.'4.. If.' ' OREGON VOL. XIII. OREGON CITY, OREGON, FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 1, 1896. NO. 26. COURIER. IT'S A SHOUT CUT... That's all it Ik a ctiick mid convenient way to gain wliot the Inline lucks. Under (lie conditions of our possession of. . . . EQUITABLE CREDIT -SYSTEM.... We can do the waiting not von. Paying litt' once a week or month is easy enough (or anybody. We don't ' ask anything else. Come on now if the Iioiiho reeds Furniture Carpets Mattings Irnpfries Baby Carriages etc. Get 'cm liave the good of 'em ami yon will find yon won't miss tho small amounts you've promised us. Don't bother about bondsmen we're not brokers we're housKfurnishers. BELLOMY & BUSCH. FOR G-O TO CHOICE CUTS and TENDER MEATS PETZOLD & GALE'S CASK MARKETS. Two Hhopw. Seventh Street, Coiner of Center, on the Hill. MAIN ST., OPPOSITE CAUFIELD BLOCK. s PECIALiTIES' Oregon City. r " J OPENS.... j Exposition rtSm) ; r Portland, Ore. Fresh Fruit.;.. Creamery Butter.... Breakfast Bacon.... Hams and Lard.... Teas and Coffees.,.. CHEESE, CANDY, NUTS, IN FACT WE MAKE A SPECIALTY 01" EVERYTHING WE SELL. J t The Largest and Most Complete Display ever made of the Resources, J industries, Commerce. Business. Agriculture, forests." Mines, fruit, Fisheries. Manufactures and Transportation vi or tn west. Fine .Mumc. Special Attractions Every Day on all transportation llxks. ADMISSION. finale Art mimslcm "Bo Children Under IU lOo SetiHcm Tickets 3 OO Faculties of the Great Rkdl'ceu Rates FOR EX1IIDIT SPACE APPLY AT THE EXivsiL iox uuuvisa r E. t. HASTEN, Secretary C. II. HUNT, Superintendent r OLD HICICOISH" C5 X H E. E. WILLIAMS, rpl. I J r o - ..GO TO. WILSON & COOKE FOR est on" Earths I CARRY A FULL LINK OF...... V V: : ; FARM TOOLS, including Hiy Presses, Feed Cutters, Choppers, Plows, Harrows, Seed ers, Spriag tooth Harrows, Potato Dingers, ALSO. )HRINO w AG0N8, UART8, Be sure and call when you are want to buy or not. EDWARD HUGHES, Boogies. Eto. in the city whether yon cobkep fr01t amd Taylor, Portland, Or r J The Fashions 1 fire unserved in BY the manufacturers of Ready-Cade ciotuag nowadays, so tnat tn wearer of such garments can be as stylishly-dressed as a fellow being fitted ont in a suit of Cade- to-oraer Clothes ar less expense too. Examine the prices at the PIOITBBB1 STORB bv a m sa aw a sav a av. a. sat. . i ...,........ . . TTIHHE nWA JTEWIEIJEIB! V OLIVER STAFFORD. Mike Gross has a now suit of clothes, vent and all. Mr. Weid, Sr., of JefTurson is spend' ing a few days with his dnughtor, Mrs. Weddle. Mr. Weddle was called to the bedside of his aued father at Jefferson a few days pinco. Mr. Weddlo, Sr., is of late alllicted with a swelling of his limbs and bis recovory is doubtful. John DeXeni and John Wilkin traded horses last week and now both drive matched teams. ! Schroeder Bros, have thoir engine moved into their chop mill and do custom work Tuesdays of each week, v .Mr. Schultz has a house full of com pany this week, consisting of his wife's newly-married sister and husband and many friends and relatives. This month is passing away with white fioBts for the last few mornings. Marcus Baker has been on the sick list for some time but is convalescent 14 Jtev. Joseph Gronde was able to fill the pulpit Sunday. Most of the fires In the woods have nearly gone out and the days are reason ably clear. Henry Melcher disappeared almost three days ago and has not been seen or heard from since. There are manv rumors as to what had become of him, but, they are