LOCAL SUMMARY. Money t loan on good security by A . S. Drowwr. '' TablutH and composition books 4e up at "The Fair." Depot of . Kcliilling'8 Bent Baking r0wdr at It btaiib'a Clrocery. PreHcriptions carefully compounded et (i. A. llardinii'H lrukC Htore. For a firNtclHfB shave no to P. O. Shark, 10c barber, next to Oriental Hotel Received at Charman & Son'" a lare Invoice ol wall paper, lateat and pret til'Ht rlusilMH. CiHnlner FreytiiK continues to deliver the beat and freHlient veu4tal)lea o( any one in the biixiucHM. ' , For your HtrniK and extra for all mimical instruments iro to Burmeister & Andresen'a. who keep a full supply. Mem your work to the Oregon City Steam Lauinlry and have it done in a first-class manner. Work called for and delivered free. Dry granulated siigur, 20 pounds, $1 ; choice raisins ami rice same pi ice. Lots ot new goods at bedrocn prices at Red Front Trading Company, Oregon City. Lamps ! There is no need to fall short on lamps in your house as you can buy a handxome kitchen hand lamp for 20c. See the immense stock at Bellomy & Bosch's store. L. L. Pickens, dentist, does all kinds of dental work. Oiold crowns, porcelain crowns and bridge work a specially Office in Barclay building, corner Main and Seventh streets. Mulino roller mill is now in fine run ning order, and is turning out better work than ever. Cash always on hand for wheat at the highest market price. Farmers, bring on your wheat, either for sale, or for exchange for flour and feed. C. T. Howard. Burmeister & Andrejen have just re ceived from Germany a large invoice of chiuaware, each piece having an Oregon City scene burned on it. There lire six different views, representing all the points of interest, which makes them valuable for presents. Patronize home industry. The Oregon City Steam Laundry does better work than the Chinese or Portland laundries Geo. P. Bradford, the new manager, is a practical laundry man, having bad charge of the best laundries on the Sound before coming here. C. A. Willey has moved bis harness and repair shop from on the hill to second door west of depot, next to Courier office, where he will not only keep a full line of first-class hand-made harness, saddles, etc., but will do all kinds of harness and boot and shoe repairing at prices that can't be dup licated. Give him a call. Satisfaction guaranteed. $50 Reward. I will pay the above amount for the arrest and conviction of the parties that robbed the Wilhoit , stage on August 12th, 1895, near Mulino, Clackamas county, Oregon, or for any information that may convict. E. C. Maudock, Sheriff of Clackamas County , Oregon. To Tuadk. To exchango for residence or business property in Oregon City. The whole or part of a fruit farm of 80 acres, all under cultivation, 10 acres of prunes four years old. Good house, barn and well. Inquire at the Blue Front grocery, corner Seventh and Center Btreets. The Supreme Executive Branch of the American Protective Association at Chicago adopted a resolution requesting local councils to refrain from allowing "ex priests, ex-Romanists, and ex-nuns" to lecture under their auspices, and declaring that "the order is not making war on the Roman Catholic religion, but its political features." Press Dis patch. The season has come when the moun tain tourist goes to the stream and catches a trout about so long He has it cooked and eats up. then -he conies back to town and tells the folks it was so long But the folks have been there them selves, so they just sit and grin O S O O o 8o he turns sadly around and goes out in the back yard and looks tired. Ex. Dr. Price's Cream Baking: Powder Awarded Cold Medal Midwinter Fair, San Francisco. r Awarded Highest Honors World Fair. D1X CREAM Wvtm MOST PERFECT MADE. A pute Grape Cre .im of Tartar Pow iiet. Fret from Ammonia, Alum or any other adulterant 40 YEARS THE STANDARD. mm SMALL BULLET WOUNDS. (lie Deadly Effects of Modern Prcjeotllei