Oregon courier. (Oregon City, Clackamas County, Or.) 188?-1896, November 22, 1895, Image 4

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    1 I '
Oregon Courier.
Entered In the Oregon City pottoBo 11 second
class matter.
One year 12 00
Six month 1 00
Three monlha 60
( paid In advance, per year IN
fVThe date opposite your address on the
paper denotes the time to which you have paid
OREGON CITY, NOV. 22, 1805.
The non-partizan convention at Shlve
ly's Wednesday had an attendance of
about 250. C. II . Dye was chosen
chairman, and Charles Meserve secre
tary. Tbe chairman stated the object
ol the meeting, and talked at some
length on the qualifications of the
ticket named by the committee. A
motion was made that the names Be
lected by tbe committee last Thursday
night be declared the nominees of the
convention, but the motion failed to
carry, and nominations were taken up,
Dr. Powell and E. Q. Caufleld were
put in nomination for mayor, tbe
former being selected by the committee,
and the latter having only consented to
the use of hid name about 2 o'clock
yesterday afternoon. Powell received
103 votes ami Caufleld 01; so Dr.
Powell was declared duly nominated.
For treasurer Vf. B. Wiggins, E. E.
Martin, K. L. Holman and J. A.
Thayer were nominated. The first
ballot roHuLlod. Wiggins (10, Martin 70,
Holman 2", Thayer 14, scattering 2;
there being no choice atiotlior ballot
was ordered, but before it was taken
Ilolimin and Thayer withdrew, which
lolt Martin and Wiggins. The second
ballot lesulted as follows: Martin 100,
Wiggins 70; so Martin was declared
t lie nominee for city treasurer.
Motion who made to divide the con.
vention into wards for the Reelection of
coiinciliniiii, which was curried. J. L,
Swallbrd was elected chairman and r,
Sohuubu) secretary of the first ward and
Dr. Ferrin chairman and J. M
Lawrence secretury of the second ward.
In the flrBt ward G. W. Church, Geo.
C.Ely, John Dittner and J. A. Heck
ert were pluced in nomination; Bittncr
and Ileckert receiving the largest limn
ber of votes, were named as the conn
oilmen from the first ward.
In the second ward Thos, Gault, L,
C. Caplea, 8. 8. Walker and Jas. Posey
were placed in nomination, and the
vote resulted in Gault and Caples be
iug chosen for councilmen.
After tbe selection of the council,
there being no other business the con.
vention adjourned.
The tioket reads as follows:
For Mayor J. W. Powell
For Treasurer E. E. Martin
If th people of Oregon would
tor one year only buy Oregon flour,
Oregon baking powder.' Oregon
butter, Oregon eggs, Oregon wag
on, Oregon cheese, brooms, hams,
matches and bacon, Oregon made
soap, Oregon mado clothing and
Oregon lumber, we would hardly
know what to do with this vast
amount of money. It is outrageo us
to think of the many millions of
dollars wo each year send out of
the fltnto to pay for what we can
just us well produce at home. Ex.
Achorn, eit Oliver IS)
Adams. W U J
Albright, Chan H
Albright, HKA A WW)
Albright. W 4KB W7(
Andrews, L H liWO
Apperson, J T IMM
Arnold, Mrs LJ 81""
Atkinson, eat U u
Ayer, Oscar 1WW
linker, A A E L Haw
Hall, A K
Barclay, A C A
Harm, L T
Barlow, K T
Barlow, M E
Harlow, Wm
HatUn. T K
llaty, Kobt
Heesoil, W & 1
lli-tmon, John
Hllleter, J 8
Bingham. J K
Blount, Wm
Illiihm, r .
Bohnia, T
Bond, H P
llrobst. W
Hroughton, Geo
Brown, S
Huckman, J
Biickman, S J
Huckman, Thos
Iliickman' W
Rurmclatar. K M
Hurts Urnnae Anno llono
Cabell, 11 K
( John Bittner
J. A. Ileckert
1st Ward Council.,
2nd Ward Council. ..... jj'g'igj
The Salem Statesman snys the
local building nnd loan association
will soon com pie te its sixth year
with assets well up toward $200,000
"its first serins shares, so it is said,
will be paid off in about two years
making eight years consumed in
their mnturity. This association
has been ol great benefit to Salem's
home blinders. It has enabled a
large number of them to erect, mid
they will soon, through the help of
this agency, own their own homes
rvi. . .... i ..
ine usttnuiuiion "" increased its
number ol shares in force from
year to your, until it 1ms otoivii to
ho tin enterprise of considerable
magnitude. We would not like to
see tin association change its
churaet" r. There is plenty of room
for its opi'ititioiis in the local Held.
