TUB TKACIIKRg. Monthly Miuillnif Bt MiiIhIIm hittiiriliiy. A"Mci ill. mi nf (.'l.uli.niri ll -i II Ml Mn;il!a colliery Srlt I i), ami ;i l.JIfil to (T'liT II. S.(;il,s,,n. I cnud wi'li iii-truinciil il Tho TcMcIll'I'S L'oim'y ii" l in lli' lunlay, Novi-niM Ijy tlie president, The exerci-'-s Illtl-.IC liV J'l'uf. ();' 'J "tic- minutes u( ilic rcvHMis weeliii;; vl.ri. reail I iy Mi-s Fannie (i. I'mfr, serrctiuy. A r.i'ii'' f v,. i.'iuic liy y.'vcn nf tliu yuiim; people at M'il,il;t uas witdi appreciated liy tliB nssiu:itill, "IIdw shall I make my s lion' successful?" ItyJ. V. (;r.iy: "A leather to hi: educated not in Ikhh-.h nloiie, lull in self-coiilrol; mii-t lie kind nml patient; lie mil -t have eonlidetite in liiiieelf; he must have oriinalily, and must use judgment. Helmut lie interested in the wurk ( Ihe scliciol lielnre the pupils can lie. Jf a pupil U not taught to reason fur himself, Ihe rules he manage tocoinmit to memory, wilj nol be of much use lo liim." An adjournment for dinner was there taken the Oregon uty delegation were most hospitably entertained by Ai is. Moody. Ari liKNOON SESSION. The exercises began with a son by local musicians,"l'ut Your Shoulders lo the Wheel." W.' Gilbert Jieattie favored the audience with a slightly humorous recitation. Next in order was the roll call of the as sociation. Response a (piolation from Kobert Kurns. An address on "The Teacher's Aims" by T. J. C'aryi "I would say, if God should jjive me jiower tliriujliiHit my life lo make noble men and women of what would otherwise be miserable wretches, I shall count my lift as noble spirit, and all other works as naught butvanliy. Fellow-teachers, uur aim should be to so irain our pupils that ihey will regard all work as in the lushest degree honorable and that it is extienicly dishonorable nn unbecoming for any person, whether rich or poor, to be without some honest occupation The spirit without the mind is as useless as the mind without the spirit. The ideal teacher is he who in himself embodies every enabling trait of human character, and can so innuence nis pupils that Ihey will aspire 10 lead useiui, Honorable and upright lives, The teachers should dare be all that may be come a man. Miss Anna schatzman gave a recitation, "Uraduation." "Grammar, Us Use- and Abuse. and How to Avoid Errors Comjnon in the use ol syntax" was handled by Supt. II. 5. Gibson in an able manner. After an exhaustive review of the sounds from which Ihe English language is derived, ne said: "Whenever the English language is spoken there is a noticeable dif ference in the speech of educated and un educated people. Anyone who speaks any language 'naturally' learns to do so from the people who surround him, while he is growing up. 11 nis associates use correct language he unconscientious imitates them, thus forming correct habits of speech. By gooa cngustv we mean such as it used by the best speakers and writers. It is therefore, the usage of educated people, and not any dook oi rules, mat makes tlie standard of good English. Read the works of the best writer; listen to the best speaker; be careful what you say, and bow you say it. If you hear an expression that you think not right, 4LI.L : . i . r . i MiiMiytv , imim uvvr 11, aim ascertain ll ll DC so." ' Iona Rivera recited "What is Noble" in an effective manner. "How can I Best Uphold the Dignity of