cyLibl COURIER ORE a OREGON CITY, OREGON, FRIDAY, DECEMBER 18, 1898. NO. 32. VOL. XIII. !7lRE. LIFE And Accident 1 REPRESENTING- Royal of Liverpool dm tie worw. North BriUsh&MercantiIe-I':oUtt,',eU the Sun of London ,,,e"t p' flr fflne ,u u,e "'' JEtns of Hartford Lret na be,t Araer'c,,, iuy. Continental of New York o ot t,,e be,t er'n companies AND OTHER FIRST CLASS INSURANCE COMPANIES"""" The Tiavelers Insurance Company of Hartford Lnrgent, olcltt.t anil lient iicvlileut luMni-Hiice voiuuiMiy In the world, and also duet a very liuire life lusuritu'je bmiuitus. ....caU ok mb ran BLOTteas akd calendars .. . t owk8tl f. t. uUNALUoUN. at uommerciai oanii. j , Best on I CARRY A FULL LINE OF FARM TOOLS, including Hay Presses, Feed Cutters, Choppers, Plo3, Harrows, Seed ers, Spring Tooth Harrows, Potato Diggers, ALSO ...... Si' Wagons, Carts, Buggies. Etc Be sure and call when you are in llie city whether you want to buy r not. EDWARD HUGHES, i r BEAUTIFUL PASTEL PICTURES ....Given f When You Have Purchased i ) t The frame and glass will be furnished you for $1.25. . ! i Actual cost at the factory. i CrII anil fiet f t . j g, fV AkTIN, uommerciai tsan laiou. j fob CHOICE CUTS and TENDER MEATS OTO FETZOLD & GALE'S CASH MARKETS. Seventh Street, Corner of Center, on the Hill. Main St., Opposite Caufield Block. Two Shops. Oregon City, Oregon. Pure Milk Delivered to all parts of Mentor; Pari tDairy AT REASOXAIil.E PRICES. Chas. Catta, Prop, Successors to RaSDALL & METEK. . - FC3 GO TO O-. M. DOORS, WINDOWS, MOULDING and Building Material. Lowest Cash Prices Ever Offered for First-Class Goods. Stc'p 0p?. Congregational Church, Ilain Street, Oregon City A Woman's Reason. Is usually a good one, even though it n only" expressed bv a single word "bet'BiiHe" She is admiring our extension table. They are hand- inmn ilnmhlA And rditnn. Our 14 extension table is verv serviceable, , ... i. : i ... hi n.,1, Viilur Tulilu niiuu will, x" v'" " . - " ' "a beauty" is an ornament for the finesi dinning room. Good size Kitchen Tables we h1I for $1. Large ai.o hardwood Center Tables for tl.75. BELLOMY & RtlRRH, The Hoimc Kiirnlnlii-w. ORECON ClTV, OREIiON. j Leading Agency In Clackamas County .. . i n l. T S5 H as Earth.. COItXF.' FltOMT AND Taylor, Portland, Or t 1 Away.... $10 wortn ot booasj -w i . p i Tiiiket 1 m I m 1 I- t tlx - city from the. - The Per Cent Profit Will be cut down to the the lowest notch on holi day candies, nuts, etc., this Christmas. If you are on the tree committee don't fail to see us. We will save you money. Plain Candy -.French Candy Nuts of All Kinds. , , . .... Christmas Tree Candles E. E. WILLIAMS, .The Grocer SUNNYSIDE. Union revival meetings, conducted by Revs. Bradley, Wiles und Sumner, are in progress at the church. Miss Zlna McKinley, who has beon attending school in Portland, came out home Friday, remaining over Sunday. It is understood that Mr. White " traded places with John Welch of C-'-Horn, Wash. Frank Griffith, Elwood Wiles and Miss Keziab Wiles went up near Canby Fndav on a pleasure trip, ann were en tertained by Mr. Stalneker, formerly of this place. The trio returned bunday. Walter, vounaest son Marvin Hub- bord, had the misfortune to fall into a cistern the other day. bruising and otherwise hurting himself. There was no water In the cistern. . J. W. Watson of Clackamas was around Monday with a petition, which if carried, will tend to purify the ballot box. 1 More muddy road ! It will be a hard matter to dnd bottom, ere long, 111 the roads that have been thrown 11 1 and graded, and left in that condition with out being graveled, which meaus extra work next year, mw-a-inuey tMHundfather Berdie uMU live -moves bosses' pockets. Why not, each year, undertake no more road work than can be finished, instead of doing so much unfinished work? Miss Delia White of St Johns spent a week in our midst visiting friends and canvassing for a book, the ''Child's Bible." She returned home Friday. December 3. Juxta. COLTON. There is not much fall grain sown jn this vicinity. Winter has set in and there are a good many people sutler ing with bad colds- Frank Robeson has contracted to cut 100,000 feet ol logs for J. Garrett's saw mill, and l'ress uonney ou.uw ior Bame mill. Dix and brothers are building a dam bo that they will be able to run their chopper by water power. Mr. Hubbard has rented prt of t. ! vliinh (fill ha BAInn in ivhauf. II IB lit! Ill 1 n I It" "in ww own u a "- 1 Sonhia