There i.-. i i fact room for more than
one iu h here. Hut we would like
to see Salem become Oregon hoitd
iuaitei s tor building and loan con
cerns, having more than a local
business. They employ people.
They will huila up Oregon instead
of California and the. East." Ditto
We can see neither reason for
nor justification in public officers
surrounding public business the
people's business with so much
secrecy us is ruling nowaday, l'ub
lie business is as much the people's
business as it's that of the officers,
and it is of far more interest to the
taxppycr nt large. Public oflicers
have no right to either withhold or
delay information as to their oflicial
acts. Oflicers who clothe public
business with the same secrecy
that attaches to their private busi
ness transactions, are, fortunately
dropping into the minority in Ore
gon. They realize that such pro
ceedings are inimical to our free
American institutions undemo
cratic. Statesman.
Callahan, Sisters
Camnbcll. Jno
Cain libel I, M A
Capos, K r
Cardneill, Chan '2MKI
Carillon A U,(.nk' .'
Cautlold.C II AEQUO
Caufleld. C II lot
Caulleld.'K II ia
Caullelil, rt It :iio
Chapman, cut Klla Snim
Charnian. M M Ktifi
('barman. K K 1111.)'
Churiiian. T L '.'I'll
Charmun.T I. trust1 u'-'l
Cliiirnuin, Sophia ;won
Cliuriiian. T A Son Sum
( liarmnii, Thos 1U7UI
Chase, J W KM
Chase. HA !
Ciiuroh. Mm M K a im
('lurk, A '.Till
Clark, : FA wife 47il
( lurk. I j iflii
( lurk. T W It t. HI
Clavson. est W JI Willi)
Criswell, W A 3:Wi
Cross. (.' K iSHi
Cross, H h fx', in
Currin, Dona i'M
Cnrriii. uo J 4ii:m
Crown Paper Co
Daniels, K 2IHO
David, J H . ".")
Olivia, C O a'ii
Davorun, Mrii N 'I'Ai
Deardnrn", I) It
lleardorir, J B & C 3'J"U
Doardorn", J M 4!m
Dllihlo. K T A J I S74U
Dlvkuna, M J '.M IO
Dixon, K & Wm VHH)
Doorva, Martha WW
Draper, J W 4r0
I'urliain, R Ltrnal' beoo
Kilwarda, Jaue KI&
Kllura, O A r WM
Klllolt, Wm 4HM)
Elmer, J K !
Klmer, Sam'l ' 2IM0
Engle, Sam'l Wll
Krli. Daniel Sum)
Kant Side Kr 14;i'J4
Karr, Isaac !SU0
Far, John mm
KellowH, B MKl
KlHhor, II, A t Bro MM
FflKtor, K M a HO
Fox. Utile A H 'J.TJA
Friends. Oienon 4l7
(;ilony 4117
Eiiehn. E 4M6
OKllncy, JAB 241)1
Oay, C W aX
Uleay, Dr M 577ft
Qlthlona, (ien 2tiVi
Gludiitone.KK As'JlH.riU
Glover. H J 2UI6
Glover. M L and
hvlra 2.VJO
Oondfellow, R S 'Jsm
Graham, J K 8400
Qraham, J M and
Minnie 47.X1
(Irahaui J W 71175
Urllible, J K and
Mary K xm
Qrllible, S O !KkV
Groin. II W . 57IKI
Grout, J W and N Wvl
Gordon, Isatii 'am
llHirenuerKor, T W,1
IIiiIiich, B I. )
Hiirili'siy, M E Hum)
lliirdliiK. Geo A 17,0110
MiirlcKK, Jiicob 4nlfl
llnrlmiiu, K M 'Ji'4.'
tlidm'r, l! 'JIHKI
Ilenrlel, holrs of
4 It K)
llnli omb W I,
Holuian, Chas
llolinuii, II
Unimex, M I,
lloniesley, H
llornsliuli, L
I Iniip Oiun , .1 l.'.'S
lliiwiinl, O W
Unwell. Curl
Howell, I) ('
HuelHt est S
lliiuiley, W A
Irvin. W W
livlni; 1'iiik Ass
liieksou, heirs Ann 'JliH)
Jncilis, A h SJIKI
JiiuKiir, Aim ixii.i
Junr, Frank Hi'
Jnuiir, Minnie '-
nutfiir. l-oiils 4.. 'i i
Jiones, 'i'lios '71."
