Oregon courier. (Oregon City, Clackamas County, Or.) 188?-1896, October 11, 1895, Image 4

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Oregon Courier.
lly A. W. CHENEY.
Bmered la the Or goo City postofflca is second
olass matter.
One year 12 CO
Six month 1 00
Three monlhi to
I paid In advance, per year 1 CO
rue date opposite your addreii on the
paper denotes the time to which yon hava paid
OUKGON CITY, OCT. 11, 1895.
The platform adopted at Syracuse
lust week is lo aubstance what it should
be. It declares for "home rule, the firs
essential condition of good municipal
government; local jurisdiction and con
trol over purely local affairs; no legis'
lative meddling." This declaration is
emphasized by resolutions in fuvjr of
local option ou excise questions and
the like.
in view of the republican declarati in
in favor of "the maintenance of the
Sunday laws" the platform might have
stopped right there. The issue of this
campaign is that of personal liberty and
and local self-government against the
policy of legislative intererfence on the
nursery-governess plan.
The issue turns upon tin's single point,
It involves all there is of difference be'
tween democracy and republicanism.
Democracy stands for personal liberty
and (or home rule; republicanism stands
for arbitrary and puritanical government
from the outside, for I ho denial of per
sonal liberty and for the government of
municipalities by powers out of sym
pathy with their needs.and conditions.
The Journal of Commerce publishes
en important contribution to our stock
of economic information in a summary
of the estimate made by the French
Bulletin des Halles of the world's
wheat crop of the present year.
The two features of the report which
interest us are the statements, first,
that "the production of wheat through
cut the world in 181)5 will be greatly
inferior to that of 1804," and second,
that "all the exporting countries to-.-ther
will not have enough exportable
Ileal to satisfy the demands of the
importing countries.
The United States is one of the
wheat-producing countries in which a
diminished crop is estimated, but with
over a hundred million bushels to ex
port we shall get more money for it.
Tiiis means a contribution to a favor
able balance of trade, check to gold
exports and a disappointment to
calamity howlers.
Last Tuesday Alfred Keiinxl raised
his new barn.
There is a good deal of Are in thi
country at present burning in the
Nellie and Sadie Crocker were home
on Sunday for a visit.
Phillip Ogle finished making hay on
Tuesday .
The lookout committee of the Chris
tian Endeavor met pt Mr.Crocker's place
on Monday evening.
On the first of every month there will
be preaching at the Rural Dell school
house by tne Free Methodist and on the
first Sunday by the United Brethren
School will commence here the first
Monday in November.
J, C. Palmer has sold his hops, some
for seven and some for five cents.
The early frost killed the squash and
potato vines.
The reason there has been no items
from Ibis country the last few weeks is
because of the busy times.
Mr. Hugills moved to their rented
place on French prairie Tuesday.
Sunday school every Sunday at the
school house.
October 3. Dew Dhoi1
The Quarterly Report of City Treasurer
Holman Is as Follows:
Cemptery Fund
Dr To balance. . .
Uurial permits . . .
. 13 00
I13 79
Weinhardt Rewer Fund
Dr To cash 1.800 00
Cr By warrants paid 950 00
Watpr Fund
Dr To balance 18018(1
L Charman 1749 5a
Cr By warrants redeemed
Main Street Fund
Dr To balance
fiiwl 41
..$1383 50
.SI050 72
Tiikkk is considerable good sense in
the stand taken by the secretary of (lie
treasury againBt the further issue of
gold certificates by the government.
lie has never been an advocate of their
issue, and has been disposed to take the
view of Secretary Sherman, In his
annual report for 1878, that "The only
' put pose that could be snhserved by
their issue hereafter would be to enable
persons to convert their notes into coin
certificates, and thus contract the cur
rency and hoard gold in the vaults of
the treasury without the inconvenience
or risk of its custody." The gold car
tificates have now dwindled to $47,014,'
139, and the way in which they are
prized is Indicated by the fact that the
amount has diminished only a little
over f 1.000,000 in six months, and that a
pari of this diminution is due to the
surrender of certificates by the bond
syndicate to the gold reserve. The out
standing gold certificates on January 31 ,
1892, amounted to f Khi,178,9o9 This
mount was reduced at the end of a
year to $120,643,819, and the reduction
has since proceeded very slowly, except
when certificates have been surrendered
in lieu of gold at the times of the bond
issues of 1894.
Assessments 138108
$2431 80
Cr By warrants redeemed. ...$1414 05
General Fund
Dr To bulance $1782 30
Saloon license, J. Trembath 200 00
ine, A. Clark 25 00
Circus license 00 00
'earn license, D. Cubbs H 00
Saloon license, Hill A Cole. . . . 200 00
Team license, Geo. Broughton . . 2 00
Fine, J. Armstrong 25 00
Rebate on insurance. 4 19
Wood saw license, Harrington
A Duffy
Saloon license, Thos. Campbell.
