,-.-. Oregon Courier. Jy . FT. CHENEY. OITV OFFICIAL PAPKB. Entered In the Oryoo City poU)fflee lecoud plana matter. SUBSCRIPTION RATES. One year 2 110 HI month 1 00 Three months . M f paid In advance, por year 1 50 CVThe date nipoaite your address on (he -er denote the time to which you have paid PATH MZK HOMK IM DUTHY. OUKtiON CITY. SEPT." 20, 1805. Tim Oregon Cily Courier Beems to prosper undur A. W. Cheney's man HgiMiienl. It cornea, nut this week en Urifnd to ft six-colum qnurto. Salem Stittriman. One thliiic the people have gained Mr. McGinn is put on the bench, and will never asrain have the appointing of twenty or thirty lady clerks in the leg ialuture. Journal. Tub new turill' produced about $3. 800.000 more revenue from customs In AumiKt, 18'J3, than the MeKinley Bill afforded in AoijuhI, 1894. llepublican papers that ure fond of comparing this t ear with last should mako a note of this. ' What is the reason Uncle fiam can not acquire Cuba, Hawaii and other islands -and give our army and navy something to do. It might just as well be looking after several islands as to be laying around the same .ports doing nothing. General Compson, one of the railway tommlssioners, is now in Kentucky en- Joying himself drawing his portiou of the 20,000-all the time, wit so lar as any beuefit from his presence here is concerned, he might as well be in Ken lucky as any other place. Salem Inde pendent. Business men would have less cause for complaint if they would advertise in their home newspapers. The people naturally think that the merchant who does not advertise has no bargains to offer, consequently send away to houses that do advertise for goods that they - ould buy at home if they only knew lere they wore to be obtained. Baker ly Blade. It is said that the wicked man Quay , e inspired prophet of the gospel of 'addition, division and silence, nas downed the pious political boss who .donate- '? wt "'"""V'"1"'' debauch American politics. JNow u me people of Pennsylvania would down both bosses, it would be a grand step taken against machine methods which have constituted the backbone of the g o. p. all over the country sOlympia Standard, C. M. BEAk writes from 8windon Eng. to Salem Journal : ''If an Oregon farmer had been with me he would have been frightened too see livestock selling at such larire figure , vi: Cattle from $80to(il20each,Bheep$14, calves $10, hogs $15: how do the prices compare? H aava nothing of other crops. It is well known that live stock sells at boon prices in England. It is also well known all other agriculture has been terribly dopresBed the past year. Ten to one, Mr. Beak returns to Oregon to live. ; ; j The Electric Bolts sol J uightly on the vucunt lot on Main street opposite Catholic church is genuine. All suffer ers from llheumatism, Kidney, Liver or Stomach troubles should give it a . trial. Kermasse Cigar. The best ten cent cigar, sold for five. E. E. Williams, thegrocicrr V : ' You receive a lead pencil free with tilth tablet you purchase at "The Fair." Entire stock of Crockery will be sold below cost at R. Staub's Grocery, auk note and recoigt books of all and deeds, mortgages, etc., jcr than Portland wholesale prices mtiKit office. a iew more cords of wood wanted on subscription accounts at the Courier office. Birmingham turns ' 'vprJf wek, a"10" other articles, U.ono pens, Wt bedsteads, U,OiO guns ao.ooii.HSi put nails, lOO.OuO.nn) buttons, has) saddles, .',i0.uio copper or broiue eolusaud '.u.onO palm of spectacles. A shepherd at Cramlerry, Favor, employs a horse Instead of a dog to Veep the hcnl together. The hurre understands the orders Riven him and arrlcs them out as intelligently the best trained dog. llPvm yem marry me? She Certainly. . , He Thanks. I w" afraid you were going to sav it was too sudden. bhe-Il eouWn'l bc.-XVfroil Free rtrti. C-ntes-The only lime I ever use whisky Is when 1 am getting a tooth pulled. My wife will not allow me to touch it umkr any other cir- tttmtanoe. ,,,- Jtanu-IIad any pulled late.. (iti Xo. Haven t any left. aitiannpoln f!iiv (a little tipsyl-Would yon die for me, Charley W'hv.of course 1 wou.d. Ousy-I wl-" yon would. !' T. 1 wish you would. Trias Sifting. ChlfdrenCryfor Pitcher's Castorla. LOCAL SUMMARY. Money to loan on good security by A . S. Dresser. Tablets and composition books 4c up at "The Fair." . Depot of Schilling's Best Baking Powder at R. Stuub's Grocery. Prescriptions carefully compounded at (. A. Harding's drug store. For a first class shave go to P. O Shark, 10c baiber, next to Oriental Hotel Received at Charman & Bon's a large invoice of wall paper, latest and pret tiest designs. Gardner Freylag continues to deliver the best and freshest vegetables of any one in the business. , For your strings and extras for all musical Instruments go to Bnrmeister & Andresen's, who keep a full supply Send your work ti the Oregon Cily Steam Laundry and have it done in a first-class manner. Work called for and delivered free . Good butter 35c a roll, and other groceries as low as the lowest, a Strat Ion's Grocery, corner Seventh t Center streets. Dry granulated sugar, 20 pounds,, $l choice raisins and rice same pi ice Lota ot new goods at hedrocK prices a lied Front Trading Company, Oregon City. Lamps I There is no need to fall short on lamps in your house as you can buy a handsome kitchen. hand lamp for 20c, See the immense stock at Bellomy & Busch'B' store. L. L. Pickens, dentist, does all kinds of dental work. Gold crowns, porcelain crowns and bridge work u specialty Office in Barclay building, corner Main and Seventh streets. Mulino roller mill is now in fine run ning order, and is turning