JennliiKi, AililioC H.SHI
lohiisoil, II t rllNteo 47 4.
Johnson,, I DeVore4ii'J0
Mack, W O 410
Mackintosh, Wm ZUi)
M annuo, D 1) A H 41
MHrk, C H 34(10
Harks, S F 4X40
Mnrra, 51 n L B T.rnu
Massen,JwAM 2mm
Mather, A 440
Mathewa, eslChaa
Mathewa,Snin'l 'Mi
Maylleld, G W 401S
MenliK, FA mt)
M.ldrum, O P 620U
Meyer, Sam'l 200U
Mllcy, Henry Hisrt
Ml ley. Jacob SMS
Millard, est LC t
Miller, ('Ins XCUI
MilUr, G K II 2H-'si
Miller, Isaac SW
Morey, Clara E 82lU
Moray, P V 400
Muecke, AO 4'.i8U
Mullan, T8 2)75
Munlev, W A and
Wittenberg, H 93H0
Mycua, J O F awn
Myora, Jno fVaM
My res, W W WVt
Mllwaukle Land Co HOM
Mcllrlde, I) B UOOO
MeConnell, M A 277A
MeCord. JS I IMS
McCown.Saiah tlwiO
McGiilre.ll Dand
Burney, WT 2140
II P i'lOO
McLaughlin, R 8
and M 2000
McXarnina. est Jas '.'lou
MeNcar.UP WSH)
Mo Nary, H P trus
tee et ills lt.iww
Nef, J J 3075
Newton, K L U7ii
Mcliuliis, A H, trust MS)
Nolilett, t! W 24iil)
Nordhanser. Jno ZVi't
W cm ksjitjqaaHwt tor
Vegtubler -
Ham, Bacon and Lard
Fancy groceries
. E. Williams, the grocer.
State Insurance Co. Policies.
The Stale Insurance Company having
gone Into tbe hands of a receiver, Tlios.
F. Ryan, of the leading insurance
agency ol this county, lias made
arrangements to take up tbe polici g m
the oldest and strongest of the insur
ance companion of America and Europe.
Call at once at ofllce on Main street,
Oregon City Oregon.
....Given Away....
When You Have Purchased $10 Worth of Goods
The frame and glass will be furnished you for $1.25.
Actual cost at the factory.
.Call and Get a Ticket.
X. W. Jot ConrAir-Oaettaamajj;, Tbli U lb
trft lima 1 kart attempted to writ lor ILrat
year. Have been ao nervout anS weak that
havalaW In bid lor moat of the lime.
A trlend who bad Uken your Baraparllla aent
ma two bottles. The aeeond one la most goue,
E. E. MARTIN, Commercial Bank Block.
Notary Public and Real Estate Broker.
Money to Loan. Abstracts of Title Hade.
Drawing of Legal Doaumeuta a Specialty.
Office on east side of Main street,
Between Olh and 7tli.
Onlllelil, M 1'24UU
O'Neill, Kilto 4IN)
O'Nell, M li
Owens, 11 R VU:
Owiuifs. Chaa
O'Jiinie, I aiHK)
oo.MikCh fiiwm
uidtsco in;rtw
O A U U It l.i.MU'J
I'nge, J II 8-''iO
l'aiiief, l'eler IOi
I'arllow, V II 4IM)
I'ope.esi ofC V IH1H
Pope A Co 2' do
P 1! IS Co ' 2)4,NSI
Potter, Mrs M E H.i7S
I'mxer, Clara ttUH)
ProMer, Ueo !il2ll
Putrow, A U 4"o0
Kllinsby, II S WU
Hiiueli, Jucub
Kevenue, Kritnvlt 'JI'M
ltoveiine, J II xn;
Kvyiiolds, 1) W -am
KI(diardson, M LiKsi
UldlUKs, P J :I74U
Klfbliofl. Jt II ift-V,
Rluearson, Isabel 8770
K 11110. est II C vnm
Blsley, C W aX)
nisiuy, J a lisuio
Koalte. Jas MM
Itiiblnns, Levi im
Uobblus, Marten 4tttiU
Kobotus, O & U 737U
Kobblns & Son 4115
Huberts, Robert 21KV
Riykwood.UA itMl
ltoetlie, John U TU'iU
Roots, J W 4m
Hum, a W tm
KIIHK, J V ?-40
Salilren, L 7o
Samson, W W II 7100
Sass, 1) ;nf)
Sawtlll, A J 36115
Sawtull. W O 4IH).")
