Oregon courier. (Oregon City, Clackamas County, Or.) 188?-1896, September 06, 1895, Image 2

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    fJi'v-T rV -
"1 it
Oregon Courier,
Entered In tha Oregon City poitofflce lecond
cImi nutter.
On jrc
Rlz month!
Three monlhi
If paid la advance, por roar
J 00
, 1 00
, M
1 CO
CTlie date oppoilt your addreu an Hie
paper denote! the time to which 7011 nave paid
Set. 3. O. Read, tlie Baptist minister
of mors than ordinary ability, who eg'
caped the penitentiary by being declared
insane after his attempt to rob an East
Portland bank in open daylight, was dis
charged from the insane asylum at
Salem on Friday after about four month's
incarceration and arrived bore on the
morning train looking woll or "fat and
sassy" as one citizen put it. It Is said
be will leave for California shortly.
The Ortgonian baa the following to say :
, Now it turns out that Rev. J. C. Read,
1 who attempted to rob (be bank in Kant
Portland, is not insane, and is discharg
ed from the asylum. Vnry fow persons,
perhaps none, ever thought he was
really insane. But he never had true
moral sense, and is an ap.tnr without
scruples. In the common parlance of
mo uay me opinion expressed Is that
Read is not crazy, but has "wheels in
nis Dead.
Tbe Telegram says :
It is not Stirnriflincr In Wrn Hint r
Preacher Read, convicted of attempted
bank robbery in East Portland and
adjudged insane has exhibited no
symptoms af mental derangement since
ins incarceration in the asylum and is
discharged as a perfectly sane man.
The insanity plea served its purpose of
wiving mm irom oeing branded as a
convict, and every Intelligent person
nuu roau tue testimony in tlie case
reamed mat the jury permitted senti
ment to override justice in the framing
of its verdict. While Read's character
nas prooaDiy been reformed bv his ex
perience, be should be requested to
transfer his Christian endeavor to some
community where he will not be gener
ally recognized as a living example of
uo cuiwh; ui me insanity (lodge.
vr, Joseph!, one of the doctors who
examined Bead, speaks of him
follows :
He is liable to commit some overt act
' 5D.,ime' ,le Is m,,nta"y unbalanced
and bis mind is as impressionable as,
thai aI ku .f in .. m -
vi ui a uuy 01 jz or iu. 1 don't tlunk
be was insane whon he committed tlie
bank robbery, but I believe that he was
undoubtedly insane at the time he went
East, and loft his clothes on the river
bank. Of course, that is no excuse for
the bank case. Read is imbued through
and through with egoism, and is very
solf-conscious. 1 think he is mentally
unbalanced and dangerous to be at
Superintendent Taine and other of
flcals at the asylum, after discussing his
case throughly, state that he lias given
no evidence of insanity since his re
ception at the asylum, hence he was
discharged not as "improved" or
"cured," but as a sane. man. Concern
ing Read's commitment, tlie superin
tendent says be may have shown signs
p( mental derangement prior thereto.
Jibe evidence of Mrs. W. C.Jobf
the superintendent thinks, r-'
with the Jury before vl -"On,
tried, whereas ah- -d weight
theory of in'' ,110m Read was
pf epi'- .0 only established her
' canity as an ultimate result
. ..epsy without affirming that Rend
was insane.
There is at least a probability says
a Balem dispatch to the Oregonian, that
the project to connect Balem and Port
land by an electric railway will be
revived with the dawn of bettor times.
The scheme was well nnder way three
years ago just at the time to be thwart
ed by tbe financial crisis. F. N. Derby,
superintendent of the Capital railway
had been assured of cnpital by an East
em firm to build and equip the line .
There is ample wator power for the gen
eration of electricity between tlie two
points, and Mr. Derby estimates that
$750,000 will put the line in operation.
His plan was to purchase a strip of land
one-half mile wide along the route and
divide it into small tracts for sale. The
route, as contemplated by the pro
jectors, was east of Oregon City, but Mr.
Derby thinks it not altogether imprac
ticable to go between the river and bluff
at that point without crossing the former
As an investment, Mr. Derby is positive
that an electric line connecting Salem
and Portland would pay. With 90,000
people at one end of the line, and 13,000
at the other, to draw from, and the in
tevening tributaries, passengers, be
thinks, could be carried from Salem to
Portland or Portland to Snlem for 50
cents at a profit to the road. It is not
at all improbable that this enterprise
will be attain tuken up and pushed to
completion in the near future.
Gov. Flower is in Saratoga and
speaks plainly, as he always does, on
the political situation. The governor
believes that victory in the state a
victory complete enough to cover the
capture of the senate awaits the demo
cratic party, providing it does two
things unites tbe party and makes
good nominations. -V. 1'. World.
Airs. S. A. Kell, of Fomona, Cal., had
the bad luck to sprain her anklo. "I
tried several liniments," she says, "but
was not enred until I used Chamber
lain's Pain Balm. That remedy cured
me and I take pleasure in recommend
ing it and testifying to its ellicacy."
This medicine is also of great value for
rheumatism, lame back, pulns in tlie
chest, pleurisy and all deep-seated and
muscular pains, For sale by G. A.
Harding, Druggist.
Last August while working in the har
vest field 1 became overheated, was
suddenly attacked with cramps and was
nearly dead. Mr. Cummings, the drug
gist, gave me a dose of Chamberlain's
Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoea Itemedy
which completely relieved me. I now
keep a bottle of the remedy, handy . A.
M. Bunnell, Centerville, Wash, lor
sale by G. A. Harding, Druggist.
mea Baby waa dek, w fae h Cutorta.
THwoiba waCbikl,lJMcr4edfof Caatorl. '
tntea Aa kacama Jlha, ah ehmg- to Caatorta.
Thau aba bad Children, ato lata tba Caatoria
Children Cry for
At the July meeting of the Clackamas
County Teachers' Associullon It was de
cided to hold the Aiiuuat incutlim on ton
of Alt. Hood. At that time about twenty
teachers promised to go and tn or
twelve thought they might go. When
the time came to start, Au mst 22J, came
but 12 reported rcudy. I think that a
more determined crowd never left Ore1
gon City (or an outing. All wore deter
mined to ascend to the ton if it w
possible. We went by way of II
hatchory, Ivaglo Creek, and Dover
the candy read. The first nliflit w
passed at Air. LVKlwzcr's ranch near VI
wood. A camp fire was lighted and a
took part in prepuirlng supper; even tl
swine oiieruu to ossim us Willi our
I he noxt morninir cvervl 1 inr wen
nimy until an accident Happened
Airs. Gibson, flio was thrown from
high seat in tlie hack part of the wngon
to the ground, striking on her head, and
tho wheel running 011 horanklu. The
second night we struck camn at Salmon
river. Aa it was early In the afternoon
when we arrived at Mclntyro's some of
tn men men their luck at catching fish,
but wore aiully disappointed as the tish
would not bite.
The third day we arrived at govern
mont camp and concluded to rest them
until the next evening.' The next even
ing we went to the timber linn, tho
guide directing us to move there bo as
to get an early start up the mountain
At 0:10 a. m. Alonday, the 2ilth, twelve
f the crowd accomnanied bv Moaara.
Steelo and rilioulo as guides started for
the top, airs, dibson remaining in camp.
niier traveling lor nunc a distance in
le sana and amies, we got down into
nat niignt 110 culled a river nt ie
Here we omul it much easier to walk.
some locked arms so ns to assist nrli
ouior. Alter reaching the ante snow
eld, the party became senaratud. Kivn
of the party gradually got ahead and
after exploring the White river glacier
10 uieir Hiiiisincuon started again tor the
top reaching the summit of tho mountain
anjjup. in. At this time the atmos
pliero was dear and scenerv grand.
Looking to tlie north anil to the south
tlie snow clad peuks could be seen. Af
ter waning one notir ana tinny minutes
lor the rest o tlio parti to arrive, th
meeting was called to order ami ml.
journcd to meet at Salmon river. At 3
o ciock p. m. a thick log came up shut
ting out our view and mnkincr tlm
atmosphere very cold . The decent was
made in from two to three hours. II. 8.
Gibson arrived in camn nt B n. m f
T. Anderson. G. W. Mnvlmi ami M,'
and Airs. Wise nt 0 p. m.
l.J.Uary, bcorge L. Storv. W.n.
