts. Mr. .Toll 1 Hastings is recoveringslnw ly. his brother and sister are with him now. It is getting alums too wet for farm ers to plow now, hut. grain that was sowed before the rain looks quite well. December 14. WV Urtnyji! v.mUalJv the.! j crowd, , 1- Our sclmo' Ih gelling along nicelv . A week ago we had spelling mulch and a (nil hoii'i' There n to be another next Fiidi'V at the Bethel school house; a M.. Eclea- from Wnodhurn is teacher there The average number of pnpi'a at the Cnltoii school Is about 23. Mr. Gorbntt bus moved inM hi new residence. Next Subbjlh will be the regular Free Meihndist to preach SUNNYSIDE. ....Given Away.... When You Have Purchased $10 Worth of Goods The frame and glas will be furnished you for $1.25. Actual cost at the factory. mm ' 11 ml (i-t Tlrki-t : e 1. E. MABTSN,' Commercial Bank Block. CHOICE CUTS and TENDER MEATS FETZOLD & GALE'S CASH MARKETS. Seventh Street, Corner of Center, on the Hill. -Main St., Opposite Caufield Block. Tw) Shops. Oreonn City, Oreflon Itev. Allen of Washingt'-n is assist ing in the revival, which is still in pn-gre8.". Cocrection: In the Coiibibr of Decem ber 6 the name "Ida Hartman" should have read "Ida Harvpy" and the word next following should h 've been omit ted. Rev. Thos. Lawson from California was visiting friends here Tuesday and Wednesday of last week. It seems that Mrs. Honors Davemn has not as yet sold her place although It had been reported to a number. S. E. Johnson has been setting out a young orchard. December 10. ' Juxta. alter Itime for the at Coltou. Mr. Gothett had another buinefr8 call to Dallas, Polk county, and utaid all night with Mrs. Teeson, his miller in law. lie had not seen her for abnut 11 yc:t.'! and he took the (oiks quite by surprise. , Well.Cliribln as will s. on he In rj with ralculaiions fur much Christinas cheer, hut it js not the "much" wo have that makes the joy and huppiit'Si but the sperit we except the things we have. May our Heavenly Father help us to he thankful for what we have. December 15. Pixy. Bight B.ick Full Buck.. SuliMiiuteH. Everybody is getting ready for Christ . There will be a Christmas tree CANBY. Considerable plowing has been done this fall, Ever mas, at the church on the 25th. Considerable sidewalk is beinz bu 1 , Mr Weed is building a now barn Etwee Mack is a:so building a house and h ns his laud about cloared . Mr Ward has moved to Portland M B U Sale! ...SPECIAL REDUCTIONS FOR THE... Pure Milk. Delivered to nil parts of the city from the,,!-. HOLIDAY TRADE. The (oam of tliu Oregon City Afnlotii! Club has been practicing aaidiiously for several weeks and its members an I suppportcrs are confident ol victory . Each member of the team fully re alizes the strength of Co. F's team and that they must put forth thdir i;reitet efforts to win, but as to lUo ultimate result they have no f nr. Tho team is under the management of F. T. Grillith and is composed t an exceptionally flue lot of in hi. T it p sitlou and rt oight yl llio dill'jrout pluyero will be as follows: Cenler Newlon, 2:!8 Ult Uuaid Summer, it!4 Klght Guard Hankins. 1(15 Left Tackle F. Brown, 1(14 Uight Tackle .Keckner, llio Left End F. Hedges. 150 Right Knd B. Greonman, 151 Quarter Back Pope, 138 Ljft Back (C. Moore, 150 ....... jC. Brown 1 55 ! ..... ..' W. IVfciTi- I -Id I .... J Chinch. 185 . .Salixbuiy anil N'ori i.-i The game will be called at 1 :.'J0 p. in. Oil Chrialinas Diy at Gladstone I'.u lt, and the tiulvt'H will bu thirtA-lSve lulu utos each AdmisMon, includii g Iniusp 1rUti.n1 to and from groin ds will bo 2 ceiu-i, Tickets may bo had ut U.i irm m'.