COURIER OREGON VOL. XIII. OREGON CITY, OREGON, FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 29, 1898. NO. 30. k ITS A SHOBT CUT... That's all it Is a quick snd convenient way to gain what the home lacks. .Under the conditions of our poaeetaion of. . . . EQUITABLE CREDIT SYSTEM.... We can do the waiting not vou . Paying a little once a week or month la easy enough for anybody. We don't aak anything elae. Come on now it the house reeda Furniture Carpeta Mattings Draperies Baby Carriages etc. Get 'em have the good of 'em and yon will And you won't miss the email amounts you've promised us. Don't bother about bondsmen we're not brokers we're houselurnishere. BELLOMY L B06CH FIRE, LIFE And Accident REPRESENTING- Roy&l of Liverpool00" "rBet business worii. Nora British & MercalIme-,"o!o:o!,o",e," ,n t,,e M' M6 Sun of London o,ii,'"t iurej ,ir i"nre mn tn . iEtna of Hartf ord-'rifet a,,i htmt Aiuarican eompnuy. Continental of New York0"" f ,h hett '" companies x.AND OTHER FIRST-CLASS INSURANCE COMPANIES-'-" The Tiavelers Insurance Company of Hartford Largest, olde.t anil best ucciileut lusurunen coinimny In the world, and aim duet a very large lire inturanee bulne. CALL OH Ml FOB BLOTTEB1 AKD CALENDABt ... BATE! THE TjL F. E. DONALDSON, at Commercial Bank. LOWKBT H OLD I CARkV A FULL LINK OK .. . " . ' ' '" FARE1 TOOLS, incimiin- Hay Pressss, Feel Cutters, Choppers, Plows, Harrows, Sssd- era, Spring Tooth Harrows, Potato Mj;srs, ALSO. SfBINO W.V00S8, CaETS, Be sure and call when yon are' want to buy or not. EDWARD HUGHES, The Fashions 1 Are Observed.... BT the manufacturers of Ready-Made - . m mm. afJ 1 othing nowadays, so inai ine wearer of such garments can be as stylishly-dressed as a fellow being fitted out In a suit of Made-to-Order Clothes -at less expense too. Examine PIOITBBE FOR CHOICE CUTS and TENDER MEATS GOTO PETZOLD & GALE'S CASK MARKETS. Seventh Street, Corner of Center, on the Hill. Main St., Opposite Caufield Block. Two Shop. - ' Oreooa City, Oregoa. GE &. M. IB1ETDW N FOR . DOORS, WINDOWS, MOULDING and Building Material. . Lowest Cash Prices Ever Offered (or First-Class Goods. Shop Opp. Congregational Church, Main Street, Oregon City Leading Agency .In Clackamas County HICEZOBY BcilOIES. EtC. - it the city whether you Corkep Faoirr am Taylor, Pcrtbd, Or "i the prices at ine STOBB CHARMAN & SON. Will You Your Thanksgiving dinner at home? If you do you will want a nice fat turkey, and you won't be dissap pointed if you give us your order. Will also have dressed chickens, cranberries, cel ery, oranges bannas, figs, dates, grapes, raisins, in faet, anything you will want for the table. E. E. WILLIAMS, -The Grocer (if CANBY. The fine rains last week has induced the formers to go ahead with their fall plowing. There has been a great deal of grain planted. Knight Bros, have shipped at the rate of 25 boxes of apples per day for the last ten days . , There has been several wood contracts let here to it seems that any one who wants to work will have a chance. One man has 500 cords of wood to put on the track for the S. P. Co. at f 1.75 per cord. Several more are to have from 1 to 200 cord contracts. Dr. White has his house- about ready to I more in. Mr. Kior has moved into his new house. The S. P. company is loading cars ,with gravel again. There was a wood train here this week that loaded on too cords of wood. Pork is selling here for four cents per pound. Mr. Ribbar's little boy was burned to death about three miles east of Canby. The older boys were burning brush when the little fel low got to near the 6re and his clothes caught fire and was burned before the older brother could save him. Dr. White was sent for but could do nothing for the little sufferer, to he dressed the hands of tha older boy which were badly burned. v" L frl. fair1.. Jy -sV4W-ys ago is not any better. . and there it doubt wether he will get over it pr.not as he is shot qilite bad in the shoulder. " Mr. Henry Knight, who got his arm broke, in three places at Wheeler's mill i now so he can set up some of (he time. , , Mr. Scott Kellyand G. Kitomer have just got back from Vaquina where they have been for some time. " Mr. W. RiggaudJ. Smith has gone near Mt. Hood for bear and anything that comes in their way. They take several traps with them and expect to be gone some time, J. Sims will dig a well