Bcattie, Fannie G. Porter, Nellie
Younger. Huttie E. Monrnn nnd sin,
E. Talbert, assisted by the guides made
a more inorotigti exploration of I In.
glacier. While in the cave, the ice gave
way with Air. lleattie. 11 an inutnnt
he found himself about sixteen feet he
low tlie rest of his nartv. with a l.nrllu
bruised knee. Although his knee was
very painful, he manugod to reach the
top of the mountain with the rest of tlm
party at 3:53 p, m.
At about 7 o'clock p. m. thev arrived
n camp too lute to move to government
camp, lieing tired we all retired earlier
than on the previous nights. We all
hud nestled' down for a rest when nnu
of those sand storms, of whieh ilnuhilnua
you have all read, came up nearly tearing
tlie tents fnm their fastening and filling
our eyes full of sand and covering the
beds with dirt. Luckily there were a
ozon alpenstocks clpse at hand with
men we anchored tho. tents until
morning, the next insrniiiL' nilnil
our traps into tho wagons and moved
down tn arivnrnmniif ..,n..n a ,i:.,i - I
of four m.ilus, before breakfast. T-
afternoon un want, in ici.n.
' - - ....... . wniu" j
where we concluded to . ,
and again try our luc n,ver
The men (on 0116
had better at Ashing,
fulsun-' some of the women)
jt- .uck at fishing, as a bounti-
..iv of sneekled trout were caught.
nnnenra that Mr. Story is tlie
champion as ho caught thirty-two flue
Ann-tint 28th 1 he meeting was OBiun
rnllnd to order. AIiss Porter read the
minutes of the Harmony meeting, which
were approved, iwiss Monroe, miss
Younger and Jtr. ueauie siintt a song.
Air. lieattie recited a comical piece.
Alias Porter read an excellent paper
nn "Teneher's Work." Miss Alonroe
spoke of the "Beauty of Alt. Hood."
Mr linrv re ueu me egeiiun ui .ui
Hood." Mrs. Gibson read on original
nnem nn Mt. IlOod .
On motion tlie meeting adjourned to
meat at Redlauil, district No. 75, the
1 ist Saturday in September.
MT. noon.
From out tho dimly floating mists,
Mt, Hood looks down, and faraway
Where faintly in tlie distance Bhinos,
The Himllt "waters of the buy.
Withstanding all the storms of years,
Unmoved she looks on all below
And folds across her burning heart,
A mantle of eutcrnal snow.
Untoworing like a lofty soul
That knows no foar of tide or time,
Straight upward from the vules below
She looks to God with gaze sublime-
Crowned by tlie rays o golden light .
(That shine in morning solitude,
Or bid tlie wests luto 'good-night')
Willi prido, we gasso 011 old Alt. Hood
The record of the lives we lead,
Should be a title of victories won.
Of virtues honored, nnd beluived fdono.
Of truths made plain ot good deeds
Believing that a c aiso is just,
Be brave enough to voice th e thought,
Since time at lust makes all things clear
" When help, not neei'ou, comes unsought.
A thro' unyeilding toil today, height,
We gained the mountain's topmost
The dangers that liesut the way,
Alay fade to shadows, in tlie light
Of Bteudfast faith, and II r 111 resolve
To do a noble work on earth
To rouse young souls to energy
For mental growth, and moral worth
We each have work in lite to dt,
And strength to dure is granted him
Who daily strives with purpose true
Whoso love and trust have not grown
Who does the nearest duty first
Whose faith in God shines clear and
Who wills to make the dear old earth
A better footstool in His sight.
Tis said in tlie years gone by
Twos written in the Book of Fate
That all things will be granted one
Who learns to wqrk and pruy-and tcuif
1 know the time will surely come
In spite of all that muy transpire
When, in this life, or in the next
I shall attain my hearts desire.
Bkiitiia AIaktyn Giiison.
August 20, 18115.
Dr. Price' Cream Baking Powder
World's Pair Highest Medal and Diploma.
K. E. Iavis, o Pan MlUt'l, ( al.
1 uM. tpvint, in a niMnsliro to
I alii trjlllB in lliensuru lu
repay tlie mantllacturea ot inaruorr-
lain'S CotlL'h Kemeilv lor the Brt'ttt BOOll
tl.oir romnlv l,aa iliint) me For years
Uieir remedy lias uoim iue. rur
I was constant sutfarer rotn wean
lunirs and bronchial asthma. .My rest
. . 1
St night was dtslurlied t.y a l.acii nK
couizll, so that 1 It'lt nuscratiie tlie
itreater part ol tlie time- aiany remeuies
i l , r-:.. 1. u triu 1 '
recommemleil hy rien.ls were IricJ.
none ol which iroveil suitable lo niy
case. . 1 (lid not experience any oenn-
fictal results until I be2an taking Cham-
berlain s Couch Ketnedy. Alter two
bottles ol the larif sine have ln-en used
I am r,loi...l in atnto m liw'th ia lietter '
l am pleased to slate, my iie.in is netirr ,
than it has been or years. I he soreness
I has l(t my liintfs and chest and I can ,
breathe raaily. It ha done me ao
audi frond that I want all who are ent
ering trom Inn troitlilra, as l was, to
irive it trial" For sale by O. A.
Ilardinu, Urugist.
Bipatu Tabulea cure bUiouncnA.
Kipan Tabules : bent liver tnic
Regular Session Held on Wednesday
Saloon license of John Trembath
ordered transferred to Thomas Trem
bath. License of L. A. Noble ordoied
Councilman ff. Afeldruiii granted a
(JO-doy leave of absence.
rcllllon from (1. C. F'elds and E. C
Richard, sasklng luavo to run freight car
to side track on lower Alain street for
purpose of unloading freight. A com
mittee consisting of Councilman MnUatt,
t oner and jirnughlon . appointed to
draft an ordinance granting a franchise.
City treasurer reported that one wood-
saw had paid license dining month
T ract for hone house on J. Q. Adams
street, ordered purchased of John Din
ner for 1200 .
Committee on health and police
ordered to see about outlets to sewers
In streets.
Committee reported liaving hired C.
1). Lalouretto to collect road fund from
Matter of fix lug up old Abernethy
bridge referred to street committee.
Purchase of now fire bell referred to
Councilman Stevens.
Alain itreet cloaning at expense of
city ordered discontinued, and com
mittee ordered to d 1 aft an ordinance
compelling tlie occupants of property
to clean street.
T W Fonts, recorder 1 25 00
Chas Iliibcock, street stipt 05 80
ohn holier, Mreet -til 25
ron Works, sundries 3 25
G h Co, lights 172 (15
'ope A Co, sundries 4 6U
T Grilillh, uttorney 35 OH
N Greenmiin. hauling hoso cart 50
'owers Knblier Co, hose ISO 00
Chas b Hums, marshal (10 (Ml
h.dw I. bhaw, night watel 00 OU
K F Driggs, attorney 12 50
Coi'iiiKit, printing 12 75
V Hi It .Mfg Go, hose 200 00
rs (i W Ctiureh, rent hose house 24 00
Wilson & Cooke, a lues 0 65
1 a .mhiio, meals pnslonerg. ... (I -10
oblitt's stable, livery 150
B Aloore, special night watch 9 00
ted Weidor, " " ' 2 00
1 Davidson,, " 2 00
There are a great many of the unfortu
nate ones in this world, irrniiter in num.
ber than those who are blessed with
good digestion. To some people thd
Kieuiem unniuriiiiKi is not to UU ahle.io
eai everytiung set belore them. 'Vjsuf
fered for years with Dyspepsia, and
everything I ate disagreed ,. me.
wa9 induced to try Siinmo!i&ivee Kegu
lator and was cured. &p',w e-at every
thing." M. Uright, idison purisb, La.
Alurv hail a liilJu U,,,K.
It Joilo.wed. her eocU t)ay,
Till Alary put the bloomers on,
And then it ran away. x.
