Oregon courier. (Oregon City, Clackamas County, Or.) 188?-1896, September 06, 1895, Image 3

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' FlIIKUkVe Toi'BNAMKNT. HlO b i
r..niniPil .in WednxHilny evening (rom
tlm tournament Ht Vfliieouvi-r. Prrsl
lnt J. W. O'diiincll ami Clii( C. M
Mason of plui'u were In ntn-n.liiiioe
ml D. W. Kiiiiniird anted as omt oi the
Judg-enand T. F. Kyan as a time kowper,
Tlie ' wet tout liornt rucu" win won liy
Tlia Dalle t in In !M mcmnU with
Vancnuvur 2l, Antorla 8l and Oregon
City -111) . Our boys made the tumt run
on record but iiiUhdiI the coupling at
the hydrant. The "dry lent Iwhb ruce'1
wa won by Ori'ifim City In 4!) hccoihIx,
the other touin making butter limn but
failing to make coiipliim tltflii. The
"hub and hub race" was won b Astoria
in 23 4 5 seconds with Orou.iii City 2d,
The Pallet 3d and Vancouver 4th. Tlio
"association chainpiontihlp nice wan
won by Vancouver in 1:18 3 5 witli
Astoria 2d and The Dal Ion 3 J. Oregon
City did not run on account of ruin.
Native Sons. The committee on
Native Sons' and Daughters' day at the
fuir comprim'B ex-Muyor D'Arcy, of
Ualein Colonel H. A. Miller, of Oregon
City, and Mia Cecil ltmnpy, of llrri'
burg. All are eiillumiuHlIc, and an-
nouiice that the most entertaining of the
special programs at the lair will be furn
ished by the native tons and daughters,
The program on that day wilt be of a
literary nature, and will probably
terminate w ith a grand ball in the even
ing. Among othur thing will be song
composed by an Oregon boy and sung
by an Oregon girl. The oldest nutive
born woman and the oldest unlive born
man will be present on that day. C
Miller will deliver the address for the
native suns.
Gave Him Title Woiid. Deputy Sheriff
Moody has no use now for women of
ficials, lie Jearned this week tlmt It.
V. Jackson, who is wanted for forging
School Clerk Harrington's name to a
$35 paper, was in Klamath county and
wrote to the county superintendent, a
women, asking if bo had applied for a
teacher's certificate, lie also wrote to
ithe sheriff there but she prooably gave
Jackson a hint and he escaped to Cali
fornia, getting over the line about a naif
Iiour ahead of the sheriff. Now a
requisition from the governor of that
state will bn required, thanks to the
Howard-Gaub. On Monduy at the
residence of the bride's parents in Staf
ford, Judson J. Howard of Oregon City
was united in marriuge to Miss Agnes
Cage by Rev. M. L. Rugg, pastor of
Baptist church of this place, alter
which an elegant wedding dinner was
served. The bride, a charming and
well-educated young lady, is a daughter
of oh of the most well-to-do and re
spected farmers of that place. The groom
is a citizen of the wea side and occupi es
a prominent position in the paper mill"
there. The couple has the best wishes
of the Courier.
(Change in Mail Routes. The special
nmut to Willamette from Oregon City J
oQ lie discontinued after beptemberju
The isbar service from Oswego to Aurora
will flfljo be discontinued at the same
time. A star service has been estab
lished from Oregon City, by Willamette
;gud Stafford, to Witsonvilla, I2 miles
isnd back, six times a week, by a schedule
tof not to exceed 3 hours running time
wech way, from October 1, 1805, to June
30, M98. Henry Kleinwuith of Clarkes
anil Ulysses S. Eudersby of Cherry ville
have raaeotly been commissioned post
masters. Bogus Hold Bp. The guest at Wil-
hoit Sprints arrangd a bogus hold up a
.few since, in-order to bare a photograph
ito remind tltew of the genuine holdup
wine of thera were involved in. They
igot up a party of wb tiers In masks and
tod armed, and wont out to meet the
bUiqp. Selecting a favorable location;
thetugewas loaded with passengers;
the rdwbers come on the scene in all the
iparapheunalia of their office; tiie driver
rreiced uptois team and the passengers
ibegan shelrug out, and then the pho
tographer got in his wjrk and immorta,
llited the scene. Woodbum Independent.
.JacxsoX. County Pioneers Mrs. R.