on his place this week. There have been several persona abound herewanting to get small places (or rent. Mr. L. Shank's little girl, seven months old, died on the 8th of this month. The contract for to build thejsidewslk was let to John Tibe for 162.00. ft is to be built four blocks on Front street. The citizens held a meeting on the 16th and nominated V. L. Mack for mayor and Vorpahl, Gilmore, Weed and G, Knight for councilmen, A tree blew across Rigg's barn on Cribble prairie a few days ago and came near killing a nice span of horses, November 20. . Nkro. WIiss"Bo3s .Sale! - ...SPECIAL REDUCTIONS FOR THE... HOLIDAY TRADED E have the Largest Variety, the Finest and Newest Collection of Black French Dress Goods ever introduced or displayed by any Dry Goods House or Dry Goods Firm north of San Francisco. ' 52-inch Black French Draptd. Ate, 49 48 48 46 Nevelty Silk and Wool, Effects 44 42 44 46 English Tacquard French Serge, extra 38 special. 70 pecies Bright Fancy Plaids for 47 33'nch, 140 " Heavy Scotch Mixtures, For FUR CAPES. CLOTH CAPES. MISSES' and CHILDREN'S WEAR, TABLE LINES. BLANKETd. LACK CURTAINS, PORTKKIEKS, GLOVES and CORSETS and FANCY TOILET ACTICLES or the HOLIDAYS. Spc'al inducements for XMAS. Corns-r Third A Morriioi, mcallen ' RE0UN0, Mitt work. , Ida Young went to Oregon Chy to The school at district No. l I progressing, Mr. Holden U teacher. ' P. P. Una cut bit foot quite severely while peeling a log, which will lay him up torawmie. Mr. F. Sellman made a flying trip to Port Und last week. Mr. Kelly, of Jones' mill, was the guest of Mrs. Mary McUraw last Sunday. F. Whitraore and Miss Kate Catean was visiting Mrs, Mary McGraw last week. S. Kinschalfsly is improving his farm by putting plank fence around It. - J. W. Linn and E. W. Howell was visit ing Mr. Baley Sunday. Poker was the game. There was a surprise dance given Miss Lena Speece last Monday night. Those pre sent were: T. W, Linn, Miss Princie Leek, Miss Milda Linn, Miss Olive Moshcr, 'Governor Mosher), Miss Heater Linn, J. W, Linn, C. Spragtie, D, Catte Whiteman, B. Franklin, E. Evason, E. Baley and E. W. Howell, They all enjoyed themselves till a "wee-wee hour, when they departed. B. F. Linn and A. B. Linn was to, Portland last week on business. Miss Cora Leek was visitinc her sister lost week, also M iss Princie Llek. T, W. and E. V. Howell was visiting Ed, Baley Saturday night. P. P. Linn went to Oregon City on last Monday night on business. Mr, Catio is slowly improving with his broken foot. The Masquerade at Linn's mill on Thanks giving night Look out for the darkey. T. W. Linn, T. W. Linn and G. E. Speece have joined the brass band. "Now for music.'' We hear that F. Whiteman didu't go to Eastern Oregon. "Vhat(isthe matter Frank?" P, Noyer and wife are visiting relatives in this vicinity. G. J, H, be sure and be at the masquerade. November i8ih. "Engineer." B. Bullard is visiting friends at Linn's mill. G. E. Speece has bought him a fine snare drum but his hit teacher said he must beat a dry good box for a while. Mis Jane Noyer is visiting her aunt. There was a populist speaking at the Red land nail Friday night, and all they lacked was a "speaker." " "Tune your heart-strings tight King David, Sing you good ole drunkard, ting; Let the people dance wid cymbals, round de Reb'rend quackir string:" November 26th. Engineer. STAFFORD. We have not teen the new comet but ex pect to see the tail nailing through space tome ol these tint awnings. Wauker aad White have lost their drill in a hole nipv feet deep at Henry Toedtemeir't and have I n a eoTite of da-s trn to - It Toweiiui wUiw"bein ci-.. success.; There is to be a shooting watch for turkey's at Hedrick's next Wednesday and some of the boys talk of having a gobbler for Thankt- giving dinner, uias, rum win u shooting match for pigeons on Thursday. Now it the time boys, for yon to get in your best shots and commence with a pair of pigeons. There was over 60 persons present at the Duplex Saturday night and a very social and entertaining time was bad. We would be pleated to have representatives of neighbor ing socilies meet with us and we will try and return the call. Revival services at the Baptist charchthit week, Henry Gage and family returned to their home on the Utile Nestucca last week. Camp wagons are ttill pasting by on their way from bunchgrasi