Saloon license, J. W. Charlton.
Sewer pipe, James Lyndsay . . . .
Fine, Ed Bailee
Woodsaw license, T. B. Hankins
Truck license, C. N. Greenman
Show license, Senter Pay ton Co
Woodsaw license, T. B. Hankins
Truck license, HeckartdcSloper
City taxes, $783 98, warrants
$018.00 1401
City taxes, cash $434.28, war
rants $39.47 473 75
virtue of a certain assessment on the hare
of capital slock of the Blua Klver Mlu lug and
Milling Company, a corporation, of one-half of
one Per centum, declared bv die slockhnhtera
thereof at their meeting held ou the 2d day of
august, irwi ,auo uy virtue oi ma aitiou ol the
hoard of blreclori of said corporation, on tiie
'M day of August. 1hu.', whereby aaid assess
ment wan declared lo he delinquent on the 1st
day of September, lsui, and pursuant to the
Order thereof, now therefore:
The following mock will on iaturi'ay, the 12tb
day of October, lwil, at the front door of the
court house at Oregon City, Oregon, be auld by
me at public auction, for caah in hand, to the
highest bidder, Pi make the amounta of assess
ments aim costs of advertising thereon, namely:
Geo T Howard
W it Smith
Straight ilt Wlggltu
Geo II Ward
t It Charuiau
A I. Jonea
W W Mycin
1. R Salisbury
J V Ureen
C Noblitl
franc a Hand
Jerome Fetterly
A J Ware
3 W Grout
Maud K Saulabury
Uen A Hamilton
A J Hamilton
an u
fit mo
lot m
2i it io
2 60
10 00
2 00
2 Ml
20 00
25 00
2 Mi
i m
i uu
3 00
10 00
A 00
7 BO
Dated at Oregon City, Ore.. August 5th, 1895.
of Uregon, for .Clackamas county.
David Bloomer, pluintifl", , vs (icorge E.
Wooiner, defendant.
In the name of the flute of Oregon, von.
George E. Bloomer, defendant herein, are hereby
notified and required to be and appear in the
above entitled milt In the above named circuit
court and answer tile complaint of said plain,
till' therein Hied against you by Monday, the 4th
day of November, A. 1). UK,, that being
the firat day of lha II rut term of Mid
court following tne expiration of six
weeks DUhllcatlou of this aiimmona. and
you will lake notice, that if you fall so lo appear
and auaweraaid complaint, for the want thereof,
the shUI pliilniiu" will apply hi the taid court
for the relief prayed for In nid complaint, which
la III brief as follows, to w It: For a decree
agalnat defendant, George E. Bloomer, lo estab
lish a resulting trust in and to the following
described properly, to-wlt. Beginning at the
northeast corner of block 4 of Darling's addition
lo Uregon City, and running thence south loo
feet along Oak street: tlieuce west UK) feet:
llieuce north 100 feet; tlieuce ca t 100 feet lo
idace of beginning, according to nlnt on II Ik In
ollice of recorder of said county of Clackamas,
state oi uregon. Also lor a decree compelling
said defendant to deed over to said plaintiff all
right, title and Interest in and toaalil described
In the Circuit Court of the State nf Oregon,
for me County of Clackamas,
Mrs. V O. Harding, Plaintiff,
Spencer Thomas, 8. 1. Thomas (his wile) and
Webb. S Thomas, Defendants,
Stale nf Oregon, County of Clackamas, aa.
virtue of an execution and order of sale
Issued out of me circuit con rt of the stale of
Oregon, for the county of Clackamas, hearing
dale the 21st day of September, im, In a suit
wherein Mrs V O. Harding was plaintiff, mid
Hpeticer Thomas, s. t. Tnoinas (his wife; and
W ebb. S. Thomas were delendants, commanding
me, in the name of the state of Oregon, that out
ol the real estate hereinafter described, to realize
a sum sufficient to satisfy the demands of said
decree, to-wit; S120O, with interest tlitreon since
April 2M, 12, at the rate of 10 per cent, per
annum, and the further sum of 1126 aiiornnv.'
fees, and the further sum of Uli costs, aad also
thecosta of and attending this sale.
