Oregon courier. (Oregon City, Clackamas County, Or.) 188?-1896, November 22, 1895, Image 5

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Til Muiicam A BoccaH.'Tn
delightful musical at the Congre
gational church last renin was
success from every point ol view. A
good-humored audience gathered early
fully expecting the treat in store for
them. The program opened with a
plan) aolo by Mrs W. C. Durrette, who
showed with her skill upon
the keys that she had spent years
of study lindur the bert inHtructors.
The "Slumber Kong." by little Miss
Ethel Albright was a pluasing Introduc
tion to tlia prouram to fjllow. Tho
contralto sob "Ah ! Stwtlnto," by Mrs.
A. G. C'olomnti, from Portland, was
warmly encored. As a soloist and vocal
instructor Mrs, Coleman ranks very high
both In Portland and Salem. "My
Bonnie is Uver tho Ocean," by little
Riva Gray was the joyous song of a
child and had a happy effect. The
Shakesperiau reading by Professor
Durrette and Mr. C. H. Dye was by far
the best dramatic rendering of the
quarrel of Bi utus and Cassius that has
been given here for some time. Miss
Spangler's piano solo, "Chanson
D 'Amour," was a revelation in the line
o f delicate touch. A large number of
the audience were delighted to greet
J. W. Myers, the bass soloist of Port
land, who is an old Oregon City boy,
Mr. Myers is still a student devoting
himself assiduously to vocal culture.
Mrs. Will Glafke, of Portland, has sung
before in Oregon City and her many ad
mirers were glnd to note the increasing
beauty and volume of her voice. The
really choice program closed with one of
the heart touching aolos of Mrs. E. E.
Charman, the timbre of whose voice
was especially adapted to the sad s.veet
song, "For the Sake of the Past.'
Altai the musical part of the program
the itaudy bazaar attracted the attention
ol the audience. There were three
booihs. One, under the supervision of
.Mimes Marjoritt and Ethel Caufleld,
K ite Ward and Ina Chase, sold their
exquisitely-flavored cream candies in a
few minutes; another conducted by
Misses May Wishart, Antoinette Walden
and Helen Eastham, sold their famous
species of candy in short order; and
another by Miss Elma Albright, who
sold sparkling lemonade; Miss Clara
Warner, who placed on sale various
delicate tissue paper flowers and Miss
Betta Fouts, who artistically arrang ed
buttonhole boqiiets for the' fastidious.
Credit is due Mrs. MsAdanH for
assisting the young ladies in making the
confections. The ladies of the Con'
gregationai church well sustained their
reputation as entertainers. The total
receipts were something over $65.
Mahara's Minstrels. v hen you
want down-right, good, wholesome fun,
of tho sort that is adapted to the feelings
and understanding of mothers, daugh
ters, and young children alike, where
can you find abetter article then that
furnished by a tirst-class minstrel en
tertainment ? And when the performers
are children of the Sunny South, where
music, mimicry, and humor seem to be
imbibed spontaneously by our colored
friends, it becomes all the more enjoy'
able. Mr. Mahara's Company consist
ing entirely of colored artists drew a
good audience at the opera house last
night, and gained the friendship as well
as the appreciation of every one present
by their faithful efforts in holding to
hst standards of ministrelsy. The
orchestration and solo instrumental
pioces and the quartette singing of the
opening reminded one of the good old
days, and the specialties, the dan cing
and funny work were the best that
Rochester has seen in many a day. We
congratulate Mr. Mahara on having
such an excellent company, -and wish
for htm and them a very prosperous
season Rochester (Minn.) Weekly.
They will appear at Snivelson Friday.
Thb UltBAT Lncohoskb. Mr. Andrew
Pnton, of Danvers, Mass., great
incohonee of the order of America, and
party, will vi'-it Oregon next month.