Just received & new 8ttFply of lose
Tea Ball stjajners end fruit jar fll'brs r ,
"The Faii."' J
Hi rttov - 7 . , .
audi uar . Knile set-oreau, cbko
" .... . 1 .ml 1
.,ng knife for 4U cents at iue
We beg to announce that we have
been appointed by Air. I. W. Harper,
the famotiB distiller, of Kelson county,
Ky., agents for his superb Hand Mnde
8our Mush Whisky. Tins announce
ment is of importance to every one, for
it insures to them for the future one of
the purest, most dolicate, and most
celebrated whiskies in the world, and
those who take the trouble hereafter to
demand the "I. W. Harper Whiskey"
need have no fear that its moderate use
will injure health or disposition. Hill
& C01.K, Oregon City, Oregon.
Bucklen's Arnica Salve.
Tim Bust Sai.vk in tlie world for Cuts,
Bruises, Sores, Ulcers, Salt ltheiim,
Fever Bores, Tetter, Chapped liandB,
Chilblains, ConiB, and all Skin Erup
tions, and posilivoly cures Files, or no
pay required, it is guaranteed to give
norfect satisfaction or monoy refunded.
i'rice 25 cents per box For sale by
Charmitn & Co,
For Over Fifty Years.
As Old ahu Well-Tbikd IttMKDt. Mrs. Win
slew's Soothing Byfup lint tn'on useil for over fifty
yuan by millions of inotlirn for their children while
teething, Willi perfect sllcccs. It soothM tlie tlillO
often! the gums, ulluj'B all pain, cures wind colic,
and Is the best remmly for DlarrhoJa, Is ploasant to
the taste. Sold by llruiiglils In overy sirt of the
World. Twenty-five cents bottle. Its value Is In
calciilablii, lie sure and aak for Mrs. Winslow's
Soothing Syrup, and tako ao olhcr kind.
Dr. Price's Cream Baking Powder
Awarded Gold Medal Midwinter Fair, San Francisco.
W virtue of a certain assessment on the shares
of enpllal stock ol the lllue River MlninK anil
.Million Company, a corporation, of one.lialf of
....p ,iii,n iioi-liiroil hv the stockholders
Ihereol at their meeting held on the 2d day of
AiiKiist, ls'Jfi.anil by virtue ol the action 01 tne
Hoard of Directors of said corporation, oil tlie
2d day ol Annus!, lsui, wnereny sain assess.
,..n,.i wuu ,l,.flriil to be ilellnoueut oil Hie 1st
dav of Septeinlicr, lsitt, and pursuant lo the
order thereof, now therefore:
The following stuck will n satun'ay, the 12th
dav ol October, lssift. at the fnml door of the
court house at Oregon City, Oregon, bo sold by
mo ai eiil. lie auction, for cash in hand, to the
higliest bidder, to make the amounts of assess
ments nnu costs 01 aineriiiina iiil-ivoii, iiiiinvij
(IcoT Howard
W II Siallli
straight A Wiggins
(leo II Ward
F R Clinriiiau
A I, Jones
W W Mvers
LP. Salisbury
J V Oreeu
C Nilblitt
Francis Rands
Jerome Felleiy
A J Ware
.1 W Urout
Maud E Sauisbury
tien A Hamilton
I 2 M
111 ISj
II .Ml
a no
2 110
a ;si
20 ISl
2." nil
1! ;i
1 s;v.
.1 IS)
.'I no
10 (HI
! no
7 .'"i
7 Ml
A J Hamilton
Hided at Oregon City, Ore.. August 5lh, IS'.Vi,
11IKAM STRAKIUT, Bwrclary.
ol Oregon, for Clackamas county.
Pavld Blisnner, plaintill', vs llcotge E.
llloonier, defendant.
In the name of the state of Oregon, you,
.:..n.i k- Ul.Mtnii.r ilflfiolalit benio. are herebv
nolllicil and rciUiml to la- and ria-ar In the
almve emuici, sou in ir a,,,v ....- rio uii
i..in. m Inl nlM nUm.
tin ihenln lilcd against you bv Monday, the 4th
day ol November, A. I. W, that being
Ibe lit day of Ihe llrst term of sanl
emrl (uwn, tl,e expiration of six
ww.k, puidii-atlou of this mom. and
you will lake noiloe. that 11 you fall so to apwar
....I ......Mui.l nunuilaiiil f.kf I ha r atlit t hrif
. ;-p-,;;in.' ;'!u".p,,,to ,h, Mid r,)nri
frn t,ii,. praynl lor In id complaint, which
i in wi-f a muows, u wu: rw uwm
atrailist ilcfcndant, lisorge E. Illoomer, to estnb-
',, , .lld , MI)W1M,
drllanl pmia-rty. lo-mt. Heginnlng at the
northeast corner oi nioca s.u i-arnu aioiiiii-n
-"j, fci,
lh(.ll(,e 11rtia u t-t: ihcnc ca.t loo fe-t to
pi,e of beginning, a-conling to plat on Alain
m ' recorder ol said county ot Clackamas,
Mif o Al, ,r , ,,rn comiH iin,.
, . j,.(e.ia,it to dee.1 .nrer to aa! plaintiff all
right, tuie ami int. ret m and to -id de ritHd i
defi n.Unl ii rihU title mntl uiierMi In nn.l lo ;
relirf t JUM nil fjtiniip in'i ior nn vtu
ami iliitiurM meiitt in iht mt u be lkil
ThU mmni'Hi feml Mr publicaiion for li
week, bv onlr of Hn. 1homM A. i(4'llri.e,
ein uit jn-lKf f ihetiflh ji)iril 1itrirt ui Ine
Jte vi Oreit. bearing Hale, May M ltrV.
K hH.T A. Mll-I.EK,
will u iilij:r,
AlUraer foe Flaln HtT
Joy' fur the Jailed and Good
Jleulth for all Jlunklud.
UmnderVoni I 1 t thrones
ncr w. ami " nuture'iowa
ennuliia no I . I properdin-
m I o c r a I V--"- nela. Jy'
eriiK or
draUly pol
on Joy'n
VrH a ble
rob the
Mcwd of nil
lift Impiirl
I'en, ami
ami Rldnry
rmirNr oil
thew) impuri
prevenn uitd feel
ings, staggering son
satiims, ialpitnlion
of heart, rib.lt ol
UIok to the licn1.
ditzioess, rint;Ug in
eani,siot, bel.irethe
evev lieailm-li I.; I.
j J ieuiiieis,coruitiiatiun
ine iack,melanclio1y.
tongue coakd, U
breaih, pimplca on
face, b.Hly and limb,
decliuonrnorva form
dizzy spells, faint
speiia. Old. c nninir
feet and hands, sour
risings, lutieiie. in
somma. and all di&.
liver nnd kidnca.
Joy 1 VrgetuDhi Bar
aaiiarilla ut twl 4 by all
tlruKituux Kcfuae a
auMilukd. Whco you
pay tor the beat imm that
yoagct the beat.
Will It h ll hereby ylv.n thnl V Ytrtiio a
rcTlaln warrant liipj ,v t KwonVrof
On gw '..'liy. dati'd the nth (l. ( Auiu", lit,"
aim lu 1110 dlrtclcl, tH-. the colitoD
tm levied '?r nrtU,r -2
room levied for tho lrjj.ruviDi.t of Main
I'n'unii, which wprrn h,miwh....i.. a
Illxelc 'Icll (III)
sum of Two
II,.,,,,.. i"T.j-i uiir una riKmy-i ire
IlllUlr-.clll,. l,ill,. Vlllf I hi. nnmuMl ..I
a nMeKB.W8 which in iiiiplnrt dellnnntal,
Vl 'n W Throe (3) In liUn-k Ten tie)
)kbih in. owner,, .nd my neireutiiiea anil
m9,iiiI to inula niy nrlnrii of the vale under
l warrant ikllhlu nixly tlaya Irom the ilato
tii'jreof. Now . jburrfnre, in olieiliene to mild
warrant I hinu !onmInnn anil will, oti Xmiir
Uiiy, ihe jlsl wi i M-pieinher, Inoi.Ht the hour
of one o elect 111. f day, at the Ironl dmir
01 the county court house In Oreaon t.'lty, t'lurk
aina coimiT, tircKnn, oiler for anl at pnlillo
aucilnn, and aull to the hinhu6 ami bent blililer
for cash In hand, ell tWniulit, title and inleiwl
V'0 1' T. W .viiant ha ku anil to tho said Lot
lliree ) In In F.0.A rco (10) In said On-aon
1 " or as linich ijjuot m may bo neeesnry to
make wild sum.