Now, therefore, In obedience to such decree,
I did duly levy upon, and will, on Saturday, the
Mill day of October, lKift, ut the hour of II
o'eloca a. ui. of said day, at the front door of
the court houae In said county, offer for
sale at punnc. auction, and sell to the
highest and ' best bidder, for aash
In hand, all of the right, title and
Interest the said defendants on the 2,'al nay
of April, 102, had In and lo the following de
scribed real property, to-wlt: Commencing at a
point on the Hue between sections ." and X, town
ship 3 south of range 2 east of the Willamette
meridian, 12 chains from the eorner of sections
4, 5, and V: Ihenoe east 24oo chains: tlieuce
north 4o degrees, east 4.M) chains: thence east
II 12 chains: thence north 20.82 chains: thence
south degrees, West 30.10 chains: Iheiioe south
22 degicea, weal M 41 chains to the place of
ucsiuiiina iav mm except certain pieces ncre
tofora sold Pi W. C. Williams, Julius N. Norris
and school district No 27 in Clackamas countv,
Oregon, for description of which see Bole t,
page 6X2; Book Q, page ', and Book II. page
1 44 of deeda of said countv anil state. amino
acres heretofore couveved lo L. p. Willlnms,
deed recorded In Book 2H, page "2 of said
records), containing 8!) acres, being situated In
the county of Clackamas, statu of.Ureguo.
Dated this 25th day of September, A. D. 1H95.
Sheriff of Clackamas County, Stale of Oregon.
By N. M MOODY, Deputy.
routm officers.
Judge, 0. K. Haves
Clerk ofTourU, Geo. F. II. irton
Sheriff K. C. .Mad, lock
Heeordsr S, M. Itamaliy
Treasurer, M.L. Moira
Assessor J. C. Bradley
School Superintendent II, 8 Uibeon
Ceiainissioners, .
real property, in default of which this decree is
to stand aa a deed of conveyance of all of said
defendant's right, title and Interest lo and tn
said real property, and for each other and further
relief as la Just and eijuitable and for his costs
and disbursements III this suit lo be luxed.
1 Ills summons is served bv nub cation for six
weeks, by order of Hon. Thomas A. McBrlde,
circuit Judge of the fifth Judicial district of the
state of Oregon, bearing ditto, May .Hi I ima.
iiunr.KT a. .iiii.i.r.it,
WILL I.. MI I, I, Kit,
Attorneys for I'liiintllf.
15 00
400 00
200 00
3 75
5 00
10 00
L'O 00
L'O 00
5 00
10 00
Sale of rock, G. A. Harding.
00 00
There is a constantly growing in terest
in the question of commerce with the
Chinese Empire from which most of the
restrictions have been removed bv the
event Japaneae treaty. The most Im
jorliint provision of the treaty is that
Inch makes it free to carry on manu
lacturing industries. This provision
virtually opens China to new enter
prises and the kindred provitdon, relat
ion to the free import of machinery,
may be accepted as fully explanatory of
the article contained in the commercial
treaty between China and Western
rations, being the first definite statement
as to machinery which, in the past, has
been imported under the name of coin
uoditics . Only a few years ago, w hen
cotton i(in were sent from Japan to
Shanghai, the authorities objected
on the ground that China did not allow
foreigners to engage in manufacturing
iuuustriee in the interior, and, there
fore, the importation of machinery for
manufacturing purpose could not be
permitted. About this question there
can be no more doubt, and machinery,
as well as other merchandise, can be
$4037 07
2048 52
In the Circuit Court of the Slate of Oregon,
for the County of Clackamas.
inn Lyons, I'lulntlll',
vs. I
William Hawkins, Charles YV. Hounds
and .nary a. caver, pctcnii
To Charles W. Rounds anil ilarr A. Weaver,
said Defendants.
IN the name of the state of Oregon: You are
hereby required to avnenr aud answer the
complaint mod against you in the above
entitled suit on or before the first day of the
next regular term nf said court, to-wlt: No
vember 4th, WJii; and if you fail pi answer, for
want thereof, the plaintiff will apply to the
court for the relief demanded in the complaint
ao men as aioresuiu.
This summons is published pursuant to an
order of the Hon. E, D. tshattuck, judge of the
oircuit court of Oregon for Multnomah county,
which order was made and dated September
liitli, ls'.u.
Attorneys for Plaintiff.
In the Circuit Court of the Stale of Oregon,
for the County of Clackamas.
F. A. Toepleman, I'Ulntlrt, )
W T. Burncy. Elnora T Btirnev, J. T.
Apperson, Portland Snvlugs Bank I
aim 1,'iarence ".Simpson, Defendants. )
State of Oregon, County of Clackamas, ss
virtue of an execution mid ordor t,r i.
on a foreclose issued out nf ihe circuit court
of the slate of Oregon, for the county of Clacka
mas, bearing date the ICth day of September,
la'.K'i, In a still wherein F. A. Toepleman was
plaintiff and W.T. Buriiey, Klnora T. Burner.
J. T. Apperson, Portland Suvings Bank and
Clarence W. Simpson were delendants, com
mand iug me, in the name of Ihe slate of
Oregon, that out of the real estate hereinafter
described, lo realize a sum siitllcieiit tn satisfy
tne ucnianos oi said decree, to-wlt: Stolli.v j, n
I'. S. gold coin, to draw Interest at Ihe rate of
10 per cent per annum, Hie further stun of 82.'
aa attorney's fee, the further sum ol 1 costs,
and Ihe further sum of -'7.t)'.i, with Interest
thereon since April olli. l.H'.i.",, Ht the rale of 10
per cent, per iiuiiiiin, Htid also the costs of and
attending this sale.
