LOCAL EVENTS. Social Kvrnt The surprise party jflven at the armory laat Friday evening by the Iriends of Mini Kato Want, in honor of, her lOlh birthday, was pleasant and enjoyable affair in other word the event of the Reason. So ciability prevailed throughout the entire evening and dancing, whist, chattiiiK etc., formed the amusive and favorite pastime. Those present were : Messrs Gliarlea Pope, James Church, Clare Campbell, George McBride, Harley Stevens, Rae Norrls, Grafton Cheney, William Lo(tus, Charles Wilson, James Shaw, William Lewthwaite, Freddie Charman, Leiuhton Kelly, Fred Wilson, Ralph Miller, Howard and Mort Latourette and E. M. Shaw; A. J Brazee, Everett Stark and Arthur Coinpton of Portland; Misses Kate Ward. Anna Dolan, May Lewthwaite aria Pratt, Pearl Meldrtim. Ina Chase, Clara Warner, May Wishart Marj'irie GaiifleM, Pauline Campbell Hazel Pillsbnry, May McBride, Vera Cautiehl, Sade Chase, Betta Fouts Alice Lewthwaite, Minnie Ackerman, Ethel Caufleld, Ora Spangler, Erma Lawrence, Mm. J. R. Khaw,,Mr. and Mrs. Wright and Mr. and Mrs. C. D Latourette. Miss Ora Spangler, the skillful- and entertaining pianist, executed the music for the evening with ease and grace to an appreciative gathering. The interior decorative effects, under the supervision of Mrs. C. D. Latourette, assisted by Miss Ina Chase and Miss Erma Lawrence, were unique, artistic and typical of autumn. Elaborate refreshments were served, under cluster of autumn leaves, and consisted of a bountiful supply of various kinds of cake, sparkling lemonade, etc. All departed at the midnight hour, assisted on their homeward way bv the moon light that is usually prevalent on nn autumn evening. Thk BunouLAR at Siiivkly's. "The Burglar" as played at Moore's Opera House last night was the strongest and best dramatic presentation ever seen here. The work of this superior com pany was of a very high order. We do not often seu the equal of these players, and they have a play that differs from the stereotyped ones, and is interesting mid strocg, with a very amusing comedy element which is capitally given. The work of Mr. Eugene Moore and Mrs. Anna Boyle-Moore in their very difficult roles was of a particularly hitth stand ard, but the entire company did very clever execution. Little Gertie Carlisle as "Editha" was one of the best and most pleasing child actresses we have seen on any stage. Iier interpretation of her lines was remarkable and Bhe de lighted every one. It is refreshing to the lover of good drama to see such a company of players as these. Brighton, N. J. Daily News. This company will vppear at Sliively's opera house Mon day next, October 14th. Admission 25, 50 and 75 cetats. Adoi.ph Levy Dcad. The funeral of Adolph Levy, one of the pioneer citizens of Oregon, took place Saturday in Port land, from the residence of his brother, Ludwig Levy. The funeral ceremonies were attended by many friends of the deceased, and immediately thereafter the remains were taken to Aliavi Kholem cemetery for interment., Adolph Levy was well known in mercantile circles ol Oregon, coming to the state when it was yet in its infancy and engagipg in busi ness at Oregon City. Thirty odd years ago he was Wells Fargo's agent and telegraph operator at thin place. Foua Hobsks Lost. Kidd & Williams have been having hard luck with their livery rigs. A young fellow got a team out of their stable on last Friday and drove to Portland and sold the outfit, he afterwards stole a b cycle in Port land and left. The horses and bicycle have, oeen foiiml . Sunday Scott G id frey got one uf their teams ar.'l drove U Springater. He 1 f r. ihreat 3 p. m. and at 8 . when about 2S miles from town, one of tli horses died from over driving. They also lust a horse from the pasture below town last week. Pro bate Mattbiw Ole Mickkelson, guardian of Emma Petersen et als, filed semi-annual r;port T F Ryan, administrator of e'w f C B. Hi kins, allowed to b.irriw $40) to pay taxes Adeline G. Sliker. executrix, ordered to sell perinal property to satisfy claims W. W. Dickenson. administrator of J M. Brown, to close tip estate on December 2d. Awarded Highest Honors World' Fair. DO; CTtEAT.1 11s MOST PERFECT MADE. Free ' A pure Crcpe Criam of Tartar Fowder. from Arnmonii.Alum or sny other adulterant 40 YEARS THE STANDARD. . mm Party A very pleasant sus prise party was given at the residence of Mrs Frank White on Wednesdayeven ing, October 0th, in honor of tier little daughter', Georgia. 