Tafferty bas been under the doctor's care for some time. She is a little better now. The Salvation Army captain was out at the Milk Creek barracks last Sunday, where they had a full house. Their cap tain gave a good talk on the duty of the soldiers of Christ. Mr. Dowell is expected no from Port- .SPECIAL REDUCTIONS FOR THE... HOLIDAY TRADE. r--E have the Largest 7 Collection ol rsiacK rrencn uress uuuus cvu ii! or displayed by any Firm north of San 52-inch Mack French Draptd. Ate, 49 48 48 46 44 42 44 46 38 Nevelty Silk and Wool, Effects English Jacquard " " " ; French Serge, extra super., worth $1, " " special, Bright Fancy Plaids for Waists, special " 33 inch, " Heavy Scotch Mixtures, 3S inch " j 70 pecies 47 " 1 140 " HEADQUARTBBS For FIT CkVVH CI OTH CU'ES. MISSES' and CHILDREN'S WEAR' Fr TABLEC IXES. "ffisKET... WCKClTir I A INS 1,1:1 ERS. OLOVES and CORSETS and FANCY TOILET ACTICLLs for the HOLIDAYS- Special inducements for XMAS. Corner Third v 3Iorrion. MILEN land any day to finish bis bouse. Tills summer Mrs. Gottberg has built an addition to her house and ie- painted the main part of the building, ao it looks like new. Mr. Dix bas put up a bop house. Win. Bonney addod a new part to bis dwelling. Mr. Dowell has his house partly built. Press Bonnev has made some improvements on his house. Mr. Uorbett expects to move into h'snew house next week. If there were three more houses in district No. 73 the people would be well housed. What has district No. 72 to be thank ful for in the last two years? It has not had a death, nor an accident with any broken bones, no very hard sickness, and then people say, ' ' What have we to be thankful for?" Our school is doing very well. It is taught by Henrietta Ilolcomb. Well, I guess I'll wind up this letter and may the blessings of Uod attend us Dec.O. Pi xv. FRENCH PRAIRIE. Al'KOHA. Mr. J W. Crider, who bought the stock of goods belonging to the Willam ette Trading Company is moving them to Dallas this week. Ed Muecke and H. 8. Snider have moved their postoflice down by the New Aurora hotel . Mr. I. J. Bigelow of Molalla was in town Monday. X B. Sumner passed through town last week in a covered wagon on his way to Salem. Mr. Busky of Champoeg was in town on business Wednesday. While Mr. J. Hurst was repairing some holes in the bank of bis mill race the youngsters of the town were having great tpori catching tish, they could gather up a two-gallon pail full in five miuiites so the town was soon supplied. nt'TTEVILI.E. ' Randolph Woolworth is improving the Wodhem's property this fall. Miss Re'tta Dawson, who is teaching school in Fairfield this winter, came home last Wednesday to spend Thanks- 1 giving and the remaining part of the i week witu her parents, isiie reiurneu Sunday. - Rev. Thompson of Portland preached here last Sunday morning and evening. Mr. John Hastings it very ill with ty phoid fever. Ray Woolworth has been a little un der ttie weather this week . TheY. P. 8. C. E. of this place is getting tJong quite nicely. 1 he young people seem to lukeau interest 111 build ing op the society . "The band bojs are still keeping up their practice every Wednesday eve- nntf. and. has bis natural being. December 0. Quack. RURAL DELL. The weather now in this vicinity is a little damp. Rev. Davis last Wednesday evening closed a very interesting meeting, which lasted two week and a halt. There were three added to the church. Sadie Crocker has recovered health again and gone back to Mr. Priest's, near Hubbard, where she worked be fore her illness. Mrs. Switser, mother of Mrs. Iinan, died on last Wednesday, agdd 07 years. Mr. Blair and wife are holding a meeting here now. Mary and Emma Iman came home on account of sickness and deuth of their grandmother. Mr. Snow and son, who have been working for Mr. Sampson, aro prepar- . , )DS pu 1 in a " ' '. in the postoflice building. The school is progressing very well. Mr. Lantz is well liked as teacher. Miss Nellie Crocker intends to stay at home for a while. Rev. Davis will preach here on the third Sunday. Dew Drop. Dec 9. 001!;; ml Variety, the finest ana newest Dry Goods House or Dry boocls Prancisco. extra quality, $2.50 a yard 1.87 " special, 1 75 " 1.50 1.50 " 1.25 " 1. 