Shimlier, John 271X1
Schram, John UVU0
Scott, K 17U7U
Suott, H W ajuo
soon it Deaiiv '.vjo
Seely, K T 84;i0
Seely, O 11 274ft
Seely, 8 B 5
SellliiK, I 1UWK1
Sell w ood, T R A 7II JU
Shannon, J O 5t7iiA
Shannon, J Y '2im
Sharp. W & 7. Hli")
Shaver, A II U7ft
Shaver, (I W SNU
Shaw. J W &.':
Bhlpley, est A R 4MX)
Miipiey, 1. a nw
Shipley A Kruso 1XXH)
Shlvclv's.WHi E illfiO
Silrsrtou&PLCo 8144
Slniison. C 407ft
S, Scott i lltirncy .Uuo
Sklrvin, K 41X1
Miirvui. r.iiza .m
Smith, J A Son 2ii'.i.
Smith & (Irow 4(H)
Siaehr, J R '-M.V.
luiuifle, Jacob
SpniKiie. A 2iiiij
Slovens, Juggar &
Not a Drop Can Eioape It.
It is absolutely reliable, easily ad
justed, and does not become misplaced.
It can be worn when desired by special
circumstances without the knowledge of
another. It Is simple to use and Inspires
confidence to the women using it. It is
reliable and scientifically made and does
not injure the health. It is medicated
with one of the best Antiseptics which
gives it power to prevent and destroy
Putrefaction or what is the same thing,
the Bacteria upon which Putrefaction
depends. We guarantee ''The Ladies
Safe Absorber." It will be sent securely
sealed in piain wrapper, upon receipt
of the price, 50 cents or (3) for $1.00,
(which we guarantee to last for one
year,) with full directions. Ho (Jir
culars. Ladiks' Supply Co.,
La Crosse, Wis.
Imperial Gallery
Oregon City.
Gallery over Mrs. Prier's Store, Main St.
" will be a regular general election for the
city of Oregon City, Oregon, to be held in suld
city on
Monday, the 2d day of December, 1895,
Between the hours of nine o'clock a. m., and
aeven o'clock p. m., for which election there
have been designated the following polling
places, to-wlt:
Wabd No 1-
The Cataract Engine House, eorner of Mala and
Third streets of (aid city.
Wabd No. 2-
Tbe Fountain Hose Company's Engine House
on Main street, between Seventh and Eighth
streets, of said city.
At aaid time and place there will be elected
the following-named oflicers:
A Mayor. ' s
Two Councilmen rot the First Wahd.
A Treasurer.
There have been appointed as judges and
clerks of said election by the city council the
Ward No. 1-
Judges: M. E. Willoughby, Josoph Stuart and
J. M. Graham.
Clerks: J. E. Roades and Wallace Cole.
Ward No. 2 . K ,
Judges: C. C. Bubcook, Sr., Chris Robblns and
G. II. Wlshart.
Clerks: C. 0. T. Wllliiims and E. E. Howell.
Published by order of the City Cuuntdl at a
regular meeting held 011 November llth, 1S!I3.
T. W. FOUTS, Recorder of Oregon City.
Merchant Tailor....
Cleaning, Repairing and Pressing Done.
WANTED: Several trustworthy gentleman or
ladies to travel In Oreirrn for pt.ilillhprl
reliable home. Salary 70 and expenses.
Steady position. Enclose reference and sell ad
dressed stumped envelope. TI10 Domini m Com.
puny. Third Floor, Omaha Iildg., Chicago, III.
In the Circuit Court of the State of Oregon, for
.. .umu. ui vinunuiiius.
Dan Lyons, Plaintiff, 1
William Hawkins, Charles V. K
Hounds and Mary A. Weaver,
Defendants. J
State of Oregon, )
County of Clackamas. J M'
virtue of an execution and order of sale
Issued out of the circuit court of the state
m vregon, lor toe county or Clacka
mas, bearing date the 13th day of November,
S?f,ln .".uit wllereln Dan Lyons Is plaintiff and
William Hawkins, Charles W. Rounds and Mary
A. Weaver are defendants, commanding me, In
the name of the state ol Oregon, that out of the
rem e.i.ie uuieinaner aescriben, to reallM) a
sum sufficient to satisfy the demands of said
decree, to-wit: i.'Ml.oo, with interest thereon
nice ftoveinoer 7111, iw.), at the rate of 10 pi
cent, per annum and the lurther s.im of r-3.1
costs and the fiirrhnp unm ,,r ti-ji n. a,nvnu.F
lees, and also the costs of and attending tills
Nowt therefore. In nhoril
I did duly levy upon, and will, on Saturday,
the 14th day of December. Isiift ih hnnr l
1:30 o'clock d. m. nf smd Huv at ihu r...M, Hm,
ol the court house in said county, oiler for sale
; uuuiid usnuu, ana sen 10 tne Highest ana bt
outlier, for cash in hand, all ol tho right, title
uu interest tue sam aeiewianu on tne&itn rial
of Mav. lh',11. had. or now hov. in an,i ti,a r..i
lowing described property, to-wlt: Lot 6 of block
In ' 'a'-aamas county, Oregon
u,riuniK w tne reeonieu piat tnereor.
