LOCAL KVEXTS. Inntallatki. Tiih lngttilitinn cer monixH n( the Kv. A. J. Miuiignmery as prtHt'ir nf iIih PrpHhvtttrmn clircli were relebmlcl WnlufHilHy evenlni;. (teiolwr 23 The nrrnion of tli ncoHMion wan prttaclifil by H-v Kduar P Hill, D. D.. jiastur of iIim Firi IVhkU. triKH I'lnircli of PiirJainl Ii whm a plain presentment of yo'ptil truth MWrtMl with wonder' ful eloquence and effect lie v. Thou- nyd, I) D paHur of inn Fourth Pre byteriau church uf Portland, presided over the installation cermnnlxi). tie staled lut a uail had c mm to the Pres bytery of Portland from me First Presbyterian church of Oregon City for the piutor d services of Khv. Mr. Mont gunitoy, which vail having been anutjpi d, it ws no the ritiiy of Presbytery through its committee to consummate. After the vows were taken by botn pastor and people the prayer of installation was offered by Or. Boyd. The Kev. V. T. Wardle, Mizpah church, Portland, a classmate of Mr. Montgomery, delivered the charge to the people. Kev W. 0. Forbes, moderator of the Byn xl of Ore gon, charged the pastor. The benedic tion was pronounced by the pastor, after which thri members of tlin church and cougre io I ca na furitrd and extend ed their welcome to their, new pastor. Special evangelistic services will be held in the. church next week beginning TuHly evening, to which all are invited. Thk Nkwsi'ai'HR. Dr. Cowan at the Conureg.itioiml clmich bnti'Uy evening Uiscussed the influence of the modern newspaper and among other things ap pealed to hi- people to take the daily p iper, if they could, inakiiitf sure that it was the light kind of a datlv, audio take the local newspapers, which are doing for the local community a work worth 10 times their cost, but not on any account to fail to take the papers of the church, which would keep them in touch with the life of a world in which the Brest names were not Durrant and Corbett and Fiizsimmons, and where the great events were not the last prize fight and the most noteworthy utterance the things the ' murderer sa'd to the reporter In his cell I he night before. ThkIIbspsrians. The second regu . " . . i.. tar meeting oi tne nespenau wierary Club was marked by the deep interest manifested uy its memb rs Miss Virdie Monroe,- the young energetic president, called the meeting to order and acted her pm well, The main feature of the evening's program was the spelling match in which the con quering heroes were Prof. Holmes and Chan. McCushland. Fred Meindle read an essay on Ben Franklin. The girl's quartet rendered oue of their silvery strain and soul inspiring selections. Everyone who took part deserves con gratulation and credit. Tne next meet ing will be held next Thursday evening at 7:30. A good program has been prepared for the occasion. Adults are always welcome. M. H. From Clackamas. Prof. Jacob L. Wortman. whose find of an extinct species of monkey In Colorado has brought him into national notice, is not, strictly speaking, a "Yamhill county boj ," though his father is living at Mc Minnville now. The professor was boru in Clackamas county, along about 1850, at the family home on the bank of the Willamette river about 12 miles abo ve Oregon City. His brothers, John and H.C. Wortman, are in business in Portland, the later being treasurer of the Olds & King Co. Dr. Frank C. Wortman, another brother, died there some two years ago. The Jennings Estate. Items con tinue to appear from time to time con. cerning a vast estate belonging to an English family of the name of Jennings, heirs to which are in Oregon and Wash ington. The most direct and authenti cally established succession in this part of the country is said to be that ot the late Berry man Jennings, of Jennings' landing, on the Will amette river be tween Portland and Oregon City. The estate is supposed to be worth some thing like $80,000,000 . Probate Matters. Petition of T. F. Ryan for order to sell property set for hearing on November 23d Apprais- ment of estate of W. C. Groff extended to November 23 Petition for re moval of Eva Newman as administratrix denied...... Partition of property of Rinearson estat e agreed too . Awarded Hifbcst