Now, therefore. In obedience to such decree.
I did duly lew upon, anil will, ou Saturday, the
2th day of October. IBM, at the hour of one
o'clock of said day, at the front door of Hie
court house In said countv anil state, offer for
sale at public notion and sell to the highest
aud best bidder, for cash in hand, V, s. gold
coin, all the right, title and interest the said
defendant had on llie '.'iith day of October lsns.
or now have in and to the following dcsurlbed
real properly, to wit:
Beginning at a nolnt nn the rle-lit hunt, nf ih
I Wills incite river, the same being the southwest
vomer oi ine iionauoii land claim Mi n In
lownsnip z soiiin oi range J cast of Ihe Wil
lauiettc meridian: Ihenct imrili :u doirrof. w.at
along Ihe said bank 5 37 chains: thence north
cegrees, ii miuuies, east ..: chains to a
point on tne east boundary or the donation land
cinim no 11 in lownsnip i south, range 2 east
inence south 4:i decrees, 45 minutes, east .;itl
snsius l tne southeast corner of said claim No,
4I; tneuce south W degrees, l.i minutes, west
aioug tne sou in Dounaary of said claims Nos.
4i anu ,( -a chains to the place of beginning
and containing 47.01 acres.
DatedaJiis 2,'nh day of September, A. D. 1805.
Sheriff of Clackamas noinifr. Ornirnn
M. MOODY, Deputy.
P. W. K laniard
. . It. I. Iloluimi
I lllclianl rfmll
I frank Jaggar
County Court meals on first Wednesilsy after Uit
nonusy oi every inonin.
Probata Court meets on first Monday of every
Circuit Court meets on third Momlay In April sod
Srai Momlay iu November.
.Illrsm Straight
T. W. foots
C. I. Burns
I. S. Calif
...B. I.. Holiuan
V. T.OriRltli
C. 0. Bslatork.Jr,
. . .W.U. Howell
H. II. Johuenn
Chief of Police,
Assessor and Collector
Treasurer ,
City Attorney
Street Commissioner
Sup't. of Water Works
City Engineer
Councllinen-Henry Meldnim. J. W. Moffat. I.. L,
I'vrttr, J. J. Cooke, E. M. Howell, Ueorgs
Broughton, B. t. Jaggar, 11. E. Stevens
Council meets Ant Wednesday of sack moots.
County Board of Equalization of Clackamas
county will meet at tne uillee of the County
Assessor on Monday, October 2S, ls'.io, and
continue in session for one week
J. C. BRADLEY, County Assessor.
CrBy warrants redeemed.
Balance $2580 45
Coruett and FitzHiinmons will fight at
Hot Springs, Ark,
Eastern Concord irrapea, bananas,
cranberries, new figs, new saner kraut.
E. E. Williams, the grocer.
Slates, tablets, pencils, school bugs,
etc.. at "The Fair."
In the Circuit Coutt of the Stale of Oregon,
for the County of Clackamas.
A. E. I.atourette, Executrix,
Catherine Fleming, John U.
Fleming and K. A. J.
McKenzie, Defendants.
In the Circuit Court of the State of Oregon, for
the County of Clackamas.
Mrs. M. C. Wells, Plaintiff,
Mrs. M. II Wallace, Defendant
Suite of Oregon, County of Clackamas, ss.
virtue of an execution mid order of sale
issued out of the circuit court of the state of
Oregon, for the comity of Chicken, an, bearing
date the 2lh day of September, lu., in a suit
wherein Mrs. M. C. Wells was plaintiff, aud
Mrs. M. H. Wallace was delenilnnt, commanding
ine, in the name of the slate of Oregon, that out
of the real estate hereinafter described, lo rea
lize a sum suilleieiit to satisfy the demands of
said decree, to-wlt: f.Mt.70, together with luleres
ou the same since said decree was entered, and
aisn tne costs oi and attending mis sale
Now, therefore, In obedience to such decree,
I did, ou Ihe 2:d day of September, lsnr, duly
lew upon, and will, on (aluidav. Ihe -Ma
day of October, 1 ',.". at the hour of li::H o'cloc
a. in. of said day. at Ihe front door of the court
house in said county, oiler for sale at public
auction, and sell tu Ihe highest and best bidder,
lor cash In hand, all of the right, title and
Interest the said defendant on Hie l.itli day of.