out better work than ever. Cash always on hand for wheat at the highest market price. Farmers, bring on your wheat, either for sale, or for exchange for Hour and feed. C. T. Howard. Burmeister & Andrejen have just re ceived from Germany a large invoice of chinaware, each piece having an Oregog City scene burned on It. There ure six different views, representing all the points of interest, which makes them valuable for presents. Patronize home industry. The Oregon City Steam Laundry does belter work than the Chinese or Portland laundries Geo. P. Bradford, the new manager, is a practical laundry man, having had charue of the best laundries on the Sound before coming here. C. A. Willey has moved his harness and repair shop from on the hill to second door west of depot, next to Courier office, where he wl).jintoaiy xoop a nm Tine or first-class hand-made hurness, saddles, etc., bu t will do all kinds of harness and boot and shoe repairing at prices that can't be duD Heated. Give him a call. Satisfaction guaranteed. Two Lives Saved. Mrs. Phoebe Thomas, of Junction City III. was told by her doctors she had Consumption and that there was no hope for her, but two bottles Dr. King's Discovery completely cured her and she says it saved her life. Mr. Mhos, aggers, l.'J9 Florida St., San Francisco, sutlered from a dreadful cold, approaching Con sumption, tried without result every thing else then bought one bottle if Dr. King's New Discovery and in two weeks was cured, lie is naturally thaukful It is such rssiilts, of which these are samples, that prove the wonderful efficacy of this medicine in Coughs and Colds. Free trial bottles at Charman & Co.'e Drug Store. Regular size 50c. and $1.00. Slates, tablets, pencils, school bags, etc., at "The Fair." Get a sample of Sky Baking Powder at R. Staub's Grocery. Rlie (drcainlnglv) Only fancy a month from to-day we shall he married. lie (ahsently) well, let a be happy while we can. IUuitratttl Bit: SUMMONS. In the Circuit Court of the Slnto of Oregon, for the County of Clackamas. William Church, Plaintiff, l v. Kate Church, Defendant. J To Kale Church, the above named defendant: N the name of the alato of Oreson, you are hereby required to appear and answer the complaint ol plaintiff herein on or before aioiuiay, uie 4in nay ot noveinoer, a. i. i'.h, the Mine being the lt day of the next regu lar term of the Bald court, and If you fall so to appear or answer the plaiullfl will apply to the court for Ihe relief prayed for In the complaint, to-wit: For a decree dissolving the bond! of matrimony existing between hlinxclf ami de fendant and for a deereo of divorce here in and for the care and cuntody of their child, Daylurd Church, and for hl pouts and llalmrsemem, anil lor alien lurtlier and other relief aa to this honorable court may aeem just and proper. This aunimona l published by order of Hon. . A. Slcplicu. indiiu of the fourth Judicial dim riot, w hich order was made and dated September I'.Hh. VUM.IAM en LIU u, i'laiutllt. SUMMONS. n the Circuit Court of the State of Oregon, for the County ot Clackamas. Trnstpet of the Baptist College nt 1 .McMinnvlUc, I'lnllltllls, I vs. ! Miirtin Phulstcnd and Caroline I rjlmlstcan, Defendants. , J To Martin Phnlstead and Caroline Shulstcad, aid Defendants. X Ihe name of the statp of Oregon: Yon are hereby required to appear and answer the complaint tiled acaiusi yn fn the above entitles! suit on or before the first day of the next regularterm of said pourt, to wit: Novem ber 4ih. ls'A'i; and If you fail to answer, for want therrol. Ihe rdaliilin will apply to Ihe court for the relief demanded lu the said com plaint. Thla summon la pnbliahed pursuant to an order of the Hon. E. 1. Mhattuck, Judge of lh rtrcnlt pourt of Oregon for Multnomah countv, which order waa made and dated September la, Iwi. C. D. A P. C. LATOrRFTTE. Attorneys, for r'.alntirTs. NOTICE OF ADMINISTRATOR'S SALE. In Ihe County Court of the Male of Oregon, for Multnomah t'ouuly. In the inallurot Eatateof Phoebe Aim Ollbert, deceucd. OTK'K IS IIKHKUY GIVEN THAT IN tmrauHiiea of the order of Ihe county court 01 the county Ol piijiiiiijiiihii, re.-ii, made and entered on the nath day ol Hcplouibar, l'.iA, III the matter uf the mule of I'lioclm Ann (iilbcrl, deceased, the unduraiKued, the adminis trator of the auld eotate, will null at private ale, a a whole or In mihdlvialoiia or panwla con taining live acrrni or more each, ubjiiet to ponllrination by Ihe aaid court, from and after Friday the 4th day of October, tmr. all tho riiflil, title. Intercut mid eatate of ill 'd Phoebe Ami (Jllliert at the lime of her death and all Ihe right, title and iiitercHt that the aald enlale haa, by operation of law or otherwlne, acquired other than or in addition to that of the laid Phoebe Ann (lilberl at Ihe time of her death In and to all that certalu tract of laud lying anil Iwlng In Clackainan county, atute of Oregon, and bounded and dcucrlbed a follow, lo-wlt: llegluiilug at a point where the lectlun lino between section four and live m luwnaliip 2 outh, range 1 eat of the Willamette Meridian ill CUckaiiiaa county, state of Oregon, Inter eels the claim line of the W, T. Matlock doimtlou laud clulm at the Intersection furthest north: thence south sixty-eight degrees, west S 21 chains to a stake; thciieo north eighty degrees west l'.tf chain to the east line uf lauds conveyed to I'hoebo A lillbcrt by deed from Susan CrooluhsiikH, dated Oi tolier lxth, lic.tt, and recorded on page sixof book number llfty lwoof records ol deeds lor Clackamas county, Oregon: thence north twenty minutes wl a ong said east line of sslil laud o deeded to Plioelie A. Ulllrart