JL Miller will deliver the occasional ad
dress at tDtM) annual reunion of the
Pkoeere and native sons and daughters
of Jackson ounty, at Ashland, on Sep
tember 12th. On this occassion the
Native Sane and Daughters have charge
of the program, and mill furnish the
dinner. The annual reunion will be
held at the Chautauqua grounds and the
literary- program will take place in the
t tabernacle .
.Kind Words. The Albany Democrat
wyt: "We are under obligations to
Reenter R-A. filler, of Oregon City,
foraffAfflphlet of Oregon City, an il
lustrated edition, splendidly gotten up.
It is called the Willamette Falls para
;phlet. fllhat city has reason to be proud
i of its magnificent water-power, the best
! iu the northwest. The writoup is credit
able not alone .to Oregon City but it
. reaches out and iMfce s in the whole val
Hey in a brotherly way..
. . . Wraps
WE "have purchased of the great wholesale cloak manufacturers,
Messrs. Max Judd & Co., of St. Louis, their entire line of
Ladies Fine Capes, Jackets and Wraps at 6oc on the Dollar.
WE have also purchased of the International Sealing Company
all the samples of Ladies Fur Capes at 65c on the Dollar.
Ton Can Save From S3 to $15
On a G-rment if you purchase one of these samplesand
. ; ; BUY NOW : i
BIcAllcn & McDonnell,
(Bazaar Patterns for September Received.
Miu.kii-Gan)No. Will L. Miller ond
Miss Mutildu Ganong, wore married
Thursday, September 0, atlilgli-noon, at
residence of the brldo's parents near
Canemiih, Rev. Charles Kdward Lock"
of Portland olllciiitlng. There were
preHont Ilia following immediate rela
tive of the contracting parlies; Mrs.
Hedges, dipt, J. W. Oanon and wife,
' r. Clark (itinong and wife, Mr. A. V.
Howard and wife, Col. Kobort A. Mil
ler and wifu. After the wedding and
the receipt of s number of valuable pre
sents by the couple the guents partook
of sumptions family dinner. The
young couple took the evening train for
a wedding trip throuuh the state of
Washington. Tho bride Is the charm
ing and accomplished duughler of ox
Sheriff C. W. Ganong, an old and re
spected redident of this place. The
groom Is a brother of Col. R. A. Miller
of the land office here and a graduate of
the Michigan law school and is at pro
sent assistant register of raid ollice.
Tho couple have best wishes from
Couiiikk and all who know thotn.
Chautauqua Circles. All who desire
to take studies In the Chautauqua cir
cles this year are requosted to mcot
Monday ovenintr at Mrs. F. K. Donald
son s on the west slilo, at airs. Ij. i.
Driirg's and at Mrs. C. H. Dye's to
organize and order books. Lessons will
not begin until the first Monday in
October, but it Is necessary to ordtr
hooks at once to get thorn here In time.
Books can be ordered here. The five
beautiful books lined this year are just
from the press, newly prlntod and re
vised up to dale. Cost of books and
magazine, 17. The annual registration
fee of 50 cents must be paid in order to
receive ilinUmas at the enu oi ine
course. This Is die American year anu
on that account the classes are said to
ho the largest in the history of Chautau
qua. Thousand all over ttie country i ro
entering upon the study. Many school
districts in Clackamas county are talkinii
of organizing, also circles are under con
sideration at Maple Lane, Hubbard,
Milwaukio, Clackamas Gladstone and
perhaps another one in Oregon City.
Oregon Spars. The two spars of the
yatch Defender, which will race with
the British yatch Valkryie III for
championship, are made of Oregon pine.
A Boston paper says: "The sticks are of
selected Oregon pine, carefully inspected
and chosen f'.r their particular fitness
for the work for which they are intended.
The largest spar measured slightly over
90 inches in diameter. The massive
sticks ol Oregon pine which will replace
those recently in position upon the
updefender, and when it is confidently
asserted, are of sufficient strength to
withstand tho force of any breeze upon
her huge sail area, were carried across
the city of Boston yesterday on a logging
truck without exciting any unusual
For a Wuuk. The Senter Pay ton
tamedy t'o. will begin a week's engag-
ment at Shively's hall on next Monday
evening. I tie Lance ol uoliister, uai.,
peaks very highly of this company's
performances at that place and says
that the company is more of a family
than a theatrical company, that from
the leading man down to the "property"
man they have the utmost esteem for the
manager. - Some members have been
with the troupe for srx and seven yeirs.