April, IW, had In and to the following de
scribed real property, to-wit: Ihe southeast
quarter of the northeast quarter of section hi,
township 4 south, range 2 east of Hie Willamette
meridian, save and excepl a certain piece or
parcel of laud situate unit being In the north
east corner of said described laud, being square
in shape or measurement and containing hi
no res, the premises levied upon couittiuiug ')
Dated this i'.tli day of September. A . D. 18V.
Sheriff of Clackamas County, Slate of Oregon.
By N. M. MOODY, Deputy.
Klret Congregational Church Bey. J. W, Cows
Pastor. Services II a. ui. and S.isl p. m. Sunday
School sfler nmrnlng service. Prayer Meeting every
W educuday evening at Mil 0 p. in. riayer Meeting or
Y. I. S. C. K. every Sunday evening at 0:M prompt.
First Baptist Church Rev. M L. Hugg, Paster
Morning Servlrs II: Sunday School 12:lo; Kvenlug
Service I roll; Regular Prayer Meeting Wednesday
evening. Monthly Corensnl Meeting every Wsdnss.
day evening proceeding A ret Sunday in Ihe month.
SI. John's Church. Catholic Iter. A. Illllebranri,
Pastor. On Sunday, Maaa at S and 10M a Bi.
Every Sunday Uennan Hennon after o'clock Mass.
At all other Masses English Sermons. Sunday School
J .10 p ni. Vespers, A pologetleal Subjects aad Ben
ediction at 7:3" p. oi.
Melhodlst Episcopal Church Ref. 0. Sykas, Pastor.
Morning Service st II: Sundsy School at 12:1ft: Evan
lug Service at 11:110, Epworth League meeting Sun
day evening st iHj; Prayer Meeting Thursday even
ing at S.-00.
First Presbyterisn Church. Rev. A. J. Montgoni.
sry, Pastor. Services 11 a. n. and SJK) p. tu. Sabbath
School 10 a. in. Y. P. 8. C. E. meets every Sunday
evening at 6uIO. Prayer MeetlngWednreday evening,
8:00. Seau free.
Evangelical Church, German B. F. Myers, Pastor
Preaching Services every Sundsy II a. as,
and 7 iH) p. in. habbalh School every Sunday 10 a. m.
Weekly Prayer Meeting every Wrdueeday evening ,
United Brethren Chinch. Rev. J. W, Eldrledge.
Paalor. Service, ercond aud fourth Sunday mornings
and tha preceding Saturday night in each month at
Oregon City II a. in. and 7 p. in , and Ihe Hint Sun
day aftrruoou of each mouth at Falls View.
St. Paul's Church, Epleciipal Itev. Issue Dawson,
pastor. Services every Sunday at 11 a. in. and 7SM)
. in., and Friday evening at 7: JO p. 111.
Evangelical Lutheran Zlon Congregation. Rev. L.
(Irev. pastor. Meets lu Shivcly's hall. Sunday
school from Uilo lo I0;d0 a.m. Services IOSI0 a. In.
nd 7::to p. m.
apply to the city council of Oregon Oily. Or
egon, at the regular meeting In November. IWi,
for u license to sell liquor on bl.a'k 2, Oregon
Cily. , J. N. MII.I.KB.
By N.
To Catherine Fleming and
snid defendants.
John 0. Fleming
I N the name of the state nf Oregon
- hereby required to anpenr and i
You are
answer the
In the Circuit Court of the Stato of Oregon,
for the County of Clackamas.
William Church, Flaintln", 1
Kate Church, Defendant. I
To Kate Church, the above named defendant:
IN the name of the slate of Oregon, you are
hereby required tu apnear and answer the
complaint of plaintiff herein on or before
Monday, the 4th day of November, A. D istis,
the same being the 1st day of the next regu
lar term of the said court, and If you lall so lo
apply lo the t ilv council of Oregon City, Ore
roii, lor a saloon licence to continue mv saloon
located ill block 24 of Orcirnn (.'It v. said license to
date from October loth, Id'.'''. A. KNAIT.
Oregon Central & Eastern
R. R. Company.
complaint filed against you in the above j appear or answer the plaintiff will spply to the
viiu.ivti eon uu nr oeiure uie urst uav Ol me 1 conn iur ine renei prayeil lor 111 tile complaint,
next regular term of said court, to-wlt: No. i lo wit: For a decree dissolving the bonds of
Patronize home industry. The Oregon
City Steam Laundry does better work
than the Chinese or Portland laundries
Geo. P. Bradford, the new manager, is
a practical laundry man, having had
charge of the best laundries on the
Sound before coming here.
"The finest I ever ate" is everybody's
verdict after trying our Wilhuit honey
E. E.Williams, the grocer.
Drs. J. W. Welch and F. P. Welch
have opened a dental ollice in the
Courier building, near depot. Frank
Welch, son of Dr. John Welch and
graduate of the dental department of
University of Pennsylvania will be in
the office Thursday of each week.