Honor-World' Fair. KSE2Q MOST PERFECT MADE A pure Crape Cream of Tartar Powder. Free from Ammonia, Aium or any m nwcui 40 YEARS THE STANDARD. . ' K 'H ikiih. Kob Lrm hMi-uuI to gain entrance lo tne hi ore of A, It Duo little of the weal hide Saturday morning aboul 3 o'clock, but were iWuvend and left on seeimi light. Tht-y hIhi eniertid the store of C A McMillan of the same neighliorhood wiikii iney we'1 also dixcovered before an.Mliing hh taken. They made their e-ae . Tne day before was pay day at Mieninlx .mil the slores keep considerable money to cash checks those ilajs but hail Very litlleon hand. They also entered the house of Mr. Harding and secured a watch. Circuit Court Action filed during week with with county clerk : Wimer & Harper against J Tremhath; Lanra M. Welsh et al against John N llowett etal; R. L. Subin against Moody & Rinerson; 11. R. Holmes against H A K lylor ; Muthew Athny and wife against H E Hayes; Rudolph Koeinerand Fred Meyer aguinst Willamett Iron Works; Minnie Kuttel against Peter Kuttel ; Baptist College against John W. Drapei et al ; Oregon City agi nut L T Burin and against 8. E & P. Paqnet. Fat Beeves This week the enter prising butchering firm of I'etzold & Gale received from Eas'e'i Oregon two car luads of the fattest Durhams that have been in this market for many a day. This drove of SO steers is a fine lot and speak w oil for the buyers, who are alwavs trying to plume the patrons of their two markets by giving litem tiie best and tenderesl steak to he had . PERSONAL MENTION. O. Lovej iy was i,i town this week. A N.M.ineyol diln n io the city on Tuesday. Miss Winnie William' is visiti'ij re latives in Portland. J. A. Stuart returned tliU week from a trip to Tillamook . State Land Acetic D ivenp rt of Salem was in town Tuesday. J. P. Keat-ng re:urn il from his Cali fornia trip Wednesday. J. J. Hinderman of Pendleton was doing business in town Wednesday. Editor White of the Portland Chronicle was the giiesl of A. B. Graham Sunday. Harmon Green has left for Ban. Ion. where he will w irt in tlu w mien mill. Mr. Caeaday of Portland is now fore man of the EnlerpritB, E. M. Mack having resigned . Miss Birdie and Emily West of East Portland were the guests of Mrs. F.R. Charman Sunday. O. D. Austin and wife have been spending the week with Mrs. Austin's mother, Mrs. Jones. K. H. Gabbert will return to his post of duty on the Enterpriie next week, after a month's vacation. Mrs. Win. Warren of Portland spant last week a the guest of her sUter , Mrs. C. O. T. Williams. Miss Bessie Midlam of Canemah is employed in the cloak department of Lipman , Wolfe & Co. of Portland." Representative Hermann w is id towu Tuesday. He was looking up facts in re gard to permanent improvement of Willamette river.' Mrs. Lewthwaite an I daughter, May, who have been visiting re'ativej here for the past few months, leave for their home in California Friday. Mr. and Mrs. Pusey arrived on Wed nesday from Stockton, Cal., and visited her daughter, Mrs. W. P. Hawley. after which they left tor Barlow where they will in the future reside. Mrs. Cass Barl ow is their other daughter. H. H. Johnson returned on Saturday from his surveying trip to Lane county. Ernest Rands is expected . home any day, he having about finished his con tract also. Henry Meldrum will return in about three weeks from his surveying trip to Klamath county. Burmeister & Andrejen have just re ceived from Germany a large invoice of chinaware, each piece having an Oregon City scene bnrned on it. There are six different views, representing all the points of interest, which makes them valuable for presents. Try our compressed Ham Sausage, fine for lunches. E. E. Williams, the grocer. The Oregon City Steam Laundry has been consolodated with the Union Laundry of Portland and will hereafter do its work at the Portland office. Henry Elliot will act aa agent here and collect all billa due the former proprietor Mr. G. P. Bradford. Did Ym Ever Trv Electric Bitters as a remedy for your troubles? If not, get a bottle new and get relief, ibis medicine ess oeen found to be peculiarly adapted to the relief andcure of all Female Complai nts, exerting a