He is at the head of the order in Ameri
ca, and is making an extended tour
throughout the West, visiting and re
viving interest in the order wherever he
goes. His attention was attracted
Oregonward by the Red Men's day at
the exposition, and he desires to visit
this reservation, and see the member
ship in Oregon. The party will reach
Portland, says Mr.Newhall, great senior
sagamore of the Orenon reservation,
about December 20 or 30. Committees
will be appointed and a programme ar
ranged for the reception of tho great
incohonee in proper style. Already one
plan is for a trip to Oiegon City by the
Portland savages and grand illunrnation
of the falls . Wacheno tribe, of Oregon
City, is one of the best tribes in the
jurisdiction, and will no doubt prepare
for the event. All Red Men will be
looking forward to the visit with great
interest, and the tribes will ue reauy w
turn their wampum belts upside down.
Statu Isscbascs Policies Redeemed.
Patrons of the State Insurance Com
pany are requested to brinn their poli
cies to F. E. Donaldson at Commercial
Bank at once and exchange them for
policies in a first-lcasa company . High
est market price allowed for unexpired
time of old policy. Do not delay as
you will get nothing if your property la
burned while holding the old policy.
Dr. Price's Cream BaJdnf Powder
AwMUU Mti IBtmkm Mr. trm-.
Mnaraiai Fabty. Sumr! iu tend
erad tfa.Mwn..MeGMl4,M the
residence of their parent on Ninth
street Tboraday evening last. The
evening waa very pleasantly sprat;
muslo and game were tn principal
features. Refreshments were served
during the eveniog. At midnight the
guests departed wishing the gentlemen
many happy return of the day. Those
present were Misses Rosa Marrs, Min
nie Holden, Mary Younger, Alice
Roberts; Lulu Myers, Nora CalifT; Mes
srs. E. 0. Farnsworth, Chas, Muir,
Chester Muir, J. J. Pritchard, Chas.
Mooro, Bert Beattio, Fred Myers, F.
Marrs, Frank McCausland, Bert Mc
Causland, Fred McCauslund and Geo.
Susi'Kisb Party. A pleasant surprise
party was given iu honor of Miss Pearl
Cospor at her residence on Sixth and
Adams street last Friday evening.
Games and aninuseinents were the
order of the evening previous t a
bountiful spread of refreshments.
Those present were : Messrs. Charley
Diew. Charley Burns, Web Burns, Tres
ton Reed. Will Nefigcr, Bonnie Nefzger,
Fred Humphrey, Waldo Adams, Willie
Beech and George Simmons, Misses
Rnby Spencer, Jennie Noble, Casse
Eaton, Emma Allison, Louise Toeple
man, Orpha Cosper, Geriie Powell,
Mattie Gray, Estella Miller, May Mark,
Sadie Beaver and Verdi Monroe. All
had a pleasant time.
Entertainment. An eutertainment
will be given at Shively's hall on
December 2nd by the Athletic Club of
the Portland Y. M. C. A., assisted by
local musical talent, (or the benefit of
the gymnasium fund. Those who
served the athletic exposition at the
Chautauqua Assembly last summer, will
need no second invitation to be present.
Among the vocalists we will mention
Mrs. E. E. Charman, Mrs. Hawley ,
Mrs. Sadie White, Miss Kate Ward and
the Boyland boys. Besides' this, in
strumental music and an address, by
Capt. Kimball of the Bishop Scott
Academy, and Gonl Secretary Dummett
of the Y. M. 0. A. will be jiven. .
Birthday Party. A birthday party
iu honor of the lllh birthday of Miss
Edna Canfield at the residence of her
parents, C. II. Cautield was held on
last Saturday evening. Those present
were: Clara Caufield. Ethel Albright,
Vesta Broughton, Alda Broughtou,
Edith Cheney, Georgia White, Norma
White, Maud Morey, Hilda Walden,
Uattie Church, Maude Cooke, Martha
Koerner and Nellie Caufield. Elegant
and bountiful refreshments were served,
consisting of ice cream, cake, lemonade
and candies. Various guues formed
the pastime.
Sucessfol Teachers. The following
named persons received certificates at
the quarterly examination for November:
Miss Bertha M. Sumner, C. E. Cone,
B. F. Basher, Bert Henderson, Mrs.
Lavella Marshall, Misses Ellen V.