the Teacher's Profession" by A. C. Strange: -'There ii progress in all lines. We owe it to the Creator who sent us here on the earth to cultivate the intellect with which he has endowed us. Let us learn to exemplify the culture we have received, thereby upholding the dignity of the teacher's profession. Let us teachers be careful not tocairyour ideas to extremes. Let us teach principles that are antagonistic to vice and crime. The one who succeeds best in any calling is the one who has the highest ideal. Great deal depends upon the teacher's personality. The best teacher is the one who can influence most." Dana Austin recited "The Model Kitchen." Mr. Blum of Portland spoke a few words of encouragement to the association. Mr, Gary introduced a resolution, thanking he people of Molalla for their attendance and attention at this meeting, which was adopted. The choice of the next place of meeting was lelt to nupt, Uinson and the program committee, J. W. liray, A. L. strange and Kerlha M. uibson. The program will be published next week The attendance at this meeting was among the largest in the history ol the association Hkrtha M. Gibson. PHENOMENAL MONTH. mi i.Ht rirst Time In History or the Country Such a Deficiency in Rainfall Plowing Delayod bras Short. Arcorilinu to lliu bulletin of llie hIiiU wi iitlii-r liiiriMiii, tin- in. mill of Ortiiln-r, lf'.J.", Iiiih liei-n tliu ;uoht phenomenal olio in tliu bimorv of tliti roil nt rv . j Tlu-ri) whs prai-lii ally tin luiiif.ill (luring j the month . Tint uvi-r.ii! O.'toli'-r r.iin- lull viirii-M from ' to 7 inches iiIoiil' thu i roust ; front 2 t.i I inclicn in tin- eniinlry bi-luecii tl:o coast and Ciiml-iuIu miiiu'i', j j nml from to ,'.; nnd:cn eiml of tint! I anemic! niouiituiiiH. Tliu fon-ijoiiiK iiro tliu u venires; tliu toliil iiiuoiint tmit fi ll during tins iiionlli of Octulii-r, IK!).), wiih crmm-st at Aslorin, wlieio O.L'.) of mi inch lull. At Allmiiy 0 10 of an inch lull, unit ut other places treat of Iho (.'nuclides the total iiiuoiint twnA from none or h trace to M of nn inch. Thu tunipunitiiro was much ahovo thu liormiil (-HKt of tliu Cascade and noutli of thu JJIiin iiiiiiintaiiiM; at Portland there trim an excess of temperature wlulo in other portion of thu statu the temperature was about normal. Thu following statement tfives the main feuturea of the tvoathur in every section of the state during October, 18113 : KhIii- Fair llnlny inn. imys unys. Portland T 28 0 Antoiia 2:i 22 5 liandon OK .'' 1 McMinnville 02 H 1 Ml. AiiL'el 05 L7 .'I Free Pills. . . Bund your address to II. K. Itucklon & Co., (-'hicai;o,i and iet a free SHinpIo box of Kind's New Life Pills. Atrial will eon vi net; you of their merits. TIh-hk pills urn eii-y in aetinii and are pirtinj Iiii v ellcclivi- i:i t In cure of ( ' unit i put inn mid .ii k I li iiilachu. l'or .Malm i.l ami Liver Iroiil.-luit tln-y li ttn been proved iliv.ll'lillilc. They me il.il.mlri 'I to In peihclly li"e fr.mi ct'i-ry ilelet.-rioii hiilistanee iwol to be purely ve;liililu. They do not weuki'M hy their action, lei', 1 y (iviiitr toim to hIoiuiicIi aii l ! uvcN 1,'ieatly inviuoriilii thu hvkIi-iii. ICeiilar my.t! 2"k;. per box. Nihl hy (Ih.iiiiiiiii !t Co., llriiK'it A I ban v. . .10 r(,2 l Jloceburir. 0 as 0 Ashland 0 MI 0 Tlie Dal lea 0 28 0 Pendleton 0 .'il 0 Baker City T :tl 0 Canyon City 0 !) 