only rumors and nothing more. Lengthy. Octobor 30th. on Saturday. The house had ell the peoplo it could conviently hold. No wheat sown In this vicinity jet ; potatoes a-e poor this season. The Coltou school com men cod on the first Monday In October with Miss Hal. comb as teacher. She is doing wel' and the pupils seem to like her. J W. W. Austin, the mau that taught our school for the two last winters, visited the neighborhood and was wel comed by all. He is now pressing for ward to fill a much blither profession than a school master. Success to him . Miss Sadie Dix is to leave us soon to go to Oregon City for a while so the world moves on. REAL ESTATE TRANSFERS. October 24. Fixy. CANBY. REDLAND. PLOW'S! AND EXTRAS' T L O J Redland is booming now. plrs. Jane Noyer returned recently. The revival that has been held here by. Rev. Shields has failed to catch many "good sinners." fhe log rolling given by B. F. Linn was not so largely attended as expected but there were 15 persons on the east end and 7 on the west end, making 22 in jail. The dance -given in honor of thl log rollers was a grand success, there being 56 numbers out and plenty ol 6od-looking girls. "000,000,005 re for the man that stole my w. Howell, while running on- . i r the engineer got his arm Ch..;" ulcTi'Trias & him to go around With tW belt and TaW him" Bp font few day, but' when hi arm came in eon tract with the girls' waists It wm welt enough. "That right. Bill.": ' I understand that there is going fo be masquerade ball at Linn's hall on Thanksgiving night; full particulars next week. ... The potato harvest Is about over, the crop is light and the tubers are email One man has 2000 sacks. Tho price is io cents. L. D. Shank has moved on the Waile farm which he has rented for two years. Dr. White has his house covered and ready for the inside work. He will plaster it. The Canby school has 130 pupils en rolled. A third teacher is needed. J. Smith is proprietor of Canby's new butcher shop. Rev. M. C. Glafmau, the Canby preacher, is getting down to his work, and says he wants to get all impedi ments out of the way of salvation. We are having one of the finest of falls for farm work for mauy vears. The farm irs complain of dry weather on account of plowing. Outside of a few foggy mornings we have had de lightfull weather." Will Grazier was married a short time ago to a girl just from the East. Wm. Weed of Astoria is home on visit. Mrs. Mondo is going to move to Port land. , The Knight brothers are in the fruit business and are packing green apples for shipment. O. Hoyt has sold his place near here to Mr. Wright of Portland for, 1 1650, and has gone to Michigan. , 1 D. J , Cox of Oswego was visitfac friends in (nby 4his)fif av- - -: Carlton A Rose nk rant are. buying a large quantity of dried fruit. Mr; BrOckelman and familyiatvsjone- to California for the' benefit of their cbilds' health. It has been sick .for three yesrs. ? Furnished Every Week by the Clackamas Abstract & Trust Company. E Parker to Will f. Miller, lots 1 and 2 of blk 1, Parker Hill add to OC; . E M Atkinson to Alex Simmons, lot 6 of blk 173, O C; $H0. M B Williams to F 8 T?m.i rj hxt i r sen li), 5 s, 3 e ; t5ii0. Sunset Ld Co to Chris Spinden, lot 7 of blk 17, Sunset City; f.".T). II II and E E Hugben to C C Hugben, e )i of sw 4 and w of so y of sec 11, 6 s, 2 e, 100 acres. C C Hugben to C D Lat ourette, same lund; 1. Win Edwards to U V Short, so V of no ii of ec 19, 3 s, 1 wj 400 Win T Colty to Inane Tuiple, 10 a in sec 1, 2s,2e; 