Dated this 13th day of November, A. D. 18'JS.
E. ('. MADDUCk'.
$he'iBot Clackamas county, Oregon
'j n. di. jiuuuy, iepuiy.
Nov. 12. 1KI.I. Notlen is hercliv irle..n II,.
the following-named settler has tiled notice of
ins imcnuon to mnKe II mil proor In aiinport of
his claim, and thtt said proof will be made
ueiore mu negister anil Kecelver U. S Land
"nice iiiuregoii city, Oregon, on JJuconibor 21st
ro-ja, vis:
II. K. No. 7.V1II, for the Jf. t of 8K. M
heo. .12, 1 p. li y., it. 3 E. He mimes the
idiowing witnesses to prove his continuous rest
neuce upon aim ciilllvaUon of, snbl I11111I, viz.
1 linmns Jones, A. Harrington, .lames Parish tun!
c. Harrington, all 01 ihkihhiiU, Oregon.
, KOI1KRT A. MILLER, Register,
Prloe'w Old Stand, Next Door North
of Armory, Oregon City.
.lohusou. W C
Mies, t'vrus
Jones, II
Johnes, J A
limes A steuait
Judd. P
kanne. A
Kimil'maii. J J
Kalrr. II F
Kelly A Wni.U' A J 4mm
Kellouj;, E E
KellotfK, V S
Kellv, K D
Keniledv. S II
KllliiMi W '
Klllln. T H
Klarlsch. Win
Klelnsiniih. II
Kuans, i hsi
Koeher. II
Koi'her, S M CiC
Krue, Jno
Kruse, .1 I,
Krue. Olio
l.aey, AllH-rt
'.'Nil I ,
.'iTui ;
SsTll I
I.aihl. Wm .vNd ;
l.aloiireite, C D Tn:.' ,
l.nlonri'tle, I) (' ln,Vi j
Lawlon.ASAM s.xi
Lw, ii V '.MT.'i i
Ue.JH .Sill j
Leavler, J 2 ' j
U'wellen, Jno
Lewellen, W J ISMO
4t Vrvn W s tavs I
UathwHile, Wm 2:e
Mnn, u r 4110
Uvlngsum. R ft
.Maruiiua.l 81 and
Ligan. J A mi
Liihn Chas .vn
Lomis. est J Iisl'a
Looney, II M sits
wKiney, it m .'lT.i j w elnhant, ItentT Kino
Lorerlrle. Was iSTA Wlsmandel,0 a
Lowensteln, Sam i' WelsmaadeL Joha 3s:
Lambert, 1 U
Morev ThVK)
Sleueus. II O tSil
Stewart, Alex UTmi
sic wngt, J N :i'-i
Stone, 1) I. '-'Ml
Mollt, A J -NHI
St Paul's Parish l'ikhi
Straight, II A ii7J5
St ration, 11 C 3ihki
StrntKui, est M A 'a:
Sharp, A II :Mii.
Siwve. Wm asm
.iimiucr, F M -Wo
"unset bind Co
Swarlzenlruber, C XIKI
Tarrant, Wm WJ
'taylor, (i W N 'JKS
Tiivlor. t li "ilMt
ThompMin.R 4L'.
Toft, (' R '.MT.'i
Toniikln, J L'47",
'rom, t:has 'JIihi
Trneev, J M 4:i:
Welcli. John Si,r."
W ellnuin, C 'AVID
While F F U'.N
White, W A 2iHi;.