0 Lakeview T 31 0 T indicates a trace or sprinkle too small to measure. The forejoini shows the phenomenal weather conditions which have existed. The marked feature is the absence of rainfall. I here iiave been years when as much as 13 inches have fallen in Oc tnbnr at Aarnriu It Innlioa Pnrilm.l 0 Indies at Roseburg and S inches east of the Cascades.. The year 1808 had an autumn similar to that of this vear There is the memory of the oldest in habitant that relate of a year in the early '40b that had no rainfall in the autumn, but as the records do not cover this early period, no statement can be accurately made concerning it. There are almost continuous records since 1860, and since then it can be safelv said there has been no such oeriod of dry weather. The effect ol the drr weather has been to delay plowing and seeding- and to make range food for cattle aud sheep very poor. The harvest of all crops was practically com Diets bv the 1st of uctooer. the rami in the fore part of September were not sufficient to allow of plowing during October, the result is mat oy the nose o( October much less plowing and aeedins have been done than ever before. This may possibly neci me acreage oi next year's crops nowever, aa plowing and seedine pro Kresses every month of the rear in por tions of Oregon the nsual acreage may yet De sown. All Free. TIioho tvh'j have used I)r. Kiiik'h Xew IM.scovery know its value, and (hone who have not, Intvu now t.'ie opportunity lo try it I-'rue. Call 011 tint advertised Ili'iiu't'iHt and gotaTiiul liottlo Free. Sun 1 your name and address to II. K. Itiicklen & Co., Cliieuu"!, and gut. a sample box of lr. Kings's New Life Pills Preu, us well as a copy of Guide to Health and Household Instructor, l-'reo. All of which is guaranteed to do you Kood and cost you nothing at Charina'n & Co.'s Drugstore. r P". I-! V? :.r vi tiV -a. A 'M if1 for Infants and Children. OTHERS, Do You Know NERVOUS PROSTRATION. K. W. J'iy CoMi'ANV-Oenllemcn: 1 havo uf fereil from a nervous prostration from llnmiclul Iiwsfs. C'au say Joy'i Vi-Krtablo Sarmtnrltla has cured mo. My liver, tloniueli and bowels' have been very Inuo'tlre, Imt since inking your ri'incily uiu entirely well. .All IhimIiii-hh men ami wouieii nliuuld use It. I'lcane publish. (Signed) MR. VM. HENRY JONES. liiulo, Montana IIuekHi'lie, illxzlness, tlreiliiemi give way to Jny'a Yecetultle MHrsaiai lllii. A felt want is that snawinn at the st jm ach after you have eaten a full meal and can't eat any more, and yet there is mat iMiinsr as though you bad eaten nothinir. What is wanted then is a dose of Simmons Liver Regulator, the best uyspepsia cure, for that is what that gnawing means. "Simmons Liver Rett ulator is all that is recommended for Indigestion." A. R. Dvche. London. Ky. Mrs. W. li. Meek, who resides at Camptonville, Cal., says her daughter was lor several years troubled at times with serve cramps in the stomach, and would he in such agony that it was necessary to call In a physician. Hav ing read about Chamberlain's Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy she concluded to try it. She found that it always gave prompt relief. It was seldom necessary to give the second dose. "It has not only saved us lots of worry and time," she says, "but also doctor bills. It is my opinion that every family should have a bottle of this remedy in the house." For sale by 