The Racket store has moved to its
new location, one door north of old
place. The new quarters are larger and
room is made for their new stock which
is made necessary by their constantly
increasing trade. Prices are low. Give
them a call.
vcmber 4th, lSUS; and if you fall to answer, for
wain inereoi, ine planum win apply to the
court for relief demanded In the complaint, so
Sled aa aforesaid.
This summons Is nubllshed niirannnt tn n
order of the Hon. E. D. shattnek. judge of the
circuit court of Oregon for Multnomah county,
which order was made and dated September
10th, 1).".
Attorneys for Plaintiff.
We are over stocked with with grapes
and peaches and must Bell this week.
Call and see prices. E. E. Williams,
the grocer.
Dr. Price's Cream Baking- Powder
Awarded Cold Akdsl Midwinter Fair. Sea Frsncisca.
The "I. W. Harper" Sour Mash
whiskey is, we think, (and If you try it
you will agree with us) the finest flavor
ed whiskey made in Kentucky. It is not
sold until fully matured, and until the
fusil oil has been eliminated. Indeed,
we challenge any chemist to fined a drop
o( fusil oil in a barrel of it when we put
it on the market.
It is especially commended for medical
purpose, on account of its purity, wliili
aa a beverage we unhesitatingly assert
that it is superior to the finest French
Cognac. Sold only by Hill & Cole Ore
gon City Oregon.
You receive lead pencil free with
each tablet you purchase at "The Fair."
K. Rvan. assignee nf Potior Jk
Insolvent debtors, has filed with the clerk nf
the circuit court of the state of Oreonn far
Clackamas county, his accounts with vouchers
in final settlement of the above entitled matter
and all persons are hereby notified to file
objections to such settlement, if any they have,
on or before the first day of the November term
of the said circuit outirt of the slate of Oregon
for Clackamas county, as at said iline, the said
assignee will ask fot an order of the Honorable
Thomas A Mcllride, Judge of the said circuit
ooiirt, for the distribution of the assets and foi
his discharge as assignee of said estate.
Dated at Oregon City, Oregon, this 7lh day of
October, A. D. ltV
Assignee of Potter A Kelly, Insolvent Debtors.
matrimony existing between himself and de-
leiiiiiini aim tor a Uecree of divorce here
in and f..r the care and custody of their
child, Gaylord Church, and for his costs and
disbursements, and for such further and other
relief aa so tins Honorable court may seem Just
niei proiiur.
This summons is published by order of Hon
T. A. Stephens, Judge of the fourth Judicial
district, which order was made and dated
September l'.itn. m.
Connecting at Yaqnina Bay with the Sail
Francisco and Yauiiina Bay
Steamship Company.
Steamship "Farallon"
A 1 and first-class In every respect. Suits
from 1 equina fur San Francisco about every
eiglll uays.
Passenger accommodations unsurpassed.
Shortest mutes between the Willamette valley
anu uaiuornia.
Fare from Albany or points west to San
Cabin ...
Cabin, round trip, good for
HO days -
812 (10
8 00
18 00
UAMTsTrtAU I A Who can think
"Hlimw nil I IV fcft of some aimnl.
ming io patent r rroteci your ideas ; they may
bring: you wealth. Write JOHN WEDDER
BUKNA CO., Patent Attorneys, Waahinaton
In the Circuit Court of the State of Oregon, for
tne county oi t.iacaamas.
Trustees nf the Baptist College at 1
McMinnvllle, I'lalntltls,
vs. I
Martin Shul8tead and Caroline
Shulstead, Defendants. J
To Martin Shulstead and Caroline Shulstead,
said Defendants.
IN the name of the state of Oregon: You
are hereby required to appear and answer
the complaint filed against you in Ihe aliove
entitled suit on or before the first day of the
next regular term oi saiu court, to wit: Novem
ber 4th, ls'Jo; and If you fall to answer, for
want thereof, the plalntiir will apply to the
court for the relief demanded lu the said oom
plaint. This summons la published pursuant to
an onler of the Hon. E. D. Shattnck, Judge of
the circuit court of Oregon for Multnomah
county, which order was made and dated
September 16, 1803.
Attorneys for Plalntilfs.
JJOTICE Is hereby given that the undersigned
I baa been appointed by Gordon E. Haves,
Judge of Clackamas comity, state ol
K- IV In. 1-n.an.Mv . , . 1 . .
i-ut.unucii, 1 nave sui u,,,o.. r ,i. ., , i :.u
fered from a nervons prostration from financial I deceased. '
All persona having claims against the said
estate are hereby required to present the same
era within
the nnder
II. Hedges.
Thompson 6l Griffith, Oregon City, Oregon.
Dated this l!th day of September. 1S95.
For sailing days apply to
Agent, Albany, Oregon.