Byers, Ella E. Jones, Marana Allard,
HattieGinlher, Made Godfrey, Mnita
Birdsall. 1
You Aru Not Insured. The State
Ins. company is In the bands of a
receiver. Will allow you the highest
rate for their policies and place voir
insurance in the Reliable General-
Americau Insurance Company of N. Y.
Assets, 6 millions, surplus, 2 millions.
T. Leonard Charman, Agent.
Charman Bros. Block.
Mr. Salisbury and family have moved
to Gladstone. They are occupying the
residence of their son, Henry, just
"Don't mail your letters or valuable
packages without having your address
printed upon the upper left hand cor
ner," is a notice that the first assistant
postmaster ueneml has issued to all
uostoffioes. We have envelopes and we
do first-class printing, and you will do
well to call and see stock and get our
prices. . . , .
The trial of D. S. M. Fretweli, for
practicing medicine without a license,
occupied the day in Judge Dixon's
court Friday. The jury consisted of
four men, but these proved a sufficient
number to disagree, and' they were dis
charged after deliberating on the mat
ter two hours. The case is not given
up by the state, however, Fretweli be
ing held, and next Friday was set for
the next trial. During the trial, testi
mony was given showing that Fretweli
has only three kinds of medicine
blood-purifier, catarrh medicine and
pills and these are made to suit all
Highest Honors World's Fair.
A pure Grape Cream of Tartar Powder. Fret
from Ammonia, Ahjm er any other adulterant
- J
Born to the wife of . M. P. Qulnn
Monday, Norlffgirl-welght 8tf lb.'
Mahara' r moo minstrel at nir
ly'a Friday night. Reserved aeat at
J. K. Groom and family have moved
to Portland to that Mr. Groom can be
nearer hi business.
A. W. Schawn ha moved hi plumb
ing and tin shop to his new building
next to Courier office.
T. P. Randall and wile are now com
fortably located in their new home, the
Charman house on Seventh street.
Born, on Sunday, November 17, to
the wife of J. W. Grout, in this city, a
girl. All ate getting along nicely.
Seer jtary Smith has approved the se
lection by Oregon of 4030 acres of school
indemnity section in the Oregon City
land district.
A cooperage ha been started In the
city, and anyone desiring werk in that
line can have It done in first-class shape
by Mr. Mussig.
Company F will contest for the hon
orary member medal on Thursday,
November 28th, commencing 0 :15 p. m.
at the usual place, company range.
Remember West Side school building
on Wednesday evening ne.it. No ad
mission fee; every on invited. Come
hear the childreu and have social time.
The excavating for the building on
the corner of Main and-Seventh street
wag finished Tuesday, and the carpenter
will at once begin work on the building,
Parker & Howard have moved their
stock of tinware, furniture, etc., across
the street from their old stand, in the
Fouta building. , '
The livery firm of Kidd and Davidson
have dissolved partnership, Mr. Kidd re
tiring. Mr. Davidson will continue the
business at the old stand. '
Street Superintendent Chas. Babcock
had a crew of men busily engaged on
Main street Saturday cleaning up the
mud and rubbish.
T. S. Lawrence's new residence on
Monroe street, between Seventh and
Eighth, is fust noaring completion and
will soon be ready for occupancy.
M. E. Bain, of Barlow, was in the
city Friday as a witness in the elk killing
case which was on trial before Judge
McBrido. .
The Rev. Isaac Dawson has accepted
a cull to the Church of the Good
Sheperd, Albina, Portland, and will
enter upon his duties there on Decem
ber 1st.
The following ticket was nominated
at Canby for city officers: V. L. Mack,
for mayor, and W. W. Weed, H. A.
Vorpahl, G. W. Knight and H. Gill
more, for councilman.
A party of Easteru capitalists are
now in the vicinity of Sandy for the pur
pose of purchasing timber land. They
intend building a sawmill at the mouth
of the Sandy.
The brick masons have completed
their work on the Weinhard building
and thecapenters now have full away .