by Husau Crokshanka 21.70 chain In a lake ; thence ninth eighty six degrees and thirty minutes east Jl iUlmum to a stake ou the aectlou line between sections four ami live alorcaaid; thence north on said section line 4.75 chains (more or less) lo a point Inun whlen a fir tree throe feet III diameter hear south forty-five degree west distant t links; also a II r tree 4 feet in diameter bears norlh sixteen minutes west distant W links; thence east U.'i'i chain Pi a stake; ihence south to the north line of tho W. T. Mullock donation laud claim; thence westerly along Ihes.iid north Hue of said claim to its Intersection with the section line, between sections four and five, township 2 south, range 2 eaat, being the place of beginning, containing 77 acres (more or less), excepting the Oregon and California Railroad Company a and its suc cessor hi interest, rigid of way over and acr w ai.ifl ImiiiI. 'i'ho term ot sale are one-third or more In I. 1. 1.. ... M.t uul.i ni.H ,1... I.lunru two-lhlrda, on or before two years evidenced by a promissory note of the purchaser or pur chasers of the tract or each parcel of land re spectively, Willi interest at not less than eight per cent.' per annum until paid and secured by a mortgage ou the parcel or tract of laud ao purchased. It. W. OII.BKKT, Administrator of Ihe Estate of Phoebe Ann Ollbert, deceased J. T. MlLNKIt, Attorney. NOTICE OF SALE OF DELINQUENT STOCK. NOTICE 18 HEREBY OIVEN THAT BY virtue of a certain assessment on the share of capital stock of the Blue River Mining and Milling Company, a corporation, of one-half of una nor epntuin. declared bv the stockholder ... . i ..I .I,. ...... tnereoi at ineir meeting neiu uu me u u,j ui August, IMM.anu by virtue oi me aciiou oi ino lloanl of Directors of said corporation, on the 2d day of August, lHUfl, whereby aaid assess ment was declared to be delinquent ou the 1st day of .September, 1W, and pursuant to the order thereof, now therefore: Tim hillnwiniz slock will on .Satun'av. Ihe 12th day of October, lwi'i. at the front door of the court house at Oregon City, Oregon, be sold by me at public auction, for cash In hand, to Ihe highest bidder, to make the amount of assess ments and costs of advertising thereon, namely: KAMR. SHARKS. 6110 21 U 7U0 000 410 5UU 4IKI0 7o0 5000 fl 21)7 1000 IsJO 2I"J 100U . l.XJ 1AU0 AMOONT. 2 00 . 10 00 a m 3 oo 2 oo 2 AO 20 00 75 2T 00 2 SO i m e no 8 oo 10 00 s 00 7 50 750 Geo T Howard W 11 Biuith Htralght & Wlggin (ieo II Ward P R Charman A L Jones W W Myein LKNallsbury J V Green C Noblltt Francis Rands Jerome Fettely A J Ware J W Grout Maud E Saiilsbury Geo A Hamilton A J Hamilton Dated at Oregon City, Ore.. August 5th, 1895. - - 11IRA1I BTBAIGHT, Secretary. SUMMONS. N THE CIRCUIT COURT OF THE STATE of Oregon, for Clackamas county. David Bloomer, plaintiff, vs George E. Bloomer, defcudant. In the name of the stale of Oregon, yon. George E. Bloomer, defendant heroin, are hereby lion lieu ana reqinreu to ue ana appear in ine above entitled suit In the above named circuit court aud answer the complaint of said plain tiff therein tiled against you by Monday, the 4th day of November, A, D, 1U, that being me nrsi aay oi ine ursi term oi saiu oourt following the expiration of aix weeks publication of this summons, and vnu will lake notice, that If vou fall so toanuear and answer said complaint, for the want thereof, the said plaintiff will apply to the said court for the relief prayed lor in said complaint, which la In brief as follows, io-wll: For a decree against defendant, George E. Bloomer, to estab lish a resulting trust. In aud to the following described property, to-wtt. Beginning at the northeast corner of block 4 of Darling s addition to Oregon City, and running thence south loo feet along Oak street; thence west 100 feet; thence north 100 feet; thence cast 100 feet to place of beginning, according to plat on tile lu olllee of recorder of said county of Clackamas, state ol Oregon. Also for a decree compelling snld defeiiduut to deed ever to suid plnlutill' all right, title and Interest In and In said described real property, In default of which this decree is to sliina m a deed of conveyance of all of said defendant's rlclit, title and interest in and to said real property, and for such otherand further reiici as is jusi auu equuuuie ana lor nis cosis and disbursements lu this suit to be taxed. Th s summons 1 served by publication for six weeks, bv order of Hon. Thomas A. Mcllrlde, circuit Judge of the fifth judicial district of the state of Oregon, bearing date, May 8d, 1895. mmtiu a. .Mii.i.cu, WILL L. MILLER, Attorneys for Plaintiff. SUMMONS. In Ihe Circuit Court of the Slnto of Oregon, lor llie county oi nacxainas. Dan Lyons, Plaintiff, vs. William Hawkins, Charles W. Rounds Defend- and Mary A. Weaver, ants. To Charles W. Rounds and Mary A. Weaver, said Defendants. IN the name of Ihe slalo of Oregon: You are hereby required to appear and answer the complaint tiled against you in the above entitled suit on or before the flrsl day ot the next regular term of raid pourt, to-wit: No vember 4th, 1SW: and If you fail to answer, for want thereof, the plaintiff will apply to the court for the relief demanded in the complaint so tiled as aforesaid This summons Is published pursuant to an order of the Hon. E. I). Hhattuck, judge of the circuit court of Oregon for Multnomah county, which order was made and dated September llUll, ld'Ak C. D. & D. C. LATOl'KETTE, Attorneys for riaintiff. SUMMONS. In the Circuit Court of the Ftate of Oregon, for the County of Claekumas. A. E. I.ntourctle, Executiix, I Plaintiif, vs. I Catherine Fleming, John G. f Fleming and K. A. J. I McKeiuie, Defendants. J To Catherine Fleming and said defeudanta. John G. Fleming IN the name of the state of Oregon: You arc hereby reouired to appear and answer the r.