Upon the Human Body, The eelobrated English surgeon, Pro fessor Victor Horsluy, road a vory in teresting paper boforo the Royal insti tution ou the effoct of modern small projectiles. In tho conrso of his remarks ho said: "Some pooplo seem to think that a small bullet at a very high snood will pierce tho tissues of tho body with out doing much general diumigu. This, howover, is erroneous. The bullet hur ries forward with it particles of tho substance through which it is passing, and thus praotically becomes a larger projectile If a bullot be fired through a book, it cuts out disks of increasing diameter as it traverses tho pages. Hence, too, it is plain that tho greater tho sectional area tho greater tho dam age. As to tho heating of the ballot, it hus certainly been much exaggerated, and its effects, if indeed it has any, niny be safely neglected. "Tho physical constitution of a body bus a most important bearing npou tho behavior of a bullet entering it. Why docs a bullet of certain size and travel ing at a certain rate simply pcrforato 301110 substances, such as wood or iron, whilo in others, such as clay, brain, etc., it exercises a bursting and disrup tive action? Tho answer is quite sim ple; tho destructive effects vary direct ly as the viscosity of tho body. "This was established by some remark ablo researches on the effects of bullets on soft tissues made by Huguier after ho had observed tho results of tho wounds inflicted in the fighting in Paris in 1848. He suggested, from observa tions mado on cortain dead organs, such as lungs, that the reason of tho great lateral disturbance was that the tissues contained water in large quantity, and that the energy of the moving projec tile boing imparted to the particles of water caused tho dispersion of these in a hydro-dynamic fashion. "This suggestion was shown to be cor rect by Kocher in 1874-0. If a shot be fired through two tin canistors of equal sizo, tho one full of dry lint and the other of wot, it will simply perforate the former, but cause tho latter to burst explosively. In the same way Bhots fired into dough have more or less disruptive effect, according to tho percentage of water in the dough, and in goneral the more fluid the substance the greater the destruction "Now, in life tho brain is a more or less fluid body, though in astute of rigor mortis it is practically a solid, owing to coagulation of tho blood and proto nlnam. Hence a shot fired into the skull must have a disruptive effect and tend to burst it The Bough Bark of Tree. The practical cultivator understands rVinr. nnh-iro makes provision for setting rid of the bark of trees as the trunk in creases in size. On the growth or tho Tinsf, season nmv bo seen small olive spots. These are formations of cork. From year to year, in suDseqneui; devel opment, these little patches spread, real ly eating their way through the bark. This is the provision which natnre makes for finally rifting the bark in each species of plant- These cork colls have their own special lines of develop ment, and this is the reason why each kind of tree has its own particular bark. The characteristics are so prominent that clever observers can soloct different kinds of troes by their bark even at midnight As it is the evident inten tion of nature to got rid of old bark, it is a great help to the tree to assist na ture in this rospoct, nnd any washes or treatment which aids the plant in get ting rid of it is a practical advantage. Soapy water washes or lyo wator is uso f ul, and even scraping has been found of great advantage. In a rough sort of way, lime wa6h is frequently used, the only objection being tho white and glar ing color. It is, however, tho choapest and tho best of all bark treatment. Median's Monthly. All In One Breath, The Rov. Andrew Jackson Potter, the gontloman who aroso from bohind a pul pit in Uvaldo, Tex., several years ago, with two big six shooters in his