ronderfnl direct influence in fiving strength ana tone to tne organs. ( yon have Loss of Appetite, Constipa tion, Headache, Fainting Spells, or are Nervous. Sleepless. Excitable. Mel ancholy or troubled with Dizzy Spells, Electric Bitters is the medicine you need. Health and strength are guaranteed by its use. Only fifty cents at Charman & Go's Drug Store. Aamold was recalled three times in Paris. He will be at the Congregational church on Thursday, October 24th. Tickets on sale at Huntley 'a for 23 cents. Toilet Soap E.E.Williams, the grocer. L . NrWS ITEMS. Mr l.hert Finlei is quite olck at her re-iditni't a lireeii Point Mr-. .1 O. R ad a.. 1 Mr Ral Is stilt confined to Hi- hoime liy illn". Liee'l.e In '! grut'H. on tllH 2lt to Ma II 'I'eid'io n I'll brink Maier. The barn of V. MiHvaoey of MllUllO burned mi M 01 lav. Lw a'lmii $000. A family bv ihe name of eMail" ird have rented the Birm h m" 00 I iw.ir Miin. The pom.. Ill at M.iad B 00k has been changed 10 on word, Me "low brook . John K diler aonl it Friday bound over to the. grand Jury bv Jmtioa Dixon for a -fault . The W P. & Co ii hud Inu nw four foot walk from weat end suspension bridge to its paper mills. Theeity i regravelling Seventh street anI fixing up the Singer hill road, a much needed improvement. Mrs Julia K Sliiblm Hged 63 years and resident of Molalla died last Friday. She left a on and d'liiirhter. L H Howard was examined belm-e Jo-iice Dixon on Monday for threaten ing t kill B S Wilcox and discharged. R. W. Mi. Ham. ai;ed 71. a recent ar rival from PeniiNy vania, was Adjudged insane on Saturday and sent to Salem. Henry K'liht of Canbv had an unit broken ami was severely bruised on Wednesday while working in the aaw mill. There Is lira oih vok ah fit A im ld, he is a genius of the first order. Con gregational church, Thursday night. 25 cents. The trial of Waller Janney, formerly of thin place, a id oth-rs, indicted for burgulary in Portland, will come up for trial there on N 'vmn'ier 7th. The 11-year-old son of A. Bauman was fooling with a loaded rifl when he shot hia litllo (i vear-nM brother. The ebild was buried next day. Saturday is Woodmen's dav at the exposition'and Willamette Falls camp of this place will attend As many as can Bhnuid taice the 5 :40 car M. W. Pratt will deliver his lecture 'From the Gutter to the Pulpit" at the Salvation Army hall on Friday evening. He conies highly recommended. The Courier is under obligation lo Mr. Oscar Whitten of Oswego for a box of the Mi est grape the writer has ever tated either in New York or California. Clackamas county has three pupil in the deaf-mute school at Salem, Alex ander Hennessy of Oswego, John Reichle of Stafford and Hattie Boyer of Currinsville. , ,-v:...-. The siit of Miss Belle llammnnd against Cass U. Barlow for $25,000 damages for breach of promise and se duction has been dismissed. The con sideration is said to be $409. The last car for this place on Tuesday night ran into a cow below Gladstone and was derailed. Another car was secured ,and tl.e passengers arrived here at about 3 a. m. It was a nar row escape for the passengers. Every musician in theeity is planing to hear Aamold. Every lover of music has expressed a determination not lo miss this opening event of the m isical season. Congregational ch urch, Thurs day night, 25 and 15 cents. Why don't the city council put a license on bill distribu tors from Portland and make it high enough to keep them out. Who likes to see every front yard in town covered with posters describing "selling out sales in Portland," fake doctors and patent medicines. On Monday evening there was a qiuet but pleasing wedding at the Methodist parsonage in which J. W. Batdorf and Miss Flora Hyde of Oregon City were the contracting parties. They returned to their future home in Oregon City where the gtoom has a well established business and where he is well and favorably known to a large citcle of friends. Vancouver Independent. The building and loan association of this city has been able to grant every application for a loan that has been presented. The association, is making arrangements to thoroughly canvass this place in the interest