-imtt tOnt tilml aesinst vou In the above i entitled suit on or la-fore the first day of the ! next regular term of said court, to-wit: No- vember 4ih, 1W; and If you fall to answer, for 1 want thereof, the plaintiif will apply lo the court for relief demanded in the complaint, so filed aa aforesaid. This snmmon la published pursuant to an Order of the Hon. E. 1). shattnek. judge of Ihe circuit court of Oregon for Multnomah ponnty, which order waa luade and dated September lMh, 1S5. C. D. i D. C. LATOrEETTE, Attorneyi for riaintlfT. CUIKP UP POMCK NOTICI OP BALK FOR DKLINQUENT MAIN 8TRKKT ASSKHSMKNT. NOTICE is hereby given that by virtue of a eer talu warrant issued by the Recorder of Ore gon City, dated Ihe sih day of August, latin, and to uie directed, for the collection of a certain street improvement aaaeuiuunt levied for the Improve tueotof Maiimrect In Oregon City. Clacaama county, Oregon, which warrant commands and requires me to proceed to levy upon and sell In manner provided by law, Lot One (1) In Hlock Teu(IU)lu Oregon city, In make the sum of One Hundred and Ninety Five aud Forty-Five Hundredths Dollar, being Ihe amount of aldaaacaameul which la unpaid and delinquent, sccd upon laid Lot Oue (1) III Hlock Tell (III) of Oregon City for the Improvement of Main street In said city, as directed by Ordinance No. l.'7, of salu Oregon Cily, whhh asaesameut I declared by Ordinance no. l.'sl, of said Oregon Cltv, and was cnteied in the docket of City Mciisou the 6th day of October, MM, to Mrs.S. fc. 1'aqtiel as owner, aud lay percentage aud coals, ami to make my return of Ihe sale under said warrant within alxty days from the dale thereof. Now, lucrefore, In obedlenc, to said warrant, I have levied upon aud will, on Katurday. the 21l day uf Huptemhcr, lw.iii, at the hour uf one o'clock p. m. of said day. at the from door of Ihe county court house in Oregon City. Clacka mas county, Oregon, oiler lor sale at puldlc auction, aud sell to llie highest and best bidder forcnsli In hand, all the right, title and Interest Ihe said Mrs. H, fc. PaqUet has In and to the said 1otOiie (I) In block Ten (lib in said Oregon City, or as uiiicii thereof as may bo necessary to make auld sum. paled this 2Uih day of August, IXX. CilAKLKS K. JIUItNS, Chief of Police uf Oregon City. CIIIKP OK POMCK NOTIt'K OK SALE KOH DKUNQl'hNT MAIN B11IKKT. ASSESSMENT. UOTICK Is hereby given thai by virtue of a certain ! warrant IssurU ny me neoi.ruer oi ungoiiLii) dated ihe Dili day of August, low), and lo me directed, lor the collection ot a certain street improvement assessment levied (or llie Improve meul of Main street 111 Oregon City, Clackamas louniy, Oregini, which warrant commands and requires me lo levy upon and sell In manner provided by law, Lot Oue 111 In Ulock Thirteen (1J) In Oregon Cltv, lo make the sum uf One Hundred and ti'ghty-Two ami tievviity-MU Hundredths Hollars, being the amount uf said ..u.annil which Is unpaid and delluuiieut. 'assessed upon said Lot One (1) III Ulock (13) of I Oregoii city lor tho Improvement of Mulu street in said cny, Bsmrooie'i oy vrmunucv h"i7, of said Oregon City, which assessment Is delarcd by Ordinance Nu. I 'll, of said Oregon City, aud was cuiersd In the docket of City Liens on llie full day of October, 1H3, lo the James Dolau Estate as owner, and my percentage and costs, and to make my return of the sale under aid warrant within sixty days from llie dale thereof. Now, therefore, ill obedience lo said warrant I have levied upon and will, ou Satur day, the 2lsl day of Septcmlier, lsui, at the hour or one o cioca p. m. "i snm uj, door of the county court house In Oregon City, Clackamas county, Oregon, oiler for sale at public auction, aud sell to tne liignesi aim oeai uiuuer for cash III hand, all the runt, title and interest (h ul1 .TumiuH linlun Kstnte Iihs In and to the said Lot Oue (1) in Ulock Thirteen (1:1) lu said Oregon city, er as inunu inervoi aa iubj necessary lo make ild sum, Dated tills 201b day of Augusl, 18'.15. CHARLES K. BURNS, Chief of Police of Oregon City, CHIEF OP POLICE NOTICE OP SALE FOR DELINQUENT MAIN 8TREET ASSESSMENT. NOTICE Is hereby given that by virtue uf a certain warrant iasueu by Ihe Recorder of Oregon City, dated the Uth day of August, 1M', aud to me directed, for Ihe collection of a certain street Im provenienl aaaeaaiuent levied fur the Improvement uf Malu street In Oregon City, Clackamas ccuiity, Oregon, which warrant ooniraanua aud require nie to proceed lu levy upon aud Bell In manner provided by law, Lot Four (4) in Block 'thirteen (1:1), in Oregon City, to make the sum of One hundred and Jblghiy-elgllt anu seveniy-seveii uunureuiua vonan, being the amount of aaid asseaaaient which Is unpaid nd dellnoiieut. asaeased upon said Lot (4) In Block Thirteen (18) of Oregon City for the Improvement of Main ilreet in said city' us directed by ordiiiauue No, 107, of aaid Oregou city, which assessment is declared by ordinance No. loll, of aaid Oregon City, and waa entered In the docket of City Liens on Ihe oth day of October, lH'.ti, to James Dolan Estate as owner, and my percentage aud costs, aud to make my return of the aale under said warrant within sixty days from the date thereof. Now, therefore, In obedience to said warrant 1 have levied upon aud will, un Saturday, the gist day uf September, H!M, alUiahour of one o'clock p. lu. of aaid day, at ihe front door of the county court house In Oregou City, rlftrfctuna countv. Oregon, offer