This is a chance to see a good show
without going to Portland and no doubt
but the show will be liberally patronized
especially after it has played a night
or two
Next Assembly At the meeting of
the new board of directors of the Wil.
lumette Valley Chautauqua Assembly
this week it was decided to have a 15
day session of the assembly next year,
to open on the second Wednesday of
July, 1800. The date was fixed this
time so that Oregon might have a chance
to compete with the Eastern assemblies
in securing the best talent of the United
States. Many eminent speakers desire
to visit the coast and by prompt action
among the coast assemblies they can he
attracted here before engagements are
made in the East.
Fell Off the Embankment. As the
Mt. Hood party of teachers were relum
ing on Thursday evening last they
witnessed the following accident: Chas.
Royer was driving along the Eatrle
creek road, about a half mile above the
hatchery, hauling Crookshank's thresh
ing engine, the horses balked and the
engine rooled off the embankment
smashing it into smithereens. Mr.
Royer escaped injury but one of the
horses was quite severely scalded and
had to be killed.
Probate Matters. Sale of real prop
erty of the late 9. Huelat. by W. E.
Carll, executor, approved. .. .Will of
John E. Horschuch admitted to probate
and L. and H. E. Ilorcl.uch appointed
executors. "
Dr. Price's Cream Baking Powder
World's Fair Highest Award.
Children Cry for
Pitcher's Castoria.
A Salem bank has MO,000 loaned on
this year's hop crop,
H,irn nn Wednesday to the wife of
Postmaster 8. H. CireuiiN boy.
An oiinliial peimlon was allowed
Kdwnid Donnelly, ol Oswego this week
L. Ferguson of Now Era has the best
musk melons and cuntelopes seen this
The Crrwn Paper Co. will receive
700 tons of straw from up-river points
tills full.
Mrs. Thos. Knowles has been quite
sick for the past week, but Is some
better now.
A largo court of tho Independent Order
of Foresters was organized in Albany
last week.
Born, on Wednesday, to' Mrs. J. D.
Kobinson of Sacramento, Cal., fcrtnerly
of this place, a boy.
O. 8. Ohlson, who was injured by a
full from an eloclric car lust week, is
getting along first ra to.
The case of Judge Hayes and Toll
Thompson In the Portland couit has
been continued without date.
M. F. Prlndte, who was committed to
Salem asylum on April 20 of this year,
has been discharged as cured.
Monday, as luborday, was observed
by the Portland banks, courts and public
oflices, but not by Oregon Cityltes.
License to wed granted on 4th to
Martha G. Mnrrs and 8. C. Berry and
on Ctli to Matilda Ganong and Wil! L.
J.J.Cooke lias on exhibition in the
show window of his store a single stalk
of the "golden-banded" lily with 48
Dr. J. W. Kardin lias been appointed
postmaster at Viola, which was discon
tinued some time since and afterwards
The Salvation Army people held a
special labor-day celebration in Port
land on Monday evening. Oflicers from
this place attended.
Circuit court actions were filed dur
ing week by Mason, Ehrman & Co.
against D. 11. Rees & Co. , and by Emily
II. Monk against Ed Dupuis et al.
Tho entertainment given at Shively's
on Saturday evening by the Wehling
sisters was first-class but the attendance
was not as large as it should have been.
The state fair at Salem this year
promises to be the best for years and
the management will leave nothing un
done that will interest farmers in the
Miss Gladys Jones and Mr. Bailey
will sing at the harvest social at the
Congregational church this Friday
evening. Admission 10 cents; refresh
ments free.
W. Carey Johnson and family held a
family reunion nt their cottage at Sea
view last week. It being the first time
in four years that the family have been
all together.
This paper is in receipt of a copy of
the address delivered by Col . Thos. M .
Anderson on "What are American
Principles?" before the CHfcutauqua at
Gladstone on July 15th.
A large number of tax payers have
paid their taxes since the same were
declared delinquent, thereby saving
their land from sale, of course they bad
to pay the costs of publishing and levy
ing. E. Richards has opened a fish and
oyster market two doors north of
Armory hall. He will keep all kinds of
fish, oysters, cribs, clams, poultry,
game, etc., and will run a delivery
The usual services will be held in the
Baptist church Sunday, the Lord's sup
per immediately following the morning
sermon. In the evening our pastor will
preach on "Our Public Schools and
Christian Citizenship."