Dated this '.tl'.t, 0f AitRust, lwfi.
IHMiLKS K. lit' HNS,
t hief oi Police Oregon Clly
NOTICE Is hereby ttlvta that by virtue of a
certain warianl iswoiil hy the Recorder
of Ori-xmi City, dala the !Hh day of Augmt,.
1 Ht,r, mid to iih itLrK'icii, inr the eolleeltoa of
a curtain street lui yniveini'iit iiHuesHinent WyIciI
loi the Improvement of MbIii street In tttegon
City, ClaekaioaH county, Ore-ont which warrant
cuiiiinanils ami reitiires 11111 to proceed to levy
upon ami sell in manner provmcu ny law, Lot
Two Ci In Block (ID) In Ort-xnn City, to mnko the
mm ul One llunilreil sail liKlity-I'.ighl. and
Si-tkv-lwo liiiuilreillhs Lioilnrs. beinr- tha
amount of snld BNNUMiuient. which is unimfd and
ilelinqiient, asfteHKcu upon Kalu Lot Iwo (2) In
lllook Ten (101 ol Oreiton Cllv for tlie linnrovo-
mcnt of Main street lu said city, aa directed by
Orilinanee No. i'7, ot said Oregon City, which
assessment Isileclareil by Ordinance No. lSl, of
Haiti Omnin L'itv. and was entered in the doelret
of t.'lty Liens on tho 5lh day ol October, 1SU3, to T.
wyKiini as nwuer, ami my peroeuiUKe ami coits,
anil to mak my return ot tlio sale tiuar said
warrant w 11 inn sixty days irom tne iiutc tucreor.
Now, therefore, In nbeilience to Bald warrant
I hare levied upon and will, on Katurilay, the
21st day of September, ls'.io, at the hour of one
o'clock p- m. ul salt! day, at tbe front door of the
county oourt house In Qrefton City, Claoknuuni
county, oreKOii, oner tor sale hi puuitc auolion,
ami sell to the highest anil best bidder for cash
In hand, all tlio rlitht. title, anil interest th said
T. Wynant has lu and lo the said 1-ot Twu (2) In
lllock Teu 1I0) In said Orcuou City, or as much
thereof ns may be necessary to. uiaku said sum,
Haled tills 20th day ot Aim-as t, 1SW
CUAULEH E. lll'llNS,
L'hlof of I'ollco of Oregon City,
NOTICE Is beri-by given that by virtu, of a curtain
warrant Issued hy the Record it of Orrgnn City
dated tlio nth ility of AngUHt, lMC), and to me
(llrecti-il, for the collei'lion of a certain street
inipnivemi'iit aHMcts-incnt levied for the improvi'inont
of Hntn street In Ori-gnu Clly, Clackamas county,
Oregon, which warrant eoiuutan'lsaud rcnoircs tat
to pniL'eed to levy ujioii and sell In matitier provided
by law, Lot Five p) lu lllock .Seventei'tt (17)
la Oregon City, to make the sum ol Sixty-one
and Eleven UiuidriHlllis Dollars, being the amount
of an assessment which Is utip.iiil and ileliiiiuent,
lliweiweil upon said Lot 15) in UJoek Seventeen (171 of
Oregon City for the linprovetiient of Main street
in said oity, ns directed by Ordinance No. ir7, of
said Oregon City, winch assessment is dci-lrl by
Onlinntice No. l.MI, of said Oregon City, ami was
enliTfi! In the docket of City Liens on tiie 5th day
of October, ISM, to Charles iloldn as owner, and my
piTfeiiloge autl ceyts, and to wake my return of
the sale unili-r snid warrant within sixty days fnila
tlie date thereof, Now, then-fore, in obedience to
said warrant 1 have levied upon and will, on Satur
day, the 21st day of September, lsil'i, al Ihe hour of
one o'clock p. m. of said day, at the fnmt door of
the counlv court liouse in On-gou city, clsi-kamaa
county, Oreeon, otter for aide at public auction, and
sell to the highest and best bidder for ca-h In hand,
all the right, title and Interest tlie said Charles
Holds has In ami to Ihe said Ut Five .M In block
Seventeen (17) 111 said Oregon City, or aa aiuch
thereof s may he necessary lo make said sum,
i'laled this SWIli day of August 1S!I',
C hief of Police of Oregon City,
Oregon Central & Eastern
It. R, Company.
Ooi)iictiii(; nt V Atpiitia Hiir with tho San
l-'raiii'iM'o nn. Yrniinn Htty
Slramship Cui)iaii.
Steainsliip "Faralloii"
A 1 nml flrM-rlai In everr rt's'ri s-niU
fnm Yttiii (r !nn Krmu-Ufo tHut every
eiuhl iUvj.
PauM'ngtT wfommiHlritloiii uiicuriwiMM-
Sliortct nwtn between the WitUmt'lte vUejr
ami 4'Hliforuift.
F.in from AHumy or point Wit tu 50
Cnl.jp ..... f: tW
t. . mei - - ft u
Hlin, ronihl trip, fool for
Kt tlATfl .... lit IU)
r n.
Aitrut, Allianjr, Orryn.
Cll CLARK. Hupt,
C'orralliii, Or
ED n KTOJte, Mr ,
l onralln, Or.
' , 1 11 ,,.,ur lM0 ""rrovenient 01 Jln
"treo dj, aaltl v-It y. an ilm-cted by Urlinanc Co.
1.7, ofr orear.n City, which amessinent I. cle-vA1-4
''y I'rillnancu Na LVi, of mid trcgi,ii
j.y. and ein,,rt,l, n t,e doekct tl city
I'.fuim un tin. ;,tli juu n, .t.... wv. n.
MOTH'S Is hereby glicn Dial by virtue of a cor-
lalll Warrant Issued bv tbu His-oriler of lire.
(on Clly, ilsle.l the lull day or August, lsa.1, ami lu
me iMrccted, fur tho coIImIIoii ol a certain si reel
Improvement assessment Isvlcd fur llir Improve
iiisiii ol Main sin-el in On-gnu L'ltv. Clai kaiuas
ooiiuly, Oregon, which warrant eoiniiiauila and
requites mo lo proiiiil Ui levy uiaill and sell In
manner provided by law, Lot One ill in lllock
eu ioi in urcgoii clly, in make the sum of
one Hundred and Ninety Five and Forty-Five
1 treiltha Dollars, being Ihe at Ill of
aid assessment which la in, wl.l amldelluimenl,
bm-ssciI upon said Lot One l) lu lllm-k Ten (liij
,ii i,,,y in, me iiuproveuieiii ol .Main
street In aa d cltv. aa dlrM-n.,1 t.v iir.lloH v,.
I.W, of said Oregon city, which assessment It
declared by Ordinance No. lvj, of .aid oregmi
ii, aim w as uiiwimi iu tlio iiiK'gel ol t:uy
Mens on the ,'uK day of October, Iwu, lo Mrs. H. K.
I'niiiiet as owuvl, and my p.-rcenue and iis,
n.ni i. iinia.y wr rcmru oi ine sale illiuer aaui
warrant wiwilu sUty days from tbe dale tbervuf.
NOW. Illoraforu. Ill nlimllft (. Mlil WMrimil I
have Isvlcd upon and will, on Saturday, the
21st day ot Hcpluiuher, lni, al the hour of oue
ii vioi p. in oi said day, at the frontdoor of
the (.-utility court house in Oregon Clly. Clacks-
inaa county. On-uuu. uili-r lor sale at nuidlp
aueiion, ami sell to the highest and best bidder
inr onsii in iuluiI, ull the right, tills.- and iulureal
the aahl Hra. H. h. I'aiiiet lias lu and lo Ibu said
Intone (0 lu lllock Ten (III) lu said Oregon
City, or as iniiub thereof aa may be necessary lo
make said sum.
Puled iKUVuth day of August, ISM.
t'H.MtI.I:s F Ili'RNS,
Chief of Police of Orcgo Clly.