for sale at public auoUou, and sell to the highest and beat bidder for cash ill hand, all the right, title and Intereat the said James Dolan Estate has in and to the said Lot four 141 in Hlock Thirteen (ID) in aaid Oregou cily, or as much thereof as may be necessary to muke said aum. Dated this 20 1 h day of August, U!5. CHARLES E. BURNS, Chief of Police of Oregon City. CHIEF OF POLICE NOTICE OP SALE FOR DELINQUENT MAIN STREET ASSESSMENT. ItOTICK la hereby given that by virtue of a la certain warrant Issued by the Recorder of Oregon City, dated the Uth day of August, ISO,), and to me directed, fur the oolloction of a certain street Improvement assessment levied fur the improve niimt of Main streot in Oregon City, Clackamas county, Oregon, which warrant commands aud requires me to proceed to levy upon and sell In manner provided by law. Lot Four (4) 111 Block Ten (10) In Oregon City, to make the sum of Two Hundred Forty and Eighty-Three Hundredth Dollars, being the amount or aam assess ment which la unpaid and delinquent, assessed upon said Lot Fonr(4; In Block Ton (10 of Oregon City for the improvement of Main street in said city, as directed hy Ordinance No. 157, of said Oregon City, which asse'sanieut la declared by Ordinance No. 1 '11, of said Oregon City, and waa entered In the docket of City Liens on the 6th day of October, IBM, lo Mrs. 8 E. Paquet as owner, aud my percentage and coats, and to make my return of the sale under said warrant wuiun sixty unys irom ma uuie uierw. Now, therefore, in obedlonco to said warrant I have levied upon and will, on Saturday, the Kbit day of Bepteraber, lKOfl, at the hour of one o'clock p. m. of auld day, at the front door of the county courthouse in Oregon City Clackamas oouuty, Oregon, offer for aale at public auction, aud sell to the highest and best bidder for cash in; hand, all the right, title and Interest Ihe said Mrs. 8. E. Paquet has lu and to the said Lot Four (4) In Block Ten (101 In said Urcgon City, ur as much thereof as may be neces sary to make said aum. Dated thla 20th day of August, 1895. CHARLES E. BURNS, Chief of Polico of Oregon City. CHIEF OF TOLICE NOTICE OF SALE FOR DELINQUENT MAIN STREET ASSESSMENT. NOTICE Is hereby given that hy virtu, of a certain warrant issued by the Recorder of Oregou City datcl tlis Uth day of August, ls'.'o, and to me directed, for the collection of a certain streel improvement aasesement levied for the Improvement of Muin street In Oregon City, Clapgama county, Oregon, which warrant commands and requires me to proceed to levy npon and sell in manner provided by law. Lot Five (5) iu Bliajk Seventeen (17) in Oregon City, to make the sum ot Sixty-one and Eleven Hundredths Dollars, being the amount of an assessment which is unpaid and delinquent, mau-aed upon said Lot (f) In Block Seventeen (17) of Oregon Cltv for the improvement of Blaln street in said city,' as directed by Ordinance No. 157, of said Oregon City, which assessment is declared by Ordinance No. 1-M, of said Oregon City, and waa entered In the docket of City Liens on tho uth day of October, l!):t, to Charles Holds aa owner, and niy percentage and costs, and to make my return of the aale under said warrant within siity days from the date thereof. Now, therefore, In obedience to said warrant I have levied upon and will, on Satur day, the lilst day of September, lS'.ei, at the hour of one o'clock p. m. of said day. at the front door of the county court house in Oregon City, Clackamas county. Oregon, offer for sale at public auction, and sell to the highest and best hidder for ca-h in hand, all the right, title and interest the aaid Charles Holds baa iu and to the said Lot Five (o) in Block Seventeen (17) m said Oregon City, or as much thereof hi may be necessary to make said sum. Dated this 20th day of August lWu CHARLES E.BCRNS, Chief of Folic of Oregon Cityt EXECUTOR'S NOTICE. VOTICE is hereby given that the nndcrsigncd 1 been appointed by Gordon E. Hayes, pounly Judge of Claokamas county, stat of Oregon, executor of the estate of Joseph hedges, deceased All persons having claims against the aaid estate are hereby required to present Ihe same duly verified and with proper ronchera within six months from the date hereof lo the under signed executor, at the offices ol O'Neill. Hedges, Thompson 4 tirimih. Oregon City, Oregon. Dated thla lth day of September. 15. JOSEPH EUGENE UEDCES, Executor. CHIEF OP POMCK NOTI.'E OP SALE FOR DELINQUENT WAIN STREET ASSESSMENT, NOTICE li hereby given that by virtue of a certain warrant issued by the Recorder of Oregon Cily, dated the will day August, lauc, and to me directed, for Ihe collodion of a curtain at reel improvement asscsaineut levied for Ilia Improvement of Main street In Oregon City, Clackamas county, Oregop, which warrant commands ami requires me lo proceed lo levy iioii and sell luiitaumtr provided bylaw, IM Two (2) in block Twelve (121 In Oregon city, lo make the aum of One Hundred and sixty and Eighty One.llutldreilllia Hollars, being tho amount of said assesamcnt which ia unpaid aud delinquent, asaesked Un said Lot Two (2) III Woes. Twelve iU) of Oregon Cily for the Improve ment of Millu street In said city, aa direeled by Ordinance No K7, of said Oregon City, w hich aeaament Is declared by Ordinance No. l.'