Corvallls, Or,
CLARK. 8upt.,
Corvallls, Or
merchant" tailor
Next Door to Oriental Hotel
Oregon City, Oregon.
lossea. Can say Joy's Vegetable Sarsanarllla has
eured me. My liver, stomach and bowels have
been very Inactive but since taking yon, remedy atT2KXh&
1 am eullrely well. All business men and 1 signed executor, at the ortiees of O'Neill, f
women should use It. Please publish.
Butte, Montana
Karkarhe, diislness, tiredness -Te way
to Joy's Vegetable Maraaparllla.
To Trade. To exchange for resident
or bnainesa property in Oregon City
partnersnip Heretofore
i N. I Zimmerman and J. X.
existing between
Miller la lh. H.v
dissolved by mutual consent: the business will
The whole or part of a fruit farm of SO : mn w ola "and. to whom ail' outstanding
acres, all under cultivation. 16 acres of j m-T ? &XZ?Ul' who W,U w
prunes four years old. Good house ' I)te, ' 0ri"a c"y- 0re- September 13, 1995.
j. .nti.i-E.rt,
barn and well
Front grocery,
Center atreets.
Inquire at the Blue
corner Seventh and
Merchant Tailor....
Cleaning, Repairing and Pressing Done.
Price's Old Stand, Next Door North
of Armory, Oregon City.
In Oregon City, beautiful town,
With its zephyrs soft and gentle,
Is a place that has the best renown,
Ifs name, The Oriental.
It gained this fame by selling BEER,
In glasses monumental;
Then when your soul you long to
Go to the Oriental. cheer,
From ancient days good men would
The famous continental, drink
Would say to friends, you all must
And seek the Oriental. tmnk
Good beer by some is often sold,
By others accidental,
But every time, I have been told,
Drink at the Oriental.
N. F. Zimmerman, Prop.
Falls City Lodge No. 59 of A. O. IT. W.-M-ets every
Saturday evening of each month In A. O, U.
W. hall on Seventh street. All sojourning brethren
cordially iuvlted to attend.
Electric Lislge No. tV, A. O. U. W.-MceU 2d and
-Hli Wednesdays of each uioulb. Visiting members
Oregon Lodge, No. 3, I O. 0. F. Meets every
Thursday evening at 7:,'J o'clock p.m. In the Odd
Kel lows' Hall, (lain street. Members of the Order
are invited to attend.
Falls Encampment, Nc I, I. 0. O. F. Meets first
and third Tuesdays nf each month at Oud Fellows'
Hall. Members aud visiting patriarchs cordially In
vited to attend.
Willamette Bebakah Degree Lodge No. 2. Meets
tlin aecouil ami fourth Fridays In the month at 8:00
ill the 1. O. O. F hall,
Abeniethy Helicksh Dogree Lodge No. 80.
Meets Tuesday evening st I. O. O. F . hall.
Multnomah Islue. No. 1, A. F. 4 A. M. Holds Its
regular communications on flrst and third Saturdays
or eacii inontli at luw p. ni. urethral! in good siainl
Ing are invited lu alteud.
Mvrtle lislgo No. !if, D. of II. Meets every Friday
III A. (I. II. W. hall.
Clackninas Chapter No. 2. It. A, M Regular con
vocation thud Monday of mouth at 7:30 p.m.
Court llobiii Hood No. H-tlO. F. of A. Meets ill
E. of lk. hall oa secoud and fourth Fridays.
A. P. A. Council No. 4. Meets on flrat and third.
Fridaya of earli iiioulli.
Pioneer Chapter, No. 2H, O. K. 8. -Meets in Ma
sonic 'Temple on Tutuday.
Willamette Falls Camp Nn. 1 18, W. of W. Meets
second iiml toiirth Tncadaya of the month at E. of P.
hall. Visting neighbors made welcome.
Wacheuo Tribe, No. 1:1, I. O. It. M. Meets Tues
day evening at A. O. I'. W. Hall. Visiting members
ordiully invited.
Meade Poet, No. 2, G. A. R., Deisirlment of Oregon.
Meets fln.1 Mniiitay of each uionth at A. O U. W.
Hall, Oregou City. Visiting coinraiiea made wel
come. Meade Relief Corps, No. 1H, Department of Ore
gua. Meeia ou tint and third Frhluys of each mouth
iu K. of P. Hull. Members of corps froui abroad
cordially welcomed.
Sons of Veterans, E. D. Baker Camp, No. 18 Meet
Crat and tliinl Thursday evenings of each month.
L. A. S. of Baker Camp, 8 of V. Mreta in K. P.
hall ou second and lourlli Monday evenings of each
Achillea I.oK'e, No. 3, K.of P. Meets every Fri
day night at the K. of P. hall. Visiting knights
F Company, Flint Rej ., O. N. G. Armory, Third
and Main, lt.'gnlar drill night, Monday. Regular
business meeting, tirst .viouuay oi eacn month.