It is rumored that Olds & King , of
Portland, are to occupy the store build
ing. It is rumored that the residents of
Sunset City irill contribute to a new side
walk, leading from the county road to
connect with the side walk near the
suspension bridge
The ladies of St. Paul' Guild are
preparing an offering to the Good
Samnritin hospital for Thanksgiving.
Anyone wishing to contribute to this
offering are requested to leave their
donations at V. Harris store.
Mahara's Minstrets, all colored art
ists, had a good week at the Gem opera
house. 7th-12th. They play a return
date at the same house next season.
Seattle, Wash., Herald. At Shively's
Do not forget the school entertainment
at the West Side school house Wednes-
evening Jiovemuer zitn. ft very one
invited, particularly patrons of the
Geo. McBride, who is attending
school in Portland, was in town Friday
Saturday, the guest of Leighton Kelly.
He discovered that during their absence
from their residence on Seventh street
some one had entered and taken over
ICO bottles of fruit.
The Pleasant View Cemetery of Hard
ng precinct, Clackamas county, filed
articles with secretary of state on Mon
day with M. II. Riebhoff and others
incorporators .
Articles of incoporation were filed
Monday at Salem with the secretary
of state by the Pleasant View Cemetery
association. The incorporators are M.
II. Reibhoff, L. Humeston, John Hat-
ton, W. E. Mumpower and W. L. Hel
comb. The Methodist church in it last Sun
day's buletin stated that the doors of the
church will be opened on Friday after
noon of this week to receive supplies for
the worthy poor of the city and suburb.
All who can are respectfully requested
to make contributions of produce or
provision of any kind. This is a good
work. We are glad to ee our Metbod
ist friend endeavoring to help the un
fortunate member of oar community.
We bope the idea will find favor with
onr merchant and all other who can
render aaaiatanc.
Thos. Charman & Son are having a
barn erected back of their dry goods
store. They have just purchased a
fine span of horses.
The Dunsmuir News says: J. P.
Lowe, the new jeweler, ha located in
the building between Levy's store and
the Dunsmuir Bakery, where he is ready
to do all kinds of work in his line. Mr.
Lowe was formerly located here and
later at Canby.
The West Side school is busy prepar
ing a program for their entertainment
to be given on Wednesday evening
November 27th. The exercises will
consist of recitations, declamations and
music. After the program the rooms
will be thrown open for a social .
Geo. Smith, aged about 21, was ar
rested by Chief of Police Burns Saturday
and lodged in the city jail. Later in
the day be was taken before County
Judge Hayes and Dr. Sommer and ex
amined as to bis sanity. After the tak
ing of testimony he was adjudged insane
and taken to the asylum.
The pulp mill have just completed a
wide side walk, from Station A to the
suspension bridge,and furnished the
poles, the General Electric Co. furnish
ing the wire and power for arc lights.
This will now surpass all other prome
nades in the city. The lights are 200
feet apart.
The grand jury made its rounds of
the, county offices Friday and pre
sented a report, and adjourned
until January, when an adjourned
setting of this term will be held prob
ably about the fourth Monday in the
mouth. Then the expert's report is ex
pected to be ready, and the final report
to the court will bo made by the grand
Those who have had a longing for
the California's picturesque Bcenery
ami its agreeable atmospheric con
dition should not fail to grasp the
opportunity of cheapness of trans
portation now prevalent as the
O. R. & N. Co., has. made a
round trip rate on the steamers from
Portland to San Francisco of $10 first
class and $5 second, including meals.
Rov. Gilmah Faker, general mission
arv, of the Baptist Society of Oregon
stopped in Antelope on his way home
from Primeville and again preached an
able sermon to a crowded house. Mr.
Parker' visits here have been a rare
treat to the Christian people of Antelope
and his sermons were greatly appro
ciated. Antelope correspondent of
The Dalles Chronicle.
The postoffice department has or
dared that all railway postal clerks in
the 8th diyision shall have a miniture
unmounted photograph taken of them
selves and sent in to division head
quarter at San Francisco. One of the
photographs is to be affixed to the pocket
commission of the clerk and the other
is placed on file at division headquar
ters. Mail Clerk Hermann of this city
has complied with the order.