Ournett & Griffith have contracted for
30 tons of green prunes from the How
ard orchard at Cunby, which are now
being picked and packed for shipment
to the East. The first carload will
leave Friday.
The number of perso ns that went to
the hop yards this year is greater than
ever before. From last Friday until
Tuesday the boats and trains going
south were all loaded with men, women,
children and Chinamen. Some 8000
pickers are employed.
The reported slaughter of 12 elk by a
party of hunters from Molalla, in a
pocket known as "The Farm," up in the
Cascade mountain?, will be Investigated
by Game Protector McGuire, who will
take steps to see that the transgressors
are properly punished if the story be
S cm pie s of hops that would please
the most critical expert have been re
ceived by the committee on state and
county exhibits of the Portland exposi
tion from J. 8. Risely of Oswego. He
promises one or two bales of similar
hops for exhibit and some fine clusters
for ornamental purposes.
The findings of the useless railroad
commission in the case of M. V. Black
burn, who was killed at Oregon City
July 18th, was that he was negligent in
driving up a back street on a trot where
a barn obscured the approaching train,
although the engine was ringing its
bell and had whistled.
On Tuesday Sheriff Maddock discover
a file, a piece of a meat saw and two fork
handles bidden -n the jail. The fork
handles had been fi'ed in the shape of
the key to tbe front door. There ate
two prisoners in the jail now, Mrt
Edwards, who was recently caught after
an absence of . year, indicted for larceny,
and Will Moore, the swindling suit club
man, who has several charges to answer
fjr. Someone from the outsids is pro
bably helping Moore to escape by furn
ishing him material.
Good butter 3oc a roll, and other
groceries as low as the lowest, a1 Strat
um's Grocery, corner Seventh and
Center streets.
Just the thing for jellies Large plai
tumblers V cents per dozen at "The
T. T. Pii-kona Hi-mint. do. .11 kinds
of deutal work. Gold crowns, porcelain
crowns and bridge work a specially.
j Office in Barclay building, comer Main
1 and Seventh treets.
A. B. Dresser visited Salom Tuesday,
Mr. and Mrs. R. Prlcr are aMho
G. W. Prossnr of Osego was in
town Wednesday.
T. L. Turnor of Wilsonvllle was In
town on Wednesday.
Chas. r. Thore eft Thursday lor s
visit at San Francisco,
J. P. Lovett returned from Newport
Thursday of last week
Miss Holmes and Mrs. O'Xell relumed
on Wednesday from Alaska.
Mim Dorothv Chase leaves for
California Thursday evening.
Miss Annie Coates of Portland Is
visiting her brother at Liberal.
Miss Alice Ackerman, who has been
at the coast, returned last week.
Miiss Chapman of Stockton, California,
Is visiting her friend, Miss Dillman.
Mr. and Mrs. George- Warner and
baby returned on Tuesday from Ilwaco
A. Jf. Munsey on Friday moved to
Salem, where he will reside for a time
Mrs. C. O.T. Williams returned on
Monday from a fortnight's visit at New
berg. Joliu Lewthwalte and wife and John,
Jr., eh Thursday for a visit to Cali
fornia. ,
L. G. Gurnett has moved the house
hold effects of his West Side residence
lo Portlund.
Oscar LaForest and wife returned home
on Tuesday after a visiting his mother
and sister here.
Merle and Nello Johnson left for Stan
ford University to resume their studks
Saturday evening.
Mrs. Chas. Meserve, who has been up
at Hood River, returned Sun lay, much
improved in health.
Miss Nora Conyers returned from
Clatskanie, her home, where she has
been spending a month,
Misses Grace and Ana Baird of Port
land were visiting their sister, Mrs. A,
S. Dresser last Tuesday.
The family of P. F. Morey returned
on Tuosduy from their summer residence
at Oswego to their home here.
Mr. and Mrs. Chas. II. Caufield, N. O.
Walden and party returned on Tuesday
evening from their trip to Alaska.
Charles Babcock and family and
Mrs. Chas Burns have returned from
their outing in the mountains.
Mr. and Mrs. E. E. Williams and
Capt. and Mrs. A. B. Graham spent
several days at The Dalles last week.
Miss Mina Kelly left for San Francisco
by steamer last Saturday evening. She
will visit relatives also iu Los Angeles.