hands, and informed the audience, mostly com posed of the toughest of toughs, who had been in the habit of running every minister of tho gospel who came there out of town with rotten eggs, or escort ing him out to the suburbs on a throe cornered polo, that if there was any flop eared, swallow mouthed galoot in that audience who had tho audacity to pvo sunie that he wore a big enough shirt to put him out of a pulpit to step forth and take the hot medicine, or, on the other hand, to keep his bazoo closed, and also wound up that with the help of God and those two forty-fives he held in his hands ho proposed to preach to that people that day, has announced himself a candidate for sheriff and tax collector of Tom Green county. Ozona Courier. Thn nnnnliut Itraad-Axt t avs : Join ing the people's party does not sanctity a man and give him a passport to koat-nn. Tho lrnlf ilruftHPA lln in fthepli'fl clothing when he wants to catch a lamb, ana tlie Uevil pui3 on me uveryoi heaven when he wants to get into the church . You receive a lead pencil free with each tablet you purchase at "The Fair." Vhen Baby tu dek, we gave her Castoria. When Le was a Child, she cried for Castoria. When the became Mi, she clung to Castoria. Vhea aha had Children, she gare them Castoria Slates, tablets, pencils, school bags, etc., at "The Fair." Get a sample of Sky Baking Powder at R. Staub's Grocery. Children Cry for Pitcher's Castoria. KIDNEY. E.W. JoT Company Ocntleroen1 I have suf fered from kidney trouble for two or three years. I would hve to get up In the nlnlit to void my urine from ten to fifteen times. My luep was dis turbed, audi became very Ihln nervous. .!.,. hnla nnnltllialsd. 1 llSVS taken 1 V. ,r -- ' two bottles and gained fifteen pouuds. Sleep well. Have to gt-t up about tnroe nines uun.i night, and am very much better in every respect. Wllloontlnue to take your Vegetable Snrsaparl lla for I believo It will entirely cure me. (Signed) MR. KUWAKD W. KKESOiT, Hhiekton, Cal. JOY'S FOIt THE JADLD. JO' VEGETABLE HAKHArAKILLA. A New Yorker ho married a "liv ing picture" last June has med for a ,i,ufr,.u U'xil it la nut aJwsvs an easy matter to diHtingush a work i f art from a chromo after auiihet. NERVOUS PROSTRATION. v.. w. J'it !ohi-any (Icotloinen: 1 have sul fered from a nervous prostration from financial losses. Can say Joy's Vegetable Sarwpariiia uas cured me. My liver, stomach slid bowels have been very Inactive, but since using your remedy 1 am entirely well. . All business men aim women should use It. Plcasu publish (Signed) MR. WM. HENRY JONES. Jlutte, Montana Backache, dimness, tiredness give way to Joy's Vegetable saraiipurlllu. NERVOUS SHOCK. E. W. Joy CoMPANY-Cenllemon: This Is the Httiiinnted to write for throe years. Have been so nervous and weak that I have laid in bed for most of the time. A friend who had taken jour gamparilla sent me two bottles. Tbe second one Is most gone, .nH i hn uiilripil twnntv nounds. and surely feel a new women. 1 was pale thin. No ambi tion. Had given up, as I nea tneu so many remedies and doctors but found no benefit. If you care to publish this you hve my consent (Signed.) MK8. A. C. TILLMAN, Alameda, Cal. Bucklen's Arnica Salve. Tub Bust Salvk in the world for Cuts, Bruises, Bores. Ulcers, Salt Rheum, Fever Sores, Tetter, Chapped Hands, f'l.:il,l;.,a rn.,.i an. I all Kliin K.riin- VM11 uittiuo , vui I'd, .,iu " ' - r tions, and positively cures Piles, or do pay retjuircu. i. i gutirnuiacu w j.f..n o..ti,ifn..l i.tn f nmrialV VA f 1 1 n 1 1 P( 1 Price 25 cents per box For sale by For Over Fifty Years. Am Old ami Wll-Tbikd Ksmidy. Mrs. Win slow's Soothing Syrup has been Used for over fifty years by millions or mother! for their children while teething, with perfect success. It soothes the child, softens the gums, allays all pain, cures wind colic, and Is the beet remedy for Diarrlicea. Is pleasant to the taste. Sold by Druggists In every