Colored Ministrels being the attrac
tion, in these days of farce comedies,
comic operas galore, and stale reper
tory pieces, it Is highly refreshing to
see old-tinle minstrel entertainment
with its high-class musical first part,
new jokes, novel specialities, and side
splitting olio and after-piece. Every
member of Mr. Mahara's Company is
an artist in his line of work and the
performance thoughont was meritor
ious. Dubuque, Iowa, Herald. This
fine show appears at Shively's on
Friday night Nov. 22.
In the circuit court Monday the suit
of George Forman vs. Clackamas county
was on trial. It grew out of a change
made in the Milwaukie & Foster wagon
road last June. Forman petitioned the
county court for allowance for damages
which he claimed to have suffered by the
change in the location of a part of the
road. The county court appointed
viewers who examined into the matter
and reported that Forman should be
allowed 3. The county court allowed
that sum, but Forman claims to have
Deen damaged in the sum of 400, and
brought this action to collect the money
Tailoring -Company.
Sew Pekum,
Cor. 3d A Wish.
Suits made o
order in
Latest styles
:-V S
W0': "'"lil
i '' Like chain, taut have link t be
correct. Fashion link them o, and
-the caffs of Fashion, like tho of
adversity, must be accepted with com
pliant submission. Our link ara ac
cepted a absolutely correct and the
finest In town. We have them In all
the different styles at moderate figures.
We not only have Fashion's link, but
her chain as well, along with a full
line of the Laiett Stylo fn JEWELRY.
Burmeister & Andresen...
James Boe of Needy was in town on
J. C. Martin, of Salem, spent Sunday
in this city.
Hon. Binger Hermann was In the
city Monday.
Stonewall Vaughn, of Molalla, was in
the city Tuesday.
Geo. DeVore spent Saturday and
Sunday in Portland .
J. V . Harless of Molalla was in town
on business Thursday.
Charlie Piper of 8alem was visiting
friends in this city Sunday.
T. P. Randall aud bride arrived home
from their bridal trip Friday.
Win. Barlow and J. E. Marks, of Bar
low, were in the city Monday .
Mrs. T. A. McBride was In town
Saturday, visiting friend.
Geo. Currin, of Currlnsville, was in
the city Friday on business.
Gus Kramine of Butteville was in
town on business Wednesday.
Ed. ' Newton will soon leave for
Philadelphia to study dentisty.
Capt. J. P. Shaw, of Portland, was la
the city Tuesday on business. ,
Miss Pauline Campbell is attending
the Portland Business College.
Dr. C. B. Smith, of Eagle Creek, was
in the city Monday on business. N
Billy Mack, the Eastern Oregon horse
raiser, arrived in the city last Friday.
Justice HaindS and Geo. W. Prosser,
of Oswego, were attending court Tuesday.
Walter Lyons, of Salem, made
this office a pleasant visit last Saturday.
Matt Justin of Pleasant- Hilt addition
has red raspberries that are in'blossora
in his garden.
Ex-county Commissioner, Cornelius
Bair, of Needy, was in the city Tuesday
on business.
County Commiosioner Scott, of Mil
waukie, was in the city Tuesday on his
way to Salem. 1
Geo. Fuchs, of the car shops, was in
Oregon City Sunday, visiting Judge
Fouts and family. - - -, -
Mrs. P. Hatch of Portland spent
Monday and Tuesday at the residence
of H.L.Kelly.
Mrs. F. H. Full er and children re
turned Sunday from a six month's visit
to Stockton, Calif.
Mr. Jno. Younger Jr. arrived from
the East last week and is visiting bis
parents in this city.
J. C. Crome, representing Palmer &
Rey.type founders, was in Oregon City,
a short time Monday.
Rev. Molloy and wife, of Lebanon,
formerly of this city, came down on
the Roseburg local Tuesday.