Mrs. Mills and daughter, Mina, spent
two or three days last week in this city,
the guests of Mr. and Mrs. H L. Kelly.
Mrs. J. H. Walker and children and
Miss Mary Charman, who have been
visiting at Newport, returned Wednes
day. Mrs. Ellen Walsh of Milwaukie was
on Monday visiting her mother, Mrs.
Thos. Knowles, who has been quite
Miss May Kelly left for the coast
Friday evening. Miss Amy left the
following Tuesday. They will begone
two or three weeks
Prof. W. H. Powell has been engaged
as principal of the Cottage Grove public
school. He taught here at the Eastham
school for two years.
Drs. J. W. and F. P. Welch were in
town on Wednesday making arrange
ments to open a dental office under the
Courier in the Welch building next
Misses Erma Lawrence and Ora
Spangler have returned to Corvallis
from their outing at Newport, where
they will spend a few days before re
turning to take their places as teachers
L. A. Nobel, of the Depot hotel, left
on Tuesday for Eugene, where he will
stage it 60 miles to Foley springs. He
goes for the benefit of his health and as
these springs are noted for curing
rheumatism he will stay until fully
E. E. Charman left on Tuesday for
southern Oregon for an outing and
hunting trip. Mr. Hannegin takes
him by team, and they expect to
visit all the points of interest
en route besides the Foley springs and
the Blue River mines in Lane county. -
Mrs Rachel Bacon, a daughter of
Rev. Wm. Newman and wife of the de
ceased J. M. Bacon, has sold her
interests here and will move to San
Diego, California, where she has rela
tives, for her future home. She leaves
Thursday by steamer and will be ac
companied by Miss Etta Phillips and
Miss Ella Grandale. She came across
the plains in 1845 and has lived here
(or the past 30 years. Her father at
one time owned the East Portland
Water proof covers for baby carriages
at "The Fair"
Entire stock of Crockery will be sold
below cost at R. Staub's Grocery.
Did You Ever
Try Electric Bitters as a remedy for
your troubles? If not, get a Dottle new
and get relief. This medicine has been
found to be peculiarly adapted to the
relief andcureof all Female Complaints,
exerting a vouderful direct influence in
giving strength and tone to the organs.
If vou have Loss of Appetite, Constipa
tion. Headache, Fainting Spells, or are
Nervous, Sleepless, bicitable, Mel
ancholy or troubled with Dizzy Spells,
Electric Bitters is the medicine you
need. Health and strength are guaranteed
by its use. Only fifty cents at Charman
& Co's Drug Store.
Get a sample of Sky Baking Powder
at R. Staub's Grocery.
A Household Treasure.
D. W. Fuller, of Canajoharie, N. Y..
say that he always keeps Dr. King's
New Discovery in the house and bis
family has always fonnd (he very best
results follow its use; that he would not
he wilhout it, if procurable, (i. A.
Dvkeman, Drugirist. Catskill, X. Y., says
that Dr. King's New Discovery is un
doubtedly the best Cough remedy: that
be has used it in bis family for eight
years, and it has never failed to do all
hat is claimed for it. Why not try a
remedy so lone tried and tested. Trial
bottles free at Charman h. Co's Drug
More. Kemilar size ouc. ana il.iw.
Children Cry for
New Fish Market.
E. ItioliariU, 1'rop.
Oysters, Fresh and Salt Water
rish, Poultry, Game, Crabs,
Clams, Etc.
Free Dellvtry. Two Doort South 0 Armor).
$50 Rkwaiiu. I will pay the above
amount for the arrest and conviction of
the parties that robbed the Wilholt
stage on August 12th, 1895, near Mulino,
Clackamas county, Oregon, or for any
nformatlon that may convict. E. C.
Maddock, Sheriff of Clackamas County,
To Tiuds. To exchange for rosidence
or businoss property in Oregon City.
The whole or part of a fruit farm of 80
acres, all under cultivation, 10 acres of
prunes four years old. Good house,
barn, and woll. Inquire nt the Blue
Front grocery, corner Seventh and
Center streets.
For your strings and extras for all
musical Instruments go to Burmeister
4 Andresen's, who keep a full supply.
Patronize home industry. The Oregon
City Steam Laundry does be i tor work
than the Chinese or Portland laundries
Geo. P. Bradford, the new manager, is
a practical laundry man, having bad
charge of the best laundries on the
Sound before coming here.