part of the W orld. Twenty-live cents a bottle. Its value Is in calculable. Be sure and aak for Mrs. Winslow's Soothing Syrup, and take bo other klud. We beg to announce that we have been appointed by Mr. I. W. Harper, the famous distiller, of Nelson county, Ky., agents for his superb Hand Made Sour Mash Whisky. This announce ment is of importance to every one, for it insures to them for the future one of the purest, most delicate, and most celebrated whiskies in the world, and those who take the trouble hereafter to demand the "I. W. Harper Whiskey" need have no fear that its moderate use will injure health or disposition. Hill & Colk, Oregon City, Oregon. All Free. Thnaa who iittve imed Dr. Kinff's New Discovery know its value, and those who have not, nave now me opportunity to try it Free. Call on the advertised Druegist and get a Trial Bottle Free. Sen l your name and address to II. E. Bucklen & Co., Chicago, and get a eumnln linr nf Dr. Kinis's New Life Pills Free, as well as a copy of Guide to Healtli and llousetioiu instructor, r ree. All of which is guaranteed to do you eood and cost you nothing at Charman & Co.'s Drugstore. Free Pills. Send your address to H. E. Bucklen & Co., Chicago, and get a free sample box of King's New Life Pills. A trial will convince you of their merit s. These pills are easy in action and are particu lary effective in the cure of Constipation and Sick Headache. For Malaria and Liver troubles they have been proved invaluable. They are guaranteed to be perfectly free from every deleterious substance and to be purely vegetable. They do not weaken by their action, but by givinur tone to stomach and bowels greatly invigorate the system. Regular size 2"c. per box. Sold by Charman & Co., Druggist. Mrs. S. A. Kell, of Bomona, Cal., had the bad luck to sprain her anklo. "I tried several liniments," she says, ''but was not cured until I used Chamber lain's Pain Balm. That remedy cured nie and I take pleasure in recommend ing it and testifying to its efficacy." This medicine is also of great value for .l,.,,..ot;oir lama Vim-It. nftlllH in the chest, pleurisy and all deep-seated and muscular pains, ror sum . uj Harding, Druggist. Last August while working in the har S I 1 1 1 l.ni.lAll i- n o vest sud ntnlrai4 u-itrt nrnmna ft fill Wftfl U ll i j ai r ., viir- ' arly dead. Mr. Cummings, the drug- ne gist t, gave me a aose oi viibiu.-ih'" ; i-i,iora in.l Diui-rhnea Remedy Col Inch completely relieved me. I now. eep j a bottle oi tiie renieoy nsnuy. BissKix, Centerville, Wash. For d. sle by U. A. Harding, iruggisi. Mrs. K. E. Davis, of San Miguel, Cal. gavs: "I am trying in a measure to repay the manufactures of Chamber lain's Couuh Kemedy for the great good their remedy has done me. For years I was a constant sufferer from weak lungs and bronchial asthma. My rest at night was disturbed by a hacking couah. so that I felt miserable the ereater part of the time. Many remedies recommended by friends were tried, none of which proved suitable to my case. I did not experience any bene ficial results until I began takinu Cham berlain's Cough Kemedy. After two ,...ii..a of ilia hirttn mrA have been nsed 1 am pleased to f tate, my helth is better j than it has been for veers. The soreness ; j has left my lungs and chest and 1 can : breathe easilv. It has done me so j i much good that I want all who are suf- j i ering iruin lung troubles, as I was, to ; I give it a trial" For sale by G. A.j I Harding. Druggist. 