10iK). O Ainswortii to V;n boeim-r, sw '4 of se H and so J4' of sec 2 ami iiw ,4' of no J. fihllll has hnnohf tmn Info nl ft IM 1 1 I. .L! . LI I w. . ri u ragmg ia wis Ticinny, waing M.th.wi: H will hnlli n ih.m .1 everyining oeiore it October 27. Exoinkr. C0LT0N. Oregon City Trassportatlon Co. Str. RAMOiJA. TIXB TABLE OREOON OITTrBQAI Leare Portland Foot Taylor St. 11:30 a.m. 4:00 r.M. No Sunday Trips. Ltart Obcooh Cmr FootltbBU 9. -00 A.H. 2:00 r. u. Last Friday the neighbors had quite hard work to save Mr. Hubbard's barn from being burned ; he loet about 1800 rails and has not much timber to replace them with. John Arqueit came near loosing his barn also. All the men in the neighborhood gathered together and finally got the fire quelled, but it clean a . i . . in 1 j ' - eo ou iow 01 iru, m,i lu,. , for busineMi ... .'Come one and all." be better. once. Canby is to have a new sidewalk on Main street. The contract for same is to be let to the lowest bidder. It will take 30,000 feet of lumber. Several will bid on it.- Sam Hess of Hood River was in Canby this week for a few days. J. Smith has moved on Main street L. Rogers is giving his house a new coat of paint. - The Canby photographer is now ready Str. ALTONA Leaves Portland Tuesdays, Thursdays and Saturdays. Leave Independence and Salem Mon days, Wednesdays and Fridays. Children Cry for On Friday old Father or Elder Pres. ton and wife cam to this place. He is a millwright and came to assist J. Gorbelt in altering a part of the Milk creek saw mill so it will work more advantageously. He has five hands working on it and hopes in a few days 0 have it running. The 20th the Free Methodist minister, a lady, preached at 11 o'clock and Elder Preston in the evening; meeting also 8.. Garrison ' has gone in the hoop business near Shank's landing, across the river. . The 8. P. Co. has a crew repairing bridges near Canby r . ' There will be several new street lamps put up this fall on other streets. S. Kelly and J. Ressner have gone to Newport, Oregon. October 26 Nbro. SUNNYSIDE. A Great Exposition A. N.WRIGHT. Watch Repairing a Specialty 305 ORRISON KtET. OPPOSITE .posxirficjc PORTLAND, OREGON. Sale Gigantic Assortment and Exquisite Colorings FALL AND WINER DRESS GOODS... At Special Prices Forty-Seven pieces of All Wool Scotch Suiting, heaw material, 30 inch at 2;c Der vard: 7? All Wool Henr etta and KfTvntian CnrA 11 ,0 . - .1 I I, 77 pieces of 39-inch All Wool Mixtures, handsome effects worth 75c per yard, lor 39c per yard or $2.73 a suit; 70 pieces Black and The Oregon City Steam Laundry has Colored Boucale Cloth. i inch ' ClarM Wmr nn"r I ttC oer been consolodflted with thn tTnlnn yard or $5.25 per suit; 76 pieces of 46-inch Black and Navy French Laundry of Portland and will hereafter ocrge, exceptional value (job to close), former price $1 per yard, do its work at the Portland office, will close entire line without reserve. o cents oer vard. or $3 per Henry Elliot will act as sgent here and ouiu uur rur thanes 1 inth nH isrvt-a icoiieci an d his one me lormer nroDrieior 1 ff ' - V OtlU .VIVVf. ... I -.Vn" . lfMlllCll .... H.nnLurii r.rtund. Mr. G. P. Bradford Norris Davis hsd a tun-a-way Mon day. While driving past Mr. Ott's a dog ran out and frightened the horse, causing it to run into a fence, turning over the buggy, dammaging it slightly. Mr. Davis escaped unhurt. Mrs. Joe Reed and daughter, May, of Portland, have been visiting Mrs. A. Hunter. Miss May returned home Monday, and on Tuesday Mrs. Hunter and Mrs. Reed went to Jackknife to spend a few day with Mrs. Baker. Mrs. Clift has returned after a few weeks' visit at Corvallis. Peter Buck returned home last Wed nesday, after an absenee of several months in Eastern Oregon, where he was herding sheep.