NOTICE Is hereby given that 1y virtue of a certain
warrant issued l.v the llasorder ol Ureauii l'ltv.
dated Ihe uth day of Augu.t, lB'.io, and bi ioe
dlrcclcil, for the colleclioll of a certain street
improvement assessment levied foritw Improve
ment of Main street In. Oregon City. Clackamaa
county, Oregon, which, witrrant comniauda and
reiiilre me to levy upua aail sell In insauer
provided by law, Ut One til iu lllock Tlilrtcvii
(IS) In Oregon t'ltv, lu make the sum ul Oue
Hundred and Eighty-Two mid Seveuty-Silx
Hundredths Hollars, being Die amount ul said
assessment wiiieli Is unpaid and tWIiwiucul,
aisessed upon said Lot One (1) in block (1:1) ol
Oregon clly lor the hiipruvemeul of Main
street In sakl city, as dlreulcil ny Otdliianee No.
... miu un-seu tar, w llicu asscasilicill
delartsl by Ordinance No. 1 'Si, of said Oregon
cuy.ami was euiend lu the docket ol city l.leiia
on lite full dav ol October, 1MUI, to the James
Oolau Estate aa owner, and my percentage and
costs, and tn nicks my return of the sale umU-r
said warrant within sixty days from the dale
Ihereol. Now. therefore, in obedience to said
warrant I have levied uun ami will, en Sultir
day, the 2lsl dav of Srutcnihcr. lsn,"i. at the laiur
of (mc o'clwlc p. lu. of said day, ut the trout
door ot Uie county court bouse In tircgo City,
Clackamas comity, Oregon, oiler (or sale at public
unction, and seal lo the highest and best Udder
for UHsb In hand, all Ihe right, title aud iurrrvtt
the said Jauaea llolnii Estate baa. iu and to tbe
said Lot one ill III lllock Tblileea li:i) In said
Oregon city, or as much thcn-ul us may 'a?
uvcesaary iu muae saiu sum.
DaXl lids Jtltli day of Augusl, 1890.
thief of Police. ol Oregon City,
NOTICE i t hereby glvrn that by Tirtnp of a certain
warrant issued by the Recorder of Oregon Clly,
dated Ihe iltli day uf August, lstl.y and to iuo
directed, for the collection of a certain street tin
proventeut imaessuielit levied for the improvement
of MiiIii street 111 Oregon City, Clackamas ccuiity,
Oreguu, which wamuu commands and requires uu
to prucecd to levy upon and sell lu manner pnivtucd
by law, Ut Four (4) ill Illiak Thirteen IU), Ul
Oregon City, to uuike the sum of One hundred and
Kigliiy-elglit and Seventy-seven UundmltUa Isalars,
b.-iag the amount f aald iimu'isimeut wliieb Ol napuid
aa.1 delinquent, assessed upon said Lot (4) tn lllock
T hlrteeu (111) of Oregon City for tlie iiunmvemont uf
Main street in aaid city' ns directed by onlinaiica
No. li7, of said Oregon City, which asteauuent ia
declared liy ordinance No. loll, of aaid On-gon City,
aud was eutered in the docket of City Liens on th
otli day ul October, lstllt, to James Ikilan Estate as
owner, and my perccutago and costs, and to muke
my return uf tbe sale under said warrant within
sixty days from the date thereof. Now, Ihectfure, lu
obedience to said wnrraut 1 have levied upua and
will, ou Saturday, tbe Hist day of September, laiio,
at tbe hour of ne o'clock p. in. of said day, at ihe
front door of the county court house in Oregon Clly,
Clackaiaas county, Oregon, otter (or sale at pubba
auction, and sell to the highest ivtlil best bidder for
cast. III hand, all the right, title and Interest tbe
sakl James Dolun Estate hits lu and to the said Vol
Four (4) in lllock T hirteen (tl) in snid Oregon lily,
or as much thereof as may be necessary lu stake
said sum.
Dated this ?th day ot August, 1W.
Chief of Police oiW,'on City.
NOTICE Is hereby given that by thine of a
certain warrant asnital by the Kmmler of
Oregon City, dated Ibeitlh day ot August, lSlft, nnd
to mo directed, for the collection of a certain atrect
Improvement uaseasmonti levld for tile liupruve
meut of Main street ia Oregon City, Clackamas
county, Oregon, which, warrant commands and
requires 9e to ppaleud lo levy upon and sell in
maimer (ruviilud bs atw. Lot Four (4) til Ulork
Ten (to) hi Oregon Cltv. to maku the sum
of Two Hundred Forty and Eighty-Three
Uandredth Dollars, being tbe amount of said assess
ment wnicu ia unpaid nmt delinquent, assessed upon
said Lot Four(4i lu lllock Ten till) of OrcKon City
for the Improvement of Mai 11 street In said city, as
utreotea ny uruinunce so. Ift7, oi sain uregoa city,
which assessment Ui declared by Onlinnnre No. 1-VJ,
ut aaid Oregon City, and was entered in the docket
uf City Liens on the otll day of October, 1KIH, to Mrs.
8. K. Paquot aa owner, aud my percentage and
costa, nnd to make luy return of the sale uuder suld
warrant within sixty days from tha date thereof.
Now, therefore, in obedience to said warrant I have
levied upun and win, on guiuruay.tno gist nay ot
September, lhth'i, at the hour of one o'clock p. iu. of
said day, at the f nint door of tbe county oourtboiise
In Oregon City Clackamas county, Oregon, otter for
sale at public auctlun, and aell to the highest anil
best bidder for cash iu. baud, all the right, title
and interest the said Mrs. H. E. Paquet tins in ami
to the said Lot Four (4) ill Block Ten (11)1 in said
Oregun Cltv, ur us much thereof as may be necer,.
aury to make said. sum.
Dated this 2Vta day ot Angnst, 1809.
Chief of Police of Oregon City.
NOTICE Is aerehy given that by virtue of a certain
warrant issued by the Reconler of On'gon City,
dated die nth day of August, lstio, and lu uie direct
ed, for tbe collection of a certain street Improvee
meut assessment levied for the llupnivement of
Main street in Orcgi n City, Clackamas county,
Oregon, which warrant commands aud requires me
tn proceed to. levy upon and Nell In manner provided
by law. Lot l ive (5) in lllock Twenty-elglit (2S),
In Oregon City to make the sum of
Three hundred and Tbirty-tbree and Eighty-six
HundredlkDolUrvJieing tbe amount of said assessment
whlcb Is unpaid and ileUuquent.'aHSeaHil upon snid
Lot I'lve (M In lllock 1wenty-eight(2s) of Oregon
City for the Improvement of Main street in said city
aa directed by Ordinance No. lr7, of said Oregon City,
which assessment is declared by Onli nance No. V4,
of said Oregon City, and was entered in tile docket of
City Liens on Ihe olh day of Octolier. 1S'.I:I, to John
Parsons, Lac vu Royal and Osmon Royal aa awners
nnd my perccutago and costs, and to make my return
of tbe aula uiuh-r aaid warrant wi.llin sixty days from
Ihe date thereof. Now therefore. In oWdience to
said warrant 1 have levied upon and will, on Satur.
day, thattbt day of September, IHItt, at Ihe hour of
one o'clock p. in. of and day, at the front diair of
the eouuty court house in Oregon cay, Clackamas
eunnly Oregon, offer for sale ut (athllc auition aoa!
sell to die highest and best biddel for cash ill baud,
all the right, title and Interval the said Jadin
Parsons, Uidru Royal nnd Ossmms Roynl have in and
to the said Lot Five (o) in Mock Twelity.elgut (2S)
In aald Oregon Clly, or aa muck thereof as may bo
neceawry to make said suus.
Dated this 2dlkilny uf August lsu'i.
Chief of Police o( Oregon Clly.