11th birthday. The little folks inloyed themselves well with all kind of games of a mm ment until nine o'clock when ice cream and cake with other refreshments were served by Mrs. White and Mias Grace Stricklin. Georgia was the recipient of some very nice presents- Those pre sent were Mis Edna andClara Caufleld Miss Maud Cook, Miss Hattie Church, Miss Laura Randal, Miss Mbel Thayer, Miss Clara Barber, Miss Vada Elliott, Georgia and Narma White, Cheiter and Merley Elliott, Charlie Bloom, Tom Myers, Vern Barclay, Baal Thayer, Clarence and Ralph Green, Miss Grace Stricklin. Circuit Court. Action filed during week: Dicey E. Booth vs. Thos. J. Booth, Mason Ehrman & Co. vs. M. II. Flanuagan. 0. W. Sturgis, executor, vs Daniel Wyland, Andrew Kan & Co. vs. Moody & Looney . - PERSONAL MENTION. Chas. Piper was visiting frienih in this city Sunday. F. Rath of George preceint. wis in town Wednesday. J. M . Ware of Sweet Home is visiting relatives in this city. Oien Cutting of Molalla was in town Thursday on business. J. F. Haun of Willi jit was at the county seat Wednesday. K. H. Gabbert has returned from a trip to Southern Oregon. Mrs. Berryman Jennings visited her daughter in Salem last week. Mis? Winnie Graham is confined to her house with malarial fever. Miss Nellie and Lucy Lambert are the guests of Mary Charmau. Hon. Chas- B. Moore of Salem was in the city on Tuesday on business . Mrs. McKee of Oakland, Cal., is visit ing her daughter, Mrs. N. R. Lang. Mr. and Mrs. Prier returned last week from a months' outing at the seaside. Herman Jones returned Monday from Salem where he spent several days. Mrs. W. P. Burns of Portland visited her son, Charles, of this city during the week. Mrs. S. I.. Young of The Dalles has been visiting her mother, Mrs. E. J. Marshall. Miss May McBride and brother, George, are attending the Portland University. Mr. Markwcll and wife left on Tues day for Wallace, Idaho, where they will roside hereafter. T. B. Ilaokins left on last Friday for a ten days' trip to Alsea bay, where his mother resides. Albert T.izier, the jovial secretary o f the Oregon Press Association, was in town Wednesday. Miss Bessie West, Geo. West and Helen Josephi were the guests of Mrs. Fred Charman last week. Mrs. J. E. Coates of Liberal visited her Bister-in-law, Mrs. W. M. Raupach of East Portland last week. Mrs. Lizzie Elerby of Portland was guest of Mrs. W. M. RobinBon of the Electric hotel last week . Mrs. Geo. C. Browneli and son, Howard, returned Tuesd ay from Boston, MaBS., where she has been visiting this summer Wm. Partlow returned on Monday from Salem, where he spent several days renewing acquaintenances with brother pioneers. Mr. Jno. P. Keating, bi-ok keeper for W. P. & P. Co., left by steamer on Sat nrday to spend his vacation at his home in San Francisco. Mrs. Huluie aod daughter. Alma, of California, and Mr. and Mrs. P. F. Morey and daughter, Florence, visited Cascade Locks last week. Adulphii' Willey returned home on Saturday after, spending the summer at Tillamook. He reports that it has rained almost constantly since July 4 th. Oscar Hayter of Dalles was admitted to the practice law by the state supreme court this week. Mr. Hiyter wa-t form erly employed by the Clackamas Ab stract Co. here. H. C. Stevens, J. G. Tillsbery, Capt. , T. Asperson. Max Schulpius and D. E. Sbeppard returned en Saturday from Salem where they held official positions during the state fair. N. P. Kayler, the Molalla pork packer, was in town Tuesday. Mr. Kayler has made quite a reputation for his smoked meats and lard and it keeps him busy to supply his customers. R. L. Greaves and R. L. Holman of Achilles lodjja of Oregon City, H. A. Snyder and J. M. Uiesy of Hermes of Aurora, and L. A. Jackson and S. Winter of Star of Oswego, were delegates to the grand lodge of Knights of Pythias at .Salem this week . Rev. G. Sykes left on Saturday lor Beaverton where he will have charge of the M. E. cbareh. His family will remain here a coaple of weeks longer. The congregation and citizens regret the departure ' sJkes from oar midst. but Seaverton has secarea a gooa ana j conscientious citizen. LOCAL NEWS ITEMS. Lee Harding is on the sick list. The county court 