0. A. Harding, Druggist. O. A. Harding, the druggist, will tell you no one is better qualified to judge of the merits of an article than the dealer, because he bases his opinion on the experience of all who use it. For this reason he wishes us to publish the remarks of other dealers about an article which he handle. Messrs. C. F. Moore A Co., Newberg, Ore., says: "We sell ' more of Chamberlain's Cough Remedy than all others put together, and it al ways gives gooil satisfaction." Mr. J, F.Allen, Foa, Ore., says: "I believe Chamberlain's Cough Remedy to be the best I have handled." Mr. W. H. Hitchcock, Columbus, Wash., says: "Chamberlain's Cough Remedy sells well snd ia hignlv praised by all who use it." KIDNEY. I. W. Joy Company Gentlemen' I have suf fered from kldnry trouble for two or three year. I would have lo get up In the nlfht to void my urine from ten to fifteen times. My sleep m dis turbed, and I became very lb In ami nervous. No appetite; bowels constipated. I have taken two bottls and gained fifteen po-nds. Sleep well. Have to get up about three limes during Ight, and am very much betl In every respect. Will continue to take your Vegetable Sarsapartlla furl believe it will entirely cure me. (Signed) MR. EDWARD W. FRENCH, Stockton. CL JOT'S FOIl THE JADIID. JOT'S VEGKTAHLK 8AKAAP.I KILL A Nearly ever family in the United States keep a bottle of whiskey in the house. This applies as well to Iowa, Kansas and Vermont as to Stales where its sale is not prohibited. Some keep it as a beverage, some as a tonic, rom e as a medicine. In either case it is im portant that it should be old and pure. I. W. Harper's Nelson County, Ky., Whiskey has been examined by the leadingchemists throughout the country and its purity has in every case been highly commended. Sold by Hill & Cole, Otegon City, Ore. . The Oregon City Steam Laundry has been consolodated with the Union Laundry of Portland and will hereafter do its work at the Portland office. Henry Elliot will act as agent here and collect all bills due the former proprietor Mr. O. P. Bradford. NERVOUS SHOCK. K. W. Jor CoMPANY-Gentlemen: This Is ths first time I have attempted to write for tLroe years. Have been so nervous and weak that have laid in bed for most of the time. A (riend who had taken your 8araparllla sent m two bottles. The second one is most gone, For Over Fifty Years. Am Old and Wkll-Tbikd Kkuiiii. Mrs. Win slow') Soothing Syrup hat bean uxxl fur over fifty years by millions of motliora for their children while teething, with perfuct success. It soothes the child, softens tin gums, allays all pain, cures wind eolio, and is the beet remedy for Dlarrhffia. U pleasant to the taste. Sold by DrugglnU In every part of the World . Tweuty-flve cents a bottle. Its nine is In calculable. Be aura and sak for Mrs. Winslow's Soothing Syrup, and take no other kind. Dry granulated sugar, 20 pounds, $1 ; choice raisins and rice same price. Lots ol new goods at bedrock prices at Red Front Trading Company, Oregon City. THE LADIES' SAFE ABSORBER. Not a Drop Caa Escape It. It is absolutely reliable, easily ad- lasted, and does not become misDlaced. It can be worn when desired bv special circumstances without the knowledge of another. It is simple to use and inspires confidence to the women using it. It is reliable and scientifically made and does not iniure the health, it is medicated