.u, of said Oregon Cily. aud was entered In llie docket of Cily Mens ou the Dili day of October, 1mi;i, to L T. Ilnrlii as owner, ami my iierceulago and coal, and to make my return of the sale under said warrant w ithin sixty Unys from the dale thereof. Now, therefore, III obedience lo said warrant I have levied iijii aud will on Saturday, the 2lal biy uf September, lW'i, at thu hour of one o clock p. hi. of snld day, at the front door of the county court house In Oregon Cily. Claekamaa county, Orcaon, oiler for sub- ut Inibflu auction, aud sell to the highest and best illicit r for cash In hand, nil the right, title and Interest ihe auld I.. T Itiirlu has in ami lo Ihe said I ol Two (2) In block Twelve (12) In said Oregon City, or aa much thereof as may be necessary lo make said sum Paled lhi 2Ulh day of August. IStlli. CIIAKMCS K. Ill'RNS, Chief of Police of Oiegoll City CIIIKP OK POLICE NOTICE OP SALE DELINQUENT MAIN KTREKT AHSES8MKNT. n ! MOTICK I hereby given that hy virtue of a ', 1 " certain warrant Issued by the Recorder of Oregon City, daicd the Hill day of August, lMi.'i, and lo lue directed, lor Ihe collictlun ut a certain street Improvement assessment levied for the Imnrcvenient of Mum street In Oregon Cily, Clackamas county, Oregon, which warrant commands and requires ine lo proceed to levy upon and sell in maimer provided by law, l ot Hve (5) in block Ultecu (lftj in Oregon City, to make Ihe sum of Oue Hundred and Eighty-Two unJ .Seventy Six Hundredths miliars, oeing tne amount ol said assessment which Is unould and delinnueiit. assessed uimiii said Uil (.1) ill Hlock Fifteen Uii ut Oregon Cily lor tne improvement ot Muin street 111 said cily, as directed by Ordinance No. l."7, of said Oregon City, which assessment Is deelured by Ordinance No. l.'ili, of said Oregon -Ity, and was entered in the docket of City Liens on thu Mil day of October, 1MM, to L. T. Burin as owner, and my percentage and costs, and to make my return of Ihe sale under suid warrant within sixty days from Ihe dato thereof. Now, therefore, In obedience to said warrant I have levied upon and will, on Saturday, the 21st day of September, ls'Al, nt the hour of one o'eloc p. ni. of said day, at the front door of the county court house In Oregon City. Clackamas countv, Oregon. offer for sale el public auction, and sell to llie nignesc and nest Didder lor cash in nana, an the right, title and interest the aaid L. T. B.irlu has in and to the said I ot Five (rq In Block Fifteen (15) in said Oregon City, ur as much tnereoi as may tie necessary to make aula sum Dated title 20th day of August, 1805. CHARLES E. I'URNS, Chief of Police of Oregon City. CHIEF OF POLICE NOTICE OK SALE FOR DELINQUENT MAIN STREET ASSESSMENT. NOTICE is hereby given that by virtue of a certain warrant Issued by the Recorder of uregou uuy, oaiea tne mil uay or August, isoo, and to me directed, tor the collection oi a certain street Improvement assessment levied for the Improvement of Main street In Oregon Cily, Clackamas county, Oregon, whieh warrant commands anu requires mu to proceed to levy upon and sell In manner provided by law, Lot One (1) In Block Twelve (12) lu Oregon City, to make the sura ol One Hundred aud Ninety-Six and Ninety-One Hundredths Dollars, being the amount ol aaid assessment which is unpaid and delinquent, assessed upon said Lot One (1) in Bhsjk (12) of Oregon City for the Improvement of Main street in (aid city, as direeled by Ordinance No. 157, uf said Oregon City, which assesamcnt is declared by ordinance No. 150, uf said Oregon City, and was entered In the docket of City Lien on the 5th day of October, IK'3, to L. T. Barin as owner, and my fieroentage and costs, and to make n.y return of the sale under said warrant within sixty days from the date thereof. Now, therefore, In obedience to said warrant I have levied upon and will, on Satur duy, the 21st day of September, 1SU5, at the hour oiuneooioca p. in oi said uay, at the rrout door of Ihe ootiiry court house in Ore gon City, Clackamas county, Oregon, offer for sale at public auction, and sell to the highest and best bidder for cash in baud, all therlght, title and Interest the said L. T. Burin has In and to the said Lot One (1) in Hlock (12) in said Oregon City, or as much thereof as may be necessary to make said sum. Dated (his 20th day of August, 1895. CHARLES E. BURNS, Chief of Polioe of Oregon City, CHIEF OF POLICE NOTICE OF SALE FOR DELINQUENT MAIN STREET ASSESSMENT. NOTICE Is hereby given that by virtue of a certain warrant issued by Ihe Recorder of Oregon City, dated the Uth day of August, 1805, and to me directed, for the collection of a certain street Improvement assessment levied for llie improvement of Main streel in Oregon Chy, Clackamas county, Oregon, which warrant commands and requires me to proceed lo levy upon und sell lu manner provided bv law, Lot Six (0) In Block (15i in Oregon City, to make the sum of One Hundred and Seventy-six and Seventy-Four Hundredths Dollars, being the amount of suid assessment which is unpaid and delinquent, assessed upiu said Lot Six (6) iu Bloca (15) of Oregon City for the improvement of Main street in suid city, as directed by Ordinance No. 157, of said Oregon City, which assessment Is declared by Ordinance No. 15U, of said Oregon City, aud was entered In the docket of City Liens on the 5th day of October, 18U3, to L. T. Barm as owner, aud my percentage and costs, and to make my return oi tue sate minor saiu warrant within sixty diivs from Ihe date thereof. Now. therefore, In obedience to suid warrant I have levied upon and will, ou Saturday, the 21st day of September, lMi.'i, at the hour of one o'clock p. m of snld day, nt the front door of the county court house in Oregon City, Clackamas county, Oregon, oiler for sale at public auction, and sell to llie highest and best bidder for cash in hand, all the right, title aud Interest the said L. T. Darin has in and to the said Lot six (ti) In mock: Fifteen (15) in said Oregon City, or aa much thereof aa may be