-t l'i; store andlliintley's htilt itfi i;('i'i fie ineiubu rs o( ihu team. C". F will line up thdir u 1 11 n X'hhs as follows : ."Wil. r J U. Ctniiih-ll. H"i Right Guard F. S. Kelly, 1!)7 Left Guard .. E. M Utlld-l, ld Kik'ht THcklu E. A.S.niih, 155 Left Tackle il. K, J,.nes. ldi Itigl t Knd Maxwell Telf.ird. I5S Lelt Knd , f P. Keatlntf. 15(1 Quarter Back. Geo. McBride, 150 Kiglil Hall Hack II -as Soccer, 145 h f; Half Back. Frank McCain-land, ItiO Full Hack Leighton Kelly, 15) J U. Campbell at center I dnoi oii.g great and alth us$!i miloli li'r.j. than New'on will give him ph'ity t- , ,. Kelly and Rands are Unn,' tli iir positoiiM in good style. It 111 U havinj played at Forest Grove is u hi help to tht team. t f and Jones tluu'h light are hard and gritty and will k e their op poncnts biihy. Keating and Telford at on U miv o ' h giiwl runners and tackier. McBride is ulayin q iarter in g 1 stylo though handicappeil, as he cannot practice wi'li the team very oftim. Spencer and McCan-ihiiil at halvoa are showing good form and training faithful! and will no doubt render 11 good account of themselves on the great day, Kelly will captain the teain'ut full. The militi'i bovs are looking forward to a hard battle with odds strongly against them, but still are hopeful. GOOD FOR EVERYBODY Almost everybody takes some laxatlw medicine to cleanse the system and keep tht blood pure. Those who take SIMMONS Liver Regulator (liquid or powder) get all the benefits of a mild and plensanf laxative and tonic that purifies the blood and strengthens the whole system. And more than this: SIMMONS LIVER REGU LATOR regulates the Liver, keeps it activa and healthy, and when the Liver is in cood condition you find yourself free from Malaria, Biliousness, Indigestion, Sick Headache and Constipation, and rid of that worn out and debilitated feeling-. These are all caused bv a sluzcish Liver. Good digestion and freedom from stomach troubles will only be had when the liver Is properly at work- If troubled with any of these complaints, try SIMMONS LIVER REGULATOR. The King of Liver Medi cines, and Better than Pills. 9"EVERY PACKAGE- 1 Has the Z Stomp In red on wrapper. J. H. Zcllln & Co., Phlla., Pit. SEAL ESTATE TRANSFERS. ' FurniilitJ EvDry Wtck by the Clackamas Abstract & Trust Company. J W Slniw to M A'aidin lo( n of Llk 13. Annex add to Cilv; tin.. II .1 . ne tol. IJ l.ejjiiie, 10 a in lot Whitcuii.h clj liSOO. l'r;::.l: to T F Rvun. 1-8 in- leteyt in i-Htuleiif J A Confer, deed ; 350 C U Cress tojDar. Clifford, lot 3 of tiuet 1, MnUlla ; Jliilt I mid T Finli in Miirilia CalifT, 100 a in T P .Tncksniis c! ; $30!) II S! In S Cormiiii, 12'ain Hector Cumpbell el ; 1000 A PaqiHito to 8 Aiki'ison, "Oregon Bcki'' mining claim ; 100. S Matthew to Elmer Holt, lot 4 of blk 8, Can by ; $10. Glad-tone II F Asn to Fred Fnllni- lots ir mid 7 of 1,1k 05. Gladstone : ;tOO. W W May t.i Evang Assn, 47 75 rds ! c'y';!! I.1',, I! . 0 1 '2 1 . Ua'; liiovil I, I Coin Acina Backiu! let 4 und ..,- Mf ,ifc ;i ,-, MM,( (i frHllt 7 j mill " u hi i 1 4 ot innri 77, FiHt subd i f Oil!: i'l Ve !fli0ll. N tl V Ml.l -o m W FCl. nil lot 4 of ff .111 1' s 1 e.nwlv. f 11 line parallel with 11 nd O'J 11 M" ul line of VV PR It J W Shan- to W J MrPermntr. lots 4 ami 17 !il k 8 nf Annex add to O Ci fcJOO. W S Partlow to K H Tub ir. 10 a In SS While el; i:t5(l. John Betiell in Geo Hchiows, 20 a In 'v Sit uinl lot ;j, aeu 3:i, 2 s 2e; 2K)0. j!uhcrihers wUhlug ti piv for the ColiJilHtl aith I m keys, chickens or ducks can bring or send them now. We hare uu in sigiit lor our Christmas dinner. Lodgo Matters. E have the Largest Variety, the Finest and Newest Collection of Hlack French Dress Goods ever introduced or displayed by any Dry Goods House or Dry Goods Firm north of San Francisco. j 52-inch IJlack French Draptd. Ate, extra quality, T REASONABLE, PRICES. Cha Ctta. Prop, S 1. .