00 " and 85 " 50 " 25 2 Ay" MCNEIL. I'ortlftml, Ore. REDLAN0. Misses Milda and Hester Linn and P P. Linn attended the dance at Sliumway'i Saturday night, and report having had a good time. C. A. Sprague was visiting In Port land last week. Mr. C. Green has sold his farm . Miss Earnistena Speece has returned home once more. F. Whiteinan is on the sick list. Every thing is just boiling in Redland . Last Sunday night at church somq of the beys got to feeling "too funny" and went Home with a pair of black eyes There was phrenologist "peaking at the Redlacdhali Monday, Tuesday and WeunesdMV nignt. fcvery thing pused ot very nicely, liut alter the lectt're the young folks wanted to dance, but one of the proprietors, huli! a go-d Christian, 'aid they shouldn't dunce, so the game was up. I he boys saidthey would dance and that caused a ueneral row and the justice of the peace was sent tor and the boys wore ordered out, so out went about half o( them, and in they went again, giving wild and desperate cries, hut there was no bloodshed and about 12 0 clock the crowd disappeared, to return no more, biding Redlund good by. Some of the boys and girls aro going to attend the masquerade ball at hagie Creek Christmas eve. Of course they will have a good time. There was populist speaking at the Redland hall Friday night and if reports aro true, there were nine present. There was a dance at Bill Whiteman'a Saturday night and all report having had "a pretty good time." Redland bas been visited once more by it terrible rain storm, which raised (he rivers and lakes to high water mail:, doing very much damage to the grass hoppers. December 9th. "Engineer.1' STAFFORD. Perhaps I am late this week and will g-t chucked into the waste basket, but circum stances delayed me and now I am burning tne midnight oil, etc., to get this of in the morning, although there is not much news. Henry Schattz seems to be the unlucky one of Stafford. He caught his feet as he was getting out of the wagon last week and fell upon his hand in such a way as to put the knuckle of the first finger out of joint. He says he heard it snap back in place as he worked his hand, but it is still badly swollen. Conrad Preister of Fehlerville has become nearly a fixture in Frog Pond. He has a sister living there. They had quite a scare at Wm Shaltz short time ago. There a-e two stove-pipe holes into one flue, one higher than the other, the lower one is disused and is in a bedroom and had been stuffed in the summer with paper, which caught fire while the family were at supper. The burning paper fell up on a bed and. burned. ,hilf of it together with a pile of freshly ironeX clothes and a basket of children's stockings standing near by. It took a number pails ot water to ex tinguish it. Farmer are plowing early and late while this line weather lasts. A number were very glad of the rain,' as the water was getting scarce. A book agent visited this vicinity this week. A gentleman and his wife from Dakota are visiting relatives here, and looking over the country with a view t'j selling out in that cold, wind swept state and buying in Oregon. Christmas is near at' hand but we have heard no stir as to Xmas festivities, except in private family reunions. J Q Gage went to San Francisco las week. He jays the ocean was rough lxst Saturday. Wonder ifj Q got sea-sick. Our local dentist has quite a run of custom these days. Miss Bettkaof Oswego closes the fall term of school this week. We hear that the directors talk of hiring a man teacher for the winter term to begin immediately after the holidays. December 5th. Len ctuy. All shades of Dennison's Crepe Paper 20 cents per roll and all shades Import ed Tissue at Eastern prices at Huntley's Book Store. NOTICE TO CONTRACTORS. Oregon City, Or., Dec. 11, 1895. Notice is hereby given that sealed bids will be received until De cember 18th, 1893, by the undersigned ' cominitteo for the erection on the hill of a building 24x.'Jii feet, to be med for hose house and meeting rum by line Company No. .1 of Oregon City fire de partment. Plans and specifications are in hands 01 committee, wneru mey can be seen. The right is reserved to reject any and all bids. Henry .Mei.iiki'm, (Koiii.K Bkouuiiton, J. W. MoFFATT. Committee on streets and public prop. erty of the city council of Oregon City. Don't fail to listen to your best music- cal fraternity, in Queen Lstliei nt SJiively's opera house December 13-14. : STEAMER RAMONA. : Lvs. Oregon City, 9 a. ni. 1 :'M p. m: : " Portland, 11 a. in., 3:30 p. in.; ; Round Trip 33 cents. : Burmtister & Andrejcn have just re i ceived from Germany a large invoice j ol chinaware, each piece having an Oregon City scene burned on