necessary to make said sum. Dated this 20th day of August, 1S95. CHARLES E. BURNS, Chief of Police of Oregon City. CHIEF OF POLICE NOTICE OF SALE FOR DELINQUENT MAIN STREET ASSESSMENT. NOTICE Is hereby given that by virtue of a pertain warrant Issued by the Recorder of Oregon City, dated the Oth day of August, ls;5, and tome directed, for the collection ot a certain street improvement assessment levied for the Improvement of Main street in Oregon Citv, Clackamas county, Oregon, which warrant commands and requires me to proceed to levy upon and sell in manner provided by law. Lot Ihree (o) in Block Thirteen (1:1) in Oregon Cily, to make the sum of One Hundred and Eighty One and Sixty Hundredths Dollars, being the amount of said assessment which is unpaid and delinquent, assessed upon said lot Three (:t) in Block Thirteen (13) of Oregon City for the improve ment of Main street in said city, as directed by Ordinance No. 157. of said Oregon City, which assessment la declared by ordinance No. 159, of said Oregon City, and was entered lu the docket of City Liens on the 5th day of October. lsM, to James Dolnn Estate as owner, and my percentage and posts, and to make my return of the sale under said warrant within sixty days from the date thereof. Now, therefore, in obedience to aaid warrant I have levied upon and will, on Saturday, llieilst day of September, ls"5, at the hour of one o'clock p. m. of said dav, st tne front door of the county court house fu Oregon City, Clackamas county, Oregon. o:!er for sale st public auction, and sell to the highest and bast bidder for cash in hand, all the right, title and interest the said James Dolan Estate has in and to the s iid Lot Three (:'.; in Block Thirteen (13) i in said Oregon City, or s much thereof as may be necessary to make said sum. D.ted this 20th day of August, 1V . Cn.tBLES E. BURNS. Chief of Police ot Oregon City. APPLICATION FOB LICENSE. NOTICE 13 HEREBY GIVES THAT I SHALL apply to the city council of Oregon City. Ore gon, for a saloon licence to pontlnue my saloon located in Oregon City, said license to date from October 10th, 1. N. F. iiMMERM AN. CHIEF OP POLICE NOTICE OP BALE FOR DELINQUENT MAIN STREET ASSESSMENT, NOTICE I hereby (iven that by virtue of oxrtaln warrant issued by the Recorder of Oregou Cily, dated thu Dili day of August. lnU5, and to ino directed, for the collection ol certain elreet Improvement assessment levied for lie Improvement of Malu street tit Oregon City, Clackamas county, Oregon, which warrant command and requite me to proceed to levy upon and aell in manner provided by law, Lot Two (2) lu Block Thirteen (IU) 111 (logon City, to make the aum of One Huiidted and Seventy Six aud Seventy Four Hundredths Dollars, being the amount uf said assessment which I unpaid and delinquent, assessed upon said Lot Two (2) III Block thirteen (III) of Oregon City for thu Improvement of Main street lu suid cily, as direeled by Ordinance Nu. 157, ol said Oregon City, which assessment Is declared by Ordinance No. 15", of said (iicg'ill City, und was entered lu Ihe docket uf City Liens oil the Oth day of October, Is'.cl, tu James Dolau Estate as owner, ami my percentage and coals, and lo make my return ol Ihe sale under said warrant within sixty days from tho dale thereof Now, there fore, lu obedience lo suid warrant 1 have levied upon and will, ou Saturday, the 21st duy of September, Is'.i.'i, at the hour ol one o'clock p. in. o( aaid (lav, at the from door of the county court house In Oregon City, Clackamas count), Ore gnu, oiler for rale ut public amnion, und sell In llie highest and best bidder for cash lu hand, nil the light, title and Interest the said James Del ill Estate has III and tu Ihe said lot Two (2) ill Block thirteen (hi) iu said Oregon Cily, ur as much thereof as may bu necessary lo nuke said sum. Dated this -Otli day (if August. WXi. CHARLES K. BURNS, Chief of Polico of Oregon City, CHIEF OF POMCK NOTICE OP SALE FOR DELINQUENT MAIN STREET ASSESSMENT. N OTK'K is hereby glvon that by virtue of a certalu . warrant lasucd by the Recorder .if Oregou City, dated the IMIi day of August. 1MI5, and lo me direct ed, for the collection of a certain street Improvement assessment levied for the iinpiuvcment of Main street in Oregon Cily, Clackamas county, Oregon, whiok warrant couiiunuda and requires me to pnicoed to levy lin aud sell in manner provided by law. Lot . 811(0) In Hlock Seventeen (17), In Oregon City, to make the anm uf Fifty-three aud Ninety-alx Hundredth Dollars, being the amount of said assessment which Is unpaid and' delinquent, aao-wed upon aaid Uit Six (0 in Block Seventeen (17) of Oregon Cily for the Improvement of Muin street in aaid city, as directed by Ordinance No. 157, of said Oregon Cily, which us-asment Is declared by Ordi nance No, U.K uf said Oregon City, and was enter, ed In the docket of City Livua uu the 5lh day uf October, lmi8, to Charles Bolda as uwner, ami my percentage aud Ousts, and to make my return of Ihe aale under tald warrant wlihin sixty days from the date thereof. Now, therefore, in olwdleiice to aaid warrant I have levied upon and will, ou Satur day, the 21st day of Seiititjnber. lstii'i. at the hour of una o'clock p. m. of aaid day. at the front dtsir of the oounty court house in Oregon I ity, Clackamas county, Oregon, offer fur sale ut public auction, and sell to the highest und best bidder for cash In hand, all the right title nud interest Ihe said Charlea Bold has In and tu the said Let SIX (0) in Block Seventeen (17) In aaid Oregon City, or aa much tnereoi as may oe necessary w maae aaiu sum. Dated thla 20th day of August, lSDS. CHARLES E. BURNS, Chief of