to points up the valley. Not much loose stock it being taken along. Miss Rosa Weid of Jefferson left tody for borne. Miss Weid has been spending several months with her sister, Mrs. Weddle, and has -become quite, a favorite? amongst the young people and at literary societies by her sweet voice and winning ways. We, of course, feel sorry to have to bid Mitt Rosa good bye and trust we may tee her in our midtt again ere long. November 24. Lengthy. extra quality, $2.50 a yard 1.87 " I7S " special, 1.50 " l-SO " 1.25 " 1.00 and 85 " 50 " 25 ij - 25 - 15 - " " 75 super., worth $1, Waists, special 38 inch McDonnell. Portland, Ore. cic::;d ticket naczd. City CcsTtiti:a Ever Cell C:rs. The citlzeni' convention at Pope'i hall Monday evening cboae Dr. W E. Carll chairman and A. B. Graham eec rotary. For mayor, E. O. Caufield and Hiram Straight, the present mayor, were named, and the ballot resulted in in 118 votes for the former and 137 (or the latter, who was declared the nomi nee. In order to insure a legitimate ballot, the names of all the voters were recorded as they voted. For city treas urer H. E. Straight) received 130 votes and F.T. Barlow 72. The convention tlien divided into ward meetings for the nomination of councilmen. J. W. O'Connell wan chairman of the first ward meeting, and Tom P. Randall secretary, and the nominees for the council were R. Koerner and Benjamin Jaggar, who re ceived 74 and 68 votes leapectfully. John Bittner received 20 votes. For the second ward Geo. A. Harding was chairman and W. B. Wiggins secretary, and after 25 names had been propped, all but five of whom declined, II. J. Harding and Joseph Kuerten were nominated for councilmen the vote standing as follows: Harding 41, Kuerten 23, Gault 17. 12. Caples 11, Harris 11, William Straight 10 and Secor 10. As a permanent citizens' committee, Franklin T. Griffith, Henry Meldrtim and Joseph Rice were appointed . These were charged with the duty of getting the petitions signed and filed with the city recorder as required by law. Is is pretty generally understood that the A. P. A., which controlled the con vention held at Shiyely's threatre on Tuesday evening, November 10th, was a potent factor in the convention on last Monday evening; so the municipal fight will be on lines dictated by that element. Resolution. ' Oregon City, Or., November 21, 1 895. To the Consul Commander and mem bers of Willamette Falls Gamp No. 148, Woodmen of the World . -Your committee on resolutions wopld respectfully submit the following jre port;,, , iv v ;. l', ,' i Mvinet,.ou)t haa Uo r,a4 to call to a higher and sweeter life tire Pearl Maple, the noble, pure and af fectionate wife of our esteemed and faithful neighbor, W. 8 Maple. Retohti, That this Camp tender its heartfelt sympathy to our beloved neighbor in this sad affliction and severe trial. Retoktd, That these resolutions be entered in the records C this camp and a copy then of forwarded to Neighbor W. 8. Maple and also to the city papers (or publication. H. 8. Ptbanqk, Otto F. Olsen, A. F. Parker. NEEDY. FC Perry has rented the Miller home and is going to put in Mock of groceries a torn as he get( the counters and shelves in, which will be in about ten days, ft Cl Huflmmi U mitlinr n m MnfLamlfl, shop on the site of the one that burned down. AH his mateial and tools were saved, J W Mortland has charge of the postoffice since the fire. We are glad to see Julius back up in this country again as he makes a very accomodating postmaster. There will be a masquerade ball atVVigin's hop house Thanksgiving nigh' and we hope to nave a good time. The boys have got all the tincans, buckets and cow-bell together for a wedding that is expected every day. It is a little chilly here at night hut the sun comes out bright every day, v Dave Kinnaird passed through here today on the road to Marquam. November 26. "Nika" RURAL DELL. Sadie Crocker is up again, and expects to go back to Hubbard to work in two or three weeks. Miss Nellie Crocker was at home for a while. There is talk of starting a Y P S C E at the Rural Dell school house. Mr H War nock has moved into his father- in-law's house since his store at Needy burned down. Rev Howell of ButteviUe and Rev Davis of Woodbum are holding a series of meetings at the school house. Chas liigelow come home on a visits week ago last Sunday. Mary and Emma