1 in session this week. Mrs. Jno. Gleasnn Is very ill with typhoid fever. Born, to the wife of Win. Sheehao on Saturday, a girl. Born, on Thursday last, to the wife of E. Parker, a son. Born on Sunday last to Mr. and Mrs, Sidney Smyth, a son. Bora on Saturday to the wife of R. N. Bradley, a daughjer. Wm. Andrew Healy Is about again after a siege of sickness Remember "The Burglar" at Sliively's on next Men lay evening. Miss Nellie Younger b'gan teaching on Monday at Macksburg. The 'A. 0 U. W. fraieral order will be 27 years old on the 27th . D. H. Glass will soon build a home on Monroe street, near Seventh. J. II. Revenue was on Tuesday ap pointed postmaster at Sandy. J. N. Miller on Monday opened hi S new saloon on upper Main street, next door to Steam Laundry. The Park Place school opene I on Monday under the professorship of J. W, Gray, with four assistants Fred Williams has moved into his house, formerly owned by Mr. Lark, and later by Mr. Belloiny . Willamette Falls camp won second prize in the wood-chopping contest on Woodmen's day at the state fair. Married, at the residence of Willis Mayfield, on October 7th, by Rev. A, Homer, Miss Emma Closner and Wm W. Tucker. Mr. and Mrs. Dave Davis of St Helens were visiting friends in this city during the weik. Mr. Davis is editor of the ifist. Flunk Goodell of Salem has taken Tom Cowing's place fur a few days. Tom has been on the sick list for the last week and needed a rest. T. C. Shaw, ex judge of Marion county was on Monday appointed assistant farmer at the reform school, vice II. L. Patterton of Clackamas, resigned. Bert Yale, aged 10 , last) week was fooling with a loaded shot cartridge when it exploaded, tearing his left hand to pieces and destroying hit left eve. Mr. Klinger of the West Side on Mor. dav received of the State Insurance Company tSOO, the full amount of in surance on his house which burned some two months ago. Miss Minnie Ackerman, assisted by Miss Goldsmith, has recently opened a kindergarten and primary school at her residence, and pupils who wish to attend may enter at any time. Commissioner R. Scott of Milwaukie secured 12 first and two second premiums on sheep and five first premiums on swine at the state fair. Mr. Scott had one of the best herds of sheep at Salem. Last Friday Mr. and Mrs. Chas. H . Caufleld celebrated the I2lh anuversary of their wedding day by inviting a few of tbeir many friends to spend the even ing at their home on Seyenth. A very pleasant time is reported. The country residence of J. W. Draper was burned on Sunday. They were able to save nearly all the furniture and household goods on acconnl of them being packed, they intending to move to town for the winter the following day. Rev. S. W. Stryker, formerly of Grace church of Portland, preached his first sermon in the M. E. church here on Sunday, and made a very favorable impression on the congrega tion and members. He has a wite and two children. St. Paul's Guild gave a very pleasant socialWednesday night at the residence of Richard Glasspool. The lawn was prettily decorated with Japanese lan terns and a delightfull musical program was rendered after which dainty refresh ments were served. Licenses to wed granted on 4th to Olive Marquam and A. H. Logan, on 5th to Minnie Eichstaedt and Wm. Krueger, on 7th to Emma Closner and Wm. W. Tucker, on 8th to Susan A. Derry and Frank E. Wills, on 8th to Minnie Woolworlh and Wm. Gothrap. The stock exhibitors at the state fair organized and el.-cted R. Scott of Mil waukie president, J. Redmond of Mc Minnville vice-president and Dr. Witby- combe of Hillsboro secretary. The object is to co-operate with the state board of agriculture to further stock interests. The w.