Mr. E. R. Charman left Saturday for
Portland where Bhe will hereafter reside
en Clay between 13th and 14th streets .
E. Lawler and Elbert Moshberger of
Needy were in town Wedneaday at
tending as witnesses at the Wiler trial.
As soon as Miss Pearl Meldrum Is able
to go, she and Miss Ncita Hickman, her
efficient nurse, will leave for a trip to
The family of Mr. McCausland, who
have been occupying the house of Mr.
McGee, moved to their resilience at Mt.
Pleasant, Friday.
J. T. Apperson, of Oregon City, came
up to Salem Saturday morning. Mr.
Apperson has resided iu Oregon City
since 1855. Journal
Mrs. McKee, of Oakland Cal., mother
of Mrs. N. R. Lang of the West Side,
who has been visiting here left for her
home Sunday evening.
A. W. Cheney and wife of Courier
nd Mrs. A. R. Doolittle and Mrs. C. A.
Lynch left Tuesday night by the "Flyer"
for a trip to Southorn California.
Henry Meldrum, who has been sur
veying for the government in Klamath
county, for some time past, returned
home the last of the week.
59-60-61 New PeVum,
Cor. 3d Wub.
I Give us a trial
:: as we
- --f..?A
Mr. Geffrey and family IWt lar tUok
ton, Calif. , last Saturday eveoiicj . V.
Geffrey waa an employe of tb palp mill
and pame from Stockton about a jrear
Hit Flora Paquet left for Sunol,
Calif., Tbursda) evening, where she
went for the benefit of her health. Sht
will remain their during the winter.
She was accompanied by Mr. Dr.
Kinney of Portland.
The reform league met. Thursday
and nominated the following ticket for
city officers: Dr. J. W. Powell foi
mayor; Elmer Charman for treasu rer:
John Bittner and James Heckart for
councilmen from tho second ward, and
8. Walker and Thomas Gault from the
first ward. -
:Lvs. Oregon City, 0 a. m. 1:30 p. m.
j " Portland, 11 a. m., 3:30 p. m,:'
Round Trip 35 cents.
Take up a Paper.
And read all the advertisements care
fully. Look and see who holds out the
most tempting offers. Then go around
and see what those tempting offers really
amount to. Nine times out of ten you'll
be disappointed.
We are very careful what we say in
our ads, but we believe it is perfectly
truthful to state that when people buy
of us they get thoir money's worth
every time. That's all we can promise.
G. W. GRACE, I.lr In
Groceries, Dry Goods, Boot, Shoes, Etc
Attorneys at Law,
Commercial, Real Estate and
Probate Law Specialties.
OFFICE: Commercial Bank Building
Attorney at Law,
Otftce Out Door KortU . 'Caufield J: Hunt
ley's Dngrtor:,
E. F. ORIGGS. ..
Office : Two Door South of Courthouse.
Noblitt Livery and Sale Stable
On tha Street betwaaa the Bridge and tat
Double anil single rigs and laddie hortei a
ways on band at tha loweat rates, and aoornl
alio oonneoted with the barn for loose itoek
Any Information regarding any kind of stool
promptly attended to by letter or penon.
Machinist and Locksmith,
Bicycles, Umbrellas, Sewing Machines, Ouar,
and all kinds of imi.ll machinery re
paired. Prices reasonable.
Shop in Seventh Street, 0positt Depot.
The Commercial Dank
CAPITAL f 100,000. '
Transact a General Banking Business
Loans made. Bills discounted. Makes ci
lections. Buys and sells exchange on all pelni
in the United Htates and Kurope and on Hon
Kong. Deposits recelveu suuect lp check.
Bankopon from 9 A.M. to 4 P. H.
President. CsshU
...Corner Grocery...
Keeps a full line of STAPLE and
and VEGETABLES at .-
Lowest Prices--
Standard Pat. Medicines.
Paints, Oils and Window Glass.
Prescription! Accurately Compounded.
Wkea Baby sick, we gare her Castornv
When n wa a Chttd, six cried for Cajtcda.
Wbea she became Vim, sb Omt CastorJe,