1 Notice to Brldgebulldere. ' Notice Is hereby given that sealed bids for the construction nf a bridge across Butte cri k on the i. M. Drake road will Im received in the county clerk's office up to 1 :'M o'clock p in. OctobH Id. 189.. . Plans and specifi cations to be prepared by D. W. Kin naird. roHdiniistur, and may be seen in the clerk's oIliiH. Five per ceut. of bid to be depohitud with same. The court reserves I lie right to reject any and all bids. GEO. F. UOKTON. County Clerk. NOTICE. Notice is hereby given that sealed bids to fiirnisli for iiie vear all records, bliinks and slali'inerv used by tho dif ferent county olllrials will tie recejved by the county clerk up to 2 o'clock p. m. October lOt li, lS!).j. The right to reject any and all bids is reset ved CEO F. IIORTOV, Countv Clerk, Memory is a little treueherous now and then, and causes one to lorifet some things worth remembering, unless one hus an experience like that which cnne to Mr. D. E. East, MofTatt's Creek, Vs., who sa s "I had been suffering for years with a torpid liver and found no telief until I took Simmons Liver Regu lator when I was entirely relieved of my troubles. I never intend being without Simmons Liver Regulator. Joy's for the Jaded and Good Health for all Maukiud. JOY'S VEGETABLE SARSAPARILLA. ties through cature'sowa proper ch an. i nels. Joy's Vegetable SurKaparilla cures Iy pcpila, Chronic Conipa tlon, Liver Coinplaiuts end Kidney Affections. Joy's Ti'srctaWo I Sarsaparillii F prevents ti red feel- nigs, staggering sen-1 nations, palpitation I of lie.irt, rush of blood to the head, p i U.&&IMITO, lllllll lu ft 1 eurs, snots before the ft-j eyes, headache, bd-1 lousne.conHtipauon of bowels, pains in the hack,uieIuucholy. tongue coated, foul breuih, pimples on facfl, body and limb, declineofnerve force dizzy spells, faint spells, cold, clammy feet and hands, sour risings, fntigue, in somnia, and all dis eases of the stomach, liver and kidneys, - Joy.S Vegetable Sar saparllla is sold by all druggists. Refuse a substitute. When you pay for thebest see that you get the best. R-I-P-A-N'S The modern stand ard Family Medi cine : Cures the common every-day ills of humanity. 'IT! 1 in O it is fHirfWiaft ir ... .r - Oregon Central & Eastern R. R. Company. YAQUINA 3JA.Y KOTTTJu Connecting at Yaciulna Bay with the San Francisco and Yaiiuina Bay Steamship Conipauy. Steamship "Farallon" A 1 and first-class in every wool Sails from Ya.Uiiia for tan Francisco about every eight days. Passenger accommodations unsurpassed. Shortot routes between the Willamette valley and California. Far from Albany or points west to San Francisco: Cabin - - - 12 TO Steerase - - - 8 l Cabin, round trip, good for 60 davs - - - IS W Fur tailing dayi apply to II. L. WALDEX, Asent, Albany, Oregon. CHAS. CXARK, ?upt., Corvaliis, Or. EDWIN STOSE.Mgr., Corvaliis, Or. mhiiiuii.j m Is made from f herb, and J contains no I I minerals, a J A r n g a or I Jf"w deadly pois- fj2SS 6arsaparil1a if .TrSf H rob. the) ihi CH blood of alt lwl,IsM its iinpuri- pHiiSfe ties, and MJOyM courses nil rlgJjjJ thcaeimpuri- . 1 mi TaaotV imir iii i"n n '' " l- ' for Infants THIRTY Te"V olirv.oil of CststorU with tha JfWg)nf millions of persons, permit a. to speak of it without a-neistog. It la tinqmi.rlonably tho host remedy for Iafants sad ChUdran he world has ever known. It la harmless. Children like It. It rive, them health. It will save their llm In It Mother. hyj nnwitMngjrhlch 1. ahsolBtely safo nd practloeily perfect child, medicine. Castoria destroy. Worms, ' Castoria. allays FeTerlshness. Castoria prevent. Tomltlng Sonr Cnrd. Castoria enres Diarrhea, ttnd Wind Collo. Castoria relieve. Teething Tronhles. Castoria enres Constipation and Flatulency. Castoria nentrallse. tho effect, of oarhonic acid gas or polsonon. air. Castoria doe, not contain morphine, oplnm. or other narcotic property. Castoria assimilate, the food, regnl.te. .fa.meh and towels, tlvlng healthy and natural sleep. Castoria Is put np In ono-aho hotfles only. It is not .old In bulk. Don't allow any one to will yon anything else on the plea or promise that It l."inst a. good" and"wfll answer every purpose." gee that yon ret C-A-S-T-O-R-I-A. The fao-slmlla alrnaturo of Children Cry for The New ffi&g AND Q The Short Ronte To Points In hrouith Tickets 11 Sale To and From And ALL POINTS in the The Kreat Korllicrn nauway is a new ...... . , . Ohsorvatlon oars, Palace Sleeping and Dining ears, Family Tourist Weepers ana nrai anw second-class coaches. Having a rock ballast track the Ureat Northern Railway is free Ironil . . ' .1 I..