- Miss Cretie Leoimon of Currinsville is staying with Mrs. Geo. W. Johnson. She expects to return home the mid dle of the week. October 30. Juxta. and ne K of nw 14' of sc-e II, 0 s, 2 e; !iil)0. B Kneppn to Jos Benin', 2') a in sec 15 and 10 in 3 s, 1 e; $1 E M Atkinson to A S Warren, lots 1 2 3 and 4 in blk 10. Purk add. to O C; 200. X P C M Ass to Otto W'jiidrey, lots 2 3 and 4 in blk 3, subd Oak I i rove; 1. E M Atkinson to A 8 War ran, blk 43 62 53 61 02 03 an d lots 1 2 3 4 7 and 8 of blk 4!), lots 1 2 3 4 5 of blk 50, Iota 1 2 3 45 0 7 8 9 10 in blk 61, Central ad.lition loOOjtl II N Cook to Rudolph Olsen,10ain P Lee el 3 s, 1 e : 5(HI. ' Oak Grove Ld Sc I Co to Win Kenner, lot 1 in tiiictO, Milul otllnU (iiove; f00. J C Cox to Tiios Brandon, n of lota 0 7 and 8, Buckniun's tract ; $1500. . P Smith to S A Dukes, 4 a in P Lee cl, 4 s, 1 ej $300. : TJ Boringer 'by sheriff) to 8 Hinkle, tract in nw cor of Bee 23. 2 s, 3 e; $12. G C Ely to W J Ranch, lot 3 of Heck art's add toOC;800. ' ' . J M Findley to C L Parker 01.74 a in sec 30, 3 s, 2 e; $2000. E M Atkinson to H M Stock, lots 0 7 8 S and 10 of blk 10, Par k add ; $500. E M Atkinson to Geo Stock, 1.85 a in Fisher el; 92.50. , ' C A Dresser to John A Thayer, lot j5 of blk 47, Co add to O C; 22i. . ; U 8 to A H MiHliVr. ne i of se & of sec 22, . re ii if nw J and n of sw M ejt mis' 29 1 pateiif .i..'r.'',"' . " ... Ricliird J L.reiiien io M P Riohard- son, e K,ol s of seo 30.3 n, 1 w ; 13400. m i augoen io v u uitourette, e y ofswjf'aua w of se M of see It, 0 s, 2esl500. ; :'. 1 , ' A 8 Warren t al to N B Atkinson, real estate inherited from Ge) H Atkin son, deed; $1. . , V TEACHERS' EXAMINATION. No.fce is hereby given that for the purpose of making an examination of aU persons who may offer themselves as candidates for teacher of the schools of this county, the county school superinten dent thereof will hold a public examina tion at the courthouse in Oregon City, Clackamas county, Oregon, beginning on Wednesday, November 13, 1895, at 1 p. m. Those desiring state certificates can apply for same at this meeting. Dated this 1st day of November, 1895. .. - . H. 8. Gibsos, . . ' County School Kiiperlntendint. Blank nnii and, receipt books of al kinds', and i deeds,.. tiKirtgages,. .etc. cheaper lhan Port land wholesale price at Courirm office. Pitcher's Castorla. ..CP GOOD FOR EVERYBODY Almost everybody takes some laxativt medicine to cleanse the system and keep the blood pure. Those who take SIMMONS LIVER REGULATOR (liquid or powder) get all the benefits of a mild and pleasant laxative and tonic that purifies the blood and strengthens the whole system. And more than this: SIMMONS LIVER REGU LATOR regulates the Liver, keeps It active and healthy, and when the Liver is In good condition you find yourself free from Malaria, Biliousness, Indigestien, Sick Headache and Constipation, and rid of that worn out and debilitated feeling. These are all caused by a sluggish Liver. Good digestion and freedom from stomach trou! les will only be had when the liver Is properly at work. If troubled with any of these complaints, try SIMMONS LIVER REGULATOR. The King of Liver Medi cines, and Better than Pills. -ir EVERY PACKAGE'S Has the Z Stamp In red on wrapper. J. II. ZeUln A Co., Phlla., Pa.