NOTICE i hereby (;lven tlut by riiiiie of a Ctrtxin
warrtiiit luxiiwl liy Ihe HennbT of On-gun City,
cUtixl tbi IMli day of Aiigut. lK, aixl lu iw direct
Mt, fur the collectiun of a cert in tmt hupnivcinent
asaeflMiiii'iit levied for the inipiuvt'iuent uf Mitin .trrrt
in Urt'Rtm City. CUi kama county, On-Run, which
warrant commnmh and rtM,u.n m to iinrcfnl tu
levy upon aih! wll in nMtuirr iirovUlttl ly law. Lt
Sifl in HlHk Sevwittfii iUh in ttre(t.n City,
to luake the nnt of Fitty-three and Ninttyii
Huitdrttlth IHilltira, hinn the amount of
Mltl wuciwment Which ia ttiimid and delii.(tttnt,
ama-Matl upttn aaid Ut Six, (& in Block Scvcnttn i IT)
oi Ortwtii City for tht iiurvenient of Mttia strwt in
aiii cily, h dirtil by OnitQuni e No. t.'7, of mitt
Oregon City, which Hsn.iit ta declared ty Onli
iuu.ee No. KV, itf witl OntrMi City, aud wus enter
ed in tbe docket of Cily Liena on the .'tth tUy of
ika.i.atMr nK tai I 'luitrlea H 1 tin aa owner, and niv
-rritaa a.," . a?.".....
-I, anirr .ia warrant., i nia nijjji tr.au
th. datr tlii-renf. N.i. Ih.-n-r,, ia talnlirnre In I
a.i.1 .arrant I bar. Iid r' "i "111- - Slur- I
day. tb. Jlt da, of S.Hi air. -1.;. at lb. bnnr f ;
Ui,.icio aB.n.. o. a. . ,i ar i i
.,ni. r..urt hnUMP In OrvmiB t Itf . ( la,-kaltiaM
l la. kniUM
conntT, ()irn. offer fr mW ni pnMic micthm, ih1
ell t the bihrtt awl Wrt Mddr (or ouh in hand,
all tb right tltlr kuid Intend th Mid i'hrl
lttld bw in and lw thr wild I-ot Sn (tii in Block
tevMitftra (17 In mM (rtfia Vr, iw at much
tht-n-nf at niaiy l tmvn u mak ul sum.
pah-dthU 'Jwh da; of Aaa
niARI.KS K- Bt RN-,
Chief f IMic of thrm CHj.
l'nlle.1 tat Und OrBea Oregon ritr. A nana
Wh. N.ale l h-reb.T given that Ihe approved
plaint annrey nt niwnnhip a pinith. ran4eAt.
na tMwn revvivrd Inint ill surveyor tiHteral ul
Orel on, aad ont
arptrnitirr Hlh, 1WL
ato'rlnrlt a aa.nl aaid dar. aaid plat will t
fl!eil in tliia ofliet and lite iaad theivia rnhraoed
will he aul'Jetl to rutrjf on and alter aaid data
Roacrr A. Miuca. Bejister.
Pma PjtirtT, Rerrlicr.
ciiiKP of l'oi.K'K notice of hai.k for
NOTICE Is hereby given Unit by vlrlue of a
citi.iIii warrant l". mil by the Id id' r ol
(ircgoii city, dated the uih day Auuii.l. IsA
ami lo me illreelcd, for tlio cnllei lioii id a
curtain etieci improvciiienl usscssmciit levied
(or Ihe llllpniveluent of Main slleet III (Iresoli
cily, I ,' luck a luas i.oii nt v, oregor, uhich wnrrmil
cominnnils nml requires me to proc-cd lo lev)
upon hiiiI si ll in .oiiiinor nr Mi il by l.io . 1,1
Tun (.'I lu lllotk I uclie (IJ) lu iinaou illv, lo
msko Hie suit) of line lluiiilri.il nnd Mly nml
ElglltV (llie-lllllldreilllls llollais, being Uie
amount of said asseseiilelit whleh Is lilipiiiil mid
delliniuciil, asse.seil upon sitl-l I ul Two (2) lu
lllook Twelve i vi) of (in gon Clly for tbe lini'i.xe
mciit of Main street lii snld .n v. us dirci'leil
hy ordliuiiire No I'd, of suld (ir. giiu ( lu,
whb-ll aH.essiueiil la declnrcd hy Ordliiunce No
l.'iU, of aald Oregon cily. nml was eulcred iu tbe
ilis-K.o(l liy l.leuaoll Die Dili il.iy of lli liila r,
Islill, lo L T. Ilnrlll as owner, and mv iierceulsui-
and cosls. anil to innke my reliuii i.r I lie sale
under said unrrnnl nllhln six 1. ibivs from the
dale tbertsif Now, tbelefore. in obcili e to
said warrant I bnvo levied iiui mid will mi
Saturday, the 21st day of Soplciulier, Is'.ij. at the
hour of one oclis'k p in. ol said day, ul tlio
Irmit door of ihe county court house lu orecou
l'ltv, cluckauiiis ciiiiuly, Oregon, otli-r for sale ut
public nui'ilou, ami sell to Un-higlicsl nml I'. -l
bl.ldir (or cash In hand, all Hie right, title
and iniereat ihesnltl L. T llnrlii has In nml m
lliositld l ot Two m In. lllock Twelve (12) lu suld
ircgoii City, or aa riiii.lt there"! ns may be
ueccssaiy lo make said sum
Dntcil Ibis 2iih iluy u Augiisl. I hi,.-..
til A 111. KS E. lll'KNH,
Chief of Police of Oltiton Cily
PKl.lXtirE.ST MAIN t-rilEKI'
VOTICK Is hereby given that by virtue of a
" certain warrant Issued by the Uecurdcr ol
Oregon Cily, dined the tub dav of AiicliM, Is'.'o,
nml to iuo illreelcd, lor tbe oolli eiion ut a i ciiuin
street iniprovcmenl nssessuu ui levied for Hie
Improvement of Man, Mini. in im.0,.0.
Clly, Clackamas co.inty, oniion. whicia
warrant cumliiaiiils and r...,nlr..a , i , e.u....
to levy upon ami sell It, manner provided by In,
run to' iu mora rillcen l i.o in (irex-on
'IV. Ill lataki, II,., ..I 1,.... II I
and Klghly.'l'wo an. I Neveniy Six Hiiudmlihs
'Hilars, ueiiig tlie amount of snld ussioouncnt
which ia uuimii! and deli !nilttiit iiutoa,.,..! in,,,,.
said Lot (6) iu block Fifteen ,l.'i) of 1 1 tenon I Hi
for lite Improvement of MhIii slreet lu Mid clly,
as lUreetcd by Orilinanee No. I.'i7. of said llroiron
itjr. which assi'sstueiil Is ilei-l roll liV ( lltl Illlllien
w .w, .i niiio uregoii i uy, ami was enicrt-u in
Hie docket of Clly Liens on Hie olll dav of
October, IMKL lo I. T llorlii its owner, mol luy I
percumage and costs, anil to make mv reiiitu of
the sale under said wariunt uillilli 'slxtv davs :
from (be dale thereof. Now. then-hire. In I
Hence to said Warrant I h.. I'll b.vle.l lllw.,1 1
III) Will, on Salnrilav. tin- -'lt.lnv .,r s..i.t..i..l,r.r
ts'.'.', ut Ihe boar nt one ii'i loc. p in. of suul '
t. Ht tne in nn uiMiroi ine eunnly court lusisc y
in Oreyon Cliy. ciiickiinuis counlv, orerou,
irTer for Side el nubile uiieliou mii.i 'ui.tl au at....
higliest nnd best bidder for cash III liutnl. nil I
Ihe right. Idle ami Interest the said L. T. Ilariii
has In and lo the said Lot Five l."ii lu lllock
rinoeit (i.i) lu snld Oregon cuv, or us much
thereof as may he necessary tu make said sum.
Hated this 'Jiith day of August, inc.
Chief of Pollen ol Driven Clly.