-. .7 .. . nonninn..lal ,i.uual HnnnH ir n ticlcnta with SUin OVdl QU8i, one 01 me ciiiei aiinwyauuD ui iiio;wu.iuc.v. ..w.v.. ---- r priTiiegea suu cnuicv ui roiuiu iuuiw. For further information oall upon or write. C. C. DONOVAN, General Agent, or F. I. WHITNEY 122 Third St., Portland, Ore. G. P. & T. . , St. Paul, Minn. MANHOOD RESTORED Cousllimtion. 1 1 .iiani,nn.. ?.YT.".;rl:?.S"r ae-rra ail lue uurmnm ,nipui.ui j - - - - ; . BEFORE AND AFTEH kidneysandtheurinaryoreansolaUlmpurities. I.t.l.l. CUPIDKNE IS theo li A written guarantee g ven ana money remrneu 11 u.. u. ! i i r. m hvmdL Send for rata circular and testimonials. ir S5.U). bv mall. Sena for wi Address DAVOI. JWDICIJIE CO 1 11IVUL HEDICINE CO., P. O. Tlios. F. Oukos Henry C. Payne, Honry C. Bom Beceivers, ATlORTHERN m PACIFIC B.R. u N S Pullman Sleeping Cars Elegant Dining Cars Tourist Sleeping Cars r&T. PAIL MINNEAPOLIS IHLlTIi FAKliO TO GRAND FOKKS CKOI1KSTOS YVINNI PEG HELENA and BITTE THROUGH TICKETS TO CHICAGO WASlUMiTOS PHILADELPHIA NEW" yohk IIUSTUN anil all POINTS EAST anil SOVTH. For Information tin tickets, call on er wr" jards, maps and A. D. CHARLTON, Asst. Gen. Pass. Agent, Poitblld, Oregon, Si5 Morris.. Street, Corner Thlri and Children. 1 on every wrapper. Pitcher. Castoria. Way East. R & N CP'S LINES r Washington, Idaho, Montana, Dakotas, Minnesota and the EAST. Chicago, Philadelphia, St. Louis, Washington, Boston, New York XT. S CANADA and ETJROPJ f. 1 ! ... 1 IHB Dun. Di.ffal-T lhn,r inuiiniiiuucuwi "CUPIDENE" Thin rreatVefSltabla VltMllZMr.thAnri.ju'rll) tionof a famous French physician, will qulcklcure you of all ner vous or diseases of the generative organs, such as Lost Manhood, Insomnia, l'alnslntnelsiicK,eiemiiiai jmissuins, nervous veuuiiy. Insomnia! i'atnslntheBiick,Bemliial Bmlsslnns, Nervous Debility, Plmnles. Unfitaess to Marry, Exnausiing urains, varicocele ana stops all losses by day or night Prevents qulck- n-niph If nnirhivlf prf lends to HDermatorrhffia ana a.wTains'.MnlAiiiH tliallver. tlia Box 2076, Ban Francisco, Cal Far Bale George A. Hnling, Druggist. EAST AND SOUTH VIA The Shasta Route OF THE i SOUTHERN PACIFIC CO Express TrainB Leave Portland Daily. South. ! I North. 8:50 P.M. 9:3ir.M. 10:45 A.M. Portland Oregon City Ban Francisco Ar Lv Lv 8:10 a. 7:23a. 0:00 1. The above trains stop at East Portland, Orego fit.. Wrwulluirn riul.m I'limar Uunnn l.. sou, Albany, Albany Junction, Tangent, Hhedd: nuisey, uarrisuurK, juucuuu .lty, 1 ug Kugene, Creswell, IJraiiia HOHEBUUG MAIL DAILY. 8:80 A.M. 9:27 A.M. 5:vi0 P. M. Lv Ly Ar Portland Oregon City Roseburg Ar l.v Lv 4: r 8:10 p. 8:00 a. Ji 8ALEM PA8SENGEB DAILY. 4:00 P M 4:40 P M 6:15 P M Lv Lv Ar Portland Oregon City tialem Ar Lv Lv 10:15 A 9:27 A 8:00 A DINING CABS ON OGDEN KOl'TE. PULLMAN BUFFET SLEEPERS AXD SECOND-CLASS SLEEPING CARS Attached to all Through Trains. WestSlcle Division, Between PORTLAND and COKVALLI KAILTRAIN DAILySXCRPTBONbAY.) 7:80 A.M. I Lv 12:15 P.M. I Ar Portland Corvaliis Ari5:40P.il Lv 1 1:00 P. il At Albany and Corvaliis connectwith trs of Oregon Pacific Railroad. SIPRR.-8 TSAIM DAILY ( IXrEPT SCNDA Y.) 4:45 P. M. I Lr 7.2S P.M. I Ar Portland Ar I 8:25 A. McMinnville Lv I 5:i A. 1 THROUGH TICKETS TO ALL POINTS IN THE EASTERN STATES, CANADA AXD ECROI Can be obtained at the lowest rates from LB. MOOBE, A Rent. Oreroo ci R.COEHLER. E. P. ROGERS, Manaver. sit. G. F. A P. Ate Portland, Or. The O. R. & Is. Co. always alert the welfare of their patroua, have plac on sale at principal stations, a 10 mile ticket at the rate of three cents p J I UillC, JJ'AAA UUC JI.' 11 V ' . 1J M J II. 1 j and good for pAsa:e over the rail a mile, good one year from date of a I Water lines OI Uieir aviiem