Burmeister & ADdrejen have just re
ceived from Germany a large Invoice
ol chinaware, each piece having an
Oregon City scene burned on it. There
are six different views, representing all
the points of interest, which makes them
valuable for presents.
Money to loan on good security by
A . S. Dresser.
Depot of Schilling's Best Baking
Powder at R. Staub's Grocery.
Prescriptions carefully compounded et
G. A. Harding's drug store.
For a first-class shave go to P. G,
Shark, 10c barber, next to Oriental Hotel
Received at Charman & Son's a large
invoice of wall paper, latest and pret
tiest designs.
Gardner Freytag continues to deliver
tbe best and freshest vegetables of any
one in the business.
The Eastern Shoe Store is retiring
from business. Now is the time to get
shoes' cheap. South Electric Hotel.
Send your work to tbe Oregon City
Steam Laundry and have it done in a
first-class manner . Work called for and
deliyered free .
The Courier furnishes hop tickets on
best tough check cheaper than tbe
cheapest , Send your orders and receive
tickets by next mail.
Excursion tickets to Yaquina Bay
and return will be on sale at S. P. Co.'s
depot commencing June 17th, fare $0.00
round trip, good until October 10th.
Oregon City Property, six blocks from
Main strtet. LOTS $150. On new road
from Barclay school to Abernethy creek.
Write to owner, E. M. Atkinson, 305
Salmon street, Portland.
The business of the Red Front is now
conducted by the Red Front Trading Co.
who are Blocking up and getting back
the trade. They offer 19 pounds dry
granulated sugar or 20 pounds of rice
for f 1.
Be sure and see the Jones chain-drive
foot-lift mower before you buy. Ed
ward Hughes, Portland, Or., is selling
them. The chain-drive is ahead of all
for durability, lightness of draft and
Over doing things is about as bad as
under doing them. There is such a
thing as paying to much for crockery.
No merchant is justified in going beyond
a certain point in his charges. Bel loin y
& Busch only charges ten cents a gallon
for stoneware.
Mulino roller mill is now in fine run
ning order, and is turning out better
work than ever. Cash always on hand
for wheat at tbe highest market price.
Farmers, bring on your wheat, either
for sale, or for exchange for flour and
feed. C.T.Howard.
The O. R. & N. Co. always alert to
the welfare of their patrons, have placed
on sale at principal stations, a 1000
mile ticket at the rate of three cents per
mile, good one year from date of sale
and good for passage over the rail and
water lines cf their system.
C. A, Willey has moved his harness
and repair shop from on the hill to
second door west of depot, next to
Col'bier office, where he will not only
keep a full line of first-class hand-made
harness, saddles, etc., but will do all
kinds of harness and boot and shoe
repairing at prices that can't be dup
licated. Give him a call. Satisfaction
Highest Honors World's Fair.
A wire Grace Cream of Tartar Powder. Fret
from Ammonia, Alum or any other adulterant.
I.lko chains, must haro links to be
correct. Fashion links thoin so, ond
the cuffs of Fashion, like those of
adversity, must be accepted with com
pliant submission. Our links are ac
cepted as absolutely correct and the
finest in town. We have them in all
tho different styles at moderate figures.
We not only have Fashion's links, but
hor chains as well, along with a full
line of the Latent Slylei in JEWELRY.
Burmeister & Andresen...
Attorneys at Law,
Comemrcial, Real Estate and
Trobate Law Specialties.
OFFICE: Commercial
Bank Building
Attorney at Law,
Office One Door North u Caufield & Hunt
ley'i D-uyttor:,
Office : Two Doors South of Courthouse.
Opposite Caufield Block,
Noblitt Livery and Sale Stable
On the Street between the Bridge and the
Double and tingle rig and saddle horaei ai
ways on haud at the lowest rates, and a corral
also connected with the barn for loose stock.
Any Information regarding any kind o( stock
promptly attended to by letter or person.
Star Grocery
Machinist and Locksmith,
Bicycles, Umbrellas, Sowing Machines, Guns,
and all kinds of small machinery re
paired. Prices reasonable.
Shop on Seventh Street, Opposite Depot.