-..-. r- to KtNiiAi.L A MEYER 49 48 48 46 44 42 44 i'46 38 Nevelty Silk and Wool, " Effects special, GO TO H. BESTOW FOR English Jacquard " " " ; ' French Serge, extra super , worth $1, - " " special, ' 70 pecies Bright Fancy Plaids fur Waists, special 47 - ' " 33 inch, 140 " Heavy Scotch Mixtun s, 38 inch " $2.50 a yard 1.87 " i-75 " 1.50 1.50 " 1.25 " 1. 00 - and 85 " 50 " 25 " IS - 23 " 25 " Statu Ln-lbance Policies Rkiikemeo. Patrons of the State Insurance Com pany are requested to bring their poli ces to F. E. Donaldson at Commercial liank at once and exchange litem fur policies in a first-class company. High est market price allowed for unexpired time of old policy. Do not delay a y u will get nothing if your property is burned while holding the old policy. The largest and best line of cigars, the newest and finest assortment of Christmas and holiday gifts, handsome est selection of celluloid goods, and the most attractive prices at Chat man & Co's. City Drug Store. r r frf lafi&mniifn uuurib, wmuuwo, iv and Building Material. Lowest Cash Prices Ever Offered or First-Class Goods. Shop 0;;. f oigrjgational Cacrcii, Main Street, Oregon City HEADQUARTERS For FI R CAPE?. CLOTH CAPES. SI ISSKS' and CHILDREN'S WEAR, i date medicines. 1A1J1.K J.i;fc.. IJI-A.NK.fcr. l,A& lUKIll.tM, I'OKTKRIERa, GLOVES and CORSET and FANCY TOILET ACTICLES for the HOLIDAYS. Special inducements for KUNYON'S. We are in the procession with up to Muuyon's aro tho Diicription puinphleU free. TIip rovp iiri lovl 'rid t .U great; ini'i'lionee of the Red Men, A. II. Piton. on Tuesday evening was a grand uffiir. Tlie lied .Men nt Portland chartered the steamer ltainonit and arrived luro with Mr. Paton ahmit 9 p 111., after which the "savages" from this place boarded the bout, which steamed up to the island, to witness the Indian camp performance i.t that place and the falls by the search light. On the island, several danoinj "braves" and their tepees were seen, amid the glare of the colored fire. Afterwards the party repaired to their hall on the hill where the evening wits spent very plesantlv. The refreshments of the evening eon. si.itiiig of "corn" and "venison" of which ther" arts an n'ltn !.inco. Dr., delivered tin- address of welyjino. The nnniiiil election and installation of nfliceis for Clackamas clt toler No. 3. Royal Arch Masons, took place .Vonday evening. The new officers are : DW Kiniiaird, II P: Thos F Uy. n, K; Geo F Hortnii, 8; J II Walker, 0 Hj Thos Campbell, I Sj Max Nchulpiim, Ii A Cj CA Herman. M lt V; M K Bain. M SI V i W E Carll. M 3d V ; II 8 Strang. , Sec: B S Belloiuy, Treas; T S Liwrence, Sen. The election of ottirers of Multomah . lodge No. 1, A. F. & A. M.. will be held 011 Hat unlay evening. Dr. Fai nlinm on Mooclaj evening a- sislel in organizing it lode of II.' United AstisaiiS at the A. O. U. W. hall on the hill. This beccliciary society starts with !W charter members and will probably be called Oregon City Lodge No. 7. The following temporary ollicers were elected : II P Martin, M A; M E Yoder, Ins ; P T Deveraux. Hupt; Max BoIIhck, S-c- Win Robinson, Treas; Mrs Sadie White, M C. I latent. I Cliarinan & Co., City Drugstore, Agent. Cnrtr Tlilnt ii .MnrrlMin. XMAS. f.lcULEN AKD McDQNELL. Bnrmeixter & Andre.'en have just re ceived from Germany a large invoice j of china warn, each piece having an (Oregon City scene burned on it.- There are six iliflereiil'views, representing all rrllnlt Ore. An elegant line of Eaton Caps at 25 I the points of interest, wiiich makes them ! Hlld 30 l-entM Rt thft ITflekpf Klnra 1 vuIiiuIiIm l..r i.r.4rils . " " - w . - - - - valuable lor pre.ielits.