W iese, Andrew 'J170
W 'llliern, llenrv 7H
Wilholt S M W Co "in
Will, Mrs II 1770
WilUm'te Fall Co l'!7iil
Wlllam'le Land Co ."':ti"
Will P ,v P Co Msn
Williiiins.i'C .Ul
Williams, COT -'7.vi
Williams, E II AKiO
Williams A Strallon 'ionI
Will. ) nvil HMD
W inlon. M K -'lim
Wilson, A, trustee '-oo
Wilson, ct David '-Vl
WiImmi, .las A -Its
W ilson Peter 3oni
Winnie, .MA 1UVH
Wlshart, li II i'NH
Wolf K. I '.1'HI
W oiHlwaril, Anna 3U
W , gimt, . MnrgarH 47no
w vgrtnl, 'I rieo 4'Jln
Trii'elllnger. (I J WO
TrullliiKer, H WJ.'
Turner, T I. W10
Yaiighan. W II tit!'"
Vetsch. K 4.1m
Vick, J 11 -'l.si
Vonderahe, C T S7W
Voss. Jos .Vl.",
Wade, C A a.7rt
W agner. J 'M
Wagner, J N
W'aite, A t. hniO
Walilen, N O IJ7A
W alling A JarrUh Hii
Walton, Jo 2415
W arner. Mrs E TMO
W elnhard, lleniy Moo
eiamanaei, v 'jm
eUmanJcl, Joha StiJ
Kldd & DaTlgson
Successors to II. Cooke,
Liyerv, Sale and Feed Stable.
Corner Eourth and Main Sts.,
"""Oregon City, Oregon.
WANTED: Several trustworlhly gentlemen or
ladles to travel In Oregon for established,
reliable house. Salary fSO and expenses,
steadv Dositioa. Enclose reference and sell ad'
dressed stamtied envelope. The Dominion Com
pany. Third Floor, Omaha Uldg., Chicago, III
Dr. Price's Cream Baking Powder
World's Fair Highest Medal and Diploma.
NEURALGIA cured by Dr. Miles Pais
Pills. "One cent a dose. ' At all druggists.
Horace Greeley once said : "The way
to resume is to resume," b pea king ol
again putting gold into circulation after
the war. But you may say "resume"
any number of times to that torpid liver
of yours and it won't budge until you
take Simmons Liver Regulator. Many
people seem to forget that Constipation,
Biliousnuss aim bicK Headache are all
caused by a sluggish liver. Keep the
1 ver active.
No Such Thing
As Lack....
In buying shoes if you net
shoes tlmt wear out in tin un
reasonably short time, it is not
duo to b:ul luck. It is because
they were either poorly imtduor
made (rom inferior leather. We
buy all our shoes from tiiatiu
fai'tiirers who cannot aford to
make goods that won't wear
Krausse Bros.,
Xiixt Poor to Burmeisler A Andreseu's.
AH dragflata acll Dr. MIW Pais PlUav
Burmeister A Androen have just re
ceived from Germany a large invoice
of chinaware, each piece having an
Oregon City scene burned on it. There
are six different views, representing all
the points of interest, which makes them
valuable for presents.
Best Foster Kid Gloves at the Kacket
Slates, tablets, pencils, school bags,
etc., at "The Fair."
An elegant line of Eaton Caps at 25
and 30 cents at the Kacket Store.
Masks of all kinds and at all price
t the Racket Store.
Money to loari on good security by
A. S. Dresser.
Tablets and composition books 4c up
at "The Fair."
Prescriptions carefully compounded at
G. A. Harding's drug store.
For cheap stamped linen goods and
linen by tbe yard go to the Racket
P. G. SharK gives the best shave in
town and only 10 cents, shop next to
Received at Cbarman A Son's a large
invoice of wall paper, latest and pret
tiest designs.
Call and ee our new line of ladies',
children's and gentlemen's underwear.
Racket Store.
Bring your printing to the Courier
and get it done when promised. We
are always here.
Gardner Freytag continues to deliver
the best and freshest vegetables of any
ne in the business.
Good flour 70c, Dietz lantern 35c, and
lots of new goods at eastern prices at
the Red Front Trading Co.'s
J. W. Welch, dentist, formerly of the
Chiaago College of Cental Surgery
Office in Couri kr block near depot.
For your strings and extras for all
nusical instruments go to Burmeister
i Andresen's, who keep a full supply.
Good butter 35c a roll, and other
groceries as low us the lowest, a' Strat
um's Grocery, corner Sevonth and j
Center streets.
Blank note and receipt books of all
kinds and deeds, mortgages, etc.
cheaper than Portland wholesale price
at CofitiKR oflice.
Lamps ! There is no need to fall short
on lamps in your house as you can buy
a handsome kitchen hand lamp for 20c.