MOTICE Is hereby given tint In- Tirtut; ur a
" t-ertniii wnrraut issued bv the. licntnlcr of
Oregon City, dated the tali day of August ikhv,
aud to me directed, fur Hie cotloctKiv ' oi a
certain street improvement nscKuwit levied
for the Impruveuivut of Muin street lu Oscgon
Cily, cluckamuseouniy, Oregon, wU h warrant
commands and requires mu to luvcccd to lew
iipuu nml sell In manner provided bv lnw, Lot
One (1) In lllock Twelve, (12) iuOrcgim cuv to
innke the sum ol One Hundred and Mnt-ty'-Kix
aud Ninetv-One llllmln dlhs Uol'.urs, bt ing the
amount of said assessment which is unpuid uud
delinquent, assessed upon said Lot one (1) lu
block (12) of Oregon Cily Jor the Improvement
of Main street in said cl'.v, ns directed bv
Ordliuiiire No. 1.7, of said Oregon Cltv, which
assessment is declared by ordinance No'. Km, i,r
said Oregon Clly. and wa entered In tlie docket
' Olty Liens on tlio 0th day of October, li;t, lo
L. T. Buriu as owner, nml inv pcrceiilni-e uud
costs, and tn muke u.y return o'f the sale under
said wnrraut within sixty davs from tlio dine
thereof. Now, tlieref -re, in obedience tu snld
warraul I have levied upon uud will, on stunu
nay, the 21st day ut' September, ls'.io, at the Injur
ol one o'clock p. in oi snid dav, ut Hie front
door of the oonniy court lionsn lu ore-
UOIl CitV. t'llU'kllllinM folllill- llr,r..n ..iC... ....
sale at public auction, ami sell to Uit. higliest nnd
uest binder tur cash In hand, all the right, title
and Interest the snid L. T. burin bus In uud lo
the said Lot One II) In lllock (l-j m (Hld Oregou
Clly, or as much thereof us may bo nccussury to
make said sum.
Dated this 20th day o( Aotwst, lMii
Chletot rollcool Oregon Clly.
uMiiic m uereoy given mat iy virtue of a
cerlain warrant issued by the Recorder of
llr........ I'll,, .1. .1... ...I. .1
v.a". "j, niny oii on, oi iiiimtst,
ami lo me directed, fur the collection ol u ct rutin
street improvement assessment b-vlcd lor
tne improvement ol Alain street In Oreeon
City, Cluckamas eutintv, Oregon, which warrant
coiiiiuuuiiK ami requires me to proceed lu levy
i,,vu .,,,. ovii iii iiiniiuei proviueil YlV law
not six (u) in block (lo) lu Oregon City, to muke
the sum of One Hundred nnd Sevcu'.y-.six and
sevciiiyrour iiuuiireiiins iioiiurs, lieing ihe
amount of snid assessment which is unpaid mid
deliniilent, assessed upon said Lot six (Ii) In
llloca I hi) of Oregon City for tlm impiovcnieul of
-Hum street iu sum city, asuirvcleit hy Orditiauco
no. to,,oi sain Oregon city, which aai ent is
declared by Ordinance No loll, of said Oregon
City, and wus entered in the docket of City Liens
on the uth day of Octobur, Isaa, to L. T. liartn us
owner, aud my percentage and costs, nml to
mnko in; return of Ilia vale tinoor said wurrant
wllliln sixty days from Hie dale thereof. Now,
therefore, iu obedience to said warrant I have
levied upon and will, ou Saturday, the 21s! day
ol September, IMI.1, m ihu hour of one o'clock
p. in ol said day. nt tin) front door of the county
court house In Oregon city, Clat kumns cininiv,
Oregon, oiler for sale at public aueiion, nml ki ll
to the highest and best bidder for cash iu liiiuil,
all the right, title nnd interest the said b. T
Parln bus in nml to tlie said but Six () In lllock
Fifteen (lo) In said Oregon City, or ns much
thereof aa may be necessitry to innke snld sunt.
IteU'd this '.Dili (lay of August, lsnr..
, Chief ol l'lillcc of Orison City.
NOTICE la hereby given Hint hv virtue or a
certain warrant lasited tv lliu Itciordiir of
QrpRiin City, dated the Wh 'day nf AnmiM. itntl,
and tomedireoit'd, for tluwilleeliiin m iti-ertaln
street iiiiiroveinunt assessment levhd t'ur
the Improvement of Sniii strvet in Oremm
City, Claeaamas county. oii'Kon, which narrmit
cotninaiiils ami reuiiiirea mu tti iinicetd lo levy
tipun and aell in manner provided bv kiw, I.o't
lliree (.1) lu Hloflt Tliirtecii (l;l in i rt-Kou Cilv,
to make the aaui oi One Hundred and hiffhtv
One and fclxtjr Uiuidreiltlis Iioiiurs, li.'ln- tlie
nmiiuiit of sittii aaaeiismeiit tvlilclt ia titipuid and
deliiHillent, assi-ssed llpnn said Lit Three (:!) in
liluik ThlrliKii (Wlof Oregon City forllu- lniiruve
ment of Mailt street In said i-itv. as din-ctcil hv
ordliiiuice No 107. of snul o'rei:in Cltv, w hlcli
assessiuvnt Is dcclurw.1 bv ordinance No. l.V). uf
sititl Oregon City, and was mitcred in the ilocki-t
ol city Liens on the ith day of October. lMiil,
to James liolan Kstate as owner, ami mv
pereeulaiie and costs, and to make my return
of the sale tnuler said warrant within sixty days
inn i ine unto iiiereor . ..ivv. mere ore. in
obedience tu aald warrant 1 have levied upwi
I will, nn Salnrilav. the'Jlst dav of SentciiLi-r.
ls'.i't, al the hour of one o'clock p.'m. of said i.hv.
at the front door of the-eoniitv court him, in
Oreiron t.'lty, clai-kaiiias t-oiiutv, Oreirun, oiler for
sale at public miction, anil sell lo the highest and
b.ist holder for cash in hand, all the riulit, title
ami itiirresi tne sain aninea iiniitn hsiitu li:is in
and to Ihe stitl bit 1lir CI; In lllock Tkirteem lit)
in said OreRim cily, or as much theri as may
ub tiett-ssar. w iiiiuir siun sum.
H..led Ihis 2nth (Lay of August. l'.c.
t'UJtUI.ES E. nnts.
Chief of Police of Oregon City.
NdTICE Is hereby given that bv
cerlain warrant issued hy tl
virtue of a
r the H inter
ol Oregon city, iintrd the lh dav of Atigut.
lsti'i, and to ine ilirei-lcil. for llie'collcclion ol a
certain street improvement asvessmt-ul levied
for the improvement ol Main street in Ort-gon
Cily, Clarkamns county, Oregon, which warrant
comuianils anil reitiire me to pmceeil to levy
upon and aell in manner prnvult-tl by law. Lot
Two (-') in Block Tlnrtceii (i;t) In (irejon Cltv,
to make Ihe sum of One lltititireit and Sevenlv
six anil Seventy Four lliiinlrcilllis hollars, beiiig
the amount of said a-st-ssineul whicii is imparl
aud dcliinineiil. assesstHl upon sniii lilTwo(-)
in lilia-k Thlrierii (iai uf Oregon citv for Hie
improveuieiit of Mam street in sabl city, as
dirrettai l.v Ordinance -Nn. 1.1T. nf aaiil Or
wllilh lmlMI ,, t). r,ilw7,
s rl , llrr..Il l llv an.l i nlHr.-,! in
he li.-k't " C w I i' " lb ? da v o
lh',tU?:,jLi:.C Krt.le 2. .mile.
and my jH-rceniain-and mat., and to mate my
.. I . , . . '
reliirn id the aaie under aaiil uarritlit within
mxiv nava inira the date lliereid V Ihere
Inre, In nliedienee to said anrrant 1 have levied
upon and will, on Paiunlar, the Jlt dav of
Septemher, lV at the lioor nt one n'elnck p. in.
ol Mitl dav, at the front door ol the rountv court
hoiiae in Or r a.n l ily, llai kimu eunnlv, ore
Ifon, ofter tor nale at puhlie auction, and Ml lo
the biirhent and best lii.i.hr fur eah iu hand,
all the riehu title and Interest the aaid Jamea
ItolHD delate him in ami ti Ihe ...1 1 ..t Tu.. '.
In Hluck Ihirtivn (U: in ni.l Ore,.n t itv. nr " I
mneh thereuf u may W iwtasarv to nialtj mid
I'ated thia -th Jay of Atif list. lti.
Chief of Pulice of iirejpm t'ity.
L. P. Fi-h'?r. newapar advertising ;en
L! Jlerrhann" Eirhangr. San Fanieo. i poi
autbnritrd agral. Thia raper t kept ta rilrin
kli effiee.
Pitcher's Castoria.