it. There are six different views, representing all ' the points of interest, wliich makes them j valuable for presents. REAL ESTATE TRANSFERS. Furnished Every Wbek by the Clackamai Abstract & Trust Company. J A Richardson to F B Richardson, lots 1 to 10 and 23 to 42 Inclusive, in Minthorn; f 1500. M F McUown to L L Porter, lot 2 of blk 9, Gladstone; $130. F M Lumner to O Nelson, 15 a in Noah Lambert claim ; $1030. Anna Backus to W A Burt, s J' of sec 34, 5s, 3 e and s of ue 4 and sw H nw V and so ,'4 of sw M and lots 12 3 and 4 of sec 2, Us3e; $3(124. F T Smith to L B Yoder. undvd K interest in e Ja of se ,'4 of sec 9, 5 s 1 $100. James W bhaw to Max reirman, lot- 8 of blk 8. Shaws First add to O C; $250. W II Howull to II ji Straight, lot 7 and 8 of blk 108, O C; $1000. b M McCown to C A Williamx, lot 2 01 blk 14, Gladstone; $130. J Al Brown to J At Hagey. 1 !i ueres in sec 30, 4 s 1 e , (200. Oregon Land Co t ) 11 O Jaekson, lot 93, Friends Oregon Colony ; $i.lU0. Al .'I BurkboldertoM U oiler, 10 a In in e of ne '4 hoc 6, 6 s 1 e ; S33D. Gladstone Keal Estate Ahhii to L U Meserve, lot 9 of blk 10, Gladstone; $400. O retro 11 Lnud Co to C 1 i. Mchois. lot 109 of Friends Oregon Colony ; $300. P A Uilbert to A w rrancis, 10 a in sec 5, 2 8 2.i; $200. It W Gilbert to 1 W francis, same as lat;$l. E Calilf to 11 II Joiinson, lots 120 and 0 of blk 143, O C; $5. M Biirliiitfame to Duncan and uamp- bell, M of 74 acres in Cranheld cl and 10.31 acres in see 17, 2 s 2 e ; $1. O W Quint to E B O'liiit, lot 1 blk 1, Barlows ; s50. O A C K K to J J Jones, no ,'4 sec .'.) 3e;$440. U H to J A Lindsay, nw 4' of se M of sec 19, 2 s 1 e; patent. V G ihiiupsoii touruwens, iu a in sec 20, 1 s 2 e ; 900. Anto Ware to LoiiBia 1'rager, lots z and 5 ot first add Park Place; $400. W 11 Lmith to Lousia Prager, lots 2 4 and 5 of blk 1 first add Park Place; $1. THE TEACHERS. The Clackamas County Toucher's As sociation will meet at Barclay school on Saturday. A large delegates from the county is expected. Besides the fol lowing program, t rot w. A. wetzeu of Portland will be present and talk to the teachers. A grand picnic dinner at noon is also under consideration. All teachers and as many patrons of the public schools its possible should be present: Song 'America" Association Teachers Work" runnie u rorter Duet sopi'iin 1 and ano '' Marv mid Nome Younger Discipline" Edna Rosa nstrumeiitiil music, ...Ora Spangter Recitation, selected E C Huekett Proper Incentive to Study 1 S Strange - Intermission. Roll call of the association Response quotations form Robert Browning, selected. Nellie and Mary Younger "Principals Duty to Lower Grades",. 8 W Holmes Recitation,' selected El ma Lawrence "ExamiiiaiioiiM and Promotions in the Public Schools" .......SW McAdam Instrumental music Ora tfpangler Address C W Durette. You Ark Not ( Insured. The State Ins. company is in the hands of a receiver. Will alio'' you the highest rate for their pilhtiws and place your insurance in the Reliable General American Insurance Company of N. Y, Assets, 0 millions, surplus, 2 millions. T. Lb ikaiiuCkaiiman, Agent. Cliarman Bros. Block. 1 State Insurance Policies Redeemed Patrons of tiie Stale Insurance Com pany are requested to bring their poli cies to F. E. Donaldson at Commercial Bank at once and exchange them for policies in a first leans company. High est market pice allowed for unexpired tiiuit of I I policy, Dii not delay as yon will get nothing if your property is burned while holding the old policy. . .5 :? ' . r- sr- REGULATOR GOOD FOB EVERYB0D Almost everybody takes some laxativt medicine to cleanse the system and keep tht blood pure. Those who take SIMMON'S LIVER REGULATOR (liquid or powder) get all the benefits of a mild and pleasanf laxative and tonic that purifies the blood and strengthens the whole system. And more thai) this: SIMMONS LIVER REGU LATOR regulates the Liver, keeps it active and healthy, and when the Liver is in pood condition you find yourself free from Malaria, Biliousness, Indigestion, Sick Headache and Constipation, and rid of that worn out and debilitated feeling. These are all caused by a slupKish Liver. Good digestion and freejom from stomach troubles will only be had wlien the liver is properly at work. If troubled with any of these complaints, try SIMMONS LIVER REGULATOR. The Kine of Liver Medi cines, and Better than Pills. pSTEVKKY PACKAGE-;-Has the 7. Stamp fn r-l on wrapper. J. II. Zeiliu Co., Thila., I'a.