See the immense stock at Bellomy A
Busch's store.
L. L. Pickens, dentist, does all kinds
of dental work. Gold crowns, porcelain
crowns and bridge work a specialty.
Oflice in Barclay building, corner Main
and Seventh streets.
Remember when you need anything
in the line of graniteware or tinware
that W. A. Putrow now has a complete
assortment. If price is any object you
will not fail to give him a call.
Frank P. Welch, dentist, graduate of
dental department of the- University of
Pennsylvania, will be in Oregon City
office Thursday of each week ; remainder
of each week in Portland office, room
77 Deknm building.
C. A. Willey has moved his harness
and repair shop from on the hill to
second door west of depot, next to
Cocbikb office, where he will not only
keep a full line of first-class hand-made
harness, saddles, etc., bn t will do all
kinds of harness and boot and shoe
repairing at prices that can't be dup
licated. Give him a call. Satisfaction
nov. ia, it us. Nonce is lierehy given that
the following-named settler hns filerl ,i,,n, ..,i
his Intention to make II mil proof In support of
us oiHiio, anu mat stun prool Will be made
before the Register and Receiver C. 8. Land
unioe ai wregou uuy, Oregon, on Ucecmlier liiith,
louu, via;
H. E. No. 7654, for the SE W of See 2S T.n
6 8., R. 8 E. He namcB the following witnesses
to prove 111a continuous resilience upon and
uiii.ivnuuii ui, sHiu luno, viz: ueorge w
Hungate, Lars G. Larson, David Callahan and
aioen r,ngie, an 01 31 owns, Oregon.
" undersigned has filed his final report as
uiiiuimotiatur ui me estate 01 Annie a. rartiow,
deceased, and the Hon. Gordon E. Hnv..
county Judge of Clackamas countv, Oregon,
has set Monday, Duecmuer 2d, I8U0, at 10 o'clock
a. m , as the time for the settlement thereof and
or Hearing oojectlous thereto If any are made.
Dated October 17th. 1805.
Administrator Aforesaid.
October 14. 1SU3. Notice Is hprnhv uU.,.i, ih
the following-named settler has filed notice of
nis intention to make nnal proof in support of
his claim, and that said proof will be made be
fore the Reclster and Receiver U. S. Lnnrl oiHpb
at Oregon City, Oregon, on November 22d, 18U5,
H. E. No. 8087, for the S U of NW y. and N U of
SV W of Sec. 14, Twp. 4 S R. 4 K. He names
the following witnesses to prove his continuous
residence upon and cultivation of, said land,
viz: James Willis, George Bondlsh, John P.
layer aim w iinain nanoie.aii of sprlngwater, Or.
nuur.ni a. aiiLl.bil, Itegister.
You receive a lead . pencil free with
each tablet you purchase at "The Fair."
All kinds of tovs and dolls itist re
ceived at the Racket Store.
Dry granulated sugar, 20 pounds,
choice raisins and rice name mice.
Lots ol new goods at lieilroon prices at
Red Front Trading Company, Oregon
For Over Fifty Year.
AN Old avu Well-Tiiikd Remeiit. Mrs. Win
slow's Soothing Syrup has been nsetl lor over fifty
years by millions of mothers for their chilJren while
teething, with perfect success. It soothes the child,
softens the gums, allays all pain, cures Mini colic,
and is the best remedy for liiarrhtea. Is pleasant to
the tnite. Sold by Pmggista in every part of the
World. Twenty-five cents a bottle. Its value is in
calculable. Be sure and ask for Mrs. VYinslow's
Soothing Syrup, and take ao other kind.
and 1 bave gained twenty pounds, and surely
remedies and doctors but found no benefit, if
1 was pale thin.
Had given up, aa I
leel a new women
No anibf.
bad tried so many
you care to publish this you have my eminent.
(Signed ) nits. A. v, 11 Lb ji ah,
Alameda. CaL
Room 7ii, 77, 7U, Dekuin
lluiiy of my friend hat
troulile to find me hence
tills card.
Dr. Id lies' Nerve Huston) iBc. at ull drugging.
New Fiah Market,
K. Jtuharda, I'rop.
Oysters, Fresh and Salt Water
Fish, Poultry, Game, Crabs,
Clams, Etc.
rtt Delivery. Tim Door South of Armor
Dr. Miles' New Heart Cure Victorious.
No other medicine can ihow such a record.