-iter had the pleasure of eating some large ripe strawberries from the garden of E. P. Rands on Tuesday. What would our Eastern friends think of having strawberries on October 7th. Mrs. Rands also has eight rosebushes and 25 other flowers in bloom at this time. M. W. Pratt, a reformed drunkarJ, gambler and fighting man will lecture on "rrorn the uutier to tne ruipit in the U. B. church, Thursday, October 10th, at 7:30. Come and bring your children. A collection will be taken. Sunday at 3:45 be will lecture at the M. E. church. Through the kindness of Mr. C. Mil ler, superintendent of the Willamette Falls K. R., a late car will be run on Eagle Tailoring Company. WMll New rioku ra, Cor. 3,1 & Wash. Portland. Suits made to order in the latest Styles. that line to accomo late the citizens of Willamette Falls and netghhoringtoivna who desire to witness the Guild emer- trinment at Oregon City on Friday and Saturday evenings. The prisoners in the county jail saw the courthou'e wood. The steam woodsaw was sawing wood in the court house yard last week which would lead people to think same belonged to county when it belonged to the adjoining residence and piled there for con venience of sawing. Over 501 people attended the various rxerciaes incident to Rally week at the Congregational church. Large numbers of young people participated in the mid week prayer social. On Sunday even ing Dr. Cowan's illustrated talk on "Missions in all Lands" was uniime. Tha children from all lands rendered their parts well. W. II. Burgliardt was arrested 011 Monday on complaint of Daniel Wyland for the larcency of several bales of hops and will have a hearing on Friday. It is alleged that Mr. Burghnrdt broke into Mr. Wyland 's hophnuse and took the hops to Canby. Mr. Burgliardt had an interest in the hops, which interest was attached last week and afterwards released . Charles II. Cautield, secretary of the Portland General Electric Company, has fled his report with the governor of the freight, passengers, etc., carried through the locks at Oregon City for the quarter ending September 30. It gives the num ber of trips made by river steamers as 382, carrying 12,584 passei gets ; cattle, etc., 85; sheep, etc., 128; merchandise, 04,065 tons. Hamshaw & Belim, the contractors who laid the Main street pavement in Oregon City, have left a waterworks contract at Astoria in about the same shape they did Oregon City. In Astoria they drew money for the work and disappeared aud did not pa v their laborers. Their bondsmen will have to c iinplute con tract and make good the money swindled out of employes. Judge Stearns of Portland Wednesday decided adversely to the petition of Mrs, Elizabeth Lovej y and children to have opened their suit against Portland Gen eral Electric Co. The action is for the recovery of what Mrs Lovejoy claims to be Abernethy or Governor's i-land, or Island Mills properly, below the Willamette falls at Oregon City. Mrs Lovejoy has twice Inst the suit. At a meeting of the Portland Presbv- tery on Tuesday the call of the Prasliy terian church of Oregon City for the paatorial services of Kiv. A. J. Mint gnmery was accepted by him, and he with Elder J. R. Williams were ap pointed a committee to arrange for the installation services, Which will be held in Oregon City, October 23, at 7:30 p. Rev. Thomas Boyd, D. D., to pre side, propound the constitutional ques tions, and offer the installing prayer; Rev. E. P. Hill, D. D., to preach the sermon ; Rev. J. Morrison to charge the pastor, and Rev. W. T. Wardell to charge the people. Dr. Price's Cream Baking Powder World' Fair Highest Award. J. W. Welch, dentist, formerly of the Chiaago College of Dental .Surgery Office in Cockier block near depot. Entire stock of Crockery will be sold below cost at R. Staub's Grocery. Burmeister & Androgen have just re ceived from Germany a large invoice chinaware, each piece having an Oregon City scene burned on it. There are six different views, representing all the points of interest, which makes them aluable for presents. Then Baby wai sick, we gave brr Castoru. Wlien lUwut Child, she cried for CtorU. Then she became XIm, ah clung- to Carfwta. ITLea sh bad Children, ah gx re tbem CaatorU Like chains, must have links to be correct. Fashion links them so, and the ciiirs of Fashion, like those of adversity, musi be accepted with com pliant snbraltHioii Our links are ac cepted as absolutely correct and the finest in town. We have them in all the different styles at moderate figures. We not only have Fashion's links, but her chains as well, along with a full line of the Latest Stylei in JEWELRY. Burmeister & Andresen... THE JEWELERS. Eagle Tailoring Company. M no-ill New Dekum, Cor. at Wuh. Portland. Give us a trial as we GUARANTEE SATISFACTION. R. FRETTAG'S Corner Grocery Keeps a Full Line of STAPLE FANCY GROCERIES, Provisions, Flour, Feed, Fruits & Vegetables, ' AT LOWEST PRICES. I I GEO. A. HARDING, JJKAliKH 1X1 3? DBUGS