with one of the best Antiseptics which gives it power to prevent and destroy rutretaction or what is the same thtnir. the Bacteria upon which Putrefection depends. We guarantee "The Ladies' Safe Absorber. " Il 1 1 1 be sent securely sealed in plain wrapper, npon receipt oi the price, oU cenis or (3) lor Sl.PO, (which we guarantee to last for one year,) with full .directions No Cir culars. Ladiks SurPLT Co., . vLa Cbohsk. Wis. - Hint Paregoric, liuteiaaii'a Drops, Godfn-y'a C'onliul, ninny so-uullwl Kiotlilnrf Byrups, aud most reiiuxlioa for children are compoucd of iijiluiii or orplilnef Do Ton Know that opium aud morphine are stupefying narcotic poisons t Do Yon Know that In most countries druggists are not permitted to sell narcotics without lubeling tlium poisons t P" Y"n Know that you should not permit any medicine to be given your child unions you or your physician know of what It Is composed t Po Yon Know that Castoria la a purely vegetable preparation, and that a list of Its Ingredient la published with every bottle f Po Yon Know that Catoria to the prescription of. tho famous Dr. Samuel Pitcher. That It has been la uae for nearly thirty years, and that more Castoria la now sold than of all other remedies for children combined f Do Yon Know that the Patent Office Department of the United States, and of other countries, have Issued exclusive right to Dr. Pitcher and his assigns to use the word " Castoria " and Its formula, and that to Imitate them Is a state prison offense I Po Yon Know that one of the reasons for granting this government protection was because Castoria had been proven to be absolutely harmless? Po Yon Know that S5 average doses of Castoria are furnished for 35 cents, or one cent a dose f Po Yon Know that when possessed of this perfect preparation, your children may be kept well, and that you may have unbroken rest 1 , Woll, these thtngi are worth knowing. They are facta. Toy's for the Jaded and Good Uculth fur all Mankind. JOY'S VEGETABLE SARSAPARIILA. Inm.ide from 1; :. ; .r1 tie through herbs, and f 'v .j ' laturc'suwa cuiitmna no p l',iJ',r -1'. '), 1 properdin!!- mineral nela. Joy's i"' "i. ;;.' ft r u k a or deadly pois on Joy 'a Vegetable Bursajiiu ilia r o b t Ii e blood of nil its import-t-es, and courses nil these impurl- t .ii ""ii'ri '':!!"""4::'" fNNiINi'. V i iretn lile t';u:iiaril!a cure-a liys Ii e p o 1 u , C ll r oil ic Conn illa tion, I,ivr tool plaints end KidiRy Aik'CtiouK. mm iiiil m rat Ml m Joy's YfsrclaMo NirsapurUlit tS fci piwcnts tired feel- M'Ky- , of heart, rush of ffb SfS M$i Wood to 'the hetuljllk sjrry dizziness, rinBtn(f inE2l i mi j:....: s.. . i ' jvj vi.iticsH, ruiinjr in J ears, snots before the M fye, headache, bil- iousness,constipntlon of bowels, pains in illAllllnL- IMUlntidinl XTaii limnna rtnt.,A f..l lOfrn ...(,..w uraicu, IUU1 f l "I ''I lin-Hlh. niliinlno nn iJjM flico. bodv ami limh V"A i. i. ' . ' j. n iieeiineof nerve lorco dizzy spells, faint spells, cold, datum feet and hands, sour risings, lutigne, in somnia, and all dis eases of tlie stomach, liver and kidneys. Joy.s Vegetable Bar aaparilla ia sold by all druKgisla. Refuse a substitute. When you pay for the best see that you get the beat, j The fac-aimile ignatnre cf 1 on every wrapper. Children Cry for Pitcher's Castoria. os F ..Oakes Henry C. Payne, Becelven. If t Henry C. Rout 07 MANHOOD RESTORED "eUPIOENE This great VegeUbl ATflRTHFRN l I I VII I llbllll 3d PACIFIC RY. VilaUaer.Uiepresurip- or i ,.. I Pimples,, Vofitness to Marry, ElhaoiUng Drains. Varicocele aifJ IIOD Ul IWlOUi X IHCI IITUTIKH . Will AUKSYI MIM WAN . vous or dlwsues.of the generative oraani. such u Lost inaumuuHi biiiiui his sock, oeminai fimuaions. Nervana Default. all ner- Manhood, u CrORC ana AFTCIt ConattpaUon. 