of the institution. If you wish to put away a few dollars each month you will be surprised to see how much you will have in a few years by investing in mutual association of this kind. . i P. Haviland was examined before Mayor Straight Saturday and held under $10Q bonds to appear before U. 8. grand jury for Mnd the following on postal through the mails to E. McLincey: "yours at band ; wonld say that I shipped your old yoke and chains on Monday to Boone's ferry on th Gray Sagle and paid the freight, ai you told me to. If yon want trouble, pop your whip, you fool. I ted your old cattle, and that ia more than you can say by mine and tell the truth." Slates, tablets, pencils, school bags, etc., at "The Fair." Entire stock of Crockery will be sold below cost at R. Staub's Grocery. Cranberries E. E.Williams, the grocer. Dr. Price' Cream Baking- Powder WsnCsFalr rTlxttH H-slsl ' Pliliai Prices n m be Rights Only Best Grade of Uoods When in Need of TINWARE, STOVES OR HARDWARE REMEMBER..,, W. A. FUXROW, Near Ihe Court House. LOCAL SUMMARY. Money to loan on good security by A . S. Dresser. Tablets and composition books 4c up at "The Fair." Depot of Schilling's Best Baking Powdur at R. Staub's Grocery. Prescriptions carefully compounded et it. A. Harding's drug store. P. G. Shark gives the best shave in town and only 10 cents, shop next to Oriental., . Received at Charman & Son's a large invoice of wall paper, latest and pret tiest designs. Gardner Freytag continues to deliver the best and freshest vegetables of any me in the business. Good flour 70c, Dietz lantern 35c, and lots of new goods at eastern prices at the Red Front Trading Co.'s J. W. Welch, dentist, formerly of the Chiaago College of Dental Surgery Office in Coi'Ri br block near depot. for youf strings" and extras for all pusical instruments go to Burmeister t Andresen's, who keep a full supply. .'Good butter 35c a roll, and other groceries as low as the lowest, a' Strat um's 'Grocery, corner Seventh and Center streets . Lamps ! There is no need to fall short on lamps in your house as you can buy a handsome kitchen hand lamp for 20c. See the immense stock at Bellomy & Busch's store. L. L. T'ickenB, dentist, does all kinds of dental work. Gold crowns, porcelain crowns and bridge work a specialty. Office in Barclay building, corner Main and Seventh streets. Remember when you need anything in the line of graniteware or tinware that W. A. Putrow now has a complete assortment. If price is any object you will not fail to give him a call . Drs. J. W. Welch and F. P. Welch have opened a dental office in the Courier building, near depot. Frank P. Welch, son of Dr. John Welch and a graduate of the dental department of University of Pennsylvania will be In the office Thursday of each week . C. A. Willey has moved his harness and repair shop from on the hill to second door west of depot, next to Courier office, where he will not only keep a full line of first-class hand-made harness, saddles, etc., but will do all kinds of harness and boot and shoe repairing at prices that can't be dup licated. Give him a call. Satisfaction guaranteed. A large stock of new goods has just been received at the Racket store. Bargains of all kinds. Call and see for yourself. m m Dr. Price's Cream Baking Powder wona 1 raw -ligacat iw-. ii The musical people of this city are going to have Aamold, the great violin-1 st, at the Congregational church, Tburs iday, October 24th. Er;l3 Tailsrisg Ccspanj. Kew Dekon, Cor.MtWHD. Portland. Suits made to order in the latest Styles. fr: ' V W3 ; CUFFb Like chain-, imvi Iihkm to 11 vrrect FihIii ,, i.,k- ihetu -o. an lllH Cliffs ol F.-lli M, Ilk" those i. HilveraiM, inn-' ! an-e'iii-d niihcom liliant allium m " Our .ilk are Hi re pled us biii,U correct and 1 . finest in loan H t ,ve ilnmi in .l ihe diffi-ienl v 1 in il.o,.,. figuit... We not only Imvh Fani..ii' links, im her cliaiiiH, m- o.. ,iioi,h . 