St. John's Branch, No. K-17, C. K. of A. Meets
every Tuesday evening at their hail, corner Main and
Tenth street, Oregon City.
Oregon ( 'iiy Board of Trade Meets at Court House
on second Monday in each month. Visitors Welcome.
Columbia Hook snd Ladder Co. Meets flrat Fri
day of each month at Fountain Engine House.
Fountain Hose Co., No. 1 Meets second Wednesday
in each month at Engine House, east side Main street,
between beveutii and Eighth.
Cataract H'we Co. No. 2. Meets second Tuesday of
Parh mouth at Cataract Engine House.
Oregon City Hose Co., No. 3 Meets In Hose House
on thenlill the third Tuesday ef sach month.
Pig Iron Lodge, No. 135, A. O. U. W. Meets ever
Thursday evening at Odd Fellow's Ilall, Oswego
Visiting brethren always welcome.
Molalla Lodge, No. 40, A. 0. V. V. Meets first and
third Saturdays in each month at School House.
Visiting members made welcome.
Gavel Lodge, No. 55, A. O. U. W. Meets second
ami third Saturday evenings at Knight's Hall, Can by.
vieiuiig oroiiiers uiaue welcome.
Clackamas Lodge, No. 87, A. O. V. W. Meets firs
and tliinl Mondays in each month, at Strite's Hall
Visiting brelhreu welcome.
Sunrise Lodge, No. 43, A. O. U. W. Meets every
second and fourth Saturday of each month at Wil.
onvllle, Oregon.
Mistletoe Lodge No. 20. D. of H. Meets aven
Tuesday evening.
Oswego Lodge. No. 93. 1. O. O. F. Meets at 0M irl.
low's Hall, Oswego, every Monday eveulug. Visiting
brethreu made welcome.
Oswego Lodge No. 10). A. F. A A. M. Meata th.
second and fourth Saturdays. Masons invited.
General Pope Post. No. 52. O. A. Ii Meets flrw'
Saturday of each month at Grange, hall, Mulino'
Comrades cordially invited.
Gen. Crook Post, No. 22. G. A. R.. DeDartm.nt nf
Oregon. Meets in school house at Needy on flrst Sat.
unlay iu each month at 2 o'clock p. in. All com
rades made welcome.
Star Lodge No. 95. K. of P. Meets everv Wnlnea.
day eveulug in Castle hall. Brothers invited.
Canby Lodge. No. 604. I. O. G. T Meet, fir., .,
third Saturday evenings ml Knight's Hull, Canby
visiting tneniDers always made welcome.
Oswego Lodge No. 448. I. O. G. T M.el. Mv.rv
Friday eveulug in new hall tn old town.
Canby Spiritualist Society Assemble.
and third Sundays of each month.
New Era W. C. T U. Meets firat Saturriav In ..-h
month at their hall in New Era. Friends of the causa
iuvlted to be present.
Canby Board of Trade Meeta at Knluh,'. rr.u
Canby, on flrst and third Fridays of each month
v isiiors welcome.
Molalla Grange. No. 40. P. of H. Meeta at th.i.
hall at Wright's Bridge on lbs second Saturday of
each mouth at 10 a. m. fellow members n,l.
Tualatin Granite. No. 111. P. of H M.t. tut a.,n..
day of each mouth at their hall in Wilsunville.
Warner (range. No. 117, P. of H. Meet fourth
Saturday of each month at their bail in New Era
Butte Creek Grange, No. 82, P. of H. Meets atthel
hall in Marquam second Saturday in each month a
10 a.m. Visiting members always welcome.
Oswego Orange No. 175, P. of H. Meets second V
Saturday In mouth at 10 a. m.
Damascus Grangs No. 200, P. of H. Meets on firs t
Saturday in month at 10 a. m. in Damsacus school,
Teaul Creek, No. 255, P. of H Meets on third
Boise (Orrille), No. 256, P. of H. Meets on se
ond Saturday.
Highland, No. 201, P. of H. Meets on first Satnr
Barlow No. 202, P. of H. Meeta on flrst and third
Sprint-water, No. 2B3, P. of H. Meets on second
Saturday after full moon.
Blank nolo and reeeigt books of all
kinda and deeda, mortgages, etc.
cheaper than Tortland wholesale price
at Coi'rieb ollice.
The O. R. A Co. always alert to
the welfare of their patrons, have placed
on sale at principal stations, a 1000
mile ticket at the rate of three cents per
mile, good one year from date of sale
M.ny of my friends have anil D-riod for nas'aze over the rail and
tivul.le to Bad Be; henra , ... .
this card. i water lines cl their system.
Ientit. I
Rooms 7a. 77. TV, Dekum i
Bail, ling.
Successors to II. Cooke,
Children Cry for
Pitcher's Casteria.