Eymau are in Portland working. The Sunday school is doing well. November 25ih. Dew Dkop, Dr. Price's Cream Baking: Powder World's Fair Highest Award. Job Printing at tee Courier Office. W M ASfacnitsnd Khet-matipm relieved by lit. JiilwT Nerve llusU;ra, I J 1 1 II lOjIJC tifiCtttiTAliHt GOOD FOIt EVERYSODl Almost everybody takes some laxative medicine to cleanse the system and keep tht blood pure. Those who take SIMMONS LIVER REGULATOR (liquid or powder) get all the benefits of a mild and pleasant laxative and tonic that purifies the blood and strengthens the whole system. And more than this: SIMMONS LlVCR REGU LATOR regulates the Liver, keeps it active and healthy, and when the Liver is In good condition you find yourself free from Malaria, Biliousness, Indigestion, Sick Headache and Constipation, and rid of that worn out and debilitated feeling. These are all caused by a sluggish Liver. Good digestion and freedom from stomach troubles will only be had when the liver Is properly at work. If troubled with any of these complaints, try SIMMONS LIVER REGULATOR. The King of Liver Medi cines, and Better than Pills. , jSjJ-EVERY PACKAGE'S Baa the Z Sump in red on wrapper, J. H. Zellln & Co., PhiUM Pa. hf AL ESTAT- n-ArES- FurnUVd Cvory V.'sok b, fU Ch.:kamas ANtrac'. & Trunt Company. tw Z "fl-it. ' A I.-a I.t .i see 11, 3 f. 1' -. "7 !-. : '"Hi1. r : i'.ohii. v t ii 1, 1 nw x sec 32, I , r t-; f 3.10.1. M. W. Griffith t; IMmrt 'OShsxer. w )b df mi I4 of lie ,l4' f Her 29, 2 s, 5e ; $200. S. lluelat (by r.v) t. M A Bradley, lot 6, blk 0, Pleiioiint I'Iiich add O Cj $90. 8 Hnelm (iy ex) to M A Bradley lot 1 blk 6, Pleasant Plitce add O C; 150. 8 HueUt (by ex) to Alex Wurren, T a lu w Yi of km' 31. 2 s, 2 e ; 1COO; ; P Sftiidlierg t ti E KkevHUm. t ) ne l and Iota 1 and 2 t tc 6. 2 o. 7 e; 12000. G. Smart to Win Hmart, uofsw of ne 14 of mi 34 1 . r 2 c : $1 . Antri'liiif B- r.V toO K ll-nlnn, 8.14 so. in . CliiffcMiiix" It virMd, 3 other (Ufiln 01 . r; wiii hi .on aaine to same fliaii; II :ii 1 (i liMidinii inM Mikt-'j .lin. 2aln 0 Iraot. dim kniiimh Kiv--rHiil ; fl, Bo4r.ivich ami IWich tu J p" "- - yfftf t -., m ... . ........ Geo William li 0i Colilns, 4 L2o, tt2,- R3, WV 59, s )i of 94 hus 22, 23 anu z, nis o. Miiiiimru; zuuu , . , 4 Ueo WL.h t J. H. Martin, e of nw M of 01 nw' o ne! Hi, 3 s, r 3e;280. F K Wlit e to H M T..lor. W D, lot 6 blin k 24, UHitml add, f 'ilHt. Max Yuui.g 10 J W Hill, W 0, netf sec U4 l 7 1 3 e, IBO aurw., SUKJO . O Ht-i-ilin 10 C P UriM.ks, W D, 10 acre in the nw iecD4,t 1 a roe, $100. K K ts.oan 10 pihi Cannon, QC D, roadwMy 111 Hm-'i.i (.'iMiititdd laitii, $100 l'vtfi limk 1 .Gi.-rn AlcMurry, W D, 10 m n Hit- NumIi liiiitiert claim, $UUO. '. . liEUnvilr.vL, B Uawhfy, QC D, 45acreb in ilm V W llarpr maim, $1. J K Muiqimui, tu 1 L Whim, QC coneu.i -ii 'l"1"! to tract iu Allen L) L 0, aliu t 11 r oito-ii'iiimriiun dotidaon amsj lot l i l L V line. J dm Wiitly in luior Meibtrik, WD, frac'iM.iixl li t 4U 1 otiiity aiid to Oregon City $4dti ' 1 Suffered Eighteen Years. rata BefeuTteel aueal Itosna Oassve Mrs. Julia A. Brown, of Covington. Tens., whose husband baa charge of the electric light plant at that place, has been a'grea sufferer. Her ailments aad speedy care are beat described by herself, as follows! "For 18 yean I suffered from nervousness and indigestion. I tried every remedy rec ommended by family and friends, out I could get no relief at all. Two yean ago, while being treated by three local physi cians, Dra. Barret, Haley and Btaerod, they Has. Julia A. Bbowm. informed me that I bad become dropsical, and that there waa Utile hope for me, I then decided to try Dr. Klles' Restorative Nervine, I waa then unable to get to aleep until well on toward daylight, and during all thl time I bad a doep, heavy pain in my left side. 1 mat moet miserable, itniiuA, but ffter taking one-half bottle of the Heroins could sleep all night Just as well as lever did. Tbe Aervint Is the only remedy that gave me any relief whatever. I am now well and strong, and I lhank God every dan of my lift furvr. iiiUt' Aerctru." MRS. JULIA A. BROWN. Dr. MIW Nervine Is sold ci -1 positive guarantee that the first boulo .rill benefit. AlldrugglsUsellltatSl.e bjUi-t for6. or tt will be sent, prepaid, on recniut of price) y the Dr. Miles Medical Co.. Eikhart, lad Dr. Miles' Nervine RKSt