E.!Ms. .. . ;
for Infants
i ... .7
Ilatemun i Iro, Ucslltvy a t'oniiai, many ao-oauou Duu.oioa p'ni
most remodlca for cblldren are) couqioaod of opium or i.iorpUlnaf
Do Yob Know that opium and morpbuie are atuaifyUif naroolle pulauui 1
pp Yon Know Hint In most countries druggist! an not permitted to aell D rootles
without lubctlng them poisons f
Pn Yon Know tlutt you should Dot permit an medicine to be glrea your child
unless you or your 'liyalcbtn know of what It la composed I
Po Yon Know that C'astorl la a purely vegetable preparation, and that a list of
Its ingredients la jHibllslicd with ever bottle f
Po Yon Know tlutt C'artorla la tha ireaerlptlon of the famous Dr. Samuel Pitcher.
That it bin boon In uae for nearly thirty years, and that mora Caatorla Is now lold than
of all other rumcxllea for children combined f
Po Yon Know that tho Tatent Ofllco Department of the United States, and of
olhcr countries, havo burned exclusive rtght to Dr. Pitcher and his assigns to uae tha word
" Caatorla " and its formula, and that to Uultato them Is a state prison offense f
Po Yon Know that one of tha reasons for grunting this government protection was
boeauso Caatorla bod been proven to be abaolp tely harmless?
Po Yon Know that 35 average doses of Caatorla are funtlahed for 35
cents, or pno cent a doeo t
Po Yon Know that when poaacsscd of this perfect preparaHon. Jour tduTdren may
be kept well, aud that you may have unbroken mat f
Well, these things are worth knowing. They are facta,
The fno-almlle
Children Cry for
-ri- ? -a
lirotitili TickoU
ii Kalu
To and From
AniL Af-ili POI.VTd in
The Orcat Northern Railway Is a new Traiisoontinet tnl Line. Hum Ruffel-Llbrary
Observiitiim curs. Palace sleeping uud lilulug ears, Family Tourist Sleepers and llrst and
ueetuid-clas cimelies. Having a nk ballast track the Ureal Northern Railway Is free Irom
dust, one of tins chief niinuyniices of cunscontinonlul travel. Hound trip tickets with stopover
prlvilvgcs ami choice of reliirn routes.
For further information call upon or wrllt).
C. C. DONOVAN, General AKeiit, ,
or F. I. "WHITXF.Y U'2 Third Bt., Portland, Ore.
O.l'.&T. ., St. Paul, Minn.
Ketiirnliig j.rosperlv will niako many rich, but nowhere ran tlicy niuke si much within a short
time as by successful Speculation in drain, Provisions and Slock.
FOR EACH DOLLAR INVESTED can be made by our
Systematic Plan of Speculation
originated by tis. All successful speculators operate on a regular system .
It Is n n oil k.iovfii fact thai there are thousands of men in all purls of the United Ktatea who, try
gvmcnnitlc trailing through Chicago brokers, make large amounts every year, ranging from a few
thousand dollars ior the man w ho Invests a hundred or two hundred dollars up to 3U,!XK) or 1)00,010
or more by those who Invest a few thousand.
It Is also a fuel that thoso who muke lite largest prollls from coniparat Ivcly small Investment on
this plan are persons who live away from Chicago and Invest through brokers who thoroughly un
derstand systematic trading.
Our plan does not risk the whole amount Invested on any trade, but enrera both sides, ao tha
whether tho market rises ur falls It brings a steady prolll that piles up enormously in a alion
WltlTK l'oil CON VINCINd THI'TIIS, ulsnntir Manual nn successiil spcrnlatlon and our
Dailv .Mmkei Ucporl. full of ninuey-mak tug pointers. ALL Fit EE, Oar Manual explaina mar
gin trailing fully. Highest references iu regard lo our standing and success.
For further information address
THOMAS & CO, Bankers and Brokers,
241-242 Rialto Building, Chicago, 111.
riTPIIEXF ((trenirtheiiflanilroRtorf'amnllweaknigatiB. ...
Pronlnf Itiw. cm'ThKKIs thnonly known rented v to cnrwlihout 1111 operation. WWiPHtlmom
iUh. v written Gn-irnTtwKlvpuuiHi inontv roinrned if nix hoxpfi dorn not ell'wt a peruuuieutcunu
ii.oOubox.Hlx firrt.i,bv mall. Bond for FHEKcircular and testimonials.
Address DAVOI AEUICISE CO., P. J. Bojt 2076, Ban Francisco, Cal. Fto-BoUt
(.eorge A. llHrdniff, Drugiftst.
F. OakoH Henry C. Payne,
Henry 0, Kuuir
Sleeping Cars
Ely ga nt
Diniii? Cars
JSloeiing Cars
111 l.l I II
(ii: AM) I oliKfi
v iNKTrFti
ilKI.KNA Mild
Tti TTi:
A-llt mVtov
II 1 1. Mil- I Pill
Itoi I ON Vmrall
poT rt i:at iiTid oi th.
F"r inforraaiu.it
tietets, rll nn rr w
.aril.-. map4 and
As?t. Gen. Pass. Agent,
Portland, Oregon.
t3t MorTl.oa Mil, latrner Third.
THIS PAPER r..kV '."a
file at E. C
Advertising; Areney
! and ho werrhanta t.xi-hanvre. an rrannsra.
i California, where mntrart f adrerttatnar ran
' tie made for it.
and Children.
You Know - rrio,
., ... u.....i.i- O .. A
la en every
Pitcher's Caatorla.
Way East.
and the EAST.
St. Louis,
New York
Small Investments.
f VituUzer.theDreacrip-
tionof a faniouH French physician, will quickly cure you of all ner
vous or dis-a.-a'fl of tho generative urKuns, such as Lost Manhood,
Insomnia, I'uiua in tbo J.;tck,bemlnul Kualsflionn, Nervous Debility.
Pimples, Untunes to Murry, Kxlmustiiin Drains, Varicocele and
Constipation, it stons nil losses by day or nifrht. Previviti quick
nesHof UiscliarsP, wliich if notchprlcpd loads to SperraatorrhiBi and
al) tho horrors uf I m potency. l'IIIl-;NFcleauiiCBUiu liver, th
klilripvn And tho urinarv organs of all iinpuriUes,
Shasta Route
Expresi Trains Leave Portland Daily.
South. !
:.ri) P.M. Lv Portland Art 8:10 a. at
9:3.'ir.M. I Lv Oregon City Lv I 7:23 a. a
10:4:a.m. I Ar 8au r rauciico ' Lv I 6:IHir.
The above trains stop at Earn Portland, Oregon
City, Woodburu, Halem, Turner, Marion, Jellei
8on, Albany, Albany Junction, Tangent, Slieilds,
llulsey, llarrlabura;, Juueliou City, I ng,
Eugene. Cre-swell, uraiiu.
TioSeiiuRtTMAiL daily.
9:27 A. X.
5:20 p. ii.
Oregon City
4:11 ! M
4:411 p M
6:16 p i
Oregon City
Ar ! 10:l,i A K
11:27 A H
8:li0A m
dixi.no cars on ooden route.
pullman buffet sllepers
Attached to all Through Trains.
WeMXiu ItTvmlon,
Between rilKlLAMi aud COKValLXlat
7:30 A.M.
I Lv
Portland Ar 15:40 P.M.
Corvallia Lv l:U) P. U.
12:15 P..M
At Albany and t.'nrvaliia connect with train
of Oregon Pacific Railroad.
4:45P; M. I Lt PortlaTd Ar8:2SA.la
7.26P.M. Ar McMlnnvllle Lt S:ViA.M
Can be obtained at tbe loweit rates frnia
L. II. MOORE, At-eat, Oresoa City
Mana'er. eat. ti. F. P. Aaent
Portland, Or.
Anniat j. 1m. Nntlee ia hereby eiven that
Ihe fuilomnf named aelller haa filed not lee r
hia lntenlhn to make final prma In anDport of
hi claim, and that amid proof will be made
before the Reilater and Receiver r H lanrf
tiffice at Oregou City. Oregon, on September lta.
lftij via:
H. E. 5n. ;?7, for the E. V 1 1 '. and E. U E
.illowina witneaaea to prove hia eontiaoeoa mt.
denee upon and cultivation of, aaid land Tix
Uenry Korh. IXtlleb Muller. Jnh.n U..- .J
Jamea H. 8. Haybee. ai' ol gaadr. Orma
ROBEB . MILLER. Reg iter .