11 11 a In line of ihe L'Ui-Ht Siylm in JEWELRY Burmeister & Andresen... THE JPWEURH R. FREYTAG'S Corner Grocery Keeps a Full Line of STAPLE & FANCY Grt IERIES, Provisions, Flour, Feed, . Fruits &JVegetablc8, AT LOWEST PRICES. T GEO. A. HARDING, DCALBB IN IP ZDRCJGrS IE Standard Pat. Medicines. Paint-, Oils and Window Olau. PreKrlpttoiu AfXHrnltly Qimpouiulctt. harding's block. There's "3 No Such Thing As Luck .... In buying shoes if you get shoes tnat wear out in an un reasonably short time, it is not due to bad luck. It is because they were either poorly made or made from inferior teat .er We buy all our shoes from manu facturers who cannot aford to lima- '! ' 'i 1 .ou I wear well. Kraiisse Bros., Snxt Dn'r In Bur'ii"! ii-r & Andresen's VVM. KRUEGER, g) MERCHANT TAILOR & Next Door to Oriental Hotel ALL KINDS OF REPAIRING DONE. Obkuon City, - Orkoon. II. W. WESTERMANN, Merchant Tailor.... Cleaning, Repairing and Pressing Done. Price's Old Stand. N Door North of Armory, Oregon City. In Oregon City, beautiful town, With its zephyrs soft and gentle, Is a place that has the best renown, Its name, The Oriental. It gained this fame by selling BEER, in glasses monumental; 1'hen when your soul you long to Go to the Oriental. cheer, From ancient days good men would 1 he famous continental, drink Would say to friends, you all must And seek the Oriental, think, Good beer by some is often sold, By others accidental, But every time, I have been told, Drink at the UnentaL N. F. Zimmerman, Prop. JOHN WIlCH, , Rooms VO, 71. W. kum POETIAIID, OBMOK. uitf ra. E;I Tallsrisg Cozpsay. 60-l New Dekam; Cor. Id Wub. Portland. ' IS)! uive us a xnai ; y as we . GCABANTEE .vn;0' SATISFACTION. C. 0. ot 1). C. LUwUi :TE Attorneyb at Luv.f Commercial, Keal Lnuu and Probate Law' Specialties. OFFICE: Commercial Bank Building OREGON CITY, OREGON. GEO. C. BROWNELL, Attorney at Law, Office Ont Door North Caufteld 4 Tun fey'i D- ugtlon, OREGON CITY, . - OKEG0N. E. F. DRIGGS, ATTORNEY AT LAW. OREGON CITY. Office : Two Doors South of Courthouse. RINEARSON & HYDE, ATTORNEY L : ABSTRACTING DONE. Opposite Caufield Block, 03EOOX CITV, ... 0REO0 New Fish Market. K. RiohanU, Prop. Oysters, Fresh and Salt Water Fish, Poultry, Game, Crabs, Clams, Etc. Free Iklivcry. Two Doom South 0 Armory . Take up a Paper. And rcRil h II the advertisenient rare fnlly Look and xee who holdn out the moKt tempting offers Thnn vn around and nee whatilinHe tempiinir itfVrareallv amount to Nine time out of ten you'll be dinappoiiitvd. We are very careful wi s' we May in our ads, but we belieVH it i purfectly truihful to mate that when pwiple buy of m thi-y fft thflir money's wortr every tiiuo. That's ail we can promise O. W. GRACE, llr In Groceries, Dry Goods, Boots, Shoes, Etc ELY, OltEttON. Imperial Gallery Ore(oa City. 7 PHOTOGRAPHY IM KVEBY BRANCH CRAYONS, ENLARGEMENTS. CHILDBEN'S PICTURES A SPECIALTY. Gallery over Mrs. Prior's Storo, Main St. V HARRIS, Star r Grocery DEALER IN GROCERIES, FLOUR, FEED, CROCKERY, ETC. Noblitt Livery and Sale table OREGON CITY, OREGON, On tho Street between the Bridge and the Depot. Double anil tingle rlgi tad itddle bonci ai w.v. on hand at tha lowe.1 r.ttti. and a oorral alio connected with the barn (or loon .lock. Any Information reg-ardfng any kind ot itoek promptly attended to by letter or penoa. HORSES BOUGHT OB BOLD H. W. JACKSON, Machinist and Locksmith, Bicycle, Umbrella, Sewing Maohlnei, Gum, and all klnde of email machinery re- . paired. Prlcei naionabla. Shop m Seventh Street, Oppotite Depot. The Commercial Dank OF OREGON CITY. CAPITAL $100,000. Transaota a Genersl Basking Business. . . Bill- Mt.m lmA lf... aI leetloo. hay and Mile exchange on all poInU In tha Called SUtae and Eorope and on Hong Bank open from 0 A.M. lot P. M. D. C. LATODRITTE, 1. 1. DOH ALDSON, rretiaeDk mww Bank of Oregon City. OLDEST BAHKINO HOtJIS III THE CITT Paid Dp Ctital, $50,000. Sarplns, $20,850. Preildent, TaOKAi CailMAK Oao. A. Baim E. O. Cavimxii CiiHJi H.CaonaiB Vice President. Cuhler, Manager, A General Banking Bnilneea Traniaeted. DepoelU Received Subject lo Chack. Approved BUU and Kotea DiaeennWd. County and City Warranta Boaght Loaiu Mad on Available SeenrUv Exchange Bought and told. ColUctloni Made Promptly. Dr.ru gold AraHabla in Any Part oi the World. TalemDbJe Bechance Bold en Portlaad, Baa rranelaeo, Chicago and Bew Tork. Interest raid on Time peposua. i