1 1 stops all lasses br dav or nli-ht Pravenu anlck. dlacbarge, which u not checked leads to Sacrmatorrbam and ntasof dl all the horrors of Imnotency. VITIIDE1K eleaDaea the liver, the aiuncTB aaiiu aim iiriiisar v nrwana m aaia tfTfTaPVDKMR attrcnsTthttnii and rmntnrn m&ll wmLt nmna. Th reMon ufTerm nr nol cured by Inrtoni In because n!nry per cent are troobled with psrauuit.keore. N 8 UUItlft. CDPIDENK in theonlj known remwlr to eure without luioperftUon. 6000tMtlmonl. m. wmwiniininii RiTPa tna money rfinrnw 11 m pnxra aoef not taeoi A f um doz, iix i or f a. w, oy mnu, oemi tor fui arcuimr wra eeumoQMUaV Pullman AddesaBATbHMCIIIBTOnr.aBra8aaioisc4,Csd. Tor Sou if weore a. Hurdins, Dro(a-lst. Elegant Tills rsswei Ssa4y en res qslekly, Bsmisimiy alt Ueadaoha. Wakefnlmaa. 11 Vatalitw. Niku nni vll dreama. ImDotonar and mil nm iiiuum ...u k. rvfrjwrtarmmu. voawinsnoopiaiea. Uanervosmsla m jj HklMa-bslMin MakesthopaleandMnTStronaaiidplamp. I TOUrlSt DAM. tttitm m urWltsm mtiMraattm. winMusiMuiinl Whu i MfJlea book, tenled plAln wrapper, with tertlmoDlftli nfl linailVH FUinninK. AO tTMrM rnr nMUtUMrimil. MMMMsir lintrtla awn, mwwmmgwmrwmtmwwm BMW VSJk, aUMMIl(BMhWM kMT. MMatitAa', roreliBOrMooCitr,Oref.,bjrCHAKMAN CO. DmggltU. Sleeping Cars Dining Cars Sleeping Care rnr. paul Children Cry for Pitchers Castoria. TM1E MDWA JIEWE1L1EM TO MINKKAPUM9 Oregon Central & Eastern R. R. Company. YAQUINA MAY ROTJTB3 Counectina at Yaniiina Hay with the San J'AKUO OltANU rOKltS CltOOKBTOjr HKUNA bUttk ind Frulicim-o and Mleamship Yauuina Bav Company. Stcamsliip "Farallon" A 1 and nrsl-claas in everv rpunwt Bulls irom laiiu na lor Kan f ranc sco Hbont nvorv Passenger accommodations unsurpassed. Shortest Mutes between the Willamette vallev anil flulifni-ttiii I Fare from Albany or nolnta went In Sun rrauoiseo: Cabin - 12 00 Steerage - - - - 8 00 Cabin, round trip, good for ISO days - - - 18 00 For sailing days apply to H. L. WALDEN, Agent, Albany, Oregon. CHAM. CLARK, Supt, Corvallls, Or. A. N. WRIGHT. Watch Repairing a Specialty. THROUGH TICKETS TO I WASHINGTON PHILADELPHIA MEW YOKK BOSTON and all POINTS EAST and SOUTH. 305 MORRISON STREET. For Information tl ets, call on tr wJ -anls, maps and m 0PP03ITK POSTFFICIO PORTLAND, OREGON. A. I). CHARLTON. Asst. Gen. Pass. Agent, Portland, Oresron 8SS Morrison Street, Corner Third. EAST AND SOUTH ana i nave gained twenty pounds, and surely (eel a new womeu. 1 was pale thin. Mo ambi Hon. Had given up, aa 1 had tried so many nedies aud doctors but found no benefit. If you on re to publish this you have my consent IBignea.j sihs. a. v;. nuiiHAfl, Alameda, Cal. Buoklaa'i Arnica Salve. Tub Best Salve in the world for Cuts, Bruises, Sores, Ulceri, Salt Rheum, Fever Sores. Tetter. Chapped Hands. Chilblains, Corns, and all Skin Erup tions, and positively cures Piles, or no pay required. It ia guaranteed to itjve perfect satisfaction or money refunded. Price 25 cents per box For sale by Charman A Co. When