Police ol Oregon City . CHIEF OF POLICE NOTICE OF SALE FOR DELINQUENT MAIN STREET ASSESSMENT. NOTICE is hereby given thai hy virtue of a pertain warrant Issued by the Recorder of Oregon 'Jlty, dated thu nth day of August, 1804, and to me directed, for the collection of a certain street Improvement assess. ment levied for the Improvement of Main street 111 Oregon Cliy, Clackamas county, Oregon, which warrant commands and requires me to proceed to levy upon and sell In manner provided by law, Lot Three (3) in Block Ten (10) in Oregon city, to make the sum of Two Hundred and Twenty-Four and Eighty.Three Hundredths Dollar, being the amount of aid assessment which Is unpaid and delinquent, assessed upon aaid Lot Three (3) in Block Ten (10) of Oregon Cily for tho Improvement of Main street in said city, as directed oy urainance no. 157, of Oregon city, which assessment is de clared by Ordinance No. 159, of said Oregon Cily, and was entered In the docket of City I. ions on tne un uay aay oi ociouer, mm, to r. Wygant as owner, and my percentage and costs, and to make my return of the sale under said warrant within sixty days from the date thereof. Now, therefore, In obedience to said warrant I have levied noon and will, on Satur day, the 21st day of September, 18!, at the hour of one o'clock p. m. of suid day, at the front door of the county court house In Oregon City, Clack amas countv, Oregon, offer for sale at puhllo auoiion, and sell to the highest and best bidder tor ciimi in nana, an tne right, tine ana lnteiesi the snld T. Wygant has in and to the said Lot Three '8) in In Block Ten (10) in said Oregon City, or as much thereof as may be ueceBiury to make said sum. Dated this 20th day of August, 1805. CHARLES E. BURNS, Chief of Police Oregon City . CHIEF OF POLICE NOTICE OF SALE FOR DELINQUENT MAIN STREET ASSESSMENT. NOTICE is hereby given that by virtue of a certain wanaut issued by the Recorder of Oregon City, dated the Oth day of August, 1805, and to me directed, for the collection of a certain street Improvement assessment levied foi the Improvement of Main street ill Oregon City, Clackamas county, Oregon, which warrant commands and require me to proceed to levy upon and sell In milliner provided by law, Lot Two (2) In Hlock (10) In Oregon City, to make the sum of Oue Hundred ami Eighty-Eight and Sixtv-Two Hundredths Dollars, being the amount of said assessment which is unpaid and delinquent, assessed upon said Lot Two (2) Iu Block Ten (10) of Oregon City for the Improve ment of Main street in said city, as directed bv Ordinance No. 157. of said Oregon Cily. which assessment Is declared hy Ordinance No. 150, of said Oregon City, and was entered In the docket of City Liens on the 5lh day of October, 1S03, to T. Wygant as owner, and my percentage and costs, and to make my return of the sale under said warrant witnin sixty (lays irom tne date tnereoi. Now, therefore, in obedience to said warrant I have levied upon and will, on Saturday, the 21st day of September, Wi5, at the hour of one o'clock p. in. of said day, at the front door of the county court house In Oregon City. Clackamas county, Oregon, nlfer for sale at public auotion, and sell to llie highest and best bidder for cash in hand, all the right, title, and interest the said T. Wygant has in and to the said Lot Two (2) In ttlocit ten (Hi) In said Oregon city, or as much thereof as may be necessary to make said sum. Dated this 20th day of August, 1R05. CHARLE9 E. BURNS, Chief of Police of Oregon City, CHIEF OF POLICE NOTICE OF SALE FOR DELINQUENT MAIN STREET ASSESSMENT. NOTICE Is hereby given that by virtue of a certain warrant issued by tho Recorder of Oregon City, dated the Uth day of August, ls05, and to me direct, ed, for the collection uf a certain street improvee ment assesament levied fur the improvement of . Main street in Oregon City, Claekamaa county. Oregon, which warraut commands and requires me to proceed to levy upon and sell in manner provided by law. Lot Five (5) in Block Twenty-eight CM), in Oregon City .to make the sum of Three Hundred and 'Ihirty-ttiree and Eighty-aix Hundredth DolUnsbeing the amount of aaid assessment which la unpaid and delinquent, assessed upon said Lot Five (5) in Block Twenty-eight (2H) of Oregon City for the improvement of Main street in aaid citv ss directed by Ordinance No. 157, of said Oregon City, which assewinient ia declared by Onliuance No. 15H, of said Oregon City, and was entered in the docket of City Liens on the 5th day of October. to John Parsons, Lacru Royal and Ostnon Koval as owners and my percentage and costs, and to make my return of Ihe sale under aaid warrant within sixty days from the dale tnereoi. ow therelore, in obedience to said warrant 1 have levied upon and will, on Safnr. day, thelilst day of September, lnM, at the hour of one o'clock p. m. of said day, at the front donr of the county court house in Oregon Citv. Claekamaa connty Oregon, offer fur aale at public auitinn and sell to the bicheet and best bidder for cash iu hand, all the right, title and interest tue aaid John Parsons, Ltidru Royal and O-rnon Royal have in and to the said Lot Fire 15) in Block Twenty-etuht (2s in aaid Oregon City, ot as much thereof aa may be necessary to make said sum. Dated this 20th day of August lSW . CHARLES E. BURNS, Chief of Police of Oregon City. L P. Fisher, newspaper advertising agent 12 .Merchants' Exchange. San Francisco, is out authorised agent, This paper Is kept on file In ha office. THIS PAPER pa kept on file at E. C. Pike s Advertising Arener 64 and fS Merchants Exchange, San francisoi. California, where contracts lor advertising can be made for it.