Take up a Paper
And read all the advertisements care
fully. Look and see who holds out the
moot tempting oilers. Then go around
and see what those tempting oilers really
amount to. . Nine times out of ten you'll
be disappointed.
we are very careiui what we say in
our ads, but we believe it is perfectly
truthful to state that when people buy
of us they get thnir money's worth
every time. That's all we can promise.
. W. GRACE, Ielr I,.
Groceries, Dry Goods, Boots, Shoos, Elo.
The Commercial Bank
CAPITAL f 100,000.
Transacts a General Banking Business.
Loans mado. Bills discounted. Hakes col
loctlons. Buys and sells exchange on all points
In the United States and Kurone and on Hons
Kong. Deposits received suhfect to check In
terest at usual rates allowed on time deposits.
Bank open from 9 A.M. to 4 P. M.: Saturday
eveningB from 6 till 7 P. M.
president. uasnier
Bank of Oregon City.
Paid Up Caital, $50,000.
Surplus, $20,850.
Thomas Chiehak
Oko. A. Harpimo
E. Q. CAuniLD
Charles H. Caufikld
Vice President,
A General Banking Business Transacted.
Deposits Received Subject to Check.
Approved Bills and Notes Disccnnted.
County and City Warrants Bought.
Loans Made on Available Securltv
Exchange Bought and .ld.
Collections Made Promptly.
Drafts Sold Available in Any Part of tb.
Telegraphic Exchange gold on Portland, San
Francisco, Chicago and New York.
Interest Paid on Time Deposits.
Kfow Open!
A Full Line of
Eastern Boots and Shoes
which we will
Eastern Prices.
sell at
Call and Examine Our Goods.
We will give you Great
Bargains New Styles,
Latest Designs, Lowest
Krausse Bros,
Nsxt Door to Bormeister k Andreses
Pitcher's Castoria.
Decorating, Paper Hasjlsg,
Painting &sd Ktlscz!:;.
Jf Shop
And Building Material.
Lowest Cash Prices Ever Offered (or First-Class Goods.
Shop 0pp. Congregational Chore , Main Street, Oregon City.
Cleaning, Repairing and Pressing Done.
Prioe's Old Stands Noxt Door North
ol Armory, Oregon City.
West Side Store
Groceries, Provisions
West Side Express
Well! Well!
Talk about
Lacteal Fluid.
They All Smile When
They Drink It.
liaiulall & Meyer
Are always on top and they
will furuish you a quurt for
5 cents, yes, give you a
quart a day for $1.50 a
Try them and be convinced.
Rooms 7(1, 77, 71, Dekum
Portland, oaiooic.
lcunv rj mv trinnAt hmVS
Imul.l. to Sod bk; k.u
this card.
Imperial Gallery
Qrpgon City.
Gallery aver Mr. Prier't Store, Mala St
Clank nole and receigt booka of all
kin.U sinil deeda. mortgages, etc..
cheaper than Portland wholesale prices
at Cocmaa office.
A few more cords of wood wanted on
subscription accounts at the Cocwia
with R. L. Holman, Oregon City.
We've a lot that are trying
J the single blessedness
T plan, and we want to
FOR $3.99 this week.
, IV They are the $6 and $7
71 kind some even better.
First choice is always the
best choose early at the
DIAMR8 ClotMnt M 9,CM' . vtM
IN Jury UUUUI, uruvvrmi
Watch Repairing a Specialty.
Corner Grocery
Keeps a Full Line of
Proylsions, Flour, Feed,
Fruits & Vegetables,
Successors to II. Cooke,
riental Saloon,
Zimmerman t Miller, Prop.
E carry tha beat WhhklM anil BnndlM ta
town aim mam ipriti low nun v."
furola Win of all kinds. Bt tre
but an tin Cwut-Tht Oanbrliiu.
Fine Free Lunch..
. .Call and b ConTlM4
Standard Pat. Medicines.
Paints, Oils and Window Glass.
PracHpUom Accurately Cof9ued
Oregon City Transpsrttlca
str. ral:o::a.
Foot Tajrlor St.
7:00 A.M.
11 :30 A. M.
4:00 p.m.
str. alto::.- t
Leaves Portland Tuesdays, Tmit
and Saturdays.
Leave Indeendence and 8 1
days, Wednesdays and f. .
8csdat Timk. The Orr ' C
leave this place for Portia-J on
atl0a.rn.and2 and V ' -turning
leave Portlaad at I
a. m. and 3:30.
RipaM Tabulei ear '