Standard Pet. Medicines. Paints, Oils and Window Glass. Preicriptiotu Accurately Compounded. HAKPINU'S BLOCK. Now pen! NEW SHOE STORE A Full Line of Eastern Boots ami Shoes which we will sell at . Eastern Prices. Call and Examine Our Goods. We . will give you Great Bargains New Styles, Latest Designs, Lowest Prices. Krausse Bros, Next Door to Burmeister & Andresen's. SHIVELT'S OPERA H0USE Friday and Saturday Evenings... OCTOBER tea until & 12th Grand Dramatic and Musical Entertainment, OIVEN BY IHIrtk Oregon City Glee and Histrionic Society, Under the auspices of the Ladies, Guild, and for the benefit of the Hi. Paul Episcopal church of this city, the beautiful three act drama, entitled: Nevada, th" Lost Mine. Thin play la 1M In the 20M minlntr melon and (lenlcii frontier lite In the gold mines in the, Hierra Nevada In Uie early (lays. It U one ol the tent playion the American ilaae, with the following caat: CAST OF CHARACTERS. NEVADA, the wanderer-... ........ W. A. ASKIK ermont, an Old Miner... Tom Carew, ( v..... ui,... JOSEPH KK'E If.ndf Dick, Vouna Miners, c w poPE Hilu Steele, Ml'.lonarr ot Health, A. A AKI Jnden, a lietectiva .. HENRY PI'HKV Jubo. a Black Minor...... .LEIGHTON KEI.I.Y Win Kye. a Chinaman - ..KKA NOKKIH Mother Milton, mother of the ramp MISS MINNIE LANE Airnei Eairlee, School Teacher - MI.SS Kl BY SI'ENCER Mo-elle, a waif.- MI -IS MKK1K WALKER Reserved seats on sale at Huntley's drnestore. Prices of admission is Z'k, 3.jc anil Mc Bring your printiuit and get it done when are always here. to the Cockieb promised. We C. D. & D. C. LATOURETTE' Attorneys at Law, Commercial, Real Estate and Probate Law Specialties. OFFICE: Commercial OREfiON CITY, Bank Building 0RE80N. GEO. C. BR0WNELL, Attorney at Law, Office One Door North. . Caufleld & Hunt Uy'$ h uytlori, OREGON CITY, . OREGON' E. F. DRIGGS, ATTORNEY AT LAW OREGON CITY. Office: Two Doors South of Courthouse RINEARSON & HYDE, ATTORNEY T LAY?, ABSTRACTING DONE. Opposite Caufield Block, OREGON CITV, - OREGON. New Fish Market. E. Itiehards, Prnp. Oysters, Fresh and Salt Water Fish, Poultry, Game, Crabs, Clams, Etc. Free Iklircry. Tim Doori South of Armory Take up a Paper. And reail all the advertisements care fully. Look and see who holds out the most tempting oilers Then gn around and see what those tempting oilers really amount to. Nine times out of ten you'll be disappointed. . We are very careful wl a we say in our. ads, but we believe it is perfectly truthful to state that when people bi'y of us they f! their money's worth every time. That's ail we can promise . U. W OIIACE, iTTS Groceries, Dry Goods, Boots, Shoes, Etc. ELY, OKEOOV. Imperial Gallery Oregon City. PHOTOGRAPHY IN EVERY BRANCH. CRAYONS, ENLARGEMENTS. CHILDREN'S PICTURES A SPECIALTY. Gallery over Mrs. Prler'i Store, Main St. V. HARRIS, Star Grocery DEALER IN GROCERIES, FLOUR, FEED, CROCKERY, ETC. Noblitt Livery and Sale tabic OREGON CITY, OREGON, On the Street between the Bridge and tht Depot. Double ami single rliri and saddle homei a waya on haud at the lowest rstei, and a corral also connected with the bam for loose itock Any Information regarding any kind of stool promptly attended to by letter or penoo. HORSES BOUGHT OK HOLD H. W. JACKSON, Machinist and Locksmith, BlcyClei, Umbrellas, Sewing Maehlnes, Gum, and all kinds of small machinery re paired. Prices reasonable. Shop in Seventh Street, Oppotite Depot. The Commercial Dank OF OREGON CITY. CAPITAL $100,000. Transioti General Banking Butlneii Loans made. Bills dlacouuted. Makes eol lections. Bays and sells exchange on all polnu In the United Htates and Knrope and on Hong Kong. Deposits received subfect to check. Bank open from ( A. M . to 4 P. H. D. C. LATOURETTE, t. K. DONALDBOM , President. Casblei Bank of Oregon City. OLDEST BAKKIMO HOUSI IK TBI CITY I'ildUp Caltal, $50,000. Snrplns, $20,850. President, Vic President. TB0M4S CaaaMaa Gao. A. Habdiss I. Q. Cicnixn Chaslis H. Cacfiatu Cashier, Manager, A General Banking Business Transacted. Deposits Received Subject to Check. Approred Bills and Soles Discounted. County and City Warrants Bought. Loans Made on Available Becoril Exchange Bought and ld. Collections Mad Promptly. Drafts Hold Available in Any Part Ol th. World. Telegraphic Exchange Sold on Portland, Baa Francisco, Chicago and Kew Tork. Interest Paid ea Tim Deposits.