Here is a veritable patriarch, 73 years of
age, with strong prejudice to overcome, who
had Heart Diieeut IB yean. He took the New
Heart Cure and is now sound and well.
Samuel O. Stone.
Grass Lake, Mich., Dec. 28, 1894.
I have been troubled with heart disease IS
years or more. Most of the time 1 was so
bad it was not safe for me to go out alone,
aa dizzy spells would cause falling, I had
severe palpitation, shortness of breath and
suddon pains tlmt rendered me helpless. Ail
physicians did forme was to advise keeping
quiet. In August lost I commenced taking
Dr. Miles' New Heart Cure,
and before I had finished the first bottle I
found the medicine was a God-send. I have
now used four Dottles in all and am feeling
entirely well I am 73 years of age and have .
held a grudge against patent medicines all
my life, but I will not allow this to prevent
giving my testimony to the great cure your
valuable remedy has wrought in me. I do
this to show my appreciation of Dr. Miles'
New Heart Cure. SAMUEL O. BTONE.
Dr. Miles Heart Cure Is sold on a poslttva
guarantee that the first bottle wilt benefit. -All
druggists sell It at II, . bottles for 15, or
It will be sent, prepaid, on receipt of price
bj the Dr. Miles Medical Co., lUkhart, lad.
Dr. Miles' Heart Cure ;3S5fc
G. A. Harding, the druguist, will tell
you no one is better qualified to judge
01 tne merits ot an article than the
dealer, because he bases his opinion on
the experience of all who use it. For
thia reason he wishes us to publish the
remarks of other dealers about an article
which he handles. Messrs. C. F. Moore
& Co., Newlierg, Ore., savs: "We sell
more of Chamberlain a Cough Remedy
than all others put together, and it al
ways gives good satisfaction." Mr. J.
F. Allen, Fox, Ore., savs: ''I believe
Chamberlain's Cough Remedy to be
tho best I have handled." Mr. W. H.
Hitchcock, Columbus, Wash., says:
'lhamberlain s Cough Remedy Bells
well and is highly praised by all who
use it."
Sore Throat. Anv ordinary ease niav
be cured inj one night by applying
iiiuiiiuennin b rain nairn as directed
with each bottle. This medicine is also
Unions for its cures of rheumatism.
Uine back and deepseated and muscular
pains, f or sale by G. A. Harding,
rANTKr:-8everal trustworthy gentlemen or
h .'"dies to travel ill Oregon for established.
....Me 111MIM-. wry ,mi aim expenses,
cady piiMlion. Unclose reference and self ad-rei-KCil
Mumped cnvelone. The liomininn i',,m.
any. Third Floor, Omaha Hldg., Chicago, 111.
IVAXTEl): several trustworthy gentlemen or
.. ad it's lo trawl in uretfon for established,
...i ,iu nmisf. Mury 7su una expenses,
e-iilv uoiiiiou. Knclosf reference and self art.
mi sianim ,1 envelop. The liominlmi run.
my. ihml floor. Omaha nidi. . hi,.r, in
When in Portland call on Edward
Hughes, corner of Front ami Alder, and
inspect li is stock of Old IIickorywagon
and farm machinery of all kinds.
In Oregon City, beautiful town,
With its zephyrs soft and gentle,
Is a place that has the best renown,
Its name, The Oriental.
It gained this fame by selling BEER,
In glasses monumental;
Then when your soul you long to
Go to the Oriental. cheer,
From ancient days good men would
The famous continental, drink
Would say to friends, you all must
And seek the Oriental, think,
Good beer by some is often sold,
By others accidental,
But every time, I have been told,
Drink at the Oriental
N. F. Zimmerman, Prop.
n the Circuit Court nfihe State of Oregon, for
the County of Clackamas.
IniV,ii.-?'l,u!'1ufrthn'p"c"li"n lf ALFKEI)
J A-Mfcs !-.in u for change of name.
VOTK'K Is hereby given that the above
named applicant has tiled his petition In
said court for a change nf name, i,d that it is
on.ered hy said court that SHiii petition nhall be
heard on the :inth day of November 1m:. at
2 p. m , and that notice thereof be civen' bv
publication thereof onee a week for two weeks
Inh'i TV'1"'""' wepklv newspaper,
published in Oregon City in this countv and
state notifying all persons of said application
and imo ol hearing, and requiring them the
and there to show cause, if anv tbey have
why the name should not be granted.
Judge of said Court. .
Attorney for Petitioner.
West Side Store
Groceries, Provisions
West Side Express
Hi pans Tabulea cure bad breath.