in Portland call on Kdwanl Hughes, corner of Front and Alder, and inspect bis stock of Old Hickory wagon and farm machinery of all kinds. Horace Greeley once said : "The way to resume is to resume," speaking of again putting gold into circulation after the war. But you may say "resume" any number of times to that torpid liver of yours and it won't budge until you take Simmons Liver Regulator. Many people seem to forget that Constipation, Biliouaness and Sick Headache are all caused by a sluggish liver. liver active. Keep the Sore Throat. Any ordinary case may lie cured in one night by applying Chamberlain's Pain Halm as directed with each bottle. This medicine is also famous for its cures of rheumatism, lame back and deepseated and muHCular pains, tor sale by G. A. Harding, Iruglat. Dr. Price's Cream Baking Powder World'i Fair Highest Award. 3 A stlfAriiicand KHirMaTi.it relieved DHv Kby Dr. Miles' Nerve Plasters. EDWIN STONE, Mgr. , Corvallls, Or. U 13 u U RIPA-N-S The modern stand ard Family Medi cine : Cures the common every-day ills of humanity. The New Way East. fetf AND 0 R & N CP'S LINES The The Shasta OF THE Route SOUTHEM PACIFIC CO. Express Trains Leave Portland Daily. South. I Short I Route To Points In And ALL Washington, Idaho, Montana, Dakotas, Elnnesota and the EAST. 8:60 r.M. :Sor.H. 10:4,s a.m. Lv Lv Ar I North. Portland Oregon City tfau J-rauciseo Ar Lv Lv 8:10 A. at 7:28a. K 6:00 r. M r.,TheJbov ,raln P t East Portland, Oregon il 7 " . ' uu;iiou, lai gent. Halsev. Harrisburv. Jn. ' tugene. Creswell, iirslim. RQ8SBURQ MAIL DAILY. Shedda Irving, Thronirli Tickets 1 On ShIh ) To and From ( POIN"rS in the Chicago, St. Lsois, Bostoa, Philadelphia, Wasblagtea, Hew Yark I 8:80 a. a. :27a.h. 5:20 r. h. Lv Lv Ar "SALEM TJ. 8.. CANADA and EUROPE s: r u I 4:49 r a S:l& r u Portland Oregon City Rose burg "PASSENGER" Ar Lv Lv 4:40 r.M 3:60 r.M 8:00 a. a Lv Lv Ar DAILY. Portland Orra.n City Solera Ar 10:15 am Lv :27am Lv 8:00 am ne ureal .-onnern siaiiwav ii a new TrinuAni n.,ui T.in. d .. I n.. ....... JM it.i .m i i , " nun. jxuufrfL.iur.rr ,... ... t o,n:iiiu, ! iuiinr cars, ramuy Tourist S eepers and rlrst and secondeuuis coaehes. H.vlnr a nick h.ll.it tr..v ,h. ut. t.7r dul, oueof lhe-hiet annoyauen of t-anscootinenlal travel. Hound trip tickets with stoo over nmiiwn inn pnnuw mi raiifra m,itM For further Information call upon or write. c. u. or r . I. WHITNEY , G. P. & T. .. St. Paul, Minn. DONOVAN, Genera) Afent, 122 Third St., Portland, Ore. DININU CAK8 ON OGDEN RnrrTs- rUUMAS BUFFET SLIKPERS AND SECOHO-CLASS SLEEPING CARS Attached to all Throot li Trains. Wmisu. m. .. Between PORTLAND aud COBVALM. MAUraAiM oaiLYtaxcarTst-miir i i .w . . n . At Albany and Corvallls eonneclwith tr.in of Oregon Pacifle Railroad. ec,w,,n "n airaass Taaiii Diii.vuxcEPT-irNDir.i I 4:4oP. M. I Lv Pnrtl.nrf 7.25P.M. I Ar McMinnvill Arl Lv 8:25 A. St 8:S0A.M R-l-P-A-N-S ONE GIVES RELIEF. THROUGH TICKETS TO ALL roiKTS IS THE EASTERN STATES. PASaDA An Frpnpv Can be obtained at the lowest rates from L. B. MOOP.E, Agrnt.Or.ro. UIit R. KOEHLER. E. P. ROOERS set. G. F.4 P. Area Portland, Or. Mana'er. Children Cry for Pitcher's Castoria. WANTFn-AN inPAhoeanthick .vi . . '-"or some simple thing to patent? Protect TonrMeaa : th.m.. RrMm' .WfiMI JOILV WEDDEIU r.V4 i0-.' I"" Attorneyi, Washington. i. O, for their SUM) prize offer? 51U"MU,